Minutes 1970-11-24 33i CITY COUNCIL Nav~~R a~, i~7o ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF(~RNIA The City CQUncil met in regul~r s~s$iore wi~h Mayo~ I,~~i.ne pre~id~.ng. Upon roll call, Council Members Sch~.egel, Thcnapson, Waod a~.d Tall~y reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE .AND Il#iVOCATZQN Mayor Levine led ~he Pledge o'f ~llegianee to our F1ag; ax~d ~.~mnediately thereatter, Reverend Reynolde Ri,~chie of the Chuxch of ~czd caf Gxover City, de~- l.ivered the invocatian. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the regular meet~.n~ o~ November 10, 1974, the ad3ourned regular meetings of November 16, 1970 and Novemb~er 17, 1970, were appxoved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of CounCilmart SChl~~el, secoaded by Councilwpman Thompson and unanimously carried, General Warr~ants N~. 4~+1 through No, 476, ~n the total amount of $30,590,66; Psy~oli Warrants No. 803 through 1Vo. 863, i~ the total amount of $12,591.60; and Tru~t and A$ency Warra~}~s Nq. 13oa ~hrou~t~ r~o. 1320, in the total amount of $1,099.98, w~re approved an~i ordered p~id, INVITATION FR~t GROVER CITY BUS. B40STERS-CQUNCTT~ PI~R~ICIPATE N S PARAAE 12-5-70 Adminietrator Butch report~d that a letter w~e xeceived f~om the Grover City Bueinesa Booster~ inviting the City Council to par~ic~pa~t~ ir~ their annual Christmaa Parade, which wt~l be h~ld on Satµrday, D~cemt~er 5, ~.97d. After Council diecuseion, Administratar Butct} wa~ ~'sques~ed to ad~?ise ~he G~'ouer Ctty Buaineas Boosters that the City Coun~il will parkieipate in t~is ga~°ae~e.' RESOL.ADOPT. AND IPTVIT, TO ATTEND "SID TUCKER NIGI~T" PAS~ ROBLES ADM< 12-~.0-70 Administratpx Butch advi8ed that fnvitat~ons wfer~e r~ceiy~d from the Com- mittee for "Sid Tueker Night" inviting Che Cc~unc~.l an~-o~her Gi~y,Officials to attend a cammendation dinner Go,be g~.ven in honor of retirin~ Ci.ty Administrator of the City of Paso:Robles, Sid Tucker, on December 10, 197Q, at the Paso Robles Fair Grounds. The Council advised that all mem~ser~ possible w~~i attend this event. City Attorney Shipsey rea~ t~i~ ta.tle Qf a resalutio~. of con$ratulations to S~d Tucker upon hie retixement; ~herea~~er, a~ motior~ wa~ made by Councilman 'Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Ta11.~y ~nd unan~mously carrie~i, to dispense with reading the balance of this re~olutiQn. RESOLUTIQN NQ~ 901~ A 1tESOLUTION OF THE CI~Y COUNCIL OF T1~~ C~TY OF ARROYO ~RANUE ~XPRFSSTNG ITS C~NG~lTULA~IQNS T0'SID' TUCK~R, ON TH~ OCCASIQN QF`'~S~D Tt1CKETt NIGHT" IN THE CITX QF PASO AUBLES, pECFMB~R 10, 1970. On motion of Cout~~ilwoman ThQmpsc~n, seconded by Gquncilma~ Wood and on the following roll call vote, to wi~: AXES: Council Members Schleg~l, Th~mpson, Wwod~ Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES; None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing re~olution was passed ~.nd adapted this 24th ;day of November, 1970, GROVER CITY YOUTH FOUNDATIQN INV, - COUN~TL "CHEFS OF HONUR" PANCAKE BREAK.11-29-70 Adm~nistrator Butch r~viewed a l~etter received ~ro~p the G~over~C~.ty Youth Foundation, inviting the Council to be "Co-Che~s-of ~ipnor" at a Rancake break- fast sponsored by the youth of th~e S4u;th County, tp be held ~~z Sunday, No~`ember 29, 1970, at the Grover C~ty RecreatatQn Cen~er. The ~oun~c~l d~.scussed ar?i~ `ad- vised that all uiembers possible w~l,l pa~ticipate iM this event. LETTER FRQM~,A G, POLICE OFFXG~R& A~SOC.IAT~ON REQU~STTNG ~COGNITION. ~ Administrator But~h reported Gha~'a le~ter has been r~ece~vc~d from Randolph Lee, Preside~t of the Arroyo Grande k~a1~.cQ Officers A~soc~,aticm# r~questing Cou~cil reGOgnition o~ t~~.s ~asoci~t~.t~ as the sole agent fc~r Ch~ esnployees within the Arrayo Grand~ ~oii~e Aep~z'tmen~e Admin~strator $u~~h ~tdvised, that as reca~mended by the League #f ~~,l~fornia ~ities, a resolu~tian ~egard~ng ~mploy~ orga~.izati~n re~ognition h~~ been prepared far ~ouncil cansideration and re~oom~ended ~ha~: the Cc~~a~cil r~quest further informat~.an xe$arding forrnal recognition and infornta~. Y~eQgnitfo~ fxam Che ArrQyo Gran~e Police Of~icers Associatian. Randlolph Lee was pr~sent ~nd advi~ed ~hat thi$ additional infor- ~ F ~ ~ ~iwt . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . CITY COUNCIL NAVEMBER,24, 1970 ARROYO GRANDE, CALI~'ORNIA PAGE Z mation was not prepared at this time. The Council discussed and agreed no action.be taken on this matte~ at'tfiis time and that the proposed resolution.be studied at a Study Session tentatively seheduled ~'or December 14, 1970, ORAL REPORT ON OFF:OF ECON. QPPOR. - BY COUNCIL RLPRE~E ~ATIVE ~TAMES THOMPSON James Thompson, Council repres~entative to the Office of Economic Opportun- ity, was present and gave an oral report on the recent meetings of this Office, stating that'due to various conditions o~ithin,the operations of this Office, there ia a passibility that federal funds may be w3,thdrawn ox cutback or all of the programs abolished that are now being administered through the Office of Economic Opportunity; but that the Office is working to r~so~ve ~hese problems prior to any official action on the part of the Federal Governraent. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF OCTO$ER, 1970 The Tre~~urer's Report for the month of October, 1970, was received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. PROPOSED MLTNT, CODE AMEND.-CONTR:OL OF HOUSEMOVTNG INTO,THItOUGH & WITHIN CITY The proposed Municipal Code a nme~dment o p'rovide confirols for the moving csf houses inta, through or within.the City of Arroyo Graade, was held over for ~t~xdy seasion review by the Councii. PUBLIC HEARING-SPREA~. OF ASSESS. CURB. GUTTER & SIDEWAZK ~NST. LE POINT & GRAND Administrator Butch advised that the Superintendent of Streets reported that curb, gutter, driveway aprons and sidewalks have been installed on`the south side of Grand Avenue, between EZm Street and JuMiper Street and an the ~ north side of Grand Avenue, between Elm Street and ~air View Drive; and curb, gutter and driveway aprons have been installed on the north side of Le Foi~.t Street, between McKinley Street and Crawn Terrace, under the 1911 Improvement Act (short form) procedure; and the cost of the installatiqn ha~ been spread to the vari~us.properties and the properties have been posted and the property owners notified as required by law, This being.the date, time and place for public hearing qn the Spreading of" Assessmen.t for installation of curb, gutter, sidewalk and driveway aprons on portions of Grand Avenue and Le Point Street, Mayox Levine declared the hearin.g open and a11 persons for or against this Assessment would now be heard. There being no discus5ion for or against the Assessme~tt Spread, Mayor Levine deelared the hearing closed. After Council discussion, City Attdrney Shipsey read the title of a resolu- tion confirming the report of the Superintendent of Streets and Levying Assess- ment9 thereafter ~ motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Council~ woman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution.' RESOLUTION NQ. 905 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF-THE STTPER- INTENDENT OF STREETS AND LEVYING ASSESSMENT FOR THE INSTAI,LATION OF CONCRETE C'URB, GUTTER, DRIVEWAY APRONS AND S IDEWAI,KS . On mo~tion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES; Council Members Schle~el, Thompson, Wood, Ta11ey and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT. None. the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day of Navember,1970. PUBLIC HEARIIVG-SPREADING OF~ ASSESSMEN'.~-STDEWALK TNSTALLATTON - S0, RENA ST. Administrator Butch reviewed a report from Supe7cintendent af Streets Anderson, advising that sidewalks have been installed on the north side of South Rena Street, between Grand Ave. and Dodsor~ Way, undex the provisions of the 1911 Improvement Act (short form) and that one sidewalk area was in- stalled under contract, by the City; and the cost of the installation has been assessed to the property and the property has bee~ po~ted and the property owner has been notified as required by 1aw. 333 CITY COUNCIL NOV'~MB~R:24, 1970 AI~1t0Y0 ~YtANDE, CALYF~i~3I~ FAGE 3 This be~..ng,th~ d~tte, tim~ and pla,ce ~ar pub~ic heaxin~ on the spreading of assessmerit for~,~idlwalk 3nsta12atian on a portiqn. af South~Rena Street, Mayor Levine de~`red the hearing open ~nd all.persons ~or or against this aesessment woul~d ~now be he~rd, There be3.ng ~to, di,scuesioxz far ar again~t the assessment spread, Mayor Levine declar~d the hearing el4sed. After Courncil discussion, ~ity Attprney Shipsey read the title of a resolution confirming the report and levying as~essm~mt fpr sidewalk installa~ tion, thereafter a motfon waa ~de by Cour~ci,l~a~n Schle~el, eecondeei by Council- womsn Thompson:and un.a~imou$ly carrieci, to disge~.se raith reading the balan~e of this reaolution. RESOLUTION N0. 906 A RESOLUTION OF ~Y~ !CITY COUi~GIL 0~` T~IIE ~ITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CONFIRMx~J~ THE 1tEPOR°T OF rHE SUPER- INTEND$NT OF S1'L2EE~5 l~ND L~VYING ASBESuME2~`,~ FOR THE IN~TALLATION t~F CO1~Gl.tETE SIDEWALK. On motion of Councilaaan Wood, ~econded by ~ouna~l.r.~z~ Ta11ey and on the fnllowing roll call vote, to,wit; AYES: Couneil Membe~~ Sc'h1~ge1, Thoa?pson~ Wood, Talley and 1Mayor bevine. NOES: None. A~SENT: None. the foregoing resolutim~. was passed and ~dapt~d thi$ 24th day o~ November, 1970. PUBLIC HEAR_ I„ NG-SPR~AD 0~ ASSESS -~URB, GUTTER,~R~~.APR.~ aID~WALKS-GTaAND AV_E_. Administrator Butch reviewed a report from Superint~ndent of Streets Anderson, advising.th~t curb, gutter, dr~.veway aprortg and sidewalks have been installed on th~:sp~#~ ~~ide of Grand Avenue, between So. Alpine Street and the south freewa~r .~t•~'~?, u~der fih~ provisions of the 1911 Improvea~nt Act (short form), and.,.tt~e Gci~`~ 4f' the installation.has been assessed to the praperty and the properxy ~~s beeri ~ibsfied and the property a~aner has been notified.as required by. laTa. ~ This b~ing the date, tiYUe and place for public hearing on the epreading of assessment for this insta~.la~ion, M~.~or Levine declared the hearing now open and all }~~rsons for ar against th~.~ asses~ment would now be h~ard. There beireg no discus~ican for or against ~lte assessment, 1Kapor Txvine declared the hearing clased. After Council discussion., City ,Attorn~y St~~.psey xead the t3.t1~ of s resol- ution confirtning the report and-levyin~ assess~uent for cu~b, gutter, driveway apron_and sidewalks installation, thexea~ter a motion was made by Coun~ilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Th~pscnl and unanimous~y carried, to dis- pense with re~din,g the balance of th3.s resalution. RESOLUTION N0. 907 A RESOLUTIQN OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF '~HE CTT'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE CONFIRMING TIiE REPORT OF THE SUPER- INTENDENT OF STREETS AND LEVYING ASSESSMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF CONCRET~ CUI~B, GUTTER, DRIVEWAY APRQNS AND SIDEWAI,K,~, On motion of Councilman Ta11ey, sescoxa.ded by Gouncilzaan Wood arnd on the following roll call vote, tp wit: - AYES: Coux~cil M~mbers Sch~eg~1, Thompso~t, Wood, Talley and Mayor ~ Levine. NOES; None. ABSENT: ~ione . the foregoing resolution.was passed a~nd adcrpted this 24th d,a,y af November, 1~370. CITY COUNCIL~ NOVEMBER 24, T970 ARROYO GRANDE, ~ALIFORNIA PAGE 4 ORDINANCE ESTAB. PARKING & BUS, AREA IMPROV. DISTB, BRANCH ST. - ADOPTION Discussion was held regarding;certain items included in or omitted fro~ the ordinance establishing a Parking;and Business Area Improvement Distri~t in the general area of Branch Street. ATr. Malis, lI5 E. Branch Street, w~s present and requested his remarks be placed.in the record, "We, the opponemts are opposed wholeheartedly to thts Ordinance and urge Counoil reconsiderati~n as this is an unfair tax; ua~canstitutional and not repxesentative of the ma,jority of Busineases". The Council discussed and agreed that the merchant~ have worked very hard on.this pro~ect for over two yeare, and it has been determined that this is the moat economical methad to provide needed off street parking;a~a.d as provtded by the Parkix~g and Business Area Improuement Act of 1965, a ma3ority,of the total business ~icense fees are in.favor of establishixxg,,this district, tharefor the fox~nari~a of the district should be firaalized. City Attorney Ship~ey read_the title of an.ordinance e~talalish- ing,a Business Improvement A,r~a, Business License Fees, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Ta11~y~ seconded b3~ Councilman Schlegel, and un~ni- mously carried, to dispense wi,th reading,the balance of thie ordinance. ORDINANCE IdO. ~7 C. S. AN QRDINANCE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNZCIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER V TO TITLE 3 TI~EAETO ESTABLI3HING A BU3INE3S I1~ROVEMENT AREA, BUSINESS ~ LICENSE FEES. ' On mo~ion of Gounciinaan Schlegel, aeconded by C4uncil~voatan Thoaipemn and mn the follawing ro11 call vote, to>wit: AYES: Council Membera Sc~legel, Thompson, [~Iood, Talley and Mayvr Le~ine. NQES: None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing ~rdinarice was pass~d and adopted this 24th day of November,1970a On motion of .Councilman Sc~legel, seconded by Councilman Ta11ey, and unsn.immusly carried, the 'annual assesen?ent -charge sha11 be bil,led annually as a part-of the application for business license,huwever, the merchant may option .to defer payment of one-half of gaid assessment until July 1 of the , year w~ien due, and a statemen~-of said deferred assessment wi11 be mailed to the merchan.t and become due and payable by July 1 of each pear; in the event s~id assessment 3s not paid within the time specified, eatd un.paid asse~sment shall besome a part of the next annusl asses$ment charge and inust be paid in full ~,t the:time of issuance of the annual businese license,.with no further extensions.being granted; and the.procedings and actiuities regarding;tt~e improvement.district.will be re.viewed annnally, and-in.'five years an in-depth c4u~plete'review of the total improvemeat project wi11 be made. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - REZONTNG CASE 1~T0. 70-~9 - R-A~$-3 to R-3 (KLIEWER): Administrator Butch reviewed the grior action of the Council regarding the application for rezoning frarm lt-A-B-3 to R-3 of approxiaeately 55 ~cres of pxoperty ad~ace~.t to a.present G-N`Zacle, located on.the southexly side of Valley Rpad, as submitted by Mr.-Victor Kliewer and approval recomm~ended by the P1a~.ning,Co~nission; and that the Council had held a public hearing:re- garding the rezoning application on Octob~r 13, 1970; and to,provide the Council with additional in'formation regarding Mobile H~me Park Aevelopments which_is th~ proposed use for this pxoperty, two study sessions.were held, between.the Council and ~lanning Ca~mnis-sion, az which a great deal of in- formation was reviewed and discussed regaxding mobile hame parks. . The Counc~l further discussed the rezon~ng;request and proposed mobiTe park.home deve~.op- ment and generally agreed.that t~e ~equest for re.2on.ing be approved and that further consideration regarding;cox~~rols, reatrictions, ~n.d regulations for mobiie hom~ park developments will be considered pr~or to the graating,of a use permit, which is required to allow this rype development within an R-3 Zone. City ~ttorney Shipsey read, for its firat readi~.g, the title of an. ordinance rezaning from R-A-B-3 to R-3 certain.property in the Citq~of Arro,yo Grande, thereafter a motion was made by Coux~ci~.man Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman ThQmpson and unaaimously ca.rried, to dispense with.reading,the balance of this ordinance. CITY COLT~CIT, NOV~I~IBER 24~ 19~0 ARROYO GRANDE,, :;ALI~+~IR1VIr'~ ~t~GE 5 RECONIl~IENDATION REGARDING FEE EXEMPT LICENSES ~ 1VON PROFIT ORGA~T~ZATI0IV~ Admixtistrator Butch reported that in review~.ng the Munic~.pal Code ~°e~~~°d~ ing the issuance of fee exempt busin.ess 1i~enses, the application~ for ~ae~~a.pt~ ion~ ar•e referred to the Council, which ~naii consider and act upoxa the ~a~ae and ~r~nt ore refus~ such exemption as in the aa.se of its a~s~r~~~~~ ~n~.ia. de~m ~u~t; however9 if the C~uncil determines that the organization is px°o.~it, a fee exeanpt busimess license can the~ lae issued. After C~u~~il dr~m ~~.~sio~n, cs~i ns~ti~x~ of Coux~cilanan Schlegel9 secs~~.ct~d by Coun~ilman T~~.l~y ~M~.d unanim~u~ly ~~rried, the motiora made on Noveantaer 10, 1970, "~he reqv~st St. Patric~Yc's S~hool for a fee exempfi busine~s license to sell ~axndy w~.~ denied" was resci~ded and ~pproval was granted that St< Patr~cle's School be issued a fee ~xempt busin~ss li~ense for ca~ady sales at 133 Ee Brar~~h ~tx°~~t from De~embex° 1 througfi 25, 19700 R~CEIPT OF SA..~TA MARIA BAIZOM.~TE~ OF GROWT.H FO1Z THIRD QUARTER 197(~ Ad~ninistrator Bu~ch reviewed a report entitled "Santa Mari~. Ba~r~aneter a~f Growth" prepared by the Con~~xr~.ity Development D~partm~nt of ~th~ City o£ Sa~ata Maria, whi~h wa~ coxn.p~.led from source infarm~tion fr~m Building Permg.ts rs~u~d, Post Office Receipts, Electric, Gas ared W~.t~r Meters irastalled i~. south 5~~. Luis Obispo Coaznty and nc~rth Santa Barbara Count~r during th~ third qu~rt~r 1969 a~.d the thi~d quarter 1970; and it was noted th~t the Post Offic~ Receipts f~r Arroyo Graxnd~ are up ~rom $32,002 in 1969 to $164,425 ~.n. 1970, rahich is ~nost attribut~.ble to the nera manufacturing company located an th~ Me~a, THIRD AI~TUAL COOPERATTVE PURCHASING OF GASOLTNE WITH SAN LUIS OBISPO COLTNTY Adaninistrator Butch adv~sed that noti~e has beera re~eived from the C~~.a~t}~ Pv.rchasing Agent that the County Board of Supervisors have again au~h~~iz~d Coc~per~tiv~ Purcha~ing af Gasoline by Publi~ Entities, and if the Cit~ r,~ish~~ to ~~ntinue with this pro~r~m th~ Cou~.ty must b~ so n.otified by Decex~b~r l, 1970, fc~r th~ ~alendar year 1971 ~ontract. A~ter Council discussion, Gi~y Attorraey Shipsey read the title csf a resolutio~.' regarding th.e cc~ope~~.tive pur~ chasi~g e~f gas~line between the City of Arroyn ~rande artd the County of 5~.~ Luis Obispo, ~hereafter, a moti~n was made by Goazncilman Schl~gel, s~~o~.ded by C~ur~~ilworna~ Thompson and unanimously c~rried, to dispense with readi~g th~ balance of thYS r~solution. RESOLUTION N0. 908 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0~ ARROYO GRANDE, ACGEP~'ING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY BOARD OF` SUPERVISORS° RESOLUTION N0. 70--605 REGAR.DING ENTERING INTO CO- 01'ERATTVE PURCHASING AGRE~MENT WITH THE GOUNTY OF SAl~T LUIS OBISPO. On motion ~f ~nux~cilm~.n Schlegel, seconded by Gouncilwoman Thomps~~. a~.d on, th~ following roll call vote, to wit: AYES; Coux~cil Members Schlegelq TIYOIIlpSd~.y Wood, Ta11ey and May~r Levine. I30~So None. ABSENTe None. the foregoi~.g resolution was passed and adopted this 24th day caf Noveanber,1970. AUTHORIZED AGR~EMENT WITH STATE DEPTo OF,FINANCE FOR CENSUS ESTII~IATE Administrator Butch ~equested that authorization be granted for th~ Ci~y to enter into an.agreement with the State Department of Finance for a popu~ lation estimate, as the un.offi~ial reports on the 1970 Federal Censu~ ircdi~ate a decrease in the City's population, but since the Federal Census was take~. a number of new residences have been constructed a1~ng with other fact~rs whf~h indicate the population of the City ~ould n~w passibly exceed its present tc~tal, After Coun~il discussion, on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman. Schlegel and unanimously carried, it raas approved to enter into an agreemen.t with the Stat~ Department of ~inan.ce for an est~~ate of popul~tf~n in the City of Arrcryo Grande at a~ost not to exceed $189e00; arnd tl~e Ma}r~~ and City C1e~k were authorized t~ sign said agreement on behalf of th.~ Ci~3~, L~AGUE OF CALIF. CITIES-CHANNEL COUNTIES DI~, MEET. - SANTA BARBARA 12-4°70 Notice ha~ been~received advising that the next meeting of the Le~gue of Califo~-n.ia Cities Channel Counties Division taill be held in Sa~.ta B~.rbara o~. December 4, 1970, with the wm~kshop mee~~.ng starting at 4:00 P,Mo ~ ~~~`?3 CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 249 19~0 ARROYO GRAI~TDE, ~ALIF`~RNIf~ PAGE 6 RECOMMENDATION FROM MAYORS' MEET:-RESOI~.AI90PT. CRIMI~AL JUSTI(;E SYS,~LA.~~?. AG~~CY Mayor Levine gave an oral reporfi on the recexat Mayor's Meeting9 ~t~.ting that the (hn~ibus Crime Control and Safe Stre~t Act of 1968, which pr~vides feder~l fund~ t~ local governments ta as~ist in'efforts to improve a11 faaa~~ti~~.~ of the criminal.juatice aystem, was discu~~ed amd that the Califo~ni~ Cc~u~.~i~. c~~. Criminal Justices d~sign.~ted by all entities a~ the leadership ~~er~~y ~mr ~dmini~tration of Federal funds, has divided the ~tate ~nto region~ £~r ~ff~c~t~ ive participatioxa ix~ ~cranprehensive planning9 ~aad th~t the countie~ c~f S~~ La~i~ Obi~po ~.n.d Santa Barbara were designat~d R~gioxa VITT (Sduth) axad ~t wa~ t~a~ r~~o~nd~tion aaf the Mayc~rs' that ~ach City b~ resolut~~n adoption9 e~fffciaYgy reeognize the Itegional Advisory Board a~ t~.e ~ff~.~ial pl~nning ag~~.~y f~r the ~ California Council oaa Crimiraal Justiceo Aftex~ Council discu~sion, City Attor~~y Shipsey read the title of a resolution recogni~in.g Regional Advisor~ B~ard of Region VIII (South) as the Crimin~l Justi~e S}~~t~m Plamning Age~.cy9 t1~er~~fter a motion was rn~de by Councilmaxx Schlegel, s~conded by Councilwoatt~.n Thcs~r¢p~~~ and un~.nimou~ly carried, ta dispense with re~din~ th~ balanee of this re~c~lut- ion. RESOLUTION I~O. 909 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CIT~' OF ARROYO GRANDE RECOGNIZII~G REGIO~'AL ADVISORY BOARD OF REGION VIII (S~uth) AS THE CRTMINAL JUSTICE SXSTEM PLANNING AGENCY WITHIN THE TERRITORY GENERALLX DESCRIBED AS SAI~ LUIS OBISPO AND SANTA BARBARA COUNTIES. On mcrtion of Couneilman Wood, seco~.ded by Councilman Schlegel, ~~d ~~a ~h~ follc~wing ro11 ca11 vote, to wit: AYESD Council Meinbers Schlegel, Tho~ccpsan, Waod, Talley and Maym~ Levine, NOES: None. ABSENT: None. th.e f~regoing,xesolut~.on was passed and ad~pt~d this 24th day of l~ov~~b~r,1970, LEGISLATIVE ~ULLETIN FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNTA CITIES Admi~.istrator Butch reviewed the latest report received from tTie League of California Cities, regarding the formati~n Qf aa~ Airport Land Use C~m~is° si~n, whi~h could be combined with a commissidn that is already formed., upo~. approval of a11 entities involvedo Ad~in~.strator Butch advised that the Gity Administrators ~rith.fn S~rn Laz~~ pbxspo Countgr are compiling information into one report to be submitted t~ tTn~ Assc~mbly C~~ittee on Mobile Home Park~, wh.i~h has scheduled a studgr ~~~tin~ , and hearin.g f~r Dec~mber 14, 1970, in San Diegca. RECEIPT OF MINiTTES OF THE COASTAL VALLEY PLANNTNG COTII~TCIL MEETING 10~5-70 The minutes af the Coastal Valley Planning Coun~il ~eeting csf Oct~be~ 5, i970, were received by the Council and ordered filed. SEMI-ANi~TUAL JOINT MEETING - COUNCIL & PARKS & R~CREATION COMP2. 12~16-70 The ~ouncil agreed to meet in joint session with the Parks and Re~re~t~ ion Commission., as they requested, at 8:00 P.Mo, December 16, 1970. DIS~USSION - STREAM BED OBSTRUCTION AT FAIR OAKS AVEN[TE BRIDGE Mr. Fred Schott, Engineer on.the Construetion of the Fair Oaks Avea~ue Bridge, was present and orally reported that he hsd tried by letter and tel~- phone to contact Mr. Hern3reck, Contractor on thi~ project, but received x~o response; and that he had contacted Mr. Weaver, Attorney for Mr. Hermreck, wh~ advised that he, ~lso, was unable to cca~.tact Mrm Hermreck, and therefore ad- vised him to proceed with the work necessar~ to clear the stream bed; ~~d thi~ date he hired Jack F'oster to do the work necessary to clear the channel, and - that the stream bed has naw been cleaned as good as possible; and th~t he now reeommends Gouncil acceptance of the proje~t and autharization.t~ recmrd the Notice of Complet~o~,o After Goun~il discussion, on motfon of Courscilm~.xa W~~el, seconded by Coua~cilman. Talley and unanim~usly carried, the complet~d pr~j~:~t~ Constru~tion of a Bridge Ac~oss Arroyo Grande Creek at the Extension ~f ~air Oaks Avenue in the City of Arroyo Gran.de, was accepted by the City; and th~ Mayor was authorized to sign the Notice of Cc~mpletion; and the Mayor and Cit}r ~lerk were authorized ta sign the Certificate of Accept~n~e on taehalf ~af tl~e ~ity and th~.t the documents be recorded. ~J ~ l CITY COUNCIL NOV~MBER 24, 1.9e0 ARROYO GRANDE, ~t'1Li.~'-CDR1~3In" PAGE ? Mr. Bo T. Marquis, 411 W~c~dl~nd I3riv~, w~.s pr~~~zi~ a~.d expre~sed hi~ tnanks an.d appreciation. to the Coun.cil, Mr~ schott ~d Dire~tor mf Publi~ Works Arnderson for their'effort~ in res~Zvirrg this matter. RECEIPT OF M'INU'TES A.ND ORAL REPORT - ZO~TE 3 ADV. COMM. MEET'5.10-15/11-L2~70 Mimutes of the October 15,,1970 and ~'arvemb~r 12, 1970 meetira~s ~f the Zon~ 9 Advistrry Coarrmittee were rec~ived by the C~uncil, r~vie~red ar~d r~rd~~ed file~.o Councilman Schleg~~ or~lly repc~rted th.at th~ prapc~~ed Lop~z W~.tersh~d Ordinan~e w~s dis~ussed, al~o di~cu~~iesn w~s h~ld r~g~rdix~g Arrm~o Grarerl~ Valley W~ter Rights axrd it appears t~.at th~ entities ~.nvolv~d ~m~~ht po~~i~sl;~ w~rk out an agreeceeerat which would limit ex~~e~sive p~anping of th~ gra~ux~d w~ter basin, althaugh th~re is xaa p~obl~an pre~~axt~ M~rs Dr~hn indicated th3.s rao~ld becoane a~Srobl.~m in future ye~rs if x~~t re~cxlved prior to tiaat~r de~~~.cls ~x~ ceeding the Lope~ W~ter Supply. PROGRESS R~PORT ~ WATER I~I~'E INSTA~LLA`TIqNS d PROJECT N0, 60-70-~2 Director of Publi~ Wa~°~.s ,Arnder~caz~ rep~~~ed that tkce ixzstall~ti.caxx ~f w~ter lines in the Brisco H~.11 Area a~e neari~.$ .caa~pleti.c~zx and th~~ the caz~t~actc~r has eQrnme~iced installati~rn of th~ water 11x~e Stat+~ Rout~ N~e 227, betw~~xa Tally Ho Road and ~rowra Str~et, with the war'k prn$re~~ing satisfa~tarily. ACCEPTAIVCE QF SEWER MAII~ EXTEATSION ON TH~ P~K~-~HAI~f~YpN R1~. TO E~'I ST, Ad~iniatrator Butch revie~aed a report £ram Direc~or o~ Publi~ Works A~dereon, r~~omneendin~ Couneil ec~~pts~n~e and apprc~val Af px°oratic~~ c~f costs for t'he extexi~ion of a sewer rnain installed nxa The Pike, betweea~ Hal~yon Rn~d and L1m Str~et, and an E].m Strest, betw~en The Pike ax~d ~au1 Fla~e, paid by Great Westerm Sawi~.gs to s~rve ~hos~ lots 3n Tra~t i~o. 282 that fx~~s~ mn 'Th,e Pike; with the proration of costs to benefiting:g+raperties as sh~r,ma ~n the followirag map, based on frnnt focat charge wf $4080; ~ith $4000 of titai~ ~har~ ' to be r~funded to Great Western Savi~.g;~ until Jaxauax°y 1, : 1976, and $0.80 e~f this charge to be retafned b~% the City to defr~.~ the cost of ~.dmini~trati~r~e . _ _ . ~ ~ . o _S`-F.` o , ~ ' ° Match Line ~ _ _ Q_ ~ i ^ ~ o ~ ~ i m i c~ ~ ' CY~RESS rn ~ , , ~ ' . ~ o W ~ ~ ~T ~ ~ m ~ = , ~ . TERR. ~ O ~ N O ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ; ~p ~ t , ~ o O i ' ~ r---- , . ~ Z J~ p ' rn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ _T_ ' - - - N ~ O ~ C~ ~ o~ ; CARNATIQN ST. ~ W ~ ~ N N o ~ ~ ~ o _ ~ o O rn V ~ . -_v o 0 ~ ~ W r,.i _ ~ ~ 0 0 ~ - ~ a ~ N ~ ~ ~ ° _ m o ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 , m ~ . ~ 0 , i ~ o rn I, t o ~ o o ~ `1 ~ Q"-' ° ~ ~ pn .A ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ -~T V.TG- - E . ' _ _ _ _ _ ~ w c~ii 0 ; ~ ~ , , i = p rn , N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ZD ~ ~r ; z 1~7 " r-•' ~ ~ ; w , ~ ~ ~ HALGYON ROAD ' ~ , N O i ~ ~ ~ T ~ ~ a ~ ~ Match L ine ~ CYPRESS SEWER MAIN CHAI~G S ~ ST. GAYN FA I R TERR . THE P1 KE SEWER MA1N ' HALCYON RD. to ELM ST. Scate~ t'~~ t~?0' De~te~ 11/f6l70 . . . ~ . ~ . . . _e~'r K.p ~ . . ~ . . . ~ . ~ s . ~ ~ . . ~ . . . . ,-.i# . . ~ . ~ . ~ . . . . : ~~~1 33~ CITY CUUNCIL 1~OVEMBER.24~, 197Q ARROYO GRANDE, CALYFORNYA PAGE 9 After Coun~il discuss£e~n~ ox~ me~~ion of Counci],woman Thompson, seconded by Cou~c~iim~rt ~Ghleg~l and una~imously-carried, the sewer m~in extension on The Pike, b+~'~~tii:; Halc~tm Road and ~lm Street, and on Elm-St~e~t, between The , Pike:and Paul i~~~ce, was acc+epted in~o the City Sewer System; a~.d the prom ration of coste ~~s~s ~hown abov~ ~'Aaas approved; an,d when payment, on the basis of $4.~0 per frant foot is rec~i.ved, $0.80 per frant foot wi11 be ret~in~d by tt~e Cit~r and re£unds at the rate af $4.00 per front foot will be made to Gre~t Western Savings a~d Lo~n Assacfatioxa, until Janu~ry 1,.1976, after ~aid date no refunds will be made. PItOGRESS REPORT - ARR.OYQ GRANDE SEInT~R ASSESSMENT DISTRIGT Administrator Butch reparted that tk~e engineering on the Arroyo Gr~~nde 5ewer Assessment Dirys~rict is progressing as scheduled and that the firm of Stone & Youngberg, Assessment Emgineers on. this project, are now working with Mr. Peterson, Project Engineer, on assess~ent diagr~ns. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAI~T Lt7IS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Admini.strator Butch advised there are no new developments to report at this time. REPORT ON MEETING OF 11-23-70 - CONSOLIDAT~ON OF SO.COUNTY LAW EN~ORC.AGENCIES Administrator Butch advised that representatives from all law enforcement agencies serving south 5an Luis Obispo County had me~ on November 23, 1970, to discuss the propoaed centralizatian of law enforcement agenc~es within south San Luis Obispo County and it was recommended that a Technical Comanittee be formed to develop scoge and ~oals for thie facility and also to recommend a vendor to proceed with a fe~sibility study. A~'ter Council dfscus$ion, on motion of Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanip mously carried, Chief of Pol~.ce Richardsan was appoi~.ted representative and Administrator Butch was appointed alternate represent~tive, to serve on a Technical Committee for the South 5an Luis Obispo County Law Enforcement Agencies Centralized Facility Study. CITY ATT. DIRECTEA TO ADV. OWNERS OF BILLBOARDS SOON TO BE TN VIOLATTON OF M.C,8EC.8-9.03f Mayor Levine directed City A~ttorxr.ey Shipsey to advise Ryan Outdoor Ad° vertfsing, Inc., that four existing billboards in the City, owned by them must be removed prior to March 1, 1971, at which time their continued existen~e at their present locatio~s wi11 be in violation of Municipal Gode Section 8- 9.03, paragraph (f). ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman ~chlegel and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10;08 P.M. ~ , , ` . ATTEST. . CI CLERR r'` MAYOR