Minutes 1971-01-12 ~~y~ CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 12, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Levine presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood_and Talley reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION . Mayor Levine led the Pledge of Allegiance to o~ Flag; and immediately thereafter Councilman Schlegel delivered the invocation. MINUTE APPROVAL The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of December 21, 1970, the regular meeting of December 22, 1970 and the special mr*yeting of January 5, 1971, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and ~ unanimously carried, General Tnlarrants No. 549 through No, 611, in the total ~ amount of $27,655.13 and Payroll Warrants No. 1021 through No. 1088, in the total amount of $14,514.44, were approved and ordered paid. NOTICE FROM P. G. & E. -$37,600 TOTAL ALLOCATION:FOR UNDERGROUNDING UTILITIES Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been received fram Pacific , Gas and Electric Company advising that the 1971 allocation of funds for the City of Arroyo Grande for the proposed undergrounding of utilities project on Branch Street is $10,300 and the total allocation to date is $37,600. In re- lation to undergrounding of utilities, the League of California Cities and the various utility companies have suggested and recommended that the Countil es- tablish an underground ~~ility coordinating committee. Chuck Richmond, repre- sentative of the Pacific Gas and Electric Co, and William Pearson, representa- tive of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., were present and reported on the effective operations of similar coordinating committees which have been appointed and working in othere areas. After Council discussion, City Attorney . Shipsey was instructed to prepare the resolution which will establish an under- ground utility coordinating cormnittee for the Council's review and consideration. REPORT AND APPROVAL FOR CITY PARTICIPATION TO CORRECT CONDITIONS ON STANLEY AVE, Administrator Butch reported, that as direct~d by the Council, he had con- tacted representatives of the Lucia Mar Unified School District and they advised that the school will cooperate in this matter regarding the unpassable condition of ~tanley Avenue to the extent of the roadway which is regularly used by the District, but they felt that the condition of the roadway southerly of the District garage area was not their responsibility, The Council reviewed a re- port, dated January 7, 1971, form Director of Public Works Anderson, which outlined the work necessary to drain the water from the low area of the road- way by grading the existing street area toward the creek with a 6" crown section and installing 6" base in the traveled way approximately 24' wide. Beth Peters was present and stated that the Peter Pan Nursery School would pay for the materials if the City would assist by providing the equipment and crew to do the work. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, because of the un- usual circumstances involved and because this roadway serves a nursery school, and therefore to provide safety to the children attending the school, and due to the emergency situation and in this case only, and in no way setting a pre- cedent for any other situation or future consideration, approval was granted for the City to participate by providing the equipment and crew for this pro- ject as outlined in a report, dated January 7, 1971, prepared by Director of Public Works Anderson; and that any costs for materials will be borne by the Peter Pan Nursery School. NOTICE FROM P.U.C. - S0, CALIFORNIA GAS C0. APPLIED FOR RATE INCREASE Administrator Butch reported that a notice has been received from the Public Utilities Commission that the Southern California Gas Company has applied for a rate increase to consumers to offset increases in reates to them by the natural gas supplier. ~ORRESP, FROM SAN LEANDRO URGING CITY SUPPORT MANDATORY AUTO SAFETY FLARE LAGIS. Administrator Butch reported that correspondence has been received from the City of San Leandro requesting this City's support by adoption of a R"esolution urging the State Legislature to enact Mandatory Automobile Safety Fla~e Legilsation in the interest of increasing highway safety and preserving life, After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey was in5tructed to prepare a resolution supporting such legislation for Council review and consideration. CITY ~Qui~1~IZ 3ANUARY 12, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1970 The Departmental Report for the manth of December, 1970, was received by the Corxncil, reviewed and ordered filed. MUNICIPAL CODE AMEND. - REGULATING MOVIN'G OF BUILUINGS - ORDINANCE ADOPTION City Attorn~y Shipaey read the title of an urdinance regulating the mowing of buildinge within, through and into the City,~f~b~~~a~ter~ a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, ~econded by Councilwoman Thompson asad una~aimou~l.y carried, to dispense with reading the t+alanae of this ordiraance. ORDYNANCE N0. 39 C,S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CIT'Y OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 11 TO TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO G~tANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO MOVING OF BUILDING3. On motion of Councilwo~nan Th~mpsan, aeconded by C~uncilman Talley and on the following ro11 call ~rote, to wit; • AYES; Council Members Schlegel, Thompe~n, Woc~d, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOESt None. ABSENT: N~ne. the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted this 12th day of January, 1971. MUNICIPAZ CODE AMEND. - REGULATII3G ON-STREET P~,ItKING - ORDINANCE ADOPTION City Attorney Shipseq read the title of an ordinance regulati~g on-street parking within the City, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously earried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordina.nceo ORDINANCE N0, 40 CeS. AN ORDTNANCE OF THE CITY OF AI~ROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 3 OF TITLE IV OF THE ARROYO GRANAE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTIONS 3.11, 3,12, 3.13 AND 3.14 THERETO TO LIMIT PARKING OF ALL VEHICLES, TRAILERS AND BOATS IN TFiE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood &nd on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompscan, Wnod, Talley and Maynr Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing ordinance was passed and ac~opted ~his 12th da}~ of J~nuary, 1971, DISCUSSION ON REVISION IN WATER AND SE~n1ER CH,ARGES ORDS. RE: MOBILE HOME PARKS Ci'ty Attorney Shipsey reviewed the proposed ordinances changea reg~rding water and sewer charges foac Mobi~.e Home Parks. Discussion was held regardir~g the definition of travel tr~.ilers and Mobile Homes. The Council in.atru~ted City Attorney Shipsey to better define trave~. or weekend trailers and Mobi~e Homes as'these t~rms relate to the two ord3.nances ax~d present for Couneil consideration at its next regular meetingd REPORT - COOPERATIVE PURCHASING OF GASOLINE BY PUBLIC ENTITIES Administrator Butch reviewed a Joint Agreemen~ Contract Petroleum Products report received from the County Purchasing Agent, whiah lists the succeasful bidders resulting from the County's a.nvitation to bi.d, as it pertains to.the City, as follows; ' Gasoline (low lead) UniQn Oil Company .219 per galloz~ Gasoline (premium) Union Oil Cc~mpan.y .236 per gallon Diesel Fuel ~~2 Union Oi1 Company ,132 per ga11o~ Motor Qil (S5 Ga1e Drums) Standard Oil Company .51 per gallon Motor Oi1 (cases, 24 qes) Stan,dard Oi.1 Company $4.26 per case ~minimum 1Q'cases) ~ . . E. C I`~'Y ~:G~u vC a;~ 3ANUARY 12 , 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 SLO C0. DEV, ASSQC, RE: COUNCIL REFR.ESENTATTVE TO ASSQCIA,TION - ROY"BURKE Administratar Butch advi~ed that Dary*1 Flood, Cauncil repre~entativ~ to the San Luis Obispo Cou~nty Developm~~.t Assaciation had fUrrnerly indicated that he wished tu be relieved of this ~,ppaintment at the earliest time a replacemen.t could be made; Roy Burke, of Burke ~nd Pace Lumber Co~xpany ~~.s indicated that he would t~e willing to serve ox~ this a~~c~ci~.tion. After C~un.cil c2iscu~sion,, an mc~tion of Councilwom~.n ThQmpsc~n, seca:aded by Cauncilar~an S~hlegel ~.nd aznani- mausly carried, Roy Burke was ~ppointed as Cuuncil r~pre~entative o~. the Board cf Direetors of the San Luis Obispo Couxaty Development Association, In.c. REPORT ON PROPOSEIB REGBLATIONS FOR THE OPERATION OF TAXIG.ABS Administrator Butch reviewed a report, dated January 5, 1971, regarding the need for regulations for the ~peration of taxicabs within the City of Arroyo Grande, which cu~lined that presently the Gity do~s not have any regu- latory requirements for ta.xi~cab uperations, but Grmver City and Pismo Beach both regulate these operations; an~. reco~rnnended tl~at far uniformity and the protect- ion of Arrayo Grande C~.tizens, th~t a regulatory ordinance be considered by the Couneilo After C~uncil di~cussion, Ad~ninistratar $~.~L'ch w~.s instructed to meet with representatives uf Grover City and Pismo B~a~ch to cc~mp~le a uniform regulatory ardinance far Caun~il cc~nsideration. REPORT ~ FIRST MEETING OF L~OtnTNTOWIV PARK.I~1~ DISTRTCT COMMITTEE 12-29-70 Adzninistratr~r Butch reported that at the first meet~ng of ~he Downtown. Parking District Committe~, the C~mmittee ~eemb~rs fc~rmally orgaraized, David Loom.i~ was ~lected Chairar~an, Laird Smith wa~ ~leet~d Vis:e-Chairanan ~nd Robert Gallop was elected Secret~.ry and organization proced~.re arad objectives ~aere discussed anci th~ Commfttee req~aested Council repre~entation at its meeting, wl~ich were scheduled far the fi.rst Tues~.ay of each ~onth, at 10:00 A.M. in the C~u~cil Chambers of Cit;r Hall. Aft~r Counc.il discu~~ion, Ad~nirtistrator Butch was instructed t~ r~quest that th~ Conu~aitt~e hav~ xepresentation at the regu- lar meeting of the City Council. BAILEY LOT SPLIT REQt7IREMENT PROP~RTY L~EDIC;ATION ° FAIR OAKS AT ALDER ST~, Adininistrator Butch xeviewed that in conjun~tion with apprcaval of Lot Split C~.~e Na. 70-116, property located on ttie n~rtheasterly side of Alder Street and Fair Oaks A~reriue, requested ~y Charles H. Bailey, he was required to dedicate tQ the Gity a partion of his property for the proper alignment of the curb return on tbe northe.asterl~'corner ~f Alder Street and Fair Oaks Avenueo After Council discussi~x~, an motion of Cau~ncilwr~man Thomp~on, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimausly carried, the Grant Deed frcr~ ~har~.es H. Baile~ and Garrie Bailey, for the dedicatinn of a portion of Lot 14 Block 1 of the Fair Oaks Tr~.ct, f~r ra~.d purposes ad~acent to the n.c~rtheasterly side of Alder Street and Fair Oaks Avenaxe ~wa~ acce~sted and the Mayor and City Glerk were authori.zed to sigri the Certificate of Acceptance an behalf of the City, RESOLUTION ADOPTION~RULES & REGULATIONS 1tEGA.RDING EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Admii2istrator Butch revzewed that at thz Study Session held December 21, 1970, the Council eansid~.red the prc~po~ed resc~?uti.on on rules and regulations regarding eznployer-employee relatir~n.s, and made changes and modifications they felt ne~essary and the resoliatio~: is now ready f~r C~uneil ~.~tion. After diseu~sion, Gity Attor~ey Shipsey read the title of r~solution regarding employer-emplog~ee relations, thereafter, a ms~tion was made hy Councilman Schlegel, seconded by C~un~.ilwoman Thompson and un~.nimrausly carried, to dispense with reading the balar.~e of th~.s resalutiono RESOLL'TION N0, 919 A RESOLLTTION OF' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~ OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTTNG RULES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING EMPLOYERmEMPLOXEE RFLATIONS. On zn4tion c~f Councilmaxi Wood, secc~nded t~y Councilman Ta11 ey and on the following ro11 ca11 vote, t~ wit: AYES: Council Memae~s Sehlegel, Thompson, Waod, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES. None. ~BSENT: None. the foregaing resolution was passed and a.dopted this 12th day of January, 1971. 35~ c~~i e~~~-c~~ .r~A~Y 12, ].971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFO1tI~TIA PAGE 4 APPOIN'~IENT QF PLAIV~ING COMi~ISSIO~vER ORVIL,IaE SCHLILTZ Mayor Levine recommended that Orville Sehultz be appo~.nted to the Planning Commissiar~ to fill the vacar~cy created by the resi~nation of Harry McMillen. On motion af Councilwoman Thomgson, ~ec~nsied by Councilman Talley and unani- mously carried, Orville Schultz, 1091 Ash ~treet, wa~ appointed to serve as a Cc~mxnissiuner c~n th~ Arrayo Gr~.nde planning Coznmi~sie~~, with k~~.s t~r~a of office sxpiring o~. ~'une 30, 1972. NOTICE OF VARIANCE APPEAL PI~A~N, CQI~1, APPROV~D MtDRTUARY AT ~ENI~TT & BELL STS, Admini~trator ~eatch advi~ed th.at Mrs. Luci'lle Lor, 612 Bennett Avernue, has filed an appeal ta the Gi.t~ (;ou~cil on Variance Ca~e NaQ 70-45, which was approved by the Planning Coreunission. The Pu3~lic Hearirag is set fc~r 8;00 P.M., J'anuary 26, 1971. SET PUBLTC HEARIIVG 1tF2faNING CAS~ 1aY0, 7i~-^41 - Gc~,RL1EN S~'REET (WOU~) The City Council recei~~d a r~eaalutian, of the City Planning Commiesion recommending to the ~ouncil ~z~ aanenciment to th~ Munieipal Code by rezonin$ I,ote 39i 40 and 41 of Steele'e resubdfvision, a~d~acent ~o Garden Street, Myrtle Street azxd Cherry Avanue, fr~m R-A-B-3 to R-1, a~ ~equ~sted by the application eubmitted by Addienn B, Woad, Aft~r Council diecuasion, an matiosz c~£ Councilman 5chlegel, seconded by Gouncilwom~n Thompaon and unanir,iouely ca~rrfed, a public heaxing was set for 8;30 P.M., January 26, 1971, ran the r~zaning applie~tion subrnitted by Addison B. Wood. SET PUBLIC HEARIN(~ -~EZO~IT~T~ CASE T+~Oe 70~42 ~ HA~,CY~iT~i R~3. (G1~IEB) The Gity Council received a resolution af the City Plr~nning Co~sission recommexxding to the Council an am~a~~ment fio th~ Muxxicip~.I Code by rezoning a portion of Lot 108 of the subdivision of the Ranchos Carral de Piedra, Pisma and Bols~ de Chaznisal' a.djaCerit to Ha~.cyor. Road, from R-A-B-3 to R-l, as requested by the application submitted by Lofs and Stanley Grieb. After Council discussian, on mation vf Councilrnan Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carried, a public liearing was s~t for 9:00 P. Ma, January 26, 1971, on the rezon.irig application submitted by Loi.s and Stanley Grieb. PLANNIN'G COMMISSIQN REF~R~L°APPEA.L ACTIqN OF MI1~OR LOT SPLIT COMM. (A.ROWE) Admini~trator Butch reported that in canjun~tion with approval of Lot Split_Ca~e Na. 70-122, property located on the southerly side of Huasna Road, requested by Don Rowe, he was required to dedicate t~ tlae Gity that portion of his property Iying within the H~as~~.a Rnad Pl~n Line; Mr. R~we appealEd ~his ~equirement ta the P1a~ning C~mmission, as he f~1t this requiremen~ was nat justifiEd, as the Lot Sp1it does not affe~t any paxtion of his property fronting on Huasna Roac~, as he is negotiating the s~1e of the back portion of his property only t~ an adjoining pr~perty awner; thia matter was cansidered by the Planning Commission at its regular me'eti~g of Jan+uary S, 1~71, axid due to one vacaney Qn the Commissian, the Commission's motion to allow this Lot Split without the property dedication wa~ split three *o th~°ee, therefQre the Plannir~g Co~nnission has referred this znatter to the City C~urccil for final action. Mr. Don Rowe was present anci ora7.ly expressed his feeling on this matter and further stated it was his understanding, at tt~e time the Council adopted the Hazasna Road Plan Line, that as a11 of the property within the P1an Line was to be acquired from property owners on the ~outherly side of Hua~na Road, that th~ City wouSd,pur- chase the property from each ~wner, ~ The Council da.seussed and ag~°ee~ thafi the polzcy of the City Couneil still applfes tha~ wh~n maj~r raad improveanPn~S are made, the City wi11 then acquire the neeessary right of way; but a~ irzdividual development c~ccurs prior to major road improvements, the developer wi11 be required to d~di~ate ~ny necessary ri.ght of way in conjun~tzon with Lot Split oz Subdivision approval~. After Council discussi~n reg~.rdin~ apprvval af I,ot Split Case No. 70-122, subjeet to certain right of w~.~ cledication, it was agreed. this Lot Split varied from other4 in th~.t the spli.t appe~rs ta l~nd 1~ck the b~ck partion of the prc~perty and does nofi pr~v3.de access t~ Huasn~ Itc~~.d, with the Lat Sp1it being approved with the coziditi4n i:l~at ktie ba~k parc~3~ could only be sold to abutting progerty on the east or west side of this propertgr, Thereafter, on motion of Cou~cilman Talley, se~onded by Councilmazx Schlegel and ua~tanimousiy carried, that Lot Split Case No. 70-122, appli~a~ion filed by Don Rowe, 830 Huasraa Road~ ~s ap praved with c~rtain conditions by tl~~ Minor Sub~ivisi.on Co:r~nittee,t~ra,s relieved ~a} ~~n~.~.t;.on I~r~a lg r~~~.xc~~.rg d~s~,~~r7~~ ~af r~.ght c~f way, , ~ , w;: r~ , . . . m ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~i: CG~:~TC IL JA:~TIJAR~ 1~ s 1971 ` ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORDTIA PAGE 5 PZANNTI~G CQMMZSSTO~'ER B~WLES RESIGN~1'I~N FEt.~M C~A,ST,AI. VA~~.EY P?aANTTING COUNCIL Administr~tor B~atch r.~;~ad 1e~t€r received f~°om Ci~arles Bowles, Plan.ning Cn~ranissioner.r stating th~t cd~a~ to a; c°~~,n~~ in sek~~danl~ t~f ine~ti.ngs wit~i~ his ~r~:gtnlar ~mploym~nt ]z~: co~1d no 1o~g~.r ~~r~~ on th~ Co~st~l Valleg~ Pl~.nning Co~ncil.. Af~~r Cou.ncil di~cussion, on ma~ion of Co~xncil~s~n T~11p~, secon~ed by Cou~ncil~~,n Schl~g~l, and ~.naniznca~asl~r e~~°ri~d, th~ r~~ign~.ti~r~ c~~ Ch.~~~~s Bowles from the Cnast~.l Va11~y Pl~.nning Co~neil w•r~s acc~pted, APPOZNTMENT OF PL~I.DTI~ING COMMISSIONER HEI~RY IQf.?NES TO COASTAL V.~Y~T~EY PLAI~FING COUNCIL On mot~.on of Cottncilwcaanan Ttaoanpson, second~c~ by~ Cot~nciTan~n Wooc~ anrfl ~nnani- mously carried, Pl~,n~ing Conunissionc;r H~nry N~.n~s was appo~.nt~d to serv~ on the Co~,s~a1 Vall.ey Planning Cc~~.ne,~.1s as this Cit~'~ r~pr~s~~atative, ~s r~co~m.ended by th~ Pl~nni,ng Ca~mni~sian> FURTHk;;R DISCUSSION' ON U'PWARp A1VD Dn4JNWARD DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTI013 STHI3DARDS Thia i~~m was a~a~n hel,d over to a~1,1ow tt~~ C~uncil Memb~r~ suffieient time to peracanally rtRa~~w va~xic~~s ~xiating driti~~ays within Ck~e City af Arro~ra Grand~. RECEIP'~ pF MINU'TE5 qF THE CU WA'~TER RESf~LTRCE~ ~.DV Cf:l1~MIZ'TEE MEET~I~G Cop3,~s of the mi~r~s~t~s of tY~~ D~:~c~mb~r, 1970, rn~~ti~ng of the County Wat~r R~~our~~s Advisor~r Cc~mcnitt~.e, wcre r~c~iv~:d 'b}+~ th~ Cc~a~ncil, r~v~.ew~d and o~°dered fi1~d, Adan~n,ie~rator ButcY~ adv~.a~d tk~~t ~ m~~tix~g d~ax~ing th.e ~onth of January, 1971, has nat y~t be~n sch~:duled, N(7TICE FR~7M STAT~ D~PARTMENT OF PU~'L'T~ W(~RRS - C1N~F'Q:[tM T'.EtAF~'IC CQNTROL DEVICES ADOPTED Admini.et~rator B~atch r~:par~Ced ~t3a~ notic~ has b~~:n r~~eivEd from the State Department of Pul~lic Wcark.s advising th~.t, ~ff~c.tiwe i~n~d3.ately, the Federal High- way Adm%nistration ~as ;~dopted a unifc~r.m tr~.ffic control dlevice, that cent~r lines on two-lan~, twa-c~ray roads m~as~ b~ m~r~.~d ra~th ~r~llow pa~nt rather th~.n tY?~ present w~ite paint, for ~ett~r ~afet~* control designa.~ion to ~h~ anotorist of the type of roadway he is traveling on, DISCLTSSION RE: NEED FUR STDEWALKS ~t~R PEDESTRI~IVS I1V SCHQOL AREAS Administrator Butch revi~~r~d th~ pxior ac,tion of th~ Catzncil regarcling resic~ents' interest in kaaving sid~walks a~~.st~.ll.~d fo.r pedestrian safetgr on North Elm,St., Mont~go Ste, Fair (~ak.s Av~n~u~ and H~.lcyon xo~d, and reported that th.e s~rve~r has not y~,t been ~.ni~i~t~d as tt.er~ arA variotxs slop~ probleans on Nc~rth Elm and Montego S~rEets ~.nd a matt~~ of land acqu~~ition within the adopt~d Halcyon Road 'Pl~n Lin~. Aft~r Co~xncil c~iscaxssion, AdYr?inistrator B~xtch was in- str~xcted to direct th~ P~,blic Works DEpartm~nt ta provid~ a survey and cost st~.dy within th~ area of sidE~ralk n~~d on Fialcyan Ro~d, bet~a~en F~.ir Oaks Aven~a and The Pike; and r~port back to the Co~,ncil a~ its n~xt r~gular me~ting. PRQGRESS REPURT - SOU'TH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANTTATION DISTRICT Copies of th~ Chi~f Pl~n~ Qp~r~tor's R~port for° th~ month of De~embera 19~0 and thF Qu~trt~rly Financi~.1 R~part far th.~ District w~re r~ceiv~d by th~ Gouncil, revi~wed and ord~r~d fi.leda PRQGRESB REPQRT - ARROYQ GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMEIVT DIiTRICT Mrs, E, R. P~iillips was pres~nt and was advised t~~.t ~k~~: meth.od for compv.ting ass~ssment cha,rges for ind~vie~~.al prop~~~ti~s witkain th~ Arrc~yo Gr~.nd~ Sewer Assess- ment Distr~.ct ~~s not y*~t be d~t~rmined, ba~~ fi;l~ Ass~:s~m~n.t Eng~ne~rs pl~n to have this informa.tion auailabl~ in the near f~t~r~, NQTICE - ZONE 3 A.DVTSORY C(~MMI.TTEE MEETING FOR JAIv~TJARY 1971 CANCELLED ~ Notice has been recc.aiv~d t~a~t the sched~aled Zone 3 Advisorg~ Co~nittee ~ m~dting for J~.n~ary, I9~1 h~.s b~en cancell~d. SO,CO,DEVE3APMENT ASSOC, RE: SUPPQRT UPP(~STIQ~1 TQ STATE PURCI3ASE OF SAND DU~TES Acln?inistxator B~atch x°~portecl ~~aat corx~spondence has b~~n received from the South Coun~~ D~velopment ,A.ssociat~.an rE~qsacsting th~.t this Council support opposi- t~.on to the propos~d pa~rcYa~,s~a of sand dun~s by the State D~partment of Beaches and Parks unfiil suc1~ ta.me ~.s thzs c~~partment d~v~lopes t~~ thousands of acres of p~rk area it has alread~y acquir~da Discussic~n was F!~ld r~garding fihis matter and thereaft~:r City A.~torn~y Shipse~ raas instruc:t4d to prepar~ a r.esol~.tion object- in~ to the x°€:moval of t~aa~s s~and da~ne area froaxz th~ t~~ ro11s with nc~ r~turn benefit to the ~re~. through r~cre~r~fon~l use, d~xc~ to l~.ck of park ci~velopment after acqui- sition b~ t~.e St~.t~ Dep~.rtffi~nt of ~~aches and Parks. CITY OF PTSMO BEACH REQUEST BUILD'ING INSPECTInN SERVICES - TES~ORARY BASIS - APPROVED Administrafior B~.tc?t repQrt~d khat tha City of Pismo B~~.cYx has req~aested t~kae assistancE of thz.s Ci..t~'s Building Inspector for a thr~e w~ek period, during tY~~~ ,~hs~~cv. Qf it~ R~~; l~~~g ?nsp~~tc?~g ~;hc~ z.s on vacation, at a fe~ tentatively _ 35~ ~i~~ ~:c~~;.~~,~~, J~~~~~ ~.zg i~aa~ ARROYO GRA~IDE , C~~T FC~R~I,l~ PFiG~ F ~g~~~~ upan of $6d00 p~~° ~o~s~, p~~s ~0~ p~r. ~il.~. Ca~unci~, dise~s~~.c~n~ an motic~n ~f Ca~u~c~~,lm~~ ~~~al~~~~ g s~~un~~a Cr~~~c~.~wo•~~n Thompsan ~nd ~r~~n- ianc~~us~~ ~arri~.c~~ t~n~ r~:q~a~~~ fra~ ~Y~~ C~.~~r ~f Pis~n~ B~ac~~ foz ~uil~ing 3~nsp~ctian 4er~ice~a tQ b~; ptc~~ic~~~ b~ t~.~ C~~:~ of r~~ro~o G~°~nde B~.~l~in.g _ D~p~rtr~~n~, ~~r a tl~r~~ va~~k p~.~i~d, frr~~ .~~n~~~~ ~,Ya~a~gta 22, ~.9~1, at ~n 1~n~~°lg~ ~°~.t~ of 53x I7ca1.l~.~s ($~.OQ), P~u~~ T~n ~~n.t.s ~~C~o10~ p~~~ ~ppro~a~c~o DEDICAT.I01~ OF RIG~fT qF G~AY -~~.Nl ~'TREE'T" P~~ ~Il~E - WT~~~AM5 ~,dm3nist~~t~~ B~:tc~ r~~.vi~~z~;e~ ~°~p~~°t,, ~~t~:~ Jana~a~~ ~1~ 19~].~ f~om Directox° Qf P~b13c Wc~xks An~.~~°~a~n, s~~t.in~ tn~~ Ja*n~~ Wi~.liaan~.k^~s pr~:~~~~.~~dl ~ d~~d ~o that parti~on of ~is p~rop~,r~~:~ ~.~ing ~a~i~k~.i~n ~Yn~~ El.an S~~°~:~t Plan ~in~~~ l~c~~~~. on t~~ in.orthw~s~~rly~ sic~~.~ caf So~c~h EIEn S~~~~:~.~~ a~ F~~r~o'11 ~~~n~uc~~ for~ Cc~~nn.eil ~ce~pt- ~cac:a, ~n ~xcF~ang~ fc~r c~arb ~n~ g~u~t~: r~.n~~~~~a~inn a3~ng th.~ E~m Str~et P1~n L~.n~ ~djac~n~ to ~h~.~i~ p~op~:~~~~~ ~t nc~ ca~t ~o ~h~: p~o~aer~~r o~n~r ~nc~ tra~~ tl~~ awne~ *.n~~ conn.~clt to th~ ~~xi~t~n,g ~r~t~r x~n~in fr:canting t~a.s p~op~r~~ orn ~1m S~r~~t with- o~nt angr wat~r ana~..n inst~ll..~~3c~n c~~~e~g~ 1~~afxa~ an~c~~ to t~^~~~ prop~~°t~ ~wn~~°o Aft~r Cc+azna3.1 di~e~ssion, Qn zn.s~tic°~n c~f Cu~nc~.l~r~s,nn :~c~l~;~~~~ ~~~,ra~d~d b~r Cm~.n~ilgn~~ T~ll,~y ~nd ~nna~n~isn~~a :1~r c~~x°r~~,~n~ G~~~n~ D~.~~:~ f~o~ ~ J~.~~~~ Ma GJ~ 113a~m~~ ,~T~ o~nd Ma~1.l~n J, W~.11i~an~ ~~nc~ I3~.~n~'Lc~ G. W,il l.ia~,~~, fu~r ~~y~~; ~~~3~~.tian fr~~r ~°oad p~arpe+ses, ~ po~^t~~n af ~at ~3 a~' P~,~~~nU ~~,~~~a G~~~~~.r~~, ~~~~.~,g; ~~.~1~~,~~ tl~~ ~l~n Str~~~t P1~n ~~.n~, an rta~ na~°t~rw~~~t~~r~y~ s Lc~~: of Sc:~~u~h E].m ~~r~~~t ~a~ F~~ra~.~. Av~r~rs~, ~r~~ ~cc~p~~d; ~nd th.~ M~.gror ~nd ~~.~t~ C1.~ark. va~;r~ ~~.tlanr:~,x~:,d tca ~i~n t'~~;t~ C~rt3,fic~t~ ~f Aac~pt~nc~; ~nd M~~+ur ~a~~ a~thc~~~i,~~,c~ tc? ~ign. ~.n ~~~~:~~c~~:,sxt 1b~~c~~^~xn C'~~ G~tq~ ~rn~ t'~~ prop~rty ~wr~~~s x°~g~r~ix~g c~rt~in off ~3g°~~~ ia~pre~r~~~n~ra'~~ ~,rac~ ~can~~:et~.~n tu ~x~i~t~rn~ water lin~, on ~1m ~~~°c~t at no ca~ t~to t~~ pr~~~:r. kgr esr~~.~°~ R N'~I'~~~ FRONT SLv.PP~TE~R - Rd7A17 ~T~~.~r~Y~~ ~RT~~~S F~'R ~9~T A.~rnin~.~~r~tor~ ~~,~u~ ~e~~6is~:a'l ~~~t ~ znat°~c~~~ ~~~n ~~::c~~.~~c~ f~r~~ ~~~c~n R~~dy~ M~x9 c~n~~ac~ s~pp'li~~~° ~~x~. Ci.~~ r~f °n~~:~~~1~, ~~vi~i.ng t~.~s~° 19~0 bid pr~e~s ~~n. b~ ~or~.~~r~~~e~ ~n ac~c~~~~~n.al ~p~n r~pp~°ov~~ of tk~s~ Ci~.g~ Co~n~il. ~f~~~ C~~~:~ci~. d.~scus~a~~~~ it ~,~~s ~~~~~d f~~~t~~1. ~~d~ ~~c~u~c~ ~a~1~c~ for ~h~ s~ppl~ Qf ~°o~d ~a~x ~n~t~~i~ls fa~ tY~~ C~t~ of ~~~o~~ G~~~c~~, fc~~ ~~a~ 19.31, CERTIFZCATES ~F CQMP~,ETTO~~ - P~~ICE ~XECLz~'IV~ D~VE~PM~i~°~ C~URS~ - C~ZEF R~CHARDSON Adm~nistr~~or Bustcl~ ~~port~c~ t~~.~ Crai~f ~f Pola.c~ J~~n Wo Ric~~r~~on ~aas s~~c~.~~f~11~ ecmtple~~d. c.~~rs~ i~n~~~r~a~~° of S~~t~n~x°n C~1~forn~~.~ Sctnool of Pu~'l~e Ad~ninistration~ ~.rz Pol:ic~ ~~~~~~i~r~ D~v~1~*p~~~t; ~n~ C~~tifi,c~,~~s c~f Completic~n 1~.~v~e~ b~~n ~s~~m~. ~o C'h~~f R~i~.~~~ctson frc~, L~ni~~~~it~ of S~r~t~ern Cal~,forni~. ~nc~ ~~e Cc~~znis~fon ~r~ P~.~.~~ C~~f~~~~° S~and~~°~~ ~nd T~a~r~~.ngo DISCI~~SZQ~' RE: SUGGESTED M~~G~,~ FOR CIT.I~E~VS ON ~:~T ~P~TT REQI~IIt~ME~`TS Disc~ssion was hele~ °~~g~r~~ng t~~ x1~~~. t~ p~°~v:id~: cit~,~~ns i.nter~st~d ~n div~d~ng p~°ap~r. ~y~ ~r~.kh ~ m~n~~1. ~f po~si~,l~ r~q~ir~:;m~nts tl~~.t zna~ b~ i~npos~a th~ M~no~ 5~~~~.~~~.~~.on Cc?~tan~~~~P.~, ~o comp`l~~ ~~it;~ C~.tg~~ S~~n~~.~ds m TYa~ Co~nc~~. ~gr~ed ~~icl~ ~~for~n~,~ion ~~~n1c~ b~ la~~.~f~~ial tc~ ~i~ti~~ns ~~d a~~~t~et~d Ae~~~~.n:~st~~~o~ B~tc~y ~o d.i.r~:ct t;~~ ca~pi~a.ng c~~ infa~na.~ion for C~~ax~c~l r~v~~w prior to l~~ing pl~.c~:~. in bsaaic~~=~~ fc~~i. ,r'1DJOUR~ME~IT On ~o~ion of Co~ancil~a~n Tali~~%~ ~~~conc~~d Cc~~~c~lt~~~r~ S~~T~g~l and ;~n~na~~~;~~s1g~ car~i~.~9 ~h~ an;'~tixxg ~~.jc~~~n~cl 1.0::3~ P,M~ , " ~ ~ r,~ ~ - 2~'"~ 'w ~;~'v`°"`~-` 1~~~'ES~I': ,.~,,..r~-~,,,~-~w~ti' _ - C I T LE ~r~ Mr~ YQR ~r~~ F , _ . , n