Minutes 1971-04-13 ~ITY COUNCIL APRIL 13, 1971 ARROYO GRAND~, CAL~F~JRNIA The City Counc~,J. met in regular session with Mayor Levine presiding. Upon ro11 call, Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood and Talley reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine lead the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Councilman Schlegel delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of March,23, 1971, were approved as preparede APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 805 through No. 877, in the total amount of $49,347.19 and Payroll Warrants No. 1403 through No. 1455, 3.n t~k~e total amount of $27,455.81, were approved and ordered paid. PROCLAMATION -"CALIFORNIA ECOLOGY WEEK~' - APRIL 18-24, 1971. Mayor Levine proclaimed the week of April 18 through 24, 1971 as "Califorriia Ecalogy Week" in the City of Arxoyo Grande, as requested by the California Jay- cees. PROCLAMATION -"AKROYO GRANDE CLEAN-UP WEEK" - MAY 3-7, 1971. Mayor Levine proclaimed May 3 through 7, 1971, as "Arroyo Grande Glesn-Up Week" as requested by the Arroyo Grande Chamber of Commerce, Beautification Committee. RECEIPT OF POCKET DIGEST OF S.L.O. COUNTY DEPARTMENT AND FUNCTIONS Administrator Butch distributed copies of a pocket digest covering the various departments and functions of San Luis Obispo County govert~ment, and reported that the County Administrative department has requested comments re- garding the digest prior to bulk production for general distributio~. RECEIPT OF ACTIVITIES REPORT & REQ. BUDGET CONS.IDER. FROM SLO CO. DEVELOP.ASSOC. Administrator Butch advised that a letter and an activities report has been received from Remy L. Hudson, President of the San Luis Obispo County Development Association, Inc., requesting Council consideration of financial assistance toward the operations of this association for 1971-72 fiscal year. The Council discussed and agreed this request would be considezed during the annual budget study sessions for the Gity: RECEIPT OF S.L.O. C0, FREE LIBRARY REPORT ON CIRCULATION AND COS'~ Copies of the County Librarian's Report on Circulation and Cost cover- ing the twenty branches within the County Free Library system and a report on Apparent Cost per Circulation by Branch Size, were received and reviewed by the Council. INVI~ATION TQ PARTIGIPATE IN LA FIESTA PARADE IN SLO - May__15, 1971. An invitation was received from the La Fiesta Parade Committee request- ing that the City Council participate in the parade to be held on Ma.y 15, 1971, in San Luis Obispo. Administrator Butch was instructed to notify the Parade Committee that the Council will participate in this event. NOTICE FROM P. G. & E. - RATE INCREASE FOR H/W LIGHTING & TRAFFIC CONTROL SERV. P.U.C. APPRQVED. Notice has been received from the Pacific Gas and Electric Co., advising that the Public Utilities Commission has approved new rate schedules for street lighting and traffic control services, which will involve an approxi, mate 5/o cost increase. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR MARCH, 1971 The Treasurer's Report for the month of Ma.rch, 1971, was not comple~ed at this time. DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT The Departmental report fo'r th~ month of March, 1971, was received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT ADOPTION OF THE 197Q,EDITION, UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, VOLUME 1 City Attorney Shipsey advised that for uniformity in the adoption of the updated Uniform Building Code, Volumes l, 2, 3 and 4, he would recommend that Cea}~ ~~??a t,,,~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 13th, 1971 ARROYO GRANllE, CALIFORNYA PAGE-2 each volu~e be adopted under its own ax~dinan~e and that the Uniform Building Code, Volume l, ordinan~e could be given its se~ond readin.g at this timeo After Council di~cussio~, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an ordinance adopting the 1970 ~dition~ Volume 1, Uniform Building Code, there- after a motion wa.s made by Coux~c~lman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimously carrfed, to disp~~se with reading the balance of thfs ordi- nance, ORDINANfCE ~0, 46 C<Se AN ORDII~TANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAI~IDE AMENDING SECTION 1 AND 2 OF GHAPTER 1 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE AND BY ADDII~TG SECTIONS 6 AND 7 THERETO RELATING TO THE UNIFORM'BUILDII~TG CODE. On motion of Councilwoman Th~rnpson, seconded by Councilman Talley and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYESo Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levineo NOES: Nonea ABSENT; None, the foregoing ordinance wa~ passed and adopted this l3th day of Apri1, 1971. ORDINANCE TO ADOPT 1970 EDITION, UBC, VOLUME II-UNIFQRM MECH, GODE-FIRST READING. Administrator Butch advised that thexe are no major changes in the 1970 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, Volume II, Uniform Mechanical Code and that all City Departmen.ts effected have recommended its adoption. After Council di.seussfon, City Administrator Butch read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance adopting,the 1970 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, Volume II, Uniform Mechanical Code, thereafter, a motion was made by Council- man Schlegel, seconded by Councilwornan. Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the bal~m~e of this ordinance, ORDINANCE TO ADOPT 1970 EDITION UBC VOLUME III - HOUSING - FIRST READING Administrator Butch advfsed that there are no major changes in the 1970 Editfon of the Uniform Building Code, Volume III, Housing, and that all City Departments effected have ~ecommended its adoptiono After Council discussion, Administrator Butch read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance adopting the 1970 Edition of the Uniform Building Gode, Volume III, Housing, thereafter, a motion was made by Coun~ilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance, ORDINANCE TO ADOPT 1970 EDITIOI~T UBC, VOLUME IV - DANGEROUS BLDGS. - FIRST READING. Administrator Butch advised that formerly Dangerous Buildings was a section of the Uniform Building Gode, Volume I, but that in the 1970 Edition of the Uniform Buflding Code, Dangerous Buildings is now contained in its own volume; and that all City Departments effected have recommended its adoptione After Council discussion, Administrator Butch read, for its first reading, the title of an ordinance adopting the 1970 Edition of the Uniform Building Gode, Volume IV, Dangerous Buildings, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of thfs ordinanceo PUBLIC HEAR.-REZONING CASE 11T0.71e45,ADJoTO BRANCH MILL RD,-E.CITY LIM.(GREENWOOD) Administrator Butch reviewed that a resolutfon had been received from the Planning Commission recommending the rezoning from R~AmB-3 to R-l, approxi~ mately 35 acres of property adjacent to Greenwood Manor, Tract No. 256, between Branch Mill Road and the Arroyo Grande Creek, as requested by the application submitted by Carl J, Greenwood. Upon being assured by City Clerk Miller that all requirements as provided by law regarding notification of hearing, have been complied with, Mayor Levine declared the hearing open and all persons tor or against the proposed rezoning would now be heard. Administrator Butch reported that a petition in favor of the proposed rezoning, signed by 48 persons, had been received, Mr, Robert W. Bramlage, 424 Greenwood Drive presented a petition agafnst the proposed rezoning, signed by 99 persons. 3~9 CITY COUNCIL APR~L 13th, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORIVIA PAGE 3 The following persons were pr~se~~ and spoke agai~~t allowing this re- zoning: Robert Wo Brarnlage, 424 G~~~~~~~d Dr.; Wm, M~Cann, 428 Tanner Lane; Paul Hernandez, Star Rto B~x 21; Roy Streetman, 466 Tanner Lane; Rea He Kirk, 427 Tanner Lane; Bill Whitecamp, 231 Soe Alp~ne Sta; Murl Greenelsh, 453 Tanner Lane; George Smith, 436 Greenwo~d Drive; Pat Bramlage, 424 Greenwood Drive; Shirley Loomis, 1120 Fl~~a Road; Matt Gallagher, 520 Leanna Ave,; Mrs. Robert McLean, 1204 Huas~a Road; B~b Goulart, 801 Opal Dre; Graydon Silva, 408 Greenwood Dr. and A1 Bachma~9 447 Coach Roada Carl J, Greenwood, appli- cant for the rezoning, was present and spoke in favor of allowing this re° zoningo Bob McLean, 1204 Huasna Road and Henry Alexander, 1200 Huasna Road, were advised that questions regarding property lines could not be ruled upon by the Council. Mr, Carl J, Greenwood, owner of the property proposed to be re- zoned, stated that he wa~ not awar~ that any problem existed regarding the property line and that he would be willing to discuss this matter with Mr. McLean and Mr, Alexandero There being no further discussfon for or against the rezoning, Mayor Levine declared the hearing closedo UPON BEING SO ADVISED BY CITY ATTORNEY SHIPSEY, COU~CILMAN WOOD STATED THAT HE HAS A FINANCIAL INT~REST IN THE PRO~ERTY PROPOSED FOR REZONING AND THERE- FORE ABSTAINED FROM ANY DISCUSSION AD1D ACTION REGARDING THIS MATTER. The Council discussed the need for ~ewers in this area and the possible health hazard which could develop if this area is rezoned R-1 and the pro- posed overall assessment district is turned down by the people at its public hearing, which is tentatively scheduled for July, 1971. After Cauncil discussion~ ~n motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and carried, Gouncil discussion of the proposed rezoning from R-A-B-3 to R-1 of approxim~tely 35 acres of property located adjacent to Tract No. 256, lying between Branch Mill Road and the Arroyo Grande Creek, was continued until the next regular meeting of the Council, to allow City Attorney Shipsey sufficient time to determine the time limit in which the Council must act upon rezoning applicatidns, which have been approved by the ' Planning Commission. MAYOR LEVINE DECLARED A RECESS AT 9:23 P.M. THE COUNGIL RECONVENED AT 9:31 P.M., W~TH ALL MEMBERS BEING PRESEIVT AS SH.OWN ON ROLL CALL. NNNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - ORDINAIVCE ADOPTION - BUSINESS LICENSES -AUCTION City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an ordinance amending the busi- ness license provisions of the Municipal Code relating to business license fees to be chax°ged for auctions being held in conjunction with and auctions being held not in conjunction with regularly operated business within the City, thereafter, a motion was made by Gouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Council- woman Thompson and unanimously carrfed, ~o di.spense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE I~IO. 47 C. S s AN ORDTI~IANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 1 OF TITLE 3 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO BUSII~IESS LICEIVSING WITHTN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDEm On motion of Councilman T~lley, secon.ded by Councilman Wood and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Memb~rs Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES; None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing resolution was p~.ssed and adopted this 13th day of April, 1971: ORDINANCE TO ADOPT 1970 EDITION OF THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE - FIRST READING Administr~tor Butch advised that there are no major changes in the 1970 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, and that all City Departments effected have recommended its adaptiono After Council d~scussion, City Attorney Shipsey ~ ~ ~"i CITY GOUi~TCIL APRIL 13tha 1971 ARROYO GRA~DE, ~ALIFORy~TIA PAGE 4 read, for it~ f~~s~ ~~ad~~g~ ~h~ ~~t~.1e ~f ~r~. ~r~d~~~~~~ ad~pt~~~ the 1970 Editfon of the U~iforrn Plumbir~~ G~r~~e th~~~~ft~r~ a~~~~o~ wa~ nraacl~ b~ ~~~~.cilman Schl~~~l~ s~~o~ded b~ ~~u~~~l~s~a~rnar~ Th~z~p~v~b ~~~~~m~~x~~~ ~arr~eda to dispense with readfng ~he bal~r~.~~ ~t ~~d~~~~~.~e NOTIFTCATIOl~T F"ROM LAFCO~HU~S~A RDa~"Oa2 ~"~I~EXo ~PPROV~D~~I~~~XaORDa~FIRST READING Admirai~tr~tc~~ Butc~h ~~pc~~~~~ th~t. o~~°~~~~Y ~lc~t~f~~a~~c~n ha~ `~eerc x°e~eived from the L~~al A~e~~~y ~~~~~t~~~ ~@~~~~~~~~ a~v~~~~g th~t Cit~ af Arro~o ~ Grande ~s autho~ized ~o ~~~pl~~~ Hua~~aa Rc~~c3 ~~0 2~~r~~x~ti~~ wa~thout further n.ati~ea hear~n~ or ~1~~~.~.r~~ pu~~~a~.t tea Se~~a~.~~~ .~4~~70~ ~f ~he Go~err~ment Code. After Cou~~~l c~i~~u~,~i~r~e Ci~y At~ar~~~ ih~p~~g~ ~°~~da fo~ its fir~t r~ading, the trtle of a~ c~~d~na.r~~~ ~~~pl~te ~~ec~~~~d~~~~ uv~ Hua~~.a R~ad ~Too 2 An~aexam tior~, th~r~~fter~ a m~~~c~.~ w~~ ~~de C~u~~~l~~~ ~~.~~~~~1~ s~~o~.d~d by G~uncil~ womax~ T~~gnp~o~ ar~d u~a~imc~~.~1.~ ~a~r~~~~ ~~s c~i~p~~~e ~r~th read~~.g the b~lance of thi~ ~rd~~ax~~~o REPORT OI~ REZO~TI~iG APFLI~AT~Oi~ F~~S &~ZTY CO~T ~OR APPLI~ATIO~ PROCE~SING Admi~ist~at~~ But~h ~ev~~w~~. r~p~~~~ ~~t~ci M~~~h lEa, 1971., prepared by Pla~.~.i~g Dix°~~~~~° Ga~..l~p ~ reg~rding ~u~°r~~~ f~~~ ~ha~~~c~ ~ the Gity and esti~- ~ated avex°ap;e ~f p~~~e~~~r~g rez~~~~r~~ appli~~,ti~~~e The r~zoning appli- ~cation fee i~ $7~o00 ~~cl th~ ave~°ag~ ~~gal pu~l~~~,t~~~ cha~g~~ are between $90000 and $95000; ~r~c~ th~ repcart r~~~m~~~d.er~ Pla~~~~~~g C~rrn~i~~~.~~a and City Couxncil eon~~d.~~a~~~ra ~r~ ~.n~~°e~~~~~~ t~~ app~i~~~fo~ ~o $100000 whf~h will more neax°ly cov~r ~he ~~~t ~f 1e~~~. p~b1~~~t~on~9 but wo~xld ~ot cover costs for ~taff time ~~~,d po~~a~~ £e~~ o Th~ Cc~ur~~~i1 d~~a~~~~ed a~~d ag~°eed that this m~tter be g~ven f~xrth~r ~o~.~~c~~~°~,~~~a~. w~~x~ ~~i~ va~~o~s zo~ing ~hanges are pre- sented for cons~.d~r~tic~~, LEGISLATIVE BULLETI~ FROM THE LEA.GL~E; OF CALT~OR~ITA ~ITIES Administratar° Bu~.~h ~~vi~~r~~ t~~ 1~t~~~ l~g~.~lative &~ull~ti~s re~eived frotn the Le~~u~ o~ Cal,~f~~~.~a C~~i~~. PACE LOT SPLTT REQUIR.~a PI~OPERTY D~:~:T~~.TTOI~ ~ GARDE~~T A.~VD MYRTLE STREETS Ad~ninist~°ato~ Bu~~~ ~ev~~~r~ci ~~~t ~~r. ~c~~,,~u~~ta~~rx w~tF~ approval of Lot Split Case Noa 71~12~ c~~y. G~~d~~ti ~c~~ M~y~fil~ S~x~~~t~~ ~~que~tecl ~y Vick Pacea he was requi~ed to dec~f~at~ t~ C~t~ a pa~~t~~re of his property for road purposeso Aft~~ ~~u~~il di~~us~~~~9 r~~t~~o~~ o~ C~unc~lwoman Thcamp~on, seconded by ~C~un~~lman Schle~~1 ancl u~a~~~~u~1y ~arried,the Grant Deed from Vick Pa~e and B~x~~ie La Pa~~ f~r th~ dec~~~°~t~~n f~~° ~°oacl purposes ~ that portion of Lot 19 caf S~eel~"~ Re~ubd~~~~~~r~ e~~ p~rt r~f Ra~;c~h~~ Gorr~1 De Piedra~ Pismo and Bol~a De C~a~i~al~ r~ra~ a~~~~ptecl a~,d t~~ M~~a~ ~n.d City C~e~°k w~re author-- ized ta ~~gn t~i~ ~~~t~fi~a~~ o~' A~~ept.a~~e c~~ ~Lehal£ of the Cityo RECEIPT OF MI~UTE~ OF° THE GOASTAL V~~i~EX PL[~~3I~G GOUI~CIL M~ETING 3~1m71 The minut~~ c~f" the Goa~~~,1 V~1.1~y P1~~~~x~~ ~~un~il m~~t~n~ of March 1, 1971, w~re x°ece~ved bg~ Gou~.c~i~ ~,~~yd, ~~der~d ~~l~da RE~EIPT OF MI~T[TT~,~ OF TH~ :PARK~ & I3~So IMF'ROVo AREA AD~IISOKY BDa 3/2 & 3/3/71 The m~nut~~ o~ t~ae P~~~ir~~ a~~ ~~z~~r~~~~ Ianp~~~v~~~~~t Ax°~a Advisory Board meetings of M~,~°~~ 2~,~.c~ 3~ ~ 971 ~ w~~~ ~°e~e~v~d b~ ~h~ ~~~.~~~~1, ~°eviewed and ordered f~ledo A.d.~~~.i~~~~~e~~° B~~~h ~~~pcsa~~~ ~~hat ~h.e Adv~~ory Baard wishes to me~t with th.e Go~~~i1 tc~ d~~~u~~ ~~e p~~Ic~n.~ ~mp~~ve~n~nt distri~t; and Apri1 2$, T971 7o0Q PoMo ha~ b~~~ ~~r~~~~~v~l~ ~~hec~ul~do The Coun~il dis- cus~ed and agre~d ~.o ~~~t r~~th ~h~ Pa~~~~~ a~d B~x~~~ess Impx°ov~ment Area Advisory Board b~for.~ th~ ~~i~.~ ~n~~~i~,~ c~f th~ C~un~il ~,nd Pa~ks and Recreation Commission c~n. Ap~~l 2$g 19710 RECEIPT OF' A~TI~UAL REPORT OF F'II~A~~T.A~, 'TR,A~~ACTIO~TS OF CALI~ORNIA CITIES -1969-70 Admix~rstra~c~r But~h ~epo~~~c1 tha.t ~~p~ c~f the Anr.~ua~ Repv~°t of Financial Transactions con.~e~r~ir~~; G~ti~~ o~ C~,Yi~~~~,~a~ ~or Fis~al Ye~r 1969-70, were received fx°om Hc~u~t~~ I~ Flca~~°~.c~y~~ Sta~e C~~~,t~c~ller, ~~,d ~re ~n file at the , Gity Hall. RECEIPT OF A~fI~UAL REPORT QF T~iE STAT~ BOAR.D OF' EQUALIZATIO~T m 1969-70 Administ~at~r But~h ~.dvfs~d tl~~t ~~p~,~~ c~f th~ A~.nu~~ R~port on Sales Tax and other Board Fu~~t~c~r~.~~ ~"o~ ~~~~~1 Yea~ 1969~70a were re~eived from the State Boa~d ~f Equaliz~ti~~~ ~r~d a~°~ c~ ~i1e at the City Halla NOTICE OF COMMo MEET, TO RE;VI:FW GHA?~GES I~; AMBAG BY-LAWS & JOI.NT POWERS AGREE, Admin~,~tratox° Bu~~h adv~~ed th~~ ~~~p~ c~£ ~h~~ p~°wp~sed char~~es in AMBAG by-laws and joint powe~°~ agx°e~z~~~,t have l~e~x~ re:~eived and that a meeting to consider same has 1ae~n. ~~h~d.~xl~d ~or Ap~zl 218 19`71, in Watso~ville, which CITY COUNCIL APRTL 13, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 primarily involves San Benito, Santa Glara an.d Monterey Coun.ties, with San Luis -0bispo County being.included as a nonmvoting member at this timee Repre~ sentatives from the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisor~ plan to attend this meeting and Taill advise the cities of the proceedings, SEMI-ANNUAL JOINT MEETING m COUNCIL & PARKS AND RECItEATION COMMISSION 4-28°71 The Gouncil agreed to meet in joint session with the Park~ and Recreation Commission, as the Commission requested at $:00 P.Me, April 28, 1971, RECEIPT OF TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM ACTIVITIES FROM STATE OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY Administrator Butch advised that a report has been received from the State Office of Traffic Safety, summarizing some of ~he Traffic Safety Programs carried on by various cities within the State; and the report is on file at City Halle ORAL REPORT ON RECENT G0. WATER RES,ADV.COMM,MEETING - COUNCILWOMAN THOMPSON Councilwoman Thompson gave an oral report on the April 7, 1971, meeting of the County Water Resources Advisory Committee, general discussion was held on the County Master Water Plane ORAL REPORT ON ZONE 3 ADVISORY GOMMITTEE MEETING OF 4-8°71 Councilman Schlegel orally reported on the Zone 3 Advisory Committee meeting of April 8, 1971, stating the Committee has forwarded the proposed Water Shed Ordinance to the San Lufs Obispo County Board of Supervisors with the recommendation that the ordinance be adoptede PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT City Attorney Shipsey reported that he has been advised by HUD officials that ari additional resolution adopted by the Council, would be necessary to meet certain federal regulatio~.s in xelation to complying.with the Land Acquisition Requirements, in connection with real property acquisition, After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a xesolution re- lative to-the uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition policies, thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution, RESOLUTTON N0. 933 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GR,ANDE RELATIVE TO BINDER WITIi RESPECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAND ACQUISITION REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM RELOCATION ASSISTANCE ADID REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION POLICIES OF 1970. On motion of Councilwoman Thompsmn, seconded by Councilman Talley and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. NOES: None. ABSENT: None< the foregoing.resolution was passed and adopted this 13th day of Apri1, 1971. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT, Copies of the Chief P1ant Operator's Report for the month of Mar~h, 1971, and the Quarterly Financial Report for the Distriet were received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. SPECIAL MEET.CALLED-CHANNEL COUNTIES DIV. OF LEAGUE OF CAL,CITIES 4-30 71 Administrator Butch reported that a letter has been received from Council- man A. R. Coates, Jr., af Carpenteria, who is also president of the Channel Counties Division of the League of California Cities, calling.a special meet- ing of the division to discuss proposed state legislation regarding coastal lands control. Discussion was held regarding the proposed state controls and Mayor Levine advised that he would attend this special meeting and express this Council's opinion on this matter. RECEIPT OF STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE DIVIDEND 1968-69 POLICY YEAR, Administrator Butch advised that the City has received its annual divi- dend check from the State Compensation Insurance Fund, in the amount of $4,875.75 and advised that tl~is ~.m,ounted to a 48% dividend on the total pre- mium paid for the policy year 1968-69, 3~f CITY COUNCIL APRIL 13~ 1971 ARROYO GRADIDE, CALIFORIVIA PAGE 6 I~OTICE OF HEARING m REGULATIOIV 1 AIlt POLLUTIOIV CONTROL RULES & REGULATIOI~T - COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 4m12m71a Notice has been receiv~d th~.t the S~.n Lu~s Obi~po County Board of Super~ visors will hold a publi~ hearing c~n. Apr~l 12, 1971 at ~0000 AoMa to ~onsider the adoption of Regulation l, Air Pollution Control. Rules a~d R~gulation for the County of San Luis Obispoo RECEIPT OF PETITIOIV PROTESTII~IG TIiE BA~TNING OF TRASH BURIVII~TG IN ARROYO GRANDE Councilwoman Thompson. submitted a petitfon, signed by 115 residents of Arroyo Grande, protesting the banning af trash burning i~ Arx°oy~ Grande, The Council discussed r~ce~pt of the petitio~ and instru~ted Administrator Butch to forward the petftion tc~ the San Luis Obi~po County Board of Supervisors, as the Air Polluti~n Con.~ro1 Rules and Regulations will be adopted and admin- ister~d through the Board of Supervisors. The total banning of rubbish burn- ing was cliscussed further an.d Administrator Butch was instruc~ed to wrfte to the San Luis Obfspo County Bmard of Supervisors, x°equesting that the Board consider allowing burning of vegetation rubbish one or two days per montho REQUEST OF COUNCILMAN WOOD FOR PERMISSION TO BE OUT OF STATE, On motion of Cou~~ilman Talley, seconded by Couneilman Schlegel and unani- mously carried., the requ~~t of Cou~.cilman Wood for permission to be out of the State of California from April 24, 1971 to May 4, 1971, was approved. AUTHOR, MAYOR TO SIGN VARIFIED COMPLAII~TT FOR COI~TDEM DEP,REFUND~HoLADWIG 1961 Administrator But~h repox°ted that in 1961 the City ~i1ed condemx~ation proceedings in conjunction with R~na Street Improvement Di~trict and had deposfted $855000 in this actio~~ the matter of condemnation was settled out of court9 but the deposit w~.s never released and returned to the Cftye Gity Attor~ey Shipsey requested Council authorization to file the neeessary docu- ~ent so that the deposit will be returned to the Citya After Council dis- cussion, on motion of Councilwoman Thompsor~, seeonded by Councilman Schlegel, and unanimously carrfed, the Mayor was authorized to sign a varified complaint and the City Attorney was instructed to file the complaint, which will enable the County of San Luis Obispo to refund to the City certain moneys dep~sited for condemn~.tion purposes in February, 1961, RECEIPT OF FRA.I~TCHISE PAYMENT FROM PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Mx°, Charles Richmond, representative of Pacific Gas and Electric Go, present~d to the Gounefl a check in the amount of $2,536013 for th~ franchise payment for the calenda~ year 1970o The Coure~il accepted the check and thanked Mra ~tfehmond for presenting samea ADJOURNMENT On mot~on of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimously car~°ied, the meeting adjourned at 10058 P,M, until 7°00 P,M., April l9, 1971, _ ,l ~ ATTESTa ~ „ ' _ ~ ~~TY ~LERK MAYOR CITY COUIVCIL APRIL 19,.1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7000 P,M, The City Council met fn adjourned regular session with Mayor Levine pre~ sidinga Upon roll call, Council Members Schlegel, Thompson., Wood and Talley reported presento ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Gouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Gouncilwoman Thompsorc and unanimously carried, the Council adjour~ecl to executive session to discuss personnel matters, RECONVENMEI~T The Council reconvened at 9.59 P,M, with all members present as shown on ro11 callo ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilmax~ Talley, seconded by Coun~ilman Wood and unani- mously carried., the meeting adjourned at 10a00 PaM. ~ . , , - - r ~ r~~ ~ ~ , ATTE S T v~l s~ .~ti'n.~i~ ~ ' ~ ~~,~~-z-rU~~ ~ ~ ~ u DEPUTY CITY CLERK MA OR