R 3511 RESOLUTION NO. 3511 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FIXING WATER FACILITIES FEES AND ADOPTING A SCHEDULE EST ABLlSHIHG PEAK HOUR TRIPS FOR SPECIFIC RESIDENTIAL AND NONRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR IMPLE'-'ENT A TION OF ITS TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES FEES WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance 525 C.S. consolidating into a single article of the Arroyo Grande Municipal Code (Article 6, Chapter 2, Title 3) provisions regarding development impact fees for fire protection, police facilities, community centers, park improvements, water facilities, traffic signalization and transportation facilities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance 525 e.s., the Council may by resolution set the amount of said development impact fees and intends hereby to set the amount of water facilities fees; and WHEREAS, the Council further int~nds hereby to establish a schedule of peak hour trips for specific residential and non-residential development, which will be used to calculate transportation facilities fees in a more equitable manner. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande hereby adopts the fees and fee schedules set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. This Resolution $hall take effect sixty (60) days after its adoption per Government Code Section 66017. On motion of Council Member Ferrara seconded by Council Member Lubin and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councit Members Ferrara, Lubin, Runels, Dickens, and Mayor lady NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of March, 2001. -------- ------ --~-.- RESOLUTION NO. 3511 PAGE 2 MI:AE~ ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ~ ~~ S V N ADAMS, CITY MANAGER APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTORNEY -' EXHIBIT "A" Definitions: Development Types -Residential and commercial development divided into sub-categories. Units of Development - A standard measure of the cost to provide services. The acre is the fundamental unit measure, which is divided into a smaller component, the dwelling unit (DU). Asset Cost Per Acre - The calculated cost to provide additional services/facilities to new development. Calls Per Unit - The number of yearly additional police calls generated by new development. Facility Cost Per Call - The cost per call to expand current police facilities to accommodate new development. Persons Per Unit - The number of persons expected to reside in the unit of development. Costs Per Capita - The cost of new or additions to the current community center, on a per person basis, to maintain the current level of service of recreation facilities. Impact Fee Per Unit - The fee to be levied per unit of development in order to recover future cost of new or expanded facilities. (a) Fire Protection Fees: Impact Fees per Unit of Development-Fire Protection Development Units of Acres Asset Cost Impact Fee Type DeveloDment Per Unit Per Acre Per Unit Residential-Estate Acre 2.50 $1,211.67 $3,029.17 Residential-Hillside/Rural DU 1.00 1,211.67 1,211.67 Residential-Suburban DU 0.40 1,211.67 484.67 Residential-Single-FamilyNillage DU 0.20 1,211.67 242.33 Residential-Planned Development DU 0.33 1,211.67 399.85 Residential-Multi-Family DU 0.09 1,211.67 109.05 Commercial-General Acre 1.00 1,211.67 1,211.67 Commercial-Village Acre 1.00 1,211.67 1,211.67 Commercial-Highway Acre 1.00 1,211.67 1,211.67 Office-Professional Acre 1.00 1,211.67 1,211.67 Industrial-Light Manufacturing Acre 1.00 1,211.67 1,211.67 r I -" --~-- ~ (b) Police Facilities Fees: Impact Fees per Unit of Develot ment-Police Facilitv Fees Development Units of Calls Facility Cost Impact Fee Type Development Per Unit Per call Per Unit Residential-Estate DU 0.25 $ 101.15 $ 25.29 Residential-Hillside/Rural DU 0.25 101.15 25.29 Residential-Suburban DU 0.25 101.15 25.29 Residential-Single-FamilyNillage DU 0.58 101.15 58.67 Residential-Planned Development DU 0.81 101.15 81.93 Residential-Multi-Family DU 1.32 101.15 133.52 Commercial-General DU 43.11 101.15 4,360.57 Commercial-Village Acre 25.26 101.15 2,555.05 Commercial-Highway Acre 23.90 101.15 2,417.48 Office-Professional Acre 1.24 101.15 125.43 Industrial-Light Manufacturing Acre 0.68 101.15 68.78 (c) Community Center Fees: er Unit of Develo ment-Communit Centers Units of Persons Costs Impact Fee Develo ment Per Unit Per Ca ita Per Unit Agricultural Acre 2.80 $ 33.21 $ 92.99 Residential-Estate DU 2.80 33.21 92.99 Residential-Hillside/Rural DU 2.80 33.21 92.99 Residential-Suburban DU 2.80 33.21 92.99 Residential-Single-FamilyNillage DU 2.80 33.21 92.99 Residential-Planned Development DU 2.80 33.21 92.99 Residential-Multi-Family DU 2.80 33.21 66.42 (d) Park Improvement Fees: er Unit of Develo ment-Park 1m rovement Fees Units of Persons Costs Impact Fee Develo ment Per Unit Per Ca ita Per Unit Residential-Estate DU 2.80 $ 573.08 $ 1,604.63 Residential-Hillside/Rural DU 2.80 573.08 1,604.63 Residential-Suburban DU 2.80 573.08 1,604.63 Residential-Single-FamilyNillage DU 2.80 573.08 1,604.63 Residential-Planned Development DU 2.80 573.08 1,604.63 Residential-Multi-Family DU 2.00 573.08 1,416.16 I ! I (e) Water Facilities Fees: Impact Fees Based on Meter Size Meter Size Impact Fee 5. h 3. h $ 630 "8 InC - 4 InC 1 inch 1,050 1 ~ inch 2,100 2 inch 3,360 3 inch 6,300 4 inch 10,500 6 inch $ 21,010 (f) Traffic Signalization Fees: er Unit of Develo ment- Traffic Si nals Units of Pk. Hr. Trips Cost Per Pk. Impact Fee Develo ment Per Unit Hr. Tri Per Unit Residential-Estate DU 1.20 $ 445.56 $ 534.67 Residential-Hillside/Rural DU 1.00 445.56 445.56 Residential-Suburban DU 1.00 445.56 445.56 Residential-Single-FamilyNillage DU 1.00 445.56 445.56 Residential-Planned Development DU 1.00 445.56 445.56 Residential-Multi-Family DU 0.70 445.56 311.89 Commercial-General DU 49.00 445.56 21,832.20 Commercial-Village Acre 49.00 445.56 21,832.20 Commercial-Highway Acre 32.00 445.56 14,257.77 Office-Professional Acre 21.60 445.56 9,623.99 Industrial-Light Manufacturing Acre 12.00 445.56 5,346.66 (g) Transportation Facilities Fees: A person seeking to construct a residential or non-residential development project shall pay transportation facilities fee of $1,216.21 per peak hour trip generated by such development project. To determine peak hour trips generated by a development project, the City Engineer, or his/her designee, will refer first to the schedule of peak hour trips and traffic fees for specific residential and non- residential uses set forth below. If the specific proposed use is not identified on this schedule, the City Engineer, or his/her designee, will refer to the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) most recent "(Not So) Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region." If the peak hour data is absent from both of these schedules, the applicant may be required to submit a traffic study or other factual data which demonstrates the traffic impacts of the proposed development project, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. _.._~_..__.._- - ---_._----_.-.._~--_._- SCHEDULE OF PEAK-HOUR- TRIPS AND TRAFFIC FEES FOR SPECIFIC RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL USES Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak: hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak: hour trip = $1,216.21 RESIDENTIAL (per dwelling unit) Rural Residential (average 1-2 DU acre) 1.20 1,459.45 Single Family Detached (average 3-6 DU/acre) 1.00 1,261.21 Second Residential Unit 1.00 1,261.21 Multi-family (Condominium) 0.80 972.97 Multi-family (Apartments) 0.54 656.75 Mobile Home (Family) 0.55 668.92 Mobile Home (Adults only) 0.30 364.86 Retirement Community 0.28 304.05 Congregate Care Facility 0.16 194.59 GOVERNMENT (per thousand square feet) Civic Center 3.60 4,378.36 Post Office CentrallWalk-in only 6.30 7,762.12 Community (not including mail drop lane) 18.00 21,891.78 Community (w/mail drop lane) 30.00 36,486.30 Mail drop lane only 180.00 218,917.80 Department of Motor Vehicles 18.00 21,891.78 OFFICE (per thousand square feet) Standard Commercial Office 2.80 3,405.39 Office Park 1.56 1,897.29 Single Tenant Office 2.10 2,554.04 Corporate Headquarters 1.19 1,447.29 Medical-Dental Office 5.50 6,689.16 INDUSTRIAL (per thousand square feet) IndustriallBusiness Park 1.92 2,335.12 Industrial Park (no commercial) 0.84 1,021.62 Manufacturing! Assembly 0.80 972.97 Warehousing 0.75 912.16 Storage 0.18 218.92 Science Research & Development 1.28 1,556.75 SHOPPING CENTERS (per thousand square feet) Super Regional (>60 acres) 3.60 4,378.36 Regional (30-60 acres) 4.50 5,472.95 Community (10-30 acres) 7.00 8,513.47 Neighborhood (<10 acres) 12.00 14,594.52 ---- ---~_..- ----..-----.-- . Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak hour trip = $1,216.21 COMMERCIAL SHOPS (per thousand square feet) Specialty Retail/Strip Commerci~1 3.60 4,378.36 Electronics Superstore 5.00 6,080.05 Factory Outlet 3.60 4,378.36 Supennarket 15.00 18,243.15 Drugstore 9.00 10,945.89 Convenience Market (15-16 hours) 40.00 48,648.40 Convenience Market (24 hours) 63.00 76,621.23 Convenience Market (w/gasoline pumps) 59.50 72,364.50 Discount Club 5.40 6,567.53 Discount Store 4.80 5,837.81 Furniture Store 0.54 656.75 Lumber Store 2.70 3,283.77 . Home Improvement Superstore 3.20 3,891.82 HardwareIPaint Store 5.40 6,567.53 Garden Nursery 4.00 4,864.84 RESTAURANTS (per thousand square feet) Fast Food (with drive through) 45.50 55,337.56 Fast Food (without drive through) 49.00 59,594.29 Sit Down, High Turnover 12.80 15,567.49 Sit Down, Low Turnover (quality) 8.00 9,729.68 FINANCIAL SERVICES (per thousand square feet) Bank/Savings and Loan (walk-in only) 12.00 14,594.52 Bank/Savings and Loan (with drive-through) 20.00 24,324.20 OTHER LAND USES (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted) Church (quadruple rates for Sunday or days of Assembly) 0.72 875.67 General Hospital (per bed) 1.70 2,067.56 Convalescent/Nursing (per bed) 0.21 255.40 Bus depot 25.00 30,405.25 RECREATIONAL (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted) Bowling Center 3.30 4,013.49 Campground 0.32 389.19 Golf Driving Range 6.30 7,662.12 Movie Theater (per seat) 0.14 170.27 Multi-purpose (miniature golf, video arcades, batting cages, etc.) 5.40 6,567.53 Health Club 2.70 3,283.77 Tennis Court 1.76 2,140.53 Sports Facility - outdoor stadium (acre) 50.00 60,810.50 Sports Facility - indoor arena (acre) 30.00 36,486.30 --------- ~--- Highest AM or PM Traffic Land Use Categories Peak hour trips Fees ($) 1 Peak hour trip = $1,216.21 AUTOMOBILE (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted Car Wash Automatic 81.00 98,513.01 Self-serve 8.00 9,729.68 Gas Station 13.95 16,966.13 WithlFood Mart/Car wash (per pump) Sales (Dealer & Repair) 4.00 4,864.84 Auto Repair Center 2.22 2,699.99 Auto Parts Sales 6.00 7,297.26 Quick Lube 4.00 4,864.84 Tire Store 2.75 3,344.58 CEMETERY (acre) 5.00 6,081.05 EDUCATION PUBLIC OR PRIVATE (per thousand square feet unless otherwise noted) University - 4years (acre) 10.00 12,162.10 Junior College 2.16 2,627.01 High School 3.12 3,794.58 Middle/Junior High 3.60 4,378.36 Elementary 3.92 4,767.54 Day Care Center (per child) 0.90 1,094.59 Library 5.00 6,081.05 LODGING (per room) Hotel (w/convention facilities/restaurant) 0.80 972.97 Motel 0.81 985.13 Resort Hotel 0.56 681.08 Bed and Breakfast 0.28 340.54 *Land Use Categories identified in this schedule are primarily based upon "San Diego Traffic Generators" . Other sources used include the "Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual". If there is a question about the type of use, the City Engineer will refer to this manual for additional clarification. Peak hour trips based on square feet unless otherwi~ stated. RESOLUTION NO. 3511 OFFICIAL CERTIFICATION , I, KELLY WETMORE, Director of Administrative Services/Deputy City Clerk of the, City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby ~rtify under penalty of perjury, that Resolution No. 3511 is a true, full, ' and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande on the 27th day of March, 2001. ' WITNESS my hand and the Seal' of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed, this, 30th day of March, 2001. .<, " - , ,. : ";, " . ilJJJ.A.--G..- f ,; .~' ..' MORE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESI . . DEPUTY CITY CLERK . 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