Minutes 1971-05-24 405 CIT~" COUNCIL MAY 24, 1971 AR~Q~O GR4.NDE, CALIFORNIA 3a30 P.M, The Gity Counc~l met in ~djourned r~~~1a~° session w~th Mayor L~vine presid~ ing, Upon ro11 call, Council Meinb~r~ S~hi.~gel9 Thompson, Wood and Talley rem ported present, BUDGET STUDY SESSION - The City Cou~cil and Administr~tox° Buteh contix~ued discussi~n ~nd x°eview of the Preliminary 1971m72 Muni~ipal Budget and x°ev~,ewed the Su~nar~ of Estimated Revenue & Expenditur~s portions thereofo The E~tima~ed Expenditures, by depax°t~ ment, were studied and discussed from Pag~ 1, City Coune~l, through Page 20, Ele~tiono Th~ Council agreed that the next budget st~d ~ ses~ion be tex~t~tively scheduled for 7a00 PaMe, June 7, 1971a ADJOURNNI~NT On znotion of Councilm~n Talley, seeondecl by Coun~ilman Wood and unanfmously carried, the meeting adjourn~d at 10:45 ~"aMo , . ~ ~N ______fi___ • r _ - ,z ATTESTa ~..t~,:~#~ ,..C-~.~'~ i,~'F-~--°---._ DEPUTY CITY CLERK ~ MA OR CITY COUNCIL MAY 25, 1971 ARROYO GRAI~TDE, CALIFORI~IIA The City Council met rxx regular ses~fon with Mayor Levine presidingo Upon roll call, Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood a~d Talley reported present, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine lead the Pledge of Allegi~.~.ce to our Flag; an.d immediately thereafter, Councilman Schlegel delivered the inv~catfon, APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meetimg of May 11, 19~1 and the adjourned regu~ lar meeting of May.17, 1971 were approved as prepareelo APPROVAL OF WARRAI~ITS On motion. of C;ouncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwom~n Thompson and unani- mously carried, General Warrants Noo 968 through ~Toe 1003, in the total amount of $35,311095; Payroll Warrants No, 1659 through Noo 1~09, in the total amount of $12,293041; and Trust and Agency Warrants Noo 1413 through Noo 1434 in the total amount of $1a10b,58, were approved and ordered paid, NOTICE OF LEAGUE CHAlQNEL GOUIVTIES DIVIS:rON MEETIIVG AT PORT AUENEME, 6~~+°71 Notice has been received advising that the next meeting of the League of California Cities Channel Counties Division will be held in Port Hueneme on June 4th., 1971 e REQ~JEST FRQM S0, COUNTY SANITARY SERVICE, INC., FOR RATE II~TCREASEo Administrator Butch read a lettex° from the South County Sanitary Service, Inc,, x~equesting the Council take undex° coresideration a review of the existing disposal service rate structure for the purpose of increasing charges, as it has been approximately five years since a change in rates was made and the in- cr~ase in eosts, i,e<,.labor, insurance, equipment, clumping, etca, lias made the rate increase request necessaryo Administrator Butch also advised that a proposed rate schecdule had been submitted with the letter, Mra Gattaneo was present and discussed the request and proposed rates with the Council, and after discussion, fihe Couneil requested t~iat Mro Cattaneo submit ~ operating costs com- parison report for the last five year perfod for Council review and considera- tion of his requestm REQUEST FROM WOODS' ANIMAL SHELTER FOR RATE II~CREASE OF 15% PER MO~VTH, EFF.7-1°71 Administrator Butch read a letter from Woods° Animal Shelter, requesting a rate increase of 15% per month, effective July l, 1971, The Council revier~ed that this iteYn would be discussed on June 8,:1971, when the Mayors would me~~ ~ith the C~unty Board.of Sup~rvisors, and it was agreed that no action t~~ t~k~:n until the results ~f this meeting have been obt~ined, ORDINANCE ADOFTI~~ ~ HUASNA ROAD NOo2 ANNEXATI~~ Administratc~r Butch reviewed that discus~ion regarding the adoption o~ this annexation ordinance was held ove~ until a flz~l Gouncil was present, ar~d