Minutes 1971-06-08 CITY COUNCIL JUl~IE 7, 1971 ARROYO GRA~TD~, CALIFORI~IIA 7 e 00 P, Ma The City Council met in ad~~ux°~~d re~ul~r s~s~io~ w~th Mayor Lev~~e pres~d~ ing. Upon roll call Cour~c~l Membe~~ S~hleg~l~ Thompso~, C~~od ~and Talley, rem ported presento STUDY SESSIOI~ m PROFOS~D ORDI.I~TA~~E CO~TROL~II~TG WATER WELL DRILLII~G WITHii~ CITYo The Cou~cil reviewed and d~scuss~d th~ p~oposecl ~,rat~~° w~ll drilling ~orn~ trol ox°d~x~~nce and generally a~r~ed that the ~e~d for su~~ ordir~an~e was imperat~ve to prote~t the Arroyo Grande VaZl~~ water basin a~d the City'~ wat~r ri~hts withi~ th~ basino Admi~~st~at~r But~h r,~ras ~n.stru~t~cl to have prem par~d a final draft of the ordinan~e to ir~dica~e the ame~dment~, ~dditiox~~ a~d deletion~ as d~~~~ted by the Coun~ilo BUDGET STUDY SES~IO~ Th~ City Coun~il and Administ~ato~ Butch continued discus~~o~ ancl r~view of th~ Prelim~nary 1971m72 Mu~.icipal Budget from Page 21, Poli~e P~ot~~tiort, through Page 62, Lopez Wat~r Contz°act, whi~h ~o~xcluded review of the proposed budgetm The ~oune~l instructed Admini~trator But~h ~o pr~pa~e a revised budget show~.ng all additions, deletior~~ and am~ndmerats as d~re~tedo ADJOURI~IMEI~TT TO A~1 EXEGUTIVE SESSTON. On motion of Cour~cilwoman Thompson, seconded by Coixncilman Schleg~l, ~nd unanimously carried, the meeting was adjc~urned to_an Executive Session at 10:05 PaMo RECOI~V~NEMENT The Council reconven~d at 10034 I~eMA with all members present as showri on ~°oll ~all e ADJOURI~MEI~TT On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and u~~.nimously ~arried, th~ meeting adjourr~ed ~.t 10:35 P.M. ? ~ ~ ATTEST° ~ DEPU C ~RK ~ MAYOR CITY COUNCIL JUNE 8, 1971 ARROYO GRAI~IDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Levine presiding, Upon roll call, Coun~il Members Schlegel, :.rhompsoxn, Wood and Talley reported present, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAI~TCE AND INVOCA'~ION Mayo~ Levine lead t.he Pledge of Alle~iance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, ~oun~ilman Schlegel deliver~d the invocati.ono APPROVAL OF MI~UTES ' Th~ m~nutes of the ~djourned regular meeting of May 24, 1971 and the regu~ lar meeting of May 25, 1971, were approved as preparedo APPROVAL OF° WARRAI~TS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by ~ouncilwoman Thompson and unanimously car~ied, General War~ants Noo 1004 through Noo 1046, in the total amount of $22,999003; and P~.yroll Warrants Noo 1710 th~°ough No, 1'780, in the total amount of $14,513.68, were approved and ordered paido CORRES~ FROM G.R._R.EILLY, MEMBER STATE BD.OF EQUAL. SUGGE~TED.12 PT. TAX REFORMS Admin~strator Butch reported, as information only, that a copy of corres- pondence dix°~cted to Goverr~or Reg~.n, has b2en rec~ived from George R. Reilly, Member of the Stat~ Bo~.rd of Equalization, First Dist~°ict, outlining a twelve point tax refoY°m p~°ogram and urging Governor Reagan to consider his suggestionso LETTER FROM SAI~TTA MO~TICA~SUPP.OPPOSo S.B.249 REoMANDATORY RETIRE.CHUS.MISC,MEMBERS Administrato~° Butch ~°epo~t~d th~,t corre~pondernce has been received from the City of Santa Monica, obje~ting to tl~e inclu~ion of City employees in Senate Bi11 249 on a mandatory b~.si~ and request~d Council support in opposing thfs legislation, The Couneil discu~sed a~d ~~reed no action be taken ox~ this matter at this time as this bi11 has been cansidered and recommended by the League of Californ.ia Cities, ~ ~ ~ C~'TY COLT~C~L JU~~ 8~ 1971 ~~'ROITO GItL~~D~, C~L7C~0~~~~~ 1?~~E ~ ~ETTER ~KOM U~Ll~~~B ~ ~IIFPa L,~GI~~~1T~;O~~i R~, T~~ ~I;~TRo BY ~Q~'UL~TIO~ Ac~~~~~~~~~~t~~ B~~~h ~~p~~tec~ ~h~~ ~co»~~~p~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e~ ~~om the C~~~~ Upl~~~~ ~°~c~~~~~~~~ ~h~~ ~~~_~c~~~ ~~pp~rt p~~p~~~~ 1~~~~1~~~~~ ~rh~~h ~r~~l p~~v~d~ ~h~ ~~,~t~a~~~~~~~ ~f T~~ r~~ll~~t~~~~ p~pu~~t~~~ r~t~t~~ ~h~r~ th~ ~~i~~c~ ~~t~~ C~~~s~~l ~~~~~~~~,e~~~ Ad~i~~~t:~~t~~ B~t~h ~~~t~u~t~d t~ ~bt~~~a ~d~i~i~~~~ ~~~~r~~~~o~~ t.~i~~ ~r~~,~~~~ ~~~c~~ ~d Gou~~~,I ~~tt~~~, Ao G, r'~:~SE^~:B. RAI~BOw' ~I;R.Ts~ & t~ItT~QYQ VAL~~Y yNILT~TA~"G~1~ C~LTJB 1ZEm ~~E ~Xm FTIZEG~OIZI~ I~IC o ~~~i.~~~t~~~~r But~h ~c~~r~~~~ th~t L~~~~~~ h~,v~ ~~~~:~v~~ ~'h~ ~~r~y~ G~~~d~ R~i~~~b~~ G~~I.~ A~s~~n.~L}~ ~OC~ tl~c~ A~~~~~~ V~1~~~ M~c~t~~~~~s Cl~b~ ~e~ qu~~t~~.~ ~~~~pt t~n~%~,~s~ 1~~~v~~~~ ~~~,c~ ~~~~r~~~~~o Aft~~ C•~~~~~.~. e~i~~:~s~i~r~~ ~~tr~~~~~ C`~~~~~~~~~.~ T~~~~~Y~ ~~~~~d~d ~y ~c~u~~s%1a~~.:~. ~o~d ~~d u~~~~~~~u~:l~ ~~~~~~e~~ a~p~~v~~ ~a~ ~~~~~t~c~ A~~~~~~~ G~~~~~ ~~a~r~~a~~r G~~1~ ~ ~~~~m~~y° ,`~~a ~00 ~c~~ ~ ~~~~g~~ 1.~~~~s~ f~~~~r~~~~ l~t~h ~~d G~°~~~ A~v~~~~~~ ~~o~ J~~sly~ ~ ~h~~~~~ ~~~1~ ~~ka~~~~ ~Y~ I~~p~~~~e~~t ~ ~~q~~.~~~~r~ t~ o Or~ ~e~~~~ ~~~.~~i1m~~ ~~h1~~~1~ ~y Coax~~~l~,r~~~~ Th~~p~o~ ~ a~d ur~an~in~u~~y ~~~r~~d, aP~~ov~1 r~~~ ~~~~a~~~ P.~~~y~ V~l~~y Mu~t~~.~~~~ ~lub ~ ~ ~ee e~~mp~~ ~b~~~~~~~ ~ I~~~~~~ ~o~~° ~~~~~,r~~~~.~ ~0~ G~~,~d A~~~~~ f~ozn ~ J~~~ ~ ~h~~~~~ 5~ ~9~~~ ~ub~e~~ F~~~ ~3ep~~~~~~~~ ~~qu~~~~~~~~o ~ TRE~ISURER 9~ REE°ORT FOR, TH~: MO~~TH 0~ M~I', 197~ Th~ T~~a~t~~~:~8~ R.~p~~t fo~ th~ ~a~~as~~ yM~~~ 1971, w~~~ ~~~~~v~rY by the Coa~~~~ , ~~vi~~~cl a~e~ ~rel~~~d l~c~ a D~;~AR~MEI~ T~1I~ I~E:~~1ZT FO~. TH~ ~0~ TH O F' MAY , 1971. ~ T~~ I3~p~.~t.zrA~ret~~ R~p~~rt th~ ~~~~h May~ ~~~1, ra~s ~~~~~v~d b~ the C~u:tx~~ L, r~~vi_~.~~d ~~cl ~~dl~~~e~ ~~~~da MU~I(~II~`T., C~ODE .x~lEy1~T7ME~T ORDT~"~?~~E AI~O~TI:O~~ m F~L,~YO.tii' ROr~I~ ~"0~ ~~.~1~~.STIQ~ ~ltt~~~~~ ~ti~p~e~ tl~~ t.~~~~ ~i~ a~ ~~°~~~~~~e ~pp~~v~~g tl~e H~l~~yor~ ~2~~c~ 2 A:~~~~~t~o~ t~i~ A~r~j~~ G~°a~~~~ the~~af~~~-a ino~~o~ wa~ rnade ~y ~~u~~~~~~~ ~~~h1~~~~~ ~~~~~dlecl 1~~ C~~~~~1~~~~,~ T~~a~p~~~, ~~~kd u~~~~.~o~~l}~ car~°~~d, to d~~p~~~~~~ ~~t~ ~~~~a~~~ t~~ b~~~~~~ ~~~k th~s ~~c~~~i~~~~o ORDT~~I~~E ~Oa ~a~o ~ ~Iv ORDI~r~"~~`E OF THE ~ITY 0~ ~R.QYO GRA,~TDE APPROVI.~G TH~ A~:I~~~TI:O~" TO ~AID ~I.TY OF C"~RTAI~ UZZ~I~!HABTTEI~ T~RRITORY DE~I~~~1TEI~ eBI-T~L~~O~T ROI~D ~~Oa ~ AI~~T~~TIO~o" 0~ ~r~~~~~ ~f ~~u~~~l~,a~~~~ Thoznp~~~~ ~~~o~d~c~ ~~~n~~lm~a~ T~,lley ~~.d o~ th~ ~~11~r~~.~g~ ~~11 ~~~1 v~~~~ ~~~a ~ ~ ~~ESo C:~~~r~c~a~~ M~~k~~~~ ~~1~~~~~1~ T~~~p~~~, Tni~~d, T~ll~y a~d May~r L~vineo ~~'OE;~ ~ . ?~o~~~ ~ ~~35EtiT° ~h~ i°~~~ga~~~ O~eel~~,~r~~~ ~ra~ p~~~~.d ~~r~~ ac~capt~~ th~,~ ~t~ day J~~~~ee 19710 RE1~OR.T P>Y ~OIT~~II~MA.~~~ TA~~~Y~~~Oo & GIT~~S ~R~~ ~'li~;~~a ~OO~ZDI~, ~OU~C~II~ MEETo 6~3-71 ~ ~~t~~~~~~~a~ T~I1~~ ~~ve ~~a1 ~~~ao~t o~ ~l~e Ju~~ 3~ 19~1 ~~~t~~g o~ the ~ C~~rzty~ ~~~a Pl~~~~,~~~g ~~~~d~~~~~~~ ~~ur~~~l, ~t~~~x~g ~h~ 5a~ Lu~s Obi~po Go~.i~~~- h~~ z~~cl~ appl~~~~%~~ ~~~t~~i,~d a pla~~~~~ age~~y ~vithi~ ~he G~~~~~~ ~~~y~ ~~t~~~ ~~a~ b~~~~ ~.~~l,u~~d ~r~lt~ ~~h~r ~~~x~t~~~o P.E~~I~T 0~ MI:tiUT~S OF THE PA.RKa & BUS~ IMP~ ~R~~# ADVI.~oBD.NT~ETo 5~1$~71 ~~p~~~ c~~ th~ ~~~~ut~~ t~ie 1~~~Tc~~~~ a~~ ~u~~~~~s Imp~ov~m~~~ Ar~~ Aclv~s~x~y B~a~d ~~~ti~~~ M~~ 1~~ 1.~~1P r,a~~~ ~~~~~.v~d ~y th~ ~~u~~il, ~~vi~~r~~ ~~d ~x°d~red ~il~d~ REFORT BY T~YOR L~VI:'~E ~ JOI:~'T NIEETa 0~ M~YO'.1~~ Ai~D SI~O G0~ BO~RD OF SU~EI~VISORS M~y~~~ I~~~r~.~~ gav~ a~ ~~po~t ~Y~~ j~~~t ~e~~i~~ th~ Nlay~~~ ~~thi~ S~~ ~u~~ Ob~~p~ ~~ur~ty ~~d th~ B~a~~ o~ Sup~~v~s~~~ o~ Sa~ T~u~~ O~r~~~s~ ~~untY, ~~~ti.~~ ~hat th~ ~~t;t~~ c~~ i~g~au~e~ ~csd ~~ci~~ript.~~r~ fe~~ ~~~~ged by Wo~ds A~~xnal ~h~lt~~ w~~ d~~~uss~cl a~c~ ~t ~r~s a~~~~d ~ed~~pt~o~ ~ould be ~~~~~~s~d t~ S~O ~ QO t~z~~ k~ ~~5 0 0(3 f~~ s~~n~d t~tne r~clempt~imxz ~~d $~0000 th~x°d ~~~~h~pt~c~~, ~Fr~~. ~Y~~ ~~u~~y Bo~,~d o~ Su~~~vx~ca~s wi~.l ~d~p~~ ~ ~~t~z~.~~y~r~r~d~ o~~~~~~~~ ~~p1~~a~~ti~~~ tl~~~e ~~h~~~~~, ~h~~h~~,r~ll b~~~me ~ ~~~~~~~v~ J~uly l, 19~~o T~~ r~~qa~~~~; W~~ds .4~~z~~1 ~h~l~~r ~'or CTTY COU`~CTL JU~T~ 1971 ARROYO GIt~DE, CALx~°OR.~TIA 3 a~a,3.m~1 ~or~trol f~~~ w~~ also cii~~uss~ci ~~d ~t r~~s x~pox~~ed th~t ~h~ Cou~ity Grar~d Juxy i~ ~~ra co~du~ti~~ ~~evi~r,~ ~~d ~t~ely of W~~d~ An~m$1 Shelt~r's p~~~~du~es and ~p~~~tiox~so Afte~ C~u~a~~l d~,~~us~i~~~ ~t ~r~s ~~r~~d no ~~tf~n be ~ake~t ~h~ ~eq~~~~ fo~ ~~~r~~~~ o~ ~~~m~Z ~~nt~~~ fe~s p~nd~r~~ the re~ port ~rom ~he Gra~d Jur;y~ and Ad~n~~~~tr~.to~ But~h w~s inst~u~~ed to ~o aclv~.se W~~ds A~~~~1 Sh~lte~a ~I7BT~I~ ~I~AR~~TG m A~P~AL OF' DE~1~LO~MEIVT ~L~ 1~Oo MABL~ MAI~LORY, ~TL~La Aci~~~~~tr~,t~~ But~h r~v~~~recl th~t ~h~ P1~~sn~~~ C~~~~s~~~ had ~cl~pt~d Develoggnent ~1~~. ~oo ~h~~~ proposes ext~~s~~~ ~f ~T~l~on S~~eet termirc~~ ti~~ i~ a~~x~~demsa~, ~t~ r~gular me~t~ng M~.~ ~.8~ 1971o Upo~ bei~g ~ssur~d by ~~ty ~1~rlc K~,~~~ley that. all ~equ~~~mex~ts prov~cl~d by law, xeg~rdm ~r~~ ~cot~,f~~~tiox~ o~ hear~~~, h~d bee~ ~o~pl~ed ~r~~h, Mayo~ L~virxe cle~l~recl the hea~in~ ope~ a~ncl all p~rsons w~ulel no~r be h~a~d fo~ or a~afrr~t the $ppeal of th~ d~~i~fo~ ~f ~I~~ Pl~~a~i~g ~ox~i~~°~o~ relat~v~ to i~~ ad~ption ~f Developm me~ t P1~~ ~oa ~o P,cl~n~~~st~~ta~r Bu~~h ~~~cl ~ letter prot~s~a~,~ the adopt~,~n Develop~e~,t P1~~ l~o0 5, r~~~ivecl from NTrso Vfolet H~lmes, ~~e~ of p~ope~ty ~ffected by . thi~ Plano The foll~wing perso~s w~re pre~ent ~r~d spoke ~gair~~t th~ acioption of Developm~~t Plar~ ~o Mrs~ M~bl~ Mallory9 513 Ide Street; Mrso Elsie T~li,lk~, ~~3 Ide S~~~et a~,d P~~cy Hawkins S13 Id~ Str~eto ~dm~n~~~r~tor Bu~~h reviewecl a~eport~ dat~ci Ju~e 4, 1971, frozn Planni~.g D~recto~ Gallop, stati~~ that clue to the relu~ta~a~e of the pr~pex°ty otirners to ~~~ept ~h~ plan and a B~velopmen~ Pla~ is ~erely a guideli~e raith no leg~l ~f~~~~ ca~. the p~operty, ~t is recomm~nded th~t ~h~ City Coun~il retux~~ the pl~~ to the Pl~,r~r~~n~ ~o~n~~siom fo~ ~°e~o~~id~rat~~r~ at such t~m~ as requests to dev~lop thes~ prop~rti~s a~°~ ~e~~iv~d~ The~e k~e~~~ ~o further discussfon for o~ ag~~~st the appe~l of I7ev~lop~nent Plan ~c~o 59 Mayor L~vine de~lared the h~~ri~,~ ~lo~~do a Af~er G~u~~il disc~~siox~, c~n ~no~~or~ of Cou~.~ilma~ Talley, s~concled by C~u~~~,lm~~ S~h~.egel, ~nd un~~im~~sl.y c~r~ied, Developmer~~ Fla~ ~Too 5, lVelso~ ~tr.ee~ ~~te~~~~~, Taas ~e~~rred ba~k to th~ Pl~a~~ing ~o~niss~on, r~ith ~he recom~ ~~~.cl~t~ox~ tha~, elue to th~ lic~~~~d ~~ope of th~ ~rea i~necifately involvecl, the relu~ta~~~ of t~~ prop~~ty ota~ers to s~~~pt the pl~rc, and the margin~.l affect o~ ~h~ pla~ ~t ~k~~~ ~i~e~ t~e R~solut~o~ adopt~ng Dev~lopment Plan Noo 5 be x°esc~.r~ded a~d th~ pl~n h~lcl in ab~y~~~e, ~ubject to a~~quest to develop either of the p~ope~t~es ix~volveda R~~OLUTIO~ OF A~~EZ'Ta OF 10 ~ STRTP 0~" FROPEI~TY ON HALCYOI~I RDo ADJ o TO TRACT 1530 Adm~~i~~rator But~h reported tha~ ~n an ~ffort to elear the re~o~°ds of th~ C~un~q As~e~so~°'s a~cl T~x Coll~~tores off~~es r~~arding a 10' strip of prop~~ty Hal~~o~ Ro~cl at T~dd La~~, ~clj~~e~~ to T~°a~t Nom 153, no~a being u~~d f~~ ~~ad pur~oses, but still show~~g o~ the as~~ssment r~~ords as private ~r~n~rsh~p, ~t has beerc ~e~~~e~ded th~t ~he C~t~ Coun~il ad~pt ~ resolutfon ~t~~~r~g th~t. i~ wr~~ the ~~tent~o~ o~ th~ C~ty Cou~cil to ae~ept ~h~s 10' st~~p ~h~ tam~ T~~~t I~~, 153 ~as approved a~d the ro~dwa~s there~n were a~~~p~~d ~o~ a~aix~tie~ar~~e, After C~unc~l discuss~on, ~ity Attorney Shipsey ~e~d ~l~e ti~le ~f a~°esolu~io~ r~g~rd.~~.g a~eept~~~e o~ 10' st~ip of property on H~1~yo~ Ra~d, ~dj~~~~~ ~o T~°a~t ~I~o 153, th~~~aft~r ~ motion w$~ m~de by ~~u~~~l~nan Schl.eg~l ~ se~o~.d~d by Cour~.~ilwoma~a Th~~s~n ~~cl u.nanirnously ca~x°ied, to d~sp~n~~ wrth r~adin~ the bal~r~~e oF ~.h~~ res~lu~~o~o RESOT.UTIOI~1 1~70a 140 A RE~OLUTIO~ OF THE ~TTY ~OUi~CZL OF THE CITY OF ARIZOYO GRANDE It~GARDI~G TIIT~ 10 a STRI~ 0~' PROPERTY 0~ HAI~~YO~' ROAD ~DJACEI~T TO TRA~T ~TOa 1S3o On ~c~tio~. of ~ounc~lm~~ Tal~ey, ~eco~cled ~y ~muncilma~ W~~d an.d on the followt~ng ~~11, ~~11 vote, tc~ w~~m AY~S~ ~du~~~L Mem~~r~ S~hlegel' Th~mp~Ot°1.' WT~od, T~lley ~nd May~r Levineo NO~S ~ ~G~~~ ABSE~To ~o~t~ the for~goi~g r~salu.~~on ~ras p~~s~ed ~,~d ~d~p~~d this 8th c~~~ ~f June, 19710 41~ ~TTY ~OtI;~CTL J'~I?~~ ~9~1 A12ROY0 GRAE~7U~, C~TTaT~(9~:~~A ~A~~ 4 ~TATE ~O~ULATIOI~ O~FI~T~I~ E~TIN~T~ m C"TTY 0~ ~~1ZOY0 GR~I~E ~'OPU~ATIO~ 7, 700 Adm~~~~t~at~~° B~u~~h ~~po~~~~ tha~ ~~~~,~~~1 ~~~t~~~ h~~ re~~~~red ~r~m ~;he ~t~~~ Depar~~~~~ o~ F~~~~~~~ ~,~v~~iA~~g th~t t~~ Z9~1 Popula~~ E~~~~~~~ f~r the Ci~~ ~f A~r~~~ G~~~d.c~~ 7~ 700 p~~~c~~~~~ ~rti~~h rep~e~~~ts a 246 p~gso,r~ i~~~°e~se ove~ ~h~ 19~0 ~~d~~~~Z ~~~~ax~a D~~~U~SIOIV ~ PRO~OS~D ~OU~TY~fa~D~ ~7~4I~I~~~ G~tT1tT D~STRI~T '~OR ~LO ~OU~TY AcT~~r~~s~~atc~~ But~'h ~~v~~~r~d ~ p~op~~~~ ~~~oa~~~dat~~~ ~he ~~u~ty B~r ~~s~~~~tio~ pr~p~~°~d b~ ~~~~~~i~e~ t~t~ B~~ A~~w~fat~~9 ~~g~~cl~,~g proposed ~ounty~w~d~ M~n~~fp~l D~~t~~~~ ~o~° ~a~ L~i~ Ob~~po Cou~t~, ~,r~~~h ou~Ii~~e~ i~ ~ore ~1~~a~1. ~h~ ~~~~~~~c~~t~~~ ~u~s~~t~ed to th~ C~~~~~ ancl t~e Board of ~uperv~~or~ ~ftex~ t~~ 1~~~ t~~~~ty~~rid~ Ma~o~~ me~~~~~~ ~shieh r~~o~e~d~ ~hat if ~ Mu~~~~~a1 C~~~~ D~~~~~~~ ~s est~~l~~h~d ~h~ C~~x~t~, ~h~t ful.~ D~p~~tm~.~~~ ~h~ M~~~~ip~1 ~o~x~~ l~~ l~~~t~d ~r~ Ro~1~~ a~rl Gr~over C~t~e 0~ ~~ata~~~ ~o~z~~~~a~a~ ~1~~c~~ ~~~~~c~~d by Goun~~l= mar~ 5~1~1e~el ~rad u~.~~~~~rx~~~ ~~~~°~~c1~ ~~~a~e~~~a~~~~ tti~ C~~~~t~e ~f the Sa~ Lu~.,~ Ob~~po GoYx~~y B~~ ~~~~~.~~t~~~~ ~e~a~d~~~ th~ p~c~posed es= ~ablishm~~t o~ tY~~ ~an Lus.~ O~~~po G~~~~y Mu~~~~p~~ C~~x~~ Di~~t~i~t w~~ ~pp~oved; ~~d di.r~~~tee~ ~d~~~~s~rat~~ B~xt~~ t~ ~r~~,~~ ~ 1~~~~r th~ Gou~nty Boa~d of ~up~~v~~~~s~ ~aa~h ~ ~~p~ ~~~wa~cl~~ ~o ~n~ G~u~it~ Ba~ A~so~~~tion, r~~omme~ ~i,ngA ~;~at ~ ~~~x~ty~~~d~ M~~c~~~p~1 C~~z~t Di~~~~~~ ~.d~p~~d by th~ B~a~ci~ ~~~t t~~ Distra~~~ ~b~ est~l~l~~hed ~°~~~~~nd~d b~ ~he Committ~e o~ th~ ~ou:~t~ Bar A~~o~~a~~,~~o REPORT & REG0~9o 0~ VE~DOR TO PROiII.D~ E~~~~IBILITY ~TUD~ m CO~~dLIDATIO~T 0~ SOUTH COU~3TY LACnT E~FOR~EM~~V'T AGE~GIES ~ Ad~~~~st~°at~~ But~h adv~~~d tl~a~ ~ep~~~~nt~~~v~s o~ ~11 law ~nfor~e~ m~nt ag~~~~~~ ~~d m~t ar~d ~~vi~~~red th~ t~r~ p~°oposal~ to p~ov~d~ a feasi0 b~li,ty ~tud~ fo~ ~h~ p~~po~ed ~e~~~°~l~z~i~~~~~ of Iaw er~~~~~em~~t age~ei~~ ~i~h~~ ~e~u~h Sa~ L~.~~ Ob~~po ~~~x~t~, ~e~~~v~d f~~~ th~ £~~n o~ B~o~mAll~n ~ ~~cl H~~~l~~a~ ~~c~ ~h~ 'Pu~~1~~ ~~~v~~e Ir~~~; a~d ehe r~p~e~er~~atives ag~~ed th~~ ~h~ f~~ Bo~z~~lle~ a~cl Ha~~It~o~ be ~~~oa~~.~d~d to ~~~h gov~~r~ir~g e~~~L~ ~o~ ~ts ~ppa~~va1 t~ ~~~d~~t th~~ ~~ucty9 a~~ up~~ ~ppx°ov~l ~ o~ al~ a~~~~i~s, t~c~ Ci~y ~f ~1~°~°o~r~ G~~r~cle ~r~11 a~t as ~he ~ppl~~~.~t for the F'~c~e~~l G~a~t to ~i~,~~~e ~h~~ f~a~~b~l~~y ~~~ciyo Af~~r Cou~cil eiis~ ~u~s~a~ ~ ~~t~o~~ ~~a~r~~~ ls~~~ Ta11~y ~ ~e~oz~.dl~cl ~y Cou~~~lma~ S~hle~~l and ux~~r~~.m~u~1y ~a~°~°~e~1.e ~h~ p~~pc~~al ~o~sc~u~~ a f~as~bil~~y stud~ fo~ ~he • ~ent~a~~.zat~~r~ o~ ~aw ~~~o~~~~~~~ ~ge~~~~~ ra~thi~ ~~u~ih ~ar~ Luis Obispo ~~un~y, frcr€n 8~~~~.A11~~ ~ne~ H.~imil~on~ ~a~ ~~~ep~~d ~r~d the M~y~r and Cit~ ~1~~k ~u~h~~°iz~d ~~~ee~ex~~ ~.~v~~~ng ~his sex~v~~~o L~TTER OF R.~~IG~ATIO~ = PL~'~~II~~G COMMISSZO~~R, G~RAT.D ~V~ NIOSS Ad~~r~~str~t~~ B~z~~h ~e~c~ a l~t.~.~~ ~f r~s~,~~~tiox~ r~~~~v~d f~oin Gerald ~To M~~s, ae~v~..~~~~ th~t he m~v~~ag f~~m th~~ ~~~a a~d th~~~f~~e could no l~~g~~ o~,~ ~h~ ~l~r~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~z~o ~ft~~° Co~n~~l d~~~u~s~on, on ~ot~or~ Co~r~.~~~~a~~ T~,11~~~ ~ec~~c~~ci ~y C~~x~a~~1~t~~ S~hle~~l ~~d u~~.ni~ m~~~l~ ~~~r~~d, t~~ ~°~s~~~~~~~z~ G~~a~,c~ ~i~ Mo~s ~~°o~ ~.h~ ~l~~~i~~ Co~rani~~ ~~~~~~~v~ Ju~~ ~6~ 1'971, ~~s a~~~p~~c~9 a~d ~c~a~~,~~~~~~t~~° Bu~~h Fra~ ~~~t~°~~~e~ ~o r~~~~e 1~~t~~ ~f ~~~r~a1c~ ~;r~~ ~pp~~~~~t~~~ ~o D~o M~s~ for his ~e~vi~~ t~ th~ ~~,~~o ~OTIG~ 0~ ~,XPIR.ATIO~ OF' TER,~~ 0~ OF~I~:E 0~ CTTY ~OMM~SSIO~~ Ad~~.~~,st~~t~~ Bu~~h ~dv~,~~c~, ~~fo~~t~~~a ~~;ly, t~h~t s~v~~~.l Gom~ ini~si~r~ers' t~~~~ o~ o~~~~~ o~ t~?~ Pl~~z~,in~g I'~~ki~~ ~~d Pa~Ye~ a~d Recx~eatm ~~r~ G~~an~~~i~~s ~il~ ~xp~~~ o~ J+~i~~ 30, 1~11~ ~OTI~E OF I~~~IG~~~'I0~ m ~T~~~VT1~'G ~OlKNIIS~TO~~R, ~~W&LL Wo ~TR.OTHER May~~° Lev~n~ ~dv%~~d t,h:~t N1e~,r~~~ S~~ot~~~ h~d ~~f~~u~cl fiim~ tl~~t d~e to ~.1~~~~s, he ~ac~ r~c~ 1o~~~a~ ~~~v~ o~, ~h~ P1~~~i~~ ~~~~s~~m~a Af.t~r ~o~n~il ~ ~~s~u~s~~~,~ z~~t~o~ C'~~~~~~1~roart~~ 'Th~~p~o~y ~~~o~d~d ~y ~~u~~~l~a~ S~h~~ge1 ~~d u~~r~~~~~~~y ~~~~~~cl, th~ o~al ~°e~~~~ua~~or~ I~~well W~ Str~othex° ~ras a~~epte~, rrr~~.h ~eg~et~; ~~d Ad~~~~~~~ato~ B~t~h w~~ i~~t~~~~ted to w~ite a 1~~t~r o~ tha~~C~ a~d app~~~~.~~~~~ to ~Sro St~~~~~er fo~ hi~ ~~rvi~~ to the City~ pLE~~"hi o GOMM~ 1~P1~ROV , D~VF,'LO:F. ~I.,A~ ~h"0, 6~~R~f~ 0~ GR1~;"~'D ~1V~ a, H~~YO~ RDo & VALLEX RD, Admi~s~t~a~~~ B~,~.t.~h ~~port~d ~~fo~~t~or~ o~ly, t~at t~e Plann~~g ~o~~~~~~~ h~~ ad.~pted D~v~l~p~~~~ P1~~ ~T~o 6 at ~~gul~~°~z~e~tir~g of Jurae 1, 1971; a~id ~y ~~p p~~~~~t:~~%~~ ~~v~~~r~~ th~.~ Dev~lop~er~t Pl~.~ I~oo 6, ~over~ ~r~g t~~ ~~°~a ~~~~~~ally ~~~~,d~cl ~y Gz~ac~.d Av~~~e~ H~`L~yo~ R.oad~ Valley G~rdens Su~d~v~s~o~ a~d V~11e~ R~~d, ~a~,~ ~~~~fi.eel a~uid~~li~~ t~ the ~~ty for fut~ ux°e clevelopm~r~t o~ l~~ge }~~~~~1~ ~f p~~p~~~~ ~~d a~e~~~al w~.y, e~tablishes a guicl~ fo~ a~, ~d~qtx~~e ~~r~~.~~~~~~ p1~.~ o ~IT~ ~OUi~VCIL ~ - .7Ub~E 1971 ARROYO GR~,;'~YDE, ~ALI.F'OR~~'I:~1 I~~GE ~ i~;OT~~E ~ TOPI~ ~ ~L~\;~ ~LTBM:I.TTED ~0 I33:V, QF HIG1iWAI'S ~ ~/~~,~'?T, ~Ad~i.~~~~~~~~~ Bate~ a~,r~~~d~ a~ ~x~,f"~~~t~~~ ~~~~.j~~ ~1~~~ rc~~~~ th~ Ju~~ 1, 1'~~1 ~~1~~~i~ e~~~~~ ~~~3~~0 ~1~~~~~~~ ~~z~~z~~ ~1~~ TO~PI~S p~~~~~s~, ~~re~~~t ~~p~~ve~~~t~ ~~~~~~y Av~~~u~ H~~~~~~ 1~~~cI a~d t~a~~~~ ~ig~i~~~ ~,t F~~x° 0~~~ Av~o ~~d H~L~.~~.~ Rc~~~ ~e~~ ~P;s'~~s~~:t~~ ~~e D~v~~~~~ Hi.~~S~~~y ~ > ~ RE~ORT 0~ RE~~l~'T €~OL~~T~ tiJ~TE.~ RE~~UR(~,E°~ ABVISOR,Y ~OMMI'TTEE NI~~TI:I~G D~~~~~€~~ o~ ~ubl~~ ~~o~~~ ~~1r~~~~~~~.~~p~~~~e~ ~he ~e~t~n~ o~~fih~ Wat~~ R~~~u~~~~ A~~~~~~~ (~~o~~~t~~a ~t~~~.~~ i~~~t ~~~~~~1 d~~~u~~~~~ ~ra~ h~l~ ~~~arcl~~g th~ c~~~~lta~~~~~~ ~L~~~ p~~~so~~d D~~~~~ ~r~.t,~: t~~ ~~~i~~~ G~~ ~~d E~~~tt:~~~ ~~~rp~~~y~'~ p~e~~~~~, ~~c~ that D~~Te D~°~ha~ ~~s p~~~~r~.t ~.~d ~~v~~~w~~ ~e~r~~~l ~~~m~ ~o~t~a~~~~~ p~~r~~~,~sl~~ ~~m ga~ci~~~ q~~li~~~ ~u~~t~~y ~~d ~~~a~~~a~~ p~~°~~~ ~o~ p~~~1~a~~ o~ c~~~~l~~f-~~~ r~r~t~~ ~~i~~~ld"k~~ ~~~~~c~~~~d~ ~~~~1c~ ~h~ ~~~a~~a~~~n p~~~~ b~~ome a ~~a~.~~ya ~ R~~OR.T ~~OU.~TY~~ITUE Mr~~T~;R. WAT~R ~C'~D SEC~ER. ~S~A~ M~~'T~~u'G OF JU~v~~ 3, 19`71a Acia~~r~~~~~~t~~ But~~ ~~~o~~~c~ t.~~t, ~e~1t~~~~ ~a~ h~ld Ju~~ 3, 1~~~, b~~ twr~~~ ~r~~ ~~t~ ~r~d ~~pre~s~:~~~~~v~~ ~~am ~~e ~~~~~r~~ a~~~~~~ p~eli~rai~~,~~ ~~v~1~p~~~t~ ~f tn~ Cc~a~~t~~w~~~ ~;bd 5~~~~° M~~t~r~ ~1~~ o PROGRE~~ R.EPOR,T ~RROYO GI~~:~EDE ~~W~R ~~~~~;~SM~~T D~~TR,TGT Adm~~i~~~atc~~ B~xt~h ~~~~~~ecl ~h~~ Di~~Z Dr~~~a H~d~au~~~ E~~i~i~~r, h~s adv~~~~, t~~t. du~ l~~e~ a~q;~~~~~~o~ ~~q~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~p~~~~~t~d t~.me ~~hec~~ul~ ~o~~t~~~~~~~~ t~~ ~~~~~y~~ G~°~~cl~ ~~~~~~a~~~~t D~st~~~t p~ojeet gn~y hav~ b~ ~~t ~~~~e ~s ~u~~°r ~s ~~~ths~ ~ ~'ROGRE~~ R~~~RT ~ ~OUTH. ~A.'~~ ~U~~ OB~~PO ~Oi~~~TY S~~Tl~.TIO~ DI~TRI~To C'~g~~~~ o~ ~tz~ ~h~~~ ~t~~.~ 0~?~~~~~~~~ R~p~~~ f~~ gno~~h o~ M~y, 1~71, ~r~~°~ ~~~~~~r~~ ~Z~ ~t~~ G~u~c~l, ~~~~~~~c~ ~~d ~~d~~~d f~l~da ~TUnY TO BE; CO?~iIJI1~TEi~ BY {:;QiT~'I`Y ~T~,F"~ ~~1DUITI0~1~.L L~IJ:?~~ SIT~~~ Ael~~~~~~~~rat~~ 8~~~~~ ~~~~~~~c~ ~~~G r~~~~ th.~ iz~p~~:~~nt~~~~~~ ~f R~gula~~~n~ 1, F'~?1~utic~~. C;~r~~;~oL R,u~~~ ~~id~ R~~u~~~i~~~~~ ~r~ri~h b~;~~ ~u~~i~a~~ t'h~ C~u~ty Sf~f~ h~s ~b~~~~~ ir~~~~~~+~~~ B~~~~ r~~ ~~g~~v~~~~~ t~ a~tudq p~sm ~~ble lo~at~~~~ e~ugn~ ~iC~;~, L~TT~IL FRO?~I MR~ ~ BII~LI~ ~T~TG~R.T C~OMM~~DT~~G ~TTI? 0~ ~TR~~M~ B~D B~AUTIFI~~TI01V ~e~~.ic~~~tre~~~~ 8~~~;~~ ~~a~ ~ l~f;~~e~ ~~~~~ea~~~ M~~, Bi11~~ S~rig~rt, 127 ~~~~~c~~ Str~~~~ Ga~~ G~~u~~il ~gnp~o~e~~ a~,d ~he H~gl~ ~~h~ol ~ta~e~~~~~ ~a~~ ~~~~~l~~t b~~~~ d~~~ b~~~~i~3~~ th~ ~or~he~l~ ~~de of the s~~~az~~~.d b~~w~~~. M~~~~, ~t~~°~~~ ~~c~ ~h~~t S~~~e9~ ~~r~.~~~~~ B~id~~o Th~ Co~~~~~ ~~~~~~~t~.~~ ~d~~~.~~~~a~~~ B~r~~~h M~~o Sw~~e~t~ ea~pre~~i~g ~~i~ ~~x~~e~1 a ~ th~s~,~~ ~pp~~~~~~~~r~ h~~ t~~ei~g ~~i~ ~~in~ t~ exp~~ss her ~ ~at~~~~~~~~~ ra~tPh th~ ~~~~o~°t~ ~a~~~g tak~~ t~ ~a~a~~~f~ t~~ ~~~~o ~OTI.~E OF ME~TT:"~G ~~H~~L?~F'I~ 0~ R:EmROUTI?~G OF ~TAT~ RTo 22f ~~,30 PoNIa 6~29/71 Ae~~~~i~t~~~~r~ B~t:~h ~d~~~~~ ~h~~~ ~ep~~s~~~~~~v~s ~rom th~ ~~~te D~vfs~on o~ H~~~~,r~~~ ~ri11 1~~, a~a~~ t~ ~~~~~ci ~ nne~t~,r:~~ ~i~~u~~ t~~ prcap~~~d ~em~°outfng o~ S~at~ lto~at~ 2~.~ J~a~~ ~g~ ~9~~ 72~0 ~'~Mm A~~~~° ~ou~~~1 d~~~~~s~o~. a s~~d~ s~~s~.~~ ~e~~~~~ ~r~~ ~~~~~~~~~ly ~~~~c~~1~~ as ~~ov~~ ~ OI~1L, ~0"MPT3t~I.?!~T BY MATT Gt~LIyL~G'rIER~-~SI:~Ef~ALK A.~D ~TREET GO~sDITIO~' Ol~ BRIT~~ S'I'REET ~DJAC~E~ST TO 0~~'I~~~E BTJII~T~I1~~ ~O~~TRU~TI.O'~ ~IT~a ~ Ma~~h~~a G~1.laphe~ ~r~s p~ese~.t ar~~ ~~~11j~ ~~~~~t.~~, ~~~h pi~~~s.~~ pre~entam t~o~~ o~ ~h~ ~ab~~~~~~~~~ th~ s~d~~r~,~~~ a~c~ p~~~~~~ lar~~ ~o~t~~~ of ~he ~as~ ~~de B~~~~~ ~h~~~ ~~f~~e ~a~~~c~~~a~ ~s ~~~r~n~l~ l~e~~~ ~tr~~~t~d. o~ ~e~j~~~~t p~~p~~ty~ wl~~~~ f~1T w~s u~~~~f~~ fo~ p~d~st~~a~~ ~~d ~n~to~ t~°~~f~~; ~~d ~c~v~.,~~d~ th~~ a~ it ~i~t~~ ~~gu~a~ ~~f~.~~ ho~~s, had ~~p~r~.ed t~i~~~ ~~r~~~t~~~~ ~o t~~ P~~~~~ D~p~~t~~~t~, b~t ~~th~~~ ~~s e~~a~e t~ ~ providl~ p~ot~~~t~~~ C:~ p~~~~t~i.a~~~ a~~ i~~~u.~~~~ ra~~t d~p~~t~~~t ~f th~ C~ty s~~~uld 'b~ ~~nta~~~d ~u~h m~~,t~~~°~o M~o G~~1~~~i~r ~a~ ~,dvr~~d th~t ~ ~~p~~t~~ ~r~ ~~~ma~~y f,~~~r~~clec~ tfi~ Departa?~e~~ th~ Dep~~t~,~~t th~t 1~~~ ~~Z~~~~ ~1~~~r ~~~~~~1 d~~crx~~~~n~ Dir~~~~r of ~~bl~~; W~~~~ A.~.d~~~~.~ w~~~ ~~.~t~r~~~~~ t~ ~h~~~ ~~t~ th%~ ~~tf.~~ a~~d assu~°e ~hat ~dequ~~e p~de~t~~~~y~ ~~d ~aoto~~~~ p~~t~~~~~~ ~~o~r~~~~ ~t ~h~~ ~~~st~~~t~,o~ s~t~o 4 5 CI"~~ ~Oil~CT~L ~ ~ .~UI~~ 1~~~7'1 AIt1t0Y0 GR~~`~E, ~.t~~T~OR~?I~, ~~G~ 6 ~TATUS RE~ORT 0~ T.~~Ta ~'0 FI:LF C'OME~I:a~T'1',T It~ o BI]L~BO~,~S T~ VTOLo OF MU~VI~I'L'~L ~OD~A Gi.t}°~r~tto~~~~~Y 5~t~.p~~y ~~v~~~c~ t:~t~~ h~ h~~ ~,r~t i~~lecl ~~~~pl~,~~~ ~ a~~~ns~ ~h~ R~~~ O~r~d~~~ ~d~~a~c~~~~~ ~~~p~:u~;.~ ~~d ~h~ p~op~rt~ ~pea~ ~I~~s~ p~~p~~t~r ~ut~~~~ ~c~~~~~t~~~~~ I~~~~~e~~ ~r~~~tz ~ i~ ~ri~la~ ti~~. ~f Mun~~ip~I C~cad€~ a~~~~~~ ~~,go0~ ~f) h~ h~~ ~~~e~v~~ t~~ p~~pe~ ~o~°~~ ~r~~~h ~us~ "l~~ th~ ~ a ~I~JOUR~T~E''~~T TO ~~ECUTIV~ ~E~~I:O~~ 0~ ~~~i~~ ~~~~i~~~~-~~~~ ~~hl~~~~ ~ ~e~~_~ded b~ ~~~~~~~~1~~~ W~~c~ a~d u~ar~~.~ a~~us~~ ~a~~i~d, ~9~i~ ~o~~~e~,l ac~~~u~~~d at ~m~~ PoMo ~xe~u~~v~ ~~~~~o~ to d~~~ ~uss p~~s~~~,~I ~~t~~~Wo R ECO~~VE~~ME;~ T Th~ C~~~,~il ~~~o~v~~~el ~t 9~~~! F~M~ ~~~h a~~ ~~~nla~~~ pres~i~~ a~ s~o~ or~ ~~11 ~all1 ~ ADJOUR[~ME~; T . O~s. m~ti~a~ Cou~,~;i~~~~ T~1~~~~ ~~c ~~.~~d1 ~y (~~~~.~il~~~ G~To~e~ ~~sd u~~~i- m~u~l~ ~~~~i~c1, ~~x~ ~~e~~~g adj~u~~~~e~ 9°~~ Pe~o , . . ~ ~ ATTE~T; c'--~°r--~~---t:.- , - e=° TY LL TtK ~ ~M~1YOR