Minutes 1971-08-24 43~ CITY CQUNCIL AUGUST 24, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA i The City Council met in regular aeesion with Mayor Levine preeiding. Upon roll call Council M~mbere Schlegel, Thompson, Wood and Talley reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Levine ~ed the Pledge of A1legiance to our Flag; and isr~ned~ately thereafter, Reverend Stanley Durham of the Firat Southarn Baptisti Chureh of Grover City delivered'the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of Auguat 10, 19.71 were approved a~ pre- pared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman ScMlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompaon and unanimously carried, General Warranta No. 115 through No. 154, im the total amount of $36,819.40; Payroll Warrante No~ 138 through No. 223, in the total amount of $16,789.54;.and Truat and Agency Warranta No. 1475 through No, 1502, in the total amounE of $1,122.b4, were approved and ordered paid. LETTER OF APPRE.FROM R.A.BIGLER F`QR CITY STAFF ASST. IN DEV. OF TRACT N0. 283 Adminiatrator Butch read a letter received from Mr. R. A. Bigler, repre- aentative of Hill Top Developere, Inc., expreaeing hie appreciati~n for the courteoua asaistaMCe extended him by Planning Director Gallop, Director of ~'ublic Worka Anderson, Conatruction Inep~ctor Felmlee and Building ~nspector Nicklas, in co~~unetion with'the final development of Tract No. 283. NOTICE FROM S.L.O, CITY COUNCILMAN GURNEE RE: WILLIAMSON LAND CONSER.ACT SLO C0, Adminiatrator Butch advieed that a lengthy report hae been receivad from Councilman Gurnee, City of 3an Luie Obispo, outlining the Willia~a~on Land Con- servation Act ar~d recom~nending,a revaluatio~ and reappr~ieal of the esteblieh- ment of Agricultural Preaervee within San Luis Obiepo County. The Council die- cusaed and agreed that Cauncilman Gurnee'e report, along with the W311iamaon Land Conservation Act ehould be'etudied furthar. LETTER FROM E.M.TAYLOR-RE: PUMR HOUSE & PUMP DAMAGE BY CONT'R.EQUIP.-FAIR OAKS AVE. /~~~~~T~I~ I Adminietrator B~atch read a le~ter received from Edwin M. Taylor, part ownar of a w~il located adjacent to Fair Oake Avmnue ~nd Vallay Road, regerding damage to the pump hvuee a~nd:pump caueAd by equipment owned by t~e contractor d~ring the constructior~ of Fair 0ake Ave~us exteMSion; aad ae the dam~?gee have not yat been paid by the contrac~or dr hiA ineurance csrriar, Mr. Conrad G~ieb and Mr, Edwin Taylor are requnet~,ng City aeeietance in'thie matter, Admi~?iatrator Butch adviaed that a Mottce t~~s bean recmtved from the ineuratzaa carriars for C. Sanchez & Son, contra,ctor.e„an this pro~sct, darlying th• claim for damagae to the pump ar~d;pump hou~e. ,C#ty Attornay 3hip~ey advised that according to the contract betwe~n the City ~nd C. 3ar~cha~ and 3on, the ~ontractor holde ,the Ci:ty harmleea in euch'm~a~texe.+ta this and thare£ore recovery of damagae muet be obtained through C. ~anchea & Sone. Aftar Councii diecuaeion~ Ad~nini~trator , Butch wae instructed to invaetig~tte Chie nu~tt~r a~,d writa to C. Sanaha~ & Sone, on behalf of the oamare of tha damag~d proparty~ r~qua~ting hie`attaz~tion to thie mstter. LETTER FRO~i HARVEST FESTIV_ . RE: USE OF CITX STRE~TS & FACII~._ 9/30-10/3/71 Adminietrator Butch reviawed a latCer from i,arry Nun~~~ Pra~idene of tha 1971 Harveet Feetival Commi~tss, reque~ting tha cla~ing of ~r~~ch 3tr~e~ and, eeveral other etr~ets during ths Harv~~t Fa~tival Parada~ ths ~?eeietanca of tha ` Police Department and Public Warkr Daparttnant in conjunction with the ar?nuai He~~veet Feetival ar~d the u~a of tha C3vi~ C•nt<r p+~~k'~ng` lot and a portion of th~'City Hall for Festival aetfvities from Saptambar 30 through October 3,,1971. Larry Nunee wao ~raeent and orally reviewed ths Qomtnittes'• raquest, Discuseion was hald regarding the raquaet that two or thraa trailer housa~ ba ~llowad to park ad~acent to the curb on the ~outh sid~ of Branch 3traat batwa~n Short and l~eson $treete~ and the Cou~ctl agr~sd ~hat thie m#tter ehould ba handiad ~dmin- ietratively; and th~ Council agread that the requeet that tha ewi~gi~ag bridg~ be ciosed, for eafaty'purpoAes, duri,ng the £e~~iva1 ~hould ba handiad admin= istratively dur~.ng the time of the feetival. Aftar further diecuaeio~, on motion of Councilman Wood, s~condad ,by Counc~lsn~tz~ Tallay ar?d unaa?imou~ly carried, the requeete for City aesi,et~~oe artd uea of ~iCy facilitia~ waa gr~~stsd for tt~s Harveet Feetival activitiee tro~n Saptembar 90 through Octobor 3, 1971 as foilowe; A, The uee of tha Ciyic Ce~ter Psxking Lot and ~hort 3tr~at, b~tiwaan Branch Street a~d the Arroyo Grsnde Craak. 4~~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 24, 1971: ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 B. Cloaing of Branch Street and other atreets and no par'kimg areaes sub- ject to Police Department requirements, with permieeion to be obtaimed from the State Division of Highways to elose effected atreets im the City,within the State Highway system, ~ C. Public Worka Department aseiat with hanging and remova~.~~i~,a~p'~roved street banners and sig~s, placing barricades and no parking eig~e,~Xoc~g the parade route. ~ ' D. Police Department assist in directing,traffic, PROCLAMATION -~'HARVEST FESTIVAL WEEK" SEPTEMBER 30 THROUGH -0CTOBER 3, 1971 Mayor Levine proclaimed the week of September 30 through October 3, 1971, as "Harvest Festival Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande, as requeated by the Harveat Festival Committee. REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS k'ROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Adminisfrator Butch reviewed the lateat Legislative Bulletina re~eiv~d from the League of California Gities. Mayor Levine and Administrator Bufch gave oral reports on the Channel Counties Diviaion of the League Work Sh~p meeting held in Lompoc, Auguat 20, 1971, which covered current legielative bills and inveatments and prccedurea for deferrad ealaries, which have beera adopted by the City of Lompoc, and approved by the Inter~al Revanue Service. MUNICIPAL CODE A1~NDMENT ORDIN_ANCE ADOPTION • REZONING CASE N0. 71•48, RwA-B-1 TO R-1 GARDEN ST.(PACE) City Attorney Shipsey read the title of an ordinance amending the Muni- cipal Code so as to rezone from R-A-B-1 to R-l, certain property in the City of Arrayo Grande, there~fter, a motion wae made by Cou~cilsaar? Schlegel, sec~nd++ ed by Councilwoman Thoaipaon and unanimouely carried, to diepenae a~ith reading the balance of thie ordinaace. ORDINANCE N0. 57 C.S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE A1~NDING A PORTION OF TI~ ZONING MAP OF TFIE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION .302 OF TITLE 9, CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE SO AS TO REZONE CERTAII~ PROPERTY IN . THE CIT'~ ,~4~;,~ARROYO GRANDE'. ~ On motion ot Coune~~.t+~ T~tlley, saconded by Cou~cil~aar~ Wood and on the folloraing roll ~sll vote, ~~t~ wft; AYES; Cour~cil Mesnbere Schlegel~ Thc~mpson, Wood,,Talley and Mayor Leuine. NOES; Nona~ ' ABSENT: None. the foregoing ordin+~ce mae paseed atc~d adopted this 24th d'ay of August, 197~. FURTHER DISCUSSION ON WOODS A1~TIMAL 3HELTER.AGREEMENT ' . Adminiatrator Butch rmportad that the ditcu~~ior~s aMd r~agotiationa ba- tWeen Wooda Animal Shalter~ tha Citia• arld the Coun~y of San Lui• Obiapo h~vs now been reaolved and a uniform coatracti ie being prepa,red for Coun~il approval and acceptaMCe. The Council diecus~.d aad agreed tha~ tha propo~ad iMC~~a~e ' in service warrsnts the apprcximata fiftaari pareant increae• in fe~ee for ~aid ~ aervice. Bob Gouiart, represen~ing tha CitfzeMe Cornmitt.e for bettmr looal government, was preaer~t and r~ad a letter~ which the Qo~nittea had eent to the ~ounty Board of Supervieore, etating tha~t the Coe~nittee wae in f~vor of Wooda Animal Shelter remaining,s privata entarpri~e~ NOTTCE FROM PACIFIC TELEPHONE C0.-APPLtCATION FILED WITH P.U.C.. FOR RATE INCREASE Adminietiratvr Butch reported that a noCica has been received from Pacific Telephane and Telegraph Co.~ advising that iC haa filed an application for r~~e increaeea With the Public Utilitiee Comtnission to offeet recent contract nmgo~ xiat~d:.~age in~reaeesv Wi113a~ Piereon~,repraeentetiva of Pacific Tel~phor~e Co. was preeent and etated that no actioit a~i11 be taken on thi• application untiil Preaident Nixon'e price ~ree$e ie ended, RECEIPT OF REVISED RULES AND REGULATION3 N0. 1+~ C0: AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DIST. , Adrninistrator Butch raported, as'infor~ation only, that a copy of ths re- vised Rulea a~d Regulstione No. l of tha 3an Luis Obiepo County Air Poilution 43~ czTY couNCZL auGUST 24, ~97~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 Control District, have been xeceived and is o~ file at City Ha11. Administrator Butch reviewed a report, dated Augu~t 24,.19y1, f~~~ ~i~e Chief Marsalek, on Open Burn Week - August 16 thr~ugh 22, 1971. The Cou~n~il requested a copy of the Fire Ch~ef's report be sent to the Cour~~y ~o~rd ~f Supervisors. LE~TER FROM COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER KUSUMOTQ RE,'FT~E DE~TA I3E AUTHOR.~Z~D TO ISSUE AGRICULTURE BURNING PERMITS Administrator Butch reviewed a letter x°eceived from Ii. H~w~~d ICu~~moto~ M.D., Health Officer and Air Pollution Control Officer f~r th~ Count~r o~ San Luis Obispo, requeating that the Council authorize the Fire Dep~rtme~~ to issue permits for burning agricultural wastes. After Courccil di~cua~io~s or~ motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Schl~~el a~d u~~~imou~ly carri.ed, the Arroyo Grande Fire Department wa~ authorized tha<:d~aig~~~~~~ ~e the public agency to i~sue permita for burning of agricultur~l vrasC~~, a~ re~ quested by County Health Officer -Kusumoto, M. D. REPORT ON UNDERGROUND UTILITY COORDINATING COMMITTEE MEETING 8-23-71 Adminiatratox Butch gave an oral report on the Uaderground TJtilit~ Co~ ordinating Committee Mee.ting of August 23, 1971, and preaented a px~limir~~ry map showing propoaed undergrounding of utilitiea district are~s und~~ df~~usee ion and~ conaideration by the Committee. Further discussion wa~ held ~~~~rding undergrounding of original inetallation of utilities requis°emente a~~,d it w~e determined that an ordinaMCe requiring same w~uld have to be ~dopted by ~he Council as are~a of initial inetallation are ~ot now covered i~ ~h~ u~n~ergrour~d- ing of utilities ordinance; and City Attorney Ship~ey wa~ in~~~uct~d p~epare the necessary ordinance for Council aonaideratfo~. REPORT ON CENTRAL COAST CRIMINAL JUSTICE BOARD MEETING 8-11-71 Adminiatrator Butch gave an oral report on the Centr~l C~et Crimi~~l Justice Board meeting of Auguat ll, 1971, atating th~t recomtne~ad~ti~n o~ ~ppli- cations for granta for the balance of,the funde deeignat~d f~z° ~~~io~ ~(South) have been completed and forwarded to the California Cou~cil on C~i~xf~~X Juetice for its coneideration and final approval. REQUEST - PONDING LOTS (BLOCK 3 TRACT N0. 15Q) ~E RE~.E~S~~ VICI~ ~~C~e Administrator Butch,reviewed a report, dated Auguet 16, 1971, frozn ~~x°~~tor of Public Worke Anderaon, regarding e requeat received from Vi~k Pac~ to'r~~ l~ase two lots ori Montego,Street for building purpo~ea, a~d reco~~d~d Council approval aubject to providing an alterrla.te ponding facility. ~~~~r Gou~~il discusaion, on motion of CouMCilman Talley, aeco~d~d by Cout~cilma~ Schl~~e~ a~d unanimously ~arried, the ponding lote, bei~g ~lo~k 9 0~ ~rac~ ~50~ ~a~~~ x°e- leased for building purpoaee eub~ect to th~ ~olloarir~~; 1. Conatruction of an alternat~ po~ding faeilitye Thi~ ~o~~~~~~~io~ ~o be in accordance with plana prepar~d by a~ nng~~~n~, a~d ~pp~ov~d by _ the City Engin~er. 2. A recorded agraement or covena~t ~rom tha p~°op~~fiy ~~~~~n~ with the property epecifyi~g that he w~.~1 p~rmi~ t~@ d~~i~~g~ ~~~t~ity to be located on hie property and aceept th~ r~~po~eib~li~y ~o~ ~n~i~- tenance and lia~ility, until rnl~a~ed by tt~e City, w~~n o~h~~ a~~npt~ able drainage facilitiee have be~n provid~d. as recommended by Director of Public Worka ~~,d~reo~, by r~po~t ds~~nd ~r~g~a~~ 16, 1971. RESOL. AUTHOR. PURCHASE OF POLICE VEHICLE ~~OUG~ ST~'~~ PROC~fi~~~1~T O~~IC~. Administrator ~utch reported that the Statn Of~ic~ of Pu~c~~ei~~ ~ia~ ~d+ viaed that the State Procurement Offf,ce ie preparin~ to e~ll ~~r bid~ ~o~ vehicles for fiecal year 1971-72 and.if th~ City wishee ~o par~icip~~~ ir~ ~L~n State program, iaformation regarding propoe~d vehicle purchae~a mu~~ b~ ~o~~- warded to the State at thie time. After Cou~x~il dis~ue~~o~1a City ~t~~~~~y Shipsey read the title of a reeolution authori~i~~ the St~t~ ~pa~~~n~~t ~f ~ene eral Services to include in the S~ate-Call fcr Eide for the p~~~~~e~ af ~~n California Highway Patrol Claee "A" Special S~~vi~~ V~h~~le fo~ ~~t~ City of Arroyo Grande, thereaftar a motion was mad~ by Councilman S~hln~nl, ~econdnd by Councilwoman Thompaon and unanimouely carried, to diepen~~ with ~nadin~ the balance of this reaolution. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 24, 1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 , RESOLUTION N0. 948 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAZ SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS. On motion of Counc3.lman Wood, seconded by Councilman Talley and on the following ro11 ca11 vote, to wit; AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Mayor Levine. , NOES; None. ABSENT: None. the foregoing r.esolution was passed and adopted this 2~+th day of August, 1971. SET PUBLiC HEARING REZONING CASE N0.71-50 - C-B-D TO P~C - MASON ST, (LOVETT) • The City Council received a resolution of the City Planning Commieaion recommending an amendment to the Municipal Code by rezoning Lota 7 through 12 Block 6 and Lota 2 through 7 Block 7, Short, Mason and Whiteley Addition to the City, adjacent to Mason Street, from CyB-D to P-C. After Counc3l discussion, on motion of Couneilman Talley, seconded by Counciln?an Wood and unanimously carried, a public hearing was set for 8:00 P.M., September 14, 1971, on the rezoning;application submitted bq Lee Lovett. SET PUBLIC HEARING REZONING CASE N0. 71•49 - R-A-B-1 & 3 TO R-1,IiUASNA RD.(KUDEN) The City Council received a reaolution of ~he City Planning Commiaeion recommending an amendment to the Municipal Code by rezoning certain property ad3acent to Huasna Road and Stagecoach Road from R-A-B-1 and 3 to R-1. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, aeconded by CouMCilman Talley and unanimously carried, a public hearing:wae aet for 8:00 P.M., September 14,,1971, on the rezoning application aubmitted by J. Kuden for A~ Swiiraner . CITY CLERK AUTHQRIZED TO SET PUBLIC HEARINGS REGARDING PLANNING CONIlK.. MATTERS City Adminiatrator Butch reco~ded and the Council agreed that the City Clerk be authorized to echedule public hearinga regarding Planning,Commieeion referrals, which will expedite office procedure and sarve the public more effeciently. USE PERMIT CASE N0, 71-173 DENIED BY PLANNING CONIl~lISSION Adminiatrator Butch advieed;as information only, that Uee Permit Caee l~o. 71-173, for operationa of the Philadalphia Tire Co. on Alder Street, wae de~ied by the Planr~ing Commiaeion at ita ragular meeting of August 17th, 1971. DE BLAUW LOT SPLIT CASE N0, 71-133 REQUIREMENT PROPERTY DEDICATIONWPALM ST.EXT. Adminiatrator Butch reviewed that in conjunction for approval of Lot Split Gase No. 71-133, Palm Street exteneion, requeeted by De Blauw Conatruction Co„ they were required to dadicate to the City s portion of land for road and drain- age purposea. After Council discueeion, on motion of Councilman 3chlmgel, seconded by CouMCilwoman Thompeon and unanimouely carried, tihe Grant Deed from De Blauw Construction Co., for the dedication of portione of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map AG-70+57, for road and drainage purposae, was accapted and tha Msyor and Ci,ty ~lerk w~re authori~ed to sign the Certificate of Acceptance on behalf of the City. , PARKS AND RECREATION BUDGETED FUNDS TRANSFERRED TO TEEN ACTIVITIES The recommendation of the Parke and Reereation Commiaeion that funde budgeted for Harveat Featival Teen Age Dance be changed to Teen Age Activiti~e, was approved by the Council. APPOINTMENT OF PARK AND RECREATION CON~lISSIONER * W.A. "SHORTY" FiUBBARD i Mayor Levine recommended that W, A. Hubbard be appointed to the Pa~rke and Recreation Commisaion. On motion of Councilwoman Thompsox~, saconded by CouMCil- man Talley and unaMimously carried, W. A. "Shorty" Hubbard, 120 Brieco Road, was appointed to serve as a Commiesioner on.the Arroyo Grande Parke a~d Recrea- tion Commiaeioa, with his term of office expiriMg on Juna 30, 1972. CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 24, T971` ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 RECRUITMENT OF A PART TIME ADULT RECREATION SUPERVISOR Adminiatrator Butch reported that the Parks and Recrea~ion C~i~ei~~, hae developed the dutiea and specifications for an Adult Recreation Superviaor ~nd are preaently advertising for this po8ition, as agreed upora betw~nra the Cour~cil and the ConQaiasion, in an effort to offer more aupervison and recr~~tioa~ for adults in the Co~¢nunity. NOTICE - PUBLIC MEET.. RE: STATE DIV. OF H/W CLASSIFICATION OF HTGHWAYS ~»27~71 Notice has been received that the State Divfafon of Highw~ya h~~ ~cheduled a public meeting for Augu~at 27,,1971 at 10;00 A.M,,..in San Lui~ Obiapo, regard- ing the propoaed additiona and deletions from the State Fre~wa~r~ Eaepresswr~y or Highway System. DIY. OF H/W REQUEST MEETING RE: PROPOSED RECONSTRUCTION OF BRA~TCH S~'s Administrator Butch advtsed that repreaentatfvee from the D3,vi~io~ of Highways have requested the s~heduling of a meeting between the C~t~r C~u~e~.l`, Merchants on $ranch Street and the Division of Highways to di8cuaa ~hs p~~po.$ed reconatructian of Branch Street. After CouMCi1 diecuaeion, a meeti~~ was tentatively acheduled for 7;30 P.M., September 20, 197'1. PROGRESS REPORT - TOPICS PROGRAM REPORT N0. 3 A report was received from Lampman & Aasociatea, the er~gi~~eri~g fi~ re~ tained by the City to perform a TOPICS Study, outlining;work ~~ccs~pl~a~~d to date and work planned, which was reviewed by the Council and o~rdered filed, REQUEST STREET SWEEPING IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS'BE RESCHEDULED T0 ~Z~1EE~CLY , Administrator Butch reviewed a repcrt, dated Augu~t 20, 1971; from Director of Public Worka Anderson, recornmending that street sa~eepir~g in reaid~~tia~l arnas of the City be reacheduled to bi~~aeekly, to allow the street ~o~eepe~ ~pe~ator time to maintain the atreet smeeper and reduce arear and tear or~ th~ equipment, without any aerious effect on the etreete' appearance. The Council diecuseed this matter and directed Adminietrator ~ut~h to re-evaluate the street eweeping eo that all curbed and gutt~red ~e~ide~~t~,1 streets could ba swept every eight daye rather thart 14 daye, e~h~dulir~g ~te recommended, AUTHORIZED REPAIRS ~0 MOTOR GRADER rr ~..~i~.r.r.n~.~r~ . . Adminiatrator Butch reported thst while in the pra~ase af ~agotia~ione for a new ~?ot~or~ grader or rep~iring the City' e old or~n, the old ~~~td`~r d3,aee1 engine broke doam; aMd that the coet of a rteta ueed grader would ~e ~ppxm~i+~ ma.terly $15,000 and the ,coet to have the old grsder repaired araw~ld:b@'~pp`~~~i~ mately $4,650, which will ~hen be earviceable tio,the Ci~~+ fo~ me~ima~~d,' four yeara, including a grader.rental charge whtie rapaire a~0 be#~tg s~ad~~~ , ~ and requeeted Coun,cil direction in thie ~natt~r~ Afte~ ~oune~,l ,d~~~~s,efa~in~ o~ motion of Councilma~t Schlegel, eacor?dad by Cour~~ilvsoaur~ ~omps~~ `~#d'u~+~e~*~ ' mously carried, rapaire to the City owned motor grad~r wara approvad~ a~td ~+u"~•~~~ ' oriaed at a coat, in~ludit~g rental feee~ not to exc~~d $4~650;~00~ REQUEST CURB & GUTTER REsUIR~ ~E RELTEVE~«I.~C~~~ ~O,N''°~V~.-~~~ ~1ER Adminietrator ~utch rnquneCed and:t~a Cou~cil;a~rn~~;t~~t.t~~i~ ~~~m be:,~a~.d ' over to the Mext regular ~me~ti~g o~ tha Cou~cil a~'~an ~i°~~c~o~° o~'' ~ub~~~ 4; Ariderson would be i~s attend~nce.' , ~ : , AUTHORIZED 'TRANSFER OF 3 WAT R SERVIC S ON NEfi~fiPOR~ AV~ TO ~~0~~ ~I 4 t~ ~ Adminietrator Butich reviawmd a repar~t data~d Auguet i6,;1~71, ~t~n ~i~~ctor of Public Warks Andereon, 'racomm~ding the trar~ef~r` o~ thran a~at~~ e~~vt~e,` Co ' the City of Grovar Cityr which are 1vCated o~ Neaopo~~ Avenua, witihira t~~ C,~,ty of.Grover City, at a chsrge of $~S.OO each to o'over'aarvice material~ ~o,t,' ' this area was eerved by the City of Arroyo Grande prior to tht i~~o~po~°~tio~ of the City of Grover City: Aftar Cou~ncil d~scueaion, on :moti,on o~ Coc~~~iiwoma~n Thompaon, seconded by Councilmar~ TaYley and u~animouely Carriad, th~ requa~t , frou Morgan Page,,Direotor of Pub13c Worke, City o~ Grova~ City, a~~d ~~e ~acom- mendation of Director of Public Woxke Andereon, that watar eervice~ a~ 1549,,` 1521 and 1501 Newport Aver~ue, located within tt?e City of Grova~ City~.b~ t~ar~4~ ferred to Grover City, at a totai charge of $75.00 for ti~a sarvi~~ li~~ sn~teri~l8, wae approved.a~d authori~ed. ZONE 3 ADVISORY C,~,O~IITTEE 1~ETING ~ REPORT ~Y GOUN~IL~ SC~LEC~~, , ; Councilman S~hlegel reported that at the racent Zone 3 Advisory Cc~earnitt~n ~eeting, the Committee reco~ttnend~d that th~ matter of flourida~ion of tha Lopa~ Water Supply be placed on the ballot, for a vote of th• peopie at the Apri1,1972~ general municipal election. . ~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUS'~ 24,_1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA, PAGE 6 ACCEPTANCE OF 6" SEWER MAIN IN TRACT N0. 283 , Administrator Butch reviewed a report da~~d Augu~t 20, 197~, ~rom Airec~or of Public Works Anderson recommending Council acceptar~ce ~nd ~ppr~av~l ~f p~oe rati~n of costs for the 6" sewer main inatallation in Tract l~o.M 2~3, ~rhi~h wae installed by Hill Top ~evelopera to serve 26 Lote and in.additio~ ~~~ve~ Lota 2,.3,.4,.42, 43, 44 and 45; with a proration of coat of $312.97 ~o ~~~h Lot when connected to the sewer main is requestede : After Council discuasion, on motion of Councilwoman Thomp~or~&` ~~co~de.d by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, the inst~llati~ 9£.6" sew~r maix~ in Tract No. 283 was a~cepted into the City Sewer System~ eubj~ct to the follow- ing: 1. Payment of $304.80, assessments.for Farroll Aue,nue sewer main b~nefit on 24 lota @ $12.70 each, 2. Submission of As-Built Plans, and the proration of coete ae followa: A main charge of $312.97 or~ Lot~ 2s3' 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46, Tract 283 of which $12.70 is refunda~bl~.ta~th~-:S~i~th County Convalescent Hoapital for the Farroll Ave. aewers and $300.27 ia re- fundable to Hill Top Developera, Inc. for the:Carcnella Dr3ve dew~~~r until September 1, 1976, after said date no refunde wi~l be made. PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMEN~ DI~TRICT Administrator Bu~ch reported that a report on the Arroyo Grande Sewerage Pro~ect has been received from York Petereon and Aasociatea, proje~t en~ineer, regarding changes propoaed in the engi.neering. deefgn and hie comm~nte on same ; and that no report has yet been received from the County of Ss~n Luie Obiapo Engineering DepartmenC. PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN LUIS OBISPt~ COUNZ'Y SANITATION DIST~TCT ~ ''Adminietratar Butch reported that thg'9anitation Dietrict ie ~egot3~ting with the County in an effort to acquire a ama1.1 parcel o"f~Cotti~ty nwn~d p~ope~°ty adjacent to the Dtstrict Plan. C0. WATER RESOURCES ADV, COI~SITTEE MEETING REPORT BY COUNCI~,WOI~T T~i01~SON ~ ~ Councilwozaan Thompson gave an oral report cm the race~st Courtty W~ter Reaources Advisory Coma~ittee rneeting~ etat~.Mg that the Ci~y of Pse~i ~ables , claim for Sali~as Water had been discureed~ with Caunty Official8~ INVITATION TO ATTEND TEACHERS LUNCHEON LUCIA MAR UNI.SC~. DI3T. 8-31~+7'L r i Administrator Butch advtasd thaC the Lucia Mar Unifie~d S~hool ~iet~i~t has i~vited the Cou~ail to attend a lux~eheon at ~ra~cie Judkine ~~hoA1 ~ir~° August 31, 1971, to meet the new echool teachere i~ the ~u~i~t Ma~ U~rf~~t~d School Dietrict. . RESOLUTION ADOPTING SUPPORT OF PORT SAN I,UIS I~R~OR ~ON~ ~L~CTIO~ ' .~~rr~~~~~ ~~i ~ Adminietratox Butch adviaed tha~ additionel i~fo~natii~t t~a~ baa~ ~~~aivad regarding Che forChcoming Port San Luie Harbor ~ortd'~1~cfiio~ ~°~queet~~t~ ~~ie Council'e aupport and endorse~ent of the proj~ct, Aftax~ cou~~i~ di,~~s.~o~~ : Administrator Butch read a raeolution eupporting ar~d requa.ti~~'~urtd~~~ ~o~° ° ' the construction of Port San Luie Harbor. RESOLUTION N0~ 949 i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'T1~E CIT~ OF I ARROYO GRANDE SUPPORTING AND REQUESTING ~'UN~~,NG ' FOR T'E~ INITIATION OF THE CONSTRtJCTION OF' PO~~ S~N LUIS HARBOR, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS O~ISPO, C~~IFO~TIAs On motion of Cou~ncilman Schlegel, aecoz~ded by Coun~il~vc~ns~r~ ~hoa~~o~,': arid or~ the following ro11 call vote, to wit: AYES; Council Membera ScL~legel, Thompaono Wood~ Tall~~ ~~d N~ay~~° Levine. ' : NOES: None. ABSENT: None , the foregoing reaolutiion mae paeaed and adopted this 24th day taf Au~u~t,~<1971. , 441 CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 24,.1971 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 7 PACE & SIMPSON CONSTR. APPEAL MINOR LOT SPLIT R~QUIRE. CASE N0,71~139 DENIED Administrator Butch read a letter received from Pace ~nd Simp~o~, Con- struction, appealing certain requirements imposed by the Minor Lot Split Com- mittee at the time Lot Split Case No. 71-139 wae granted; and Admirciatrator Butch reported that this matter had been reviewed and the Lat Split Committee's requirements were upheld by the Planning Commissian, a~ its ~eetin~ of August 17, 1971. The Councfl discussed the items under appeal a~ itemized by the Minor Subdivision Committee Action report dated July 28,,1971. Itern 3. Petit- ioner to pave twenty feet on Nelson Street only, to City apecificatio~s; ar~d Item 7. Street lighting - one thirty foot ornamental street light with 175 Watt Mercury Vapor,,located between Parcele 1 and 2. Or~:motion of C~r~cil~~n, Wood, seconded by Coun~ilman Talley and ux~animously carried, the appe~l of Pace and Simpson of Item 3, Petitioner to pave twenty feet on Nelson Street only, to City Speeificatiorie, Lot Split Case No. 71-139, was denied and the Lot Split Co~nittee requirement was upheld. After further discusaion, a motion was made by Councilrnan Wood, that Item 7, Street Ligh~ing, be dele~ed from the requirementa o€ g~ant3n~ Lot Split Case No. 71-139. Said motiorti died for lack of a eecor~d. After further discussion, an motion of Counciiman Scl~legel, aeco~ded by CouMCiltnan Talley and carried~ the appeal of Pace an~ Sitnpeo~ of Item 7i Street Ligh,ting - or~e thirty foot ornamental streat light mfth 175 Watt Mercury ~ Vapor,.located between Parc~ls 1 and 2., Lot Sp1it Case No. 71•139 arae denied, and the Lot Split Conuuittee`requiremente were upheld.~ INQUTRX .BY MATT GALLAGHER•POWER POLES LOCATED IN CENTER OF NET~1 SIDEWALK. . ~ Mstt Gallagher wa:s present and orally inquired ae to the reaeon a power pole was left in the ceMter of the newly poured concreta aidewalka an Cherry~ Avenue and Garden Stx~et. The Council diacus8ed and referred tl~ie matter to the Pacific G~a and ~lectric Company for inveetigation. ADJOURNMENT On motion of CouMCilwoman Thompaon, eaconded by Councilmaa~ Se~hlegel, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10;44 P.M, . ATTEST: ' . ~ ' f- . ' ~ m. CLER MAYOR ¢ . , t:~ ,