Minutes 1972-02-08 4~5 ~;zTY ~c;~~~~~~: ~ J~~~.~~RY s, ~g~2 ARROYO GI#l~vDE, CALIFORNIA Th~ Crty Cov.nci~ met in reg~.l~r s~~s~.on r~s,tkn Ma.yor Levin~ pre~~ding. Upon roll call, Co~ncil Members Schleg~l, °Thcsac~pson, Woc~d and Tal~~~ ~~~p~rt~d pr~sent, PZEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCA~'ION Mayor Levine lead the Pledg~ of All~g~anee to c~~r F1ag, and im~?ed~,ately thereafter, Reverend John G~rm~in~ (retired) of th~ B~thel Baptist Ch~rch of Arroyo Grande, delivered th~ invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Th~ minutes of the regula~° m€~eting of Janua~°y 25, 1972, wer~ approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of C~uncilman Schlegel, second~cl by Councilraoman Thompson, and unanimously carried, General Warr~.nts No. 609 through No, 638, in the total amount of $24,793.30; and Payroll Warrants No. 9I1 throtxgh No. 972, in the total amount of $14,172082, w~r~ approved and ordered pa~~. LETTER FROM CARPINTERIA RE, COASTAL CONTROLS CONFERENCE Administrator Butch revie~r~d a l~tter receiveei from th.e City of Carpinteria giving notice of a meeting of the Tri-Counties and Cities on February 25, 1972 in Carpinteria for a coastal conferenc~ on uniform coastal controls. After Co~ncil discussion, it was agreed that th~ invitation be referred to the Planning Comanission and that they s~nd a r~pres~ntative to this conference representing our C~ty, Councilman Talley also indicated that he may b~ able to attend. RECEIPT OF SCFiEDULE OF FEES RE. ANNEXATIONS Ad.ministrator Butcri r~vi~wed a sch~dule of fees adopted by the State Board of Equalization for processing statements and maps with reference to annexations, reorganizations, etc., which becomes effective March 4, 1972, The City has never had to pay such fees before (ex. Regular annexation: $30 plus 50~ per acre) and after Council discussion, Administrator Butch was directed. to investigata the possibility of establishing an annexation f~e to cover th~se new requir~d f~~s and to include other administration costs to the City. INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN PISMO BEACH CLAM FESTIVAL PARADE, 2-26-72 AdTninistrator Bv.tch reported that th~ Pismo Beach Chamb~r of Commerce has invited the Co~.ncil to p~.rticipate in t1~e Annual Clam Festival Parade, which wi11 be held on February 26, 19~~, at 11:00 A.M. After Council dis- cussion, Administrator Bu.tch was instruct~d to notify the Pismo Beach Chamber of Commerce that members of the Council will participate in the parad€~. RECEIPT OF RESOLS, FROM CITY OF SLO & SPORTSMEN'S CLUB - COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL'S ZONE 3 REPORT RE: LOPEZ CANYON DESTGo "WILDERNESS AREA" Administrator Btttch reviewed a resnlution received from the City of San Luis Obispo supporting U.S. Senate Byll 3027, designating 21,500 acres in Lopez Canyon as a"National Wilderness Area"o Administrator Butch then reviewed a copy of a 1ett~r and resolution sent to Senator Cx°anston by the Arroyo Grande Spo~tsmen's Club opposing the proposEd "Wilderness Area" classification of Lopez Ganyon. Th~reafter Councilman Schlegel ~eview~d a letter sent to the County Plann~ng Commission which caas draft~d by the Zone 3 - Advisory Committee at th~ir special s~ssion on January 31, 1972, expressing their recommendations that the "Wildern~ss Area" designation be modified to reflect the multipurpose use of this w~.tershe~. in regard to the L~pez Project. Council discussion indicated much concern for possible consequences to the area's watershed and water supply~ and that t'h~ Cities need to be made aware of th~ ramifications of a"Wilderness Area" classification on Lop~z Canyon. It was agreed that the City should pass a r~solution opposing the City of San Luis Obispo's support of U.S, Senate Bi11 3027 designating Lopez Canyon as a "National Wilderness Araa". City Attorney Ships~y read the title of a resolution opposing pr~posed ~{tilderness Classification of Zopez Canyon; th~reafter, a motion was made by ~~r=a.ncilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and unanimovs3.y carried, dispe~ase with reading the balance of thi.s resolutione RESOLUTION N0, 971 ~~~:~~3LUTION OF THE ~ITY CC?UN~IL OF THE CITY Q~' A~~~~ ~ ?DE OI~POSI7*?~= P~tGP~~~;~ WILDFI2~~~S ~ . a:~`.'~'~.w a~';; ~.%a t:','~" r~~~~ ~~TY ~~ttl~~~L ~`~BRUARX s, ~972 ARROXQ G~IB~, CALIFaRN~,. P~:~E 2 On motion of Cc~uncilwoan~n Z`hca~np~un9 s~cond~d by Co~anc~tT~n~n Ta13.~g~ and on the following ~°011 ca~.L vot~9 ta w3.t: AYES: Council Mea~?bex°s Seh1~g~~~ ~.'taobnpson9 4J~od~ Tallegr and. M~.gror Levine. N9ESc Non~ ABSENT: None the, for~going ~'~~O~tEt~OY] w~~.~ p~ss~d ~.nd adopt~d ~l~is 8th da~ of Februa~y, 1972. Administrator B~atc~a ra~s di~ected to nutifg~ th~ ~~.n L~is Obispo County B~ard of Sanpexvisors ~ Pismo B~ack~, and Grover City ~~k~e Z~ne 3 Advisor~ Car~rrmittee of th~ Cotxncil above acti~n. TREAStJREIt~'S REP~~T F~R THE MO~TH OF JP,NUARY 1972 The Treas~r~r°~ Report for th~, rnonth of Janu~rg~, 1972, was r~ceived by the Counc~l, revi~~ur~:~ anct orde~°ed f3~1~d. DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR JAI~"ARY 1972 Th~ Departmental Repc~rt fo~r t~n~ m~nth a~f Jan~n~r;~, 19~29 was r~ceived by the Counci.l, r~v~ewed anc~ carder~d fil~d. REPORT - PROCEDURES ON CIAIMS AGAINST CITY City Attorn~y Ships~y ~°eported that he had revieraed th~ new recommended procedures for claims h~ndl3ng by C~liforni~ public ~ntities with Mr. Dee of the insurance age~cy firm of Mo~ri~ & D~~, ~nd the p~°ocedur~s to be followed a~°e basically that angr cl~ims, ~,pp1.3~c~ti~ns t~ file 1at~ elaims, received by the City a~e to b~ fcarws~~d~~ ~sran~d~at~ly to t1~~ serv3c3ng ~g~nt wha will investig~t~ it~ m~~r3ts ~nd if the c~aim is to b~ d~nied o~ cannot b~ reason- ably ~~ttled, th~ City will then formally r~ject th~ claim and so notify the cl~it~xant or his r~p~es~n~ativ~ imYned3,at~lgr, PROGRESS RPRT - DOECKEL APPEAL RE: LAT SPLIT CASE N0.71-147. FAIR OAKS AVE Adm3.nistr~to~ Butch x~~vi~w~d th~t this m~tt~r had been h~1d over from Janu~ry llth b~for~ Cotencil aet~,on is ~a~C~n to en~ble the applicarita of the lot split and ~he obj~cting p~t~.tion~rs t~.me to come to an agr~eable dispoai- tion of the prop~rty. Adminietrator Bta~ch r~port~d that h~ had r~c~ived a ca11 frorn the petitio~~rs ~,nd also £~om Mr. Dan 0'Donn~ll, repreaent~tive of the appl3cants Mr. & Mrs. B~~~.ta9 and ~~c~ r~quested ~dditional time for negoti~tiona aa ther~ w~a a poa~ibilfty of th~ p~op~r~y being purchased by surra~nding r~eidenta; and if a+uck~ ~ction~ d~es com~ to pasa then no_further Council decis~on will b~ nec~~e~ry. PROPOSED RAUTING OF I~'Y 227 S°TUDY SESSION SET 2-29-72 Admini~tr~to~ Butc~ r~por~~d t~,~t ~n updat~d px~elim~nary propoaed rerouting o£ S~ate I3ig~w~,y 227 t'~~o~~t~ A~~~yo Grand~ had b~en received and reqtt~at~d th~ a~tt3,ng of an info~~l ~tudy seesion of the propoe~l on Februa~y 29, 1972, at 7:30:P.Msy v~i~h th~ public be~ng i,nvit~d. The Council w~.s agr~eable thi~ ~nd th~ ~~~~ior~ w~.l~ be heLd ~e ~tated, REPORT AND PROCEDURES FOR E. CHERRY AVE~TUE Il~ROVEMENT ' Adminigtrator B~tcla r~vieca~d D3rector of Public Worke And~reon's outline fo~ proc~dures ~.n acq~iring prop~rt~ on ~~~t Cherry Av~nue b~trae~n Traffic Way and Pacific Coa~t Railw~y Pl~c~ to enable conanenc~m~nt of the street imgrovea~ent; th~ first et~p bei~ng to hire an ~ppr~ieer ta ~pp~aise the property n~cesea~~? fo~° the pro~~ct. Bnb Go~s1~~t~ 801 Opa~l Circle, indicated his discussion with som~ p~ap~rty own~r~ on E. Ch~rry Avenue revealed th~t they wauld feel more con£id~nt in ~n ~ppr~ie~1 obt~in~d from an appraiser hir~d outside of the Cit~. Aft~r Council dis~use~o~~ Adminis- ' t~a~Qx Butch was ir~atru~et~d to hir~e an ~pprai~er ~ho ~ro~nld b~ ava~il~ble at an, e~a~ly date. ~I~.E~IM. REPORT ~ WATER PURCHASE BY COITNN,~,Y SER~1 AREA NO 12 t~dministrator Butch r~v~~wr~d in d~ta~.l p~eli~ninary study ~egort froac~ k~A T~~z~b~,rge~ of th~ ~~ginee~r~n.g .fi~n o~ Ko~big ~~,d Kaebig, r~gaardin~ ~Che ~~~u~~~ £~om Cc?unty S~xvi~e ~~,et~ict 12 to p~xx°~hae~ 50 a.cr~ feet a£ wat~~ ~~~a th~ City of Arxoyo ~~~nd~. Afte~ Counc~l die~ue~i,on~ ~t w~~ ~g~~~d that e~ssion wcnxld b~ n~cessa,~y ~fte~ Mr. ~~anb~rger'a fi~,a1 ~~po~t an ~'he ~a~.t~r n~~da th~ ~~ty i~ r~~~~.~rr~d, but that wate~ ao~~,d ~,eaeed ~~y,~~:~ ~~~ie~ ~To. ~2 ~~~npo~~.~il~ in °~~~~a o£ ~h~~~° u~g~~t n~~dp ~~f GITX ~~v~i~~.L ~'~;~~t~r~i2Y 8, ~972 ARROYO GE~N~E, CALIFORNIA PA,~a~ 3 On mot~on of Coa~n~il~nan Tall.e~9 s~c~nc~~~ b~ C~r~ancil~~n Wy~~ ~nc~ ~nanimo~sly carried9 Cot~nty S~rvic~ A~~a ~V~m ~~~.1 b~ n~~~,fi~~ t~~~ t~~ ~~ty~ willing to make avail~.ble to tk~~xn9 c~n a t~~a~orar~ b~:~~,~ H~0 ac~~ f~~~ of v~r~.t~r an anntxal cost of $246.00 pe~ ~.~~°e ~oc~~. ORAL REPORT - W.~TER RES~t3RCES ADV~~. CaMN1, MEE~ING m C~T7Z~fC~3~ia0~1V THOMPSO~V Co~.neil~roman 'Y'~ao~nps~n g~.~a~ an o~~,l. ~~,~Qr~ on ~~c~ F"~b~~~rg~ 19~2 m~~ting of the Count~-Wid~ Wat~~ ~R~~on~rc~~ Ad~iso~~ G~?~~~~~.~~ r~po~~ing t~at ~th~ ~mat~ter of Paso Robles rights ~o ~al~.n~s Da~n r,aat~r t~~.~ ~g~.~,~ d~~c~s~~~.a RECEIPT OF ARROYO GRANDE AREA-WIDE TOPIC s P7~A~1 S'~~DY Administrator B~x~c~ re~a~~r,~~d t~e A~~o3~~ ~~~.nde A~~am~Jid~ TOPICS Plan Study which has been pr~p~.~~d bg~ L~.bnpm~.nn & A~~c~co T~~ ~~;co~n~nda~ion ~s a five-yea~° progr~.m which t~ao~ld exp~nd $57,000 fo~° t~he TOPICS prc~g~a~n and. woulcl cover thr~e ma~.n proj~ct~: 1) S~gn~l~,za~i~n at `C~~~fic W~.~ ~.nd Gr~.nd Aventxe; 2) Signal mod.ificat~an at ~~~nd and H~lc~~na and 3) ~~~.ffic signal instaila- tion at Halcyon Ro~d and F~ir O~.ks A~r~a AUTHOR THIRD ANNLTAL C~UPERATIVE CAT~~ FOR BIDS FOR 1~O~,D MATERIALS Adminis~~°~.~or Butc~ repo~ted tha~- tl~e C~.~i~s of P~smo B~ach. and. Grover City have subrnitt~d their ~s~tim~.t~cl qta~nti~ies fox~ ~oad xnat~rial need.s for 1972, and have req~aested that ~his Council incl~.de ~Y~~i~° road mate~°ial needs in the City of Arroyo Grand~9s ca1l for b~,d.~ fo~° t~.~ sa~ppl~ of ~oad materials. The bidding would open Ma.rc~. 9~ 1972 at ~.OO ~,S~Io Af~~r ~ouncil diseussion, on mot~on of Cotxncilman S~h.1~g~15 ~~concl~d. b~a C~un~~l~,roman Thompson and. unanimo~zs ly~ carri~d, au.~horization to ~~.1.1 f~~° bids ~o~° ro~~ mat~rials for 1972, was approved. REPORT RE> COMPLE~INT OF OCEA~O 'TMPROVEME~T~ L~SSOCIATI~~T Administrato~° Brs.~c~ reviewe~ t1~e co~pl~in~s ~oic~d b~ A1 Battgh~?an of the Oceano Tmpx°oveinent As~oci~.Gian t~~e la~g Cc~~sncil rne~ting concerning alleged inte~°fer~nee of th~ Pl~.nn~,ng Corcrmiss~,~n ~n Oceano developmento Administrator B~.tch a1~o ~repor~~d on his inv~stigat~~n into th~ matter and reviewed infoxmation recei~red from t~~. Cc~~znt~ ~'lann~ng Depax°fiment and requirem~~.ts. on the City bg~ S~ate Cc~c?.~ ~nd. C~t~ ordinance in making certain recommenda~~.ons abc~~st propos~d subdiv~sians w~~eh ~.~e located witha~n three miles of the City"s corporate bov.nda~°ieso Cc~~nc~.1 discussion ~nclud~d. Oceano's needs for be~t~r 'ho~asing ~rith ~1~~.~ ~r~.~.'s ~con.omic picture in mind; futur~ reeomm~ndatinns to be rnad~ with ~n.d~~ influence ~nd in a tactful manne~; and final approv~l of p~oposed d~veloptnents ~n Oc~ano has n~ver been required by tlae City ~.nc~. ur~l1 contin~e not':~o 1~e ~eq~.ix°~d, A1 Baughman was present r~commendin~ th~t t~~ Ar~o~o Grande P~.ann~n~ Ccm~cnission bx°ing their • recommendations to ~he Co~.stal Vall.~y P~.~.nn~ng Council fi~st and get things "ironed" out ~l~ere before going to i~~e ~~~nt~. PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRAl~ZDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DIST. - SET STUDY SESS.2-9-72 Administrator Butch ~~port~d ~1~~ CQ~nty ~.~.s ~esolved the loaning px°oblem with Mr. Yo~k P~terson and t1~~ D~stric~ Atto~ney's office is prepa~ing an amendment to the agreement incorporat~,ng this revision, A meeting had been scheduled for Feb. 9 at 10~00 A.M. ~ri~h the D~.stx~ict.Aticorney's Office and Council Members Ta11ey and Schl~g~1 to r~view the ~gx°eeanent. Admznistrator B~~tch ~ev~ewed ~~epo~t px°epar~d. by Wally Burt of the County's engin~ering office x~e.g~.~d~,ng the f~as~bili~y of ~xcluding certain areas from t~ae sewer a~sess~nn~nt d3~tr~c~. M~yor T~~vine ~eco?zzmiended that a study session be sch~d~l~c~ to ~°e~ri~~a t~~ ner~r info~mation ~aaa.th Wa11y Burt. After Council d~,scus~2on, a st~d~ session ta~.s ~~t for Fe1~r~ary 9S 1972 at 7:00 P.M. PROGRESS REPORT - S0. SAN LUIS ~BISPO CO ~ANI'TATIOIV DISTRICT Copies of th~ Chief Plant Op~~atox°"~ R~port for th~ mcnth of Jantxa~~y, 1972, were reviewed by the Corxncil and o~d~red filed. ORAL REPORT RE. STATE REQUIR, SAI~tITARY FAC~I~ITIES OI~ BEAC~YES Administra~or Bta.tch reported ~h~t ~*e h~.s been advised b;~ Mr. Httgh Pope, ~~~e Co~xncil's representat~ve to ~he Gi~i~~ns Co~nitte~ fo~ R~c~°eational g~~velopment of Beaches and Parks~ that tl~.e C1ean Water Act Law requi~es ~M:}x~t~.t?on faczlitiES be placed along pi.a.bl~c beach~s and withoaxt ins~~llation ..n.~ ~.F~:~~ in the nea~° fut~.~e, th~ bea,cY~x~s may be clos~d. to vehict~la~ t~affic. ~;`~^:R t?~~ S~ate c~aes not h~.ve moni~s b~.dg~ted to install these f~~.ilities, ~ _~~~~ee i~ ~n~~sti~a~ing the possibz~~ty~~of ~fordn~ng a no~,~~>~eofit L:r3 ~.::.`~~T ._'_^;1 ~',~3.;~.~' ';3v?~K)4;?E~-'. L?r~~~~'Y° t;OLtTtCZ.~. '"~.3,Sf.°F~SSIOTY~ l~ T.~~"a°, r`?§~~'~~'Cj. t~lci~ ~.,~c`~.'~~S{31~ ~~S a_., _ 7~'~i ~3La~.. ~ ~'s~~°L x.~ . .-~z ~y ~ .F.xt~ ~ CITY Cf}U~3CI1L FEBRUARY 8, 1972 ARROYO G DE, CALTFORNIA ~A~E 4 recouunended that Mr. Pope be request~d to attend the next reg~al~,~ Co~ncil. me~:ting to orally report on this matter. LETTER OF THANKS FROM LUCIA MAR SCHOOL DIST, RE LINDA DRTVE IMPROV. Administrator Butcl~ read a letter receiv~d from Henry A. WaGhtmann, Director of Busin~ss S~rvices for the Lucia Mar Unified School District, thanking the City Council and Pti~blic Works Department for their help in the grading and paving of Linda Drive at Ocean View School, AUTHOR. AGREE. WITH BOOZ-ALLEN & HAMILTON RE. POLICE CONSO~,. ST~TDY On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoanan Thampson and unanimouslp carried, tha Mayor and City Clerk were author3.zed to sign an agreement on behal£ of the City of A~royo Grande with Booz-A11~n & Hamilton for the Polic~ Consolidation Study. ORAL STATEMENT OF INTENT. TO USE OWN WELL - MRS . STURDEVt~1T Mrs. Sturdevant indicated to the Co~nncil her intentions to build a ~r~tse and use wat~r from the existing:well on h~r property. Council referred her to D~.rector of Public Works Anderson to check out any City requir~ments. ORAL REPORT RE. HUMAN RELATTONS COMMISSION - MAYOR LEVINE M~yor Levine stated he had received a call~from Dick SimpsQn repre- senting the Lucia Mar Unified School D~.strict Board of Trustees.ind~,catin~ that from meetings they have had tha Mexican American problems were not ,just confined to the Valley Road Campus High School; and advised that a m~eting ~ has l~een schedul~d far February 17, 1972 at 12;00 noon at the San R~,mon Restaurant for the possible formation of a, Human Relatinns Commission and Council Members w~re u~g~d to attend. AD.TOURNMENT On motion of Cauncilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Ta11,~y and unanimous].q carr~,ed, the meeising adjourned at 9:26 P.M. unti1,7:00 P.M., F~bruary 9, 1972. ~ ATTEST: ` , , CTTY C -~i~AYOR CITX COUNCIL FEBRUARY 9, 1972 ARRa~U ~RANDE, CALIFORNIA 7;Q0 ~.M. The City Cc~uncil met in ad3ouraed r~~ular session with Mayor Pro-Tem Schlegel presiding. Upon roll c~.11, Council M~mbers Thompaon, Wood and Talley ~eported present. M~~or Levine is r~bs~nt. STUDY SESSION - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Wally Burt of the San Lttiis Obiapo County Engineering Department was present ~ad revi~w~d a r~po~°t ~n th~ f~ve ~lternativ~s o£ the Aesea~ment Diatrict and the cost factor applicable to each alte~ed area as requ~ated by th~ Cauncil; i.e. Cherry Av~. t~unk line relocation; C'h~rry Av~. trunk lin~ deletion; a.nd d~letion of properties north of the 101 Fr~~way. (Boulton, Brown ancl Lovasz). ~he Council d~scusa~~ t`h~~~ alternatea and agr~ed additional i~f~x~~- tion from th~ propo~~d diatricte financial consultant wo~tld be n~c~aeary be£are any actiion could be takar~ and Adminie~rator Butch w~s inet~ucted to request Car1 Kadi~ of Stnne & Youngb~rg, Financial Canaultar~t~ for th~ di~tric~k, to att~nd a meeting ta be sched~ul~d for further review of thi~ x~p4x°t. ' ADJOURNMENT Qn znotion a~ ~o~tz~cilzn~n T~].ley, ~econded by ~~un~ilm~.z~ Waod az~d ux~a~~~n~u~~~y eaa~~r~.ed, the me~ting ~d jou~n~d a~ $ ~ 00 F.M. ` ~ - ~.'~~ES T '~S~v l.~ ~ / ~ ~ v'~~ _ _ _ Dl~~'TJTY C ~ ~ ~E~tl~ MA.~AR FRO- ~EM