Minutes 1972-02-09 ~TTY ~C?L~IGI~ F~BRUARY 8, 1972 ARROYO G~B~, CALTFORNIA PA~E 4 recouunended that Mr. Pope be requested to attend the next r~gbnla~ Co~.ncil meeting to orally report on this matter, LETTER OF THANILS FROM LUCIA MAR SCHOOL DIST RE LINDA DRIVE IMPROV. Administratar Butc~s read a l~tter received from Henry A. Wachtmann, Director of Busin~ss S~rvic~s for the Lucia Ma~r Unified School District, thanking the City Council and P~b1ic Works Department for their help in the grad.ing and paving of Linda Drive at Ocean View School, AUTHOR. AGREE. WITH BOOZ-ALLEN & HAMILTON RE. POLICE CQNSO~,. STUDY On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoanan 1'hompson and unanimouslq carried, the Ma.yor and Citgr Clerk were authorized to sign an agreement on behalf of the City of A~royo Grande with Bao~-A11~n & Hamilton for the Police Consolidation Study. ORAL STATEMENT OF INTENT. TO USE OWN WELL - MRS . ST[TRDEVAI~IT Mrs. Sturdevant indicated to the Catun.cil her intentions to build a 'f~otse and use wat~:r from the existing we11 on her praperty. Council referred her to Director of Public Works Anderson to check out any City requirements. ORAL REPORT RE. HUMAN RELATTONS COMMISSION - MAYOR LEVINE M~.yor Levine stated he had received a call fram Aick Simpsan repre- senting the Lucia Mar LTnified School D~.strict Board of Trtastee~, i.nd~.catin~ that from meetings they have had th~ Mexican Amc~rican problems w~re not just confined to the Vall~y Road Campus High School; and advised that a meeting ~ has l~een schedul~d for F~brua~°y 17, 1972 at 12:00 noon at the San Raman Restaurant for the passible formation of a Human Rel~~ions Co~r?issior~ and Council Members w~re urg~d to attend. ADJOURNMENT On motion o£ Councilman Wood, s~conded by Counci~man Talley az~d unanimou~Xy carri,ed,.the meetting adjourned a~ 9:26 P.M. unti7.,7:00 P.M., February 9, 1972. ATTES T ~-v-~.-~---~~ . C T Z'Y C ~AXOR CITY COtTNCIL F~BRU.ARY 9, 1972 AI~RQXQ GRANDE, CAZIFORNIA 7s00 P.M. ~'h~ City Cauncil met in ad~ou~ned r~~ular session w~ith Ma.yor Pro-Tem Schlegel presiding. Upon roll c~.11, Council M~mbers Thompaon, Wood and Tall.ey x~ported present. Mayor L~vine is abser~t. STUDY SESSION - ARROYO GRAAI~TTDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DIS7.`RICT Wallq Burt of the San Luis Obispa County Engineerix~g Departme~t w~e paceseat a~nd reviewed a re~o~t on tt~~ ftve ~lternatives of the Asaes~ment Diatriat and the coet factor applic~ble to ~ach altered area aa requ~sted by the Council; i.e. Aherry Av~. trunk lin~ r~location; Cherry Av~. trunk line deletion; and d~letion of propertiea north of th€ 101 Fre~way. (Boulton, I Brown and Lovasz). The Counci.l d~.scuae~dl th~~e ~lternatee and agr~~d additional ~,~f~x~a~- tion from th~ propos~d diatricts financial consultant wo~ld be n~c~asary ' be£ore any action could be tak~~, a~d Adminie~rator Butc~h was inatructed t~ request Carl K~di.~ of Stnne & Youngb~rg, Fina~eial Canst~ltant~ for th~ d~,stri~~, to attend a me~ting to be scheduled for further review of th~,~ r~pr~rt. ~ ADJOURNMENT On motion af ~auz~cilman ~a~.l~ey, ae~on.d~d by ~e~ur~ci].~an Waod ar~d uz~az~i~au~~~* car~~.ed, the mee:ting ad,jou~n~d $;00 P.M. ~ ~ AT~EST: L . d':~_°i~.R~-~--, DEPUTX C~TX C~~RK MA~'OR FRQ-~EM.