Minutes 1972-02-22 ~ ~:L.~`l"m~IL F~'.'w.Y.":.~~ 22~ 1R72 ARitt7Y0 URANDE , CAI~IF'ORNIA The City Council met in regu.Iar session with Mayor I,evine presiding~ Upon roll call, Council Members Schlegela Tliompson, Wood and T~ll~y r~ported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Ma.yor Levine lead the Pledge of A1legiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend Stanley Durham of the First Southern Baptist Church of Grover City delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of February 8, 1972 and the adjourned regular meeting of February 9, 1972, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL -0F WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thampson, and ~ unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 639 through No, 69~, in the total amount of $31,'~/7.G2; Payroll Warrants No. 973 through Noo 1049, in the total amount of $15,902P06; and Trust and Agency Warrants No. 1601 through No. 1615, in the total amount of $318,58, were approved and ordered paid. REPORT BY HUGH POPE - REP TO STATE COMMITTEE ON BEACHES & PARKS Mr. Hugh Pope, the City's representative to the State Committee on Beaches and Park.s, was present and reviewed the back.ground information on the requirement of sanitary facilities by the State Advisory Commission for the beach areas of Nipomo, Oceano and Pismo Beacho He reported that last year the Clean Water & Environmental Act was passed and went into effect i~?Ym?ediately, requiring sanitary facilities on public beaches to be placed every 1/lOth of a mile, or the beaches would be clased to the public. The State indicated a lack of funds for this project for the next 2 to 3 years and suggested that a non-profit organization be set up which would collect fees for use of the beaches, administer all facilities and pay voucherso A11 beaches would have to establish entrance fees and a limitation would also have to be set on the number of people having access to the beaches at one time. - Council discussian indicated that they felt the beaches should be free for public use and the State should wait until it does have sources available to provide the Y•equired sanitary facilities without closing the beaches until such time, Mr. Pope indi.cated he will advise the cornmittee of the Council's opinion and keep the Council informed with progress reports. DEDICAT. OFFER OF PRIVATE ROAD - BRIGHTON STREET - BY MR. S. C, BADEN Administrator Butch reviewed a letter he received from Attorney Stephen Cool on behalf of Mr. Siegfried Co Baden of 1385 Brighton Street in Arroyo Grande, to dedicate a private road to the City in exchange for curbs, gutters and sidewalks on the street, as he was concerned about the number of persons using the street and his public liability, Administrator Butch pointed out the ~rea involved on a map and suggested the City might get an easement for a water line to complete the City's water circulation in that area. Neither Mr. Baden or his representative was present so Council directed that perhaps a compromise co~xld be arranged to accept the street as an easement for the water line instead of the improvements, as the latter request has never been afforded other property owners, and it would be Mr. Baden's responsibility to pave the street before the City does accept it. PROCLAMATION -"ANIERICAN FIELD SERVICE WEEK" - FEB. 22-28 1972 Mayor Levine read a proclamation and proclaimed February 22 to February 28, 1972, as "American Field Service Week" in the City of Arroyo Grande, as requested by Talley Farms, one of the sponsors of this program. PROGRESS REPORT - RECENT DOG CENSUS Administrator Butch reported on the dog licensing response since the dog census and indicated a follow-up letter has been sent recently to dog_ owners urgi~g.~.ieir cooperation in. licensing their dogs, as there are still about 800 dogs unlicensed. Th~ penalty period for unlicensed dogs begins March 1, and Council direction was requested for enforcement measures to be taken, Council discussion indicated that the dog licensing law should be enforced and Administrator Butch was directed to solicit aid in this matter from the Woods Animal Shelter. REGEIPT OF MINUTES OF PARK & BUSINESS IMPROV AREA ADVISORY BOA:~~ The minutes of the Parking and Business Improvemen~ Ar~~ ~dvisory ~oard meeting of February 3, 1972, were received by the Caunczi, reviesaed and ordered filed. Adminis~ratc~r ~3€z~c~ rep~rted that t~~ ~~~r~~~.s~ of ~he Withrow property iu v~mpl~~~ci ~.n~. re~,riewecl. ~ ~~a~; ~~i~3. no~r be taken for devel~pmen~ c~i °i~he property, ~1 ~ CITY G4UlYCIL F~BF~UAItY 22, 1972 ARR(}YQ GR~€DE', CALZF~RAIIA PA~~ 2 RECEIP'F OF MIfiFUTES OF COASTAL VAI.,LEX PLANNING COUNCIL The mi~.t~tes o€ the Coastal Valley Planning Gouncil m~eting of Jan. 3, 197~, w~re r~:ceived by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. R~~flL, ADOPT. RE: CiTY FARTIGIPATION IN STATE'S PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC PAINT Administrator Butch ~~ported that the State Office of Purchasing has advise~ t1~~:t the State Procuxement 0~fice is preparing to call for bids for certi~in items, inc~.uding traffic paint, for 1972, and if the City wishes to participate in the State program, information regarding the proposed pur- ch~se must now be fQrward~cc~. to the S~ate. Administrator Buteh pointed out that the purchase of traffic pain;~'tthrough the State saves the City about $1.flQ per gal~on, After Couneil dise~xs:sion, Ci~y Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution authoria~:ng the =State Depa~taaent of' General Services to include in ~he S~ate ca11 for b~.ds, traffic paint needs for the City of Arroyo Grande; thereafter a motion-wa~ made by CounciTman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman 1"iiompsan and uns~,~~aczttsly earried, to dispense with reading the balance of this reso~uti,~n, RESOLUTION N0. 972 A,_RES'OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARRQYQ GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENEBAL SERVICES OF:THE ~'TATE OF GALIF'4RNIA TO PURGHASE CERTAIN TTEMS On ~fiiQn of Gouncilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Talleq and on the €oll.c~ai.ng ro11 ~all vote, to wit: AYFS: Council Members Schlegel, Thampson, Woad, Talley and Mayor Levine NOES: None ~ ABSEN~: None ~ ~ ~ the ~pregoing resolution was passed and adopted ~his 22nd day of February, 1972. ~.,ESQL. ~1DOPT. RE: FORMATION OF UNDERGROUND DIST.--SET PUB HEAR 3/14/72 Administrator Butch revietaed the reco~¢nendation of the Underground tTti.lity Coordinating Committee th,at the City Council set a public hearing fe+r ~he creation of an underground district within the central business district to cover that ~ortion of the undergrounding in which monies will be available. Z'he distriet under consideration would be from the freeway to Nevada and Bridge Streets on Branch, After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution calling a pu.bl~c hearing on March 14, 1972 at 8c00 P.M. to determine the necessity for the formation ot an underground district within the central business district of Arroyo Grande; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilwoman Thompson and una.ni.mously carried, ~o dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTzON N0. 973 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CALLING A PUBLIC HEAR~I~TG TO DETERMINE WHETHER PUBLIC NECESSITY~ HEALTH, SAFETY, OR WELFARE REQUIRES THE FORMATION OF AN UND~R- GROUND UTILITY DISTRICT ON BRANCH STREET N0. 1 On mo~ion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Schlegel, Thompson, Wood, Talley and Ma.yor Levine. NOES: None ABSENT: None ~he foregoing r~solution was passed and adopted this 22nd day of ~°~bruary, 1972. (Foregoing proceedings re''nstated. See Minutes of April 25, 1972 & Resolution No. 979.~ ~ ~ c:) CITY COUNCIL ~~~~Z~L~RY 22, 1972 ARROYO GRAND~, GALIFOIZNIA PA~~ 3 ORAL REPORT - RECENT COUNTY & CITIES AitEA PZANNI~IG MEE'T. - Ct~~~aCILMAN TALLEY Co~ncilman Ta11eg~ reported on t~.e rec~nt meeting h~ attencl~:d of the County and Cities Ar~a Planning Coordinating Council, ind.~.cating Z3.ttle hope of San Luis Obispo Caunty being removed f~cnn the Regic~n~.1 Planning District as adopted by fihe C~.liforni~. Council on Int~rgov~rn~ental Relati~ns, Administrator Bt~tch ~epox°ted on the r~ceipt of l~gislativ~ information wh~ch stated tha~ effective March 4, 19~2, plans for subc[ivisions involving 50 lots or more will have ~o be approved by th.e State Clearing House first, and if no word is'r~c~ived from them within ~0 day~s of the subanission of the plans, th~n i~ can b~ assuAned the plans hava been approvec~. AUTHOR. JOINT POWERS AGREE, BETWEEN CITIES RE: POLICE CO~SOLIDATION STUDY Adminis'trator B~ttch reviewed a Joint Powers Agree~nent prepared by City Attorne~ Shipsey bet~reen the Cities of Arroyo Gr~nde, Grover City and Pismo Beach in regard to th~ ~.dministration and control of the Police Consolidation Study, After Co~ncil disc~xssion, on motion of Councilman Waod, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimo~sly carried, the Joint Powers Agreement between the Citi~s of Arroyo Grande, Grover City and Pismo Beach was approved and the Mayor and City Clerk w~re authorized to sign said agreement on behalf of the City of Arroyo Grande. SUBDIVISION MAP TRACT N0. 415 (PRATHERS) - HEZD OVER Administrator Butch advised that the final subdivision map for the Prather Subdivision on Brighton, just west of Elm, had not been received as yet arid req~.ested, and Couneil agreed, that this matter be held over until the next regular City Council meetingn APPROVED OPTIONAL DESIGN STANDARD FOR TRACT #~453 Administrator Butch reviewed the map and guidelines of the proposed utilization of Optional Design and Improvement Standards on Tract ~~453,as permitted in Section 3.5 of the Subdivision Ordinance, as prepared by the d~veloper's engineer, Robert S. Garing, Jr., who was also present and answered. questions. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilwoman 1~hompson, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, the Optiona•1 Design and Improvement Standards, as permitted in Section 3.5 of the Suhdivision Ordinance,, was approved to be permitted in the proposed map of Tracr No. 453, REQUEST FOR WATER SERVICE ON LOPEZ DRIVE - OUTSIDE OF CITY - T. M, GOFF Administrator Butch reviewed a letter and map received fram Mr. Thomas M. Goff, 277 E1 Por~al Dr, Rt. 1, San Luis Obispo, requesting:water service for a 52 acre parcel of land he owns outside the City of Arroyo Grande. After Council discussion i~C was agreed that this matter should be directed to the engineering firm of Koebig and Koebig to inclttde this item in their feasi- bility studq of the City's wa~er concerns, Seyeral citizens in the audience raised various questions in regard to City water and Lopez Water charges, which were clarified for them by Administrator'Buttch and Mayor L~vine~ REPORT - ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL Co~.ncilanan Schlagel ~eviewed the Budget received from the Water Treatment P1ant indicating approval of the clearer format usEd this year in its presentation, and that it will be suggested that for future budgets a column of the previous qear's expenditures be ineluded for comparative review. , He further x°eporte~. that the Zone 3 Advisory Conmiittee will be diseussing the Lopez Recreation Area fees next. Also discussed was a bi11 in legislation at this time which raill assure the retention of the City's present ground water rights throt~gh a sta~e~ment which will be filed bq the'City with the State annually. PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER DISTRICT Administrator Bt~tch reviewed a letter received from George C. Protopapas, Countp Engineerf dated February l8, which stated that of the five different sewer pro~ects that ~he County Engineering Department had prepared cost comp~:risons on, only two were actually feasible; one being the original project and the other being the re-routing of the Cherry Avenue Extension trt~nk line to Htizasna'Road, providing full service to areas above Coach Road ~n~ ~n Huasn~. Road, b~tt deleting service and capacity along Cherry Aven~x~ Extensione Council Members discussed the pros and cons of both pl~.r~s extensively and also the procedures whieh wi11 follow the adoption of a sewer district plan (i.e, pub],ic hea.ring~ l~a~ds, assess~nents, etca)~ ~dr~~i.~ ,~~.~cr ~ut~h also CITY' COUNCIL FEBRUA,ItY 22, 1972 ARROYO GRt~NDE , CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 repor~ed that besides the grant and million dollar loan alr~a~.y assured the City for this project, another million dollar loan is being n~gotiated which is also practically assured. Various citizens in the audienee made inquiries and cozarnents regarding the g~vp~s~#~i~~ district. Director of Public Works Anderson made a rough estimate of the assessrnent to the Dixon Estate as requested by Mr. McKenzie of Bank of America, representing that Estate. After further Council discussion, it was agreed that a decision should be made f~r one plan or the other as ~ime is of the essence, ~thereafter a motion was made by Cota:ncilman Talley, seconded by Councilwoman TYiompson and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council Members Thompson, Talley and Mayor Levine NOES: Council Members Schlegel and Wood ABSENT: None to recommend to the County Engineering Department that bids be called for the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District projeet with the amendment to the original plan which entails the re-routing of the Cherry Avenue extension trunk line to Huasna Road, providing full service to areas above Coach Road and on Huasna Road, bu~ deleting service and capacity along Cherry Avenue Extension. Administrator Bu.tch reviewed the Agreement prepared by the County to enable timely payment to York Peterson, Consulting Engineer for the sewer project. Council Members reviewed the Agreement and indicated dissatisfaction with the usage of the term "duties" on page 3, item 3 and recommended that the word "payments" be subs~Ci~uted. Thereafter, a motion was made by Councilwoman Thompson, seconded by Councrlman Talley and unanimously carried, to approve the agreement with the modification to be made by substituting "~ayments" for "du~ies" in the two places the word appears in the agreement, after which modification th~ Ma~or and City Clerk are authorized to sign said agreement on belza.lf of th~ City of Arroyo Grande. GARING. TAYLOR & ASSOC LOT SPLIT KEQUIR PROPERTY DEDICATION - ELM STREET Adminis~rator Buteh reviewed that in conjunction of approval of Lot Split Case No. 70-119 on So. E1m Street, requested by Garing, Taylor and Assoc,, Inc., ~:",~e~.r~c~txi~~t~ .tt~ d'edic~.£e :to the Gity a portion of their land for road purposes, lying:within the E1m Street Plan Line. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Ta11ey and unani.mously carried, the Grant Deed from Garing, Taylor & Assoc., Inc., by Robert S. Garing, Jr., for the dedication for road purposes that portion of 15 of the Folsom Tract, "~.ying within the Elm Street Plan Line, was accepted and the Ma:yor and City Clerk were autihorized to sign the Certifi- cate of Acceptance and the deed be recorded. COMPLAINTS BY CITIZENS OF ARROYO GRANDE ~ Variotts complain~Cs were voiced by citizens of Arroyo Grande, Some of the complaints were not under the jurisdiction of the Couneil and therefore the complainants were directed to the proper authorities; other complaints will be investigated. ~ ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unani.mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M, until 7:30 P,M., February 29, 1972. ~ ; . , ; ~ i f ~ / ~ ATTEST?~ ~k~~Y'~f:~..- __:.~4 ;~I_ ~,~.,,z,v.,., : DEPUTY CITY CLERK ~MAYOR