Minutes 1972-04-25 x,; i~ - _ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 25, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met ~n regaa.lar session urith M~~or Schlegel presiding. Upon roll call, Council Membe~s Millis9 Tall~y, Wood and. d~ Leon reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Schlegel 1.ea.d the Pledg~ of All~gi~.nc~ to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Rever~nd Larr~ Ao Mill~r of the Peace Lu~theran Church of Arroyo Grande delivered th~ invocationo APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Co~ncilman Wood, second~d by Councilman Talley, and unanimo~.sly carried, th~ minutes of the special meeting of April 7, reg~zlar meeting of Apri1 10, and req~.ired meeting of April 18, 1972, were approved as prepared.. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Co~*ncilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Millis, and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 851 through No. 915, in the total amount of $36,044031; Pa~roll Warrants No. 1337 through No. 1391, in the total amount of $13;793,30; and Trust & Agency Warrants No. 1640 through No. 1664, in the total amount of $387,58, were approved and ordered paid. MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE ASSIGN. OF COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Schlegel appointed Council representatives to standing conanittees and cozrmiissions as follows : Co~znty Cities Area Planning Coordinating Counci.l - Councilman TalZ~y; Co~nty Water Reso~.rces - Councilman de Leon; Zone Three (Lopez) - Co~ncilma.n Talley and as alt~rnate, Councilman Mi11is; South San Luis Obispo Coun~y Sanitation District - Councilman Wood; Local Agency Formation Commission - Councilman Wood; Underground Utility Coordinating Cacr¢nittee - Councilman Millis; Co~anty-Wide Mayors' Committee - Mayor Schlegel; and Human RelaCions Study Co~nitt~e - Councilman Millis and as alternate, Councilman de Leon. Mayor Schlegel also requested that the May 15th meeting of the Underground Utility Coordinating Committee be changed from 9 A.M, to 3 P.M. . I1~TVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN LA FIESTA PARADE IN S L 0 - MAY 20 1972 An invitation was received from the La. Fiesta Parade Committee requesting that the City Co~.ncil participate in the parade to be held on May 20, 1972, in San Luis Obispo, Ad.ministrator Butch was instructed to notify the Parade Commi~ttee that the Council will participate in this event. WOOD FUNERAL HOME OFFER OF CASUALTY CERTIFICATE TO CITY EMPLOYEES Administrator Butch reviewed a letter and information received trom the Wood Funer~l:_Home, who wish to present to a11 City employees a casualty certificate covering Ci~ty employe~s with mortuary service. City Attorney Shipsey had reviewed the material and discussed the offer with the staff of California Leagaxe of Cities, who tho~.ght the offer most generous and should be accepted, which feeling was shared by the Council. Dale Mynderup9 Vice President of Wood Funeral Home, was present and requested that the Council accept the offer by motion. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, the offer of Wood Funeral Home of Casualty Certificates to City employees was approved and Administrator Butch directed to set up appointments for Wood Fun~~~l:_Home to meet with the employees for the presentations. REQUEST OF PROPERTY OWNER TO PURCHASE CITY LAND ADJ TO HIS PROPERTY--SHUMATE Administrator B~n~eh reviewed a letter received from Mr. Joe Shumate, 220 Hillcrest, in which he ~equests to purchase a narrow strip of City-owned land which is a portion of Reservoir Site No. 2 a.nd adjacent to his rear yard. Director of Public Works Anderson's review of the matter and Council discussion indicated the property should be retained by the City for possible future use as a park or expansion of the reservoir system. NOTICE FROM GREYHOUND LINES OF REQUESTED INCREASE IN PASSENGER BUS FARES- Administrator Bu.tch reported th.at a notice has been received fram Greyhound Lines advising that they have filed an application with the Calif- ornia Pu.blic Utilities Commission requesting an increase in passenger bus fares. 31 CITY COUNCI~ APRIL 25, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFC~R~Tr~ PAGE 2 RESOL, ADOPT. RE: GOV, REA~r~~T REQ~ES~ SUPPORT ~'ROPa ~~2 AT PRIM, ELECT. Adgn~.nistrator B~stc~a ~~~ri~s~~e~ ~ le~t~~~ ra~c~~v~c~ fro~ Gov~rnor R~ag~n urging s~ppc~rt c~f Pr~po~~~~c~n e:,~~~.c~ ~;~,1~ b~ ~n ~1~~ J~n~ pr~.anar~ b~.llot and w~ll a~.~~ao~°~~~ ~h.~ is~~~.ng ~n~. s~~11,~,ng uf $350s000~Q00 of Stat~ nf Calif- ornia gen~~al ~~~~g~.~~an brsn~s ~or ~r~:~.~~;~ng s~~~~ls. Aft~r C~a~ncil disc~assion, Cit~ Attarney~ St~ips~~ t~a~ trGl~ ~~~sol~t;~.~n ~n s~,pport of Propositi~n ~k2 on the Jun~ 19~2 Px°~~n~~y ~1~c~~c~n b~~~.o~;, ~;`~~~°~~~f~~r, mat~,on was mad.e by Cotxncil~an Mi11~~, s~~on~.~d b~ C~a~.n~~~~n~n ~`~.2~~.~ and ~.n~nim~~sl~ carried, to dispense w~t~ ~re~.c~~ing ti~~ ~~~Ian~~ o~, x°~~~ol~t~on. R~~~~.UTIO~T ~f0 a 9 U ~ A R~SOLt7Z'T0~1 ~F' T~IE CITY Ct~"[~TCTL ~F TEiE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE I~ SL~PPQR'~ 0~ PRO~OS ITION ~~2 O~~V TTT3EE JUNE 6, ~3~2 PRIM~RY E~ECTION BALLOT. On motion of Co~nc~lar~~n Woe~~, s~conc~~d. b~r ~c~~nc~~m~n ~e I~~on and on the f~llor~ing r.ol~, c~.1I vo~~~ ~c~ ~:L~: AYES: C~uncil~nen M~11~s9 T~.11~~, Wo~c~, d1~ i,~on an~. M~~ar Schlegel NOESa ~]on~ ABSElVZ': Ne~nc~ the foreg~ing ~°~:~~l~t~.s~n ~~s pa~~~d ~nc~ ae~c~p~~~ ~~is 2.5~h ddy of Apr.°i~, 1972. P~~~ t~a~ ~esol~t°~ony ~r~~piws of. s~.an~ w~l~ b~ s~nt to Governor R~agan, Sen~to~ Gruxnsk.g~, As~~;~nb1~.~~n M~.cG~lli~r~~% a.n~ K~~ch~.~n, ~nc~ news media. RECETPT UF FRAI~CHT~E P.AYMENI FI2QM SOl~T"4~ERN CAY:~F, G~S COMPA~VY E1dm:~nistrator ~~itc1~ ~E~po~~~c~ tr~~ r~~c~;ip±~ of tYi~ gas fran~his~ paym~nt fro~n Soutl~~~n C~.lifc~~°~a.~ G~s Co~n~p~n~ ~'c;~~ tl~~ ~al~n~ar ~~~x° 19~1s 2n the amount of $~,530.10e '~REAS_U_RER' S REPORT FOR TH~ M0~7"~~ UF MA1tC~Iq T9 d 2 The T~~a~asrc~r9~ R~part for ~:h~ ~nontl~ ~7f Marc~~ 1972, was received by ~ the Council, r~viec~red an.d e~°d~~~c~ fil~~.. RECEIPT OF COMPARATIVE F~i~'ANCT.AL REPORT RE, CITIES IN SLO C0. Ad~~~nfst~~.to~° B~tcl~ ~ev~.~:~~~c~ ~n. ~n~ormativt ~~port pr~pared by Dr. George Cl~cas of t~.~ C~1 PQ1~ Soci~1 Sc~.~.n~cc~ D~p~.rtm~nt, 'The report gav~ gen~ral info~_rnatian on cc~~~rp~~~~~~~ f~.n~nci~r.1 3nfoee~nna~~on con~~rni.ng th~ six cities in San L~ui~ ~b~.~po Cc~~r.~:~ , b~~ ~d on. 1969-70 ~~~r~nane and ~xp~nditures and 1970 populat~on9 c~n ~ pe~ ~~.p~.~-~ b~s~~. I~ ~r~~ point~d o~t that A~royo Grande t~~d t~n~ lo~res~ f~gr~,~~ a~n p~~° capi~;~ ~°~~~~nt~e and th~ second lowest figures of p~~° c~.pita ~xp~ndi~;~x~~~ of s~x c~ti~~. ~ PUB. HEAR. - BROWN~ APPE~T. REm T~OT ~PLTT CASE IVO, ~l°147 FAIR OAKS AVEm Adm~nis~rata~° B~.tc~. r~~v~~~~~~c~. fi~~~: a~~~. ~nder cons~deration in Lat Split Case No. ~1-147, on m~ps ~nc~ ~1.so ~°~v~~w~d pr~~~v~o~s act~c~ns b3r the Lot Split Comanitt~e9 Planning C~~~ss~.c~n and Ci~~ Co~.ncil9 inelucYa.ng the previous property own~rs' ~pp~a1 an~ negot~~+~~~ns ~a~t~ appl.~.can~s for the lot split. Upon b~~ng ~ss~.r~~ by Ci~~ C1~rk K~ngs~e~~ td~~~ all req~ni~°~~nts as prov~.ded by latia raad b~en co~pli~d ~it~, M~.~o~ Schl~gel declar~d the k~earing open and all. p~rsons ~ao~13 now 1~~~ 1~.~~~r,~. T~n~ follo~;~ing p~r~on.s tia~~~ p~°~s~nt and spoke ag~~nst the ~ppro~aal of t~.is lat split: I~n.ag~n~ B:~o~n~, P 20 Woad.l~ne~ D~°i~r~ (Ta~^~o had. appealed this case by l~tt~r dat~d Aprfl ly 19~2), pr,~s~n~~zi an ~.dd~tivnal l~ttex° of pro~~st signecl by ~~~s~1f ~n~. 18 ot~~.r ~e~i~.~nts, M~.~:~h~w Gallagh~r, 520 Leanna Driv~, B~rnard L~nds~an9 ~`~0 N~~~man. D~iv~:; and. R~b~rt Go~lart, 801 Opal Circle. Mrs. M.. B~ BE~~~.t~.9 106Fi E11~., San Lu~is (~b~.s~c~ (o~rwn~r of th~ su.bj~ct propert3'~, r~fut~d so~xi~ of t~x~. ~lleg~ti.c~n~ m..~aad~; in th~ prot~st ~nd spoke in favox° of th~ lot~ ~pl~.t~ ~nd D~n Q'Donn.E,1:i.~ r.°e~p~'~s~:nta~ive ~or th~ B~titas, rev~,ewed th~ alt~~n~~t~ groposa~.s ~ncY n~got~~.t~.ons off~red t1~~ p~rot~.sting property own~~s ~n tk~~~ ~.r~~., T1~~re b~ing rio f.~tn~t.Y~~~r c;.~s~c~~4si.vn fo~r o~° ~g~.inst th< 1ot spl~t, May~r ~ Schlegel d~clar~d th~ h~~.rin.~; e,1as~.d~, T1~~ Cc~~n~~l ~~s~~s~~d. t~e gnatt~~ and e~ ~.d CITY COUNCIL APRIL 25, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 agreed with the Planning Commission's approval of the lot split that this was a logical use of the lande After further Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman de Leon and carried, Lot Split Case No. 71-147, Fair 0aks Avenue, was approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. RESOL. ADOPT. - FORMATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITY DIST. - SET PUB.HEAR. 6/13,[72 Administrator Butch advised that Ordinance No. 68 C.S, adopted by the City Council on April 10, 1972, was not published because following that meeting City Attorney Shipsey discovered that the proceedings necessary to establish an underground utility district had not been complied with as out- lined in Municipal Code Section 9-5.02, therefore, for the legal establishmen~ of Underground Utility District Branch Street No, 1 it was recommended that the establishment of the aanderground utility district be rein$tiated. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution calling a public hearing on June 13, 1972 at 8:00 P.M, to determine the necessity for the formation of an underground utility district within the central business district of Arroyo Grande; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 979 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING TO DETERMINE WHETHER PUBLIC NECESSITY, HEALTH, SAFE'I'Y, OR WELFARE REQUIRES THE FORMATION OF AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT ON BRANCH STREET N0. 1 On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilma.n de Leon and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Millis, Talley, Wood, de Leon and Mayor Schl~gel NOES: None ABSENT; None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of April, 1972:. REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Administrator Butch reviewed the legislative bulletins received from the League of California Cities, making the Council aware of several items effecting the City, including a bill just approved by the Assembly Committee on Retirement, which makes mandatorily applicable to contracting cities the 2% at age 50 r~tirement formula for policemen and firemen effective 7/1/73. He further advised that the annual new Mayors' and Councilmen's Institute will be held in San Diego May l7 through 19 and Councilman de Leon and Mayor Schlegel indicated they would attend, APPROVAL TO DISPOSE OF CITY OWNED SURPLUS VEHICLE -'70 FORD - POLICE DEPT. Administrator Butch reported that the new police car is now in opera- tion and requested Council authorization to dispose of the 1970 Ford, which is no longer serviceable as a Police Department unit. After Council discus- sion, on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, the 1970 Ford was declared as surplus and to be sold by public auction and bid, said bi.ds to be opened at 2:00 P.M., May l2, 1972, with the vehicle being on display for public inspection during office hours at the City Hall parking lot through May 11, 1972, Na minimum bid was set for this vehicle. REQUEST TO REVISE LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND RADIO STATION Administrator Butch reviewed a request for a revised ~ease from Elizabeth L. Shurtleff of Larson-Irwin Enterprises, a partnership which leases from the City the property where the radio station is located. The revised lease requested a 20-year lease with an option for 10 more, rather than the present 20-year lease, which sti11 has 10 years to expira- tion plus an option for an additional 10 years. City Attorney Shipsey's review and the Council's discussion of the request indicated they felt the lease should not be considered until the expiration of the remaining 10-years. Mrs. Shurtleff was present and indicated that the present lease was too restrictive in that it leased the property solely for purposes of "maintaining CI'I'Y COUNCIL APRIL 25, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CAZZFORNIA PAGE 4 and operating a radio station thereon" and further indicated that as the radio station would be moving, th~ lease would bind them to unusable property, After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, the matter was tabled until the next regulax' Council meet~.ng to give the Council additional time ~o review the m~tter in view of the new aspects brought out by Mrs. Shurtleff. REVIEW OF P.O.S,T. MANAGEMENT SURVEY OF A. G. POLICE DEPT. Administrator Butch reviewed the highlights of the 1972 management survey made of the Arroyo Grande Police Department by The Commiss~ion on Peace Officer Standards and Training, indicating that the report gives ~ie City and Police Department an effective guideline for efficient use of th:~department and that it would be beneficial to the Cit~ for many years to come. The Council was requested to give permission to begin the implementation of the report by P.O.S.T. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, approval was given to begin the program of ~.mplementation of recommendations per the P.O.S.T. Report. DISCUSSION RE, BICYCLE PATHS IN CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Administrator Butch reviewed a letter received from the Division of Highways in response to the City's inquiry as to the possibility of a bicycle path along Route 227 arou.nd Crown Hill. Said response indicated no funds available presently for the construction of this, but offered help with the development of plans and suggested routing locations for the path. Matthew Gallagher was present pointing out that the recent citizens' poll taken had indicated people to be in favor of bicycle paths and that the existing Fair Oaks Avenue path was well traveled by both bicycle riders and pedestrians, Administrator Butch suggested the Council might consider a City-wide bicycle path plan study be made, for which project Mr. Gallagher offered the services of the Citizens Committee, Councilman Ta11ey felt the Crown Ai11 path should be given priority to which Council Members were in accord. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, Administrator Butch was directed to contact the Lucia Ma.r School District in pursuit of action for a bicycle path on or at the base of State Highway 227 at Crown Hill, and further, the Parks & Recreation Coxmnission was directed to make a study and develop a Master Plan for bicycle paths throughout the City, for Council review a~.d consideration. Mr. Bob Goulart suggested that this project might be a good community project, with residents supplementing the City's allocation for the project with donations of funds and labor. RESOL. AAOPT, - USE OF TOPICS ALLOCATION NOTICE RE. TRAFFIC SIGNAL BID OPEN. City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution designating use of 1971-72 and 1972-73 TOPICS allocation; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0, 980 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DESIGNATING USE OF 1971-72 AND 1972-73 TOPICS ALLOCATION. On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Wood and on the following ro11 ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Millis, Talley, Wood, de Leon and Mayor Schlegel NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of April, 1972. In regard to the use of TOPICS funds for the traffic signal at Branch Street and Traffic Wa~, Administrator Butch advised that the Division of Highways has called for bids on the signal, the bid opening date is set for June 7, 1972. ~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 25, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 REQUEST TO USE CITY WATER - CONROW Administr~to~ B~ztch r~ad a lett~~ f~°om Mr. A1bex°t L. Conrow, Rotxt~ 1, Box 568, requesting tl~~ us~ of City c~~.t~x° as his w~11 was clr~ and the creek water pollu~ed. Aft~~ Cotznci~ discussion, Adaninistrator Butch was directed to _ refer the matt~r to cons~lting ~ngineers Ko~big & Koebig for their recorrnnenda- tion, as they are presen~ly* doing, a s~~d~ on the City's ~rate~ needs and ~.11 similar req~ests fo~ water have b~en r~f~:rred to th~m. ORAL REPORT - ZONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING - MAYOR SCHLEGEL Mayor ScY~legel reported. that the following had been discussed at the recent Zone 3 Advisor~ Committ~e meeting: Th~ mont~ly Filtration Report from the Water Trea.tm~nt Plant; Asked for test~.ng of the tributaries feeding the Lopez area; and w~~re shown maps x°~garding the condition of w~lls in the water basin, which showed marked improvemento Mr. M,~.tth~~a Ga11~g~.er q~estion~d Mayor Schl.egel regarding the Lapez water charges m~.de on r~sidents, ~.n comp~.rison to actual usag~., and tYie Lopez Water Contract taas explained to hirn, MAYOR SCHLEGEL EXCUSED HIMSELF FROM THE COUZ~]CIL CHAMBERS STATING HE HAS A POTENTIAL FINANCIAL INTEREST IN THE MATTER TO FOZLOW, AND MAYOR PRO-TEM TALLEY ASSUMED THE CIiAIR APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP TRACT 415 - CORONA DEL TERRA SUBDIVISION (PRATHERS) Directox° of Pszblic Works An~.erson presented and. reviewed the Final Map of Tract 415 - Corona del Terra Subdivision, a 20-lot development on a five acre sit~ nortl~erly of Gr~.nd Avenue between Fair View Drive and North Elm Street. Mr. Matth.ew Gallagher questioned the propriety of City staff inembers presenting plans for developers and City Attorney Shipsey explained to him that City staff inerely explains thE matters to th.e Cov.ncile Mr. Ande~rson then r~viewed his recommendations subject to the approval of Tract 415, expla.a~ning in d~tail th~ drainage, ove~flow ditch and sewer hook-ups in th~ ar:aa After Council disc~cssion, on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman de Leon and ~.nanimously carried9 the Final Ma.p for Tract No. 415, Corona de1 Terra Sv.bdivision was approved, subject to th~ following requirements: l, A deposit ~.g~eement for faithfv:l performance of $66,500.00 and $33,250.00 to sectxre payment for labor and materials, 2. An ianprovem~nt agree~nent s~tting forth starting work within ninety (90) days and coanpl~ting work within twelve (12) months. 3. A drainage agreement retaining Lots 16;1~ & 18 for ponding purposes and the d~veloper,accepting th.e responsibility of liability and maintenance of th.e drainage facilities. 4. S~.bmission of a utility eas~ment for water, sew~r and drainage facilities on Brighton S~treet Pxtension from Tract 415 to Bxi.ghton Street at Fair Vi~w Drive, 5. That an ~.g~~meri-t ~.nd .~ither ~ash. bond or oth~r s~.curitq°,': a~' appr~ov~d hq~".~fi~: Cify ~:ttorney, in the amaunt of`;:$3,.~00-;.D(S b'~ depos~ted as es~,tima~~d ~ost.,~ in ":lie~. of. :~1~ fo~m~=tf:on o~ ~nd to in~isre'`pa~tnent dur~ng the 30=c~ay ca~h e.olTectio.n p~riod',;, of ass~ssment on ttae Arroyo Gr.ande Se4aer Assessment District No. 1,, In the event tne District is not ~c~rmed,, :deve~op~er: ~s':to b'.e :re:~aznded the seeurit,~. - . : _ _ . And: furtlier, Ci~y' ap~~ov~cl ° g _ proratin costs for .wat~.r and~ sewer T'ines :'r~n ~ri~g~.tori:. St~eet :e~~;e~si.ori t°o beri~fit3:ng prop~rties,, ,~uch cos;ts. to b•e~'Y°e~~.iided :to. ~he d'e.'ueloper for a p~~iod of 8 y~a'rs' ~~om- dat.e .~:f acce'p~a.'n~c~: of ~r~.ct ini~rcive~n~:'nts a.; ~ MAYOR SCHLEGEL RESUMED THE CHAIR AT 10:11 P,M. CITY COUNCIL APRIL 25, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA PAGE 6 APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP TRACT /~34 - TERRA DE ORO SUBDIV. (SWIMMER) Director of Public Works And.erson pr~s~nted and revie~aed the Final Map and improvement plans for T~act No. 434, T~rra de Oro Subdivision, a 26-lot development on six acres, which wi11. ~;xp~.nd in the futtcre into a 136- lot development on 46 acr~s 9 by develop~~s John Kazden and A1 Stia~.mtn~r. Drainage requirements wer~ r~viesaed in cletail and Mr, And~rson revie~aaed his recommendations subject to the approval of Map of Tract 434. After Council discussion9 on ~no~ion of Councilanan de Leon, seconded by Councilm~.n Talley and ~.nanimo~.sly carried, the Final Map for Trac~ No. 434, Terra de Oro Subdivision was approved, subject to th~ following reqttirements: l. A deposit agr~exn~nt for an amount of $89,000,00 for faithful performance, and $44,500.00 to secure pag~ment for labor and materials. 2. The s~.bdiv~sion improv~ment agrecinent be s~.bject to setting forth sixty (60) days to start work and twelve (12) months to complete the work. RECEIPT OF INFORMAL BIDS & AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE & INSTAL, Administrator Butch advised that two informal bids had been received for the installation of a 6' chain link fence at Reservoir No, l, as follows: Clyde Fencing, Santa Maria $1,556,10 Star Fence and Supply, Santa M~.ria $1,840.00 A request by Director of Public Works Anderson was also taken under consideration in which he wish~d to incl~.de a negotiated amount rn the same contract to install approxim~.tely 140' af fencing between the City baseball complex and Lot 10 of Tract 398, in which the oraners have agreEd to contri- bute 50% of costs. After Council discu.ssion, on motion of Co~.ncilman Wood, seconded by Councilman de L~on and unanimously carried, the contract for the installation of a 6' chain link fence at Reservoir No. 1 was awarded to Clyde Fencing, who submitted the lowest bid, and gave authorization to Director of Public Works Anderson to negotiate additional work into the same contr~.ct for the fencing of a portion of the City Park propertq off Elm Streete RECEIPT OF STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE DIVIDEND 1969-70 POLICY YEAR Adminis~rator Butch advised that ~he Cit~ has received its annual dividend check from the State Compensation Insurance Fund, in the amount of $3,241.80, and advised that this amount~d to a 42% dividend on the total premium pai.d for the policy year 1969-700 REQUEST TO PUT IN SEPTIC TANK - PRICE Administrator Butch read a letter fram Mr. Wayne Price~ ~eques~ing perm~ssiort tcs' put fi~ a septi~ ta~ik ~n prop~~£y att 495 So~th° H~;lcycin` Road jtast south of Oliv~ S~treet9 indicating he wishes to begin construction on the lot but has been unable to get eas~ments from adjoining property oraners to tie into the sewer main. Directo~° of Public Works Anderson drew a diagram of the subject area explaining problems previous owners of this lot had with the same matter. After Cou.ncil discussion, on motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, Mr. Wayne Price was given permission to put in a septic tank at this time, subject to entering into an agreement to be prepared by City Attorney Shipsey, specifying that he will tie into the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District sewer 1ineA and pay a11 related costs when said sewer lines become available. RESOL. ADOPT, - INTENT. TO ABAND, PORTION -0F HA.RRISON ST - PUB HEAR 5/23/72 Administrator Butch advised tha.C the descriptian necessary for the resolution of intention to abandon a portion of Harrison Stre~t has been prepared and the resolv.tion is now x~eady for Council consideration. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution to abandon a portion of a"paper st.reet", ~.nd setting a hearing on same fox° May 23, 1972 at th~ hour of 8:00 P,M,; th.~reafter a motion was made by Councilman Talley9 second~d by Cauncilman Millis and unanimouslq carried, to dispense with reading the balanc~ of t~iis re~olution. CITY COUNCIL APRIL 25, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CAZIFORNIA PAGE 7 RESOLUTION N0. 981 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO VACATE, ABANDON AND CZOSE A PORTION OF HARRISON STREET IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUN'I'Y OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING AS PROVIDED FOR BY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE SECTION 8320, ET SEQ. On motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman de Leon and on the following ro11 call vot~9 to wit: AYES: Councilmen Millis, Talley, Wood, de Leon and Mayor Schlegel NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of April, 1972. AUTHORIZATION TO CITY CLERK TO APPEAR IN COURT RE DELINQUENT FEES Administrator Butch requested the Council's authorization for the City Clerk to appear in Court on several small claims actions to be filed by the City against business owners in the City for delinquencies in various license taxes and Parking and Business Improvement Area assessment ~ taxes due the Citya After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, authorization was given the City Clerk to file small claims actions and appear in court in behalf of the City for collection of Citg license taxes and Parking and Business Impravement ArEa taxes. INVITATION TO CITY EMPLOYEES FAMILY SPRING BARBECUE - 4/29/72 Administrator Butch invited the Council to the City Employees Family Spring Barbecue to be held on Saturday, April 29, 1972 at 1:00 P.M. and several Councilmen indicated their intention to attend. MAYOR'S STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES FOR CITY PROJECTS & GOVERNMENT Mayor Schlegel presented and read a statement he formulated outlining his hopes and ideas for a more effective gov~rnment in the City of Arroyo Grande, which included more co~nunity interest and participation in the City's coimnissions and conunittees, to include more wornen and young people; greater inter-action with our sister cities--Pismo Beach and Grover City; and development of better communications among City Employees, Commission and Council Members, and the citizens of Arroyo Grande. ADJOURNMENT TO AN EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Councilman Talley, seconded bg Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned to an Executive Session to discuss personnel ma.tters at 11:10 P.M. RECONVENEMENT T'he Council reconvened at 11:59 P.M, with all members present as shown on roll call. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 12:01 A.M, until 7:30 P.M., April 26, 1972, at which time the Council will meet in joint session with the Parks and Recreation Commission during its regular meeting. ATTES T C CLER MAYO