Minutes 1972-05-09 ~i o:i'~`±' ~,'C?u'd'aG~L MA~' 9g ~9`7~ r~~'~".~~~7 ~RA~iD~, CA~IFORNTA T~e Ci~~ Co~nc~.l ~n~~ ~n ~°~g~1~~ s~~s~on NI~~~r Sc1~l~g~1 pr~sid,ing, Upon ~o~b eall, C~~nc~1 M~~ber~ M~~.~~,~9 T~.Il~~~ Wr~od an~ c~~ ~~on r~po~t~d present. ~ PLEDGE OF A~~,E~~CE A`i~D II~~'VOC~'~~~~ M~yor Sc1~l~g~1 l~~.e~ ~h~ P~.~dg~ of ~.~l~g~~~nc~ to o~tr Fl~ga an~ i~n~d.~atel~ th~r~af~er, Rev~r~nd R~~nold~ R~t;~~~ie. ~f t~~s~, C~~~c1~ af Go~ nf Gr~ov~~ C~~~ re~~ a Scr~pture pa~~~ge ~ncY c~..el~v~r~y~ tl~~. ~nvc~c~~fan. APPROVAL OF Mii~~~TES Th~ r~inast~s ~f ~1~~ ~~gaxla~° ~~~~~in~ c~f ~p~°~1 25~ 19~2, ~a~~~ ~pp~~~r~e~. as prepar~d, APPROVAL OF WARRA~tTS On m~tion ~if Coa~ncflman T~1Y~~, ~r~~~n~~~ b~ Go~.rlcil~n~n d~ ~~ony ~,n~ axnanimoa~sl}~ ~~~~~.~d, G~ne~~.I Wa~°r~nts I~To. 91~ ~~a~o~.g~ iV~o 956, in t1~~ tatal amount o~ $~3,~~~.73, ~n~ P~~rx~oll Warrants iVoe 1~92 th~o~gl~ l~o, 1~68, in t~~ total amoaznt df $1~,934.939 za~~~ ~pp~cv~~ ~n~ o~e~~~~~c~ p~.~~. PETITION FOR WATER SERVIC~ 0~1 I:qPE~ DR.~~IE OUTSTDE 0F CITS~ LIMITS Adaninistrator Bt~tc~a reac3 a p~tit~c~n :;~gnec~ by~ 12 p~°op~.rt~~ ourners r~qa~~sting Ca~ty~ ~a~~~ ~~~v~~~ ~o proper~°~~s ~djac~n~ to I~op~~ Dr~,ve outs~de of t~~ C~~~ 1iyn~t~ ~ T~~ ~°~q~u.c~,~~s w~~~ be r~~~~~°~~ to cons~lting enginee~°s Koei~~g & Ko~brg fox° ~~~ir ~~com~~ndat~on, as t~~~ ~r~ pr~sentl~ doing a~t~td~ on Cit~'s ~aaa~~~e n~~c~~. Adrnin~s~~~tor Btttcl~ w~s d~,re~t~d ~o req~e~t K.o~b~g & Koebig ~o tr~ to t~:xp~d.it~ th~ c~bnplet~an of ~;~ei~ ~~po~°t9 es~peciall~ ~.n r~g~~°d. ~o ~h~ re~~~~~t~ for ~,*at~~ ~n~d~ f~°oin p~°op~~°~~ own~~°s c~1~os~ ~,re11s ~a~~~r~ gon~ d~~ a~°~ ~n n~~~ of ~r~~~~° ~,mu~n~~~at~el~. DISCUSSION - MERC~iA1V~S DISPOSING T'~lEIR TRAS~ I~V CITY RECEPT~CI~ES Adaninistrakor B~,~ch ac~vis~d t~.a~ tr1~ C~t~ ~a~s b~en n~t~,fi~d ~everal ti~nes bg~ tt~~ r~bbis~ ~~~v~.c~ of l.oca~ ~n~~c1~~.n~~ on Br~nc~ Str~et disposing of thefx° p~r~sonal ~r~.~~ ~n C~~~~ ~ec~p~~c1~s < T~~ ana~ter hac~ be~n ~~ferred ~o th~ Ar~oyc~ Gran.d~ ~I~~c~n~:n~.s Ass~c~~.t~.~:~n ~r~.~ r°epli~c~ t`~~~ ~n~tt~x~ r,~~s wi~hin t~~ C~,e~~ Ca~~.n~~~"s ~~~~,s~~c~~on. ~e~~n~n~st~°~.tor Butch st~~~~c~ ~~~t had rliscu.ssed prol~l~~ ~r~,~~ 1c~caJ. merc~~.n~9 ra~m 1~~d use~ t~~ Cit~r ~eceptacles fo~ p~~sonal ~,s~ ~d~r~.s~d h~ did not kno~ t~~s r~as no~ ~11o~red, and i~ wa~ f~1~ ~~at word ~potald g~t a~'o~nd. ~Gc~ o~~~~° ~?e~c~~.nts naw t~a~.t th~ matte~° ~~s b~~n c1~.~~,f~.~~, PR~TEST RE, C~fARGES FOR REPT~AAC~MENT OF ME~'~R SH[JZ'-OFF VALVE - I~.Ee LEE Ac~~~nis~~°ato~ B~tc~ ~e~.~ a 1~t~~~~° ~~°oyn M~°, ~Iarold. L~e, 199 T~.11~ Ho Ro~d, protF~~~ting a$1.2,~0 c~.a~g~ ~n~c~~ bj~ t~~ C~~:~ w~~n Mr. L~~ bro~~ ~he ~~at~x° ~~ta.rn off v~.lv~ ~h~ Cit~'s ~n~t~~ w~i~n r~p~.iring valves r,~i~hin his ho~ne, Th~ Co~ncrl's op~,n~on var~ecl as to ~aY~o s~ould be r.espon~ibl.~ for pa~°° ment and final, ~~ci~~on was ~h~t Cit~ ~ro~.1d absorb Mr. Lee's bi.~1; and. that t1~e C~,G~'s N~~r~l~t~~r s1~o~l.ci ac~v~,se ~ra~~~ ~s~rs ~~~t t~~ Tn~ater Dep~~°t~ ment is ava~lable ~o ~~rn off t~~ wa~=~r s~rvic~ ~o a11ow fo~°~naint~nanc~ of t~ei~ faucets, ~tca ~.pan ~~ques~ and also s~u~g~st t~.~~ t1~~ water tasers ~nstall a shut-off v~lv~ on t~.~ p~op~.rt~ side of t~~ ~n~te~. I~TOTICE OF QUART. MEET, OF C~3AI~INE~ CO ~ DTVISIOl~ I~T OJA,I - MAY 19 19~`L Ad~~,nis tr~.~o~ B~~~~ ~dvis~~ of ~~h.~ r~c~,ipt af no~~.c~ of t1~~ q~~~°t~~°ly meeting of t?~~ I~~~.gu~ of Ca1~,forni~ Ci~~~:~ Ch~nn~l G~~~n~~~~ D:;a~ris~~n tis~~.~ta. ~rill be ~e1d an M~.y 19, 1972, at ~T~~ Oj~~ Va1l~~ ~nn a~ ~a~~ch a, ~~~d,~ ~~s~~on on ~l~e C~l~forn~~. Coixnci~ on C~°irn~n~1 J~~~~c~ w~11 b~ 1d, Cc~~nc~lm~n d.e Leon an~ Ma~or Schl~g~~ indicat~d th~~i~° ~nt;~nt~~on to a~~~nd. INVITATION Z'd G~A`TER ~'REATMENT PZANT DEDICA'~I~N ~ CITY OF PASO ROBLES Ac~znin~st~ator B~~c'~~ ~dvis~d tt~at t1~e C~unc~~ ~as b~~n invit~d to =~~~1~~°"Wa~~r T~°~~tment Pl~n.t D~d~ca~~on on Fr~da~~ Ma~ 19, I9'~% ~t ?_0 _~l,I~i. ~te~~z~ of thE~ Co~xnei~ M~a~b~~°s f~1t wo~~.d be ~bl~ to atten~ ~ha.s cledicatian.. ~~:~'e~~:~~AT~~F J~,MES THQMPSC~1~ - CITY REPRESEI~TTATTVE TO O,E.O, M~. J~s~~es Thompson, City ~~pr~sent~.~ive t~o t~.~ Offi,c~ of Econ~nt~e °'°~,~e~~,.t'.~~~~, sa~~ ~~~~~n.t ~nd ~~pox~t~d on t~~ ~~~enG ac~a~on~ of O,EoO>~ which _~':~,~:-~;?o C~~,n~y ]~ds 1~~~n funded bg~ O,EoO, for ~t~e coming ~ea~° in the e~ ~~~,i~~~ ~~e H~ad Start program p1~.s $65,000 fo~ fam~lg~ plann~ng; ..~.s_ , - {:3aa ~„~'mQ, h~s b~~n l~ir~d ~.n.d is now wo~k~ng; and t~~r,e T,~~.11 b~ ~ v ~ ~ s s th~ ~~~r~.~t ~f the ~gency tiaill b~ o~~. ~~b t~~.:~_ ~ ~I'~Y ~i~i~~i~;~`~ MAY 9, 1972 ~~~C3Y~ ~~~A.N~~, CALI~`(~RNIA PAGE 2 RECEIPT OF RESOL, FROM IRWINDALE RE. OPPOS. TO AME~1D, SALES & iTSE TAX DISTRIB, Administrator B~.tch revre~r~d a cop~ of a resol,xtion rece~v~d. from the City of Irwindale ~equesting th~ City of Arro~o Grand~'s ~~pport in opposing any alteration und.er tla~ present method of collection and ~.is~riba~tion of sales and use tax. Aft~r Council discussion it was determ~n~d not to support this resolution as it tiaould not be advantag~ous to Arroyca Gx°ande, LETTER FROM PORT SAN LUIS HARBOR DIST. RE. COASTAL CONTROL & MANAG~IENT Administra~or Bu~tch reviewed a copy of a letter sent to Senator Grunsky by the Port San Luis Ha~bor Dxstrict, urging agnendments to c~rtain legislation should it pass. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously ca~°ried, Administ~ator Butch was directed to notify Sena~or Gr~nsky of the City's ~upport of th~ reqt~ests outlined in th~ Port San Luis Harbor District's 1ett~r. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 1972 The Treasurer's Report for the month of April, 1972, was received by the Council, reviewed. and order~d filed, . DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR APRIL 1972 The Departm~ntal Report for the month of April, 1972, was received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filed. It taas also noted that Cou.ncilmen Millis and Talley and Ma.yor Schlegel had attended the dedic~.tion of Santos Field on May 8, 1972, participating in the ribbon-cutting. AUTHOR. INSTAI~L, OF CURBS, GLTTTERS & SIDEWALKS - HALCYON BTWN GRAND & CORNWALL Administrator Butch reviewe~. the area at which the installation of curbs, gutters, dx°iv~way aprons and sidewalks will be required by property owners on th~ east side of Halcyon Road between Grand Avenue and Cornwall Avenue, through the utilization of the 1911 Act (Short Foran) and Highway Code Section 5875. Director of Publ.ic Works Anderson reviewed in detail the thorough study made of elevations and drainage of the area after improvements. Parking was also discussed further, including the proposed parking plan. City Attorney Shipse~ adv~sed. that no written protests had been received by ~he City and therefore the Council may act on ~he matte'r at this time. Mro Ba~es of Bates P1Ltrnbing on Halcyon questioned the ramifi~ations of the 1911 Act which was clar~fied. ~o him by Administrator Butch, including payment and installation proced~~es of the improvements under this Act. Mrs, Jua.nita Mathfs of the PDQ Restaurant raised questions regarding the use of the parking lot which has acc~ss from Grand Avenue for av~.il- ability to customers traveling east on Grand Avenue, as ther~ are double yellow lin~s and a left turn lane pres~ntly located in the center of Grand Avenue adjacent to the p~.rking 1ot entrance. Director of Public Works Anderson was directed to make a study of this. After Cauncil discussion, on mation of Councilm.an Talley, seconded by Councilman Milli,s and unanimo~xsly carried, authorization ~ras given to Director of Public Works Anderson ~o proceed. with the installation of curbs, gutters, driveway aprons and side~aalks at Halcyon Road. between Grand Avenue and Cornwall Av~nuee REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Administrato~ Butch r~viewed the legislative bulle~tins received from the League of California Cities, commenting on a bill prol~ibiting grates which might be hazardos~s to bicycle riders~ rah~ch the'Cit~ h~d. the foresight to initiate some years ago. R~~~~~~'~ ~3~ Z~w~~`~iT~S ~F COASTAL VALLEY PLANIVTNG COUNCIL MEETING 'i'~e minut~s of the Coastal Va11Ey Planning Council meeting of Apra,1 9, I~72, were received by kh~ Counc~.l, reviewed and ordered filed. ~~C~~P~ ~F M~hTU~ES ~F PARK, & BUS. IMPROV. AREA ADVIS, BOARD MEETING 'I'~°~e m~r~~.tes of the Parking and Business Improvement Area Advisory ~eet~.~~ ~f .~pril 6, 1972, wex°e re.ceived by the Council, r~viewed and ~;~~~~~c~ ~i~e~ p 3 Cr~~ G~a~.~v~~. MAY 9, 1972 Liil~.~~t~'~ AFS.~1'11VD~~.' vAl.~iS~illUVd.A rCSl7E J REQUEST FOR REVISED LEASE AGREEMEIVT B~ C~TY & RADTO STAa - HELD OVER Th~ x°~vis~;d T~~as~ Agr~~an~n~ r~q~t~~~~ f~o~t Elizab~~~i L. Sha~~~l~ff of Larson-Ix°ca~n En~~rpr~~~s, pa~tn~~s?~~p r~I~i.c~ 1~as~~ Ci~~ pxo~e~ty an tah~ch the rada~o stat~on 1.ac~.t~d~ was h~1d ov~~ wi~~ the Council"s ~:Pprov~l until tl~~ next r~gulax° ~ne~ting, fo~ f~~t~.~~ s~~~.~~. RECOMNIENDATIONS RE, P~'JAl~t LTNE FOR T~IE PTKE & SUBDZV, STANDARDS Adan~n~str~.tor ~~nkch r~v~~~r~d t~~ follor,~~ng ~ro pc~~n~s ~r~~c~ the Planning Commission has r,e~o~an~nc~ed T~~A forra~.~ded Co~n~~~ ~~a~~ of S~p~rvi~ors: 1. Th~,t t~e Co~.n~~ ~s~abl~s~ pl~n l~n~ on T~~ P~,1c~ in ~~d~~ ~o coox°d~nat~ th~ raid~~. of T~~ P~k~ ~rith G~ov~~ C~~y ~n~ A~ro~o G~ancle; 2< That t~a~ Count;~ ~~q~.~r~ subd~vis~on st~.ncla~ds ~q~al to t~.~s~ of both cities--pa~ticaxl~.r1~ ~r~~n tl~~ subd~v~s~,ons ~.re ~r~~h~;n t~n~ izmned.iate areas or neig~.bo~l~oods of ~h~ adjoin~ng c~~ies. The P1~.nn.a:n.~ :Cc~nr;ission a1~o rt~co~e.n.ded t1~~t ~ pl~n Iin~ stizd~ b~, ~made ~or Tlie Pik~ w~thin t~?~ Ci~~ of A~°~°o~~ G~~.ndE.. Af~er Cd~.ne~,l ~a,~~~.ssion.~ ~n mo~~on of Councilman M~11~s, s~con.d.~d by Councilman de Leon ~.nc~ ~.nanimousl~ ca~°~~~.d~ Dir~ctor of P~b1ic Wo~°ks And~~son was given authcara~zatian ~a b~gin st;~.~.~ af ~ Pl~.n I~~nP for T}~~ P~~e ~ra.~h~n the Cit~ of Arx°og~~ Gx°and~ ~nc~ Adan~.n~,s~r~ kor B~~.tch was °~ns t~°•~ct~~ to fo~aax°d the abov~ ~°~co~rnn~n~.~tions t~ ~k~~ S~n L~x~.~ Ob~spo Cc~~ntg~ Boa~d of Sup~rv~sox°s. NOTICE OF I~~]B. HEARo m REZOl~o CAS~ ~D° ~Z-59o AZPIIVE ST. EXTo -~/23[72 Adminis~r~to~ B~~c1~. adv~,s~d ~:h~~ Co~n~i1 ~h~~ a p~.bl.ic hea~a.ng has b~en set for M~.~ 23, 19~~ ~t 8 PeM, on tr3~ Planning Comanissi~n°s recommenda- tion of app~owa~ of R~zoning C~.sc~ No. ~2m59, Alpine St~°eet Ext~nsion from R- A- B- 3~o R-1, NOTICE OF OPPQSITIOZV FR.OM RESTDENTS RE, L:INDA DRIVE EXTENSION Adm~.n~str~~o~ B~~.~c~ ad~ri~~~ th~~ Co~nc~l t1~~~ ~esid~nts of Lind.a Drive have s~bmitt~d a 1ett~~ ~o ~h~ C~,ty anci P~anning Co~riiss~on exp~essing conc~rn abou~ the ~xt~nsion of Lind~. D~iv~~o The r~quest had be~n taken und.er considEr~~ion by t~.~ P1~.nni.ng Coamn~ss~.on9 who h~.ve dete~°znined that ne~aa study on tl~~ dev~lopment proposal ~o. 3 st~o~.1d be initiat~;d, and the staff is naw revie~ing t~~ d~v~lopan~n~ p~opos~.l. The following ~es~,clen~s of La.nd.~. Dr~.v~ w~~°e p~esen~ and given an oppax°tuni~:y ~o sp~~,~: M~. M~.~r~.~ B~orn1~~9 1101 Linda Driv~., commented on th.e pond~ng 1ot n~xt to h~s ~om~ and eff~c~s a tl~ro~gh-~tre~t r,~ould have on its av~~°flo~ring as i~ p~es~n~lg~ do~s cY.tx~ing ev~n light s~o~n~. Director of P~b1,~c Wo~~~ And.~~°~on wa~ dix°~ct~;cl to cl~~ck ~.nt;~ the problem and th~ possibil~~y of d2~rerting d~a~.nag~ f~o~n Mr. Brom1~3~`s prop~rty directly into the pond~ng are~i, Mr, L~~~°}~ Sl~ep~ard, 1106 Zind~ Dr~ve, also commented on the propos~d ext~nsion, APPROVAZ OF LTMITED PARKT~VG ON TRAFFTC WAY - PA~TE Ad~?inist~ator Butch r~v~era~d the previo~zsly ~~c~i~red r~q~.e~t froarr D~.ck and H~1~n Payn~, ocan~~s of ~h~ Traff~,c Wa~ Nu~°se~°~9 fo~ liznit~d parking on Tr~ff~.c Way, wh~.ch r~quest h.ad b~~n st~bmitted to ~~.e Pa~°king Carmnission fo~° its recosnznenda~ion, P~r tl~~ Parl~~ng Camma~ssidn's in~nut~s of May 4, 1972, it was their recommenda~ion t~at ~1~~ c~.~~ co~n~~i ~s~abl~sh ~romh.ov.r parlc- ing limit on r,aest side of T~~£f~c Way be~aeen Fa~r Oaks A~r~n~e and Cherry Avenue~ as also recomm~ncY~d b~ ~1?~ C1~ief of Polic~ and D~,r~ctor of Public Wo~ks, Aft~r Co~ncil ~%sc~s~~onp Cit~ Attarn~~ Ships~~ ~~ad the titl~ of a r~~a?.~~~.~r ~_~~~~.~.;~~Zi~g a t~o-ho~.~ pas~king ~one on:~. po~t~on of ~Traffic Way~ t1~.~~~a¢t~r, a mo~ion ea~.s made by Cotxnc~,lman Ta11ey; s~:condEd by Councilman Wood. and unan~mousl~r c~.~~i~d, ~o di~p~ns~ tir~~h re.~ding the b~.lance of this ~~s~~u~io~, RESOL,UTTOI~T NO o 982 A RESULUTTOIV OF THE CZTY COi]TTCI~ OF THE CITY ~F A.~.ROYO GRANDE ESTABLTSHII~TG A 1°TWO~HC~iTR PARK~NG" ~3N THE W~ST ~ S IDE OF TRAFFTC WAY BE'I'L~EEN FAIR ~u?_a~~ ~VE~[iE AND CI-IERRY AVENTJE. ~ CI~~ ~;~~;~~i~;:.~. MAY 9, 19~2 A~~3~~ C~tA~a'D~:, C,~LiF~TtNTA PAGE 4 On motion. of Cna~ncilm~.n W~od9 ~~eon~~~~ by~ Co~uncil~s~~ d~1 L~on9 anc~ on th~ follo~ring ~011 c~~ 1 vo~~ ~ g~ ~v2~ o AYES: Co~neilm~n M~.l~~,~, '~a1~~~, Wa~~~ c~~ 3~~on ~ax~d M~,~o~~ ScFol~gel NOES : Ntan~ ABSE1~1To l~Ton~ the for~going ~esol~,~ic~n. ~~.s pa~~~e~ an~ ~~,a~~~~ 9~h d~.~ c~f I~Ia~, 19~2. RECOMM, FROM PARKm C~MM. RE, RESTR~CT, P~RKII~IG m XMA.S TREE ~LSI~AN'D - HELD OVER The reco~endation f~om t~.~ Park~ng C~,~is~~~n and. t1~e C~aief of Police to the Cit~ Cc~unc~.l r~.g~.~da~ng t~.e pro~~b~.ting of pax°1c~ng on the east side of Traff~c Wag~ b~t~a~~n B~id.g~ S~ree~ ~.n~. I~~ Lson St~°~,~t w~s Y~~ld ov~~ ~n~~1 t~e next reg~la~ Co~xn~~.1 nt~~t~ng for, f~~~~~~ ~~~x~,~. RECOMM, & APPROVAL OF SA~E OF CITY PR.OPER°I'~p AT E~~T & F[~.LR OAI~S Administ~ato~ Ti~,~cl~ r~~riew~~ D~.~~~~;o~° o~' P~b1ic Wo~ks Anderson'~ report and reque~~ dl~.~ed Ma~ 197~, w~,~eh ~~,q~ests p~~°miss~on to ad.vex°tise for bids fo~° t1~~ p~.rcl~~.s~ ancl ~~mava~ of h~.~1d.~ngs on C~~y p~op~r~y at the southeast co~n~:~ o£ E1rn St~~~~ and F~~r ~~k~ Av~n~~, ind~.c~.t~ng ~h~t the tenants h~.d be~n ~~~~,~st~c~ to ~r~cat~ t~i~ p~op~~°~~ b~ M~.~ 1st9 and bids for the pur~hase and ~e:moval of ~~e b~.~lding5 uyc~~T~ b~ op~nc~d on May 22, 1972, if so approvede Aft~r Co~.nci1 dis~t~ssic~n, ~an an~atio~ ~af Ca~nc~lman Woad.~ second~d. b~ Councilman de Lean ancY un~.na,gno~sl~r c~r~i~d9 D~~~ct;or of P~.blrc Wor~.~ Anderson wa~ ~.uthoxiz~d. to a~vert~s~ for bi~.s fa~ ~l~c~ pu~chas~ ancl rEmoval of b~ilding~ on Citg~ p~op~~°t~ ~.t ~:l~e sa~.~:~i€~ast; ~arn~~ of Elin St~eet and Fair Oaks Aven~x~ e _ ~ ~ COUNCILMAN WOOD EXCUSED HTMSELF FROM TfiE CO'U'NCI~ CHAMBERS STATI~TG HE HAS A FINANCIAL ~NTER.EST IT~ ~FiE PROPERTY PROI'OSED FO'~ S~JBDTVISIO~V APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP TRACT. 409q "NOGUERA PARK" SUBDIVISION (WOOD) Director of Pub~ic. Wo~ks Anderson pr~s~nted and r~viewed the'Fina1 Map and impx°ov~m~n~ plans nf Tx°~.ct L~o, 409, "Nogu.era• Park" s~.bd~vision, which was previo~as ly ~.pp~o~r~.d b~ k~~~ C~ancf 1 on Apr~1 10 ~ 1,97.~ ~ as a 14 lot developxnen~ ba~t now i.ncl~.des ~'our ~ddition~l lots fac~ng Chex°x°y Avenue. He also reviera~~, 1~~.s ~epo~t ct~.tedi M~,y 59 19e2, ~,rhich includes his r~coa~n~nded cond.itions ~~.bj~ct ~o approv~,l of this d~;-2relopm~nt. Afte~° Ca~,neil disc~zss~,on~ on a~?otion afi C~~.n.cil~~.n cl~ L~on, seconded by Councilman T~.11~:y anci unanimousl~ car~iedy ~the ~pp~°oval on April 10, 1972 of Fina1 Map of Tx~ac~ 4095 "I~1oga~er~. Pa~°k" ~~.bdivision, was r~scin~.~d.. Th~r~after, on motion of Council~an Tall~~, ;~~:cond~d b;~ Co~ncilman d~ Z~on ~nd unanimotxsly carried, the Fin~i1 Map of T~~ct 409, "Nog-€a~~a P~.rk" w~s approved, subj~ct to the follow~ng ~~q•~a~r~~an~nts : l, Tk~e s~al~mission of a Depos~t Agr~~m~nt s~~ting fo~°t~ the amount of $609000 (100% fo~° f-i~thf~1 p~~form~nce) and $30,000 (50% for sec~.~ing pa~c'ment ta t'h~ Con~ractc~rs) and. naming a responsible Esc~°~w Ag~nt, 2. S~xbm~ssi.on of the ~~a?.p~°ovem~n~r Agx~~~men.~ s~~t~~ng f~r~'~ k~o~k to be:gin ~ith.in s~.xt~ (60) d~ys ~.nd ~o b~ coanpl~^~~el w~th~.n tw~lve (12) mont~.s, 3. Pa~rment~ ~.o t~.e Ci~~ fo~: Park F~e of $392oS0; Plan C1?~.ck Fe~ of $66.00; ~ Obtai~n3,ng a gr~ad.ing p~ra~it. 4. Ap~ro~=~.~ t~.~~ ~h~ cost~ of th~ 6" ~aater ma~.n. on C~.~r~y Aven~.E, thP 6" wat~r ~t~.~n on Myrtle ~nd t~e se~w~~ Ynain on Myrtle be ~~c~~ated a.ccar.d~.n~ to b~n~fita to adjoining p~op~x°t~~s, said efl~ t~o b~ re.f~.~d~c~. ~o t~.~;a d~v~lop~~° if and r,~h~n ben~fiting ~~°opsr°~y is conn~cteci within ~.n 8-ye~.r p~x°iod. ,.n~._~;. <~.~.~~; ~.gp~°ovvd pa~m~nt ~o~° the ciiff~,r~nc~ b~t~een the cost ~ ~ ta~.t~r Iine~ b~ing ~a lnini~mazm si.z~ ~~~.te~ Tin~ to °b~ _ s' G?£~'~TC'_~~~3E'~'~ 3~`:~ CO~~' C)~ ~II.~~.` 1~ `'.^:=~1X: „ _ . ? 7 ' ~ , ~ `r~ - . r ~ r i:- . z, . . . ~ _ 4~ ~~f~~ ~~„~~~~,L~ ~r~ z~~~~:~~,.: , ~c~~r~.~ P~~~ s It~ is furt~.~r t~nd~:~s~oo~. ~~~t ~,f ~~velop~~° c~~,sh~~ to pr~pay req~ire~ ~,tility deposi~~ ~~.a~ ~po~ s~ab~~~s~on of a Le~~a~ ~~c~~ the utili~~ ~.~mp~.n~,~~ ~h,~~t Gh~ ~.on~~ h~.s~ b~~n d~pos~t~d, tl~e bonds wo~.1d b~ r~d~xc~d ~n ~m~~.n~ ~q~a1 ~c~ the pr~pa~anento COUNCTLMAN WOOD REJO~~ED T~iE COTl1~CI~ ~T 9:21 P,M, RESOL, ADOPT. - II~TEIVT. TO ABAND. PUR~TON QF ROSE ST. - SE'T PUB. I~EARa 6/13/72 Administrator Bu.t~h ~;~.~~s~d tl~~.t d~sc~i~?~ion nec~s5ar~ fo~° ~l~e resolution of in~ent~.on to ~~andon ~ po~~~on of Ro~~ S~r~~~ I7.~s l~~en pr~p~,~ed and the resolution is now r~a~y fo~° Council cons~.d,~~~~ion. M~°. G1enn P~~~~°~ presented a map of th~ a~~a9 ~~plaining his p~opos~d us~ of t~e ax°e~. adj~.cent to the abandon.ment a.nd t~.at ease~n~nts for ~igh.~s-of~tiaa~ a~~ p~~vid.ed for in the necessa~y descr~.ptions, After Co~xncil d~se~.ssion9 City A~tarneg~ S~i~psey ~ead the t~tle of a resolut~an to ab~:ndon port~.an af "p~.p~r s~~~.~~"~ ane~ ~~tting h~~r~.ng on same for J~xne 13~ 1.972 a~ 8:00 P,M.; t~?~reaft~~ a motion taas mad~ by Co~xncilman Talle~, s~conded by Co~ncilman de Leon and unanim~~xsl;r c~r~fed, to disp~nse ~aith ~eacl~ng t~~ bal~.nce of this ~~solution. R.ESOLUTION 1V0. 9$3 ° A RESOLUTI01~t nF INTENTION TO VACATE, ABAIVDON AI~TD CLOSE A PORT~ON OF ROSE STREET I:V TH.~ CITY OF ARR05~0 GRANDE, C0[TDITY OF SAl~ LL~~S OBTSPO, STATE OF CALIFORDIIA, AND FIXTNG TfiE T~NIE 2~D PZACE FOR HEARING AS PROVZDED FOR B~' STREETS AI~D ~IGHWAYS CODE SECT'IOl~T 8320~ ET SEQ, On motion of Coa~.nc~,1.m~.n Wood ~~~conde~. b~ C~~anc~,lman T~.11~y anel on the following ro11 ca1~. vot~~ to w~t: AXES: Co~ancilmen Mill.is, T~11ey~, Wooc~~ d~ ~,eon ancl Ma~ox° Schlegel NOES : Non.~ ABSENT: Non~ the foregoing reso~.~;tion ~ras p~.ssec~ and adopt~d this 9th day of May, 197~. RESOL. ADOPT, - INTENT. TO SELI~ CITY PROPER'1T' ADJ, TO FRUNTAGE & OAK PARK SET PUB, HEAR. 6/13/~2 Ad.mini~trato~ Baatc.h. revi~ta~;d that a recomrn~ndation ~.~.s been received fram the Plannin~ Co~¢n~.ssion for tl~e sal~ of real propert~ lgaing adjacent an~l. southerly of Fx°ontage Road ~.nd continuing easterly and adjacent to Central Avenue. Mr. Glenn P~te~s, p~ope~t~ owner in the subj~ct ~rea, was present and req~zested tha.t this excess C~.~g~ propertg~ be relinqu~shed to adJacent property own~rs. T1Ze legal.~t~es ~.nd p~~or proceda~~es txsecl ~.n selling exces~ City property were disc~.s~~d in d.etaa.l, Afte~ fu~°th.~x° CotA.nci1 disctxssion, Cit~ Attorney Ships~y ~~a,d ~1~..~ ~itl~ of a~°esol~ation of intention to sell r~a1 property l;~ing ad~~c~nt and south~rly to F~°on~age Road and adjacent and east~rly of Centr~.l Aven~z~, and se~ a p~.blic hearing on same for Jun~ 13, 1972 at 8:00 P.M. ; tl~ere~.fter, a~t~tion wa~ mad.~ by Councilanan Ta11.ey, s~conded by~ Councilm~,n cY~ L~on and ~.nani~r~ou~l~ ca~ri~d9 to dispc n~~ wit~. reading th~ balanc~ of this r~~ol~.~~on. 12ESQLUTION 1V0. 984 :~~"OLiTTION OF THE C-ITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AR~t0Y0 GRANDE SETTING FORTH ITS INTENTION TO SELL REAL PROPER'1'Y AND SET~'ING A DATE FOR HEARTNG THEREON a~S PROVIDED UNDER PROVTSIGNS OF GOVERNMEI\TT CODE S~CTZON 37420, €?n ~°ac'~.i~~ af Councilman Waod., s~co~d.~d by Co~ncilman Tall.~y and on f~l~Q~r~n~ ~a11 ca.I~ vo~E, to eait: r ~'~u~.cilmen Mi11is, Talley, W~ad, de Leon and Ma.~or Schlegel . _ > c::~~ _ , r:~~_ =L, ~ C I TY CC~W~'~3C I~. MAY 9, 19 7 2 A ~a~ ~RAND~, CAI~IFORI~TIA PAGE 6 RESOL. ADOPT. - ESTABLISH. STOP SIGNS - S0. E7~M AT ASH AND BEDLO'~ AT FAIR OAKS Administrator Butch revie~red two requests from Dir~ctor of Ptxblic Works Anderson for boulevard stop signs to be es~t~.blished on South Elm Street at Ash Street, for southbotznd traffic, and a stop sign at Bedloe Lane and Fa~r Oaks Avenue. Tlz~ requ~.~ts are supparted by staff and Police Department reconm~endations . After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the ~it1e of a resolution authorizing establishment of boulevard stop signs on South E1m Street at Ash S~reet and on Bedloe Lane at Fair Oaks Avenue; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Mill~.s, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimouslq carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 985 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF BOULEVARD STOP SIGNS. On motion of Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman de Leon and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Mi11is, Talley, Wood, de Leon and Mayor Schlegel NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution Taas passed and adopted this 9th day of May, 1972. RECEIPT OF NEGATIVE DEC LA.RATION RE. ROUTE 227 - DIV. OF HWYS. Administrator Butch reviewed a Negative Declaration Report received from the Division of Highways, which is a study on the environmental impact the reconstruction of Rotzte 227 will hav~ from Traffic Way to Crotan Street. The report indicated that the reconstruction will be advantageous to the City and in no way detrimental to the existing environment. i ~ NOTICE OF PROPOSED HISTORICAL R/R TRACK SITE - DIV, OF HWYS. Ad.ministrator Butch reviewed a copy of a letter received from the Division of Highways addressed to Mr. John Znomis, President of the Pacific Coast Railroad Historical Society, in response to Mr. Loomis' request for the preservation of some of the old Pacific Coast Railroad rails in Arroqo Grande. The Division of Highways indicated its favor and full cooperation for such a project proposing a site for the historical landmark in conjunction with the reconstruction of Route 227. RECEIPT OF COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES The minutes of the County Water Resources Advisory Co~nittee were received by ~the Council, revieraed and ord.ered filed. AUTHORIZATION FOR DRAINAGE S'I'UDY WITHIN CITY Administrator Butch reviewed. a report by Director of Public Works Anderson dated May 59 1972 which recommends that an engineering study be authorized by Garing & Taylor of s~veral problem clrainage areas within the City. Director of Public Works And.erson pointed out the problem areas on the map and outlined possible carrective measures. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Cotancilman de Leon and unanimously carried, authorization was given to Dire~tor of ?'u~lzc Works Anderson to contract the engineex°ing firm of Garing and T~y~ar fca~ an amoaznt not to exceed $1500 to make a study of drainage ~eec~s ~equ:ired in sev~ral locations within the City. F~~~RESS ~EP~1ZT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Admini~~trator ButGh reported that May 15 has been tentatively set to ~a~'.i far bid~ fo~ the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District and that the t~~.~~~c kkear~~g date for the project has been tentatively moved up into July. ~'~~:~~~~~5 M 5~, SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT ~ ~l~ief Plant Operator's Report for the month of Ap~°i<~ ~ . - - , a t~~~ ~~~ncil, reviewed a.nd ordered £iled. ~ e~ _ _ ~Z~:~' ~~~~;~~~~3: MAY 9, 197~ n'~.'~~"~' ~~<A~`~L>^., {~AI.iF~}~N~A. p~,fsE ' NQTICE OF CLAZM AGA~I~S'1' CTTX - D, GA~tC~A Arlministr~~or 8~.~~.~. adv~.~~d GaiAnc~l. of tt~~ r~e~ipt of a la~~rxit pend.ing against tk~~ C~ty f~le.d b~ M~e A1 ~a~~i~ d~ue to ba~c~rc1~ v~. ~.u~o ac~ident on 2/17/~~9 ~.n r~rhich h.~s ~on~ D~.nn~ G~r~~~.9 Taa~ ~,n~rolv~~.. Th~ C~ty was not directly involu~~, REC~GNITION OF CITY STAFF MEMBER'S 20-YEAR TEIVURE Je E ANDERSOZ~] Adarrinist~ato~° B~tch ox°a11~ r~co~n~~~d Di~~c~o~ af P~blic Wo~ks J. E. Anderson, ,7r.9 w~c~ ~rill h.a~~ be~n r~rorlc~,ng fo~ th~ C~,t~ for ~tra~.nty years on Nlay 12, 19~2. CITIZEN'S NOTICE RE. SANTOS F'IET~D & PROPERTY DAMAGE Mr. Clark M~or~., 1180 Ash. Street9 Pr~s~den~ of the Babe Ru~th Bas~ball League, was pr~sent and t~aanl~e~ t~~ Cit~ ancY i~s staff9 includ.~ng t1~~ City Corporation Yard st~.ff, for th~ coop~ration in comple~ing tl~~ ne~a Santos Field. H~ also ac~vised ~ha~ spectato~s w~~~ ge~~~ng into t~a~ ~.cYjoining str~.wb~x°ry fi~ld and s~gg~s~~d poss~bilitg~ of t~~ City fencing nff th~ entire baseball f%~ld to d~~~r~fv~tl~~r d~mag~. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Co~ncilin~.n Tall~y, s,:cond~~. b~ Co~ncilm~.n d.e Leon and unanimo~.slg~ carr~ed~ the ~ri~~t~.ng adjo~.~n~d a~ 10:21 P.M. until 7:30 P.M., May 15, 19720 . t _ ATTEST: CTTY C MA'Y~R CITY COI7NCTL MAY 15, 1972 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M, Thp Cit~ Co~ancil x~~t in adjo~rn.ed r~g~.l~.r session wa~th M~yor Schl~gel presiding. LTpon ro1~. c.all~ Co~ancil M~s~.ber~ Mi11a~s ~ T~.11.ey~, Wood, ~.nd de ~~on reported px°~sen~. ADJOURNMENT TO AN EXECUTTVE SESSIOiV r\ On motion of Cc~axncilman Wood9 s~ennd~d b~ Co~.ncilman de L~on and. unanimo~zsTy carri~d., th.~ m~~;ting ~.djo~rn~d. to ~.n Exec~xtiv~ Ses~ion to d.~.scuss personnel~mat~~~s at ~:31 P.M, RECONVEI~IEMENT 7.'h.e Co~.ncil r~convened ~.t 7::~0 P.M< wit1~ a11 m~mbe~s present as shown on ro11 ca11. NOTICE OF RETIRE. OF CHIEF OF P(~ZICE AND APPOINT. OF ACTIIVG CHTEF CLARK Administr~.tor Butch advz~ed th.~t ~aord has be~n received f~onn the Public Employees Retir~n~~nt Syst~m tl~~.t t~ie ~.pp~.ic~tion for disa~ility retirement by Chief of Police Jo~n W. R~cla~.rdson has b~~~. ~.pp~°ov~d, T~~ date of C~ai~f Richardson°s retix°~m~nt wil~. be J~.ne 19 1972. After Co~.nc.i1 disc~ssi.on, Capt~~n Jamts C. Clarl~, a 13 year veter~n of the Police Departm~nt, raa.s appointed Acting Cl~~ef of Polic~ to be effective June 2, 1972 for a°+ to 6 month per~.oc~, ~.ft~r. whicl~ t~me a fin~.1 d~termina- tion wi11 b~ m~.d~ rah~ther ~o c~ll fo~° r~cx~xitxri~nt of a Ch~~f of Polic~, or appoint Captain G1ark as t~.~ perman~nt C~.i~f of Polic~. DISCUSSION - LEASE PURCI~ASE PRIOR RADIO S~'AT~O~T B'UILDING Discussion wa~ 1~eld regarding ~h.e feasibiTity of possibly leasing or l~a~e nur~h~.s~n~ ~~e fo~m~~ radio sta~tion ba~ilding, located at 211 Ve~°non As=~~r,~~, ta;; ~,zse~ ~.s a Po1ic~ Departxn~nt f~.cility. ~h.ereafter, Administra-~ :~utc~ was instruct~d to ob~ain an ~.pp~°a~sa1 of the former radio station - ~9.~ia.~.ing for possa.bl~ transf~r o~ the Czty"s Police faci.litym ~~;x.z~T STUDY SESSION ~ ~ Ca;~.ncil and Administr.~tor Butc'~. b~g~.n discussion of the m•~~~'~?~i~xa~~ ~~72°-73 M~znicipal Budget9 cornpl€~ting r~v~eG,r of the B~.dg~t ix~v~~~~ ~hrc~:::g~ ~~.ge G, - w:: Nn.'. ~~r~~d ~r~at t~i~ next budge~ study session be schedule~ _ - ?~.~7~R ~