Minutes 1972-05-23 CITY COUNCIL MAY 23, 1972 I~RO~?~ ~RA~!?DE , Ct~I;I~flRNIA The City Council ~net in regular session with Mayor Schlegel presiding. Upon roll call, Council M~mbers Millis, T'alley, Wood and de Leon reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCA°TION Mayor Schlegel lead the Pledg~ of Allegiance to ocar Flag; and immediately thereafter, Councilman Millis d~i~vered th~ invocationo APPROVAL OF MTNUTES The minutes of th~ reg~lar meeting of May 9, 1972 and the adjourned regular meeting of Ma.y 15, 1972, w~re approv~d as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of,Council~an de Le~on, seconded. by Councilman Millis, and unanimously carried, General W~.rrants No, 957 th~°o~ngli No, 1001, in the total amount of $28,037.32; Payroll Warrants No. 1469 throtagh No, 1522, in the total amount of $13,669.20, and Tr~zst & Ageney Warrants No< 1665 thro~tgh No. 1679, in tht total amoasnt of $299.58, ~sere app~ov~d and ord~r~d paid. RECEIPT OF LETTER & RESOL: FROM C]HINO URGING SUPPORT OF ZOGO SIGNS Administrator Butch reviewed a letter and Reso3.~zti~n, including a diagram, received from t1~e Ci~y of Chino requesting the City's stapport in urging the State Div~sion of HYgl~ra~ys to app~°ove a pilot p~oject for freeway logo sigr~ alang the Pom~n~. Freewagr thro~ugh th~ City of Chino and eventually along ~,11. st~te higl~w~~s. Tt~.e signs would indicate four each of gas, food ~nd lodging availabl~ ~t ce~°t~in e~its, adv~rtising on the signs to be on a fir.st co~ne--first serve basis. Counc3,1 di~cussion indicated the idea was a st~p i~ t~.~ xight d~.r~ct3.on ~s it wo~ld eli~inat~ the larger unsightly signs. Cunc~rn wa~ voiced, hawever, as to adv~x°tising for independ- ent businesses, and ~he general f~eling ~aas ~hat these proposed signs may be too restrictiv~e for aur City's p~arpos~:s. Administrator Butch was directed to respond ta the City of China indicating the ne~d c~f adv~rtising by the sm~ll and indep~ndant busin~sses. REVIEW OF LEGTSLATTVE BULLETII~TS FROM THE LEAGUE OF CAZTFORATIA CITIES Admini~tr~~o~° Butch review~d the legis].a~ive bulletins r~ceived from the League of California C~ties, indicating tih~t the League is urging the support o~ the Federal x°~ve~ue sharing program, After.Catincil disaussion, Administrator Butch was directed to wr~.te to U.S. Kepresentative'Talcott indicating the City's support of t~ae Feder~l revenue~s'~ax3.ng program. Counci.lman Talley indica~ed that a l~tter sh~uld b~ wr~itt~n to Mr. Ed Gladish, Chairman ~f ~h~ (~gen Sp~ce Adv3sory Committe~,.~o~ additionaJ. information re~arding tT~e W3.1I.iamson Land Cons~rvation Contracts, which Administrator Butch was'dir~ct~d to do, ' ~ ! EXTENSION AMENDMENT REOU'ESTED TO CITY--CAL POI,Y AGREEMENT Administrator But~h repor~tEd that a xequeet has been ~~c~ived from California Stat~ Palyt~chnic Co11~ge ~o ~xtend tY~e work,program with the City of Arroyca Grr~nde fo~ an addit~.ona1 month unt~.l ,Tuly 1, 1972,, by amend- ment to the exis~ing Work-Study ~g~~~m~n~. T.'lz@ cost to tk~e City would be $120, which amount i.s budgeted ~~~pl~s and Ad~in~.~tr~tor Butch recommended approval be giv~n for ttae am~ndm~nt aa t~e progr~m has b~~n very satiafactory for the City. After Council discuss~.on, on motion of Co~,~cilman W~od, seconded bgr Councilman d~ Z~on ~nd t~nanimottsly c~~r~i~d, ~h~ amendment to the Work Study Pro~r~m Agr~emen~ betwe~n Cal~.fo~°nia Stat~ Polytechnic College and the City of Arroyc~ ~xand~ w~s ~p~~nv~d, ~xtending the program unt~.l July l, 1972 at a cost of $120 to th~ C~tyy and tY~~ May~r and City Clerk were authorized to sign th~ amendinen~ on b~'half of ~he City, 4~ CITY COUNCIL MAY 23, 1972 ARRQY~J ~~41~~DE , CA7 IFORNIA Px~~, ? ORAL it~,ff~ORT - U~tDERGRCIUIVD IIT~~~TX CO~RDIN COMM. MEET - C(7UNCI.q..oMAN MILLIS Cc~uncil%nan M~1~,~~ g~.~rc~ ar~ o~a1 x~epo~~ on the May 15~ 1972 Und~.rg~ouna. Utility Coo~d.in~.tin~ G~~~~.tt~~ ?n~~ti~g, ind~cat~ng t~~.t t~~ ~,n~~rg~o~nd districts ~~~e dis~uss~c~ and ~h~t ~x~st~ng Urdinanc~ ~o ranple~~~nt th.ese districts n~ed~ ~o b~ r~v~s~d i~ca confc~~n ko nc~ p~o~ed~.re~ s~,gg~s~~~. 1~~ ~~.e League of Californi~. Ci~i~~. T~~ C~n~.~te~. rec~ner~d~d t~~:~ ~1~~ p~bli~ hea~ing set for Jun~ 139 1972 b~ fl~~ld off f~r nows whic~a tl~~~ Cc~axncil w~.~ in ~.cc~rd wit~. and a new public l~earic~g ~ri1Z b~ ~et ~fte~ C~~y A~to~n~~ S~~.ps~~ ~.~.s l~ad an opportaxnit~ to r~vi~~a ~~ie ne~r o~dfnanc~ to ~.s~~~k~~n nat~c~ r~q~tir~xnents, 'l~.ie p~.bl~c will b~ no+t~fi~d tl~ro~g~. Gh~ ne~r~ m~d~~ ~Ya~.~ t~~ pa~bl~c~ ~~a~ing previous ly s~t fox° 7~n~ 13 ~~g~.rding t~.e tabl.~sk~~r~nt caf ~n Und~rg~o~nd Utility Distx~ict, ~rancl~ Str~et No, l, h.as be~n p~astpon~d. ORAL REPORT - C0. & CITIES AREA PLAIVV COORDII~t C~UNCIL MEET m COUNC ILMAN TALLEY Councilman T~.~l~;~ ga~re ~.n ora~. ~epart on th~ May llt~ m~et~.ng ~f t~.e County and Citi~s Ar~~. Plann~ng C~a~rdin~.t~ng Co~tncil~ indicating tYte follosaing had been disc~.ssed: 1) R~.l~s and ~egulations fo~° ~he new transport~~~on development t~.x, C~~~.cilm~.n ~alleg~ indicating that th.e tax will prob~blg~ b~ distribut~d b;~ pop~l~.~ion in ~~is County as no t~°ansport~.ti~n s~st~an exists and the funds ~zsed far n~w st~~~t constructian. Adsninistr~.tor B~ntch clarif~,ed th.e distribantion of tr~~ gas ~a~, 2) Sonoma Cotxnty is a15d attesnp~~.ng to withdraw from ~h~ R~gi~n~.1. Planning Dis~rict it wa~ plac~c~ ~n by t~~ Ca1if- ornia Co~.nci1 on In~e~~ov~~nm~nt~.1 R~lations, so San L~~.s ObiSpo Cottnty will continue its ~ffo~ts to wi,thdr~.r,a from its as~igned District and m~rge into a District r,~it?~ Sant~. B~.rba~a C~~nt~. RECEIPT OF MINIJTES OF PARK. & BLxS. TMPROV AREA ADVISORY BOARD T~^re min.~tes of t~i~ P~rk.~ng and B~.sin~ss Imp~°ovement Ar~a Advisox~y Board meet~ng af Feb~~a~.~~ 1,5, 1.972, ~~~r~ rec~iv~d by the Counc~l, review~d and order.~d fil~d. Cit~ Attnrn~y 5~.:~p~c~;~ was also d~rect~d to check into tl~~ ~equest by local m~~c~~~.nts t;h~.t t~e C-rnontl~ li~~nse f~e ex~~nption given to transf~~~ing businesses, b~ giv~n inst~ac~ ~o new bazsinesses on1y. PUBLIC HEARING m A~AND. PORTION OF HARRISON STREET - RESOL. ADOPT. Administrator ~utc~. r~~~e`a~d t~.at portion of Har~iscan Street is no longEr ne.ces~~.r3~ for st~°~~t purpos~s and. that t~ae Planning Cammission has reconunended th~t this p~~°~G~.un b~ ~.~andoned witl~ a sewer ~astm~nt befng retafned ov~r ~h~ po~t~on ~f Har~~,son St~~~t to be abandoned. Upon being assured by Depu~~ Ci.~y Cl~~k Bu~ch that all req~ix°ements as provided by law have been compl~~d ~r~t%y ~yox~ Schle.gel declared the h~aring open and all p~rsons fo~ or ~.ga~nst ~t~he ~nt~ntion ~o vacate ~ portion. ~f Harrison Street wo~lcl n~w kr~ ~.~~r°dm Th.~r~ be~ng no d.~scus~ion for or ag~.inst ~his matter9 Ma.yor Schleg~l d.ecl~.r~d th~ 1~~~,~~ng clos~~.e Di~ector of Public Works Anderson cla~if~.~c1 t~.~ s~c~~r ~a~~anent th~~ will be retained and th.e proposed cul-de-sac ending of th~ rern~.~n~ng po•rti~n; of Harrison Street. After - Council discussion~ City A~Go~°n~g~ Shipsey read: the title of a resolut~on ordering the vac~.tion of a c~.~tain portion caf H~.rrison Street; thereafter, a motion was mad~ by Coixncilman ~'alley, second~d by Councilman de Leon and unanimously cax°ried~ ta disp~nse vaigh re~.ding the balance of tkais resol~ntion. RESOLUZ~IOIV N0 , 986 A RESOLI3TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI~E CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ~RDF.RI~IG Tf~E VACATIt~N OF A CERTAIN PORTION OF HARRISON SZ'REET, AN ARROYO GRANDE CITY STREET, UNDER FROVISIONS OF SECTION 8323 ET. SEQ., OF THE CALIFORNIEI STRF.ETS AND ~IT~I~.GJ~YS CODE. On xnc~tion of Ga~nc~,lan~n Woesd, s~conded by Caunca~lman T~11~y an~, on the following ro11 call vot~~ to wit: AYESa Co~rncil~ne~ Mill~s, Ta11e~9 Wood, d~ Zeon and M~.yor Schlegel NOES: N~n~ ABS~NT: Non~ f~.~~~~~~.r~g resoltation was pass~~l and adopt~d tkafs 23~°d day of May, 1972. ~ CITY COUNCIL MAY ~ 19'~~ n~ R(?`~~? ~?tA;~D~', C.~ ~~FnF~~IZt'~ P.~ur; ~ PUBLZC H~ARIIVG - RE~I~~I~VG CAS~: :~~a ~2-.~g R~A-B~3 Rml [1I~PII~'E ST EXT(SCH~ENFEI,DER) A~.~in.istr~,to~ B~~~h ~~~~~~.~%~d ~1~~~ ~ ~~~oY~~:i~n l~a~ ~~~:n x~~~~i~a~c~ from th~ P~.~.nnin~ G~~~~~~n ~~c~sr~~;nu.~rLg k~b~. r~~c~n~~g f~a~ RmA~B°3 ~o I2~1, ' . p~rope~t~a co~n.monlg~ ~~~o~n ~~3 Sc~. A~p~r~d Stre~t9 ~~q~est~d `bg~ ~t~~ ~PPI~c~.t~c~n sa~bzni~~~u b~ GJ, G. S~~y~~~nf~~1~~ ~a t7p~~n b~~,n~ ~.~~~r~~. l~y D~P'~'t~ ~ Cit~ C1e~k B~~c~. ~~.a~~ ~,1.:~ r~q~~r~,~~~an~~ p~o~~d~d b~ 1~~, ~~g~.~c~~n~ ~~~ti~ica- tion of l~e~.r~ng9 h~c~. b~~~n ~c;~s~~q.~~:~. ~~,~1~.~ M~~%~r Sc~^n~~.g~1 ~~c1a,r~a ~i~~.~°~ng open and. al~. p~x'~o~~s r,~~~~~. n~~ ~~a~d fa~° ~g~.:~~~t k~te p~opo~~~ ~~~t~ninge Mr. W„ G. Sc1~a~n~~.~~.~.~~ ~.pplican~° for ~~a~ ~~~oning~ ~pc~~~ :~n favor of the rezoning~ ~~v~~~~.n~ p~c,po~~~ p1~.ns f~r prop~~t~. M~, DQ~i W~3:~1c~~np9 2~1 Sa. A1p~n~ 5~~~~~9 ~p~lz~ ~n f~~o~ af ~~~oning. Th~~~ b~~n~ n.o e~i~c~~a~~ion fcar o~ ~.g~3n~ t~~.~ ~~~oning; NI~.yor Scn1~g~1 d~cl~r~~~ ~~~~.r3n~ cl~~~d, Af~~r Cc~aanc~l d~.scan~s~on, Ci~y Attorn~y~ S~ ~.~~~y ~e~~ ~.t;~ f°~~s~ rr~a.din~~ gl~~ ~i~1~ of an o~~.in~.n~~ amending ~~e NT~n:~ci~~1 ~o~~: ~ca t~ ~~zon~ fra~ ~mA~~~3 t~ ~ml, ~~~~~~.n prop~~°t~ in t~~~ C3t;~ c~.f A~~ay>,~; ~~,t~a~c~~~ ~~.~r~~.tt~~~ ~~tiea~~. ~~~,s m~.d~ by Councilman Ta1i~~~ ~~,~~~n~~~ Cc~~,n~~~~~.n L~~on an~. ~n~nrmc~~~I~ ~~x~x~i~d9 to dispen~~ ~aitfl~ ~~~~~.~n.~ ~O~.l.a~n.~~ o~ t'~is ~a~din~nc~. RECEIPT OF SA1~T1~ Mr~R~a BARt~ME:T°ER ~F GRO~rITitY 12EPORT m FI~ST QUARTER 197~ Adznin~st~~~o~ ~~,tc~. r~vi~~a~c~ r~port ~nt~tt~d "S~.n~a M~.ria B~.roan~t~r of Gr~ar~a~~" g~~p~.~~d ~tl~~ ~ Cirtmrta~n~,~t~ D~~r~1c~p~~nt D~p~~°tan~n~t ~ of the Ci~;~ of Sa.;n~a Ma.~~.~.x ~r~~,~e~. w~.~ caa~pil~d f~om so~rc~ info~rc~.tican frorn B~.~1d~ng °P~rrn2.~s ~,s~~.~~ y Fe~~t ~fficc~ ~~c~~,pt~ ~ gas, c~~~~:~ and electr3.c rneters install.~d in ~c~~,~t~~. S~.n 1~r~is Obispo Co~ani~~ a~d nc~~~~ Santa Barbara Co~nty d~s~~ri~ ~t~~.~; ~i~~t qu~.~fi~~ ~f 19°~2 ~.na ~omp~.r~c~ to ~~.e first q~xax~ter c~f 19~~.0 ~~~o~~ G~~n.d~ s~oTa~c~ a d~cre~.s~ ~n all acti~~i~~~s. RENEWAL OF ANNiJA~ ~~ASE F~R CITT' UW~ED ACREAGE ADJ T~ ASH ST - OBAYASIII BROS A~n~.ni~i;~~.~or B~.at~~~ ~c~.~~.~~~. t~~.~ ~.nn~a~1 ~.g~°~e~~r~en~ beturEen the Gitg~ and. ~b~.~~.~~.~ ~~as, ~~~.~~,nat~~ .7~~.~.~x~ 309 19~~. T~.~: 12~a~re~ of City , prop~rty ~.d~~c~~n~t to ~A~~ ~be~n I~~~~d ~c~ tl~~ Ob~y~.~l~i B~o~. fc~r agric~al~taz~a.1 p~~pos~~ ~'~g ~~ai.t~ fe~ta ~~~.r~. Mr, Ma.~~h~tia Ua11~.gh~;•~ r~aas present and a~k.~~d ~ri,..~ e~~; pr~p ~ra~ne t p~.t c~~t for publ.~,c b~~ r~th.~r than le~.~~n~ it s~.me p~~son ~;~~r aft~r ~re~.r. Tl~e Council a.~,sc~assed th~ m~.~te~ and ~~spond~c~ ~n g~n~~~.l ~~r~~rn~nt tY~at f~.rming ~r~.s th~ only feasible tc~~ of t~i~ g~cap~~t~ ~t t~me ~~rt~~ ~h~ Cit~ ~aish~s to r~t~in t~.e properg~ for f~,~a~r~ ~ p~,~:k, pcandinga etc.. , anci f~xr~th~r, tk~~.~ a fariner was ~t~lr.a.n~ ~~na~~~ of ~~~rbl~ in 1.~~.~ i~g prop~~t~ fe~~ f~xxni~ng ~ on a year to y~~~ ba~is, in vi~r,~ af ~~Z~ p~~;~onaY in~r~~~anen~ p~x~ into t~~ l~.nd ove~ th~ ~e~rs. L~f~t~~ fax~t~~r Cc~~anc31 d.isca~ssic~n, ean matie~n ~f Ca~ncilman Talley9 s~cor~d~d b~ Ca~ncil~m~,n d~ L~on ~nd ezn~nim~usly c~,r~i~cY9 th~; Ma~or, and City Clerk wt~°~ ~.~xtt~a~~~~~ t~ ~ign t~.~ 1~~.s~ b~:~a~~n tl~e Ol~a~~.shi Brothers and t~a~ C~~~~ f~~ ~pproxisn~~:lg~ 1~ acr~s of City~ c~~rn~d land adjac~nt ~o As~. Str~~~ fo~ ~ota1 ame~~nt of ~1,3~0 p~~ y~~.x°, fc~r farming paxrposes9 s~.~d. ~e~~~ to ~~f~ctiv~ f~o~n J~ly l~ 19e2 t1~xo~~h. J~zn~; 30, I973. RESQLo ADOPT. - PR~)Ii~BITZI~TG PARICT~TG ~.T CHRTSTMAS TREE TStiAND• Ada~inis tratar I3~.tc~. r~v~~~a~d reco?rnn~nd~tion frc~an th~ Parl~ing Commi~sion, sa~pgn~i:~d b~ th~ Chi~f of Po1~.~E9 t~.at parking b~ pro'~itaited on the east sid~: of T~~ff~c W~~ br~~twe~n B~idg~ Str~~t and ~~:1son Str~e~t a.t Chr~.stbnas Tr~.~ Tslancl. ~.~.~in~stratox~ ~a~~c1x d.r€~r~ c~i~.gx~am indi~~ting the hazardo~a~s e~bskr~zctian pa~°lcs~. ~~.rs in t~i~.t ax~~. w~r~ c~.a~sing f~r u~;h~.cles coming east ~rom N~lson ~~~~:~t on~to Bridg~ Str~~t, Aft~:r Cn~ncil disc.~ssion9 City Atto~n~y Shi~s~~ r~~.d ~h~ titl~ of a~~so~t~tron ~;~t~.bli~k~~n.g ~"I~tc~ Parking" ~zon~ on tl~~ e~.~~ siai~ o~ ~r~f~~,c ~1~g~ b~~,r~~:n ~T~l~or~ and. Bridg~ Stree~s, th~reafte~9 mot~on ~a~~ tn~.d~, b~ Cc~~.n~.il~an Tall,~y, s~:~ond~c~ bg~ Ce~.ncilman Wood and '~n~.ni~no~x~1° ~~~~~ee?9 t~e~ dispen~~ wi~~h ~~~d.ing t~~ balanc~ af this r~solution. R~SQLLTTIQN N0. 987 A RESOLI3TIOL~1 OF TIiE CTTY COri7NCIL ~F THE CITY OF ARR05C0 GRANDE ESTABLISHII~tG A"NO ~'ARKTI~tG" Z(~~TE O~V THE EAST S ID~, ~F TRAFF~;C WAX BETWEEIV NELS OIV .~IVD BRIDGE S TREETS . C3n nzotic~n c~f Ca¶an~ilm~.n Millis, s~cond~d by Co~.ncilxn~.n d~ Lean and ~r~l~.:~wz~g ro1~, G~il ~ot~, to c~riG: ~ ~T'!'S' ~~IJNGIL M~~`~ 23, 19~2 EIi~R(~Y~:~ ~e~I~.~VDE, ~~=ii,~liQR.~TIA P~1t~~ 4 AYES: Coa~ncilmcan M;~11~,s, T~.l:~~~, Wc~od, de L~az~ and M~.yor Schl~gel NOES: 1Vone ABSENT: 1Von~ the forego~ng ~esol^~~~o~t w~~ p~ss~c~ ~nd ~dopt~~. 'tha,~ 23~~. d~.~ of Ma.~; ~972. NOTICE OF EXPIRATI0IV ~F TERNI~S ~F C~MMISS~OI~T MEMBERS Adm.in~st~~.~a:~ B~tc~ r~po~t~d ~~.~t th.~: t~~~n~ ~f offic~ ~f ~ Planning Cornrnis~ion m~an~ers, 2 P~.~k~ and Recr~~.t3on C~i~~fon m~~nb~~s9 an~. 1 Pa~k- ing C~amnission m~m.bzr ~ill ~xpfre J~.n~ 30, 19~2~ Th~ City has ~ res~rvoir of p~ople who e~press~cl ~nt~r~s~ ~xy s~rving on t~,~ Comrnissi~ns, b~t ad.d~- tional names ar~ n~~d~d anc~ ~n o~al ~°~vi~w boa~d tizn~ s~;~< Tl~.~ news media was r~questec~ ta make~ ~,n ~.ppea~ t~o inte~~ested citi~ens to take o~t ~pplica- tions for the r~s~r~vo~~ l~.sting ~o~ co~~i~sions b~ Jun~ 9~ and ~.nt~rvfews will be held d.~ring tl~~ w~~k cf ,1~.n~ 12m16, at a tim~ m~a~t~aally con~eni~nt to applicants anc~ ~ne C~~~nci1. ~ DISCUSSION - EST.c~BLTS~~e C7F FIN~NCE OFFICER POSITION BY ORD~NANCE Administr~ tor ~~t~~~ advi.s~cl tfi~.t with th.~. ~,mpe~nd~,xxg r~~irement of City Cl~rk Kingsl~y frcr~ ~~ex d~x~.ie5 vf k~andling th~ ~.~ea of fi~anc~, although retaining p~.~t~~i~na posi~ion of strictly C~ty Cl~rk, it is request~d that t1~~ positian of Financ~ Offic~r b~ est~.bl~.sh.~cfl by ordinance which wo~ala~ giv~ a~onci~~ job d~~cr~.p~ion, City Attorn.~g~ S~ipsey ~~viewed a sample ord~nane~ r~.c~iv~~. fiom tl~~ L~~.g~:~~ of C~.lifa~ni~. Citi~s, which establish~s th~ d~.nti~s af a D~.~~cto~ c~f Fin~.nce, inclueling th~ band to be posted. Aft~r Cc~~nci1 d~.sc~s~~an, am m~ti~n of Councilman Woad9 seconded by Councilman d~ L~on a.n~. v.nanixnc~usl~ c~,rx°~ed, City Attarn:y Sl~ipsey was directed to prepar~d ~.n o~dinance establi~Yiing th~ position ~f Finance Officer, wYa.ich is ~U b~ p~°~s~nt~d for CU~xncil consid.eration ~t tl~eir n~xt regular m€c.ting. RECEIPT OF BID A~D AWAR.D OF CONTRACT TO REMt)VE BLDG ON CITY PROPERTY - ELM & FAIR ~AKS Administ~a~ox~ B~stch ad.~ri~~d ~th.~.t ~n~. bid h~s been received for the demolition and r~mnv~al c~f a11 ~?r;p~°ove~n~n~~ on City c~wned property, commonly known. as I.Z93 F~.i~ O~ks Av~nu~, Arroy~ Grande. The bid Gaas r~cei~red fxam Mr. Clin~: Pott~, 1191 Fair O~.ks Aven~e, Arroyc~ Grand~, in the amou.nt of $200,~Q0, fox° tY~~ p~archase. and r~moval of the building, exc~pt for th~ ~on.cr~t~ fo~nd~,~ic~n ~.nd stucco material. Dir~ctor of Public Worlcs And~rson ~~co~nrn~n.e~~~. that M~„ Potts' bid be ~cc~pt~d and the agreement to incl.~ta~ t1~~ x~eq~.ir~m~nt t:~~.t t~.e ~work is to be coz~pleted by June 30, 1972. After Co~tncil d~sc~~.~sic~n, on m~tion of Co~ancil.anan de L~on9 ~econded by Caunc~lman Wcaod, ~nd un~.nimousl~ e~.x~~ied, the contr~ct for the purchase and removal of ~t11 i~prov~m~:nt~ on Ci~gr owned prope~ty at the southeast corner of Elrn ~,nd F~ir ~aks ~ ca~s a~aardtci to Cline P~tts for Che p~.~chh~se price of $200,00, wit?~ x~~xnova~ of ~aid building to be campleted by Jaane 30, 1972, ~xc~pt fo~ concrket~ fa~.nda,tion and. st~acc~ mat~rial. RECENT ZOI~TE 3 ADVISQRY CI~MMTTTEE MEETING As nnn~ of th~ Co~.nci7_~n~n w~r~ able to a~t~nd t1~e las t meeting of th,e Zone 3 Advisor~ Cc~~i~t€;e, no r~por~ was ~iven on this mseting. INVITATION TO PL~RTICTPATE I1V ELkS RODEO PA12~,DE - JUNE 3, 1972 Admini.strato~ But~lZ advis~d, t~.~.~ tk~e Co~nn~il has been inv~~Pd to participat~ in th~ annu~.1 F1.ks Rod~:o P~.r~.c~.~ bn Jun~ 39 1972. All Council Memb~rs indicat~d. ~~.~ir in~t~nt~.on ta ~.~t~ne~ ~.nd p~.r~ti~~pat~m ~.EQtJEST FQIZ FEF EXEMPT LI.CEI~T6E - ACADE'MY THR~Ffi SHOP - C, C, C. A. Administrator Butch r~port~~d t1~~ r~ceipt of a lettEr from th.e Central ~~ast Christi~.n Aca.d~my reqv.eating a f~e ~x~anpt 1ic~ns~ for ~th~ir Ac~.demy ~~ift Sh~p l.ocafi~ct at 103? Gr.and. I~ti~nu~, Arro~c~ Grand~, a.ndicating it is ~~onsared by the C~~nfir~.1 C~~.st Ch~i~tian Acacte3ny, which is a Califarnia non- ~~°ofi~ corporation9 ~.nd ~?on~es d~riv~el from. th~ sa~~ of rtc~zmn~ge i~ a~s~d to ~:~pp~rt the sch.vol. CO'~'.11G1~ C1.1,BCLA~;~la1~. indicated they w~.sh ta g~t the local r..r: ~:~:?~a.nts ` feeling~ on t1~is mat~ex° and direct~d A.dministrator B~.tch tQ chzck ~:=-~w:iz~x= ~~':o t~?zs ~.nd r~port b~.c1c to the Coun.cil at ~h.eir n.ex~t r~gaa.lar meet- ~ ~x~~~~~,~: an~r action is takc~na i) ~ ~ ~T'~'Y C0[T~VCIL MAY 2~p 1972 r,~.RGt`i~ i~~.i~:i~1~~, C-~~:::::~C~:R:~Z~ PtntE ; DEDiCATIO~I OF R~GHT OF WAY - EI,M ST PT.,t~~ T.,INE - S I: C! SVGS & LO~..I~' t~SSOC. Adaninist~~.~o~ p~E~~~nt~d ~~c~ C~~an~i~ ~ Ce~~porati~n G~~.r~~ D~ed from San ~~is Ol~~,~po 5~~~.n,~~ ~,~~~n A~~o~~~tzon, fos~ c~~di~~.~~.~~ for road paxrpos~~, po~~~~~~~ e~~ p~ap~~~~ I~~.n~ ~~ai~~~~~ St~~~k ~1an ~,fn~, at t~.~ so~,th~~.st~~~;~ corn~~ o~ ~1~ ~t~~~~ ~t G~an~ ~~~n~,.a~. i~p~~~r~~ propert~ at ~t~is ~orn~~ ~~.s l~~~n p~~~~~.~~~. b~ k~~ ~~~.~~ngs ~nd lo~~. a~~ocia~ tion fo~ tt~e ~st~.bl~s~~sa~r~~ ~f c~n~ c~f t~~~r b~anc~ ~ffi~~~ s Aft~r C~~n~i~. discussi~n, mc.,~f€~n. ~f ~~~nci~~~a~ W~oe~, s~conc~~~ ~a~~ C~~,nc~lgn~n '1'~11~~ ~.nd un~.nimo~sl~ ca~r~,~~, t~~~ C~rpor~.ticn Gr~.n~ D~~~ f~c~ Sa~ L~~s Ob~,~go S~~~ngs and Loan A~~o~~~~~,~ans f~~ cY~d~~~.~ic~r~ fcr ~o~~ p~~pc~s~s, po~~ian ~f Lot l.~ anel ~~~n~ ~~~n~~ of tE~~ F'~~,~~s~. Z~~,c~9 l~~r~~ ~~i~~,i~ t~~ ~l~ St~~~~ Plan vin~ ~ and a c~rb ~adi~~~ on~c~ ~~~nc~ ~v~n~a~, ~xt t~~~ ~~,sterl~ s~e~~ ~ of So~t~ Elm Street at Grand Av~n~~ ,~„r~~ ~~csF~p~~c~; ~.n~ ~h~~: M~~~~ an~ Cit~ Cl~~k ~;c:~~ authoriz~e~ ~o ~ign t~Y~ C~rt~f~c~.t~~ c~f A~c~;p~~.n~.~. on 'b~l~~lf c,f Gi~. RESOL. ADOPT, - SUPPORT ~F ~1Z.OPOSED ~I~TORTCAI~ R/R °~'RACK SITE PROJECT Ad~rein~.~tr~~c~r B~~,~~~~ p~~~,s~~~.~~~. R~~a1~~ion ~~~~~~s~c:c~ ~r~a~ncilman Talle~ froa~t P~,~i.~~c; CUas~ R~~,l~~~.d ri~s~orical. S~ci~ty, ~~rging th~ City's support and ~ndo~~~:~rd~nt r~f ~ pr.°c~pnsed l~is~to~°i~~~ ~~.nc~^ia~k sit~^ ~n Arx°o~o Gra.nd~ fo~ th~ p~~.s~r~%~t~.an ~f so~n~ of t1~~ o~.d. P~cifi.c Co~,St 1Z~.~T~oad ~ails still ~nd~rn~~.t~ H~.g~~~~.y ~2~ ~B~~.nc~ S~~°~E~~. A~~~r° Cc~u~nc~l di~c~ssion9 Administrato~ r~~~d t~~ c~p1~t:~ ~~solt~,tion s~ppo~t~~ng th~ d~v~lopm~nt of a mon~n~nt b~r t~€~ P~.c~fie C~~s~ Railroad. I~~.s~cs~ic~l ~~ci~~g~ ~n ~h~ City of Arra;yo Gzand~~. R~S~~~i~TIOl~ ~I~o ~88 A R~'SCa~~T~.t?;~T C~F THE CITT' CO~~VCIL ~F T~ C~TY UF ARROYO GRA~D~ SlTPP?1R.T:LiVG Tr~ DE;~rELQPMEI~T OF A M0I'~TL~NIENT BY TEiE PAC~FIC C()~S'I' ~1~~LRt~r'~D E~~STOR'TCAL SOC~ETI.', On rrotic~n of Gc~~a.nc~.1~~,n Wo~scl, s~~ond~d b~ Cc~uncilman el~ L~on and on ~the follocain~ rc~ll c:~1,1 vo~~3~ to ~rito AYES: C~~~n~3,l.m.~~n Mill.a~~, T~l~~;~~ Wooe~, d~ L~on ~.nd Ma.ynr Schlegel NOES o I~~~n~ ?dBSENTe 1Vc~~n~ the forego:ing ~~sol~ta~cn ~~s p~ss~d ~nd ~dop~ed tl~is 23rd day of Ma.y9 1972~ and Adminis~~a~~~ B~tc~. ~r~.~ d.~r~cted ~o forw~.rc~ ~ cc~p~ af t;his R~sc~l~tion to the Divisian c~f H~.~~~-~.ys ~.nc~ t~» Pacific ~oas~ Railx~odd His~aric~.l Socie~y. INVITATIOIV TO RETIREME~TT. PA~TY FOR CHI~F RICHARDSON - MAY 31 1972 Administra~or B~,tch fn~r~.t~d the Co~,nci1 to th.e retir~an~nt pa~t~ for Chief of Polic~ ,~o1~.n W, R~.c~^a~,~d~on~ ra'~~.ch. `ai11 b~ 17.e1d on W~tlnesday9 May 31, 1972 at the Fir~ Station P~t~.c~, `b~ginning 6 P.M. 7.'h~ cos~t is $3,50 per pe~son, w1~ic1~ incl~d~s ~on.e~ ~or a gift and ~t ~a~.s r~qu~est~d that ~°eserva- tions b~ in ~a3~ M~v 26~?~. RECEIPT OF WATER SUPPLY & DEMA.~:~tD STtdDY PREPARED BY KO~BIG & KUEBIG A.s the Cp~n~:~1 l~~d pr~vio4~.~lg~ ~eceiv~d a f~11 cop~ of t~~ pr~l.imin~,ry report on Water S~~pp1.y ~nd D?anancis far thc~ Cit~ s~f Ar~o~a G~~.nde, as pr~- pared by th~ engin~,~r~.ng fi~sn ~~f Ka~l~ig & Ka~big~ Ine. ~ Adaninis~r~.tor Bv.tch distribut~d a s~,:~~a~ion ~f tl~~ :~~~port's "Cc~n.cl~s~.~ns ~.nd R.ecna~n~nd~tions" ta the pres~ and cita.~~n.s ~n att~nc~anc~ fo~° ~~~i~ ~nformation., ~.s s~n1~ a lim~,t~d number of copi~s c~f ~~.~a f~.ll r~:po~t r,a~x°~ ~.va.ilabl~. Follo~a~ng da~sc~ss~on, c~n n?~tic~n of G~~ancila~~.n d~ L~an, s~~ond~d lay Councilman Ta11~~ ~,nd ~n~n~~noa~sly~ ca~ri~c~, it taa~ ~g~~c~~ t~ adjor~.rn ~o a s~~xdy sessicn Go £~a~ly ~~vi~w khe report ~rit~i NI~. K~it~. T"~anbarg~~, r~pre- sen.~atiiv~ of Kc~eb~~ & Kc~~=,~ig. ?~DJOURIVMENT TO ~T[pD~ SESSIUI~T On mc~tion of Ccatan~~l.3nan d~ T~~~n, second~d by Co~.nc2l~nan T~.11~.y ancl ~:x~~nimousl~ c~rri~d, t?~e. ~n~~t~ng adjar~x~ned to a St~3~ S~ssi~~n of t~.e Kne~ig & ~o~aig Water S~~ppl~ and D~:r~~nd Repor~ at 9:01 PaM, ~ ~r~'~' ~~UNCIL M~~' `~3 a 1,9~2 ~i~~~~~~ c~~~:~~~~~x~ STUDY SESSI01~ m W~.'T~R ~~pPP~~ A~D DE~1~VD R~P~R~ F~R CITY BY K.dEBIG & K~EBIG An in d~p~~ st~.d~ ~~f ~1~~ p~~~~~g~ry~,~°~ R~por~ on W~~~~ Sa~ppl~ ~nd D~;~~nd for the Ci,~~ of A~~o~~ G~~~nd~ fo~~~7~~c~~ ~~.~~a Mr°°e K~~~~L T~anb~.~°~~~~ of t~~ fi~ of Koebig ~ IC~a~'b:~~ r~;~a.~~in.~ tl~~ ~~~;d~°~ ~~n~l~a~~.c~n~ ~n~ 1~.~~cr~~n~~,t~,c~ns, No final action w~s t~ke~n i;~fin~ r~.~~~ G~~n~~'i., ADJOURNMEI`7T On mot~,a~ ~f Cc~~,n~~1~~~~~ ~~15~~~, ~~c~s~d~e~ b~ ~~~.n~~lgn~,~ Mi~1~~ ~nc~ unani?nota.sl~ c~.~~°i~c~~ ~~~c=v~~~g; ~c~jc~~~nc~c~ ~ 11m:f.6 P,M. ~n~~. ~:~0 P.Mo ~ . r~.y so9 ~.97z r_ . ATTES~': ~ ~ ~~~~r~.~~_~ t~~. ~ DEPUTY CI'~ CT.ERK Mc~~"OZt CITY C9L'~TG~I~ Nk~~' 30 ~ 19%2 ARROYQ ~RA~VDE , ~:~~arFt~R!4~ ~e~. ~ . .~Q ~ e M, Th~ ~~t~ Ce~~~~~1 ~n ~.e~~a.~~rn~r~ ~~g~'1~.~ s~~~~~an ~~t~ M~.g~~~' Sc~s1~g~1. pr~s~ci~ng, iYpon ~a11 Cc~~~a.ne~~ M~.yca~~~~ M~1~~~, `~~1~,~:~y anc~ d~ ~r~on r~po~°~~dl p~~~€~n~m G~r~.nc:i~d:.~n ~w~~c~~ ~~~=~n~e AMEI~TD. `TO JOI~T P~WERS ~UR~ENIE~'~ ~~..G, SE~;fE12 ASSESSME~~ DI~T1tICT Ac~~~ni~tr~~~r ~~~cl~ ~~s~s~~~~c~~ 1~e~~~~ ~ne~ A~n~nc~~~~~ ~i~o T r~~~~v~d f~o~? t~.~: Cc~~n~~~ ~r~~~1~ ~n~n~ ~'~.r~gr~ph~~ of ~t~~ J~a~n~ 1'~w~~r~ A~r~~~n~~t b~tw~~n t~~ C~,~c~ ~n~ Cc~~~n~~~ ~~n (~b~~p~a d.~~~~e~ J~.n~¢~~~ l b; ~9~29 for ~~e ~~n.s~r~c~~zzn ~,f ~~T~~~;~ c;.~~~.~~ac~~~cn ~~~~,:r.~~~~.~. ~f~,~;~ Co~nc~l. d~se~.~°° si~on, ~n k~ac~ti~-~n cP~ C~•!~n~i~~.~~ ~C~~~~^~~s :~~~ond~~ i~~;° Cc~~nczlE~~n d~ ~~~:~n ~.nc~ 1A11s~ri7,~It~4;.S y Cd'~'~~r',t~ ~ ~~Td.F_°'CEC~ Crc>L7~ s'v:`~, ~l"?'117~ ~Otir7~~°5 ~~~'~E'kTi-~'Il~ tT~~Sn/~c:ri the C~~~ ~nd C~~n~e~ t~~~ ~~»~~a~~~~~~n of ~s~~~~g~ ~.c~~~~~~~,a~n f~.~~l~ti~s ~ras approvec~,~ an~ M~.~~r~~ G;.~~y C~~.~k r~a~~~ ~~.k~c~~i~~cd ~e~ ~3g~ t~~~ ~in~n~a~~nt on b~h~.lf of C , ~ APPEARAI~;"~~ 1~F ~A~T~~CI~ ~1~~~~C ~"~CH~fJ~ Ac~~nini~~~~~c~~ ~n~~c~~~.~~~7 ~~~a I~`pl~ck; r~pre~~ntativ~ c~f P~b1ic ~ Technologg~. M~, ~v~~~~ ~r~~~1~ ~~~1~.n~~ th~ ~~~es pr~oposal t~ p~ovid~ cert~in t~c1~~a.nl~g~~~l. ~~,r~~~~.~s~ pub1~~ ~r~~it~.~~. BUDGET ST€~D~' SESSIO~' Ad~.inis~ra~cr 8~~~~ b~i~~l~ ~~~n~~iz~d ~~po~t c~~~e~ M~~ 25 in r~garc~ ~o ~~~1"~A~~6s~ T~~~~=~ ~u~rrc~ ~~.c~~~~e ~'~~~°~~.f~~~°9 ~~~~~~,1 an~ r~~.~i~n~s~~~.~or B~n.tch cont~n~~d disc~ss3on of Pr~l~~~~,n~,~~ ~.9~12~~~ Ma~nic~,p~l ~~~.g~t~ r~~~~raing ~Pag~s XII of t1~~ Su~a~~.~~~ c~f ~st~~~,n.~~,~~ 1~~~~n~~ ~n.c~ ~x~~~~z~°u~°~~ P~.g~ 5`L to Pag~ 64 of th~ D~pa~~t~en~~.~ po~tian o~ t~~~ b~,~g~~. R~v~~w of P'ag~~ TX to ~XV ~as covered ane~ s~bs~q~,~n~1.g~ ~~g~~ ~~~~~r~~~~~ ~ cac~~e ~~xl~y s~~.a~~,~~:a ADJOURNMEIVT ~n m~~~~n of Co~~.n~~.1~n~,~ M~~~~,s5 s~~s~n~~~ b~ Co~,n~ilxs~~.n Tall~~ ~.~xd ~.~anira~ux~Y~ ~~.~~~~c~s ~~~~~~~.g ~~~ca~rn~d ~.i~ 9:57 P.Mo ~.nt~l ~.~30 P,M, ~ Jtxn~ 59 1~`~2e ATTEST: ~ ~ C I T'Y C K 1~'5~~71Z ~