Minutes 1972-06-13 53 CITY COUNCIL 3vr~ 12, i9~z ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:b0 P.M. The City Council met in ad,~o~r~~d r~gul~r aesa~on with Mayor Schlegel presiding, Upon roll call, Council Me~b~rs Mil~is, Talley, Wood and de L~on reported preaent. INTERVIEW OF CITIZENS FOR APPOIN'FMENT T0 VARIOUS `'CITY CONIl~IISSIONS The City Council interviewed t1~e follc~w~.ng citizena who had submitt~d their applicatione for appointment to th~ Planning Commieaion, Parlca mnd Recreation Commission and Parking Comrniss3.c~n, to fill vacancies to be~ome effective June 30, 1972; Bernard Landsman,, Robert L. Goulart, Richard "Rick" Lee, Don Gullickeon, Harold Moats, A1 Spierling, Charles W. H~adington, Dian~ M. McCann and Lewia L. Davis. ADJOURNMEN T On motion of Councilman de Leon, seco d by Councilman T~lley and unanimous ,carried, the meeting adjourned t. 0~ P.M. ATTEST:~<. '~~-~lvi ~I - ~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL NNE 13, 1972 ARROY"0 GRANDE, CALIFORIVIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Sehlegel preaiding. Upon ro11 call, Council Membera Mi1Lis, Wood and de L~on rPported preaent. Councilman Talley is ~baent. • PLEDGE OF AZLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Schlegel lead the Pledge of Allegianc~ to our Flag; ~nd imtnedi- ately there~fter, C~uncilman M3.11is del3vered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ~ On mot~.on of CounGilman Millis, aecon@~d by Councilrnan de Leon and unanimouely carri~d, the minut~s of the ad,journed regul~r meeting of May 22, regular me~ting c~f May 23, and ad,jo~rned regular meeting~ of May 90 ~nd June 5, 1972, were approv~d as prepared. APPROVAL OF WARR.ANTS On motion of Councilman de Leon, s~conded by Councilman Woc~d~: and unanimously carried, G~neral Wa~rante N~. 1002 through No. 1066, ir? the total amount of $46,483.13 and Payroll Warrants No. 1523 through No. 1597, i.r~ th~ total amount of $16,456.22, were ~ppx°av~d and ordered paid, ~ REOUEST OF BRUSH POPPER RIDING CLU'~ TO RENEGOTIATE FIVE-YEAR LEASE Adminietrator Butclx re~d ~ 1~t~ex f~om the Hrueh Popper Ridi~g Club, Inc. requesting th~ exieting fiv~ 3~e~~ 1.e~~~, which wi11 ~xpire N~vo 30, , 1972, b~ r~n~gotiated at thie time ~s th~y wiah ta~'make furth~r imp~ov~~nt• to the a~~na. Aleo requested was ~n amendment to Item 16 under;the old ~~~te~~ , the n~W leae~ to provid~ for 30-day notic~ of l~~ee cs~ncellation on o~ly th~ front half of th~ five-acre~ and a 180-day canc~llation nofiice on th~ r~~r portion of the ~rea in vi~w af t'h~ improv~mente put in by th~ club. T~~ property ie located on ~Iighw~y Qne on tk~~ Mesa. After Council diecuseion, ~n motion of Councilmar~ Wood, e~cond~d b~ Councilman Milli~ and unanimously carried, renewal of a five-yea~ l~~ee between th~ City of Arroyo Grand~ and the Brueh Popper R~.dir~g C1ub~ I~c~~"' wae approved, sub~ect to City Attorney SY~ipesy's prior review of th~ ~~~~+~M ~ which ia to include the amendmente requested by the Brueh Poppere, d~+t~~tnit~a- tion of suffici~n~ insurance cover~ge, ~nd the poseible del~t~.on of Ite~? 19. ~ NOTICE OF PROPQSED INTERFILING OF COUNTY'S PHONE LISTING3 - P~: &_T. Adminietrator Butch review~d a letter and revieion ~+~mpl~e r~c~~.ved from Mr. Lee Balatti of the Pacific Telephone ~nd Tel~graph Ccmnp~ny, wl~ich ~ requeste support of their proposed interfiling of the whit~ pag~s of ~~.1 ` subscribere i~n ths Sa~n Luis Obiapo County Telephone Directory..'Cc~u~ci1 discuseion indicated f~vor with'the consolidation, feeling it would be atz~ . improv~ment and of ca~tieiderable 3~elp ~.n locating informati,ona Af~~r further Council diecuseion, on motion c~f Cou~cilman Wood, seconded by C~ncilm~~ Millis and t~narti;mausly ,carried, the Qity Council supported 'tY~~ Paeific T~le- phone and TelegrapYi Cc7mpany's gr~pc~~~~ to reviae the county t~l~phone dir~cCory „ , by conaolidating the ccunty!e eu1~~~~~~.~~~e in a continuoue 'a7~p~?abe~ical a~~rw ~4 CITY CODUI~TICIT~ JU'NE 139 1972 ARROYO ~RAIVDE , CAI~IFOR~SIA p~~~ ~ SUPPORT" REQ~ES'~ C~~ PR~P~3~ED T,~~:CS~~.TI~~,r ~L1~I~ ~F J~S~ZC~ m~eJ. Y0~1"1~GER A~~rini~~~~.~to~ Ba~~c~ ~~~~~~~e~ ac~~, ~~r~~a~~~~ ~~~~~~~~s~ frorn SGa~~ ~Attorn~~ G~n~~al ~~r~~1~ Je ~'~~n~~r~ ~~~~~r-~~~~,.~ ~~,ppvr~ caf p~opo~e~ l~gisl.~tion in th~ ada~in~.stx~tion of ju~~3,~~s ~ D~~ ~~t~nsi~~~ l~gi~l~.~~~n~ propos~d, ~ ~h~ Cea~nc~,l 1~~sa~~~t~c~ ~o ~~pg~o~°~ th~ p~~p~s~,Y~ a~~~k~g~ ~~,v~~~~~C d~~p~r ~ revietia. Cat~ncilzn~.n M~,1~~.~ q~~~t~~on~e~ ~~~~n~~1's ~o~~ ~n ~ncYe~~~~ng b~~l.s wt~ich ~na~ r~o~~ d~~~c~l~ ~ff~~~ t~a~ G~.~~g~. ~~~~~~~.gl~ Cc~~ncil d~~ca~~s~~n i~ae~icated favo~ wi~k~ ~n~s~ of t~.~ propo~:c~ i~~~ns, C~~v A~tox°n~~ S~.~ps~~r ro?~.~ ~i~~e~~~ ~o ~evi~tiv th.~ prop~s~.T~ b~fox°~ ~:1~,~ C~~r~.~~l ~~~.~.s ~c~i~n on A~~~~n~~~- G~n~r~.~ Yo~ng~r ° s ~eq~,~~~ ~ a RECEIPT OF R~S~I~. REe ~TSE ~F BEAC~ AR~A ~~T SC~, CO~N7"Y m(?~~A~~ ~M~~.OV. ASSOC, Ad~inis~ra~o~ B~u~t~h. r~~~~~~d ~~~o~:~~~,~n ~~~~~~~d f.~c~~ t~~~ano ~ Ianpx~ov~m~nt As~oci~.t~~n~ ~r~~c~ s~~t~:~ t~i~~r pa~~t~csn on ~~i~~ s~~~ ~f t1~~ b~ac1~ ~ ar~~ of Ch~ Citi~~ of Pi,~~cac~ Bcil~.c~.; ~.n~ ~ro~~~~ C~t~ an~ tJc~;.~.nt~ C~~n.it~. . As tl~~ Ci~g~ C~a~nnc~1 p~~~ica~sl~ ~p~~~~~ ~a ~~,~n~la~ ~~,~ol~~.v~~~a~ o~ NI~°~c~ ~8~ 19~2, no ftxrtl~~r ~e~t~.os~z w~,~, ~a~~~. TREASITRER" S R~P~RT FG~R '~E ~I~~'~~ (~F MA~i' ~ 19~~ ~'~°e~~~r~~a~ R~pc~~~ fo~ t'~~ an~n~~ of M~~~ ~3~129 ~a~.~ ~~c~ivec~ b~ ~h~ Co~nc~l~ ~~v~~~~~~ ~,nc~ arc~~~ed f~,1~do DEPARTTTT~IVTA~ MON'I`~Y~Y R~~QRT` F(~R Mr~~ 19~2 T~~ D~pa~°~~~ntaZ Repo~t fr~ ~~nt~ of M~~9 1.9~2~ ~a~.s ~°~.c~~,v~d by t~e Caa~nc~,l9 ~~vi~r,a~~. ~,nd c~~~.~.r~d f~1.~~.> Nla~c~~ Sc'l~l~:g~1 ~~~ogn~z~~ Elc~in~ Chi~f of Pal~,c~ Cl~.~k9 ~nc~~ ~a~.~ pr~~~r~t, REQUEST FOR F~~ E~E?KPT ~~~5 T~IC~~SE - C~~]T°RAL C~AS~ G~~R~ST ~CADEMY Ae~i~nis~~~,t~ar 8~~~~~ ~~~r~,~~~c~ ~~i~ p~~~~,o~=,l~a ~°~~ei~r~d ~~r~~~s~ f~°a1n tt~~ C~n~~al Coa~t G~~°i~~;~~n A~~.cl~s~~ fo~ f~~ ~x~~pt 1ic~ns~ in op~r~t~,~g their Acad~~~ ~r~ft ~~~p 1037 G~~n~ A~~~n~a~9 in~.~c~.~~ng ~~h~r b~~~.n~~~~s in the ~r~a e~i~n"~ c~b~~c~ ~o ~1~~~ ~~~~rs~o Af~~~~ Ce~~n~f.l ~.~,s~~,ssidn9 e~r~ m~t~on of G~uncilman I,~on9 s~~onc~~+~ b~ C~~n~~lm~.n M~,lli~ ~nd ~a~~ni~n~~.sl~ c~.~~i~~, apprav~l ~a~ g~~n~~~ to t~la~ C~n~`~a1 C~~St C~a~~s~i~n A~ad~~ny fc~~ f~~ ~xegnp~ busin~~~ ?~~c~ns~y ~'c~~ n.can~p~~~~~ op~r.°~ta~c~n Ac~d~~ny~ '~~i.ft ~l~~p a.t I037 G~°~nd Av~n~~;, fc~r ~~a~ b~l~n~c~ c~f ~;~7.s c~.~~:n~~.~ g~eax°. FURTE~.EER DISC, m REV~SED 3~EASE AGREEa BE~WN CTTY & RADIO STAs - I~EET~D OVER Ad.+~in~,s~~°atcq~ B~ztc~n a~vis~d ~~~.t t~a~ pr~~er~~ oTanec~ by C~.~ Ca.ty ~nd presen~l~ l~~~ed b~ t~l~ R~d~o St~~~~n ~s bE.~ng cc~ns~.cYex°~d for ~ss~ b~ ~Ch~ Polic~ D~p~rt~rien~~ l~~.t tY~~~ ~~~p~~~ c~n ~~~tt~~° has nat ~~t be~n ~~ceived and tl~~refo~°~ ~t ~a~.~ ~~q~.~s~~d ~h~,~: t~°ci,s ~,~~.~i b~ k~~1d cav~r unt~I ~~a~ nex~ ~°eg4ala~ C~~anc~,1 ~r~~~tingo E1~,~~~~tS~ Sh~~~1~~f, ~°~p~esent~~iv~ of ~l~e par~Cne~ship Gahich 1~~s~s p~c~p~r~~.- w~,~ pr~~~nt ~ne~. in agr~~~~nt wi~h ~h~ pos tpc~nem~nt . MUN~CIPAI., CODE AIKE~?DMENT ORD. ADOPT< - REZ~~~. CASE ~~a~m~9 P.~PI~iE ST, EXT R~AmRm3 TO Rml(SCHdE'~1~ELDER) C~~~ Atto~ne~ S~a~psey r~~.c~ ~G~?~ ~~~1~ of ~.n ~~din~.nc~ ~m~nding ~1°~: M~nicipa~. Cc~d~ ~o ~c9zan~ f~o~~ ~ RmA~B°3 R~~sid~n~~,al Agric~slC'~~~.I District ~o R-1 R~~~a~d~.n1;~~~ Dis~~~ct, ~~~~~~n p~op~~t~ ~n tfl~~ Ci~g~ of Arro~r~ Gr~nde; t~Ya~~~~~:ft~:r.9 a~ra~ti~n ~aa~ m~c~c; b~ Ce~~~ri~ils~an M~,1~~,s, s~cc~nd~d bg~ Cc~a2ncilm~n d~ Leon ~nc~ t~n~~i~no~a~l~ c~r~~,~.c~y ~c~ ctispF~ns~ ~~:~~fng t~ie balanc~ of ~his ordin~.nce, ~IItDIT~AI~IC~ NC1. ~8 C o S . A~V ~R.DTIVA~CE OF TY~E CI~'Y OF ARROYQ GRAIVDE AMEIVDING A P~R~"TC~Z~ OF T'FiE Z~'I~II:~TG MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE R~ FETZRED T(~ ~1V SECT~OI~T .302 OF TITLE 9 a CI~APTER 4~F T~L N~TN~CIP~1L COD~ SO AS TC,1 REZONE CERTAII~T PROPER.TY' ~N' T~iE C I'~'Y OF ARROXO GRAl~ DE . Qn motion af Co~.neilanart Wc~~d~ s~con~ed b~ C~ncil.man d~ T~on~ ~n~ on ~1~e following .roll c~ 13 vot~ ~ ~a ~r~,t : - ' ~ AYES: Cdt~ncil.n~~n. M~,11.i~s Woode d~ Z~on and M~.~or Schl~g~l NOES: Nc~ne ~ ~ ~ , ~ ABSENT: C~y~.n~~l~~~ T~l.~,~g* 'Che fcsr~going or~in~.nc~ c~~s p~~s~~ ~.n~ ~dc~p~~:d ~~~s I3t~ da~ of J~sn~, T,9`~r ~ , ~ CITY COUNC L~., ,~[7NE 1.3, ~9 a`l ARRO~'~ GRA~7Dk~, CA~T.Ft~R.~V'L~, P~G~ 3 ORDY~I.A~C~ ESTA~:~TS~T,I~G P~DS~~T~~ ~7F F1~~r~,~`r~~ t FFi;C.i ~2 ° F~,RST R.~ADT~G C~.~~ At~~~°n~;y~ S~~.p~~:~ e,sr.i.~.~y~,~ .,,;-A ~ r~,.~r~~n~.~; ~w~ p~~~~~~~r~ ~~~~,b~at~~~.ng ~he po~:~t~,on c~f F°Ln~nc~ 0~~~.c~r~. ~~~~-w Ca ~~~s~°~~., ~:i:~~~,~~~~n~ ~?~a~~, i~.~1~d~d ~~~a di~°ection tc~ ~~s~~td tfi~: o~c~,~,nF~r~c~ ~ca ~~~rti~ ~'F~:,n~n.~~: ~f~a~c~;e~" ~n;;C~~d ~f "~'3~n~.ne~ Dir.~ctor", ~it~ A~tca~n~:~y S`~ip~~~r x~.~,c~,~ f~, i.~,:~ f~~~~ ~c~~.~ri~9 t~~ G`i~~.~; of ~r~ o~din~nce p~av3.~~.ng ~o~ Fi„n~n~.~~: Q~~~~~..,, ~~:.;r: C~,~°~ ~~f' ~~~~a~~~ G~~~d~;~ t~~~c~.'~, af~~~~ ~ m~~~~n. r~~~ m~.d.~~ Ct:~~~!r~~~ly~~~. ~~~c~ne~~~ l~~ ~as~~n~:.~~.sz~~~ T~~11~~ arcd tnnanimo~~l~r c~~~°~~.~9 ~Y.~~a~~~s.~:~ ~3,~~, ~u:~~~~zr~~ b~.lanc~~ ~f ~~:~,s o~d~~~n~~, PUBT.IC HEARIN~ ^~STA~I~TST~. UF' ~~i~D~~GR,O~~"D `~T~.~T,'~ DI~'~, ° GA~C~~I~ED ~d~r.~n~,~~~r~Cb~ B~~c~~ ~~vv~,~~~~~ t;~~at p~~;f~~..~.~ `~.~~~r~,~,~ ~s~~.b1.3.sts~n~rlt of an Un.c~~rg~at~n~ iT~a~1:~~~ D~~~~~.~t c~r~ B~~.n~~ b~:~a~~~~n ~.a~~~a~,g~ I01 ~nd ~ N~v~d~, St~~~~ l's~,~ `b~~;n c~,nc~l~.~c~ c~~~~:: ~~a~ t~~~: n,c~~if,~,c~.~ion f~cs~a Un~~b~grou~td Utility* Coo~°d3naGin~ Cc~zr~~.~Ccy~. ~~~.i~ ~°~:~~.~i,~~u~~ :L~ t~~c: c~ci~n,ax~~~.; ~~c~ ~~~n tn~d~ b~ t~~: T.~~gu~° o.f C~.lifc,~:~n~~ G°i~~~~~> ~oa~rcc~.l,q:~.~.~ M~.'I.~.~~ ~~~a~~~, ~~,~.t t~a~: L"nd~~- grc~.nd U~Ei1xGg~ Cc~c~~°d~n~~~,rr.,g C~rz~nn~,~~:~r,~~ ~~~,1T b~ ~n~~~:~ng c~~n ~7a~~t~~: `~9 ~,nd ~~1.1 '~~:po~t ~c~ Gh,~: C~~n~.~l t~O~:Y.~ ~r~xt x°~:g~.~.~~ r~.~5~:~~:~~~ ~.z~~ rc~~~r ~:~w1.ap~snganCs in ~t~~ a~s~~~~~. CO'U'1~TC~LMA.N~ Wd~D ~XC~SED ~.I[~S~~F FR~M T~ GC~l~"~C~~ C~~T~E~S ST~'~I~G ~~.E T~AS A ~ POTENTIA~ FI'~AI~C'IAT~ Z~I'TEft.~S~ 1~ T~lE F(~~Lt)W'.i::NG AGEI~DA I.TE~I, PUBLIC ~[EAR~N~ - A~3~~DK ~'(JR~'Z~~ ~F R~SE STREE~ ~ R~S~3~~'~T~3~ ~D~P`T~~D~ Ad?~~nistraCo~ ~~r~c~ ~~~~~~:~~:d Gha~ ~ pc~~~atcan of R~r~~°. St~~~t ~1ong F~on~~g~A R.~a~d i~ no 1ang~~~ n~ct~~~~~~ ~e~~ s~G~~:~~ p~k~pc~~~~ ~,nc~, tra~.t Pl~nn~.ng ~Cc~n2n3.ssion r~~~~nan~~tc~~~ t;~,~.G po~~ion bs~ ~.~~~dQ~n~~~ ~r~,~C~ ~n a~s~~~n~ ~ b~~ng r~~~~n~d ov~>~ ~ pc~rkic,n e~ k~~~~~ St~k~,a~ t~ b~~ ~.b~n~L~n.~~.~d.. Upon b~ing ~s~~~°~d 1a~ C3.~~ Cl~~~k K.a~n,g„1~_,~ ~.1~. r~w s~~.~.; ~:mr~~n~~ ~.5 p~avi;d~d by~ la'~a h~'v~ b~~n compX.i~d ~r~t~k~a, M~y~~~° Sc1~.1.~~~~1 c~~:~.J.~~ ~ ;~e~~~~.~x~ ~p~n ~nd ~1~ p~~sons fo~° o~ ~g~iny~ i,n~i~~nt~.on ~:o ~r~.~~.~~; pc~,r~~::~,cat~. a~f Rs.~±s~: S~r~;~~ vaot~l.d nc~w b~ Y~~~rc~ . G1~nn P~~t~~~p ~7f My~C1.~~9 ~~~~.~;r c~~ p~~p~:~3;;~ ~~_3€~~~yn~ to ~}a~ ~b~ndc~nm mvn~$ ~pok.~ ~,n ~~~r~;~ ~af t,'~a~~ ~a~~r~c~~n~ze:n~ ~n~. ~°~,.vi~~~:;;d 'k~%~ ~~°opos~c~ c~~velc~pzn~nt erf a~~o~.n;t.ng p~°c~~~~~~. T'h~~~ b~in~ nr~ fur~'~~~,~° c~i,~~~.~~iirn f'~.r ~a~ ~.g~i~nsit ~he ab~ne~c~nment of ~ ~oxtion of Ros~ St~°~~~~ M~.~%~~~ ~~ta3.~g~1 ~~:~l~x~~~, t~~. he~~~,ng clns~d. D~xing C~~anc~,~. ~~.sc~us~ ~un~ M~. Pe G~~s r,u~.~ qt~~~~ ~:~.c~n~~d ~.s t~ how n~h~~' gx°vpe~~~' 4~a'ne~°~s 3~n th~~ ~,~n~d3.~.~~ ~~ea f~l.t ~.baa~~.~ ~b~.n~,ars~~;n~ and ~i~ ind~.~~~~d ~ha~ l~e ha.c~ p~~son~.11~ ~xp1.~,°~,~~d p~c~p~s~;c~ ~.b:~.r~~,~~r~r~~:~x~ Co tt~em 3.~~1~d3.r~~ ~a~,s ~l±an~ far d~v~.lap~acn~ af ~.Ls ~d~c~in.in.g ~~c~p~;~t~~m AEt~~' Cc~~~nc3.~. e1~.~c~.s;~~.c,n, C~,~~r ~~~a~~r~~~cp Sh.~.ps~~ re~~d ~1~~ ~iCl~, of ~ '~esc~lul:3,on ~~d€~^.~i.n~ ~;h~ v~.c.~~~e>n c~;~ ~~~;~:G~.:i.n. po`~G3.~`~n. ~a~ R.us~~ 5t~~~~; t'h~rE.~ft~~~ xn~s~~c~n ~m~,d~. C~~ti~~xF.~,.~;m~n NT~,113~~~ s~cc~rYd€~d'. b~ Cc~~ne;ilm~.n c~a I,~:~n ~n~. ~n~.~~,~~~c,~~°l.~ c.~~~°i~~c~.a ~r~ ~~,~.~~U;~~k: u~a~,t~~ ~~;~di~g b~1.~ne~ of ~1~~~ ~~solt~t~c~~, ~~Sa~'~'I tf~~~a ~0, g8~ A~SOT~TT~f~1~~ Ok` 'I°H~, ~I'T"l Ct)ll`~fG~~ ~F T~~ CITX OF ~,RRG)YO GR~+.'~17E ~)R.DE~T~t~ T'I~'.~ VAC~A'~:CC?1~ C~RTATN ~t~'R.T~,C1~~ (~F ~~SE S`.r`R~~ Z', ~ AT2.I~.C?Y~ G~2A'~DE CI,T'~' SZ'R.:~:ET, tJ°1~UE'.R PR~V'I.ST()NS C~F SEGT'T.(~~ Ff::3~:3 ET. SEQ, * 'THE GA;GTF(?'R:~'l~ S'TI~~ETS AND ~:~G'f~WAYS CODE, On m~~ i:R~, L~~ ~~•~n~~.i~a,~n. M'~ "t I~,s ~~~::c:c~~ded, by C.~t~n,~~ ~.z~ta~ d~ T,~;c~n ~tnd ~an ~Che fc~l~.owin~ r~~s~a ~:~.'l~. vc~t,~,;~ ~c~ ~a:i~, A~'ES : C.~ 4.::~s~ S 1°r~~:r~ 'Mi,1.~:L:~ ~ d~: ~,~>>~~n ~zi.d M~.~ca~° S~Y^yl~:~~1 ~nES : ~ A~3SE'~T: Cc~q~z~~f,1:~~.~ ~"~1T.~~~ ~ ~ ABSTA~ZV'~Ds Cca~tncilnna~ W~o~. ~h~ fnr~going z~;r~o°L~~i~r1 ca~~ p~.~~~;.d~ ~.r~~l ~dop~~.d C~a~;~ 1.:3th de3~~ of J~n~, 1'~7~. GI'~Y C~LT~tG~I, ~U'~E 1.:39 19~2 ARRO"SCO GRA~TD~, C.d,LTF~R~~:A PAGE 4 PUBLIC HEARZIVG - R~,I:I~Ql~T,SH, E~.CE~S ~~~l:F:E~'I°~°' `~.~~~t~ 0~9.I~ pAR:[C ~ FRO~T°~AGE ~d~n~,nist~~.tor~ ~~~c~ ~e~v~,~.~~"~ ~ E'~ r;~=:~s~:~:~r~;~~.~.~~on ~i~,~ ~~~~n ~~ceiv~d frorn tF~e P1ann~ng C~.~~~~~~n ~~;GC~~:z~~ ~ -~~~c~ ~f ~ ~~ap~~t~ ~.long Front~ge R~~d ~.ne~ (~~k :Bc~a~~~~r~,~~. >`~p~,~~. 6;=.~,~~ ~s~~~~~ ~~y- ~~~y C1.~~~C Kingsl~~ t~~.t ~.11. r~q~~;.~,~c~~tx~n.t~ pr~~;u~,e~.~ u, ~;;3 1~~~n ~~r_r~p~,~~~ ~~C~9 Ma.~or Scl~leg~T c~~c,1~.~~:d ~~~~Y ~~~a:irz~ ~.rz~ ~~~~~ns ~a~sa.~~ n~~ b~ ~~~~~a Mr. Glenn P~~ers9 My~~~~~.~~ ~~~~1~~~ ~f~~re~~ of ~~,1~ ~,~d ~g~.~.n indic~t,~d k~x~~ ~,rx~~~~~~ ~,n ~~i-~ ~a~.~~~~s~ c~~ ~~,~r~~ ~~r~ ~~s ~~opos"~ ~~p~o~r~~~nt~ to th~ rel~nq~i~~~~ p~op~~~~ ~n ~ra~~~n~~~car~ ~ti~ ~,~v~1Q~.;:r~~ ~~f ~~s ~.djo~,n~ng prc~~?~„~~e T'h~r~ b~a.n~ nci f~,~~~:~~ c~~~~~~.~~,~z~, M~~~:~ Sz~~l.~~,g~~ ~~;~~.~,~c~~~ ~~~ring clos~d. Co~ncil eTi~c~a~s~o~ f~allo~r~;d. ~,~,~~n~ ~r~k~c~ ~~~5~,nc~lrn~~x ~'I~~~.~~ q~~st~,on~d t~.e ~~o~n~ of ~.c~~~.g~ ~,~~~~10~~~~ w~s~~n~ ~i~~~ ~a g~t p~~~~ ~fo~ it, and al~~ q~.~st~.Q~.~~ Di~Wc,~~~ ~f ~~b1~c ti~~~l~~ An~,;~~~on ~~~~v~l at tl~~ $~~a0.00 s~.l.c~ ~~i,e;~ Mr°o G~~~nri ~r-~~~~~ ~~1~~s~~~Y t~~~~ Oe~~S ~~~~s w~x°~ invol~am~ in ~k:~ p~r~p~:~~~~' ~~a r~~l..%r~e~~~.~~~~°d~, B~~;-:~~o~ 1'~,`ta1~~ Works Andex~son r~pl~e~ t~~.g a.~ p~~~~1. ~n ~~~.~~i~n `a~; ~,c~~ q~a~c~ n~~~°ow~ it was ncat m~.c~~ gc7~c~ fc~~° ~~~t3~~n~ ~.~~ncu ~nc~. t~~ $~;~0.00 f~,~~~°~~ ~~1~~ c~~r~r~ t~.e City's costs ine~~~~~ aa~.t;~. ~;~i~ ~;€~~.:in~~i~~~~x~,~. Aft~~° f~artk~~~ C~~nc~i ~.~.~~~,~s~~a~r.s ~~~~i~n G~~~~~r~c3,1~~,n e~~ Lean~ s~cond~d. b~ Cc~~nc.°~1.cr~~n M~,~.~~s ~.nc~ ~;a~~n~~r?c~s~,~1~ c~~r°r~~~9 n.~; ~r~~~sts tia~r~ r~c~iv~d9 tl~~ ~~~~~s ~~c~p~x~t~ ~~.~ng ~1~,1~~~~,~~ ~~~~Y.~v~,~~ ~n~ F~c~~t~g~ Roac~ ~ras d~~l~,r~d s~rp1~~, ~c~ la~ ~c~1d ~t ~:L~i~na~ b~~ of ~~:a0,00~ s~~~ b~,d~ to b~ r~c~ivec~ bg~ ~~.e Cc~a~n~~.1 $:Of) ~eMo ~ J~~~:a~ 2~~ ~9~'~0 COiTNC~T;N1Al~T WOOD ItEJ~I~ED 7'~?~ CU~"~~C~L ~.T $a3~ P.I~I, REATEW C1F LEGISI,AT'T.~IE BI~~,ZE7'~i~S F~2.~M TI=I~ lEt~GU~ OF GA`L~F~R~~~ CITIES Ae~anin~~Gx~~~c~x B~~~~Fu ~°~~~,~.~~~.c~ ~~~~d 1~.~~,5~..~~~r~~ ~~1~~~~ns ~~c~i~r~d from the L~~.g~~a~ of ~~,~ifc~~°n~~ C~~i~~ ~ e~~~r~rin~ G~i~ C~p.~~~~.1"5 ~tt~~ntion ~rao bills in par~ica~la~ ~aY~~c1~ ~fg1~~ ~o C°~ %nG~r~~ ts o 0n~ bill ~nGa~~1.~c~ NT~n~,~~.p~,1 ~:~~,~~,~..i~y ~~,s .=~~~~~1y ~p~G_~5~,~~ ~"r.~~r Co~nc~`l an~ dir~cted Adgn~.nist~~.ta~~ ~3~~a~cl~ to ~o~~,f'~ S~r~a~~zs~ G~~ns~~ ~~~~c~1B~ opposi~~.on to ~ th~.s billu 'I°1~.~ ~~eon.d ~~,I1, ~~~~,n~ cto ~i~c~, Env~~nngn~nt~1 Q~taali~y, r,~ould take at~a~ in~.ch ~oca~, con~~r~S. af 1.~.neY ~,s~ ~n~ ~~c2r C~s~nc~1. a~~~~t~d A~ministra- , to~ B~tc~ ~to ~~t~ ~a As~~~nbl~~n K~:~:c~t~~. ~,n~. Ma~G~1`1~,v~a~ ~.rging ~heir non- suppo~~ of thi~ ~:~I~. ADOP'~, ~F SAI~ARY` I2~S~d., FOR ~E CIT`~" ~?F A.R:L~,~II'Q GR~IVDE 19~'~-7~ Ac~ma~n~.s~tr~to~ B~~~c~ ~~:~a~~,~~=,c~ ~~~ap~~~~. S~l~.r~ R~sol~t~~n f~~~the ~ 19~2-73 fis~~.l ~~~.nc~ n~a°~~c~ t~i~ ~~r~~c~~ r,a~s ~ f~,~r~ p~r c.~n~ (5%) ~ inerease ~fa~ ~.1~ Ga~~G~ ~~p~c~g~~~~m Af~~~ C~~~~~~1 e~~~~~~sion~ Ci~~~ At~~~n~~ ~ Sk~~,pse~ read th~ ~ t~~l~ of ~ 5~1.~~y Rr~~~o~,~.~i~n fo~ 19J2~7'3 ~i~c~.I Year; ~h~reatt~~°~ ~~anm~~o~ ~iac~~ 1~~ C~~~~~7~~~~ 1~Ti1T~~, ~~c.one~~d1 bgr Councilman ~ de L~on and~ ~~~~~sn~~~~y d~,~~r~~~~ ~r~,~h r~~.~~n~ t~~ bal~nc~ of this r~~ola~~ione ~5~~1~~r~'~~~ 990 ~1 R~SOT~~''TT~~ UF 'TH~ CT'Z`~' Gl?~'I~tG'T~ OF '~HE CT~Y QF ARR.O`YO GRA1~~D~ ~S°~L~~Z~SHZI~'G MII~TTMi1'Ni .At~D M~IXIMC3M C(1MP~~SATTO~ 1~D(7~TI~T~ A. SAZ~AR~C SC~I~D~TI~E AI~tD P~}S~:T~(?~ CI~SSIFT~A'~.~OlVS, ASS~G~ING CITY EMPLOYEES T"~? CLAS sIF~CAT7t~~IS ~?D SAI~ARY STEPS W~.~H~l~I T?~E R.~S~ECTIV~ RA~~E~ (JF T~1:E SA~~AR."Y' SC~iEDUZE, DESCRIB~ ~`~G MFT'[~:~DS ~QF ADC~A.I~ICFME~~T ~D REP~I.,~TVG PREVTOlTS SA~~A~2Y R~SC~a.,~v"T~aNS o On. ~at~.~s~ G~a~nca,`~s~~,n d~ ~.~~~n, s~:e~nd~d b~ Cd~xn~~l.an~.n M~l.lz~ and on the follo~ring rc~11 ~~.1I v~~4a~ t~~~~Gs AYES : C~~n~.i~~a~.~n M~,1,l~,s o Wc~~c~ I,~>~n ~n~. M~~~~ ~~~~l.e~g~1 ~ NOES: ?~~n~ ~ ~BSENT: Co~.~r~~~,l~~.~. ~"~~1~:~ ~ ~ ~ th€ fo~~go~ng ~~.~~~~~i,c~n ~.~c~p~k~~ t~is 1.3t~ d~~ of ,Ttxn~, 19~'~. ~ ~ _ ~ __~.~.....~,...~,~,.~,.:._._...t ~1 CI'~1'Y CO~TCTZ J'~NE 13, ~972 ARRf~~CO G~~TD~ s CAS~xI+OR,~'~A, PAGE 5 ADQPT'SO`~ ~F ~97~-~~ ~u~ c =t ~~~c~~~ ~~~v~n~ Ad~a~n~.at~~~~~ ;~~nt~~ ~~~~~,va~~, xt ~~4A~ `b~d~~~ ~,97~~7~ ~e ~m~~d~d '~y C~t~ C~~~~~~~,, ~~~fi~~~ ~;~~a.~ 6~;`,a~~; ~~~r~~ ~cat~~. ~~xp~rad~~a~°e~ wo~t],d b~ ~pp~~~e~~~~~~y $'~,~~~.,000.0~, ~~:.~a~~~r~~ ~r~~la~d~~ ~n~~~~~~~. Admir~iet~~~o~ ~t~tc~ ~,~,~v ~,~~~~~~e~ a~ ~~s ~~~~a~~~~,c~~,~~. $~t~a ~~qa~~~~ ~~d~ bq~ Pc~1i~~ Ch~~f C1~~~ fn~° ~n3~~c~:~~9,~~n~ua~~ ~q~~~a~nt~~t° r~~.c~:r,~y=~r~ ~,r~ d~p~~~a~n~. 'I'k~~ C~~z~~i1,'~ g~r~e~a1 f~~3~in~ ~~r~~ t~~ b~d~~t ~r~.~n~rL~d. Ca~~an~~~,a~~~ ~~.11is p~~.n~~d ~ out ~l~at al~naet a~n. ~q~a~~. ~.~r~cr~n~ ;~~;~r~n~,. ~,r~~~~iv~+~ f~xon~ 5~~~~ rece~~red f~o~t P~ap~.~r~ty '~~~c. ~f~~:~ C~a~r~~,i:~, ~:~,~~~~s,ie~n, ~r~ ~n~~~.c~n Ca~~anc3l~t~n Mi1~1i~, ~~~~,a~~nd~e;d by C~tsn~°L1~~~. d~: ~~w-4~~n •u~,~~,n~ra~°~,~~.~ ~~~~i~~l~ t~~: 'B~sdg~t for th~ Fia~~1 Y~a~~° c~f ~972-73a incl,aadin.~ t~,~ ~500 ~dc~:tt~,~n,~l ~~~,~~,~~t bgr ~~a~ Pa1ic~ Dep~rt~i~nt ~c~~ ~q~i~~nt~ ~oa~ t~~: Cit~ ~f A~~c~~u G~°~nd~: w~~ ~,~;~c~pt~d. ATTORIVEY'S Ft,~~(~RT RE. ASS~SS1~~"°`I' W',~,I~'ER FOR. ~'~W ~~",'~~~SS~~ C~tyr Atto~n~~ St~~.p~~~ ~~p~.-~x~t on ~~:C~ x°:~~kir~~,~ of fi~~ ~~.~~3'~.~,~~ ~nd Ba~$~n~ea Zmp~ov~:a~~~nt B~~~~'~ ~~q~~~t t~ ~.~s~ca,c~ o~~,~~n~n~~: ~~~~b~.:~~~Y~,~,~,~ Ch~ 1~~~lcing ~~nd Bt~s~,n.~~~ ~r~~~vw~;~~~t A~r,~ ~.~,~~;~~~~~:z~~~y t~~; ~~~.~d ~~~r3,n~ ~~c~s~~~~~~d t~~t t]~~ six- ~?on~~~ p~~k,~,n.g w~~~~X~;~ ~~~r1y~ c~~~.~ ~.~~1,~: ~~~:.~`~~.~~~'~~~;d b~~~.n~~~~~ and not t~ ~ac~~t~,n~ b~s~~n~s~~:~ ~r~~<~ ~~~~~~y t~~n,~f~r~ ~,~~~~a~~~~p. C~~~ Atto~n~y Ship~~y ~~~,cos~~.~d~d t~~,t ~~~a t~~c~:i~x~.ri~~ ~a~ a~~:~.~~~ ~o ~~.~~~~.fg~ ~~f~ m~t~~~. Aft~r C~un~~.~ d~,~c~~~~,c~~tm Ci~~ At~c~~~.~,~ S~~~Lp.~~~~ ~~.a~~:~t~d t~ p~~p~~~ Ord~.n~ncr~ ~rtt~~~~,n~ ~~,~~C~in~ l31A.~~~a~:~~ ~~°+.p~o~r~~~;~~ A,~~~~~rn~n~ Di~tr~et n~d~~~~~n~~ ~c~ 'b~: p~~~~n~t~~~ ~o~ ~'h~~~, Cc~~nc~:l.~~ cc~~~i~~~~~~,~ic~~ ~t it~ next ~~g~1~~ a~~:~t~r~~. REP~R~" d~ ~C4~~DA'I'~0~ ~F ~'AR,K.~~G Ci~1~ITSSI,C~~' ~ ~f~~D Ad~in~~~~~~to~ ~~~qt~~~t~e~ ~~~k C~~nc~.~, ~,pp~~~r~~ t~a~t t~i~ ~ it~m b~ ~~~ld ~~r~~ ~~~ti~ t~kj, ~°~~1~,~~ ~~;~~~~n~ ca~ C~~G~ C~~zr~c~,~., RECE~PT OF ~J?~ 5~~~, ~EC~t,~A`~~~~ BC~D'~T~E A~~~ni~~~~~o~ ~r~~c~ ~~~~r~.~~~~d ~,9~~, ~,~~~~~ti~~ 5~'~~da~1~ witY~ fi'1~~ C~~,n~i~9 ~~3,n~~~~ c~~~t ~~Z~~ ~~;~~:~t~~~~,~~z ~o~ t~~ ~ ~~c~~~~ion~;1 p~o~r~~ ~a~~~~c~ n~a~~ C~~~~~~~~~ ~~~1~~ ~~~~~~d~d R~~~~~t3~ox~ ~ Di~~c~~~ De~~ t,J~it~~ana~~ ~c~~ ~r~~~; ~~b~~ ~~p~rt~~~~. PR~G~~SS RE~dRP~" - ~5~~~~;S~ie ~i~C'~CT~ ~~'C~S ~?A~`t~S & ~C. COIr~l~~~~~ Adxn~r~~et~~~o~ ~u~tc~ g~v~: p~d~a~~~~ ~~,p~~~ ~~x tt~~ ~a~~tbli~t~n~~~ r~~ ~ P~~k~ ~r~d ~~~~~~~~or~ C ~~t~~ v~~~~~`~ ~c~ ~:~~x~~~~C ~ ~C~d~r af.,~h~ ~~~d~ ~~d 1oc~tia~~ ~o~ b3.~y~~~ p~~~~ ~~d t~~~~~ w~3~~~~~ C;it~°. P~r~C~ ~~ad R~cr~~tinn, C ~~~~~n '~~e t~,i~ ~o~~~t~~: P~~r~C~ ~r~d ' R~cr~~ti~r~ C~~~~~~~~~~ ~e~~~ ~~~~d G~~i~~~~ lt~~~~~t3o~ Di~~~t~~ ~~n ~i~t~~a~~~ D~~ ~~~g~~^~~ ~r?d P~t~ D~~c~. A~~ir~i~tr~tio~ ~ ~~atc'~ ~1~~ ~~~ll~ c~~z~~~~ ~~.~~~3 C~,~~~:~ '~~~~s~P~~~~-R,~cc~~d~~ fo~ t~~i~ tho~~~~~ ~,nd ir~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~y ~a~i ~~~~~t~~~ ~nd ~t~ j~Gt~.~~s. ~~SCtJSS~t~I~ ~ PA~C I,~TD ~GO~~S~T~,~~R ~S~R~V~~~t ~VO. ~ A~1s~~~~~~~~~o~ ~~t~t~ ~~~r~~a°~~;~, ~ea,~ ~r~d~t~~n of t~~ ~~~~C~ ~~d R~ar~~~io~ C~ i~~~,~~ to d~~~~~sp ~~~~~~~~~`~~~`~o~d p~.~~ ~t th~ R~~~~oi~ ~T~~ 2 eit~~ wh~~~ ~v~~l~ ~~q~~~~~~~d3~~~~~~. ~1~~ ~r~d th~ prxr~h~~~ ~f ~ ~ v~~~n~t 1~~ ~1~~~~~~a S~~~e~~ ~d~~~~~a~~ ~~~~~~r~~~ ~it~, t]~ . pr~~~n~ ~~~~~~~n~ ~o ~Z~~a x~~~~~r~~~ ~~1:~ ~(7 f~~~ ~~d~. C~~a~~~l ~~~1,~n~ v~~i~d ossa ~a~~~~~a~, 1~~~~ 5~1~~~~~1 ~i~~~~~tin~ tl~~~ t1~i~ pxoj~c~ b~ t~,lz~~ t~nd~~ ~d~°~~~~~.~~~ a~~~~ p~~j'~ct~ ~hiGh ~ ~rould b~ b~tt~~ ~+~;~,~~~~~d b~ ~a0p0 ~~~k ~~q~~~~~~~~n ~~~~~~tior~, b~~3d~~ t'h~ f~ct th~~ ~~~c~~~~ ~d~~~~r~~ t~~~ p~~pc~~~d p~~lt ~~d tz~ ~~t~ld ltk~ ta e~~ ~~~~~~~~1 ~~b~,ic ~f ~~~i~ ~~~~il~iti~s. C~~~cila~~~ ~~11ie ~ indic~t~d p~~~~~.~;~,~,c~~.a ~ 1~~~~,~;~ ~~~d ~ p~~~, ~~d po~~~.b~~ th~ dev~l~~pm~~t o~ ~ ~ ~n~~~ p~~~C ~s p~~r~~~c~ ~r~ c~~~~~,~t~~n ~ith ~tk~~ Cot~n~y. C~~~~i1rs~~ T~~~~ ~~~~~~1~~~ t~~~~ t~ to tY~~ ~~~~r~~i~ t~ ~ th~ ~,]~o~s~ cc~~r~~,d~~~~~~an ~f t~a~ ~ p~,~1~~ ~t ~~,~~t b~ w~1~ tc~ ~~a~ p~~~~~,~~ e~~' ~f ~d'o~~3~g ~~~~n~ la~~ r~ow whil~ th~3~ w~;~~ ~~~~~g~~rr~~,. ~a.~ ~~;~1~ ~1~~~ ~~~al~ b~ ~ ~opd pic~~~ e~~~. M~. W~~~~~ p~cap~~~~Y ~~j~~~~nt ~a th~ ~~e~x'~a~.~, wa~ pr~~~~t ~~~t~~~ tls~~ ~:~~~i,~~~~r~ n~~~ ~ b~tt~r' pl~~~ ~o ~l.~y p~~~~;r~~ly~ ~1~~.~ b~~~d~,~~ ~~~~a~~~ ~ ~~n~in~ ~'h~ou~~i l~i~ ~ p~op~~t~ ~r~~1 z~.~c~.~g ~ z~~~~ t~~ ~~~~,~,~rgt~~ tr~~~a vahi~h ~ ~ w~xe~ ~st~bl~~]~~d ~o 1~~~,t~~d c~~ ~ p~~~~an tka~ ee~~~~ p~op~~~y. Cot~n~il d~~~a~~~~~,c+~, c~a~ ~a~.~~~:~ ~a~~i~~.a~~~ ~r~d t~ w~~~ d~~3,d~d ~o '~~o1d th~ m~,tt~~ ~n~~;~ ~,d~r~~,~~z~~,n~G ~~E ~~~ad~. Cc~°~~c3.]~~,~ W~~d ~~e~~t~~~~~d ~1x~ D~pa~ts~~~~ ~f ~~b~~~ ~~s,~~~.~ M~. ~p~~~C~ ~~po~t~d ~r~ ~~d . advi~~ tl~~ ~c~+~~l c~~ ~;~~n~~ po~~~`b~ ~ `~.,~,~,~~~d~~~~ ~;o~d~~~o~,~. , ,w ~ CI`~'Y COU~G~~ ~7L~'~TF 1:3s ~~72 AR120~0 GR1~.~VDE, CAT~I;F~R~~~r~ ~p,(;~ F REC~NIME~~D. (7F P~ K GCIIY'L~TISST.~~ m 1~:~.;~L~' a~~ T ~...~.~~'""~~FY;E'~D "]~eCo P~~`Z`ER FIE~:D" ~i(~t1~~T11,,~"~~°~.~'L)'~ .$'~~:~~3 ~,C~°a+~~~°.~ ~',.7,r(4 :-~.x1t~, ~`'C~~'z~.'~~t3TY ~;~~~'TG'I11~;i~k~T1 h.as ~~~~~~~r:~~r~e~F~~, Ca~~~:n.~.~,±. :~i~~f,x_",-~4 tv n~,~.c~ :^~,~j~t~ ~~~~«~9~ Fi~le~ of t~~ 8~~~~al~ C~p~.~.:~y ~~c,~h~~:~ cs~ . ~Fa~.;c-~n ~~~~a~~U 5~~~~~~ ~~c~ ~k~~ T~~~~ G~,~;j~ T::~~r;.~.~~ aP~o Go ~~s~~~~~ F~ ::I.-;=,""a 1~.,,~in.~ ~,~~~c~I. ~,~,~~,~a~~~~r~~ M~~ C1~rk I,a M~~r~~.~ P~~:~~,~~a.~~ c~~ d~~c~ r~..r~~-~~.~ t~~ ~,z~.~... V~:~~~~~' i~~b~ .Lt~~~y~ ~~~~c~~ ~1~a,l,G°c"~.~~'(~ .~~".,~.~,c^ ~ac~t~ ~~i~~'S.1 e?~t;'~,1~.~~.,.t~,? ; c,~i 'b9~.'il°r.` ~CS~`~ ~~.G",~'@~ `a.~R'~'~~C3~~,~~,OT1 of M~a P~~°~.~:~5 ~,n~. t~~~-v G~,~~r~~~T, ~~~°c~~;~. ~r~~~ Mc: e P~~~c:~ ~c~~ ~l~~s ~o~.~~. ~f~~~~ ~~-~~n~~L ~:~~c~~~~i~,n, ~.~r~.i,~;~a~~~r ~3R~~~~a. ~~;a~ ~;~s~ ~~,~1~: of ~ r~solu~~..o~ offi~i,~~~,~ ~l.~~n~~.~ M~~je~~~ ~ F~.-~,c~ ~~~:~~~1~, C~np~~~D ~11~ ~~D. ~i. ~~~"~E~~' ~~t'.~.~~~~ '~~1~~'~_~~~"~~_~~ ~;s .Sdi.r~~~}L~ r'~.~, "t~s~.{~~ bg7' ~~~_~'it~~.L.YiI~l.Ll M~~.~1~y s~canc~ts~. 1~~ C~~~s.~~1~n~.n ~~E~c~n E~..c~c~ ~r~~n.~~~~,~~:~ ~ e~.~~~~~, t~ c~s,~~~n~~~ ~a~~1~ ~~~di,ng b~.l.~~r,~~ of ~~=;~oi~~~a.~n. ~ES~L.~"~LC7ti 1~~1, :R:FS~?~~`l',It)~; s~~ '~iF C1T'~' C~i~?~~i"~, T`~`~~ C~.'~"~ t)F ~:ft~.~3`~r~ t~'RA.~L:E ~ia~M?~~~' T~:E< M~,~:T~`~Ti. .adE~.~~~ ~:~t~~. ~~F' ~`~F ~ASE~~~:: Ck~Mf~~:'=~:2C '"D, C:,m P~R`~'~:R F~~JT~T7". On ~~a~ic+n ~f G~~~~~~:~~.~~,r~ M~1~,~.:.,~ ;~~-~~,~~_dc3 Cd~~~.a,.. 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S~~~~~~~~ ~ai1~ ~,~c.p~~~ .Ja~n.~ 3Q~ l~~"~ ~rc~ r~~,~~.~,c~ ~.~-~~r~~;r~c~.~ c,c,n~~~~.~.t; t~c~. ~~=,n~~r~d fc~~ ~.n ~~d~~i~s~~.'.~ ~~a°~<<_~,. p~~°~c,e~. ~..~~._;x C.~~~.n,c.~~l. ~~~e~v,s~~an.g ~u~~~on ~f C~t~nc~L- gn~~ Waocl;s ~~~c,c~nc~~:;cl t~~ C~~~~n~.~.1„~~p~~~ M~ ~~i ~:r~~.i~i~~~~ r~.~~~,~:~, ~~e~ M~~~~° ta~~ ~~~~?c~x°:~~~~~ ~t~ s ~~~x ~,~a~~~°~.~c 1~.. ~.~~3 ~r~~: (;.i ~.~~°a~y~~ G~~.r;c~~ ~.ne~ S~~t~ ~~~~°~oxi~c~~l I3c-~~,r~ p~r,~~.~r~n<-;I ~ne.,~~~~~,;~~,n~ ~4>,~~~€:s ~4, b~~ ~~~rY 'b~% ~'h~ C~~~ ~,n ~~~~~~;i~r~~v~t; c~f r~€;;~ ~~r~~`~r,~ ~.,y.~ ~.~n~~~,~~; :i.n efif~c~ ~'~°o~ dT~~~ 1g ~9~~ ~h.~;~~.~~ .7~,~.~_~ :sOr ; ~i~'~,ffi ~~PC~~~~~~~s ~ ~ x~ ~~~;~:~1 c~~~r~~~~~s~;a~.~~~~s~~~ ~~z.xr,~c c~)r~~;ss~c~~t M~,~yi,:~ 5~~~1~:g~ ~ r~;~~~c~_~~~~~anc~~:~ s~:~ ~a~~.,r~.~ f~~ a~~~i.r~.~~;-.n~ ~o u'~.~~,e~:s C~,~;~ C~~,~~~~n~ r~:;s~:lt.~.~s.g ~t~~~ ~n~°~~r~~.~:~~ ~=!~~~':l,~r~~.n~.d r~~e~ ~,~~r~~~si.~ns c~~ „T~,~~ IZ,~ :i~i~2~ ~~,s~~~ c7~ ~~.~~a,~a~i ~~~~u~~c,i~:~~~ra ~',t, ~3~~~~~~ ~~t~~nne~~:c~ ~S~ C~z~nci~.~~n. Wc~o~ ~.n~. ~.n~ni,~r~«~~~!~`1~ c,~.~r~~~c~, ~,t~,:;x ~;~31.r~s~~~,~~~; ~~,~,~?i,n~r~~~ z~~~;.~~ ~pp~~`cr~;~ ~o Cc~tr~n~~~~arz~ ~.ne~ fo1~~,~~a~a~ a PI.,A1~1V~NU ~t~T1M'I~ ~ :Lt °',`~i ~'E I~S ~i~~~~ d~ T~t~}:,-;r .7x°«, °~2~ ~K~r,-~~;~ ~.~<k';a ~7Fzn=: ~~U~ 1~9~2 m .J~vri~ ~0, ~9~~ Den. G~,1~~,~,?~,~c~~~ a~,°L ~6 (a,~~~~y~ 5~;~ y°~~n~: :~Oy '1~9~Z m:T~~n€~ ~30D ~97:3 Z~.~°~ x~~~y;.~,:~1., ~s;~1 'Ccd~, .i.~~r,,~: :~0~. ~9d`2 ~ .7~n~. mi0~ 197~ Cc~n~in~~~n~ ~`~~~~;~.r t;~~~~~z4 ~ n L~~.~,r~~:i,r~.~ C~~r~r~i,~$a~~n. a~s: C~r~~,~~~~n~~~ ;Ton~~ ~ t~t~n~s ~ 'P~x~~;~r~ ~n.c~. S U .~~z.;~ o ~?,"~i,r~~r~~ ~~K:r~n C~err~~i~~~ ~~n ~,~~a C~a,~~a~+~n~~°~ ~~a~~.~ ~n.c~> >~~;;a.~1~~, ci~ couNCi~ ,TrrNE ~3, Z~az ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFQRN~A PAGE 9 PARKS & RECRE~,TION COI~lZSSION TE~iMS Diane M~ M~Cann~ 428 T~nn~r Lan~ ~'~r~~ 30, 1~7~ - J~n~ 30, 1975 W.A~ "Sharty" Hubbard, 1~009 G~~~d ~.~~r~~ .T~en~ 30, 1972 - Jun~ ~0, ~.9~5 Cont3.nuing th~ir t~rm~ on th~ P~;~~C~ ~.~~a~ I~cr~atior~ Ccr~n¢n~e~ ion are Commisaioners B~ntley, Bellot and ~T~k.~.snaa~~. PARKING COMMISSION TERMS Ha~old G. Moots, 403 Greencsood Dr. J~an~ 30, 19~~. ~ J~n~ 30, 197~ Riclc Le~, ~.00 E~st Br~,nc~ St. Ji~ne 30, 197~ - Jun~ 30, 1975 The abov~ ~ppo~.ntrs?~nts w~r~ made to ~~plac~ Co~ncnissiu~~^~ Pru~tt9: whose term will expir~ Jtune 30, 1,9`72; and Comcnission~r Cogg~~1a~11.r w~~ ~°~quest~d ~Go be r~li~ved of ~is cont3.nu~.ng t~xx~n. Administrato~ Butch was dir~ct~d ~o not~.fy ~11 ~ppl~.c~n~s of thei~ appointment ~r non-appointm~~nt to Ccr~rnnis~a~pns t~i~.s t~~n~, ~nd ~lso ta w~ite lett~rs of thanks ~nd apprec~ation tc~ out-going m~mb~rs ~f ~h~ v~,~3ous conani,e e ions . OBSERVA~ION OF FI~AG DA~ URGED ON JU'NE ~.4. 1972 - COUNCIT~I~IAI~ MI~L~S Cor~nci~.m~n Mi11i,s ~~mi~d~d citi~~~n~ t~~t F1~g D~y ~i~l b~ obse~r~d on . Ju~ne 14, ar~d ttrged ~11 citiz~ns to displag~ th~,s C~~ar~t~3~'~ F1~~ w~th ~nnor. ADJOU~MEI~T 0~ ms~tion of Coc~~e~lman d~ L~on, a~cand~d b~ Co~zncilrn~n M~l~,~,a and un~n~rnouely cax~r~.ed, the m~~~t~.ng ad,journ~d at 10:09 P.M. until 7;30 P.Me, Jt~n~ 21, 197~. ATTEST ~ C~TY C IC MQ.YOR ` CITY' C~~C~I~ JU'~~ 2lb '197~ ARROY~ G~4~'DE ~ CAY~~~'C~~tNIA 7 t~0 P.1~. C~~y C~~sn~il ~n~t ~n ~d3~~~~~~ ~~~~al~,r ~~~~~~n v~~t~ l~y~r S~'~l~g~~ p~~~idin~. ~Tp~n r~11 ~~~1 C~~ac~~3,~ M~~~`~~~~ ~~l~.i~, ~al~~}~, ~1o~d ~nd d~ L~~~ ~~p~~t~d p~~~~;~xt. S~JD~' ~~~570~' -~AT~~ SL~PP~~ ~ D~~,~TD ~~~dRT FOR C~TTY" B'Y Ka~~~~ ~~tOE~IG r Cit~ C~unc~t ~nnt3na~~~ ~t~ad~r t`~~ pr~l~.m~r~~~y ~~p~~~ ~~t~r ~uppl~r ~r~d D~~~d f~~ t~a~ C~ty~ ~f A~~~~~ ~rit1~ Mr. ~C~~th T~~nb~~~~~° ~f th~ fi~°m ~f lC~~b~~ & 'l~~~b~,~. ~JOURN~N~' ~ra ~~~i~r~ ~f C~~nc~~;m~n T~1~~~, ~~~~~~d~~d, b~ C~~a~xci~~n~n d~ ~~nn un~r?~.x~~t~~7~y c~,~~~~d, t~~ ~~~~~r~~ ~d~~~a~~~~ ~U.~~ ~.1~. r Ail~ID ~L i~~ . Cdkl1 L~ iJE~1Vi!