Minutes 1972-09-12 ~ ~ 'r 4 ~ , ~ r,1_ s . ~ - .E.~ ~ l;? ~.F~?L5r1~:~~ XII~~ 1T1 ~~g111a~Y° S~SS3(?TI utii,.~i~ ~z~1y ~a. " . , 4 . .,.....~_=c,:. ~1~;.;~ r~:~."~ ~a~~, Co~n~c~1 M~m~~~~ Mi.11is, Ta11~~, tao~r~ an~ c~.~ ~~o~. r~port~~ pr~5~n~, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Ma,yor Schlegel le~d the P~.edg~ of All~g~~rice ~o o~r Flag; ancY ir~anedz~tel~y ther~after, Councilman Mi11~s d~liver~d th~ ~nvoc~tion~ APPI~OVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Councilzz?~.n de L~on, s~con~e~ by C~~ncilm~.n Millis and unani- mously carried, the min~t~s of th~ regular ~n~~~~ng of r~~g~st 22, 19`~2 and the ~djoux°n~d regul.ar meeting of Aug~xst 29, 19~2, r~~~~ ~pprov~d as pr~p~re~e ~PPROVAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilman Mi11is, second~d b~ Ca~xncilinan c~e T~~on an~ unanimously carried., Gen~ral Warrants Nos 12Fi ~ne~ No~ 1~~ thx~o~gh No, 228, ~,n the tot~.l amount ~f $35,09~a58; and Pay°a~oll Wa~~~nts No, 271 t1~~otsgh Noo 430, in the total amount of $34,724,71, were app~°o~~d, and o~d~~~d pai~io APPOINTMENT OF JIM CLARK TO PERMANENT POSITTON OF CHIEF OF POLICE OF ARROYO GRAI~~l~ Mayor Schleg~l officially nam~d Acting CYi~~f of Polic~ J:~m Clark to ~1~~ permanent position of Chi~f of P~lic~ fox° tl~~ Ci~y af Ar~o~o Gr~nde and pre~ented Chief Clark with his ner,a badgee Councilmen coa~anent~d on Chief Clark's able leader- sh.ip of t~e Police Department since Chief Ri~~~.rd~on°s retir~ment and ~11 congratulated himo LETTER F1tOM CONGRESSMAN TALCOTT RE e LI~PEZ CAIVY~N WI~DE~ESS City Administrator B~tch review~d a l~tt~~ an~ p~opos~d b~l•1 from U,S, Congressman Burt L, Talcott which comp~°amis~s tt~~ ~~~ign~~i~n of Wi1de~°n~ss Area for Lopez Canyon by providing fox° main~en~n~~ and ~.s~ of exist~.ng fi~~ ' prevention developmentso Council diseus~ion in~~c~~~d f~vo~ ~ith th~ proposed bill, fe~ling t~.at ~.t provided bc~tter fox° f~~~ p~°~v~ntion and prot~etion of r,aater shed, Admfnistrator. Butch was direct~e~ ~o no~ify Congre~sman Taleott, by letter, of the Council's endors~ment of his b~11 ~nd also gave direction to City Attorney Shipsey to prepa~~ a x°esolution in support of the bill, to be pr~sented for Counci~'s approval at its next regcala~ ~e~tix~ga LET'TER FROM UoSo SENATOR TUNNEY REo REVENUE SHARTNG Adtn~nistrator Bute~ r~vi~wed with th~ Council a Ietter from U.S, Senator John Tunne~ regarding the ~~e~~ngly iznpend~nt passag~ of ~he Fed.eral Rev~nue Sl~aring programa Administra~or Butch point~d out p~obleins in the bill still not re~olved which included th~ b~xrden of taxes not be~ng shared equally by taxpayers. Th~ Council c~iseussec~ t~e p~°opos~d program b~.~ ~ook no actic~no APPEARANCE OF CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE TO OoEaOa - J~MES THOMPSON Mro James Thornpson, the City's repres~nta~iv~ to tl~e Offiee of Economie Oppo~tunity, was present and b~°i,efly reported tt~at h~ had been eleeted president of the coarnnis~ion; ~hat the px~ogram has been fund.e.d for an additfonal six months; ancl that they have a ne~r executive directo~~ He indicated that t~hings have been r~*~atively quiet due to th~ v~.cation of t~e bn~x°d, b~t has hopes for progress when it r~convenesm TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF ,NLY 1972 The Treasurer's R~port fo~° the month of Ju~y9 1972, ~aaas r~c~ived. by th~ Council, reviewed and ord~~red fileda DEPARTMENTAL MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUSTe 1972 The Departmental Report for th.e mon~h of At~gtzs~, 1972, was received by the Council, reviewed an~ order~d filecl. kEVIEW t~F LEGTSLATIVE BU~LETINS - DISCUSSIOI~ REa PROPo 14 (WATSOI~t INI~'IA,TIVE) A.c3,~-~..n?:str.~.tor ~antch x~evie~aed Proposit~on 14~ ~he Watson initl~ta.v~~ :'F~:°~ ~assage would mean to oax.r local ci~iz~ns 9 indicating th.at it 4•=~:~~ °=-,~z ~=~x°op~rty tax~s but that no w~.~ to r~is~ a p~oje~t~d. def~.cit has been ~~°u~.m through~~possibly ~x~aising rh~ sa1~~ ta~ ~anel ~~~sonal z~com~ taxa , ~~~~e~ ~reg~rd~,r~g s~rvice ~cha~g~~ c;n p~~b~~.~ ~.~~.c~~ ~districts ~and r~f them, Jam~s Thompson st~t~d tf~~t ~h~>. ~~.ns~~~~~.on an~l Cemetery , ~ . a~Ie to ~zne~t ~~aised tax~s ~y~ r~~si.ng th~i~ ~~~rvic~ ~charge, bu~ ~::c~~~~~q~ cc~~~;~~~n ab~ut t1~e Fire District whicti doe~ n.ot h~v~ servic~ chargeo e_::=g~.r _ ~~~~~~,~s~.on in.cluded concern ~about t1~e ~~ff~ct ~h~ b~ ~aill have on ~~~F:~e`~ ~i~hts to do something on their o~n, and altho~gh tl~~;r w~re in agreement ~.z-;`= ~ `rv Y`s',; r~.~ r~lief is need.~d, th.at pex~haps rev~na.~e s~ao,,~Zc~ l~e looked for _ ~ ~ . r ~~os~ ~proposedm ~ ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~~v~,.aNS._ ~r ~ - _ = e ~~_:.~~~~i~~ rr~~~osi~ion 9, Counei~man Niii i.i,~ ~._:.~~c.~~.<~.~' _ .~°w ~ ~itizen~ ~~mrn~ttee to coYne ~p with a~~ocY b~,~1 ~n. Ii~~. of tT~~s p~-opo~i~ion, MAYOR SCHLEGEL RELINQUISHED THE CHAIR T~ MAYOR PRO TEM T~.Z,~EY, DUE TO A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST TN THE FOZLOWING I'~EM FURTHEK DISCUSSION RE, APPEAL OF DEVETAPMEIVT PLAI~T ~~3 LINDA DRIVE Administrator Butch r~v~ewed the pr~vio~s a~t~~i~y in ~he anatter of extending Linda D~°ive through to Nox°th Hal~~on Ro~.~ y~.ncl~~ing t1~~ Planning Commission's approv~l of D~v~lopment P1an a`~39 Z~nda D~~v~~; th~ app~a~ of I,inda Dx°ive ~esiclents to the Pl~nn~ng Co~nission'~ c~~~~~~nn; and t1~~ fi~e alt~rnatives given the Cox~?ission befo~~ their r~aff~rmation of t~~ o~xginal plan, whic~ options were again oratline~ on ~ map of ~he a~~ao A~ininis~rator B~n~c~i ftxx°th~r emphasized that the plan is just a g~~,d~line a~ t~~s poin~ ~nd no definite plans for construction have been madeo Z'he Council Memb~~°s discussed the P1ann~n~ C~a~s~ion's decision and alternatives at length, Co~znciltnan de Leon ~ndica~~ng he sar,a no proble~n of trucks using the street because of the iapgrade of Linda D~iv~ to Bx°iseo Road; Co~.ncilman Wood reite~ating the fact that as L~nda Drive t~oe~ not ~e.~minate in a c~~l-de-sac, the purchasers on the street should. have been ~~ar~ of the eventual ~xt~nsion of Linda Drive; Cottncilman Talley ttpholding the Pl~n~ing Co~nission's deci~~on; and Councilman Milli,s favoring a compromise to be r,ao~ked. out by t1~e Planning Co~nnission and indicating his feeling that the adopted plan wo~lci b~ of negligible import ~ in improving the City's street circula~tiono After further Council d.iscussion, on ino~~on of Co~ncil.nnan Wood, seconded by Councilman de Leon and. carried, the Planning C~~n~~~~e~n'~ ~pprov~l ot D~velopment Plan #k3, Lincla Driv~, was upheldo MAYOR SCHLEGEL REJOINED THE COUNCIL AND RESUM~D THE CHAIR AT 8:19 P,M. PROGRESS REPORT OF COMMITTEE FOR POLTCE SERVICE CONSO~IDATION S'I'[JDY Councilman Mi11is r~ported on th~ Arxgus~ 31st mee~ing held by the co~nittee formed to study the consolid~ation of Police Servic~s in th~ Five Cities, He voiced. his disappo~;ntment with the neg~.tive attitud.e of sogne of the members of the committee and their unr~aillingness to even ~isc~ass the m~tt~~, but he indica- ted his opposition to l~tting the ideas propose~ in ~he CCCJ study to die. Adminfstrator Butch reviewed a sta~anary of the Yn~n~ate~ of the August 31st meeting, ~nd also stated that opinions from a Grover C~ty ~~pre~entative were voiced that the study prepared by the California Crim~nal Commis~i~n on Justice r,aas inad.equate ancl full of inaccuraci:es and omissions~ witl~ no specifics of these charges ci~ecl at the meeting, but a listing of r~rh.ich w~s to be forthcoming which to c~ate has not been receiveclo CounciL discussion r~vealed a g~neral f~:~ling ~h~.~ the study shot~ld be given more of a chance and not just be consicle~~d fo~ t~~ proposed end result (complete police consolidation of the five citi~s), bu~ the consolidation of certain equipment and services considered fir.st which could ~lso realize some savings for the cities. Th~ com~n~tte~ w~.s urg~~ to m~~t again a~pon the receipt of a listing :comp~led of inacc~r~,cies anc~ o~n~ss~ons th~.t was ch~rg~~ r,~ith, and. discuss these with ~°epresentatives of CCCJ, MUNIC;IPAL CODE AMENDMEI~7T ORDINANCE ADOPTION - CREATION OF ADVISORY PARKING 1~ND TRAFFIC COMMISSION City Attorney Shipsey ~ead the ~it1e of an o~e~~nanc~ amendxng t~ae Municipal Code relating to the creation of an Adviso~y P~.rking and Tx°affic Co~nission; thereafter, a mo~ion was m~.d~ by Co~~ncil~~n Tall~y; seconcle~ by Councilman de Leon and unanignor~sly e~rried, to disp~ns~ ur~th ~°eading th.~ balance of this ordinancee ORDINANCE N0a 72 CmSe ~N ~RDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDIl~IG CI~PTER 7 ~ m'~ ~~E 2 QF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNI~TPAL COll~ TC3 ~F~~VII~~ ~'~I~ ~REATION OF At~T ADVISORY PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMISSION, a'= r~~~a.ar~ c~~ Cmuncilman Millis, second~d. by Cotxncillnan Wood and on the ~E=.~1~~~~.,~.~.~ ~°~~_1 ~~11 vote, to wit: . A~'ES e Councilm~n M~llis, Talley, Wood,9 d~ ~eon anc~ Nla.yor Schlegel ~`~?ti ES o None ~:~a>E~~T. None ~~~y~~,~;~i~~, ~~danance was pass~d and adoptEd t~~s l~~h d~.y o{ S~p~tember, 1972. 9~ 3F __'~tY t_~i;~!'`6.°`t.1. ~ 9 P . ~'vf5 ~r , y Y~j 3 _ . _ _ ~ ~{~`r ~ v ~~S~iTSs~~IV' RE, RECTISED LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEIV C'I'~'Y ~~i~~~ j° ,~a`~ City Attorney~ Shipsey x°ev~er,aed the r~v~s~ons ~ae p~~p~,~ee~9 ~s authori~ec~ by the Council, to the lease agreement be~~;~n tY~~ C~~~ an~ t1~~ ~~~~~v~rs of the old r~dio station bufldinga Tl~e r~visions incl~xd~~ cl~~ng~c~ ~~e of t~~ b~~lc~ing (to ~'professional-commerc~al from radio s~atian ~n1~), p~~ov~~~ions if th~ l~~~e is sold, and ~n option of t~n ad.ditional ~ea~s a~; ~ n~got~~.~~d fig~r~. Mrse Elizabeth La Shurtleff was present and indicated 1~~~ iznp~~ss~on b~~n th~~ t~~ authorized revisions were fio be incorporated into the propos~d ~e~r~s~d lea~e present~d to thre Co~tncil several months ago, ~.nd no~ revisfon ~f old or~g~nal 1~~~~, as was done by City Attorney Shipsey, She furtl~er vo~e~d con~~~°n abou~ th~ continued delays in completing the lease, the disposit~,on of t~e r~~io t,ower (the City infox°ming her at this time they cl~d not want it for t~~i~ po1~c~ f~c~l~~ies), and requesting consi-deration of the rent nour be~ng pa~d, as ig Gaas c~using a financial burden to the receivorship ~n vi~za of th~;a~r h~,nd~ b~ing ti~ci as fax° as selling the build~,ng ttntil lease negot~ation~ tiae~e concl~~edlo Council disctts- sfon ensued and it was r~aoa~t~nded that the ma~t~.~° ~a~ t~k~n ~p again at the scheduled study session on September 18th ~ne~ C~t~ At~orn~y Ship~ey was directed to meet with the receivorship's cov.n~~l (C1~ffo~~ Clark) before ~hat time and prepare an agx°eeable lease with h~m, wt~~ch ~s to be px°esented for the Council's consideration on the 18th, PROGRESS REPORT - PURCHASE OF OLD PHONE BUILDI'NG I'OR POLICE DEPT USE Administrator Butch reported that the Ci~y's ~ff~r of $19,000 for the old telephone building on North Halcyon Road, to b~ t~~ futu~°e ~ite of th.e Police Depar.tment, was accepted and tkce matter is nc~ur in ~~c~n~aa raith Bank of America in Arroyo Grandea PROGRESS REPORT - PROPOSED S0, COUNTY GARBAGE DISP~SA~: DIST, - COUNCILMAN WOOD Councilman Wood reported that at ~he ~.ast me~t~ng of the Local Agency Fox°mation Commission, a public hearing wa~ h~le~ ~eg~rd~ng the formation of a South County Garbage Disposal District, at wh~~l~ ~ear~ng only one objection was heard, and LAFCO had approvecl the formation of tl~e cl~st~icto The px°oposed district will now come before the Board of Sup~r~iso~~ for approvalo None of the South County cities are includ~d in ~he p~°op~s~d ~1St;Y'1Ct~ but if approved, they will be abl~ to enter into a joint pour~~~ ag~°~~anent r~ith the garbage disgosal district and avail itself of the facilitieso AUTHORIZ. FOR TIME EXT. TO CALL FOR BIDS - SALE/REMOVAL OF BLDG ON WITHROW PROP, Administrator Butch advised. that due to problem~9 the previovsly authorized date to call for bids for the sale and remov~l of the apartment building on the Withrow property at Short Street could not be m~t and therefore requested an extension of time be autho~ized for a n~w bid o~~n~ng dat~ of October 10, 1972. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilanan M~llis, seconded by CounciZman de Leon and unan~mously carried, authorization `aas giv~n to ~dvertise for the ca11 for bids to be recefved by 2:00 P.Mo, Octo~er 10, 1972, for the sale and removal of the 4-unit apartment building locat~~ at 110 Short Street. PROGRESS REPORT - SMALL CLAINLS ACTIONS AGAINST BUSINESSES BY CITY City Attorney Shipsey reported th~t the Ci~y ~~.s paid the filing fee and for a trial to no~r be set, the regular px°oced~r~~ for a hea~ing in t1~~ Sup~rior Court must be taken, which procedures he briefl~ outTinedA He f~~ther indicated. that it would probably be the first of next y~ar befor~ the cases will be heard. Council cliscussion followed regarding the handl~ng of business license fees which will again become due at the first of th~ yea~o SET PUBLIC HEARTNG - INTERIM OPEN SPACE ELEMEI~T FOR CITY - SEPTo 26 Administrator Butch informed the Cou,ncil. t1~~~ as ~~q~.ix°ed by the State Law, the Planning Camn?ission had ad.optecl an Inter~~ ~p~n Spac~ Elem~;nt of the City of Arroyo Gx°ande's G~n~ral Plan on August 2g~h and has r~co~n~nded the adoption of the p1.an by the City Councilo A p~,lal~c ~~~~ing befnre the Cit~ C~~*~a,~l ha~ been set for September 26, 1972 at 8:00 P.M, fox~ cons~d~~a~ion of ~~~:~~i~~ ~?pen Space Eleznent of the Gener~.l Plan fo~ ~h~ City of A~royo Grande as ado~Lec~ by the Planning Commissione S#°''-~ ~`~i~13z ~'~~~TC~N WITH PLANNING COMM. RE. AMENDMENTS TO G~NTNG ORD. - SEPTo 19 ~ A~~nzn~strator Butch advised that th:~ Planna~ng Com~ais~ion had held a au~~i~ h~a~~ng 4n ~aroposed amendments to tl~e Loning ~rdinanc~ ancl map, and has r~c~~m~~~~r~ ~hat before the Council holds a publ~c h~~~ing o~ ~he matter, that a j~i°~~~ ~tudy session be held with the Corxncil ar~.d th~. P1annYng Gomm~ssion as there are ~a?a~c~~° ~hanges, The Council was agreeable to ~~i~ ~~tting ~f a study sessfon wit'~a t~~~. Planning Commission on Sept~mb~r 199 197~ at 8:00 P.Mo ~ ~~tT~,'C~L ~~~~r~~~r~v_n~ i~i7`2 .:~~.x~v'~ _v> .__:_~.,~~:IA .._U . ~~,~ai--~`ti`~t'~il~L JOINT MEEfiING - COUNCIL AND PARKS & RECm ~0~`~v1,. ~faa'~ 2~ The Council agreed to meet:in joint session r,aftlh t~~ Par~s ~n~ Recreation Coarnnission, as the Commission requestecl, on S~p~~~~b~~ 2~, 1972 at 7:30 P,M, ,MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT ORD. ADOPT< - AMENDING LOPEZ WATER RATE FROM ~6/MC) TO $5 ~5/MO City Attorney Shipsey r~ad the ~itl~ of an orc~~n~nc~ am~nding tY~e Municipal Code relating to the Lopez Water Con~r~ct Ch~~g~s; t1~~r~after, a motfon was made by Councflman Ta11Ey, s~cond~d b~ Co~n~~la~~n cle Leon anc~ unanimously carried, to dispense with readrng t~~ bal~n~~ of this O~e~inancee ORDINANCE N0. 7~ CaSa AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAI~TDE; f~MENDING SECTION .O1 OF CHAPTER 7, TITLE OF THE ARROYO G~NDE MfTNICIPAI~ CODE BY AMENDING SUBSECTION (g) TH~RETO REI,[~TII~G TO THE - LOPEZ WATER CONTRACT CHARGESo On motion of Couneilman Millis, second~d b~ Co~ncilman Wood., and on the following roll call vot~, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Millis, Talley, Wood, ~e L~on and Mayor Schlegel NOES: None ABSENT: None the faregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted t~~,~ 12~~ ~a~ ~f S~pteanber, 197Ze'`'~ In answer to numerous inquiries by cit~zens9 A~min~st~ator Butch cla~°ified that this ordinance only reduces the monthly Lope~ r~t~.s effective January l, 1973 and does not include a rebate for fees paid in the p~sto ~ FURTHER DISCUSSION - PROPOSED DIABLO CANYOIV DESALTING PROJECT Administx°ator Butch reported the ~eceipt of ~ p~one ca11 advising him that the Board of Supervisors had been given the r~coar~n~ndation (an~'likewise the Council) not to take any action at this tim~ r~g~~ding th~ proposed Diablo Cangon Desalting project, which has been ~°eviewed by Counc~l along with p~°oponents and opponents of th~ proj~et at gx°eat length~ in r~c~nt manthsm Coune~l dise~assion indicat~d support fo~° cont~na~€~d ~eview and negotiations of the project ancl directed Administrator Butc~ to make Itn~n to th~ Board of Supervi.sors the Council's suppor~t of this project, FURTHER DISCUSSION - MASTER WATER & SEWERAGE PLAIV F(7R C~UNTY OF S L 0 Ad.ministrator Butch reco~nended th~t at tl~is ~~m~ th~ Council give the County some indication of its feeling about the p~opos~d Mast~r Wat~r and Sewer Plan for the County of San Luis Obispo, pux°s~~.n~ to r~c~nt stud~es of the plan. Also recommended was that after a revie~ of the plan b~ tl~e Plann~ng Commission, that it be considered for adoption, by ref~x°enc~9 to th~ City'~ gen~ral Public Facilities Element of the General Plano Couneil discussion followed, with ~t b~ing po~.nt~efl o~t e1~~t 1970 population figures had been used in the sttxdy but that n~v~rt'~eless th~ need was there and Councilman Wood ind.icating that old population figu~~s onl~ ~hanged the timing of the need for the implementakion of the plan, Co~tncilrnan Talley stated, and the Couneil agreed, that the reclamation of sewr~r effl~~nt for ~.omestie or agri- cultural use should be explox°ed~ further, Admin~.st~ator Butch ~clvised he is awaiting the receipt of an a~clenc~um to th~ xeport fro~n C o DoMo , aft~x° tiahich further direction will be req~ested from the Co~n~i1o RE~~I~'T .~aF PR~;LIMINARY REPORT RE. CHARGES FUR NEW WATER USERS~-STUDY SESS, 9/18 ~3dmi~.istrator Butch pr~sented to the Co~nc~l ~~~po~t dat~d Sept, 12th, prep~red by Director of Public Works Anderson ~°ega~°ding conn~ction ch~arge~ to ~~t~~ c~~;~rs, sugg~sting th.at the Council ~evi~~,r ~~~s xepcsrt ~lon.g with 'the pr~uio~sl~ ~eceived report regarcling s~anc~l~y c'~~~g~~ fox° n~r,~ ~xse~s of Lopez water ~n~ ~i~~~~s both reports fully at ~ study s~s~~on on Mond~~, S~pt~mb~r l8th, at which ti~re Dir~cto~° of Public Works Ander~on ~ao~l~ l~a~r~ a~?~p coxnplet~d clarifying c~ar~es to are~s adjacent to the Citye i,~~~~~~ ~ s~~;i~::~ i~>~ "a , . , ~f,.~_ _ r ~i~~u~~~~ s~v m II~~1€'LEI~IF'NTATI~Z~ OF WATER STUDY F`~~ C:i:i'~'. ~ Administrator~ Butch r~q~ested th~ Ci~~ C~~nc~.1 to ~~k~ ~.c~iz~n at t1~~s time regax°ding the recommen~.ations oixtline~ on P~g~~ 2 an~ 3 b~ Ko~big & Koebig in their Report on Water Supply and D~mane~ fo~° t~~ C~~y of A~°~°o~ro Gr~nde, After Council discussion, on motion of Counc~lanan Wo~d,y s~cc~nc~~d b~ C~~nc~lman Talley and unanimously carr~ed, autY~orization Taas gi~r~n ~o req~s~st t~e Bo~rd of Supervisors' approval in changing ~he Wat~r S~pp1~ C~n~~~~~ b~~ca~~n ~Ghe City and the County to provide for 4A29 c,fass ~s ~ peak ~°~t~ flov~r f~ox~ ~he p~~s~nt 3,30 cef.s., as recomm~nd~d by the Koeb~g & Ko~big s~u~y, Discussion continued ~egarding fo~~ reco~zt~n~atic~n~ to b~ ~ccomplished by Zone 3(on Page 3 of th.e W~ter Study) an~ aft~~ Caa~ncil dis~~xssion, on motion of Councilman Millis, second.ed by Cotxncilm~.n d~ ~~on anc~ ~nan~anously carried, Administrator Butch was authorf~ed to suba~?it a l~tter to tl~e Zon~ 3 Advisory Committee that the four reco~tenclations be inclue~ed in ~heir next agenda for consideratione ORAL REPORT - WATER RESOURCES ADVISe COMM. MEETa - COUNCI~MAN DE ZEON - CANCELLED No report was given by Councilman de L~on on ~ec~n~ meeting of the Water Resources Advisory Cogmnittee, as he had not be~n not~.f~~d. of said meetingp ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT DEED - LOT SPLIT CASE Nl~. ~2-1~Y (EDMISTON) Administrator Butch revieFaed t1~at in conjunct~on ~r~th t~,e app~oval of Lot Split Case No. 72-161 for a proposed dev~l~pm~nt on tl~~: ~~.st ~nd of Nelson Street, that it has been recon~?ended by Director of Pa~b1~.c Works Anderson that the Council accept an easeanent deed for f~tur~ r,~~.t~r lin~: ~xtension as required by the Lot Split Committeeo After Council discuss~on, on motion of Co~ancilman Wood, seconded by Councilman Millis an~. unan~anousl~ ~ar~~~d, the Easement Deed from Clarence S, Edmiston and Eleano~°e T. Edmiston of a 10 foot axtility easement for a future water line extension in conjunction w~~h ~ p~°opo~ed. development on the east end of Nelson Street9 was accepted and th~ M~.yor ~.nd Ci~y Clerk were authorized to sign the Certificate of Acceptan~~ on b~half of the Cityo PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRANDE SEWER PROJECT Administrator Butcn rep~rted th~.t in ~°eg~~d to t~,e Arroyo Grancle Sewer Assessment District, the bid opening date has d~fin~tely now been ~et for Tuesday, September 19, 1972 ~t 2 P.M, at the Coaxnty Clerk's Office in San Luis Obispo, Room 202 and a public hearing zaill be Yceld on W~dn~sd.ay, S~ptember 27th at 10:00 A,M. in the Board of Supervisors' Ch~m~~rso PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH,SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT The South San T~uis Obispo Sanitation D~~~~~,ct's Chref P1ant Operator's Report for the month of August, 1972 tiaas r~c~iv~d by t~e Counc~.l, reviewed and ordered filedm AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS - STREET CHIP SEALTNG PROJECT N0. 90-'~2-6 Administrator Bvtch ~°eported that b~rector of Public Worlcs Anderson has requested authorization to call for bids fox° ~hip s~aling variotxs City str~ets. After Council discussion, nn motion of Council~n d~ L~on, s~eonded by Couneil- man Talley arid unanimously carried., approval and a~t~o~ization was given to call for bids for Street Chip Sealing, Project No, 90-72-6, said bids ~o be opened. at 2:00 PaM, on September 26, 19720 REMINDER OF COUNCIL PARTICIPATION IN ANNUAL MEXICAN ~NDEPENDENCE PARADE - 9/16 Administrator Butcl~ remind.ed the Co~ncil of t~e invitation it previously received to participate in the Fo~rt~. Annual Mexic~n IndepeneYenc~ P~.rade to be held in Grover City on S~.turday, Sept~mber 1~ith ~t lI AoMa, to ~rhich the Council- men acknowledged their anticipatecl particip~.tiono NOTICE RE, RETIREMENT/APPRECIATION DINNER FOR SUPEI~VISOR ROLA~TD GATES - 10/20/72 . Mayor Schlegel ad,vised that the Cou.ncil ha~ xe~eive~l invitat~ons for a re~=~:~~zr~f ~~~~preciatian dinner in honor of Rol~n~. Gat~s for ~~s yea~s of service s~n th~ ~oa~d of Sup~rvisors, which wil.l be h~ld Octob~.~° 20~ i9~2, H~ also recemmen~e~ that a resolut~.on be prepa~~~. ~~pres~i.ng ~pp~~ci~ti~n to S~p~rvisor G~ -xc y~ars of service to th~ Countyo Af~~~° C~~ri~i1 v~iscussion, on mc~~~n ~a Councilman Talley, seconded by C~~.n,c~l~n~n d~ ti~on anal unanimousl~ ~.~~:°i~~;~, ~au; horization -was given to p~°epar~ a r~so~.~~~on of appreciation far S~per4ri~~r 12o1.and Gates' sixteen years of se~vic~ to Cce~ntyo c~ ~ ~':_s°? ~C~~;"a~;:~~. ~ ' ~ _ _ _ ~ ~~:;iJi;iliif~ =3:v ~THER C ITI' REPRESEI~TTATI.VES PRES ~N 1 k"i 'v., iv~ i ~ ~ : , ; Gc~uncilman Mi~lis ~.clcnowl~dged ~Yi~ p~°~~~n.~~ nf Ca~nci.l~rc~~~n H~s~rn~~e~ of Pisino Beac1~ and City A~m~~nistrator Sr.of~.~l~ of G~e~v~;r~ t:t~~ ~vening's Council ~ne~tingo ADJOURDTMENT ~ On ~motion ~of Coun~~lan~~ ~M~llz.s~ ~~~on~d~~. ~a~ Cc~n~~,~~~~. I~~~~. ~~ne~ unani7nous 1g~ carriecl, th~ m~~~in~ j o~~n~~. 9:.~0 o Ms y:~0 P m M. , September 18, 19720 ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ATTEST~°`v r~.~,, G~'~~~~~~ - DEPUTY CITY CLERK Mt1YUR CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 189 19'~2 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFQRNIA ~:30 PoM. The City Council m~~ in acijo~rnecl ~~~azl~.~ ~~:~~~on aa~.t~ M~yor Schlegel presicling o Upon roll ca113 Co~,nc~ l M~mb~rs M~ 1~.i~ , T~.11~~ ~n~ d~ L~on reportecl present., Co~ncil~nan Wood 2s ~bsentm REVISION OF LEASE BETWEEN CTTY AND RADI.O STATIO~ Th~ Co~ncil ~°~c~iv~d copi~~ of th~ ~cv~s~d A~~°~+.~~r~~nt of L~~s~ betr~een the City of Arroy~o G~anci~ an~ Lax°son-l~cain En~~~p~is~~ o 'I~r~ a~~it~on~l changes were made in th~ agx°e~;ment as prepared 1~~ Ci~g~ Att~~n~d St~ipse3~~ ~s follows : 1) On Page 4, Section 10, the section ~~or the b~~ld~ng lcae~,t~~ th.~~~on" ra~s incl~ded; and 2) under Section 24, tt~~ follow~ng ur~~ ~nc~~~~:~ p~~t of thi~ section: "tha~ upon app~oval of FCC application b~ C~~~ c~f E1r~o~o G~'and~, the Ci~y would contin~e to ~ase t~~ r~adio tora~r ~.ne~ p~~ fo~° co~t of ~,n~ po~rer provided". Aft~r Council discuss~on, on moti~n caf Co~an~ilm~r~ Z'~ll~y, s~coneled by Councilman de L~on and unan~,nto~sl~ ca~°ri~cY, t~h~ M~~or an~ C~C~ Clerk were authorized to enC~r in~o the t~gr~~ment of L~a~~ b~tQa~~n t~~~ C~~y of Arroyo Gx°ande and Larson-:Lx~a~n Ent~~°prises, with th~ co~°~ec~~ons as no~~da F[JRTHER DISCUSSION - IMPLEMENTATIOI~T OF WATER STCTDY F~R CTTY BY KOEBIG & KOEBIG Discussion of th~ implexn~nt~t~on of ~eco~n~nc~~tions m~d~ by Koebig & Koebig in their r~port on Wate~ S~pply anel D~:~~nd fo~ ~h~ C~~y of Arroyo Grande was continued at this time from the Council's p~°ior ~~~tinga Regarding Recomm~ndation ;~1 of t3~~ r~po~~~ it w~s ag~e~c~ by th~ Council fihat th~ City retain its f~ll ~°igl~~s ~o i~s ~op~;~ wat~~ ~n~itle~ren~o In ~°egard to Recommendation ~~2, wi~h refer~nc~ to tl~~ l~~.sin~ of r~rat~r, the Council went on recox°d agreeing to a~~~r to ye~~ Te~sing of w~t~~ ~n~. ~h~t ~n analysis of the City's ne~ds be made on a~~a~ to y~ar b~,s~s, ~z~~Ya t~~ C~~y nf Arroyo Grande always havin~ fi~°st pr~orityo In discussing R~co~~ndation ~~3, ~°~ga~c~ing w~~~~° s~~vic~ otxts~d~ of the City, it ra~s the gen~ral fe~ling of th~ Coun~rl t~~t th~. C~~~ r~ro~tld. serve w~.ter oaztside qf the CiCy c~n an inci~vidtxal ba~i.s b~,s~~ upon in~ivi~uals r,~ho h~.~re ex~sting water problems, Tn addition, th~ Co~ncil ~oul~ cont~n~~ to r~view service for each req~est outside of the Cit~o Recommendation ~k5, r~a~iich c~~:~,ls with tl~e v~r~o~,s n~~eY~ c~f r~s~~aro~r sites, the Council gener~.lly agreecl t~at th.~ Di~°~ctnr of P~~~ic Work~ b~ au~l~ox°ized to check into the cost~ of S~t~ ~~3 and r~t~arn 1~~.~ fan~ings to the Cc~~ncflo Zn dis- cussion of Reco~tendation ~~6, the C~~ancil a~r~e~ tY~~t sogn~ t}~pe of an ag~~~ment should be entereel ~nto betw~en t~i~ Som SanLt~i~ OT~~~po CaoSanitation Dis~~ict and ~he ~'i~~~ wherebv tl~~ Cit~ coixla r~c~.~irn, d~~t~ibazt~ ~nc~ s~11 ~r~ste ~a~.ter from t:~~ ~~~~~a~ ~~r agr~c~xlt~r~.1 pu~pos~~ and oth~r f~~t~s~e r~axs~~ e Re~~~~.ing R.eco~nend~.tion ~~7, it w~s not~d t~~t p~~.~~nt1~r tl~~ Cit~ has ~r ~~R ~~a~•~erl~ sampling p~og~~,an of iks r,~~~~r Y.~, ~f n c~ns~.dering Reco~z~~a~~~~~a.on a~8, ttz~ Co~xncil d~scuss~~3 t1~~ ~~co~~n~nda~~~an to ~~move and store ~~~c:~sr.~~~?tu ~4~° ~~~.~s n~anber l, 3 and 5 a Aft~~ f~z~t~~~ Co~xnci~ clise>ussion, on T.pti~?n~ ~f Gaizncilman Tallpy, secondecl by Cc~a~ncilm~n M~'1lis ~.nd unanimously carried, i~i;~~:~s~~ nr ~ublic Wn~ks Ander~on. was av.thc~~°iz~~ to ~~mov~ an~i properly store the eq~~pznen~ for wells n~n~be~° 19 3~ncl 5 0