Minutes 1973-03-27 ~ ~'t VI'1t Gt~t3NC~L Mi~G~I~ ~3~~ 1,~3'~3 AI~~.()Yb G~BANg~ , ~A~..I~~DRNI.~ 3"~~~ C~~~ Coancil rn~: ~eg~sl~c~ ~~~~ion za~.~h M~g~o~ Sch.l,eg~~ p~~s$.t~~.n~., ~Li~~~ ~~~1 ca~~l, ~~~a~a.i~ Memb~r~ Mi~ li~, ~~ll~.y, GJo~d arad d~ 3~~aa~. ~ep~~~e~. ,~r~~~ra~q ~ ~ " ~ (~F A~~,~~~l~,N'CE A1~TD INV~CA,~~~~1 I~ayor ~~hl~~~~: le~d ~l~d~e o~ A? le~~.arace to o~r F~.~~; ~nr~ ir~a~~i~~e~.g~ ~:he~~a~t~ra R~;r~~°~nd J~,mes W~.clc~t~n~r~, ~af t~n~ ~~.rst Pre~byterian Ghu~eka in #l~~~yo ~~~~ad~v s?~~3.eAe~~d Gt~~ in~rs~~~~im~a .tJ~J~ W'~.~.~~+~6~P~+''~~i,R {i~Y ~ti.~.~:~.+~~'S . t3~~ ni~y~.o~. of Gou~~ilr~r~n T~:~.ley, ~e~ond~cfl by Eoaanci~a~~sn ti~ ~eon a~arl u~~~~m m~~:~3.~ c:~~x:i~d, ~~n~xa7~ W~rran~s I~o. 12032 t~~~~a~~. ~ioo 12034-, No. i2~~~ t~a~au~~ ~~o ~2t~4~, ~.iie~ ~tc~, 1~i~0 th~~~a~k~ l~o, 12~30, in "t~ie tot~l a~oannt of ,~~~,~3300~+, ~~y>~°c~~.1 Wa~°~~r~ts Na, 4f2~ ~~d I~o> 5~73 th~av.gh 1VT~. .~~+~7, ~.n Gkae total ~mou~it $16,~8~.54~; a~d `.Crust & A~e~cy ~r]~.~~an~s No, 19~6 th.rc~ugh. 1Vo, 199I, it~ ehe ~~~ai ~s~v~.n~ ~f ~~2,~:~~3091, ~~re ~~p~°aved ~nd or~~~r~d paido ~~~'I~~~ ~E ~~T1TI~I~ 'Tp IN~(2RP~RA~~ ~D~~~TO - ~QITI~TY C~~K ~c~~ni~~s~ratar ~utch read a letter clated March 13th from County Cl~~k ltuth V3~:~~~~~:a~'s ~~f~,c~, n~tifying ~~a~ Ci~~ t~~ a notc~.~~ of intenti.on to circulate p~~~.'~~,e1~ ~e~~ixia ir~cor~oration ~f (Dc~ano was received by ~he Clerk and Board of Sup~~°~rz~~~~ on Ma~c~ 59 1973, ~I~~~~~.a I~'~£~i~'I ~4~E ~3'1JRiiE ~ND J~~T S~.RP$ RE Fd~DOD Fx WATER. I?AMAG~ - D~NIED ~.~m~,nis~r~~or Bu~~h ~dvised. the Council t~at a cla.~.m has been recei.ved t~oni ~~.r~~ ~e ~~a~cke ~ox° €l~od damage to ?~is property at ~239 ~~ighton Avenue, He ~ ft~r~~re~ adv~s~d tha~° the wa~~r damage elaim frrnn Jon Sharps, reported to the Cc~un~il a~ its 1~~~ ;r~g~lar m~eu i,ngy h~:~. no~ been denied ana r~~om¢nend~d it be d.e~-~ied ~~.n~e alo~.~ w;.t~a ~he claim of ~an~ Bur~e, ~.f~er Coan~icil 3xscussion, n?e,tiot~ a~ ~r~~xnc.~.lm~n Tal.ley, seconded ~y C~urci.lrEzan d~ T~eon and. unanimou~ly ~~r~i~~. a~'i~ ind~v'idua:l c laa~ms of Zane I„ Burke and Joaa Sharps , k~ere denied and ~f~rre~ ~q t~i~ Ci~y's insuraaee carriera ~ I~JI;t'~1~~:Cl1~ ~°f3 ~A~1~I~I~AT~ Ii~1 ANntTJAL LA. ~~STA t,~,E S~3.N LdJIS ~BI~PQ PA.RADE - 51~9 ' Adxninis~ratr~~ ~u~ch r~ported th~.t an i.nvitation has been re~eived ~nvitin,g the Counci~. to p~r~ticipa.~e in the annual I~a Fiesta de San Luis Obispo parade in ~ San Y,uis ~t~i~pU on May Z9th, 1973 a.t 10:30 A,M. After Co~xncil discussion, .A~.ministrat~r 3~atc:h was instructed t~ notify the Par~ade Chairesian tha~ ~nnez~bers of ~he Ca~nc~l wi~l participat~ in ~rae parade, PR~CiJA~~A'~'I~IV -'°~,E~:GUE CF W01`~EN VOTEI~S W E~,K" °~PRI~ 2- 6,~ 1973 Mayca~ ~ch~.c:gzJ. read a proclamatio~ an~. pro~cla~med April 2nd through April 6t~Z, 1973, as "Le~.gue of Women Voters Weel~r' in the Cit~ of Arroy~ Granzle, as r~ques t~;~. b~ 1Vanc~ pavis o ~'~.f1~I,P,MA'~I~~V 1°Aa~e C~MNTUNTTY ~iOSPITAL AITX~L~.R~.' W~EK" -,AP~.I]G 9- 15 19?3 $ Nl~.ya~° ScI°alz~~1 read a prc~clamation ancl proclaimed April 9t~i ~~rough ~.~srzZ ~5~hy 19~~, aa ''Arro~o Granae Coa~anunity ~io~pital Au~ili,arq Week" in th~ ~ity of A~ro~o G~ande, a~ reque~ted by Thelma Love; , m~.T~~~~~ ~r~~~~ ~c~R~ ~~g~ - x~z~~~z~ 7~ c,s ~ - ~a~, aaxs av~ a~~N~~a,~ G~ty A~~arney St~~.~sey r~ad t~e ti.tle of ~.n o~d.in~nc~ amending the Mran.icipa3. ~ Cns~~ ~c~ as ~o re~eal Arr~yv Grande Ordinan~e ~o, 77 ~oS. r~Iating t~ th~ rez~n~~:g tif G~.~~a~~ ~srrc~p~~ty in the Ci~y of Arroyo Grande; ~th~reafter, a motion was made b C~~xn~ilr~lan Mi1J.i.s, se~o~.ded by Councilman de Z~nn_ and unanimotn~ly earr~.ed, ~o d~sg~ns~ w~Lti reading ~he b~.lance of ~~i~.~ ordinan~e. ORDINA:VCE NO, 80 C,S. A.P~' OIbDINANCE 0£' Ti~ CTT~i' OF ARROYO GRA~tD~ IZ~PEP.I~ING ~.x~.c,~o ~~:~D~ o~.D~~cE ~o0 77 c.s. ~a,~TZrr~ To ~x~ REZOP~I~TG (3F G~'RTAIN ~'ROPEEtTY ~'ROM RA-B3 13ESIDEN'TIA~ AGRICTJLT171RAL 13I5 T'RIC T`TO (7 o m D GARDL,+'N AP~IRTMENT R~~x~~~T"~'3~Ia D~STR~GT W~iFi A T0D" 061ERI2~D~, a~r~ ~oti~n Cauai~i~an~n 'Y~.lley, seconded ti~ C~~ai~ca.Itn~.r~ i~i~.li.s ancl ora ~o? lo°wing ~°011 ~al`~ v~~e, ~o wit: ~1YES: C~uric~?rnen Millis, Talleya Wood' de Leon and Mayor Sch].~gel. I~T{7E~ ~ T~o~.e A.~S~iUT~ ~I~~~~e the ~oae~c~~.r~g Orc~°i.n~.~c.~ cJas p~.s~ed and. arloy~ted t~~.~ ~7t1? da~y ~f ~,~'c~ad 1.~73a ***The minu~es of the regular meeting of March 13, 1973, were approved as prepared. 1'7 5 CI~Y COt1NCII~ I~~C?~ ~,~~3 AI~R.OYI~ GRAND~s ~A~,I~~R~~1 ~ DISCU'SSION ItE: ~.P~'f~~i~I2~~~~ C'~"~~~~e~ e ~~?~"I~~'"~:~~ Mayor S~~.Ieg~~ ~c~~,~:~.~~~ .~~~a~~ ~cn~~~,~ Me~~~~~~ !'~~.~~c~ ~~r~~~ li~t~ c~f suggeste~: ~.~~~a,rcte~~ ~~^d~ ~c~:a~ ° C~~x~°w ~~e~e~9 ~t~~~. e~~~~b ~1~~: Flannin~ Cc~~i~~3.~~ t~~ I,~~c~ "~~a~ ~r~~-~~_~~ ~f ;~~r:~~~,~ P:~.~,~9 ~~~~~~~~~.c~c~ ~}5.$t g~12 ~'i04AT1~T~~ ~~~G~"~Il~SS t1~w G.~.;.?~PvT~~~~~~ ~C~a~:iLc~i1 s',U~'~~~ (bru-G';~bY,~1~B~ ma~e 5aid app~~~~~rz~~o C~~~:~~~.~i~,~a~F~ ~~3~fi ~~°~~~e~~~y~~~ ~~~~~~r~b t~ c,ahat ~a~,ll be ~xp~~~c~c~ ~s~ ~.'~e~ ~~;~a~~~~~~~=~9 F~~ ~~~~~~t° rn~~~.~ ~.~e ~ad~e ~~~a~~ ~n ~h~ ~s~~~~~.~ ~f a~nc-.~ ~~ra~a~x~~t af aaithc~r~t;y ~c~ 1~~: ~i°~~~. ~cr~~°a~~`~~~o ~t~c~~ ~~~:~~~1 ~~~~~~~~,~n~ ~t ~~.s ag~eed t~hat ~ ~~an~.}x ~~~~~~a~ ~a~~~~,~~~:~ ~~a e~~~ ~ag ~~~~c~~~~n~~~ f~~e, t~a~ ~~e~~~~~~~ ~e~~~o~. ~~rc~ a, ~~~w~.~ ~~~,~~r~~: f~~° 1~I~~.d~59 April 9, 1973 at ~o~i? PeMo, ~v~a~~;~ ~~~;~~~n ~,~~c~~~^~~,~a~~~~ Citi~~ns ° C~~~t~~~ I1 ~~c~c~m DISCi7SSICIN R~o AP~'~?~~`~M~~~ - ~~o ~"~x^~~~ ~~~~~~~V~ ~~~TT~~~~~ ° ~ ~7~ V~G~~t~I~S Mayor S~~l~~~c~~ ~~~,~~~,~~1~ ~,,~G~ ~.,k~ ~a~~-ar.~. ~v~~*~~~~~~. ~et b~ ~n,~ ca.~i~er~s tq .~r~p~e~°~;i~~ ~~i~ C`a_~~.ry ~x~ ~.~a~ y;~~.~~ ~~-~~y~~ ~~T~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Y~.~ ~~~~~~~~o~.o ~'~~3.rc.' Cl.~y 1,S ~11,~7L+lE,.'y:a ~r~t3 Y~g :~'~.'S~?~~~c~.$"~<vh:~ 53~. '~~~.~~a ~~:~I~'°x:i~~'~3~~~a3 V;6v1~~~}3 ~~'~Aa~1~Z Ti7~C~.Yg~. TIlE.' PY'~S~ ~.11t~. ~}Y~ ~E~'~ZT1C7~1 ~'~~~%I!`ke~:~°°~" "v3~;~'~". ~Y~~C~ '~y~ ~i~7w~ ~T'i~~~'~.~'16 d~~l ~°Y.c_~`~,C~~~„~.' ~~,.GD vol~.n~te~~ f~r the~~~ ~s~~~~, NN1VI . C~DE A ORDa ADOPTa° RE~~1~~' 7~-~~e I~.~~ `~'r ~~D ~(~.~~~.~'~I~I~, F~~~' & M~JI~~E~ City At~c~rn~~ 5~.3.p~~~ i:~~~~ ~f ~n ~a~:~in~.n~~ ~.~~~?d~n~ Mv,~n~.c~,~a~ C~de so a~ to ~~z~i<~: ~~o~ 1~,~~~~~n~~.<,;i ~~~~t~~~~. 1t-~-D G~~d~n Apdrtment Re~id~nt:p.a~ Di:~~~°~~~ reI~°t .i~a a~~~.~,~~.~z~ tc~ ~r~c~a~~~.~~ ~r,~.~~~~~ ~.~~s~~y n~t to exceed F~2 d~r~ll~n~ ~xn~t~ ~a~~ ~~v~~~, c,~~~~.fs~ ~~~p~~ky G~~w~ ~f Arroyo Grand.e; tkae~~~.ft~~, ~ r,n~~~c~~ ?na~.~ 1~~ (~~~na~~~~,~?~n s~~;c~nd.~c£ t~~ Cov.ncilman :tililli~ ~~xd ~n~:r~~~~~~.~lv ~;~,~~~~c~, tr~ ~.i~p~n~~ w~.~~ ~~~c~~.r~~ b~.l~.~c~ of th~.s ~rd.i~~.nce. ~~.1~~~4~v~~, ~~t . ~ T ~.o ~ o AN '~12I3INr1~vCE OF (:I'~5i (~F ~RIt~Y~ ~RA~T3l~ ~i~I3~~V~ ~ Po~~~~1~ . ~ ~ ~~~~~~5 ~ a'~~ ~ ~:~Z~.r . ~ ~a~.Q~~ ~ils.~~~' . 19J'rl'' J'rLLRF,aL' 1YJ ~ .LStl . e7 A~6s 9..L6A,Ltl . • ~,7 ad ~ . 1' l .1.-1 u 7 y V 7.".uS~ .iL°siS . ~ ~ l° l lil.e" . . 1"11J9.V~41rL°AJ~ VSIJJE'a e~4d ~e3 ~1~9 1@.L:e3d~~la~ do~~~a`A.JeLtl ~.~~l4~Ay~JLd. ~LV 1~11L:o C I T'Y 0~' t~Rl~.~~I~ C~~~II?~ , On m~ti~~. c~~ ~c~ui~.e~.3?~~n T~'~~~.~ ~~~~nr~.~c~ ta;~ Ce~~~~~~.lrr~~t~. ~a11~y ~rtd ~~e~ following ro11 ~al~. °s~~t~, ~~,.~~:a AYESo Ca~zn~il.~~n M~~.~.~s, r~~~~°~, T~'~ce~, d~ ~,e~n M~.;~~~ Sc.~l~g~~. NOES : ~Tc~s~.~ ABSENTe :~1~~.~ the for~g~a~n.g 0~°eiin~:~e;~ ~;~s p~,~~c~c~ ~.n~~. ~.d~~~~~'~d ~1~~~ 2~~% ~ay e~f NI,~~~~., 19~3. ORDINAN~E ESTABI;~SHII~T~ PEDE;To ~F~~ SI~~~.T STq °~'TR.ST R~AD~1~~ City Attorn~y Ships~y r~~.c~, f~r ~~r~~ ~~~c~~.ng, ~~.~~.e c~f cardinance ~s~tabli~~~in~; a p~c~es~ri~.n. ~ar~ p~~r~:d.~n c~~ ~1~~~~. S~~~~~, ~~.~~e~ft~r, . a motion w~.s m~.de C~t~xaci:~h~a~cn T~~~~:~9 ~~~~~r~c3~~ C~~~~~.~;~~r:~~n M~3.~,~.s ~x~d. ~an~,n~.° mously ca~r:Led, t~ dis~~~.s~ ca~.tta ~~~d~~~?~ 3a~.lax~c~ ~y~ c~~~.~_~.~,~~~:o PUBLIC HEARING ° ESTA~. ~:~VI2~l2~R~3~:Tn~l~ J~'~I~I'~ I~~ST B~A~iC~i. S~ ° R~'S~~ ADC~FT Ad~inistL~~p~ Baat~~°~ ~~,;~~~~<aed th~ ~F~~~.~a~~.r~~~a~s~ ~:~~~~~~~1~ ~P~e~v~d frc*~ the Underground ~t~.ii~y ~a~~d.~re~.~~a^d~, Cm~~~:~~~~ a~~~~. ~ ~~~e~~e~~n establishing U~c~e~~rc~t~n~.~ ~~~~.~~.~y ~?i~t~i~~. F~~~~~~ ~~o ~ ~9 w~.~~~.~~~~aY~. -~t~~.d the alread~ establisgl~d ~~cle~~~c~~.nc~~z~~ ~~°~7~~~ ~~~~c~~~~~~~~~ Pa~~.~~.c Coast Raiiwa;~ rig~t c~f ~,~a~ Ca-~t~~°x ~i~.~.~., r~~~:~~°.~S ~x~~~s~~a~z p~~~~1~~.~ a result of an aectarr~~.l~~~.~t~ ~.f ~~.r~~~~ra~~.Y ~^,~~d:~, & ~o ~Tx~d.~~;~~~d~r~g~ ~'~a~cfi. tJpon being~as~~a~~d Ys~* I~~~a~.+~~ G1~:~1~ B~~~~ ~?~a~ ~~1~ r~~~~r~~~~~~~ a~ pravided by law, ~ega~d.yx~~ x~c,~~i~~~~.~~~a~ ~y~~r~~ ia~.~r~. ~c~~~~ ~ ~~a.~k~, I~y~r Schlegel deelared. th~ ~.e~.~°~n~ ~p~~ ~xs~. ~.1? pe~a~~r~s ~.~~:~~~t ~i~~ ~~~~:bli~~i~nt of Underground U~~i~.~~ I~~s~~°~.~P 2~~~~€~~c-~ nc~~r ~e~ k~~~~:rl. Mr~ i~I. ~1'~r,~~~.r, 2~~ A~~c?~ ~c~r~~: ~b o, ~~vn~,~ c~~ F. B~°~.nc?~ S~, 9 rai~~d tl~~ qv:es~fon abo~.t ~os~~ ~f ~.:~~~.~~°~~~~~~~~~~a~ ~r~ ~~~v ~.z~ds~~a~c~~~,~ p~c~p~~°~r;~ . Dr. PencP, Vzee°C~t~.~t~an esf ~i~ad~~~~~~~~ L~wyi~_tv C~~~~:~n~t~.r~~; rnci:~e~.~~d that a rough ~stirnat~ ~as t~.a~ ~:'~~Fa ~~s~ n~at ~~~~;~d $3~0 ir ~~s~~. 1~'f~ CITY COUNCIL `7s ~g~~ ARRQYO GRANDE, CAL~~QRNIA PA~~ 3 Mx. P. Ster~b~x~~h, 221 E. ~a~d ~ 211 ~~~r:~h, p~~~d que~ti~na ~~~ardin~ th~ n~.n~a~r h~~k-~~ f~~ ~1~~t~~~ity, 5~~~~b~~gh i~dic~,~i~~ Y~~ h~d' ~u@t p~id ~ar ~ ~~~a ~n~tar. C1~uc~C ~i~1~e~~d '~.t~. ~ ~~~t~~ t~i~,t o~ th~ p~op~~ti~a ~n t~?~ r~~~t'~ ~id~ ~~~~~1~ ~;z~~ ~~~~~d ~ a~ tt~~ th~ pr~~erty ~r~d t'~~~~f~~~ ~v~a~id b~ ~~q~~~;~d ~a~~~~~~~u~e~ ~a~t~~,~~x~ f~ tk~~~c~ i~ a~~y ~han~~ ~n u~~ p~~p~~tg~. b~i~~ ~o fr~~~t~~~ di~~u~~i~~ t~~ ~~~~~1i~~~~t ~t~~~ di~tri~t, ~y~~ S~~l~~~l ~~c~~~~d ~~~~i~~ ~~~~~~o C~~~~3~ di~~~~~i~~a~ City Atto~~~y 3~i~~~y ti~~~ ~~~~1~ti~~ ~~t~~~~e~i~~ t~ti~ity ~~~~~ic~ Sfi~~~t 2, t~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Co~~~i~~~ ~~ll~y, ~~~o~d~~ C~~~~i~~?~~ ~~~~~~~s C~ ~.i~~~~~~ ~~t~ ~~~di~~ t~~ b~l~~~~ ~~~~~~t~e~. ~~@~~~~O~fi ~ ~~@~~~~~fi A~ g~` ~ ~'~~~~f~~~ ~~~i~~ ~~a~.~~~~~ ~~~~@~~~@~ ~~~~~~3 ~i~~~~ ~~B i ~~~!@ , t~~ ~e~~~~~~~ ~~I'~`f~'fa? ~fi~'~~~~,FPfi~~ ~ffififi~'~~ fi~~F~i3~ ~s ' ~ ~~~i~i~~~~~~~ ~u~e~ ~ _ ~ra~l~~i~~ x~~~~va~ t~~ C~1i~~~~~~ ~~ll~ri~~. 1) ~ r~C~~r ~~t~~em~~~ ~ ~~~~~tiv~ da~~~ ~~di~~~~~~--~0 i~~~~~~ ~i~~~ ~~~~~di~~ ~pa~y~d d~~~ ~i~l ~~~~a~~~~~ ~~~~~~i~~ ~~qui~~~n~~t~, t~~ ~il~ri~~:~ e~~t~ i~~~ ~~~~a~~~~ t'~~ op~x~~ti~~, ~o ~50~ a~d 4) ~~qui~~~~ ~1~~~i~~~ t~ ~~~~r " caur~cile. Af~~~ Coea~cil d~.~cu~~i~~, ~~ni~i~t~~~~~ ~~~~~e~~~l C~ l~tt~r~ to l~~iel~tiv~ ~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~ ~~~~~~i€~~ t~~~ Ci~~'~ o~~~~~.~~~€~ to it~an~ 1 ~~d 2 ~ta~t~~ ~~~v~. Ad~ni~i~t~~t~r ~tatc~ ~1~~ ~~qu~~t~~ ~~di~~~~~~ C~~~~i~~~ ~tt~~d t~~ ~y~~~-Q~u~~i1~ ~,~`~i~ ~~~i~~ 1~ ~ 1~7~. ~f t~i~ Gou~ei~~o~ ~i~l b~ ~b~~ ~~t~~:~ ~~t~~~. 0~`AR~'~'R?,'~ ' R~PO~~ Q'~ ' 9~ ~ A~fi~ C ~C~~ ' ~ ~dmin~e~~~te~ ~utc~ q~~~~~~ o~ 1972 ~~d Ci~a~r~tt~ ~~7~~ ~~~C t~~ ~a~~ qu~rt~~, 1972~ ~~1~~ t~~ ~~c~i~t ~a~ ~~e~ 1~7Zo ~~v~~- thel~~e°+~~~ ~ ~Q.6% i~cx~~~~~ ~97'~ q~~~°~~~. g~c~T~~ A~ ~~~g ~ ~~.,a~~ o~ eo~~~~~ - ~o~,~~~~~ . , ~~e~fi,~~ Adrn~~i~tr~~o~ ~utc~ ~g~~~t~~ t~~~ty~-~~ ~~~~~~~d ~o~ ~~mad~lin~ e~ th~ pol~~~ ~~c~~~~~ xa0 ~~-c~~~ ~i~' ~a~ b~~ ~~~n~d 2:00 P.~. ~~c'h ~2~ 197~. ~~~~i bi~ for, a~d t~~~1 0~ th~ir i~~i~i~u~~ b~~~ e~~ P~~~ 4~~ ~i~~~~~r . ~uildin~ I~sp~c~~~ i~o~~i~ ~~~i~~~ i~~~~ ~~t ~i~ which ~oould b~ ~~~d~d, ~~li~~~ ~~c~ 27~~~.~~t~~ ~lao includ~d firr~ ~~~~oe~l~ ~~~m ~h~~~ ~~n~~~~~~ ~ea~~~;~~~ ~~~~1 e~~1 ~a~~k, ~'~ich '~d b~~~ ~i~ ~~t~1~i~~ t~~ aw~rdi~g ~ub-c~~tr~c~~ ~o 1~~~~ ~t~ li~g~~~~ a~t~rik) ~~r t~ it~.n ~~d ~~at 1i~~~~. C~~~~~1 d~~~~~~i~~~ ~~~i~!~ of C~u~ci1~~ I~ill~.~, ~~c~~~~d b~ C~~~i ~~~~~~~a~~ly ~~z°~i~~~ th~ bid~, s~ ~~c~~~d~d b~ ~ui~di~~ ~~~~~ct~~ 1~a~~~~, ~c~~~~~~ t~~ c~~~~~C~~ ~~v~,rd~d ~~c~rdi~~lg+~ t~~ 1~~~~ q~li~~i~~ ~i~~~~~. . ~:n+p . , _ .F t1~ ~ , ' CITY' COUNCIL ~ MARCH 27, 1973 . ~ ARRO'Y~ GRl~iDE , CALIFORN~A . PAGE 4 SUB-CONTRACTOR BID3 P'OR ARROYQ GRAND$ ~OLIC~ 3TATION FACILITIE3 , , , ~ ~ (200 No. ~t~?1cYon Road) , ~~8 ' ` ~ , ' 'JOI~t K, ALLEN = GEN. CARPENTRY ` $13~425.00' • ~ ` 6.20 Del 301 St., Arroyo Granda, CA 93420 . ED. Ii. Ai+tDEASON SLEC`TRIC ~ $LECTRIC ' 2;900.A0 ' ~ 127' So. 13th St., 4rover City, CA 93493 , ARROYO ELECTRIC ~I~ECTRIC' 2~.200.00 ; ~ 135 Brtdga' 8t. , Arroyo` G~c+~~?da, CA 934~0 , , ~ ~ 8ATC0 ACOiJSTI~B ' ACOU$TIC ' , 2,620.00 iS6 Fairviavr, Arroyo Qrand~, CA 994Z0 . ~ ti. CAR~ENTIER ' . 1149 8uaoet Dr.~ Arroyo Qra~da, CA 93420 GBN. CARP~'N1"RY s,979.69 ` H.'CARP~TTxER ACOVBT~C 1,800.00 1149 Sun~et Dr., t?rroyo Grar?d~, CA ' 99420 . * ,CLAGG ROOFIPtlG , ` ' ROOFTNG 440.00 ~ ~ P.O. Sox 141, Arroyo Qra~da~ CA 93420 , ~ , .a:,;.bE BIAUW CONSTRUCTION C0. GEN. CARFENTRY 12,796.00` Rt. 1, Box 733A, Arrpyo Grande, CA ~9420 ` , ,1pl~i GANN PLtIMBINO & ~IEATING ~ ~T/IlIR-CONDIT. 5,975.00 P. 0. Bax 8, Piumc Beach, CA ;93449 _ JOHI~1 GANN PLtT1~ING PLU~I~YNG 9,195.00 P. 0. Box 8, ~iemo Besch, CA ,93449 , . WALLY LaFRENIERE CON9TRUCTION C0. ~ 13Q8 Oceanaire Ar., San ~ie Ob~.epo~ CA 93401 GEN'. CARPLN,t'RY ~ 7,900.00 , , MIC:~AEL D..LEWI9 PAINTING 1,679.00 ~ l~t. 3, Box 235, 'S"a~i Y~uie Obiepo, ,CA A 93401 , , ' , * zRVEN IAUN98URY 1,000.00 , p. p', Box 3115, Piemo Beach, CA 93449 PAINTING ~ I~ARVEY' 8. NIX ~ PLUI~ING ~ 3',~94.00 , P. 0. Box 58, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 * PACIP'IC COA3T BUILDTNG BUPPLY - MILLWORK 2,445.46 . 390 Manhattan St.; Grovar City~ CA 93~+33 • ' ~TaD POtJPQDER PAt~f'~INf~ 1,300.00 6010 Gary P1. ,,Sa~i Luis Obie~po, CA 93401 , , * PRYQR ~ S' .CABINET , 3't~OP ' 238.18 ' 182 Newpo'rt 5~., Grover Ci.ty,' CA •93433 , CASINETS * lt. P. RICftARDB; INO. 4,902.00 ~ 5949 Hollieter Ave., Galeta, CA 93017 I~AT/AI&-CONDITR ' * RYZNER'S CONTRACT FURIQISHINGS ' ~ ` ,.i103 Higuera St.~ San Luie~Obiepo, CA 9~401 FLOOR COVERING 2~826.00 ' ROB~RT,S~ENQUZST ~ ~ ~,P, 0. Box S2'S, Halcyan~ CA 93420 GEN. CARBENTRY ~7~7'00.00 , , ~ * WEAVER .,P WbJ~I1~G , , i ~ ; , PLVI~INQ ~~113~.D0 , ~ P'. 0. Box 314, A;xayo 6rande~~ CA 93420 ~ w WRIGHT. INSULAT~ON CO1~AN'Y ~ : , ' 210.00 1115 ~L;au~'e~ I.n. ~ ;3a~ Luis'Obispp, QA ~93401 ' INSULA~'IaN , , ' *t~warded co~ntrac°fi, 'for itesn bid on. ' ~ - : , , , ~ . ' , , , , , . , 1_IC~ CI~'Y COUNNCZL 9 ~.9~'3 ARROYO GI2ANDE , CA~~~'OR.~T~~T1~ :PL~~~Y~ ~ r2.ES()Le All(?PT a° AxE3Z'rI01~I~E ' 13~5~'}t~`C ~"IC~~1 Z)~" ~EIg.'T~iII~ i~~T' ~~~a~~ Cit.y ~ttorn~y S~i~u~y ~€~v~e~ae~ r~~~~;~~~ ~~~~i~~~.e~ ~~°F.~~~z ~~~~c,~: G~;;~,~f ~l~rk. ~o de~~roy cer,~ai.n pol~~~ ~~cc~r~.~ ~er ~.aa~. prc~~~~~c~+~3,~ ~,,~.a~~.~F~r~ ~ t~.:~s °n. ~~:q~~rr~m~n~ ~ Code ~ Section 34090, . A~t~r ~C~~.c~~~T d~.~~;~s: ~~a~a~, ~ C:~~~ ~ z~~~~~~~~ ~S~a~~~~~ t~e titY~ of a re~olution a~.~1~or~~in~ ~~.e cYes~ri~r~~~_~?~ c~.f ;91~' ~~~~a~~~sr ~~a~~~~~.ft~e9 ~ anotion tiaas m~.de by C~~.nc:ia~T~.n ~:~.li~~, ~e~r~~~c~~~. b~ ~,'~~a~~.~~:~a:~~.~ M~.~~~,~ ~,n~. ~n~.n~i~r~~~l~ ~s'~.Y°~~.2C~.a ~O C~.7.Sp~17.S~'CnT:i.~~22 ~~c"~.t~~",i`d~ y~~' ~~al'~~.d:4C',~; '~`.z2.~:u "~~a~11A'l:a,~'~Tl. ~2~5~7 t~'R°~~~ N~ ~ C92~ A IZESOL~1'~I~l~t ~ ~i~ '~I~ ~b~TIvC~~ ~~2~' ~°I~ t~'I~~ ~C~~° ~I~C~Y~7 ~ ~ GRAI~II~E ~~i~?(~R.TZ~~i~ ~~E D~S~.~s°~~T~3~ ~J~' ~~I~ C~~:°~ R~C4~R.I~~ PURSUAIVT TO ~H~; PR~~'I~IP~~+~ ~I~ ~~i~~1R.~vT~~'~ ~~SE~~ ~~~Ti,~~S 3~t~90, C~n ~mntidn -~f ~Ca~~.~x~ilmdxz ~ - ~c~~~cl~~. C~~a~~~,~.~~,~a M~.~.~is ~ ~ tk~e ~c,llowing r~rll ~~.11 vc~~~, ~~e~ ~r~.~: AYE~: Cc~~.nci7s~~en Mizlis, i~.~~~;y, Wu~a, c~~: ~,~:e~n i+'f~;~*~?r S~~al~gel NOES: Nvne ABSENT: None ~h.~ fr~r~going rresolutio~. ~a~.s ~~:s~~~. a~ar ~.do~°~~rk ~7~~~~ c~z ~~~3A A~THORTZE REQUEST F'~R :~7Eti3 ~I12E GI~,.D?'N~ FO~S Ci~T Adrnin~stra~tc~r B~t~,h repc~rte~. ~t~~~.~t f~v:a n.~.~ ~~~r~t~*~ ~~r~ ~h~;~f M~r~~.1~k of tha r~~~ra f~.re ratZng prc~gram ~nd c~~nve~°~a~~un~ ~~i#"'t~A ~~wr~s~~~~.~°i~r~s 2n ~~.n F~ancisco, it ma,r 'ae possi~Ie ta ol~~ain r~. Cl~.ss ~ Fa~~ ~~~.c~~ ~?~e ~i~y of Ar~oyo Grande, auti~orizati~.,n fo~° wiai~~. w~,s r3~~ng ~e~u~.~t~~l ~~+,~s ~~a~^t ~t~.~ ~ity Counci~. The City`s las~ f3.x°~ ~~a.ding_was ~~:d.~ 19.~a~ ~:~~d:~ ~~ib~~~.~~ ~~~.c~.e ~cs~ld. lower fir~ ins~xr~in~~ r~.~~s in ~h~9 G~ty, F~r~ ~'?~~~f ~~a.~s~'~~.°~ ~~~~~t ~n th.e xnat~~r, clated Marc:h 22, ~973, was rv~r~.e~~ec~. ~fv~~ Cc~t~~.~7.1 di~e.~.:~~~~~~~.9 ~~n ~r~ati~xa of Councilmax~. de Lear~, sec~nded by Cc~~.nca.lm~.n T~u~~l ;~.~d ~n~xa~ig~~~s 1y earri~:d, au~horica- taon was given to th~ Fire C~i~f ta re~u~~~ ~ ne~a f~.r~ gr~.din~; fcar ~he Gity of Arroy~ Gran~.e. RECEIPT OF RFP~RT RE RECE~TT RECREA~If~1~AL '~t,,~ T~S Ct~MM~Z'TE~ ~~`TI1VG - D7ANE MeC,A..NN A written report fram. Parks ~.xid l~ee-b~~.~~~.~~ G~~s~ie~~e~ I~i~.ne McGann, regarding the Maxc~ 15, ~9?3 R.~~r~a~inn~.Z T~~.~7L~ C;~r~~~~.~~E~€. ~ne~t~ng S~.n I~uis Qhispo, was ~eceivsd L~y t~tte Gaunc°il, revie~ae~ ar~.c~ ~~c~~r~d fi1~d. `I~.~.e Cr~un~iTarren voiced favorab3~~ cr~~anen°~s r~garcii~~g M~s . McCann.'s vac.,r~Z ~ Par~s~ ana I~ccr~ation Commissianer. ORAL REPORT ° RECENT ~ONE 3 ADV~SOI~Y COMM~TT'~E '~E~~?~~ - C~~~J~VC~3~M~'~ MTi,L~.S C~uncilman Mil~,is repar~ed ~~~1~y ~r: t~i~ 1~.y~,?~? I~~t~a un~~~;.x~~ c~f -~~i~ Zone 3 A~~~isorgr Co~nni~tee, wlaich ha~, m~~ a~ ~~~g~~~ `~°'~~~~°r:~r~~ ~P?~.n}~ zn~n~l7ly T~op~z I~ecreatic~nal Ar~a' ~ r~pc~~t ~~.~d bee~a r~~3,~~~~~~., ~ng ~~~~1~ ~~e pr~~au5~d Zopez Recreational ~re~'s b~aget f~r n~~~ fa.sc:a1 yr~~~m Y~~.~°~~ ~v'~.~.~er~, P~c~je~~: ~ Superin~enden~, h.ad x°ep~~~t~d ~~~in of ~2,Q4~~ ~'e~t ~a~.~.~r c.~~t~~-rng t~e p~.st season. Councilman Ma.~.lis ~I~o ~~port~d ~th~.t tt1c~ ~a~.£~:c=.~ h~c~ c~~;~~ri~~r~cl in.ts~ th~ spillwa.y late Sunday nigh.~, Ma.rc~a 25~?~a PROGRESS REP~JI~T - BRAIVCH S'I`REE~ I~.ET~F~IF~~'I~NT ~~5~'S Admiriastra~ar Btttch r~~;i~a`,~~d v~ii~~~ th~ C~~sn~.~.i ~si.:~ ~°~p~r~ d~.t~~. M~.~°ch ~2nda which gives e~ta..mates f.s~r t:h~ ~r~r~s~~?nt~.~~tic~~: ~f sidc.>,~-a~.:~k~ ~~z1~~nric~i+an s~ivh ~h~ redevel~~pment ~f Bran~Y? S~~ez~o T'~,~ ~c~tal ~s r~~.r~s $~~,1~~, ~az~~ a•ra ~.dd:~- t2onal $7,"+00 for expose~. ~.ggr~~~.:e ~~.d~w~lks f~rr °~c~~~a~. a.~n~~~ B~~.n~~. Street. No ~oard h~.s yet: k~c~~n ~~~~zved frerin ~.a~.~ T~~~an~~~~rn M~~~~~n~~ :~~~~~rd:.~.g ~h:~~.r feeiings abaut ~1~~ ex~os~~. ~.ggr~~~~te s~~.~:~~.~~~, ta~t~ ~'~~~y Fe?~e~r pres~nt ~nd indicated a lettex woul~l 5~.1~m~.tt~d ~t~~ ~~~e CF~~zn~:~'~ ~:~~~~°L°~s.x~~; ~~~.s b~~fr~r~ ~.ts next regular Gvuneil me~tin~. REPORT 1~ : I~ET~P.Y C~~' R.0~7'I'E 2~ RE ~U°~~.IZG ~ld±ninistr~.to~ l3u°~~h rc~p~r~~:c~. tha~ in ~~apc~4z~~ Iz~..~ ~_~~°~c~r tc~ ~;~~rio~.s representatives t~ ur~~ re~~nsicie~F~.~t~.~n c~f t'~a~ c~~l~t~~~. 1Z~~v~ 1~7 ~~~nu~ing proaec~, Assemblyman MacCilli~vr~~ h~.d c;a~.~ed incizc:~ta.n~ hy~ sb~~~rc~rt ~ix •~n~ic o,:~~; e~f~a1~~ fbznd th~ pr~~ect, 1~i~ D?vis~.~n of ~iighway~ f~:~.~.i~°~.~~.~ a:~~~ l~~c~~~1 ~~sxb~z~, he~.ring '~n this area in t~.e near futur~ re~ard~ng t~e r_~rc~~~~~~~~;, cr~~~.~1~~?~ rout~ ad~~ption f~r ~ 227 in A~roy~ ~~~a~.dc~ o CT~'Y COUNCIL ~L~~?~~ ~ ].~~3 ARRI~YU GI2L~.NBE, CAL~~01t~VZ~. ~~C~ ~ PROGRESS KEP6RT R~: TA~I~Y '~~C~ P1Z~~i~M & ~~`~I~3~,~ ~v'~~~ Ce~?~P~ ~ ~L~P ~i{12113.L11S~Y~.~~~' BSI~~~~. ~°6..}9(?I~°~°e..~'C~ ~i1c~.~° ~,I:ti~.~'ai:~~~ie~.~3t,,b~ i~t~"~' 'w"b"~-?g,~ R~lr~a.C~C', ~5~i' ~.I9.f (a'~~'~~ c~f Engineer~ ~f the Ta~.~~ H~ Ita~.e~ f~a~~din~ p~r~~Ye~~, ~~~a~;~ p~~a~ ~.~.e b~r them and the City's cr~n~~.lta.ng ~~~~.r~ee~ ~~1~ ~~~°i~.~, ~~a~~u~.~~~~.~ ~~~:~~~~Zi~~.~ic~~. ~f the cr~ek which ~~~avanld da.r~c ~lg~ ~~f f~~~ ~.h~u~ 3 6 ~ E~~~~ a fi~~~ ~ ~ ~.~a~~~~~~ n~~ ~ ~c~~ encouragin~ as to ~elp fr~an ~'.~e~:a ~n solv~~n~ .~~i~,~ ~~~sa~:~. ~ ~~?r~~;s ,area by t~is Off~.ce of F,~~i~~g~r~~~- Pr~:pa~~dne;~s ~.ri~~ ~~~pa~~~ ~r~ ~Ioodirt~ probl~xns ~l~er~ ~agtie~.~ ~nd~.cd~~a ~k?,~;:~~ ~e~p ~c~~lc~ x~i~t 1~~ j~t~tifi~d, althotagh ~o ~efi~n~.~~ ~a~~d i~a~ y~~ k~~~~ ~~~~i~~~,~. AUTHOiti~E T~EASE -PURCI~S~ AG~t~~N~?VT F'OR P1R.OFE?Z7.'~ ~~:~Y~?~ P~I~ Administra~c~r Bu~ch. r.ev~.ewed tfl~~ M~.xch 2~~~~ r~~~~r~ D~r~~~rs~ ~f P~aU1~.~ Works Anderson regarcl.ing ~~ie Ci.t~°s deJ-+r~ p~.r.c~~~~.s~ ~1-b~ ~t ~tl~~ n~~~ha wes~ ~rarner of Halc~c~n and ~k~~ Pike, tc~ f~,~~.i:~~~.~e t~.~~ C? ~:~a ~ c~~d.er. ~.gr d~~~l~pm~nt of that intersec~tion. The r~gc~rt ins~ic~.tes ~~a~.~ ~k~~ ~a~~~a~~~~~ ~ c~F~.~~, Edwaa~d: Chxistaph.er, is willing tc~ sel~ ~h~ p~op~rty fea- ~a~ ~~~~c~ ~°~;~~r a~~.r~e ;~ear ~period~ with one-~t~ird d~a~~payme~t. Af~~r ~Ga~~~r°,~~b ~,~~wa~~~~ic~~, ~~~~~o~ ~f Counci~man Wood, -~econ.ded b~ Ce~t~nci~m~n Mi? 3.i~n ~.~c~ ~~~?~ied., ~.~a~~r~riz~.- tion was given ta Ci~y A~~~rr~cy Shs.p~~;~ .t~ c~~~r~T ~p ~'^~~~e;~~~~~ ~g~~~x~~n~ f~r ~~.~°ee ye~.rs, b~L-ween ~~s.e Cit~ ~.nd ~c1w~.rd. C~.ra;.:~~:cp~~~, T~ai~~~ ~a~~: e~~~_~.~n b~y groperfy a~ :tne .n~rt~hw~st cnrn~ar of Ha.lcyon and `~'~~e: F:~k.e~ erc~ ~f ~hr~~ y~ears, ~'or the total purclia~e pr~.ee of:$TO,U00,0~. ~ , PR.OGIZESS' I2EPORT B„~A„~T~H SZ~REET ~I~NAL ~N5'~~7~1.~I4~~3 Administrat~r B~t~ch ~.d~.~~~s~d t~.at ce~~t~~c; i,~~.~;~~+~° s~;~^~~.~~~~.~~~ ~r~~~. t~.e Sta~e star~ed nn Mond~y, Mar~h 26~~., fo~ ~.~5~~.1.~~.~~.ca~ ~f ~13~ .~~~n~l syst~m ~.t the Branch-Traffic Way-Wes 3.e~ ~.nt~rsec tis~~., ~,a::iir..~: i~:~ i~ a.~~ b~ ~c~np~.et~d within forty c~ay~, REOUES T F~R "BAl~TdG~~" C IT~~ENS C~MMITT~E - L3I ~;X, I~..~NS~ A~.ex Ram~y, Arroyc~ G~ande ~ortr~~tor, ~x~~~~~~ ~~ic~ r_~,M,~c~~ ~~~n~cd t~.~ Council regarding their crit~~ia in t~.~ sek~~~ic~n a~~: ~~r:~~~.~ ~csr ~z~.~ C~.ta~~ns ° Gommitt~e, which ~ sta.bje~t ~matt~r had b~en di~~~.s~~~. b~ ~~~~~i~. ~a~1~~r in the meeting. The propc~sed ~~3~ectic~n gr~c:~ss ~~p~~.~.r~~~. ~c~ ~~irn b;~ Mayor Schlegel, after which Mro Ram~~ t~~ged t~a~ a b~.l~~.e.e~. ~~~~L-~~~~ 1~~ appU~n~ec~, to include property oraner~. REQUEST FOR STATLTS_OF CIZ"Y'S S~TITS F'OR DELII~QT~~V'r `~~.RI~e DISr. ASSES~M~NTS Mrs. Peggy P~rter, ~p~ntown Parking Adviso~ B~~~d.~c~mb~r, q~.~sti~ned City Attorney Shipsey rcegarding the st~.fiu~ of the ~ig~.t ~r~~ts ~he C~.~y Ta~.s pending against loeal merchants wh.o are delinquent in ~h~~~ g~.~k~ng ~.~~~:ssm~nt district payments a City Attox`n~;y ShigS~y r~plied tl~at t?~~ :~~q~xic~d. b:~~.~fs have ncat been presented to the presiding judge aN ye~, Mr~. Fcar~.~~ ~nc~. M:~. D~rc C~.r~on, as~~mlaer of the Downtown Merchan~s , preu~.~.led 9a.p~n At~c~~n~y ~~.~,~~e~ u~~~n.~~y ~f"tli3:~,.:. mattex° ~.s the monies ar~ need~d ta aneet t~.~ ~pc~r~in~ ~~~z~:n`~ ~c~r t~.~ Withr~w property, as well as ttae fac~ that tY~~ d~la.y ~s ac~~ca~i~ting p~n~.~+~a.~s on the delinqttencies , V~hic~Z ~?ay p~esent ~.ardships car.c ti~~ ~~~c~~.za~~ o ORA.L REPOR~' - G(~UNTY-G~T'IES PREA PI~AN~TI~V~ ~1~~3RD?...~T'I~C C~~J~Gr~,. ~ G~~1CII~,,~ Ti~~I~EY Cou~.cilm~.n T~.11ay reporte~. that a~ C~~i~.:u.~c3~,ax csf ~~e ~a».r°~t~-~:~~~i~~ L~~~~. Plannin.g Gocsrdinating C~un~il, h.~ !~a~. gc~ne v~~r~ne~;n~c~ ~~~~,~d ~.c~ r,~~rd~,nating local gove~nments better and rear~ov~ ~th.~ C~ur~t~ ~f. S~r~ ~,^~~s ~~i~p~ ~r~~a t~.~ 7Larg~ Regiona~ Plann.ing Distr~ct ft l~ad been pl~.~ecl a.n. 1~;~ ~~~~.~~xx~~a G~~r~~il on Intergovern~nental Relatians. ~.'h.e ef.for~s k~cc~~~~r~~r ~~°~~~e~~e~ ~c~ ~e f~~i~~ and alternatives ~aere made availai~~e~ ~1aer~for~, t'~~ (~c~~,~~~ n~~a ~ff~rts through its State representatives in t~.e 1eg3.s~~.t~.r~ ~n ~,~a~~~1 ~~~~.~~~.1 Planning Distri~ts, COtJNC3Li~1A.N DE LEON GRANi'EI~ PERMISSTON TO B~; ABS~N~ ~'~t~J?~i__~'~`~~ ~~2~ - 4/7I~3 Counc;il~an ~de I,e~n ~-askea ~~~ni~s:~an L~~ ~ t~.~ ~ S~a~~~ ~ s~f ~Ca~if~x~ni~. fram Ma.rch : 28, 1973 to Apr~.~ 7, 1973. ~n r~c~t~&~n ~sf ~c~a~n~~.~~a~.~ Ta~ u~y, ~eeo~d~c~ by Councilman MiTlis and ~nanzmo~s~y ~arri~d, C~~n~~~~r~,~ ~,-~A~~. ~,a.~ ~r~.n~~d. permission to be out of th~ S~~.te af Ca~.iforni~ fr~ ~r~~~~'.~ t~ ~.pr~l 7y 1973. REQUEST FOR STATU~ REo RYA1~1 ~JUTDOUR STGN SiJIT - M~.Y~"~. ~~H3~~~<~, Mayar Schlegel mad~ ir~q~?zry tc~ Ci~g= t~.~~c~~~x~g~ ~'s~.~~~~ ~'~g~,x~~~a~ ~~~p ~t~ta~~ of tl~e City°s lawsuit ag~.~.rE~t tlae i~~an Qtzt,~ocs~ ~~.on ~~~?.~~.n,-, ~r~:~~c?-~ x?~~~~~m has be~n pending for :some time, City A~~orn~y Ships~y i.n.c~~e.~.~~~ ~1~~~ ~r~t~t~~ 1~~.~ ~~~.ch~d. a stalemate and re~r~~y~ed ~w?~~~ d~~elop€~d t~.~ d~,~~:, ~_~~~~a~n~ ~~~~a.p~ c~f lengthy interroga.tc~ries fro?~ t~e ~.~~en~~ c~~a~.~e~, z~fa:~.~~~ s~i1x b~ da.;~c~as~ed. further with t~ae Coaznc~l ~n ~~c n~ax fazfar~, CITY COUNCIL MARCH 27' 1973 AZdR~YO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE ~ AU~HORIZE'LETTERS ~0 IgEGIS. REP. RE. CITY°S OPPO5I`T. T'0 I3A~ dN BEAC;E~ES Mayor Schlege2 read a letter t~.ken from ~.~ca~. n~~aspap~~ ~hi~h h.~.d b~~n written to the editor by an Arroyo Grande citizen in ~p~o~~~~o~. t~ ~th~ recent dog ban on local beaches . He recmzmaen~ed :tha.t the Go~nn~~.l t~k~ a~ ta~.d. on ~his matter, especially regarding the issue of action being pa~s~~. effecting ~h~ 1~cal area9 without local consultation. After Council di~c~.~~ion, e~~ ~ne~~i~n ~f C~uncilman Millis, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanim,~a.sly ~ar~~~~.o the City ~t~.ff ~aas authoriaed to write letters to State legislatears reefl~c~ting; C~~ne~.l°s opposi~ tion to the dog ban on local beaches and the manner in s,a~.~.c~. ~1~~ l~an wra~ affected--without local voice regarding the in~.t~ere A,~,.~,OURNMEN,~ On mo~ion of Councilman Talley, seeonded by Co~nncil.~an Mi13.is and unanamously carried, the meeting adjourned a~t 9:21 P.M. until 7030 P,M., Apri1 9, 1973. ~ ~ Z ~ ATTE~~ ~~~Y - DEPUTY CITY CLERK MM~iiYOR