Minutes 1973-04-09 _ i~~ ~ _ CI']C~ COUNGIL APRIL 9, ~973 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI~IFOR~TIA ~e30'PoMa The City Co~.ancil met iri regxalar ~.dj~u~°n~d sessio~Y wi~h M~yor ~c~~.~~gel presi,ding. Upon roll cal:l, Counci~ Meanbers M~llis p Ta11ey, ~Ts~~c~.. and de ~ec~~. reported presenfi, GENERAL DISCUSSION R.Es GUIDELINES k'OR GITIZEN~ C~MMITTEE ~N :I,~~I3 ~7SE FLA.1~T The Council discussed a~ grea:t lengtnv th~ proposed Gi.tiz~nv G~i~~ee, with. emphasis on the duties and powers of th.~ ce~ns,~~~e. Afte~ C~a~nc~.1 d~.sctt.ss~on, it was generally agreed that the Open Space E1~ne~t of th.e Gener~.1 Plan taou.~d be given wide publici~y and coverage and after ad~ption. of ~his eleine~~t, ~fl~~ Ccaa~n~~.~ may consider appointment of a cammittee to ~.mplenient an ~pe~a Sp~.ce Plan e~~ Purchase and Negotiation at ~that time. RECEIFT OF WATER FEE :STiTDY & TRUTH IN P~TRCHASE ORDo_ Ol~T HOME 'PiJRGH.~SE . Administrator'Butch gave to t~.e ~:oun~i3.ni~r~, for t~e~.r ~~~ad~ and reva~~9 copies of the Water Fee 5tudy ~repared by Koebig ard Ko~big, and a report on a Truth in Purchase Ordinance on Hcrme Pu~chas~~. ADJOU NT On motion of Counr.iim~n Miliis, s~con~.ed. l~g~ Cc~~~~iZxn~.n d~ Le~n and unani.mously c~ ried, the meeting :adjottrned at 9:30 P.M. ~ I Q~iv ~.~t9~ _ ~ ~ ATTEST. ~ i~~ r DEPUTY CITY CI~EPK Mr~~'l~R CITY COUNCIL APRIL 1Q, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CAZIFORNIA The City Council met in regtalar session wi.~.h Ma~c~r Sci~legel pr~sidingo Upon roll ca11, Council Membe~s Mi11is, Ta?ley, Woad and de Leon repor~~d p-revent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:AND INVOCATTON Ma.yor Schlegel ~.ead the Pledge of-A1?egiance to our Fl,ag; an~. immediately thereafter, Councilman Millis delivered the invoeat~.an. APPROVAL OF'MINUTES The minutes of the regalar mee~ting of M~.rc~. 27, 1933, were approved as prepared. AFPROVAL OF WARRA,NTS On motion of Cottncilma~tt de Leon, seconded by C~u~.cilman G1'oc~d and ~.nanimausly carried,-Payroll Warrants Nn. 4751 thro~.gh No. ~755 and Nc~..54~30 thro~gh No, 5521, in the total amount of $15,060.8~; and General Warrants No, 12041 and No. 12044 through No. 12085, in the total aano~znt of $13,872,42, were approv~ed and ordered paid. PROCI~AMATION ~."NE~TTONAL ACTION:FOR FOSTER CHTLDREN W~EK" - APRIL 8- 14, 19~3 Mayor Schlegel read a procla.~ation and pr~claimed t~pril 8t?~ ~through ,April 14th, 1973, as "National Action for Foste~ Ch~ldren Week'~ in the City of Arroyo Grande. ' ~'~i.OC~AMATION ~"POPPY DAYS" - MAY 18TH - 19TH. 1973 k~;~ Ma.yor Schlegel ~ead a procTamation and procla~ed May 18th. t~hrough May 19th., 1973, as 'rPopPy Days~' in the City of A~roya Grande, which is spc~nsc~red by the American Legion. ~ PROCLAMATION -"NATIONAL LIBR~RY WEEK" - L~PRIL 8TI~ - 14`~'Ho ~.973 Ma.yor Schlegel read a proclamation and proclaime~: Agri~ 8th thrrret.gh April 14th, 1973, as "~Tational Library Week" in the Ci~3~ ~f Arroyo Gr~.nde,, EIPT :OF 'DOG ,~E~UI~AT ,~,ONS ON STATE BEACIi~S/P1~RKS - D~FT. ~F `PP~RKS & REC. Administrator Butch read. a let~er dated Ma.rch 30, ~a73, rece~.ved frozn Charles P. Lyden, Are~ Mariager for the Depar~,nen~k cf P~.rks ancd ltecrea~ion, regarding revised do~~=rc~.l~s in State parks and b~achesm An attac~nent to ~h~ iet~er out~.ined portions af State Parks and Beaches in San T.uis Qlaispo ~ou~ty where dogs wi11 be permitted on six foot lea~hes, Councilman Millis p~inted ou~ th,at the report xnade-no refer~nce t~ horses being inclttded in. this revision. Af~er Council discussion, Adm~.nistrato~ Bu.t~la was reques t~d ~'c~ wri~e a let~~r go Mr. Lyden, thanking hiin for'l~:is report and also askir~g him a.bou~ ~~ie mat~e~ of horses on the beaches. :In fihe let~er he will also be ~equested to k~en ~he G~..ty appri~ed of a11 matters affe~ting local p~.rks and beach.v,