Minutes 1973-05-07 19~ CITY CQUNCI~ 1KAY 7, 19~3 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI,IFORNT~. 7:~D P.M, Tkae Cit~ Caun.ci3. ine~ in reg~l~r ~djoaarn~d ~essia~~s ~i~h Mz~yor Scknl~g~~. presiding. Ugon r~ll ~a13, Co~ncil M~anb~rs Mil~i~, T~i~.ey a~s~ Wo~d r~port~d gre~~r~t, Gouncil~ar~ d~ ~,~eer~ is ~bse~nt. A JOUR ME U SE9S Q FQ Q~ '~T On znotion af C~ur~~~~,m~.n ~'a1X~y, ~~~and~d b~r ~~~~a~ilz~~~ M~.l~.i~ ~nd aanan3- mou~~y e~rx~ied, ~c~~~~~~; ~djc~a~~n~d a~ ~.~3~ ~.M. ~t~ ~~~~aa~~~r~ ~~~sic~~a ~~a discu~s persann~7. a~a~~~r~. ~ C~~,NIENT The C~u~nail r~~e~nv~~ed at 8:1~ P.M. w~ ~la ~.1i nn~~atae~s pr~s~n* a~ ~he~wn an ro11 ca11. REVIEW & LDISGUSSTON ~F' W~~"ER SYSTF~~FEES The Cc~u~cil revie~aed ~1~~ gr~apc~s~l ta ~s~~.Ulish a wa~~~ ~g~~~em fee an~d di~~u~s~d v~riaua ah~nges in ~h~ ~~~a~z fpe and clistr~.baa~tiUr~ feea It wa~ agreed by th~ Council that ~~aubli~ h~arix~~ wil]. be laeld ~~~~rding Me~~~, Llistributiar~, Service Main a~d ~~pe~ ~~~r~es, ~ahicl~ hearin~ wil~ be s~~ by t~~ Co~ancil a~ its next re~ul~r me~tin~ ~n ~fay 8th. $UDG'E~" S'~~t SESS~7QN City Ad~m~.~i~t~c~~o~ Hut~k~ presen~ed th~ 1'973-7~+ Pr~l~~sin~~~r Bu~~~~ ~o ~he Coun~il and s~arf,~ed ~he tot~l. bud$~t. T~x~ ~~a~ex~~il a~nd Ad~ini~ltrat~r Baatch reviewed the fir~t ~~~tion R~~~nu~~, ~~sapp3n~ tka~ Ci~;~ Cduncil°s B~d~eit. A~~ntat;tv~ a~h~daal,~ ~f faarth~x~ b~zd~~~ ~~a~d~r s~asi,ea~~ ~u~s s~~ a~ follaws: May ~tl~ a~~~~r ~ka~ ~r~un~~l'~ ~e~lar ~~et~nga ~nd 7:30 P.M. o~ the £a19.r~ing ciat~s: 7,'la~a~~da~r, ~y 10~1~, ;~a~,~adayq 1~~r ~~~laa ~l~~ac~~,~~ .T~ane 4~ha ~nd Mo~.d~~r, ,?u~a~ ].1~k1, €~A~~~~~'i~`L~, C~~ ~a~t~.o~ of Ca~n~ilman. Wac~d, secc~r~d~c~ by G~~n~~lman Millig and unarni.- mouslp ~a,rr ~d„ tt~~ m~~~ti~~ ~adjc~u~z~ed a~G IQ:QQ F.M. ATT'EST; ~ ~ ~~1._ A~Ffi~~'Y' CI~X CTaERI~ MAYO ~ITY GQ[.T~TCIL MAY 8, 1979 ARRQY'f~ t~~,NDE , C~~I~'QR1V~A ~a~ Gi~y Counc~l m~t in r~~ul~az ~~~sio~a with M~y°qr Sch~.~$~1 pr~~iding. LTpon ~aa.l ~~1~,, ~c~~~c~l M~mb~x~ Mi11ie, ~"~,1~~y and WQCaci x~~Ar~~d pr~~ent. ~aun~ilzn~r~ d~ T~~Q~ ~,1a~~n~. i.~ . OF LL~GI~NC~ AND I MM~„yc~~ S~k~~.~~~1 3,~~.d t~:~ ~],~d~~ eaf t~ll~$~~~~e ~o ~~r F'1~$p a~nd iz~n~di~~~ly th~~~af~~~, CAa~r~~~~~na~ I~illi~ d~liu~~c~c~ ~k~~ in~re~~a~~.~r~. APFROVAL ~F MTNUT~S a~in~a~~~ a~ ~h~ r~$ul~r zn~~~~r~$ A~~il ~4, 147~, va~;re ~pproved as pr~gar~d. APPR.~VL~,I,. 4F .WARRANT'S ` ~a~~icaz~ nf C~at~a~ilanr~n T~ll~y, s~eand~r~ b~ Co~rs~~.lra~n Mi,llis a~d ~?nani- ~nously carri,~d, ~en~~~7. GT+~~~:~n~s ~Tc~, 10~ th;~Qa~g~, Nc~. ~,13 ~nd N~. 1~29Q thr~u$h Nc~. 1232~, in tk~~ t~~al a~aun,~ of $22,128.6~ ~nci P~~rrpll Warr~x~ta No. 46~5 t'h~QUgh N~. ~G9a ~n~ N~. 479~, i~ t'h~ ta~~Z ~c~~~,~ ~f $~7,452.5~' w~~~ ~ppr~v~d ~nd o~°d~ar~d ~aid. RECETFT QF I~ETTERS RE . DQf~ FROM FAR~iS ATR,,,,~,~,'~~ ~OVEI~t~R' S OFF,~,CE A~~tte~ d~t~:d d#pril ~4, 1973 fr~~a S~~.t~ P~r~C~ ~~d R~e~e~tio~ D~~~at~~ M~tt~ J~e ~u~klinia~~ m~d:~~ie+~~ior~e t~ the d~~ ban. on St~,~~ b~ach~~ ~n C~cantY, ~nd a 1~tter f~o~n Ed~ai~ Wo ~`h~zna~, Admini~tx°~tiv~ ~fi£i~~~r ~f C~t~~n~~ e~f ths ~ove~°r~oar"~ 0£fi~~, d~.t~d .~gr~~. ~0, 197~, ~~,~~~d~r~~ ~I~~ ~~~~ons f~r fi&e~ e~og b~n, were brie~l~ r~ui~~aed by th~ ~aunci~. ~~t~~r d~t~d A~~~.1 2G~ ~~7~ frc~r.a ~k~~ ~,~~~~ca G~az~d~ Ckaannb~~ of Cc~aa~r~e Mana~;~a:, A~1 Co~, ~~~r~~~.n~ t'~~ Cau~~~,1 f~r i~~ ~~~~p~rt d~s~in~ ttze 1372-73 fiscal ye~ar, waa ~^~ee~.v~d~. COLtNC~~,I~lA,~T A~ T~~QN ~N~'~~EU `~i~ I~~~TNG DTJRING 'CI3~ ~.:~t?V~ MA~TTER.