Minutes 1973-05-22 ~ 20~ CITY COUNCTL MAY'22, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNTA The City Coun.cil met in regular session ~a.th Mag~or Sc&~legel presiding. UpoM roll eall, Council Members Millis and de Leon x~ported p~esent. Councilmen Talley and Wood are absent. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANGE AND INVOGATION Mayor Schlegel lead the Pledge of Allega.ance to our Flag; and immedi~tely thereafter, Reverend Stanley Durham, of the First Sc~uthern Baptist Church in Grover City, delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of ~Ghe regular meeting of M~.y 8, 1973 and the regular adjourned meetings of Ma.y 7 and Ma.y 10, 1973, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WA.RRANTS On motion of Couneilrnan de Leon, seeonded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, General Warrants No. 114 thrc~axgh No. 125 and No. 12031 Chrough No. 12035, No. 12037 and No. 12328 through No. 12374, in the total amount of $26,565.99; Payroll Warrants No. 4798 and No. 55$2 through No, 5637, in the total amount of $15,516.40; and Trust & Agency Warrants No, 2030 through No. 2060, in the total amount of $12,001.96, were-approved and ordered paid. DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY BLDG. WITH WOMAN'~ CLU~ - POSTPONED '~ILL.LATER ~N ME~T. The item next in order on the agenda regarding the development of a Gonnnunity building as a joint effort of the City and the Arroyo Grande Woman's Club, was postponed until the anticipated arrival of Councilman Wood later in the meeting, so that he might be included in diseussion of this ma.tter. NOTICE RE. REDUCTION OF GASOLINE SUPPLY T~ CITY - UNION OIL C0. Administrator Butch reviewed a letter from the Union 0i1 Company of California dated Ma.y llth, which notitied ~the City th.at effective Ma.y 1/~, 1973, they will reduee sales of gasoline eaeh month to the City to an amount equivalent to 85%. Administrator Butch advised that the City staff is studying possible use and conversion of the City's newer vehicles to L.P. gas. ,APPROVAL OF REOUEST FOR TIME FXTENSION IN REIMDVING WITHROW APTS. - CAWEL~I Administrator Butch reviewed a letter from W. E. Cawelti, requESting a two week extension of time in removing the Withrow apartment building, which job was to have been campleted by Ma.y 16th. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Millis and unani.mously carried, the request of W. E. Cawelti for:a two week extension of time (until May 30, 1973) for removing the apartment building on the Withrow pxoperty, was granted. NOTICE RE. "OPERA.TION AWARENESS" BY SIA COMM. CONCERN FOUNDATION - JUNE 1, & 2 Administrator Butch reviewed a noti~e from the San Luis Ob~spo Comtnun~ty Coneern Foundation inviting the City to participate in their "Operation Awaxeness" program, which will present a two-day "kick-aff" extravaganza project on June 1st and 2nd in the Veterans Memorial Building in 5an Luis Obispo. The purpose of the project is to make citizens in the county aware of the many services av~.ilable to them. RESPONSE FROM LT. GOV. REINECKE KE. COUNCIL ON INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Administrator Butch reviewed a letter from Lt. Governor Reinecke in response to the C;i:ty's letter to him protesting the conduct of the Couneil on zntergovc~rn- mental Relations at its Ma.rch l3, 1973 meeting. The Council commented that it was enc'ouraging that the Governor was aware of the problem and was trying to work out the differenees. ,,~EQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF SENATE BILL 32 - ASSEMBLYMAI~ GREENE Administrator Butch reviewed a letter received from Assemblyman Greene, which urges the Gouncil's support'of Sena.te Bi11 32 entitled "The National Science Foliey and Priorities Act". The bill would enable the hiring of unemplo~ed aEro- space engineers and teci~nicians and use their knowledge for solutions to problems facing the nation, such as energy resources, pollution, etc. The bill would provide over $1 billion dollars for this pragram. Council discussed the proposed bill and were in favor of the concept, but took no action as they felt the amount of monies involved too staggering. COUNCILMAN WOOD ENTER.ED THE MEETING DURING THE ABOVE MATTER. 2~~~ CTTY COUNCIT, MA~ ~29 ~9~~ ARROYO C,Rt~NDE, CALTF'taRNI~ FA~~ ~ AUTHORIZE PREP. OF AG1t~~?KENT B~ CI'T~' ~ t~x~M~~~ GUNL~~V~T'3~ BLi~e Adminis~r~tor B~utr.l~ r~ad c~~;~~e~ ~y ~~~r~. f~~~~ D~ar;~;~~.~ ~f~.~.~c~~,, ~ttorney for the A~ro~ro Grand.e Wc~~.n°~ C:~.¶~b, ~.*~~c~ ~~~~A~n~~ ~.~~x~~~~ ~f ~~~~s~ ~c~ b~ ~.~.~orpesrated ~ into ~~any ~ ~.gree~c~nt ~anad~~ be~~~n G~.~~_~.~.c~ ~~i~~ T~~~.~.° ~ ~~~.b f~r ~ ~ ~~p~ri~nt ~ of a Comarrtnnity Center. A1so res~i~~~:d r~g~~~~~~: ~a~~~~.~~d. b~ A~.,~~.aa~.~~~~.~~~ B~a~c~a mahich outlined t~n ~ecoxtanenda~~~r~s ~ade ~T~e ~a,~~~ ~ ~p~~~.~~. ~a~:~~~~~, ~~~,I~d c~~ Cit~r: and'.Wcfiman,a s Clt~t~ r~pr~~~nt~~~.+~~~ a ~i~v~~~a~~;~ D~,~g ~a~~ ~~~3 p~°~~~r~~ ~~.d. answered questions frc+~ ~~a~ Co~nci~ r~g~.rc~:~~.g t:~~ C~g~°~ ~~s~~~.~..~c:~~~~~.~ ~p~~~i~~ matehing fund.s for icYa~ p~a~ect, a~~~rding G~.c~ r~cc9~n~~~~ta.~~~, Gouncii da_sc~ss~ci proj~cfi a~ 1en~;~.~?9 ~c~~r~n~.in~ t~~ Lu~nr~~,~°~ C1~~ ~o~ their action in it~iis ~?~.~te~ ~.n~ ~~~ix~~; 100°6 ~~:~ag~~~~ ~~i t~~ ~i~~ ~~c~ i~s ~~.tiz~ta~ of th.is project. . Af~~z f~~.A~+~a~~ C~~.n~d~~,~ ~.zs~^~~~~~,~z~, c~~ a~o~~.~r~ ~~~n~r1~:n M3.llis, second.ed by CQaxxicilrr.~.n d~ ~c~x~ ur~~~~~E~~~;~~~ ~~~~~~d9 G~~~% ~u~:~~raey~ 5~~~.ps~y ~aa~ authoriz~d to work with. tk~e ~~~~~i~~- B~.~i~,~.~,i~.~ c,~~.~~~~ a~~. ~~~~~~'~.~io~ an agreemen~ fur th~ deve~o~ra?~xa~ ~f ~kz~.~ ~a~°~~~~~A e~a?~~.~~± ~,~r~~~~z~;~d~ ~~~:t~. ~r~3~r~i~t~c1 to the Council f~r its cc~n~i~:~~~.~.i~ri ~a~.~x~ ~~.~.c~ ~.gr~t~sa~e~~ "~~~.s gsr~~~~~~.. APPEARANCE OF W. G. SCHO ,~s ~'~~I~ER C~.Ti~~ ~ARI~~~ ~R~.~~TA1~C~~ Per a 1~~~~~ ~f req~est ~a~~~d ?~y 1.~5 ~~7~:~~~~ M~r. G:. ~c~.~~~.~~ld~r, P. 0. Box ~.78, A.rro~~ G~~tn~e, ka~ ~~~s giv~~. ~~t~ ~~;~~a~.a pr~~ent sewer~.l matters before tl~~ Gc~u~a~i~., Mr, Sc1~o~nf~l~cr ~~~~~r.~ ~.x~,c1 ~iv~n ~i~ sp~ak., at which time he ci~~d v~.r~a~s gr~~~~.nc~~, ~c~~.P~r-w~ 0 3.~ ~ c~~.sp~~.~~ r~gaxding his need for a Cant~act~r~s ~.nc~ 8~~~~.~.ess ~,i~~n~~a i~, Sc~~~~~.f~T~~~ irid~.c~.ting is working for Con~.rac~tor ~iex R~.~sey~ ~.v ~n e~~~~yr~~.~ Mr. SG~~~~.f~~ct~~ re~.cl a p~~~ pared legter w~bc?~. uit~d tk~~ sr~c~~s~i~n ~f ~vG~~i~:~ in ~:1~~~ Y~ce~.~~~ di~p~~~ lbe~a~en himself and B~zilci~.ng ~r~~p~ctor I~~r~.~.n, ~1~ic.~L F~°~ s,r~col~,,e~~:~~n. City Attorney ~hipsey ~^~~i~~,rHd ".fi~~ u~~~.1 ~~~~r~f ~~.~a~~. G~.~~ ~;ri:~ i~ c~n~r~.ctor on a j~b. Building Ir~a~~c~c~r Nc~xd~.n ~~~~~~nt ~~~~b~~.T~ ~~~~~~i:~d ea~. h.i~ reeollect~or~ of the c:~~~n.ts, ~a'~~.~~. w~re si~r,il~.~: ~a ~~ic~~~ ~:~.~e~. ~n ~~sn~ra.nda~n dated Ma.y 17th dir~~geci ~r~ Gc~~.ncil b~ Pl~~ix3~~~ I~:~ix~c~or Ga3.Y~p. B~~~ziY~~ Inspector: N~rdin. furth~r c.I.~rif~~d t~~:a~ tt~~ G:~~.;~ n~ ~d~~.~ers~~t~~n w~.i~~a indicat~s ~h.;~~ Contracto~ Raan~~ ~ra.ll ~~.k.~ a3.~. ~e~~c~iz~~b~l~~~y fe~~ ~I~~ Y~~a~~~s b~ixag built an Cerro VAS~ta L~.~e. A.s M~o Raan~y was n~t ~arese~.t i~~ s~.bs~~.catiate his purported position i~. ~~~xa.s ~att~~, Cit~ At~c~r~x~y S1~ipse~ ~.~s~.r~d M~. Sc~:~enf~lder that a credible Iett~r ~c~ the Ci~ty ~.nd.er t~ae ~i~~.~~.ur~ of Al~x RaxnPy, ~tating hi.s position as cc~ntx~actor ~.~d respon~ibality~ f~a~ t~.e de~~Iapm~n~, sao~ld suf~i~e. Ot~.er g~iewanees ~~.t~dl hy M~. S~~a~~nf~l~er a.t ~~i~.s tasn~ ~~e~e ~.s follows : 2) Reimburs~sn.~n~ for n~w ~c~nn~ctinxns ~r~,f~~r 1in~ 1~~: in~t~.ll:ed, 'e~~ic~i Direct~x° of Public Works Anci~rsc~~a w~.a n~t ~.wa~~ of ~i~t w~.ll ch~ck ~~at c,a~en M~« S~hoen~elder submits the fact~.al d~~a reg~.rd~.ng ~s~~i~ fcar ~e~x~ba~~s~r~e±at to i~i~. 3) Objec~ion by hi.mself : anc~ cathe~ residenl~s in ~h.~ ~.c~~ t~ C~{.li'~Ctl~ri r~DTO P2lrltlrigrr signs be i.n~tall~d on t~.~ n~r~~? s~.d~ ~f C~r~~ Vi~~a 3~an~. Dir~cta~ of Pu~lic W~rks A~.r2e~son ~.nda~cat~d ~~:at thi~s ~a~ n~:~~~~ar~ ~s s~re~~ ~aa~ ~anlga 2Q° Ya~.deg rather th~.n the 32' Qa~.clgl~ w~ai~k: Ta~~ld. a~l~r ~+arkin~ on b~~l~ ~ides of tY~e strPe~. As Mr. Schoenfe~.der indi~at~d ~th~.~ ~~ie ~najc~~a.~~ s~f ~h~ pe~ple or~ ~h.~s d.e~.c~-end ~~reet object to the r~~7~ Parlcing" reg~n~at~.dn, th~ ~i:~~r ~rail? be :~ef~r~~c~ t~ t~a~: Parking and Tr~.ff.ic C~is~ion f~r ~t~ze1~ rc.~~t~~r a~cl ~ecrn~m~rda~:~~na. 4) A r~~ue~s~ by t~ae residents c~n Sc~, ~lpa.n~ ~.nd Ce~rc~ Va.s~~. I.~.nE ~'~.t tl~~ r~~ainder of Sc~. t~lpine b~ pav~eed: and k~ie t~.~nck hole~ fixed. D~ree~or ~f Pa~b~~ T~lorl~, f~nd~rs~++~ ~;t~d3.c~:~'~t ~.s ha.d not been ~.cecrripl~s~.~:ci a~ tl~~ r~anaining ~~~~er~i~~ in ~1~a~t a~~~ n~~ installed c~arbs and. g~.tter~ ~.s t~ ~-~~ai~~ Set~.c~e~.a ~?~d~r re~i~.~d ~~.a~ t~aa~ resg of ~~e people ~.r~ n~~r ta~.~li~.g t~ in~t~.~~ ~1~ps~ ~ap~~~~~k~n~s. M~.yrc~r Seh1~g~I reqczes~ed t~aat Mr. Sc~.oenfe~ci~r Ya~.~~ t~i~~~ ~~r~~n~ ~c~n~~,c~ Di~~~~~~: c~f I'a~blic 4J~rks Anderson, w1~o will work caith them. ia~ ccr!~pl~ting tt~e i~;pr~~e~a~n~s ort ~~i~ st~`eet. 5) Objection to tk~e ecanditican ~sf t:~~ pr~+~~r~;a and tr~sp~.sti~.ng caf ~.t~ a-~an~r b~hind Mra Sehoenfelder° ~ praperty~. C~:~~, A~t~orn~~ S~ii3~~~~ ~d.v~.s~d t~fi~.t g~.~ fx~p~g~.ssing r~as a problem to be .resolved. k~~~~~n ~i~~~lf ~.nd tk!e `~x~sa~.~s~~, ~.~xd t~:~.~ ~h~ Fir~ Departanent wil~. la~: di.r~:ct~d ~.n~~~ t~~.g~.~~ t~.e ~.ll~g€:d bad e~nditi~r~ c~f the property. PUBLIC HEARIN~ - TltlCATE ~4.L~YS TIV B~,K WA~.;.14T'~FT' Gl~(~VE AI~DI`~ - RES'~L AD~~T. _Ad~~nistratar B~.~~~. re~i~~a~d t~..~.~ ~~~~c~s~ ~.d ~~en r~~~.~i~~~: ~roan Da1e Peterson, tl~a~ t~ie Csty vaca~.~ e~~~~.~.n ~n Bi~ck 2 c~f ~ll~.ee W~.7.~.~t Grove Additiong which ar~ s~arr~unded hy I~. P~t~rson°s pr~gert~ ~nd c~o xant ser~~€: as aecess easeraents to c~t1~~~ prap~;rt~ c~x~r~ in: L~e g~~~ral ~rea, ~Jpon b~ing a$sured by Deputy Cit3r Clerk Bu~~h that a13~ req~.ir~.z~a~~.~ts a~ pa°o~rid~cl b3r ~:aw be~n cc~mplied with~ Maynr Sc~.le~~l d~~la~ed t1Z.e ~.~~ri~xg ~p~n and ~.1~. per~ons fc~~ or against tTh.e ~a.~~tiQn c~f ~~~~air~ al~.~ys in ~lac~. 2 c~f ~~:e [n~aln~~a~ ~ris~~ Ac~d~~i~g wo~1d noi'~ be he~.rd. T'ti~rP b~~.ng c~~,~~s~~s~~ far a~~inst ~::hi~ a~i~~~~, M~.~ror Schlegel declared ~.ie la~arirg cla; ed, A.~~~r Cc~~.~.c.~~. da~~e~ssic~n, Ci~ A~~c~~~e~ Shipse,y read the L-itl~ af ~ r~sa~~:ta.~n ~zde~ing aband~~~rn~ af. p~a~~.a.ons ~f ~la~ 2~3 CITY COUNC~L MAY 22~ ~:~~3 ARR.OYO GRANDE, CALIFORNgEl PAGE 3 City streets; thereafter, a. arnot~.c~n ~a~s ~d~ T~~~~~, s~~and~e~. by~ ~~a~ncil° znan Mi11is and unan~ousl~ ca~x°i~d, dYSp~~.~~ ~e~~.~~~~~ s:a~ k~~l~sa~~ tk~~.~ resolution. RES(~Lt~'TION i~4~. A RESOLUTION 0~ TgiE CITY COUi~C~~ u~~ AR,R~~~° GRAII~Ti~E ORDERING THE ABAl~DONI~N~" OF' P~R?°~~~5 0~ °I"'~~ CITY STREETS (S~REETS .4r'~ID ii~~Ii~'~1YS C~D~ 5~C'I'~~~~ On motio~ ~f Cou.~c~.l~an d~ T~eornti secor~.~c~ ~~r.~;~~~.°~~^~~ MM~,'! 3is ~.nd ~ka~ following roll eal~. vo~e, to ~ait: AYES: Couneilm~n Milli.s, Wood, d.~ ~~A~ ~~.~~r ~~~;~~;ca~. NOES: None ABSEI~IT: Couneil.~an Ta1Tey the foregoing resoluti+~n w~.~ passed ~.nd ac@.~pt~d ~~:~~c~ d~:~ ~.f~: ~9~3, COUNCILMAN MT~,LIS EXC~TSE~ HIMSE~F FItOM T'L~ C~L~°~~~ ~~'~~~~F2.~, D~~'~ ~'0 ~ P~SSIB~E CC?NFLICT'OF INTEREST IN THE ~TEXT AGENDA I~M, PUBI~IC HEARING - REZQNE CASE 73-68. R1 ~ll~. S.~ ~RY~,,; y,,~T ~AING Administrator Butch r~vi~wed'that a~~~:~~~v~.~~: a~~.~ r~~~~.v~d frcr~ ~h~ Planna.ng Conaniss~on ~~ecoa~end.ing th~ re:zoning fr~ ~Q19 ~~,~ig;~.~ ~~,,~~.~q ite~3.d~~ag~~1 Distriet, to R-I-D, Single Faa~ailgr Re~ident~.al ~a~~~ "D" ~sv~rrid.e fc~r l~igktt limit control of el~ven fEet ll~.' ~ f~o~ t~~ ~.~.g~?~~~ pe~. ~f ~hc~ house, excludang any cnimr~~ys ared. ~gher apP~x ~:~n~r~~P:,~ o ~'~e rezc~r~~.ng ~.pPlica~i.on was filed by several proper~y o~ne~s on Mor~~~go Str~~~a ~l~p~s~. be~~ag ~.s~~~~d bg~ I}~pu~y City Clerk B~ztcl~ tha~ all r~q~sirem~n~~ a~ p~~~~~d~~. 1~y~ hac~ b~~n ~~rapli~r~ with, Ma~or Schlegel dec].ared tg ~ h~a.~ing ~p~:n ~~d ~.5~~ ~ti°~~sY~. n~9 3~~: l~~:a~d for or against ~Yae propos~ci re~oning, ; ~ The fo~l~ing persons vaere presen~ ar~d ~po~s.~ ~.n ~~~o~ nf ~his r~zo~a.ng: Garthrop Upton, ].218 Monteg~; Mr~. ,Ta~dan Ca~n~~a:aan, 1~22 I`I~~sn~Ag~~ J~rd~.n Country~an, 1222 Mont~:go; G~rald Baker, 22~. i~, Eis~, ~~a.~~° ~af ~n.r of ~he lests ~n Montego; and Jexyce Gountry~an, 1222 Moa~tegc~. T,"here being no fi~rth~r disc~ssion f~r ~ar ~.g~~n~~ tl~~ ~ce~oniiag„ M~~'~r Schlegel declared t~e Y~~aring clos~d, . Af~~r Co~.~.~e~l c3.~s~A.as~a.~n, ~~~,a~a 'incl.~cied the possible even~al. hei:ght ~es~ric~i~n of neF~a ~i~s~.sa~zcg r~n ~Y~~ xa~r~~a sict~ af Montego Street, Ci~y A~torney St~ips~~r read, for ~.~t~ f~.r~~ ~e~d~.ragg ~he ~it1~ of an ordinance am~nd`ing the I~Izinici~pa~ C~de so as to r~~~n~ fr~,.~ It-~ ~.~T~D~ certain propert~ in th.e C~~y of Arrogr~ G~and:~; ~~.~~eaf~~r9 ~~a~icsn ~cd~; byi Caunciiman Wood, s~conded b~ ~~azncilnaan d:e Lec~n ~.nd ~xri~z~~~~~~i~~ ~~.~r~ei~d., ~o dispense with rea~:ing th:~ bal~.nc~ of t~~is ardinarcc~. COUNCILMAN MILLIS RESUMED ~IIS PLACE AT ~ COL~G3~. ~IUNIe CODE AA~END. - ORA.. ,~,OP.T. °,UFDATF~ ~F CT,~`~°S ~'~1~E C~I~;~ City Attorney Shzp~ey re~.d tin~ ~it~.e r,f ~a~°~~.~~~.~~ ~.n~~.c~~.r~g ~Y~~ 196,~ Fir~ Code to eon~orm w~i~th th.e 1973 L~n~f~~¢ F~.i~ C~~.~; ~~~r~;~f ~~~i~n mad~ b~r Councilman Milli~s s~eond~d b~ Ca~n~i].aalan d:~ L~~x~ ~~~~~~aa~ly ~arr~.~d, ~Co dispense wi~h re~.ding the ba~.~.nce of tlai,s o~di~.a~.~~, ORD3NANCE N~, $5 C,,S~~ AN ORDIIVANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYQ GIt~NI3E ~Iv'I~~NG C~P'T~R 2 OF TI~i~E 4 OF TI3.~ ARR~YO GRANDE N1'iTIe1TCIP~L ~C~D~ RE~ATII~G 'I'~ THE UNIFORM FIRE GODE. On motion of Cozz:ncila~an W~x~d., second~d b~ Ce`~~zn~i~~. ~Ii~~.3.s ~nd ~n th~ following ro11 c~.11 vote, to w~~: :4YES; Cduncils~en M'iY~;is,~ Wcsc~d~. de ~~on and M~:yr~~ Sc1~~.~,~'~ _ NOES: None° _ ABSENT: Cc7t~nc~~.n T~~1~~ ~he f~~ego~,ng e~~rd3:nan~~ wa~ pass~d and adop~~~ ~~9.~~ 2~~c~ cl~~ 1~~,, ~9~'3. ~ CITY COUNCI~ ~Z, ~Ra'~ ARROYO GRAND~ , C~~.IFOI~I~ ~ ~PPOINTMENT TO CITIZENS ADU~~~i2.Y ~~~NIT~'~"~~ ° II~~~~~~~.~~~. Ad~aini~~ra~ax~ B~~~~i ~~~i~~~~ ~~~.L ~,~.i~ ~~A~~~~ C~s~a~~~~ G~°~°~~~ ~r~ Planning ~oo~dfn~.~i~:g ~~a~~.e~~l°~ ~~n~,~ ~~~3r~~~;~.~~~m~~~ a~~~~r~~~~. ~r~ City to the Git~.zen~ e A,d~~i~s~~ C~~.~,~~~, b~~~. ~~a=~~~~~~ ~3.~.~ ~s.t~ 1'~~~.~.n~ and Traff:ic Cr~xmniss~;on, ~~i~° r~:~~~a~~~~.~:~.~~a ~y~ ~ y~a ~s~~~ ~<:i;:~ ~.~.d Tratfic Ccrm~?i~sfo~~r ~o ~e Ka.~°~p,~~~i~k ia~ ~.~p~-~~~~~;~ drse~~ ~~~s~~. (~~a~~~~;1 discussion, on xno~i~n of G~ane~~.~.~. 3~ 5,~~~~~, ~~~°~a~~r.~c~~1 `~~y ~~~~,~.~~~~~y ~f~~.~.~~ ~,n~. u~.aniznously carri~d~ Mro F. J. Ki~°~~~~r~.~k s,~~, ~;;~c~ ~~~;.~~~*~~e Ad~i~~~ Cauanittee, as the Ci~~°s r~p~e~e~i~.t~~,v~. RE~TEWAL OF ANNUAL ~,~SE Ff~it ~I`l'~' OW~IS P.C~~~ ~3~~a~q S~ ~;;a~~.Y~S~T, Ad.ministr~.tar B~tx~~h ~d~is~d ~t~~.~ ~~.n~~~~ ~.e~~.~~ ~g~°'~~~~:rz~ ~5~~-~~~r~ Gity and Oba~rashi Brn~. ~~~a.n~.~e~ ~T~u~~ 30, ~'~s~~o ~c~, ~~.~~~r C;~a~n~~.lr~.n NL-~11~~ e question, Gity~ Attorn~g~ S~.yps~y pc~in~~~. ~~a~ ~~a~.~ ~i~~.n~~ ~.n tl~e renewal lea.se g ~roan p~~v~~a~s y ~~.x~s , ~aa~ ~,~.di ~:°d ~a~ ~~:f ~c~ 0 3 ~~.~re~.n; if the Lease is agreeabl~ th~ ~,~~s~e, I,~~~~~; ~~.r°~~~ c~~~ damage, etc. resu.lt~ng f~~an t~z~ ee~r~s~r~e~~~.c~n ~f se~~r ~~~r:~~ Za,~.~., ~'~~c~a ~i~.l i~~ going through ~t~iat praper~~. TFze ~~s:~d~nt ~~~~,~°s~:~~ ~~.~~~~~d ~~.h.~ ~i~y~ tM.at construct~on af gT~aa.t tra~n~C ~a.n~ ~~11 nrs~. e.r~~~x~~~ a~za~.:~~ ~=~f~~~ c~f ~~i~ present crnp h.as beer acc.c~np~.~sh~~, After Cauncil d.i.s~~s~i~~., c~~ r~c~~~c~n ~c~~, s~~a~a~~£~d: by _ Councilman MiPlis anci u~~.r~~c~usly ~~:r~~.ec~, ~~e ~5~.~~~. ar~d ~Z~-~~. v~~~~ ~~x~~~~~~~c~ to sign ~iia b~i~.~:~ ~of :tl~e City, ~I~~.s:~ ~~~e,~n ~~~a~a~'.h_f ~s~~y~~:~s ~.x~e@ G~.~:;r, for : approxi~ately 12 ac~es c~f (~i~ r.~~e~ ~.~.rza ~i~e~~ £~r t1~e ' ~~t~.l amount of $?,36(?.OQ ~ae~ ~e6~, ~~.~ir~g p~a~~~~~~, ~~~c~ ~:a~ ~~f~~~~.~~ from Julgr 1, 1973 i.hr~a~g~ ~~~ne 1~~'~+, OR~, REPORT - L7NDEI€GRa~3A i3'~TLIfiY G~t~RDI~.T:~~t~ GO~MNI~`I'T~~ ~~"7;~.'~~ - M~3~~.5 Cc~unci~ia.n Mi1Tis ~~pc~~tecY c~r~.~.1~~ ~n ~~Se N1~~` ~1~~ rc~e~~:a~~~ ~:~~e ~nd.~~° ground U~.fii~~ Coordi~~.~~.ng Cc~.b~t~~~ ~e~4:~r~ ~Iz~.*~ ~i!~ xt~a.~n n:~~~~ c~f ~isc~~~~.~n had been a. lette~ date~. M~.y T.~., 1~q3 ~r~n. Ca ~e ~~~.~ar~~, NTa~~~`~~~ ~r~~er~ri~o~ c~f P. & E. , wi~icl~ ~.~k~~. :~e~r~n~~~~ ~a~:~~~~~z~ ~ ~:~~c~~~ fi~~.~ie~~ t~ enab~.e a smnather de~~loym:en~ of t~ae Br~trm.~k~ S~~~~~ aa~d:~rg~~a~~ad~.rag p~~~ec~~ Cc~sncil members were f~~nishecl copi~~ of t1~.~ NTa;~ ~.l~:l~ l~~.t~x ~.nd ~o~n~~~.n M~TT~.~ ~~~.e~a~cl ~he answ~rs to ea~~a q~~~t~on ~n ~eq~~n~:c~, c~a~tli.r~~d ~n th~, ~a~~.n~e~ r~~~a~~~ of the Camxnittee's May 21s~ m~~~~.n,~, R,~PORT - ZO~rIE 3 t~UUISQTtY C(~1~I~°T~ 1~~"~'I~T~ Administra~~r I~u~ch ~~port~d ~h~,t ~~i~: ~~~h ~ee~~.ng o~ ~r~n~ 3 Advisory Comu~titt~~ had not b~~~~. ~.~tend~d b~ ~.r~~ ~epr~s~r~.~ati~a~ f~~ ~2~e City, i~~at aceording to a w~it~en ~~g~r~ ~ro~~ ~Ys~ Ccr~~ii~~~e~, ~~a~ Lcp~~ ~k~ I~v~I= eoncession. intake, and p~.xlc attezxdan~e t~.~~ b~~n dis~u~u~~., ~ REPQRT - C~U~TTY ~n1A'~~R ~~,5(3iJRGES ~4~~'I~~E~.Y~~TTE~ ° AND~R.~~1?V Di~ec~er ~f 1'ub~yc T~To~T~~ A~.€~~~~~r_ r~:p9r~c~ci ar_°a~T~ c~n M~y ~xi~. an~~~ing ~f the Caunty Water Revp~.rc~~.~ Advi~ory G~ri~.~~°~~, i.~~.~.~av~.ng ~~~~.t Yn~~~ ~f ~.h~ ane~tirag involved a. r~vies~~ ~~d discus~ion of ~aa~~r ~~nSP~;~~~i~r~ ~~i3~~ ~t~.1~e~nent b~ ~he Water Resources .4dvisory C~a~nrni~fi~~ ~~~i i~~ go~~~~~~: ~.a~~y.~~it ~a~~~. ~c~.n.~~'s M~ster Water P~an. T~e ~m~a:nt~ W~.~e~° R~` ~ur~~~ ~d~~i~~~-~ G~n1~~~~~ ~ai1~ f~trt~.~r revie~a ~flie stat~nen~ and s~.bmi~ a~Epcs~°~ r~~ard-~.rz~ ~aan~ ~~~.r~ af ~~p~rvi~c~r~ for their revie~r. GOUNCIL S'UPPORT OF FQ~NIATTC?t~ ~F WATFR ASS~G~~':~C3~; - R~]~L~~°:~ N1~r.~' 9~ Nl~~~:f~~ Adan3.~xistr~.t~r Ba~~ch. re~r~.~we~. t~.~ ina~i.~~°s~ c~:~~~~~~ee1 a.~ 1`~.~ 9~th ~~~~Cir~g regarding th~ Arroyo Grande Wat~r B~.~in, ~~.ich ~i~~ ~~e~. xc~ec.x~~~.dzd tYa:~.~ the cities using ~the Arr~y~~ ~ra~.d.e `~r~.~~r ~aa~~~x ccar~~~~~~ fax~r~~,.~g '~~.~~r ~~s~c~a- ~ion, and s~apport same ~y p~.ssa~~ ~f ~ r~~~~~a~:~.~~o ~~a~a.r~c;s.l ~~ax~~x~~~d f~v~~- ably taward tYae idea af th~ as~~~~~.~ti~n, 1~~~t ~i~~. ga~~~~:~~~ ~.d.c~pa.i.~~ ~sf:~. ~~~ol~t~.imn suppor~ing same pe~ing ~~a~°~~er revi~~ Iay ~~t}y* ~.~~c~~nr~ ~~a~.ps~_y ~f a r~se~lu~~.on draft prep~red by ~he repr~s~n~.~a~es ~.n ~.~tenc~~,~.~:~ ~L°. N1~~ 9~~ ~u~:~r~.n~o Af~~r Co~zncil disc~.~~ io~, on mca~~ox~ c~f C~ar~ca.lr~~ ~I~? 9~~c,~~d~~. ~~a~°~ ]~.n d~ I~~xa and unan~o~sly ~~.r~i~a., Cau.nc~.l ~e~.~ ~r~ r~~e~?~e~ ~~:in~%~z~..~ i~ f~.~~rs the draf~C form of ~es~~.~~~ic~r~ ~.ncde~~s~r~g t~~r.e £~x°s,-t~t~~~ rw'~~~~° ~~~oe;i~.'~~~0 205 CITY COUNCIL I~~' 22~ ~.9~3 ARROYO'GRANDE, CALIFORNTA ~ ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING :REGULATI~I~S 'FOit W.ATEl~ ~nl~L~ ; ~ . ~~T Ci~y Atto~neg Shipsey _revi~~t~d a~a o~c~~.~~.~~ ~~~~.~.~.~g NE~~:~eig~.1 C~~~ i,n. , regard to water wells in the City. 1~he ne~ -c~~d.a~n.~.~.~~ t~o t~~ ado~gt~d by the Countq ragarding r~g~alations for dril~~.ng~ ~~~,~.~e:~~~~~~, ~b~r~.~~r~~~ ~~c. of wells and is more cvtnprehensive tY~aii tl~~ C~.~~es ~~~~e~~~ ~~~~~~n~~ ~~~~.~c~~n~ ~~i~~ matter. After Council discussion, Ca.tg~ -At~~~~a~:~ ~~~.p~~~ ~'~~~c~9 f~~ fi~st r~~.d~ngy the title af an ordin~.nce <amenciing the Arr~y~ G~~n~.~ I~~.n~~~,p~l C~c~e r~l~ting _t~ ~h~ regulation of water wells i th.ereaft~r, a rao~tion ~i~,~~.~ b~~ Co~~~~~.1~,a~ M~l~~:s g seconded by 'Councilman de ~~n and unar~tano~z~ly c~.~~~.~~.~ ~o c~:~~pc~r~~~ w~:~h r~ad~n~ the balance of:this ordinane~. P ' ESS R~PO _T..`. A- G_ SEWP:R ASSESSMENT I~ISTRIC~' 1~T0.. ~ Administ~ator Btttc~. ad.vi~c:cP t3~.a.~ nc~~ifi~~~~a~ b~~r~ ~~c~~.v~d f~om HUD that an audiC of expendi~~res in regard ~o ~h.~ A~ro~~ ~~and~ ~~~~~,r~ A~~~~~~ent District needs to be made,. and he requested aast~a.~ri~~~~~n ~kg:~ Ci~g~as prasent attditors for this purposey the costs for ~Ya~ ~g, b~ ~.k~~°~~d ~o the assessment distra.c~. Af~er Coanncil discT~zssi~n, ~n r~~~~~s~. ~f Cd~nc~_~a~ Millis, seconded by Cd~ticilman cle Leon .and u~nima~s:~y ca~r~,~~., a~at~xnr~.z~.fiic~n e~~:~ ga:ven to hire the CiCy's present audi~ing firm, DieYa1 & Ev~~s ~~c~ accm~~~.is~. 1t~a~ ~uc~~.C required by HUD on the Se~er Assess~ent Distric~, Administrator Butch furtiher requested tY~.~.t ~.~~~~r~~~.~~,~~ gi~~:n t~ th~ County, Engineers ;,to `extend th~ s~wer tr~nk line ~n l~~ea~~r~ ~~ci~d~ the praperty of Jim Moore, wh~se property h.ad beeiz ~.~~.~~~t~n~~~ ~.~ft of the district. After Council discussion, on motian ~f C~~n~a.l~~ra c€~ ~Pan, secnnded b;y Gounci.lman Wood .and unanim~~s~.y carra~~d, a~z~h~sr~.~~~~~~~ w~~~ t~ ~k~e C~~' Engineers to ex~end the ~ewer tr~.ank line on fic~~~ari~ 5~~~~~ ~~s~ p~op~rty~ of Mr, .Tim Moc~re. OTIG~ RE. ANNUAL ~~.,KS RODEO PAR I)E,~JUNE 2 Administrator B~tch ~.dvis~d tla~t tl9e Co~.nc~.l r~~ ~S~~n ~.rrv~.ted ~o participa.te in. the annual E1ks Rod~a P~ad~ on J~n~ 2, 1973. Co~a~.c~ ~i~n a.nr~f~at~d th.eir intention to attend and gartic~pate. 0 G T U IN ROM E`OF ' IF . C TIES S ~RtT1~SKX ONO D Adzninis~ratar B'~tc'h revi~wed wi~h th~ Council tl~;~ 1~.~e~~ ~~gisl~.tive ~ulletin receive~: fYam ~Ch~ League of Californi~. Ci~i~s, ~mp~.s3~zi~~ the fe~llowing: 1) SB594, was appro~r~d b~ the S~nate, th°~.ts ex~ending f~:~ f~r :~ac~p~:ic~n of mandatory elements to th~ G~neral Plan until Dec. ~19 19Z3; 2) SB~320, L~~g~zz~~ sponsored bi1~. to i,~.crease ~~.t~: and ~:IYoc~~ion of in°li~~ ~,ax; 3) AB12~+3, giving p'ublic .employees the righ~ ~o strike; arid 4) ACA679 w~~~.d give I,egisl~~:i:sar~ ~cantrol over matters naw consid~red mit~ns~e~.pal affai.rs re. ~polic~xi~~~ and fire~end Aciministrator Bu~c~. also rezriewed a~~t~e~ ~ec~iv~d f~am Richa.rci. C~.rp.enter, Director of Legisla~ive Affairs and Gener~.l Coun~el for ~1~,:~ ~.eag~~ of CaYiforn~,a Ci~ies, which advises ~he City that "~natvr Gz~xnslcy chas~n as tl~~ Mras~ Effec~ive Sen.ator b~ h~.s collea~es in the S~z~at~. N.OTICE RE,._ PO.STPONEME1~iT 'QF P& R PUBa I~R.. R~,a. MO1~T~GQ S~". .PAR.K. Admini.stra~Cor Bu~ch. ad~cr~.sed ~he Cc~uncil ~l~t ~tae p~blic h~~.r~,ng ;~~t by `th~ Parks and Recreation Ccmnnission far May 23, 1973 r~garding ~he d~~~:~ed pr~posed nea,ghborhood park on Mon~~go 5treet, has b~en pos~p~ned in~~~~n~~el;~, a~ ~~e c~n~r of ~he proper~y being con;s~.d.~red for purch~:se as ~.cc~~s ~~s~ p~~po~~d .~i~e h~:s shc~~m na interest in sel~i,ng i~C at ~his time~ 0 TO C FOR W ER DS < P OJ 60~ 73-1 AVE & Q K S Director of Ptibl.ic W~rks Anderson ~evi~~,r~d ~is r~p~rt ~.nd c~st ~s~3~.tes dated Ma.y 22~ regarding ~he nec~ssi~y of insCal~.ing g~~~,~~r c~pac~.t~ ~.~Cer Iines required ~y the develop~tent of the maCe1 on El C~m~i~,~a R~~1 b~~~~n.:~ak 5~~~~t and Bell S~r~et, anct a ffr~ h.~'d.rant, ~rhich cas~s ~,rill b~ c?a~rged. tl~~ d~~'~Yop~r. He fur~h.~r r~camm~nd~e~. that $'~'1~i~s ~.lso b~ ins~a.Tl~d an ~~k Str~~~ b~~caeen B~n:n~~~ A~r~nvte an~ Corx~w~.11 Aven~e for be~ter circ~:7.a~ion, .wr~~c'~ ~r~.i~ lc~~g in~c~ the line on Grand Avenu~. I~e recnies~C~d Cca~axncil a:pproval ~f ~1~:~ ir~s~.17.~.~s:on ~.nc~ ~xi~ka~~`~z~° tion to aa11 for bids f~r Chis;projec~, Af~er Cr~ttnc~I ctfscu~s3.on~ ~n ~~f.csn o;~ C~s~nc~.lr.~an W~~c~~ ~~~onc~~d. b~ Cc~ttrtc~l~* m~.n d~ 7~on and unan3sac~.ts Y~ car~ie~. ~~pp'~~~ra.]: and a`~~~~ri~~~i~n c~~s g~an~e~t adv'~~"Cise ~he c~:I~ ~o~" bi:ds fox ~he ins`tal~~~~~: c~f 6°' va~.~~r xn~.ins on 0~k S~~~ b~t~~!n G~rn~ra11 A~~n~ and B~nn~tt A~n~~, ~:nd on Bsnx~~~~ A~n~~ ~~~~~n U~ 5~~~~ anet B~I7L S~~eti ~oge~a~r wa:~n on:e ~~~~e ~r~nG, P~e~j~~t ~~s 60r^~'~a1$, Wi~h said bids ~CO be opened ~7a~n;e 8, ~9'~3 at :2.U0 P.M. a:11~~ C~tr~ci.l C~~b~~s of ~~a~ Arx`a~ro Gr~n,e~e C it-~ Ha l1. ~~~~p CITY COUNCIL 1~s5: :~2~ ~9~3 ARROYO GRANDE , CALZFORI~TIA FAGE ' ~ ACCEPTANCE OF 'ONE°HEiLF WIIITH CU~ Dl~ St~C ~.~IS~S~d S°~e _~~t~3~T~I~~t~~. S~ ~~EDS ~ Dir~ctor ~of~~=P~.blic,-Wor~s ~And.~rso~ ~~.~~~~~.e~~~i ~"~.t ~~,n ~c~~:~~~~~s.oa~~=~ri~~a~~:~.p~pr~~r~.1 of Lot Sglit Ca.se No, 71a149 whic~ requ~.x°~c~ f~,sl~. a~ap~o~r~~~zi~ ~f on~-'h~3.~' ~f Ha.rrison .Stree~ and ter~nin~~tio~ of :sa.id ~,1~ c~~.°~~m~a~ .~.~c~ deeiica~~ p~'~p~r~y for stree~t purp~ses, ~ha~ ~he~e r~q~ir~ae~:~~ 'ti~~n e::~~~.~~~. ~a~t~~~ ~~~nd~.~°d.s. After Cvuncil discussion, on an~ti~n of ~~~~.c~lErz~~ TnTs~~dS s~~~z~~~c~ l~y Cz~s~~,c3.~a~~ d~ ~,~on and .un~nimously carried, th~ i.a~prov~nn~~,~~ ~.a °~ns~~:1~.~c~ ~~~~.~c~n ~~r~~~ xa~r~ acaepted, cansisting of stre~t a.~r?px~e~vement, ~r~.te~ ar~c~. ~~~'~~~r liiz~~; ~.~.d ~h.e Irrevacable & Perpetual Inst~ment fra~ Daryl ,~.xic~ B~~ni~~ A. ~~.~.~c~ ~~d Carrol R. and Joan L, P~a~~t for tTie ded.~ca~Ci~n for ~t~~~t p~.~~pa~~~ , in:c ~~c~i.r~~ ~o ~~rb returns, of portions of 1.and in B1ock 2~ ~f B~c1c~tl~v~ C~o~n H~~~1 P~e~di~~~n, ~a~s accepted sub3ect to labor and anat~ri,al r~lea~~s, ~.nd t~.e M~3~~~ .~.~:c~ C~~ Clerk w~re authorized to sign the Geztific~.~e of A,cc~pfi~r~c~ c~~ b~ka~.if :ss~ Ci~:y, 1~AYOR SCHLEGEL EXCUSED HIMSELF FROM THE COIT~T~I~ ~~3ANI~~Et~S 'B~~ ~'~3 Ei .P~~SI~~,E CONFLICT OF 'INTEREST IN THE FOLLflWING "AGE~TDA I'1'EM, .P,NT? fi~JR1VED ~ai~ ~F~I.~2 C~~~I~ 'i'0 GOtT1tCI7~T` WOOD. ACCE~'~ DEEDS A,ND IMpRO`IEEMENTS `IN TRAG~ N0. ~+3~+ L~Y3D ItE~AS.E OF I~IP~OV~MMENT BOND Director of Pub3:ic Works Ande~son r~~i.~~~~. ~~b~ ~~mp~ ~t~d i~px'~v~en~s m~.d.e to Tract No. 434, adjac~nt to ~.sn~. R,i~~c~, a~.c~ ~~~~~~c~~.~, ~~y~; G~~y ° s~.cceptance of the improvemen,ts in this trac~ anc~ ~h.e Tmpxov~~~cda.~ Ban~. ~~~.~~,s~d. He ~urtka~x~ recommended ~he accep~n.ce nf fo~~° d~~ds ~m ~iv~ f~g~~ d~~,~n~.~~ ~~,~e~eni~s ~long the north side of Huasna Ro~.d, In I~~.s men~.o e~.~~~ 22~c$. ~~~a~~a.ng ~his tract,. he had listed faur itcros r~ai~.ing tc~ ~e ~c~ra~ng~,:i~~i~:d; t~~-r-~r~~e~, l~~ r~;par~~d ~1~..~G these items h.ad been crnnpl~~~d prio~ to ~he ~s~~~na.a~~9 ~ Ccsr~,rx~il ~a~~~~~i~g. ~i After Council disctnssz~n, ~ m~o~ion ~s ~n~.d.~ ~~r ~~~~an~il~r~n c~e L~~n~~, a,°:+ seconded by Councilman Mi1~.is and aznan~anc~s~~l~ ~~.~r~~.~., ~h.~ :~tpx~~v~~n~s in Tract No. 434 be accepted b~ *~.e City and ~~he i~i~rc~~r~~nent ~b~~.~:~ b~ r~l~~.s~d. On rnotion of Councilman M~11i,s, se~c~nd~d by ~~~znca:li~a~ cic~ LE.~n ~.rui ~n~,n.~~t~sly carried, drain~~e easemexi~t deeds on a portian ~f ~'~~t 13 ~ra~ 1~.~s~~di~.si~n of a part of the Ranchos Corral c1e ~iedra, I~fsmc~ an~ Bnis~ d~ C~~~~siis~.:~, wer~ accepted from Jc~seph and Patricia F: ~ro~gh.; Je~~~ A. ~,nd P~tricYa 1~, Ram~y~- Gary Leon :and Sh~.ryn Gay Mu~lins~ ~.nd ;Itt.n,c~ Et1z~~. N~~~c~n; and ~t~~ M~:~'or a~d. C'a:~y Clexk ~rere authori.z~d ta sign t~~ Ce~tific~.tes of A~c~p~ance ox~ beh.~.~.f of ~h~ City. : MAYOR'9CHLEGEL RESUMED THE CHAIR AT 9i34 PoMe FU~LIC HEAR.TNG RECOMMEN.DELI RE.. SPENDTNG dF `R~VE~TfJE 'SHr'~RI11T~ F'T~1DS - Councilma.n Millis ar~.de ~h~ reco~unenci~~i~~. ~hat a p~.b~.i~ h~~~ing 1z2 held regarding th.e CitSr's ~.se af t~ Fec1Er~.l. R~~~n~:~ S1~rin~ f~:x~d~, ~o get ~ better indication froan ci~izens on ',~.~ca ~Cl~:e~r £~~7~ t~e ~rra~n~.es ~~ir~~bc~ be A.dm~.r~is~ra- ~Cor Butch in,dicated ~I~.a.t Jt~~~ 2d, I97.~ ~'a~ ~1~~ c~~~.d1in~ se~ fe~~ :sub~~.~ting report ~o the gave~nent on hoza ~h.e Cr~ p~an~ ~c~ sp~nci tks~ f~ands. APPRECIAT~Ol~j EXPRESS~D BY COUNCI][,~TM~'V DE I,~ON Co~,ncilman de I,eon expr~ss~:d .ap~r~ci~~ia~n ~c~ tk~~ Cs~~nc~,1 ~:~~.r considepation cluring his ~ec~nt abs~~~~ d~a.~ ~to i11~:~~~ in }nis f~n~.ly. I~ECEIPT OF :OP~ ~A~;E~ & CONSERVATION $I,EM:~NTS 6~~ G~~~I~ PT.,~N Aelministrator Butcta ~.d,tris~~. ~~ga~t th~ O~~n Sp.~,~~ and ~~n~exvation Elem~n~s of the General Plan ha.ve now be~n co~pl~~~d. ~.nd t~~ ~l~nx~:~ng Co~~~:s~icrn t~s s~t' a stud:y session on tlie xn~.tt~~ f~r 'i~.tescla~, Z`'~~y 29`1~ ~';~O P,M. ,APPEARANCE ~F MRS . STURDEVANT 'RE _ . PRIVATE W~I,I,S Mrs. Sturcl~vant, 251 SprbtcP, raas pr~~~~t anc~ ~~qu~~~~d inf~~.~ion reg~.r~ia.ng private wa~er sael~s on her p~oper~~. She ta~.s c$a.r~~t~d ~i~h Direc~or of P~utblic Works An~.erson for c~.a.rifica.t~.a~. of ~.ier q~a~~~~~,~n.s. AAJOURNr~1~T.C TO EXECU'i"rVF~,'SESS~~N FOR PE1~.SO1~TE:G I~A.~~~RS On motion ot Cauncil.ffnan de I~;on, s~c~oxid;~d b~ Cc~~~n~i~~rx G3~od and ~xnanis~eus~:y c:xarried, the Coun,cil adjotarned a~: 9:4.2 P,M, ~:x~cua~~~~ ~~~s~.~n to disc~s .p~rsonnel m~.tters. .,~CONVENEMENT 1°he Council recan~v~n~d ~.~k 10;45 F.M. c~ri~T~ ~.~1 ~m~ax~b~rs pr~~~~t as_~hc~can can. rol~. call. 20~ G'I~.'Y COUNGIL ME~Y' 22 ~ 19'~3 ARROYO G.RANDE, CAZIFORI~IA FAGE ,7 REMINDF=,R, RE BUDGET STUDY 'S~SSIONS '~SE~' 'FOR MAY Z3~.~~ J~'~~ ~o-Tl~.. & JL~E 1.1~ Administrat6r Btztch re~ninded ~he C~ncils~~n r~~~.rc~ing ~h~ baad.g~~ ~~aa~.~ sessions set tor 7:30 P.M. c~n ~Iag~ 29~h, Ja~~:~-4~Ya ~n.r~ ~~z~~ l~,~h. ADJOU~T On motion of Councilman Mi.llis, second~~. 1~~ C~~~.ci~snan c~~ I,~on-.a.nd. t~x~nim~~z:s~y carried, th~ meeting ad joasrned at IO o 50 P.M. ~an:ti~ 30 P,M. , MAY '2~ 9 I973. ATTES~: ~`~-y~ti~-,~j . ~ ~ ~ t~~~ DEPUfiY :CI'i'Y C'I~RK M~YOR; CITY CQUNCIL MAY-299 1973 ARR~YO GR.ANDE, CALIFORNIA ~.30 P.M. The regular -adjourned meeting scheduled far thi~ d.~.t~ tia~s not held dase to the lack of a quort~n, The regular adjourned meeting ~o study ~h~ prop~a~~d. 196~~~4 ~a~:nicipal budget:was resCheduled for J~zne 4, 1973:at 7e30 P j; . z ~ ATTEST: ~ ~'~l~r~ ~~~'~~-~'~--t' ~ D~PUTY CITY C~E~RK. 1~YOR CITY COUNC IL JUNE '4, 197`3 ARRQYO GRANDE , CALI~'O1t1~TTA 7: 30 ' P. M. The Citq Council met in regu;~ar -adjourn~d. s~ssion wa.tla Ma.g~or S~hlegei p~esiding. Upon xo11 ca11, C~unail M~mbers Mi1~is, Talley, Wood and ~e;I~ec~n regorted present. _BUD~T:_~„~ ;S~SSZON ~ ~ ~ The Coun,cil .and Admin~,strator B'cs~tch conti.xr.a~ed r~~i~ of the 19~3=7~ prel3:minary Munici.pal B~udget, starting ~ai~h ~Y~:e Fire D~p~.f~ri~nt°s bvadget an~ continuing thrrnzgh and completing the ~nd o~ the buclget. S,,~FT~,,, ~7~TDY SESSIQN FOR R Z1F=NUE SHARING I~UNDS„r,- _JUNE 11 As the study of the preliminary Municipal Btndget h.~.d been .carrrpleted, Admini.strator Butch recom~tended. and the C~aznc~~ .agreecl to s~t ~ st~:xdy session for June 11, 1973:at y;30 P.M. far ~h~ purp~se of disc~s~in~:th~ Federal Revenue Sharing funds . . ~,,DJ_flURNMENT On moti.on of Cauneilman Talle~9 s~cond~d by ~c~~ncil~san de L~on an~ unanimously carried, the m~e~ing -adjo~urne~. .a~ 11;00 P.M. a~ntil 7:30 .P.M., _ _ June 11, 1973. ~,~`y.,. ~ ~ ~ ~~--~-x..X~:~ AZ°~EST~ ~ DEPU'.~Y C~7,'Y CLERK MAY~R