Minutes 1973-06-11 2 ~~j CITY COUNCIL JtTNE ' I1, 1973 ARR.OYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30'P,M. The City Council met in regular adjos~~x~~:d session with Mayor Schlege~. presiding. Upon roll ca11, Council Members MilTis, Talley, W~od and de L~on reported present. DISCUSSION RE EXPENDTTURE OF FEDERAL REVENtdE SHARING FUNDS The Council reviewed and discusaed $ lis~ of ten suggestions prepared by the City staff for expenditure of the federsl revenue sharing funds. After Council diseussion, expenditure of the funds far t~e fallawing pu~pases was agreed upon: $20,QQ0 far the development of the praposed com~nunity building and $25,OQ0 for general land purcha~e. It was further decid~d that an additional $25,000 be added to land purchase, to b~e us~d for parks, fire station, drainage or any other general City use. „~,SCUS^ION ItE PROPQSED ~.~DETING AF 'OLb P/D FACI~,ITY AND CIT"„~I~L Tlze Council reviewed twe r~ports grepared by Buildi~ag Tr~spector Nordin, which gives cost est:Lmates for remodeling af the Wa~~r Dep~.~*~~r~~, Council Chsmbers, A~miai~txator's Offi~e' and the old police facil3t~~s. After review and discussion of the repor~s, the Council was in ag~eement tkz~t something should be don~ to iinprove and reimodeY the pr~sent City Hall c+ffic~es. AD.FO~T On motipn of Councilman de ~on, secondad by Councilman P~illis and unanimously carried, the meeting ad~aurneci a 0:2Q P.M. ~ : ATTEST: ~ ~ ~r~ ~ ; c~/~= ` ~ DEFUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL JUNE 12, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Gouncil met in regular session with Mayor Schle~el presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Millis, Ta11ey and Wood reported present. Councilman de Leon is absent. FLEDGE OF A?..L~GIANCE AND INVQCATION Mayor Schlegel lead the Pledge of Allegianee to our Flag; and i~ranediately thereafter, Councilman Millis delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF M_ Nit ES ~'he a?inutes of the re~ular mee~ing of May 22, 1973 and Che regular ad~ourned xaeetings af May 29th.and June 4, 1973, were approved as prepared. . APPROVA,L OF WARRANTS Onsnotion of Councilman T~lley, seeonded by Councilman Mi11is and unanimously carried, Pay~oll Warrants No. 4797 and No, 5656 through No. 5735, in :the'~~t~tal atnount of $12,863.94; and General Warrants Na. 114 through No~ 125, No. 127 through No. 135a No. 12Q31~ No. 12035 through No. 12037, No. 12328 through No. 12365, and No. 12431 through NA. 12482, in the total amount of $49,543.57, were approved aad ordered paid. COUNCI~AN DE LEON ENTERED DURING THE ABOVE MATTER. ~UTfiORIZE F~FF~ EXEMPT FTREWQRKS LICENSE - A G RAINBOW GIRIS ASSEMBLY NO 100 Administrator Butch advis~d that a letter has been r~ceived from the Arroyo Grande Rainbow Girls Aseembly No. 100, requesting a fee exempt businesa license to sell safe and sane fireworks. After Council discussion, on mati.on of Councilma.n Ta11ep, seconded by Councilman Wood and unanimousLy carried, ~pproval was granted tYzat a fee exempt business license be issued to the Arroyo Grande Rainbow Girls Assemhly No. 1Q0, far firewarks sales ~.t 18th and Grand Avenue from June 28th through Ju].y 4, 1973, subject to a11 Fire Department requirements. ' RECEIPT OF 1971-72 S~EWARDSHIP REPORT FROM STATE D~PT 0~'P.AEtKS & RECREATION Ad~ministrator Butch advised that the CiCy has received a copy of the 1971-72 Stewardship Reporfi from the Sta.te Department of Parks and Recreation, which will be on file in the City Hall..