Minutes 1973-06-26 2 i ~ITY COUNCId~ ~~9 ~9~'3 ARROYO GRA1~D~ ~ CA~,I~~~~IA Tla~ Ci~~ C~~anc~l ~c~~ ~n r~g~l~~ ~~~~~:~rc NI~~~~ ~~~~~,cY~~~m ~ Up~an r~l~ ~~~1, ~C~u~~ci~ M~m~b~;~~ ~M~.l,1i~, ~ Ta1~Lc~~ ~~~ar~~~~ ~pr~~~~t, ~ Coun~i~~n~r~ [~~c~d a~b~~r~t, $ FII~E ~3~ ,1~,.,I,~ ~G~1~„~~ .A~D T~~G~1`~I~1V i~.y~r 5c~~.~~~~. ~l~~d ~~ic~ 1~~.~d~~ ~f c~~a.~a~~~ ~n d~~ ~~,~~9 ~nc~ ~~e~d~~~~~~v; tk~er~~.ft~r, C~s~kan~~~~n~n M~~,ls,~ d~~~v~x~~ ~~z~ ~.~~3~~~.~~~~:, A~PROVA~, M~1Ld~ES x~?i~an~~~ ~1~~ ~c~~~l~r ~c~~~~~i~~d ~~~~in~ ~~az~c~ ~.~.~~9 ~h~~ ~~gu~~~~ ~ra~~t~n~ ~f J~xn~ 12~fl~, ~.r~~: ~1~~ spec~~.l a~~e~~im~ ~~n~ P8 ~ 19~'~ 9 ~~~e~ ~p~pr~~a~~ pr~p~~ed, A~'~'R4~'AI. _Q~' T~Y.A ' TS Or~ ~~~i~~n o'f G~~anc3~...~~n `~~.ll~~m s~~c~~ad~d 1~~ Goa~~~~.~~~~ M~l~is ~.nd ~.nani° mou~ly ~~rri~c~, Pa.g~r~ll W~.~~~n~~ ~T~a ~~~6 ~~:d ~7~. ~77~~ ~~~~~•~g~, .~d. 5~9~, ~,r~ tl~~ t~~al aa~cau~.~ ~f $~~a~87r~e~~; ~~n~~a~. W~.~~~.n~~ ~T~p ~.3~ ~~~~c~~.~~ ~3e~o ~L~1 ~r~e~ No. ~24~~x t~~x~~~zg~~ 125~1, ~~n~ ~c~~~l ~~k~^~n~ ~~~,~~~.7,Fa, arc~. ~ Agen~y W~.~~~.~ats 1V~~o 2d~1 tt~~°~~ngh ~Tu~, 2~87, ~n t;~~c~ ~~s~~~.~ ~~,~9019.~3, ~~~r~ app~a~~d and ~rd~r~r~ p~ ~.d e ~UTHORIZ~ FEE E~£EMP'~ BUS~IVESS LTC~IVS~ ~ FTL'~°CTTIE~ J~~'CEE~ ~ F~1t~~ORI~ SAT~~ ~ ~~~~~~n ~f ~C~~.n~il~a~n d~ ~~,~or~s ~~c~~.c~~~. I~g~~ G~u~nci~~.~. ~~,~.1L~~ ~~~x~c~ ~n~ra~° r.i~usly c~.x°~~~d~ ~:~~ra~~.Z ~r~.nt~d. ~~k~~~ ~ ~~~~~.pt ~~.~in~~~ ~~c~r~~~ b~ iss~.ec~ i~~ ~k~~ ~°i~~wC~.ti~s J~.yc~~~ f~r ~~.n~ ax~cY safe ffr~~a~~~~ ~~~.~s ~h~ Wa~ll~~.m~ B~°~t~~~~~ a~?cappa.n~ C~nt~~ f~~.~ .7~nn~ ~8~~ ~~:r~aag~ .T~~~- ~.9~39 ~~a~~y~~~ ~o a11 ~~r~ D~.p~.r~~n~ ~~c~~air~r~~nt~e ~°~~~.~~t~d. b~ A~gl~~,r ~e ~p~~,~, S~c~~~~~°~' of F~,~e°•C~~~.~~ ~~:~c~~~ , AU`TH~RT~E FEE EXEMT'T I~U~Tl~~SS ~,IG~NSE ° AMERTCI~V d~GT~i~ FOS~ 136 ° EZREWORKS SA~ES ~r~ r~f C~~~~il~rr~n ~'a~~.~~, ~~~~ncl~c~ ~3~ C~~an~~.~~an d.e 3~~~n ~:r~~. ax~~~Yi- ~~us1y~ ~~;~~~.~d9 ~pp~e~•~a~1 ~~s gr~.~t~d ~Y~~~" ~ f~~ ~~~~s~~: t~~s~.r~~~~ l~c~:~y~~ b~ issu~c~ tl~~ ~z~r~c>an L~~i~xi, Post ~.3E~ f~r ~~ra~ ~~d ~afe f~~~~ar~~ ~a1.~~ ~.t ~.CJbO ~ra~d ~~r~~,~~~ ~nc1 ~,~~3 G~~.nci A~~n~~~€:, frcr~n aJ'~ar~~ ~~x°~~,gl~ J~~~ ~e 19~3, g~ ~~1Y ~i~~ ~D~~ar~~~~; ~r~q~.~~~r~~~~~9 ~~q~.~~~~~d. b~ Gb~~~~n~L7~l~h~ Com~c+.~.nd~~ cf A~~ra~~~.n ~~gion P~s~ ~3Co A~I_~I~RI~~ R~kiTi~ttD OF BIJT~,DING -P~~MIT FE~S ° Mc~E~ Ad~i~ni~tr~.t~r Bv~tcl~ r~ac~ ~~.~tt~~ d~~ed 9, 1973 fr~ D~n E, Nlci~n~~e and ~°~~i~w~d. C~~xnci~ ~w~c~ ~~~mc~~ ~€~~~i~~d frona Bu~.ldir~g Inspe~tar N~rdin and Plan~ing D~r~~~c~r ~al~.~p, a~T " i~. r~^~~.~d ,a b~a~l~in~ pe~mit f~~ r~f~.nd r~qr~~~t~d b~ Mra M~IlP~.n~~, Th.~ rv:~~n~x~d.~c~ t~at a~~.y~ th~ B~.ildin~9 Pl~n`bix~g9 Elec~ri~~.l ~.nd S~~~r ~n~~~.l~.~.~i~n ~~~ait~, ~~~~.lir~g $3~7050~ be r~f~~d~d~ as th~ or~gii~.e~lly s~abYai~~~c~ p1~.n~ ~~.el, ~~~ck~c~ and S~ip ~.nd. M~.~~~ f~~~ ~ol~.~ct~d i~. cnnj~r~~~G~c~~ ~it~, ~l~~.z~ ~~~el~~ ~~fi~a,i~ng $1~~a35o T~~ ~cc~~xnt nf $17.2e35 could not b~ c~~d~t~d ~9W~a~~q~~r~~ p~.~.r~~ ~~la~~~t~c~s t1~~~~ p~an~ s,~e~°e comgl~~~l;~ diff~r~~~ fro~ ~~iga.~.~lsa S~. M~Haxa~;~ ~s~.~ p~~,~nt anci answ~r~ci ~1~e ~~axn~~l° ane~.°s que~~i~ai~ r~~~r~ir~~ tk~e x~stere Ait~x C~a~~c~l ~.iscu~sic~n, ~n ~ra~~i~r~ of Co~a~~ilaa~~n Mi1~~~9 ~~~~nd~d Cda~~c~~ l~n~.n d~; 1~~on ~.n.d ~an~~.;~,xn~a~sl~ ~~.r~i~~, ~:uthori~~ti~~ za~~ ~~~,n~~d, tc7 r~~a~~.c~ ~o Doi~ Eo Mc~~nc~~ th~ ~~~a~n~ ~f $~47e50 f~r ~~ilds.ng: P~~~t~ n~*~ a~s~d.. INF~. ~'R~M C~~,.~~I~ C~MM~RCE AGT ~T~'IES & ~~.?MM'~T~~'Y DE~'EF~J~. ~~V~~.' Adin~nistr~~~~° ~azt~k~ res~i~~ed s~~~r~.1 ~~~~za~ ~~~~i.~r~c~ ~~~rd~ ~1~~ Ax°~~~~ ~~~.nde Ch~~ber caf C~m~n~r~~, ~n~ b~ix~g a~a~~~~ic~r~r~ire b~ing ~o all A~r~~~ G~~axd.~ busine~~e~ ~o a~c~~~~in ~t~eir d~~ire~ f~r ~ssc~t~nit~ ~~~~1op~~n~~ and '-±i~.~~a~~~~ tion ~h~~t r~g~~din~ tl?~ ~a~i~~~as ~c~i.va~t~,e~ ca€ ~~e Cl~.~~b~r ~d~x~~a~YP~~:~ ~r~~ 3~~~.~e ~°~T~x ~x~M ~~.c~n.r~~; . Go~~~~~ m~ RacE ~~.c~s Ad~a,r~i~t~~tc~~ ~~~cta ~~v~~~,pecl ~ l~~t~~~ f~~~ ~ir~~ M~.~o~ ~h~ Ci~G Areadiay ~ar~~.r~g c~ppwsa.~~on ~f 13~49 ~a~.~c~ z~~;~a4~. ga.v~ ~on~~~l c~f l~es~~~r~c~ng and rac~ t~~:ek~ tt~ S~~~e ~.nd r~~~r~~~ loca~ c~~~~~~o TkA~: ~r~a~r~cilar~~:n d.iscaxss~d t~~ ~n~.~4:~~ b~~.~f~~9 ~.~~~~:a~ng ~1~~.~ ~t~~~ are i,n c~f ~a~ax~~ 9oc~~:~, con~rol tt~~n St~.t~ ~c~~~~~19 ta~~ f~~ling ~tt~~~ ~~i.~~ ~p~rta~~a~~~..~ ~a~G~~~ cla~~~ ~a~~ r~ally ~a~~~ain ta th.i,~ Ci~~. SLTPPQR'I' ID~A C~~' Tii~~~ND~1V~ R~'~4P~'~»~.~T~~1~°.~ COI~SSIO~ °.ASSEM~L~i~1V B~ND E1d~~nistr~:~~~° Ba~~~rq ~°~~A~.~~Q~ ~ks~A C~°~n~i1 Y~tte~ ~.nd iaa~Fa~~a~3on r~~eived ~~cam A~~~:mbYlyc~~n Iiil.~ ~~xzc~S r~~~~c~.~n~ a prca,~€;r~ kre a.~ ~nnci~~~~,~ing 4~~ ~~~ve~h~~l th~ r~~.pp~r~i~r~~~i~ ~.n ~k~~ St~t~ C~.~~.£~~nia~re A~~~xs~bl,,~an Bond pr~pose~ ~~~~~.opxn~~.~. an. i~nd~g~r~dc~n~, ~.~n°~Sa~ti;~~n ~~~ppc~rt~~~!:r.~~t CITY G~t~'RTC~~ ~`~~E ~~9 A~.itOY~ ~R~iI?E, ~A~~~~1~`VIA ~ ~ 2 ccsx~~.~~~~~ ~n~ rc~~.~~~~~ ~~~~Cc~a~r~c~~.°~ ~~~.~p~~°~t ~pr~~~c~ ~~T~:~ ~„x~~~~~~~ t~ ~n ~e~~~~r.~~~~~~a ~P~~~~ 1aac~ ir~~l~~dc~,~. c~~~~~~~ ~p~~ i~.~~~~.~.°~mr~~ ~~.3~,_~~.~~~~.o Af~~~ C~~~~~~. c~~,~~:~~~~.~~9 4~~~~~~z~ ~f C~~~~a~~~.~.9s~~i~ `~~T~,~~~, ~~~,~~L~~. Cc~~~~c~:~~,n ~Mi~.~.i~ ~,n~. ~~.~.~,z~s,~~~asT;a ~e~~~~°~~c~, ~~ae G~~~~~.~ ~~x~~~°~~~~.~,~~ 1~~~~~° b~ ~~r~~~~~~ As~~~~~~.~r~ 1~~~°ks~ ~~~~,p~ ~s ~~,n~; i~fi~~. ~f ~i~c~~;~a~,~r~W~~ ~~~.~~~~ra9 b~~ al~~a ~.~c~~,~.~~Yn~ ~~~~~~~i~`~ara~ r^~~~^~~ ~f ~~~.~~,+~~c~~ ~f r~pr~~~ns~.~~~~:~ ~t~~s~i~~. FUR~T-d~R DI~~L'~~T~~ - W~6~I~S A~?IMAL SI~L~`ER. B~J~~~fi ~~~~~°~C`~ R~~T~n1A,L ~~~~~,~tr~-~~~ ~B~t~~. r~~a~~~~d~ ~p~~vie~~~ ~~~~~n~~ b~ ~~~pr~~~x~C~~3~~~ ~r~ ~.i,71 ~g~~ea.~~ `~~~.n~ ~~r~i~~d l~~r W~~~.~ A~.~,cr~Y 5~~~,t~~~ and ~~abv~~a~~n~ ~~a~n~:e~° ~f~~r a~~cl~ ~h~~~~~. H~ r~port'_~t~.~~ Mr~e C~~~.~,~n~,n ~f t3~~ W~u~d~ An~.~a~ SheTter, ~.ad s•~f~~.~~d c~~nn~~~°~ff~~° prcapra~~d ~a~a ~~u~ c~x~~~°~c~i~:g ~~,ta.tie~~ ~ra~. rndi~~.t~d th~t- ~f T~~~cY~ ° k~~nd.g~~ re~~~~~ is n~~ ~,~c~p~~~., ~~.~y ~,a~~9.d. 1~~~~ t~ ~;o ot~t ~f b~~~n~~~. Ad~~,ni~~r~to~ B~tc~ ~Y~~,g c~n~r~~~~~.g; en~iti~~ z~~~ald h~.ve ~.n.~~~.e~r ~~.is ~rtatt~r in Ja~~.y, ~nd t~~,~ M~~. T~~~ ~3ad ~~f~r~a t~ ca~.ti~.~~ a~~ ~o~~.~~.~~ f~r ~.n ~.dd~.t~cs~.~l a~~r~~~~9 ~.~n~i~ ~7~~,~ ~9739 enabl~ t~~€~ ~,:~.t~.~~ ~~c~. c~a~n~~ ~.dd.~~ian~~. t~m~ ~c~~~ie~~r ~~aa~ PZIBLIC HEAl~.~~"vT~ °~~Z~:VE C~4.S~ ~3-~9 R-1 T.0 P°I) ~7.4~~~ I~ _~RID ~.S°~ 'READI~~ Ac~nir~~s~~~~:~a~°r r~v:~~~a~d. ~~~.~t ~ r~~~~.~~~.~an ~p~s ~a~.~~n ~°~~:ei.~a~d. fr~ tl~~ Pl~,nx~i~.g G~~s~~~n :r~~;~x~er~~.~.ng ~k~P .ez~~i~g f~~~ R-18 S~~~3~ ~~,~ra~.y Re:sid~nti~.l ~ Dis~zic~t, P°d~~, -P~,~.ra~~d. D~~elopanen~~t -D~stric~:a ~f ~~pl~'~c~x~~t~ i~~ ~T3 ~.djacen~ ta VaZT~~ Rc~~rl, ~Eqa~~s~~d iaS' _~PP~.~.~,~,~~~~sc k~~ d~~~~~n. W~;;~~ H~~s. A pr~°ten~~t~.~~ sn~.~ ~~~~~~~a~~ propos~:d ~.~v~ic~~~a~nt rs~ ~:~a~ p~~p~:~':~, ~.l~o sub~rt~~rfl ~~~:c~ ~e~~~~~~c~. ~ps~~. '~~i~ag ~z~~a.~.~~c~ b~ I~~~~~t~' Cs~~;~ C~.~rT~ ~~~c;ka ~~t ~.11 r~qna~r~~en~~ p~~~a,cl~'e~ ~~r ~i~~ h~d beGn ~;c.r~ri~`~~~~ l~~e~~ ~.~~lar~d. t~.~ h~~~~,~g ~}~~n a~~ p~~~~ns w~~a1d n~~~ F~~ o~ ~=.a~~.~.r~~~ tl?~ px~pc~~~d r~zrs~c~.:n~. ~~Y~r~ ~c~~.~g ~:i~~,~~~~.~n ~o~ ~g~,~.n~~ ~~~e~~a.~~9 M~~.~~~ Sc~.~.e~~l d~cl~rec~ ~.~~r~xa~ ~~l~a~~cl. ~Co~a~t~il p~.r~~,~~ ~,~~c~~~~~.~~sa ~f ~p~c~~ ~~rs~~~i~~ ~~~.~a, ~~:~r~g p~.°~~y~•~w~.~.~i~ conc~~n~a~ d~:~;~,~w~.~~g rc~p~~.~:~bi~ ~ry ~f ~pk~ep o~ ~ px~og~~5~c~ c~~~,~r~~.~~ ~rh.ich Sa~aa~ci _~1~~ ~ p~s~sv~ r~-~~r~~t~.on~1 ~.r~a (~~tr~!n b~,~~~~.~~;., ~.~~cv,~~'~~~ t~.~~~,r~.ng, ~t~~.). P~~~.~.~.~g ~~~c~~,~~ic~n~r 5p~.~rli~g w~~ pr~~~n~ ~.n.~. ~~.d~c~~~=d ~:h.~~ t~.is has n~~ b~:~~ e~t~b~~~~^~~d. Adxnin~.s~rator B~n~~T~ s~~~~d t~~.~. ~.s t~~ ~~~,nn~l ~oa~Id serv~ ~;~~~~s~.rec~ p~.~lcland ~equ~re- ~~n~9 ~a~~.l~ b~ d~d~~at~d t~ ~1~.~ Gi~~y ~~?1~ic~. Urc~a~Id xn~.k~ t1~` Ci~y r~~p~nsible fc,~ ~~t;~~~: ~,3p~.~~p. Ca~~.~:ci~i~~i Mi3.~.~.~ p~~nfi~d cs~a t~~t ~it~a th.~ . addea p~pa~~.~~~s~~ ~f ~h~.s t~~c~ ~nd tl~~ c~f pr~~~~~d ~a~b~~.~ ~~n~ park iz~ ~he ~.~.~~.a.a.~~ ~,~~~.9 cc~n~ide~at~on s~~~:~~. b~ gat~ae~~ t~a t~e ~~id~ning and ~.tnprovement of Val~.e~ It~~~:cl, In ~nswe~ to Cc~~n.c~.Trn,~n Tal?~~r°~ r~tcc~~~i~~~9 Di,r~c~te~r of Ptxblic Wo~ks ~4,~~~r~~n ~z~d~~:~.~:~~i ~h~.~ ~h~~r ~.r~ ra~rkin~; ~~i ~,d.ds~~ic~~°~~. s~i: back r~q~ai~~men~~ for an ~v~a~~aa~I fo~~.~° road; and. ~h~t an ~.d~~~.a.t~ ~~.t~r l~.n~ 3.s ~.vailable to se~ve t~~ ~d.d~t~.~~~.~ ~o~.~in~, P~~~s ~he fac~ ~:1~~ res~~vai~ a.~ pr~pos~d in that are~. ~.f~~x° Gc,~~w~.~~_~ ~.~~~~,s~3,~n, C~.ty A~~~~r~e;~ S~~~s~y ~e~d, f~~ ~ts fir~t r~ac~~n~, tl~~ ~,n ~~dir~~.n~~ ~~n.di.ng t~~ Mr~n~c~p~.1 C~cle s~ ~,s r~z~ne fx~o~ 1t~I ti~ P°D, ~~r~~.~~ property in ~h~ Gi~t,7 c~£ Arr~~~~~ ~~~.nd~; ther~~f~~r9 :a ~s~ti~n w~~ m~~.~ b~ C~~~~.~~l.azt~ri M~~.li~, ~ec~nd~ci by~ ~~~a~,~~.l~xa~.n d~ ~,~c~n and ~na~i- m~~~~y ~ar~~~d.9 d~~p~~.,~ ~,rith ~~:~.d.in~ ~~i~ ~~.1G~.n~~ e~f tt~~~ x~so~a ~~~°r. e~~~~ s~~.cE ar~~ co~s~~v~~T~r~ ~~~r~~;~r~ o~ ~~~v~~~~ Ad~~ni.~~~~~t~~ ~x~'~c~~ ~~v:ier~aed ~h~ r~~~~.r~^te~r~~~ ia~ ~~g~sY~.~~~n ~~t ~p~rs S~~.ce G~ns~:~~~,~:~~r ~;~~~a~n~~ ~f t?~~ Gi~~B~ G~~xe~~l P~~n b~ ~d~~p~~~. by Jr~ne 30, ~.9~3. ~-~e; f~~~~.~r rev~e~e~. tl~e r~s~sp~at~~n, wi~?~ Ac~d~rs:ds~sn ~Zo, 19 a,dr~pc~d. ~~.P ~~~,n~~:e.~g C~~~~si~n dn ,Ja~n~ 19t~, ~.~d ~~~~.~i~~d rec~n~n.~.a° ~i~n~ a~~.c~~ by Ar~og~~ G~~.nd~ r~~id.~n~t J. ~e M~~r~ r~g;~rding ~1~~ ~l~a:~~n~s. ~Tpon being a~~bn~e~. b;~ 1~~~~*~y Cr~g~ Cl~rk B~.tc~. ~1~~.~ a13 r~~~y~i~~~rcen~~ ~.s p~e,vyd~d b~r ~.atis h.ac~ be~n ~~p1'i~d ~a.~~., t~yo~ ~Ghl~g~l d~~~.~r~~d t~.~ ~~~.~in~ op~n ~.nd a~4 persax~~ ~~aa~d. n~-~ 1~~~,r~' f~~ o~ ~g~.in~t ~?x~ pr~pc~5~~ ~~~n Sp~.c~ ~,nc~ Con~~rw~.° ~i.a~: Elem~n~s ~f ~~n~~~l Pi~n. M~~. 5~~.~~~~~~;1., 33~ Myrtle, qv~~~~i~~+nc~d ~~ga~dY,r~~ ~~~~~~~ic~~. of f~xcnland adja~~nt ~o t~.~ ~~~:~1z.. Ada~xnistr~.t~~ B~~t~?~ ~~p~~.~r~~~l ~~~.t ~n.'~~ Ci~~-o~a~~d cre~k are~, i~ tt~~,t ~~n~d~.~~~1~ lac~~ainc~ C~.~~ I~~~~, r~~~i~d~~° b~a.r~g priv~~~lg~ ~-~n~c~, _ NI:~. ~~F~~r~ S~ti.~.I~e1~, ~34 M~r~l~, . p~secd it~r~t~~~ ~~~~g~~n,~ r~~a~diz~g ~h.~ cr~~lz, Dix~c~~~ e~f P~b1ic Work~ And~~~cs~ c~.~.~ifi~d t~~~: ~~'fl~~r~ plain°1, whieh has nrt y~t b~~:~. ~;~~.~1~.~Yn~d., r~caa~ld. i?~~~.~ed~ t1,~ ~r~~~. bank p1~a~ ~tea~ fe~~. 2~(~ CI~ C~~TCI~ ~,TN~ ' Z~, 1973 ~ ~RR0~0 ~~1~E , C~~~~Q~~ P~~E 3 ~i~ ~~~~~~~ya ~ ~~~b~~~~~~~~~ ~t~~ ~~~~~~t. ~~~~e ~fi~~~~~, ~~~~~~~.~t~~ w~~~ ~ C~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~i~ ~i~1i~~9 ~~@~~~~~~, e~~a~~~ ~~~@~" ~~@ ~~~e~ ~~~~~~~~~a ~1 ~.~s ~0~ ~~~A ~ ~ ~3~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~8 w~~~~ ~~~~@~~~ ~~~~@~~~~~~~ ~~~~~s ~~~~~~@~~ €~e~~~ ~~@ ~~~~~~~~3 ~@ @~~~~~~, ~~~~e ~~~~3 ~~@ ~1@~~~~~ @~~~@~t ~~~~~~~4@€~ ~~~~~~~@~ ~~@ ~@~~~~ ~~~3 ~~~@~~~~ ~~~~~~e~~~ ~e~ e~ ~~~~a e~ ~~g~~ ~~~~~3 ~~~~~@~ ~~~3 ~~~~~~~~~~~g~ ~fi~. ~~l~~ ~~@~~~~~ ~~~~~s ~~~~~~~~~~j ~~~~@ ~ ~~~@~ ~~@ ~~3 ~~~~J~ ~ ~~~~~~~~1~ ~~~~~@~~ ~i~~€~~~~ ~~i@. ~ ~~~@~~~~g~ ~6~~~ @~ ~~~~@ ~~~~'~~fi~ '~~~~fi 6@~~~~~~~~~ @~' '~~@~@ @~~~~ ~~~fi, ~~~~e~ ~~~~@~~~~ ~~11~~~~~ ~~~e~ ~~~~e ~~~~~~~@~ ~~~~~~€3 ~@ tl.H~B e ~ tl~~~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ . . ~ ~ D tl~ktrtC~~t1ltYti ~YY~E3lY ~~~e~.~~~~~ 1~7~e ~~~~u~~~~~ ~ a~ ~~~s~ ~@~~ ~ ~~~@~ ~~9~ ~~@ ~a_ ~~~~@~ ~~~~~~~~~~€~~e ~F~~ ~~'@~~~~~ @~~~~~~ ~@ ~@@@~~~~ @~~~~6 ~~'~1 ~~~~i@ ~~~~~@~ ~~~e ~1~~ ~~~~@ ~~~~~~~@~~ ~~~~t : ~ ~~~y ~1~~ ~~@ ~~@~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~r~~~ ~~~~~v~~~ ~~~i~~~~~ ~~@ ~~~e~~ ~ ~~@~ ~~l~~i~~ ~~~~@~ ~@~~~~ ~i~~~~~ ~ ~~~~@ ~~~t CITY COUNCIL ,7[JNE ' 26 9 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF~ItNIA PAGE 4 th~ problem had to be ~es~lved,beiiaeen the buiidings° owners ~nd thA S~~.~~9 however, At~torney Sl~ipsey recommended that ~:he Gity a~so be xepresen~e~. at any negotiations, as in the futur~, upon the even.t~aa~ rerouting of Higl~way 227, the State will dedicate Branch Street to the City, with acc~anpanyin.g liability. After further ds.scussion, Ma;yor Sch.lege3 directed. Acl.*ni~is~rator Butch to set up a mee~ing-with xepresentatives fram the State Division of ~Iighways, owners of the building a~ 101 Branch S~reet, and the City, t~ r~salve t~.i.s matt~~, ,RESOL, ADOPT_ - SA3ARY CLASSIFICATIONS FOR CITY EMI'LOYEES - 1973-74 w Administra~tor B~z~ch reviewed a,proposed Sala~y R~solutic~n for the 1973°74 fiscal year and noted. the major change was a fi.ve per cent (5%) cast af living increase for al1 miscellaneous City employees, plus a two and a half:~er cent (2'~%) longevity pay increase for employees in the top of thei.r step. He also noted that the Po3ice Department salaries have been excluded fram this sched~le as these raere s~ill under negotiations. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a Salaxy Resolution for the 1973-~4 fiscal year; there- after, a motion caas made by Councilman Ta11ey, seconded by Councilman Mill~.s and unanimously carried, to dispen,se w~.th reading the balance of thi.s resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 1^ 046 A RESOLUT~ON:OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE'ESTABLISHING MINIMUM AND MAXIM[TM COMPE'1VSATTON BY:ADO~TING A SALARY SC~iEDULE AND POSITION CLASSIFICATI~NS, ASSIGNING CITY EMPIAYEES TO CLASSIFICATTONS ANA SALARY STEPS WITHII~ THE 'RESPECTIVE RANGES OF T'HE SALEIRY SCHEDULE, DESCRIBTNG METHODS'OF ADVANCEMENT AND REPEALING PREVIOUS SALARY RESOLUTIONS. On motion of Councilma.n Millis, seconded by Councilman de Leon and on the following roll cal~ vote, to wit: AYES: Counci~.men Millis, Talley, de Leon and Mayor 3chlegel NOES: None ABSENT: Cot~nciTanan Wood the foregoing resolution was passed and adop~ed this 26th day of June, 19730 RESOL. ADOPT. ^ ADOPT CITY BUDGET FOR 1973-74 FISCAL YEAR Administrator Butch reviewed with ~he Council a"Recap and Review of the Proposed 1973-74 Municipal Budget"; that he had prepared. Total of the proposed budget is $1,593,195.0(1o After'G m9,nEil discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution adopting the 1973-74 Municipal Budget for the City of Arroyo Grande; thereafter, a motion:was made by Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilma.n de Leon and unani.mously caxried, ta dispense with reading the balance of this resalution. RE30~;UTION N0. 1047 A RESOLUTION OF THE CZTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF'ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING THE ARR,OYO GRA.NDE CITY BUDGET EOR THE 1973-74 FISCAI. YEAR. On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Millis and on the following ro11 ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Gouncilmen Millis, Talley, de Leon and Ma:yor Schlegel NOES: None ABSENT: Co~ancilman Wood the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 26th day of June, 1973, RECEIPT OF B~DS & AWAR~1 OF CONTRACTS REMODELING'OF CITY HA.LL Administrator Butch reported tha.t seven bids had be~n received.in various categories for the remodeling of City Ha:11, which bids had been op~ned at 2 P,M. on June 21, 1973~ Also reviewed was a memo from BuiZding Inspector Nordin, which recommended ~he awarding of bids to the contractors as listed below and designated by an asteri~k(~~), Additionally, Administrator Butch made the follawing cr~n¢nents regaxding the remodeling: that the last major improvements to the City Hall had been m,ade in 1958 by adding to the police facilitie~; that with the installation of carpeting, the custodian's cleanin.g ta.me wi11 be lessened considerably; that with th.e inclusion of air-conditianing, the approximate Gota1 cost of remodeling 22~ C ITY COUNC TL JU1~1E Z6 , 1973 ARROYO GRANllE , CA~.IF~RNTA. FAGE ' S will run $20,538--~aith.out the air°c~nditian., ~.bo~z~ $1~;333.3~; a~:d r~caac~ended consideration of an ~ndoor drinking fountain for ~zr~pl~ye~s. SUB-COIVTR~`iCTOR BIDS ~OR ARR.(~YO GI3ANDE CI~I.' $dAL~, R~MODELII~~ BIDDER ~~~M TO`~P,~, * STEFFAN°S CARPET CENTER 902 Gra.nd Ave, , Arroyr~ Gg~xnde, CA 93420 FIAOR COVERINGS $2,405.00 FRANK`S FIAOR COVERINGS 1237 Trouville St., Grover Ci~y, CA 93433 FIAOR CQVERII~3GS 3g431,68 * MILLER ELECTRTC C0, _ I27 So, 13th St., Gr~ver City, CA 93433 ELECTRICAL 3,OS0,00 * H. CARPENTIER 1149 Sunset Dr., Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 CARP~NTER CONT. 8,333.32 RYZNER CONTRACT FURNISHINGS 1103 Higuera St., 5an ~uis -0bispo, CA 93401 FIAOR COVERINGS 2,460.00 DON'S'ELECTRIC 1183 Ma.ple St., Arroyo Grand~, CA 93~+20 ELECTRICAL 4,480.00 * R. P . RICHA.RDS , INC . 5939 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93017 HEAT/AIR-CONDIT. 5,800.00 Awarded can,tract for item bid on,. Aft~r Coun~il discussion, on moticsn caf CounciZman Talley, s~conded by Councilman de Leon and. unani.rnausly carried, the bids, as recommended in Btxilding Inspector Nordin°s repor~ d~.~ed Ju~e 22, T973, were ~.ccept~d and the contracts awarded accordingl~*, to t~:~ lowest qtxalif.ys.ng bidders; and auth.orization was given to proceed wit~~. the remodeling of ~th~: Ci~.y H~.1~., to inc~~.de air-cc~nditioning and an indoor drinkang fountain. ~Ydmini~:trator"'B~.tch::cl~.'rifs.ed ~~or Jicm ~1da~s, ~'.207 Garcl~ri; a~ .~~o Mow 'and ~ahere bi:ds~4:~a~r~.,ad~r~rtis~d and i~;e~e3.v~do'- : . a ORAL REPORT - UND~RGROUND UTILITY GOORDINATING COMMIT'TEE'MEETING ~ MTLLI.S Councilman Mi.llis report~d on the June l~th me~ting of the Underground Utility Coordinating Conv.nitte~, at which ~ime the following iteans had been discussed: 1) the Down.town M~rchants have requested cost estima:tes from the Division of Highways far cement sid~walks 3aith wood scoring, and upon xecei,pt of said information theg~ will again aneet and make their recoirnnendation to the. City Council on J~~.y I0; 2) responsibility of inspectizag and paying for inspection of vaults and $ra~ed, which still needs to be worked out; 3) P.G & E. has requested an exception ~Co th~ir street lighting cammit~?nent in that th.ey wish to retain the old lighting until sidewalks have been installed; and 4) the public.meeting with representatives from P,G. & E, an.d PeT. & T, will be soanetisne in Ju.ly af~~r a11 details of the xec~nstruction have been fixmed up. RESOL. ADOPTo - INTENT TO SELL S~'itPLUS CITY PROPERTY ° SET'PUB. HEAJ.t. 7/24/73 Administrator Butch read a letter frcnn Alan Thoa~as dated .Tune 12, 1973, in which Mr. Th.~mas, in exchange for the suxpltxs piece of City property at th~ sauth- east corner of:Elm and Fair 0aks, offers to install all curb~,,gut~t~r:and sidewalks required aro~nd said proper~y. On November 14, T932 the City Council had authori~ed this praperty ta be sold at a miniznum bid of $4,000 (which in,cluded installation costs of cu.rbs, gu~tters ~ sidewalks), but no bids had. been recezv~d. Council discussed. the offer and generally agreed that wi~h ~h.~ off~r of Mr. Thoanas to put in the i.mprov ~nents necessary, that a minimum bid of $350.00, to cover leg~.1 description and advertising costs, would saxffice~, as the proper~y co~xld not~ be used feasibly by anyone other than the'adjoin,ing proper~y oFrner, wha is Mr. Thomas. In addieion to the curbs, gutters and 8° sidewalks, ~t1~e sttccessful bidder wi11 also be req~xired to pave the stxee~ from the gutt~r to existing paving a~ the southeast corner of Elm and Fair Oaks. After Cottncil discussiot~, City Attorney Sl~.ipsey read the title of a resolution of intentinn to aell real property-at the southeast.corner of Fair Oaks and'Elm, and setting;a public h.earing on same f~r July 24, 1973 at 8:00 P.M.; thereafter, a. mc~tion was made by Councilman Mi1~.is, se~onded by Counci7man de Leon and unanimausly carried, to.dispense with xEading th~ balance of this resolution. . ~ ~ c zz~ covrTC zL D JUI~E ' 26, 19~3 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI,IFORNIA FAGE 6 RESQLUTION N~. 10~-8 A RESOZUTION OF THE'CITY COUNCIL dF °~HE CITY OF'ARROY~ GRANDE SETTING FOR~H ITS INTEN''TI~N TO SELi, REAL, PROPERTY AND SETTING A DATE FOR HEARING THERE~N AS'PROVI~~D LTND~R PROVTSIONS'OF GOVERNMENT CODE'SECTION 37421. On anotion of Councilman Ta11ey, seconded by Ct~unci~anan d~ Leon and on the following ro11 a~.11 vote, to wit: AYES: C~~.ncilmen Millis, Ta~ley, de ~eon and Ma.y~r Schl~:gel NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Wood. the foregoing re~olution was passed and adogted this 26th. day of June, 1973. RECEIPT'OF FIRST QU~ER SALES & CIGARETTE TAX REPORT Administrato~ Butch review~d with the Council report he prepared, dated June 20, 1973, rega~rding the sales tax revenue for the first quar~er of 1973 (Januaxy, Feb~ea.ary and Ma.reh), and Cigarette tax for Ma.rch, April .an.d Ma.y af 1973, indicating that it reflects an $.6% increase over the corresporlding mon~Chs of 1~72. AUTHORIZE'EXECUTION DF'LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY & WALKER ETAU-°PIL1 PARK LOT ':City i~t~ofney. Ship~sey reviewed an .agreement he had prepar~d, pursuant to the Council's direction, between the ~ity and Dr. William Hoffineister and Bob Walker, owners of ithe property at the southwest corner of No. Rena and Corn~ura~.l, whi.ch property will be used as ~he requ~.red.Police Depart~nent parking lot. The lease is a five-year agreeme.nt, under which ~h.e City will p~.y the axnoun~ of $365.00 ann.ually . In an,swer to Councilman Millis° question regarding taxes on the lot,,Admi.nistrator Butch explained that the County Assessor wi11 be asked to segregate taxes for the leased portion. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman de L~on, seconded by Councilman Ta11ey and unanunously carra.ed, ~he Mayor and City Clerk we~e authorized to sign, on behalf of the City, a Lease'' Agreement between Dr, Wi.lliam Hoffineister and Bob Walker and the Gi~y9 for:a portion of property on the southwest corn~r of So. Rena and Cornwall for fihe total amc~nt of ~365.00 per year, to be used as parking facilities for the Police Department, aft~r said lot has been improved for saxch purpose by the City, said Lease to be effectiv~ from July 1, 1973 through June 30, 1978. RESOL. ADOPT. - T3~TT ~NT "~0 VACATE '`,_JO~F" STREET 'OFF MONTE~O - PUB ~~,~1~ - ,7/24/73 Administratar Butch reported that a resolution has been received from the Planning Conanission, recommending the vacation of a stub street (ca~,nonly knc~wn. as "Joe" Street), lying between Blocks 2 and 3 of Tract No. 150, on Che south side of Montega Street. Th.~ parcel of property had been dedicat~d for fu~ure road purposes; however, with the development of property below this sttzb s~reet, it has been reconanend~d by City staff to end the lower development in a cul-de-sac and abandon "Joe" Street, as the steep grade of ~he area and major fill that would be ~ecess~.ry to make it a tl~.rough street would not be feasible, City Attorney Sh.ipseq was questioned as to the legality of :the Pl~.nning Caimnission's eondition on this abandonment xecommendation that the property, after vaGa~ed, bQ split and added to a~~iin~:ig properties, "Attor"ney Shi~sey clarified tha.t fihe City has no control of this, as i~ happen,s autama~ically,per the Streets and Highways ~ode, when the abandoncment is recorded with ~he County Recorder. After Counci~. discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a xesol~.tion of:intentinn to vacate a certain street in the City of Arroyo Grande, and reserving therefrom an easement for public utility purposes; thereaf~er, a motion was made by Councilman TaJ.Iey, seeonded by Ceuncilman de Leon.and un.ani- mously ca~ried, to dispense with xe~ding the balance of this resolution, RESOLUTION N0, 1049 A RESOLUTTON OF THE CI'TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE'S~TTING FORTH ITS TNTENTION TO VAGATE, ABANDON A1VD CLOSE THAT PARCEL OF PROPERTY DEDICATED FOR FUTURE ROAD PU'RPOS$S LYING BETWEEIV BIACKS ' 2.AND 3, TRACT N0, 150, COMMONLY KNOWN AS'"JOE" STREET, AND FTXING TIME'AND PLACE FOR HEARTNG AS PROVIAED FOR BY STREETS AND HIGHWAYS'CODE'SECTION 8320, ET SEQ. • . e.~ CIT~ CQ~TNC~~ Jfi~TE `26, 1973 l+~R~0~G0 G~~~, C~~I~'0~~ ' 7 ~~~~~~g ~y ~ t~~ ~oil~i~~ ~~~1 ~~t~~ ~~~8 ~~~~~~a fi~~~~ ~~@ w~~ ~~~~@~ - ~a~ ~ A~~~~~~~ ~a~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~~~~~ ~~~@ ~ ~@~~~ ~fi~~~~~~ ~~@ ~~~@ ~~@~~~. ~ ~@~~~~~~~~~ ~~@~ ~~~~~e~~~~ ~~~a~~~~ ~~~@~ ~ ~~@ ~~~~e~~~ ~~~@~ s~~~~~ ~~~~~s ~~~~6ii~ ~fi~~~. ~3~~~ ~ ~ ~'.~~~P~~~~~i ~~~tl~~~~~~&~~~'~i~~@~ ~@ii~@~@~"i3~~~ ~~@ ~@~~~~~ ~~4 ~@~'~~~@~ W@~~ ~@~~~~,~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~3 ~ ~~@ ~~~n ~~~@~~~~ ~i~~~~ ~ ~~@ ~~@ ~~~@~~~~ ~a~~~~ ~e ~~@ ,~~@~ ~~~~~@~~~~ ~~~~@ ~~~@~ ~~@ ~g ~@~~~~~~ ~ ~@~~~~ ~~~~~~s ~ ~@~~ ~~@~~~~~~~~ ~@~ ~@~~~~ ~ ~@~ ~~~@3 ~~~~~~~~'~~@a ~~~~~~~@~ ~~@ ~~~@~ ~@~~~~, ~ ~~~~~~e~~ ~@~ ~@ ~~~~~~~@~ ~~~~~@~~~~'~ ~@~~ ~~@ ~~~@~ ~~~r~~~ ~~i~t@v~~~ ~~~~~@~ ~~~~~~~~~j ~e ~~~~@~ ~@~ r,~ ~@~ ~~i~~. ~ ~~~~~~r ~@~~~~~~ ~e~~~~~~ ~~~e ~@~~ ~~~@@~ ~~~~@ ~~~~~~8 D~~~~~~~~~ ~~@ ~ ~~~€@~. ~~~~~i~ ~i~@~~~~~~a ,~~~@~~~'~ ~~~~@ ~~~~@ ~~~@~ ~@~~ ~~@~ ~ ~e~~ ~~@ ~~e C~~~~~~~ ~@~~~~~~~ ~~ti ~s ~~~~~~~@ ~@~ ~~i~~~~~ @~~~~@~. ~~~A ~~e~~@~ ~~@`` ~~~@~. ~~~~~~@~~~~~~, w~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~@~~~~ ~ ~e~~ ~~@ ~~~~~~a ~~~~~~A o ~~~~~fi`~; ~3~~~ ~~~~~~~@ . ~~11 ~~~@@~ ~~~@@~g ~i~~.dV~i~i1fi~~ ~e~ ~ ~A~~ ~~P ~~~e~ ~e~~~@~ ~ ~ ~~9~ ' ~~~@~~~~ ~~b~~~ W~~~~ ~~~~~~~@~ ~~@ ~~~~~~~~@@ @~~~e~~~ ~fi~~~~~ ~ 1~~ ~~~@~~~~~:~~~ ~~~~~~~~@~~~. C~~~~i~ ~~~~~~~~e~~ ~~a ~~ll~y ~~~~~@~~ @~€~~~~~~~ ~~~~@~~~'~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~s~ ~a~~~ - a~ ~ ~ a~~ ~ , .s~ ~ ~~~~~@~~&$9~' ~'~i~~@i~3@~ i~~~~ ~~@ &'~~1:~~&~~~t ~@ ~~~~~~@~a ~~@~~~~ ~@@~~~~ ~~t~~~~~ ~~@ ~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~'~~~@~ ~@ ~~~~@~~'~~~ ~~~~~~~1y ~~~~~i~~~~~~ ~@ ~i~~~~ ~~@ ~ 22~ CZTY COUNCIL JUNE'26, 1973 ARRQYO'GRANDE, CAL7CFORNIA PAGE 8 Lopez charge on u.ndeveloped proper~ies wotixld be !75% c~f the pre~en~"~n~nthly Zopez charge until the m~te~ is inst~.lled, ~p to a maxiflnn~n of $~50.00. Wy~l~ ~the present Lopez rate being $5.75 per month, thi:s ~oa~ld rout~d ~ut t~ $~.30 ~~r zaflon.th fo~ 3/4r' meters and $5~00 :(the maximum charge allowed for standby fees) per m~n~h for larger meters. ; Aft~r Couxxczl cliscussion, Ci~y Attorney Shaipse~ r~ad tl~e title of an o~dinance establishing ~,iater system fees.in the City-~f Arroy~ ~rande; th~~eafter, a motion was made by Councilman Ta1~ey~ seconded by Cauncilman:de Z.ec~n~and una.ni- mously carried, to disp~nse with reading th~ ba.lance of this ordinance. FROGRESS REPO,R~ - A G.SEWER DIS_TRICT NO„`1 - POSTPONED UN~IL NEXT MEETING Administrator'Bu~ch recoxmnended tl~iat a progre~s report on the Axroyo Graz~de Sewer District be pos~poned until the Council°s next xegular meeging, as Coun~y Engineez Beck, whc~ was to give the xeport,-was una&1e to attend the evening's meeting. NOTICE RE.' APPR,OV,~L OF "P/D'S APPLI~AT~O`FOR MZNI GRANT _Administrator Butch repoxted,:that-:natice has been received tl~at fihe mini- grant application made by the Poli.ce Degartrnen,t for investigative cameras and ~ dark room equipinent, from surplus;~~funds realized by Region.P of the Ca1i£orn~a Council an Criminal Justi,ce, has been.approved. KEPQRT RE NEW' POLICE FACILITY 0,~'EN,',~OtTSE - CHTEF CLAR.K Administrator Butch reviewed with the Council a report prepared by-Poli,ce Chi~f Clark regarding the recent dedic~ation and open house of the neta police deParlanent facility on North ~Ia.l~yon. 1'he xeport indi,ca~Cec1 that an ssti.mat~d 500 c~,tizens toured th~ new facili~y. PROGRESS REPORT - REROUTING OF HIGI~I ~~Y_227 Administrator Butch xeported that the proposed projec~t of rerouting Hi.gYrway 227 throt+gh Arroyo GrandE is not .a dead issu~ yet, and reconanended that perhaps a letter from the Council reflecting its continued interes~ in thi,s projeet might be hel.pful. The Council agreed, and d~.r~cted Administr~,tar Butch to send such a letter to proper authorities. REVIEW OF 'LEGI~LA~~V~ BULLETINS F~QM ,I~E,A~LTE OF CALT~'ORNIA CITIES Administratar Butch reviewed several Legislative Bulletins recei,ved fram the League ot California Cities, drawing the Council's attention:to the follaw- ing legislative bills: 1) AB 1$29,r~gardin:g prohibited water service; 2) AB 996, consolidation of m~.nicipal electi:ons ~aith June primaries; and 3) SB 509 and .A.B 703, regarding r.ampaign rec~ipts and Expen~titure reports. ORDTNANCE UPDA~TING 'FIRE `PREVENT~ON ~0,~E - FZRST READING Administrator Butch Xeported ~ha.t the previous adoption.of the ordinance updating the Fire Prevenfiion Code to conform wifih tYae new 1973 Uniform Fire !Code Standards, had been nullified, as the cample~e ordinance had not,been p~epar~d in ti.me for the publication of:same within the fifteen days allowed by law; and therefore he recomanended the rEadoption of said ordinance. After Council discus- s~on, Ci,ty Attorney S:hipsey read the tifi~;e of an ordinance a.mending the 1965 Fire Code to conform with the 1973 'Uni~o~zn Fire Code; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Talley, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanilnously carried, to dispense with zeading the balance of this ordinance. UAGE ' S TR,pNG~R EF~I ,FO~T 0F NO I~ SE POI~LUT,,~O,~, ORDTNANCE J, L MOORE Mr. J. I~. Maore, 200 Nelson Street, c~as present and expressed concer~ regarda.ng the noise caused by trucks, as,evidenced througho~xt the evening's meeting and as can be heard from his home.. He stated his feeling wa~ that the maximum decibel n,oise factors were not being enforced and rec rnrnnended ~that th~ City make a request to the Californ~,~. Highwa3~ Patrol to use their instruments to make such r.eadings in the Cityfand thus aid the City in enforcing the noise ordinance. ADJOUI~~NT TO EXECUTIVE SES~SION On motion of Gounei7man Ta~,ley, seconded by Councilman d.e Leon and.una,ni- mously carried,~~he meeting adjourned at 11t08 P.M. to an executive session to discuss personnel matt~xs.' 225 CIT'X COITNCII,~ JU~TE' 26, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 9 R~CQNVENEMENT The Council reco~vened at 11:44 poM, wi,tk~ all members pzesent as shown on roll ca11, ADJOURNMENT On motion o~ Councilman Millis,.secondcd by Councilanan Talley and unanimously carried, ~he meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M, AT'~ES T • ~ C~TX CLEBK ~ MAYOR