Minutes 1973-09-11 ~ CIT~ COUNCZL. SEP~EMBER 11, ~~73 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Cot~ncil me~ in regular sessic~n w~th M~.ya~° Schl~gel p~e~idingo Upc3n roll ca119 Council Members Tal.ley, Mill~s, Wo~d and de I,eon rega~rted p~es~nto PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Sehlegel lead the Pledge of A11egf~nc~ to o~.x~ Flag; and im~eda.~.~el~ thereafter, Reverend Freeman Br~nn.son from the Ch~.ich of the N~z~~~nc~9 ~e1~.ve~~d the invocation. ~c APPROVAL QF WARRANTS ~ On motion of Counc~.lman Talle~r, seconded by Couneilman ci~ Leon and ~anani- mously carried, General Warrants No. l71 t~.ro~gh No. l77 and No. 249 ~h~ough No. 282, in the total amount of $80,691.23; and Pay~oll Warrant~ N~, 466 thro~.g~ Noo 559, in the total amount of $21,711.35, w~re approved and ordered paidlo REQUEST FOR JOINT MEET FROM VILLAGE MERCHANTS RE BRt~iI~C~iST IMPROVE 9/17/73 As requested by the Villag~ Merchants Association, a joint me~ting with the Council, regarding the Branch Street Improvem~nt P~°ograana wa~ s~~°ee~3asl~d for Monday, September 17, 1973 at 7:30 P.M, NOTICE RE. APPLICATION FILED BY PG & E FOR INCREASED SER~IICE RA.TES Administrator Butch x°eviewed a notice dat~d Aug~st 30, 1973 from Pacific Gas and Electric Company9 indicating the3a hav~ filed an application c,axth the California P~.blie Utiliti~s Commission requesting authori~ation ~o incr~~.s~ its rates. AUTHORIZE FEE EXEMPT :LICENSE - AMERICAN LEGION POST ~27 ° DONKEY BALL GAME On motion of C~uncilman de Ze~n, seeonded by Co~ncilman T~1T~y ~.nd ~snani° mously carried, autho~°izatio~ was g~°anted to ~.ssue fe~ exempt busin~s~ l~cs~ns~ to the American L~givn, Pismo Beach Post 727, per their ~~q~.P~c for a Donkey N Ball Game on September 29, 1973 at St. Patricks Sc~ool. NOTICE RE. MEETING TO DISCUSS 911 EMERGENCY SERVIC~ S YSTEM ° CAL POLY - 9/I3f~3 Administrator Baxtch reviewed a notie~ r~c~ived fr~m Ass~.. Admin~~trative Officer Sharp rPq~esting repre~entation from ci~i~s and ag~nci~~ in th~ Cc~a~~t~ at a mEeting sch~dul~d at Cal Poly on Sept~znber I3, 1973 to disc~.~v th.~ 91~ Emergency Service Syst~m. Ma.y~or Sch~.eg~l and Administr~.tor B~.tc~ irc~licated the~ will attende RESOL. ADOPT - TRAFFIC SAFETY WEEK DECIARED SEPTEMBER 24 30 1973 City Attorney Snipsey read the ~itl.e of a resolutio~. declaring September ~4~h through September 30th, 1973, as "Traffic Safety Week'' in the City of Arro~o Grande; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Co~.ncilman cle Leon and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 1061 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DECLARING SEPTEMBER 24TH THROUGH 30TH, 1973, AS "TRAFFIC SA~ETY WEEK" IN THE CITY OF ARROYQ GRANDE. On motion of Coa~ncilman de Leox~, seconded b~ Coaaneilman Millis and on th.e following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Talley, Millis, Wood, de Leon and Mayar Schlegel NOES : None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this llth day of September, 1973. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ~F AUGUST 1973 - HELD OVER The Tr~asurer's Report for the month af August, 19~3, w~.s held over as requested by Finance Director Rosengr~n, DEPARTME~,iTA~ R~POR~' FOR TH~ MONTH OF AUGUST 1973 T~~ ~epartm~ntal Report for the month of August, 1973, was r~ceived by the Cour~cz~, ~~v~~y~ed and ordered filed. Covneilma~t cie 3~eorA commented about an apparently abandoned vehicle on Coach ~o~~, w~~.z,c~ the ~o~~.ce Departm~nt wi1.1 be requested to check out, APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular meetirig of August 28, 1973, were approved as prepared. CITY CQUNCIL SEPTEMBER 119 19~3 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI~IFORNIA PA~~ 2 RECEIPT OF LEGISLATIVE Bf.TI,LETI;~TS ° REMINDElZ RE. LEAGUE MEETING OCT 21-2'~a S.F. TYze lates~ T~egis?a~~~re B~ll~tins frorn ~he L~a~a~~ ~f C~.l~,fo~n~a Ci~i~s raere reviewed by the Counc~.lo Co~ncilYnen T~.l~ey, c~~ Leon ~nd M~;~~~° Sc~~l~~~~ in.d~c~t~d th~y would atten.d. ~Yr~ L~ag~e sn~~~ing ~n San Fx°a~c~sc:c~ c~~. OcGob~r ~i°2~9 19`~3~ for which. meeting M~.y~r Schlegel v~r~s appointc~d ~s th~ Ci~~°~ d~~.~~~~~y ~~c~end~c~ by Cotancilman MiTl~s; ~nd Ca~.ncilznan Tal.l~g~ yuas ~,pp~in~~d ~l~e~n~.~e c~~1~g~.t~o DISCUSSIOIV RE. VARIOUS CTTY IMPROVEMENT DISTRTG'~S ° TEMP. POS~P01~tED Ma.yor Schl.~gel req~.est~d and. the C~~nei1 ag~~~cl Go gUStpone th~s matter until.the schedt~lc~d time on t~i~ agenda. Doyle"M~~dy,`. 260 Sp~~c~ Stre~:~, s~a~€~d h~ :n;~~ b~~r~ri r~cei~ing r~o~i:c~s~~:, regard~ng Qity pr~~.~~~s ~.nac~~~ring; l~iv`prc~p~;rt~~ ~nd r~q~~s~~c~ c~~ac~ctio~ a~f thi~. ORDINANCE RE RESTRICTION OF VISIBII,ITY OBSTRUCTIONS - FIRST READING City A~torne~ Shipsey r~viewed an c~rdinanc~ he ~~d pr~par~d r~ga.rd~ng visibility obstr~c~tions ~t d~iv~~aa~s a~d ~nt~~s~~t~,ons, T~~,s ~~~s-is~cl ordrnanc~ is more fl~xibl~ in rhat ~.t giv~s tl~~ Co«~ncil gx~ate~ dis~~~tion in de~t~~min~.ng which obstru~~ic~ns ax~ haz~.~dous ~.nd ax~~d ta r~mov~d., incl~d~~ ~.n ~ppeal procedure, and. ~stablishes the P~.~ki~g &~ra~~ic C~~.~s~.~ra as ~ r~~a~~w board for obstruc°tions. Af~er C~u~ncil dis~~.ss~on, Cit~ Attor~n~v-SY~ig~~~r r~ad, ~or its first r~~.ding, the titl~ of an ordinanc~ x°eg~.rding v~sib~,lit~ c~b~~~'uetior~s of driveways and ~.nt~~s~ctior~s; th~reaft~r, a motion ~~s :nacl~ b~ Cc~a~ncilxn~.n Ta11~5', seconded by Cou~cilman W~od and ~.n.animo~.sly c~rri~d~ to c1.~sp~ns~ ~ri~~. ~~ading the balance of t1~is ordin~.nc~, APPROVE AMENDED AGREEMENT RE. S0. COUNTY HUMAN RE77.aE~TIOI~TS CON~IISSION Administrator B~atc~. r~viewed tk~~ am~nd~d So~.~l~. Co~n1t~ Ha~ryan R~:Iations Caminission joint p~~aer~ ~gre~ment ~,rit1~ th.~ C~~ancil9 pointing out that it n~.tne~ the Ci~~ of A~rc~yo Grand~ ~.s Tr~a~uY~e~° and A~d~.to~° of an~ f.~.nd~, ~r'h~eh duty will be rotated ~.~nc~ng ~h~ pa~ticip~.ting ~:i~ic.so A~~~~° C~~°~~cil dis~.~zs~ir~n~ on _ motion af C~~an.ciirna.n de L~o~s., s~cond~d by Cour~cilm~n W~c~d. ~nd ~n:~.n~~~a.sl~ ca~ried, the am~nded So~atT~ Co~.nty H~an~.n R~lati~ns C~~.ssi~n jo~,~t go~r~x°~ ~lgr~e~a~n~ ancl by-lavas were~ ~.pp~nv~d. ~,nd th~ Ma.y~r and C~,t~ Cle~k w~re aix~~.~r.i~~d t~ sign s~.id Agree~?ent, on b~Yxalf c~f ~h~ Cit}~. SET PLTBR HEAR. FOR IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS USIIVG SHORT 1911 ACT ° OCT. 90 1973 Administratc~r B~atch reques~C~d and the Council ag~r~ed. ~o combin~e Agenda Items B°4 and B°59 ~egarding th~ establishment af Irraprov~~~:nt Districts u~ing the short form of the I9Y.l Improv~ment Act~ or~ De1 S~l and portions o.f ~he Pike, Poplar, Junip~r, Aspen, Spruce and Sag~. Administr~.tor Butch r~vie,wed the back- ground leading to consid~ration of establishing imp~°ovegnent districts in the stated areas; and f~.~~her ~eviewed~the proc~du~~s of th~ 19i1 A~~~ clarifying that the Council l~.s xnodzfi~d pa~n~nt of the iYnprov~m~nts by s~~t`in.g aside $15,000 of fed.e~~,l ~even~~ sl~aring funds to ~nable prop~rtg~ owner~ to repay the assessment in on~°t~ird installanents over thr~e years, at 6°!a in~~rest. A. T`he Pike and D~1 So1 Street: Director of P~blic Works Anclerson reviewed on dliagr~ms the properties fronting on D~1 Sol and T}.ie Pik~ (between North Oceano Sc1~oc~1 a.nc~ S~. Elm) , whict~ wer~ s~nt l~tters to asc~r~ain their interest in install~,ng improvements, No respons~ had b~~n rec~ived from Del Sol residents, althougka a petition had been ~ece~v~~l from this ar~a previously for improvem~nts. There was no response to Ma~or Schlegel's invitation to audienee members to speak, who r~sided in the areas uncler discussion. ~"h.P Ccna.ncil discussed the the matter at l~ngth, agreeing to hold off action on ghe De1 So1 a~ea until f*~rther interest is shown by property owners, but agreeing to pursue the inst~.llaL-ion of sidew2.lks on Z'he Pi1~P. After Council disc~xssion~ on motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Wood. and unanimously car~°i~d9 p~blic h~a~°ing was set for October 9, 1973 at 8:00 PsM.9 to determine p~x~lic int~~°est for the fo~mation of an assessment district undEr the short forn? Improve~nent Act af 1911, for the installa- tion ~f conr~rete curt~s, g?xtt~rs, driveway aprons and sidew~.lks on The Pike b~tw~en the North Oceano School a,nd So. Elm Stre~t. B. ~a,rector of P~abli.c Works Anderson reviec~red on a diagra~n ~he prop~rties responding so let~~rs sEand by tlae City to ascerkain in~~x°~st fo~° ins~allativn of improvemen~s in t'h~ .fol.lowing areas : Junip~x° St fram~. Grand Av~ ~o Poplar St; Pop].ar St frvan J~niper St to Elm; Spruce St fro~ Pnp~.ar St ~o Ash St; Asp~n St from Paplar S~ to Cedar St; and Sa.g~ St frc~m~ A~p~n to Sp~.s.c~ St. _ . _ 253 CITY COUN~I~, SE~~~MB~R ~3.~ Y9~3 ARROYO GRAND~, CALIF~RIVIA p~~E 3 In r~spon~~ to Ma.~c~~ Sc~a3.~g~~"~ ~n~i~~ti~~ ~o ~p~a~~ fo~~o~ra.n~ persons com~nented on ~1~e prop~~~d i~p~~~rc~~n~nts, b~ ~.~;~~~~~~n.t~ ~~~~~~c~~ ~1~~~~° ~,~~a: Mrs. A. Tal. Jokn~~o~, 12a9 F'~p~.~~~ s~~~c~d s~~ ~r~s x~~~ ~,r~~~~~~t~~ ~x~ ~i~~r~v~~n~nts at tl~is tinn~; Mr~. M~~~~ D~n~~~y ~.~i0 Sg~~k~~~ M~. ]l, NIa ~~.~~ir~g~~~ 12~5 S~g~; M~, D. Da~is, 1260 S~~~ ~~~~nt~c~ ~~1 ~~c~ p~°~~~~~~ ~~~.~c~,~~°~,`~~~~~~ c~£ g~.~~g~a d~.~ to r~g~ad.ing in t1~~ ~ ar~~,; Ji~n B~.~~C~~~~°~, 1235 S~,g~; Mr~. ~~~~,~~i~~~ ~ B~~ne~r~ 1~i8 Sp~.u.ce, subr~itt~d h~~ pr~tition ~~q~~~ ~~~y.g ~~p~~v~~a~~.~~ ~ Mx~~ . E:~~r~~~ G~~;~~~~ ~ 1,64 Sp~~c~ ~ s~.bmit~ecl h~r p~tit~~n d~~li~~~,ng t~~ itnpro~~a~~~~~~ I~~~~~ ~I~~~,g~~ 260 Sp~~c~. Tkn~ Co~nr~cil da~~c~ssed tF~~ anat~~~g ~.gr~~~~~ ~Ya~~ ~r~~a~~.gY~ ~,n~~rc ~t fo~ tY~~ improveanen~~ w~.s sho~an ~n t~~ ~.1~~v~ ~~a~~d ar~~~ ~~~t~f~y ~ pfl~~~ic ~~~~~,ng on the ana~tere t~,ft~~ ~~~ncil d~sc~~~i~n, c~~ ~o~~or~ c~.f C~~~a~c~1~~n T~~~.~~, seconcl~c~ by Councilm~n d~ L~on and ~.na~.~x~o~sY~ ca~r~~d9 ~ p~~~,Y~T~,c ~~:~~~r~~ se~ fo~ October 99 19~3 a~ 8:00 F.M. ~o ~.~~t~x~~~.n~ p~~~~c fo~ ~k~~ £a~°m~,ti~n of ~n assessm~nt distr~,ct ~znd~r th.~ s~~~°t fo~en I~n~ar~~v~m~nt Ac~ Uf ~.9~~9 for ~nst~l~ation of curbs~ ~.tt~r~~ cl~°~.v~~~ra~ agrc~r~s ~nd si.d~~~lk~ ~m the ~.s cl~~~gna~~d above by Dir~~tor c~f F~bY~.c W~~°les And~~~~n. ORDINA~TCE REVTSI~7G ~956 I~CA~ S.4~ES & L°SE T~ ~?RD °~I~R~~ R~~D~~,7~ P~rs~ant c~x~~~~r~~c~~nc;~ .~~c~~,v~:d th~ S~~~e Bc~~~. c~f Equ~.li~~.tion informing th.~ C:it~ i~ n~~~~ ~~a x°~~3,~~ ~ts ~,~ca~, 5~~.~~ ~r~~ 7~~~a. ~°~x Ordin~.nc~ to confo~n-~ ~i~~~ r~c~n~ 1F:~~~ ti.cs~. fi~~ 303 anc~ SB 90~ 9 C~.~~ r~~~~~r~~:~~ S~~~ps~y read, tor ~its f~r~~ ~re~~~ng9 t~,t~~ ~c~f ~n ~~~°~~n~.r~c~ ~A~~~~~~ ~2 T~tl~ ~ 3, ~ Chapt~r 3 of t~~ Ma~na~~;ip~~ C~d~ ~~~~~.~°cY3~.g ~c~c~fl ~ 5~.~.~~ ~nd TT~~ T~x~ ~tl~~r~af~~r, a motion was ~;adr~ b~r C~~.nc~,~,~~r~ '~~,T 11~g~, ~~cn~d~c~. b~r Cc;~tnnca.Y~r~.~a L~~n ~nd ~.n~rai~ mous~y carr~~~., ~t~ d~sp~~~~ ~~a~~~~ re~oli~g t~?~ b~l~~ce ~f ~R~~~ ~~c$~,~,~.~.c~. RESOLUTION AD9P7"TON ° AUTHOi~~2~ PL~RCH~S~ 0~' GE1S~~TNE T~IRl7 ~T~'~F Ad.~nin~st~°~a~rar &~~~ch x~~~~.~~,~~d a~ne„na f~o~ ~1~~ Cs~~~,~.t~ ~r~x~4,~~.~~~~ng Ag~n~ ~aa~aich. indicated ~~h~.~ t~~~ Ce~~~,nt~ l~ng~~ p~~cl~~s~ g~s~~~r~~ ~oc~p~~°~~iv~l~ ~ri~h other cita~~ 9 arcd reco~n~neY.~d tha~ t~.~ Ca.ty s~lbnt~~ i~s g~~~~in~ r.~~~~r~~~;nt~ to the Stat~ f~r ~t~ ca11. f.~~° b~.d~ o A£~~~• Cc:,~.nc~,~. ~~.~v~.~~s,~:n9 C~,~~ A~~r~rn~~ S~i~s~y read t~~ titlc~ af ~ r~scsla~t~o~ ~~~fl~~r~.zirr.g ~~z~c1~~~~~ ~f ~~~~~.ixa~ thro~~fa t~se ~S~ate ~Offfc~ of P~c~c~r~~n~n~; ~~~r~~f~~r,°s ~ ~a~~ics~~ ~~d~ ~b~ Cc~~n.c~.l.~~~n Mii~is, ~~c~nd~d k~~ C~~nci~,man T~~.~~;~ ~~.d ~n~.r~.i~ae~~.~:d:~ ~~,~~x~e~~ ~u di~~a~~~~ °~~t?~ r~~ding the bal~.nc~ ~of. ~~r~~~ ~~~~~.~ati~~~., RESO~,~TTIOI~1 N0. 106~ ~ RESOLYT'~IO1V ~DF T~YE C~TY COLfiTCTL OF TT~iE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE Ai~~HORIZING THE DEPAR~NT ~F GENERA.~, SERVICES Q~ THE STATE OF CALT~'ORI~TA TO P~RC~E CERTATiV I~'EMS . On a7fc~tion of C~a~nc~~.~~r~ Mi.11~s, s~.c~nd~^d b~ C~~nn~i~.~an d~ L~:~n. and on the follo~ing ro~l call vot~, ~a~ AYES: Cw~ncil~n~n T~.~~~~~ Mi~lis9 Woa~d, d~ I~~a~ ~n.d M~.;~or Schl~ge~ NOES : Ntari~ ABSENZ°: Nor~~ the fore~going r~soZ~~ic~n w~5 p~s~~c~ ~,nd adop~~d t~a~~ 11~~ cl~g~ af S~pt~mb~r, 197.3. RECEIPT OF PQPU7,,AATIOI~ AZ~TD HOL'S ING REPORT ~OR CQ[J~1TY °.7T:~d~Y 1 1~~3 A Pop~a~~t~.o~ and Hc~a~~in~ R~pox°t c~f J~al.~y 31~ ~9~3, f.a~ ~tk~e Co~ant~, prepared b~ th~ San L~r.i~ Ob~sp~ C~~nt~ F~.~~ning D~part~n~nt, was r~~x~~r~d bg~ the CounciY. AUTHORIZE ~TEW S IGN ~DENTTFXT~`~G C ITY TiAL Administrator B~,tck~ r~q~a.es~~d a~.thoriz~.tio~ tc~ p~.~chas~ n~~a sign ~o identi~y Citg~ H~l~, w1~ic~. ~~aa.ld b~ sx.gnnilar to t~~ fr~on~ of th~ Pr~lic~ Department. Aft~~ Co~nc~? ~.isc~~si~n~ ~ra mot~erc of Co~r~~ilanan T~.~.1~~, s~conded bq Councilman d~ Leon ancl uaan~~~cs~~ ~c~rri~d9 a~t~i~a~ization ~a~.s giv~n to purchas~ new "CiL-y ~i~11W9 sig~~ ~~r~ila.r t~~ Fol.ice D~p~r.tm~nt sign, at an approx~.mate cost of $40(3,00. DISCUSSION RE. ANIMAT~ COTv"~QI,, OR.DI~TANCE AMEND. - I.M.POtT~TDMENT BITI~IG DOGS Administrator B~.~cZ~ ir~formEd ttie Cc~a~nc~,~. tfl~~~ ~h~ C~~an~~° Zi~~lt~? D~part~ent has rec~~uested the C~,ty a~°i~nd its pre~~nt Ani;~n~1 C~arx~~c~~. Ordin~.nc~ b;~ prohibiting dog ownFrs to hold t1~~i.~ o~rn ~nimal ~ft~r it h~s b~~~ qua~rantin~d ~c~r ~~~~,ng som~one. The Council disca~ss~d ~n~.~t~~° and ~g~~~d to 1~:~ May~r Schlcgel bring up the subjeet a~ th~ upco!n~ing Ma~~rs V 3n~~t~,ng tn a~~c~~t~in t~'di~ a~~~x° cifii~s ° action on this ma~~~r, CITY COUNCIL SEPT~NI~~R ~.1~ Y973 ARR.OYO GRANDE, CALTF~RNIA ~A~E ~ DISCUSSION RE. BRISCO ItOAD A1VD TRAFFIC G~.4Y/FiR~I?~~ S:.C~.~~`T S~'~xDTES D~rec~o~ of Pu~b~~c Works A~de~son ~~v~~~~~. ~a~~~ ~1.~ C~afl~~-~.c~.`~ ~°~~,s ~~gox°t dat~d S~gt~~b~~ ~9 19'~3 r~g~.~°ding t~~ B~~~c~ R~a~°~~,z~d.a Dr~~ar ~r.t~rs~c~t~.on st~d.3', which incl~d~d r~cc~m~nd~~Gi~~ns fr~m tt~~ D~;p~.~°Gr~~~t ~f '~~~n~p~~~t~~~.c~n t~ ~ns~~.ll ra~a~bl~ strip~ and 1.~ca~.r~ tk~~ f71~~h~,n.g c~~nt~.~n ~~gn ~n B~~sc~~. M~o And~rscr~ ~.gr~~d these rneas~xre~ m~gh~ h~1p ~~~nporaril.y, bu~ th~~ t~e in~~x°~~cta~~n ;~a~uld ~.lr~ays be a probl~m un~il majc~r i~rp~ov~m~nt is ~nad~, csk~ic'h ~rc~.zlc~ r~.~~,p~~~ a~~in~ effort with the Co~nt~ ~.s a rnaj~r portion of khe ~a~ax°cl~o~as ~~c~i.c~n :~.~~s c~~t~a~n their liznits, Aft~~ Council discv.ssi~n9 ~an ~mc~tio~ of Cou~nc~lax~~~ M~,l~,~,s, s~c~nd~d b~ C~ancilman. de L~a~z~. ~.nd. ~.nan~no~~.s1y c~.~~i~d, Ad~nin~.s~~at,~~° B~tc~ r,~a~ d3.rect~d to s~nd a l~tter td t~-i~ C~t~nty ~~q~a~sting th~Lr c~~p~~at~.axt i~ ~a~e~ng a ta.~~ly study fo~ th.e improv~anPnk ~f Br~,sco Roacl; ~.nd Directo~ of P~blic Wv~k~ Andex°son was a~.thor~.zed to prac~~d with t~~ ~~~np~r~.r~ r~~z?~c~ie~ on ~~°~~co Rvad as outlined in his~S~pt~gnb~r~ath~r~port. ~ ~ Regard~ng ~1~~ Bri~g~ S~r~~t s~~zd~ ~.n~ r~ca~~c~~d~~~an 2n~.d~ that the street be ma.d~ a sir~.t~bc~und on~°~aa~ strv~t~ ~~por~ c~~.s r~,vi~y~9jr.d fr~n C~ty Consulting Eng~.n.~~~ Rvtaert G~.x~n~9 w~.ic12 disco~a~~.g~c~ ~~a~,:~ z°~;co~.~n~~.gi~n. Cot~ncilzn~rc M~.l~is r~~oynrn~nd~d th~t 6' b~ c~.t f.rom ~t~~~ ~,s~~cacE ~~~c~.~~ Bx~id~~; and M~.yox° Schl~g~1 recc~rnan~nd~d. t~~t p~.rk~ng b~ pr~r~i~a~,~~d on Be°idg~ ~djac~nt to t~.e ~,sland, b~~t gark~ng b~; p~~n~~t~d adj~c;~n~. t~a i~l.~.nd. ari T~~.f~ie Wa~. After f~zr~h~~ Co~~,~ca~1 d.~sc~,~~~nn.s ig ~~.s ag~~~:d ~1~~~ ~h~.s ~naL~~~~° b~ r~:~erred baek ~a the Park~,ng ~.nd Tr~.ffic Cc~~ra~s~~rn fca~ f~~th~~ ~~~.d~~ ds ~~co~an~nded by Directcar of P~xb1~c Work~ Ard~;r.son. APPOIN'i'MENT 'OF PLA~ CQMMISST~I~RS SPTERZTI~G & CALHQC~~'V TO C~~STA~. VAL. PLAN. COe On mation. n~ Ccsa:~ncilman Millisp s~c~~.d~d by Co~ne~~a~.n T~l~,~y ~n.d W~na~i- snoan~ly carried, P~.ars~li~g Ccm~rnissicsn~;r~ Sp~,~r~~.~sg ~.~d Cal.~Y~~~r~. ~v~~ ~pp~-~3~.t~d to th~ Coastal V~.1~.~~ Pl~.nra~ng ~c,~nc~19 as ~°~cca~:rd.e~n~€~d. b~ ~h~ P~.~.n~ir~~; Co~nis~ic~n. AUTHnRI~E 1VEW `TA~,:GY HO PT.Al~ L~i~IE STi7DY BY CZTY EN~IIVE~R, WHE1V IiIRED In r~sp~~se ta~ T~1~,~ Ho r~~ic~~nts' o~ij~~~~~sn.s ~~s th~ T~.1~~= H~ Pl~.n Lin~ being prep~.r~d. b~ G~~~~ng9 T~~y~.c,r~ & Ass~ociat~:~, ~ pc~~si1~~.~ cnn~l~ct o~ interest b~ R~b~r~ G~.~~.~x;~, Cit~ At~-~~°n~a S1~~.~s~.~ r~cc?ar~n~~dl~9d s~:~~ 1.~~~~r caf S~ptennb«~r 4, ~.9~3 th~.~ a cl~.f£~,r~~.t car~5~l~an~~ ka~ ~~n,~~,g~c~ ~.r~d ~~,c~ p~.~n 1in.~ b~ ~ reinit~.ated.. Af~t~~ Co~~,nc~1 disc~assion, it was ~.gr~~d ~h.~t ~~.r~ n~:ra C~ty Engin~er, when hired, zai~1 b~ as~s.gn~d. the t~sk of d~v~lap~ng a ne~ pl~.n ~.~n~ fo~ TaI1y Ho, NOTICE RE. TERMINATION QF URBAN EXTENSIOI~ PR~GRA.M As gnatt~~ c~.f ~.nf~r~mation.~ the Co~nca.l ~~:c~~v~d n~~~,c~ from the Depart- ment of Transportatic~n ttaat t~.e Cal~.forni,~. iia~gl~~.y Co~nis~ic~n 1~.s r,exmina.ted the Urban Extension Prog~am. L~ZTER FROM ATTY. N~DGES RE. SIDEWAT,KS AT GRAND & ALDER - HEL:D OVER Adgninistr~,~ca:e But~h ~.ndicated gYiat Atto~n~y ~~dg~s ~as ~~q~~sted that di,scaxssion of his 1~tt~r re~a~ding sid~Ta~.lks on. A~d~r at G~~.nd b~ held over. Councilman Wo~d indic~.t~d h~s int~ntion ta ~.bsta~v. from da.sc~.ss:ion of the following Agenda Itemy d~.e ~a a pos~ibl~ r.onflict of in~~rest. AUTHORIZE WATER EXT. `TO CORBE~`T CYN. & REFFR A~TN~XATION TO PLAI~I~TING _ GOMMI5S ION - Ad.r~inistra~t~r Bu~ch r~vyeta~d th.e Council'~ pr~v~mus ~~g~ul~~ an~eting at . which ti~ne it h~.d. ~eq~uest~d ~h~~ ~ pa~it~on b~ s~ali~~.t~~d. c~~°r~3ng ~igna~.res of al1 property own~r°s in thak c~rtain ar~a in C~~b~~~ C~n~o~ b~ing coxasidr:r~d for anne~ation, which was a conditio~. to provid~.~.g th~ ar~a ~~th Ca~;ky w~~~r s~~vice. A peti:tian e~~.s pres~nt~e~ w~.t~ sa~gn.a~ure~ of a maj~~a~tj~, bu~ not 100°1 of prop~rty owners in said ar~~.. Dir~ctor af. Pu~blic Worlcs And~~san x°~camin~nd~=d appr.ov~l of the fo~.lowing, r~garding th.~ r~q~a~st fr~r water :~~rvic~ b~~ th:e~~ r~sid~n~~ in Corbett Canyon pl~ad.ing ha~°dship: 1.) a~th.orizat~.~sn te~ r~q~~st ~e~ani~sion ,~roYn Zone 3 to serve this ax~~ raith w~.~er; ancY 2,) ae~~l~o~f~atic>~? tc~ e~~~nd. an gr~ Faater line fram Corbett Canycan R~ad ~o t~e-. hozn~s of G~ulart~~ Ada.ns a~.d S~a~mmme~. Afte~° C~anciT di.sc~ass°~ar.i, an motion of C~~ncil~n~.n de I,~c~n, st~onc~ed bjr Councilanan Millis a.nd aa.nanim~~.s~.~ car.r.i~d, approoc~a~ ~~s giv~n to ~xt~nd a water line as recoan~n~ncled by I~ir~c~or of Public Wc~rks Anc~.~~~on~ s~~abjc~ct to ~.pp~°oval by Zone 3 and wi~h th~ und~r~tandLng ~h.at th~s a°~~a f~~~1 c.en.t~n~,:.~ p~oc~edings for annexation into the Cz~y, On motian of C~~a.nc~2lanan Tal~~y, second~d by Go~~.nc~.lman d.~ T,eon and unani- mously cax°ri~d, thF ann~x~tion p~~ition w~a r.~f~r~~d t~r~ P1.anning Cormnission. Ron Grant ~ras as~~.r~d b~% City Attorn~;~ Ships~;r k~~.~ ~v~~rytlzing r~qu:~r~d of the annexation p~~it~cs~~rs ~~~g to this point ~.n th~ pr°oc~~dings ~ haa b~~n accomplzshed. 255 - CITY COUNCTL SEPTEMBER 11, 1973 ARROYO GRANAE, CALIFORNIA PAGE S AUTHORIZE EXTENSION OF WATER LINE TO JAMES WAY 0 H~BER.i,AND Adanini~trator Butch r~:vie~,red saith th~ Counc~l ~ r~~~.~st f~o~ ~.eodo~e and Helen Hab~rland for the ~~~~nsian of a 6" c~~.t~~ 1in~ fr~a~n ~~~1~ H~ to fo~x° lots ' on JamPS Way. Director of Public tn1~~°ks And~~~on ~eco~n~n.d~d that a 12" lin~ be authori~ed to serv~ fu~rr~ develc~pments, r,sith ~~a~ Ci~y to pa~ the diffex°~nc~ between th~ 6" and 12" lin~o After Council dis~~ss~,nn, e~n s~c~~i~~ af Co~zncilman Wood 9 seconded by Col~ncilman M~.l~.is and ~xnanis~ior~s~ l~ ca~.ried.~ ap.~t~,c~riz~.~ion caas given to Director of Public Work~ Anclerson to ~nt~r into n~got~.at~~an~ for ~lae extensioxx of a l2" water line f~°oan Tally H~ to James T~T~:y9 w~t~ ~h~ Cit~r to pa~ the cost difference b~~sa~en a 6" line reque~t~d bg~ tY~e Hab~rl.ands and a 12" w~~er line. Co~xncilman Wood indic~.Ced his intenti~n to abstaa~n f~o~ discu~sior~ of th~ following Agenda It~m, d.txe to a pos~ible conflict of inter~~t. AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF 'PROP~RTY AT S E CORNER OF HALCY01~ &~AIR OAKS - WILSON Administ~ratox~ B~.~tch re~iewed ~ r~~part b~ Dire~~or ~f P~~bla.c TnTe~~l~s And.ex°son regarding ~~quisition ~.r~d improvexri~nt ~uf th~ sout~.eas~ corn~~ of Fair Oaks ~.nd Halcyon for street wid~ning p~.rpos~s, ~ahich is a b~dg~t~d i~t~~n, H~ r~c~ended the purchase of th~ p~°op~rty frozn Dr. Genr~~ Wils~n fc~r th~ ~.ane~~,nt of $1500.00, The City wi~l instdll c~.rb~, gutt~rs and driv~r~a~ ~p~c~~o A~~o r~~~~.~~t~~. ~aas authorizati~n ko relcsc~.te t1~e old tr~.ffic ss,gnal fram Gr~,nd and. H~.lcyon, tiah.en they are replac~d~ to the H~.lcyon-Fair Oaks ~.nt~~°s~c~ic~no Aft~c~x° Co~.nci~. d.is° cussion, on m~tion ~f Cc~•~ncilman d.e L~on, s~cond.~~d by C~~nca~l~an M~11a.~ and unanimously car~~~d, th~ Gr~.nt D~ed fro:n G~o~,g~ W~,~~on, M.D. ~a~s ~,~.~~p~~d and the M~.yo~° and City C1~rk ~~~°e au~h.c,riz~d to ~ign C,~~°tif~c~.t~ c~f Acceptance and ~nter intc~ an. Agr~~m~nt w~.th Dr. Wilson on b~half ~f th.~ C~k~9 fcx pa,yrn~nt of $1500 to D~. Wilsc~n ~.nd the installa~ic~n of ~np~°~v~an~nts b;~ th~ City ~.t said corner. ~ Councilman Wood. r~join~d th~ Co~.ncil d.a.srA~.~sion. On mot~.un ~f C~~~ncYi~cn~,rn Mifllis, s~~onc1.~d by Co~ncfl~~na~ T~.11.~~ and a~nani- mcrusl~ ca.x°ri~d., Di~~~tor of P~blic Work.~ And~~°~~n ~~,s ~~.t~a~ri~~c~ ta in~.tiat~ prelimin~.ry~ const°~e~ctie~n far t~~ ~.ns~~.11a~~on of.' tr~.ff~.c sign.~.ls at Halc~~n and Fair O~.ks . APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP TR~C:r N0. 49$,",GARFI~~D HEIGHTS'~ STJ;BDTV.,(3~IMOVITZ.ET;AL) Director of Public Works Anderson reviecaed with th~ Cotxncil the Final Map and Improvement Plans for Tract No, 498~ !'G~.rfield Heights"A a propos~d 30°lot subdivision on Th~ Pike 1~~ d~velop~rs,Roger Himovitz, Ro D. Gxa3~ and J. Lapp. He report~d that the Planning Cos~?ission ha.d approved tk~i~ T~ntative Map and negative Environan~ntal Repor~. Mr. And~rson furth~r r~ported that approximately $139800 in fees have be~n paid by the subdivicter, and the d~v~loper h~.s requested that the City pay the d.iff~r~nc~ betwe~n th~ F" lin~ anc~ the ~°~quired 10" line requested on Th~ P~~Ce. After C~~nncil discussion, on motion of Councilman d~ L~on, s~conded by Counc~.lman Wood an.d ~xnani~aous lyY carried, th~ F~nal Map of T~°act No. 498 w~.s approved subj~ct tQ the submiss~on of 100% Improvem~nt and 50% L~.bor & Material Bonds and Agr~~ments, to b~ approv~d by th~ Cit~ At~orn~~; ~.nd. ~hat the City pa~ the difference b~;tw~.~n th~ 6" and 10" w~.ter line on The Pi~.e. APPROVAL OF CI~RRY ~UENV~ IMPROVEMENT PROJEC`T Director of Public Works Anderson r~viewed with th~ Coancil his detailed report dated September 6y 1973 regarding the Cherry Av~~ue T~nprovement Project, which includ~d revised cost estima~es and proj~ct~d work sc~.edt~le. The following persons w~re present and com~ra.ented on th~ project: Mr, Tony Abrate, 309 E. Cherr~, Mr, C~.rt~s Log~.n, 321 E, Che~ry; and. Mrs. Mildred Lovall, T33 E. Cherrq, The Council discuss~d the matter at gr~at l~ng~h, incl.uding the paym~nt of addit~onal compensation to tl~ie uTan~r of propert~r at tY.~. corn~r of Cherry and Traffic Way, due to the loss of T~affic Way frontage. Pl~n~~.~.g Co~mnissa~oner Ray Jones point~d ou.~ that this p~oject w~.s a.niti~.ted. by the c~t~ a~~p~t~ ~n~ property owners' opposition., and tt~er~fore t'l~e~e ca~ners sho~ald be a~.ditionally compensated for ~heir loss of prop~rtym Mr. Abrat~ questioned ~rh~ther condemna° tion proceedings wi.11 bP used if no agreemEnt i.s reached b~tw~en ~h~ p.roperty awner and the Ci.ty, which Mayor Schlegel. ~.nssaered in the affi~nativ~s ~ 5 f~ CITY COUNCIL S~P'~~MBER 11, 1973 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORI~IA PAGE ~ After furthe~ Go~cnc~l discussi~n, c~r. ~r~t°ion a~ Cc~a.~nci~m~.n T~.~.l~~, s~cond~d by Cc~inci.lman d~ :[~~~~n and c~rrr~d, Dizt~ctar ~f Pu~~~c W~rl~~ A~d~rson ~,;as ~~.tl~~rized te~ proc~ed wi.th ~:~d~ C~i~;~ry Avenr~~ I~sz~~ov~:m~nt P~ojECt, c~utlin~d in his report dated Sept~mber 1973, REPORT R~. DKAIIVAGE PONDINU BASIN 0:~ ~ARIt~~,I, ROAD - HELI3 ~V~R As req~x~s~~d b~ I~r~°ect~r a~ P~~.1~l.ic W~rk.s And~~~svyi~ di~~~~~ic~~. ~f a drainag~ ponding basin on Farrc~ll. R~ad ~;~.s kre7~d ~vcro REPORT R.E. DEBRIS AT T.RACT ~63 Ir~ re~panse to a conn~l~i~t ~~ceiv~d b~ th~ C~~.ncil at i~s 1a~t r~gular meeting regar.ding ~xcessi~r~e d.~bris on Tract 4P3, a r~por~ frc~m Director of Public Wnrks Anderson d~.ted Aragust 31., 19v3 was r~~ai~~aed b~ t~xe Cr~s~ncil, which indicated the problem Y~ad bc~cn cc~rr~c~~:d. AUTHORIZE CALL F'OR BIDS TO PA~IE VARI()US C:~T.Y S~R~~TS 10/5/~3 AT ~~00 P.M. Admin~.strator ~~tc;h rc~vi~wed. a m~~n.~~and~.~~ fro~cl Dircc~or af P~,~iic Works And~rson da~ed. S~pt~rriber 19~3 r~q~aes~i~ng ~ra.~h±~x°iz~.ti,c~n to c~l~ for bids for gaving of the fol~c+w~ng Ci.~y stre~~s: L~anz1~ D~1.v~ - Ua~~~y Ruad tc w~st ~nd; Ca~.ifarnia - Cherry to Fair ~aks; ~~.rro~.~ Avsv °~la.7l~.y~~. tca E~n St; ~.nd MeKinley St - Cr~tian to Le P~a~nt S~Y'v~E'.~. Estimated cos~ is $1~,500. Af~~r Ca~ncil dis- cussion, on ano~ian of Cr~7ar~cilm~n ~Ii11.is, s~s.ond~d. by C~r~.nci~n~~.n d~ L~on and unanima~.sly c~~ried, Directc~a~ ~f P~.bl~.c WrY~ks And~~s~n x~s~~ a~.~hariz~d to advertcise call for b~.d.s to pa~r~: ~r~.r~.~~us ~it~ s~e~°~~~~, as i~z~.i~a~ed Direc~tor of Public Works And~r~on's Septo 7~~ ~~port; sai~h bicls ~o b~ opened c~n Octobcr .5, 1973 aG 2:00 P.Mo in t~a~ Ce~unci~. Gh~snb~r~. PROJECT N0. 90-73-2. PROGRESS REPORT - ARROYO GRAND~ SE47~R ASSESSMEN~ DISTRTCT AdEninistx°ator B~a~ct; rrv~+ox~t~d ~'h.at no w~r.i.tt~n pro~r~:.ss report ~~as been receiv~d for th~ A~r~~~ C~~.nd~ S~Taer proj~e.t. Ii~ r~a~~d o~er 30 p~opl~ have now installtd h~c~k-~.ps to ~Y~e ne~~ s~~~r s~5f~e:n. H~ f:~rther clarifi~d for Councilman Millis ttie $I00 ~ock-°~ap f~c~s. M~. Dick B1ankErib~a~rg cc~r~.~.nt~d on trie di~r~paix° the lc~~;~r par.t of Aspen has b~en l~ft ir s~~bs~q~.~n~ t7 ~he -~.nstal~.ation of s~~er mains, Adaninistra~ar Butch clarified that final p~ving is nat accomplistx~d ~.n.til the :n~.ins are tested out. Co~.ncilman Waod qu.~stioned whether the redroclc will b~ re~laced on Courtland. ~ROGRESS REPORT - S0. SAN LUIS OBISPO COITNTY SANITATION DISTRICT Adminis~rator. B~.tch r.eport~d that several aAterna~ives ~o repair the Su. San Luis Obfspo Ca~.nt;~ Sa.nitati~n Dis~rict's oe.~an outfall lin~ w~re being check~d into. ADJOUR.NMENT TO EXECUTIV~ SESSIOI~' On motion of. Co~~ncilman T.a11~~r, second~cl by Cc~~ancil.man Millis and unani- mou.sly carried, the mee~~ng adjc~~w.rned at 10:09 T'.Mo t~ an exE:c~xtiv~ session to discuss personne~ ma~ttPrse RECONVENEMENT The Council r~conv~n~d at 1.0.44 P.M. w~th all members presenC as shown on roll call. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Co~.ncilznan de Leon, s~cond~d by CouncilFn~n Wc~od and ~an~.ni- mously carried, the anee~ing adjotx~ne.d. at 10:45 P.M. ~~n~il 7:30 P.M.B S~pternber l~°, 1973, ATTES T : ~e=,~~ ~ ' , MAYOR