Minutes 1973-11-2728 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER 27, 1973 The City Council met in regular sessi4~n. k7itla Mayor Schlegel presiding. Upon roll call, Councilmen Talley, Millis, Wood and de won reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Schlegel lead the Pledge of Allegiance to o:rr Flag; and immediately thereafter, Reverend Reynolds Ritchie of the Church of God in Grover City, delivered the invocation. A,~?~ROVAL OF M~NU,~S The minutes of the regular meeting of N~avember l3, 1973, were approved as prepared. ~,~PjZ, VEAL OF WARRANTS On ~aation of Councilman. de ;Lean, seconded by Ca~crrcilman Wcad a~~d u~-an~,® mously carried, General Warrants No. ~l0 through Nra. 21~r and Na. 9~ thraargh No. X71, ire the foetal arrourst of $.,71.00 Payroll Warrants Nc~. 79 thrrt~w~gh Nc~. 8$3, in the total amount ~? $3~,1~~,71* and Trait ~ Ager:c~. Warrants No. ~1~3 through No. 2205, ire, the total aa~o~An.t of ~,00.~2, orate appraved end ordered pa3•d. RECt~NITION OF C'UB aCOIiTS A~ h~a NG MEETING Mayor Schlegel. reca~gnl~.ed and o~elceamed Mr. Brace .Adams and his Cub Scoat traop, oahich ~=as attending t~~a Council`s meet~t.ng. S 0, N Y S ~ S I ~` N N Administrator Butch. reviewed a letter from Lt. Governer Reinecke and a report from Police Chief Clark regarding efforts being made to reduce the usage of energy and gasoline in view of the shortages. Adminis*rator Butch requested the Council`s feelings regarding City HaI1 decorations. It was raeomr~ended that only the red Christmas Tree be lit at the reservoir, at reduced hosts from previous years. The Council discussed the matter and generally agreed to light the tree at the reservoir starting about December IStta until Christmas, from 5:30 P.M. until 10:00 P,M. PRESENT BYE WEBRE RE SENIOR CITIZ PROGRAM - COrICEPT SUPPORTED BY COUNCIL Elizabeth Webre was introduced and she presented a proposal for an Office on Aging in the County, the planning of which is being done under a grant and the proposal has been sent to the State. The proposal requests partial funding for the Com*_nission on Aging in the arno~.nt of $17,000.00, from the Co^~anty Board of Supervisors, from its Social Services to the Aged item in .the County's Revenue Sharing Budgc~to She requested the Council"s support by letter for the funds. After Council discussion, on motion of Councilman Wood, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, Administrator Butch was directed to write a letter to the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors indicating the Council°s support ar•.d approval of the concept of a Commission en Aging and approving the funding of this Commission from the Revenue Sharirtgs Funds of the County, as set out in the proposalo LETTER OF THANKS RE ~'UNIPER STREET IMPROVEMENTS - COOKS Administrator Butch read a letter from Chester and Mary Cook of New Cuyama, thanking several of the. City staff for the courtesy shown. the Caoks' mother at 142 Juniper ay:d co:n~.;nergting on: the great improvement the curbs, gutters, etc. have made in the area. PETITION FOR R.EMO~iAL OF TREES AN PIKE - REFERRED '190 1?. FORGOSTEIN OF HALCYON Administrator Butch reviewed a. report by Director of Fublic Works Anderson regarding a petition signed by a,pproximat~,l~4 19 residents on '1r-.+.e Pike, requesting that t1-ie Eucalyptus trees across the street from t~'ieir homes be topped or removed fear the residents' safety. Or3.ginally the petition had been st~.bmitt~sd to the County and referred by t1~em to the City. Mr. Ardersosa's report j_ndaicated, that the majority of the trees are on private land within tt?e Halcyon area and that Mr. F.arold Forgostein cad indicated thc~ people of Iialcyoa do net wish ary~:.hing dcarra to the trees, as they serve as a ~~i_ndbreak. Tl~e matter was rt>ferred back to Mr, Forgosttiin for further consideration. Pi7B. HEARo - ES TAB. OF UNDERGR UND TJTI3.IT~' DIS'1,~ ~f'%, VERNON ® R.L,~~OI~. ADOPTION Administrator Br.tch reJiextied backgrounel iriforznation regarding the C~.t;y=~s desire to underground utilities on Vernon Str~:et, which faill net involve any private property. Upon. being assured by City Clerk del Cssr3p+~ that a]. ]. requirements as pz•ovided by lava ha~7:. been complifd with, Mayor Schlegel dec~.a:red t~.~ie hearing open and all persons for or against tale establishment of L?ndergrc,und Utility District 1'~To. 3 - Verraor; Street, •~ould now be heard. There being no disw;aassion for nv- ao;~incA- 9-}cC ms*;-fior M,a~trn+r ~:r~'n~t?oal r~RC~%~.Y°P,s~ ~':~"p,~ hPa~.7`b.?'!E° 1:~~,rlcae'~o ~9U _ _ , ~p~q~yx~q~~J~~~7~~yr~~~~_p: ~(r~. ryry Y q~~y 7 ~.4\il.A_~,L 4~ ~LSd`1.d.5U~ w lud.:~:l r, 1..~i,+9~@,± ~4s.";';. r. ;. r ~ ?'~ - s ~~ ~T" :~`~~>~1.~?T?. t.2 ~'<h~w t~I..,~ .,~~ ~~•i .,,~.~.-`ir ;;<,' ~, ~ .. .. -C~ CWT' .gat°;3'L1 ~r3C~ ~;:i ~~'. 54ssA~~}1~A~~aee ~~nn <. 6. ..^' ~~, .~r ? '. S. i a. .. ~ - u ~ .~'i., 1 . , a.., t1 ~, ~,. el. d 4 ~, : , . ...„s ,. ~ ~~ ..' °L:~~ g .., ~ as ~ z_=. "::_~ `~ EM~Ir i.7 m A.. E. 'I7.2.~~i.~ ~~~.~I~ ~ S IZ~P('?Tt ~ F°~1~ ~L't~t ~ ' ' ~` ~C ~ t'~' _ ~.~,m~`,: ,.- z _ .. ~_a ~~~~~ _~M __~;+.~_ ~~T=Cjl~ I ~~~ ~~fa~ ~ c ..,~,,. ~~ grit "sue rt_~.~R~_ .f ~ .3 k7 ~ , ~ `~' l" T~ ~ A .I. ~t tr-s ~ ~ . ~ ka ~s f' ~~ 1 `~° e`aL .'1° s .~ ~ ~' ~ ; Z, 's, ~ ~ v ~.'+a ~, t~ '~'' ~1~T~'~9, ~'~~M L•~~~CTE ~~_~_~.i~:T.~`. Cii~-_ a_,~~'~~'~~ 1~~,, ~Ef+~~ s~ff_'~.~T~~C3~1~ ~~~ ~ m 1%9°,Irl~ ~9~3 ~~g~~~,a~~~,:~n F~f,~.~ :r~~r ~.. ., -.~ ~~.~. °~f ~~ ~r ,~~.... , , ~ . ,, r~ ~~.~~.~~n~ ~~;;1: ~°~~`;~ ('^~:~.I,C:.l,c3.~~ I - .- ~ ~': ::~; ~' 1... "~i..~"'k.s k".sS::.'.: +'.~..i~.~._''~~_t' i`.... ~.7~C~. ~~;i~..~~".~.'.~', f~r~~~~~~ ~ :r=~~~~.~. ,~ ~'~~ C ~ud~.~4.~ r,~ ~_ ~°~~~~,~~9 ~~ ~4~~G~~ ~r~ci~ ~h~~ ~', .1'r:?`~"~~"e'u, 1~~CLC~ i ;' ; C% :t. ~.t :~ ~3~_ , ~~ 1,~`.k? cvti;)'~~~ tT4~~nf:,~,~:y „~ ~ ~,, ~'i,.~f'~~'~rryf~..~r~~ ~~'d,. 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CICT~ .. ~ 5°°~ ~}' ~ ~,.'?`'z;' ; ~; ~ ~Sc~4C;~s ~~~~.~~~' ~,~' ~~GFa~VE„®,~m~~t~~~~{~~ ~~~_, ,'~~x' ~r~ ~~+~~ec'S~. ~u_.:~ ~~ fe~ aK_~~;`. _ ~+.,~ ~'~'7,., ~.~ ~~.~~., ~re~~j vl ~`," ~~+_F,~ ? ~, _ y - ~, .`~,,e .xi ~'i ~ _ ~ ~. _+,,'~ C".y sue, ..~,~~~'d~'L~ ~~,~71~`~,~7 *!~~ i C~~~t+'~ ~~ C,. ~~',:~ ~e r _ !~~ hit-. ~e~ _~;]~ ~~~~ $~`~~ .€5~,zs,~ o ~ ;: ,_ : Crai~.zz~,1,.L °ri~k:. ~, 6c.ry ~ , ~ f. ; t ,' ~,. ~,:1 0.. '~, .... 4. ~. ti:'. ds m e u~l~ 4 z. ~r~~:,~° ~:.~ ~..' ~° t~ ~.4 l ,., ~~, $ ~'.r`: ltd;"F~~ ~~',, r ~, u l .i ~. , a 2 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA NOVEMBER ~~~ 1973 PAGE :~ RECOMMENDATIONS OP PARK ~ TRA.~F', ~~a`~1.. ~;~. BRI~`'QE S`~~R~~?~'~~C~R.ESOL.ADOPT. m LTD PARKINGON HALCYON - - Director of P~b3.ic Wc~r~.~~ Andcyrs~n ~'~,~ . d t~r~» ~ ~c' ~~~^~~.n of tn~ Parking and Traffic Commission ~ad~a at ~~ss i~~~~r.~n~~~.r 9, 19u.3 ~s.; r:~:l;-,-. ~" ~; Christ :ls '.I~'~~e Island be redesigned t.~ a:i.scc,,~- re:alignm~un't of Br'ici~ Str~_,_, ~ ,, NCI . ~~r~yv and Traffic WaY, whicb~ will p~-r~~;.~t~ v ~,.icle par~v~~. r R„~~,,, ~~: ~` B~~m ,~~ a~~°`.r;t~ that ~h~ cbian~ell~atiozl b~ c~r~~t~~.~~~t~d ~~.`~~? ~ ~ ~ .,~°: ~ ~ ~.°•~ ~, :7, ~;~~,"~ parR.ing on tY~c: west sld~ o~~ C~?rlstmas Tr~:~9 ~.~l~~n~. ~ :.f:.~, ~ S~:nc~a ~~ing only. Redesigning of t~~e islQr~.d F~oc~ld test 6xipp'i ~ ~d° ~=~~.~oC~ ~~ ~° "..c permanently solve the probi Par~ang ~ Trafl~~ i ,.~~s~e~n C`~~a.l.t~~.;~ ~e -,~a'tric~C was present and s~,ggetitf~d t+~: at ~,f Bridge Strut i~ :~_,~ dd~.d~n.ed, '~IW,tm p:~,'.~~.~,ng b prob.ibited on tb~~ t,~~.et sidf= .~f Bridge Street. ~~~ f :rtb~.r r~~~~~st~d y~~,'~~ signs be erected diree°ting traffic to Lop~,~ I,a~~=, v~.a I"r~.ff~,c W~°a~ to Grand Av~n~~~. Ma.rvln Hartwig of t:o.e Presbwterian C~~~~reb~ on Br'~,dge S~r~'t ~,nd~,cat~d tbi- c~~°~~.rc:~ was affil fn favor of one°•~~~,Y traffic Brfdg~~, tx,°a~w~~ling rer~;~"t'`,c riG° b v ~.~~° , s~ P'.ol~ ~nc~. Nel~On ~`tr~:~?''Yn`~"• ~51;: ft~i,~.C¢"vv_'7' ~'::.:'~h'~sdPtb?~t Lo.L ~e`~~~~."`F"_ tbs~s ~",~f~:`,C lV~e:~t`.,°3n '_Rf traffic from Traffic Wa°y+r fnt:j Bridge S~r~~t b ,~;rork.~;~ ;:.nt s~^ teat Macy traffic flc~~; is not pointing iryt~ the c~~as,rc:b do".'Jr. After Co~Encfl dlsc~.s.;°~,~~n, ft was atgr v~d t~5~~v °°°,~1 rl-n.c~ntat~,on c~ t~,m traffic proble;~ in this ar~~~. c ,o.t fn~r~ ~.n.til ;T~.~'n.~, ~°: .~c~ t:~ma ~ ~'nd4 ~,~sn b~ budgeted fo.° the red~~sfgra o:t Ch3:r.°ist~as Tr~~~ I>~1~.~~d, ~.i no ot°~~r ~ol.t~,~~i~>'~~ bass: b~~n fo~nnd bye then. A ~e~~nd rc:~lmO'1"T_i~ nda~~i~+~t tJ~ the-'' CCl~7L~I`.'a~L~ei:~~>n ~ni'~a~. t~'1at cd .~® ~Siin~3>~=~' ~i~itC:.d parkfr~g ~r;;ne be established ~~n o:~e par~.fng space o~n tk~e east side of Ha'lc~on Road located 5~~ northerl~~ of the north. propert~~ `~f~~e. of G.r~and AvCv~n~;e and F~~ten.ding a distanee of 20~, as req~~ested b~ the owner ofStop ~ Go Liq~~ors. Afton Co~nefl disc~ssfon, City Attorney Sbips~Y read the title ofa resolution es tablisb.irxg ~ 30 ~iin~°ta liur±it~d pari~ing zr:~n~. on 1~~:Trtt~ I~~a.leyon Rowdy th~:reafter, a ~rotion was made b;~ Co~,~ncfl~aan Talle~~, seconded b~ C~~?a.neflman Millis and ~xnanimo~xsl?~ carried, to dispense with, reading t~se balance of this resol~.tion. RESOLUTION NO. 107~a A RESOLUTION OF T'HE CITY. COUNCIL OF° TIE -CITY OF ARR.C-YO GRANDE ESTABLISHING A "THIRTY MIN'UfiES PARKING" BONE ON THE EAST SIDE OI° NORTH HALCYON ROAD BEl'GTEEN! GRAND AVE~V"I7E AND COR~V'WALL .AVENUE . On ~rotion of Coa~neflman de Lee:n, y~:ccar~.d~;d by Coa~nc'~,l~nan Wo~tid. and on the following roll call vote:, to wito AYES: Co~,neflm~:n Talley, Mi~.l'fs, Wcaod, de Leon anal Ma;~orSchlegel NOES : Nt~ne ABSENTS None the foregoing r~;sohxti.on was passed .and adopt~:d this 27th day of N~avember, 1973. RESOL. ADOPT. CONTRACT WI'T`H CHP RE. ABANDONED VEHICLE ABATEMEI~rT PROGRAM Administrator Bitch reviewed that fn cc~~n~~znct~,on with the Ordinance adopted b;; 'the Co~.ncfl at its last meeting, wb.fch pr~~~fc~es for the abatement of abandoned vehicles, a resol~ti:-~n fs nc_~a nec~~ssar•Y aa~t~orf~ing tb.~; Cit3~ to enter into a contract with the California. High-a~.~ Patrol to ~:~pl~ar~:nt the program, City Attorney Sb~fp~e~' read the tftl~ of a re.sol~.tio'n a°.~~thrt,rizing the City to contr~~et wft~~ tbtc-~ C~~PP ~,;nde'r t'he abandoned ~~~c~biicle abaft>>~~~~-dirt program thereafter, a motion was m~ad~~ by Cor.~nefl~ian Tal.l~y, s~~r~,:and~d by Ca~;~r:ri.lman de LPOn ar~d ~,nanf~ata~sly carried, to disp~:nse with rear~~ng 'tl~e balaze.~~ of this res ol~atfon. RESOIi}~Tr_~N No. X07 A RESOLT,7TION OP TIR; CITY COT.?NCIL OF THE CI.'1'~i~ OE ARRO'?~0 GRANDE At+THORI~IN'G SAID CT;TY TO CONTRACT WITH Tf~ DEPARl'MENT OF CALIFORNIA HIG3:~.GJAY PATROL UNDER THE ABANDONED VEHICLE ABATEMENT PROGRAM. On motion of Co~.na:il:~an de Lein, s€=.cor~d~;d b~ Co~,ncil~ra~n Wood and on the following roll call vote=, to wftm AYES a Cv~:nc:a.:is~cn Tall~y9 Millis, WoPvd, de Leon .anal Mai.-or Se-at~iegel NOESo None ABSENTm None the fere~ofn~ r~:sol~~tio'n way pas:~ed and adopted tb.is~ ~7t~a da~~ c~~f NF~~vember, 1973. CITY COIINCIL NOVEMBER 27, 1973 .ARROYO GRANDE , CAL,TFORNI.~ PAGE 4 1~IOTIGE RE. IMPENDING VACANCY OF CITY RENTAL A_T__'2.00 E. ~R.~~~ ,Administrator Butch advised that Mr. Rick L~;e, rera~:~r of the City-owned buildingat 200 E. Branch, has given notice that he will ~~~~~~~e Gaut of said building by the middle of December, 1973. A8 re~u~~sted, tine Go~;ncil a°~t°;;,~.ari~~d use c°f the building, after its vacation, for City functions. pR®~R~~~ RAP®R~ - ~~RR ~ A~~ ~, ~ NT p~.~ Y°r Regarding the C'~arry Arn~se Iz~prcva~aer.~t Px~c~~ect, D3.rer.tcr of Paablic ~Wea~°~a Anderson reported that the title t°epcrt they a a~~aiting era ~:artain prr~p~rty on Cherry Avenue has nit been completed as yet, anal that cc~atractcr Burke has agreed tc the 30-day ext~nei~n for t~~e warding cf the ce~ntract. ACCEPT BIDS & AWARD CONTRACT RE. BRANCH ST. WATER LINE. PROJ.60-73°2 ~ MAYBERRY`S Administrator Butch reported that four bids had been received and opened at 2:00 P.M. on November 21, 1973, for the Construction of Branct- Street Water Distribution System Improvements, Project Nu. 60°73°2, as follows: B ER MAYBERRY'S PIPELINE CONST. Route 5, Box 369B, Bakersfield, CA 93307 R. BAILER CONS TRL~CTION CO. , INC . P.. O. Box 419, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 JAMIESON CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 2233 So. Depot Street, Santa Maria,. CA 93454 CHARLES A. PRATT CONST. CO. F. 0. Box 1295, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 The Engineer's Estimate for th~~ project w~.s $48,909.00. TOTAL BID $41,529.00 41,82,x.35 62,015.88 73,382.06 Director of Public Works Anderson°s report datr~d Novemb~:r 26, 1973, recommended the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Mayberry°s Pipeline Const. After Council discal~~ic3n, on a:.otion of Councilman d~: Loon, seconded by Councilman Talley and unanimously carried, the bid in the amnunt of $41,529.t~0 for Branch Street Water Line Project No. 60°73°2 .was accepted and that ci~ntract awarded to M~yberry's Pipeline Const., who submitted the lowest and best bid,, and the Maybr and City. Clerk were authorized to sign ttxe contract document an be?:aalf of the City. ~L?~'HORIZE CALL FOR B DS ELM ST STORM DRAIN ER.T ~k90°73-5 12/10/73 2.00 PMM The Citg-'s Consaaltins? En~iraepr _ Rob~r~ Cax^i_n~r _ r~gai~~~~m~c~ tI~1~*_ r~lar~~ anc~ sp~:cificatiorAS for the Elan S which will start s.t the Elan with stub°outs on .Map le, and $74,655.00. The Council dis and the risks of ~,aeatixer con Butch stated the reasons for view of the fast rising cosh Salata, who is new in ttte az might be interested in this Grov~:r City anei did a good ~ matter should be cleared up into any type of litigation, treat Storm Drain Exteczsi.~~n, Project tr"o. 90°73°5, itroe~t ponding basin .and end at tl~e bubblc:•~up an Elms 'ash Streets. Engineer's e;~tianatc: for t'~: project is rouss~;d at lengths possible damage: to trees in the .area iitions tine contractor would b~: facing. Ad~r,inistrator starting the projFCt no~da were to keep down costs in s of .construction, and to take: ad~rantage of Contractor ~a completing the City°s sewer project, to see if he ~roj~:ct, as he has accomp7.ished a similar pruj~:ct for ~b on it. Mayor Schleg~:l indicated first the tree Before the ca11 for bids so the Cit;~ is not pulled and Director of Public Works Andersen indicated iae 293 CITY c®L'~CIL ARROYO GRA~DB, CALIFOR~3~ After furt'i~~ar C~`•~.ncil d~,sc~ssic:rn, ~~n ~e~~t[l,~n ref ~ ~'iC?~nC:'illLl.an d~ Leon and ~e.'T"i~nS."Ii~in~,;,~1~' C'~rL'~L`c:t~., ~~1t9.`~:~'~""~`[_-~~._. the c~ 11 for bids fc^r t~;.~°~ 1°. S t'r~~~~~'t S t~ry~~ Dr~~,i,n. P ~tvr, with bid opeziing et for Dec ~r~.b~.'r 10, 1.9s3 a.t ~:O~a P.M. ~s~~'B1~tBPR ~, c , 1913 PAGi~ ~.v'~, ,,1~r9~.n ~nfc?°::rd, sc~;cond~:d by '.t `-r~~ ~i~'c:iC3 tea adY~~~~"~~~'~~ AUTHORI7~ CALF F~l~__B~D~ T~ ft~_M~L)_~;"P D~.:L~~ AT ~A~'s~Y~~w~. ~ ~ P=T~t~ .:. ~ ~a'~~%~~+~ x:00 P.M. ACU...'!iniatratC~'5" }~3~~''~,t`>}5 adti~~~'d t~c;.`v :1,'X7. Gt I';~"~;~ ~~~,, fl (, t. R:r~ t .~, ~C _, ~': €'d P~,an Line proaect, t}3e D°~pa`t•~73~:nt ~.~f Pwbla~c 63'srtcs i~~~,s r >ted ~z~th~~ri= k' ~~ c:all for bids for the p~:,s~°c'hase ~.n~z .~'~~vezl tsf t:Ft~. C~~~, .. .~ b;,.i~.d°~.'rig, ~,t ~- ; , . ...and The Pike. After C_r~aa.~aci1 d~°~ .. .1~n, ~~'ra ~x~t~..~t~ ~`: , ~n~~~.~.~~.n ~1111M, r~d~d bra Councilman d~; Leon anal ~z~~an~; :sly;. carried, a{~t`, ...vi_;~7 ~'~,s gis°~.=:n. t~ t;~:11 f~~r bids for t~~t=; pux°chase and 7 ~~.~ of thy: C~,'ty® '•~'. ~ r ~~,d~;ncv a,nd garage 1a~~cated at the northwr'st corrt~;r of S. ~` tia.lt;.yon R~~a.d and Tia~~ Pi~~~, in t":~~ City ~^f Arroyu Grande, said b~^;ildin to b'~. ~. be~z~~:~r~.~ Ja~7~:ary :L1, ltl`'4;, ar~.d ~°id bids t~ be ogened 1~/11/1~ at x:00 P.:~i, AtITRORI~L ~F ~ .~~; i~.IP,~ ~ " ~s~~ -` ~ q n ,. ~ ~~ 10 `'PARS .. ~ _. _ x ~... _ e.. d. I,I~ii, •SI~I~ DIF ' ° ~~ ~ tn:D 1~1'~'r .°~ Dir'vG't`J~ ~f Pe.b~i6~ Yd, Aa~,C1C.~ ~ ~.~. ~~'~.4.E'a~Jt~d -'.i:~ r'~pa`1,~'~' ri~'ga,rC?ing a Tri/at'~,Hr ~7ain extension on E1:r~. 5~.~' ,~'t it tal.-~,d b~>~° Jo~.~ Air ~:~~ co~7.~; e~nctit=n ~.~°its~ his developm~a'nt Gn L1Er. TP3~3 d~~°'1• ~ r sp~,~ Y~-~~~~C~d t ~.~.s~ ~n a (e'~es Av~'a'~:rr 'tia,I. ~Ji,a,t ~o rws ~ *' C, ity' ~ r~':.i.~?~.~~~' f "_' j.,.~iE".~"mab+:`°~. 7:D'W'_ ra.u,'. c.irc~slata~on.. installtsd a 10 ~a~~.~r 7aa~~z ~:b ~' ~. It Ld'a~ reco~r~r.3,end~d tlia': A'~~i't=': 3' ~) C'=;'f€.Ild:;~d `~'i! C;um)i" dif~':~rEnt,°i~ ~.1: ..tax°,..TL SJL~~~. ~~fter C~~~~nci1 di . _.~.:- k d ~~n ~r ,t`~on of C':~~tnci~ ...~~ ~ d ~~~on, s~.r~°~~nd~d b~, ,. a. Co`txncllzri~cn Mood anti una~.ia; .~`la c,:~,~°ried, a~ythori~ati ~A7 .,.mss i;~v~n t"~at ti~e~ City pay the am~~;:.nt of $1,~01.~~ to Jcs~ Air'ey, tk~e dt~~~~~1op=:r taf ~,~~ water ~:,ain extension. l'7n ~;lr~ Str~' t, w~Yit:.~1 i~ t}°vr ~,f~~t difference. b~?~';i~'t":9n t3".4 H" anti lU" w4zt'~r A[4;~in. Or_ mt~'ti~jn t~sf Cr~;znei 1e~a.c^. Talley, s conned, b - Cr.°`u~iciiY~n. Mil:~~,s ~'nd ~~nani® anously carried, the Airey line ~;as b~9nded f~~r a t~v,n°~ewea.r peri~:~d. to a11ow for refunds to Airey fro~~ f~ t`urv b ~nefiting prc~gerties d'e~;•uloped; ,c~z.t~~.z that 10°year period. AUTHORI~P CALL FOR BIDS liOR SIG. SYSI;' AT FAIR OAKS/iiALCYOM S~ PROP, P7BGOTLATIOIVS Director cf Pubic 6~c~rk.s Andt~rson r.eview~;~ti 'i7is report regarding installation of the soon to be r~:mt~~°<~d signal system fro~^r Grand s.nd i±alt~y'::^;-~ to the I'aa~r Oaks Ave.n~,e~rialcyon R~:ad inters~c,tion, the cost t~f said installati~~n ~ ~'timated at $12,000. It is hoped tla't tree sign~.ls can b~~ f~al~bdted sts soon. as tb.tc,",~ are re7~;ove,d frorr~ Gra:nd-°ilal.cyozl, Tv~e.~ tK;ntati~v°+~ ~;s~~~ d~1~~ for tl?e proj :c;t :~s as follows : le Appro,-a1 t:o s.d~~~-~.'r'tis~~ ~Ta°a~e~tbt~r 2°~, I~3h3 "~ ~. Adv~:.rtise ~ov~~~rbvr :~0, 1'91:3 3 . Open Bids Dec?giber a , 191`3 ~> Award Con.traet Dr~.,embf~r 11, 1913 5 ® Start Work 3a'nua.ry ~ , 1914 ~. Con,gl4::t~> ~T~rk Marc°.h 1, 1914 il1r. Andk'r~at'3n al.5`~w :C'C:s"~'F ?,'tti'd a':ya'thC~ri~.~.ti'~n to nE-'.got1.?~tL f+r tom.? aC'C~^~isltion of rexr±aiizing properties ~7.wcr~s~sary„ f;or thy; Rs,lcyo x Road ali;g'nmey~~v to ctrnfox~?~ ~~ith the Plan Line. 'l'yre Ma'rgar~~t Na'rl~:~~ School's wa,a~~r ~ic:11 tbill b' placed in the side: walk and tI~F st:hool will be r ~a~~xvs t~,d to install c°~;rb;; , gutters wnd sidewalks . After Co~anteil discaassio'n, on moti~.:;~n a~f C~°~nc_i.~°Yran 'ra~~.s~'J, se~~on.ded by Co~:'nci1~?7an Mi11is and ~~na.n:iws~~s1y. carried, thfi~°°, call for bids ~~ss :~tzt;!~it~ri~ed for the. insmallati~9n of a signal system. at thy. irit~rsecti~~'n of T~l~~y~~n Read and Pair Oaks Aven~,e, ~c~ith bid c~~~:rt~,r~g t€~ta.tlR~kal~; a~~-~~~,d~~1ed fc'r Dt~certb.~'r 19f3 at 2:0® P,M®9 a.nd Dirt~C;t~'r 4?f Pi f1a'.:1,~ ~C-rk~ Andcy'r.at°sn ~:~.~ t~~;t~?C3riP~,d ti?'pr'~C:c~t;ad T:~ith negotiat'ior~s for right of w~~.e~ prc~pc~rt;~ o:z t~-~o w~:.~t s..d~-~ ~,f iis.l.c~on R;~~~.~d bet~,cpeen Fair Oaks and T~x~; P~.?~:~:, f;~:~ '°`r::~a i3~l.,o;ron. Ro.a.d Plr~,n L:in.~~ p~.s?,)~~e,~®. FLTRTN.BR DISCZtSSIOI~ Rf® VAIa`f~,Ri~,, DR~?.IGP ~?~.~~t?~`~L CASTS .,~D~S~IIT~ ~ C. MA.RTI~T Administrat~~r B`~tch Y ,e °,;°~:d th.: Co°.~nt;il's prr.~ it,~~s ~r~.~tirzg of h,A-J~. 13th, at which. ti.~n~~ ti.e liinal N~,~, . _ Tr=act 501 h.ad ti:~c~.n apgro~;°~,~d ~ ~?:.~-~:t taz o.ertaa.n Condi.tlons y inC:luding " i .,~ :x ~t°~s. s 1 +W i , p.,.° ~ Irv t;l-yes -,... r.p j ~ , -~ ~ >~~-3.t:~_:°~:a~tC.7°` ~.~,1'.7<;n~. i~ ::,.vJ~., v~, C'~.:e~k.2..~ a~ rf~ C, f fir'.E mobile ho:~7e park (D. S77~i'~.i'~) ~,nd Tract ~o. 501 (C9 1:, Martin, c,n t''1~: co:zstdr~ction charges for the drainage ct~.~.~7n~~1" ® Thq Ccauncil i°~ad fc1t the pr~.~r.ati~:an tzf costs should be settled bc:'~~een Sn~dith and ~'Iartin and tiiea Cit ':s ~~~ffi.~~; vv,er~:' offered for negotiations, A •~:t~ting k.ad bt~en set ~~p, b~a~~ felled to c~,7°a^inat•e a.s one: of the principals was unablr;~3 ~:o att~~nci on t~°:~;, af'ter' c~-hic~"~ bti;'~,h p~.rt~,~:n.7 indi,catu~d their feplin.g that the Cl.ty Attorn~sv si:o~zi.d 7z~ak~; a decisit~n on this, City' Attorney Shipsey clarified trra.t thy: rs,~tter haci b~.t~n hF~:ld Duct for tfe,°~.~ ~re~i~.s to give: the two par'tirs a chance>. to get 'togt~t~e.r on. a solia.tion, but in the absence 29 CITY COUNCIL ~ NOVEMBER 27, 1973 ARROYQ GRANDE, CALTFORNTA PAGE 6 of such a solution, he suggested that t~3e C~~~~~~cil ~ho~le~ ~~~ -~,sibly consider establishing a benefit district .and prorati°.~. o f costs a 1_,~.~~~t~~~~ discuss~.~n ensued among the follo~,ing persons present, r:,aa,rd•~,ng t~,- ; , ,.,,~tion of posts, benefit district, and channel ea$ement: Jack ~ah~r~~l~, 5G, {. in,, Santa Paulag representative cif G®lden West I3t~mes3 Dick Smit~a, g...f~ers,l ~•_a: ~~~.: '~~nder,~t fo~°~3. C, Flli®t, Inc.; and C. h. martin, developer cif tr~~- ~ ~ ®c~:~r~. ~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~;4~t~ Tract 501, After further Council discussion, on ~ ~ti~ ~, ~~ ,~~i9an W ~ . w - ti :;~dz~d b~ C®uncilr,an "falle~v and unanim~.s 1y carried, C~vnu9;1°; ,.9 ~ 5 ~n tee apr -: ~ ~f tree Final P ®f Tract 509,, was rmcved, and an ix~~ ,,~~~ ~-; ine~ , ~;i~tin ~e ; `: -. ®stablishment ®f a drainage benefit district eras ~{•~th~ari~~ ~~. PROGRESS REPORT - ARr~0Y0 GRANDE SEW'Elt ASSESSMEl~ DISTRICfi ..Administrator Butch reported that resident County Engins~er :Beck wild. be present at the Council's next meeting to give; a progress report on the Arroyo Grande Sewer Assessment District. He further advised that the a~a~~nt of $244.,301.00 ''has been received fro~a the HUD grant for t9ae sewer project, which funds have been submitted to the County, whirr, is handling the proj~;ct. PROGRESS REPORT - SC1. SAN IL'TS OBTSPO COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT ..Administrator Butch reported that bids had been received on November 21st for the repair of thz South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District's ocean outfall line, and passed out a summary of ttse bids received. Low bidder on the project was Edgar Griswold, 2160 Oak Knoll Avenue, San Marino, CA 91108, in the amount of $37,650.00. The Board of thy: Sanitation District has n~~t awarded the contract as yet, as they are awaiting word fro~a the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration whether aid from thesx- will be forthcoming for this project, as the outfall line broke during and as a result +~f a rain stc~rcn in the early part of 1973, ISCUSSION RE __`TYPES OF_ PAVING TO BE REQUIRED BY DEVEIAPERS - G'JLLICIi50N Planning Commissioner Don Gullickson was present and requested clarification of AC and "dust free" paving and which t;~~pe shoa~ld be required on drivewag~s, parking lots, etc, Aftera dEtailed discussion regarding the diffc~r~:nt types of paging, it was recot~c¢nend~~d that the Planning C~~~niasion have a stud3~ s~;ssion with the Director of Public Works to establish a consistent polic;~ of typ~:s of .paving to be required on pra.ccts, and make any reevmmendations to thr~ Cit~r Council if it .appears that the Cityes Municipal Code covering t~ris matter needs to 'be changed. .ADJOURNMENT On motion of Corancilman d~~ Leon, seconded by Ca~u~~c°,iL^nan Wa~~z~d .and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourn~r~d at 10:45 P.M. ATTEST ~ C IT'~CC~~ MAYOR.