Minutes 1974-01-22 ~ 3 0'~ C ITY COUNC TL JAIVLBARY 22 9 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA Th.e Citg~ Cmuncil met in r~gralar session with Mayor Schlegel pr~s~dinge Upon roll ca1~, Co~.nci1 M~mbe~s Tall~y, Millis and W~od r~egort~d present. C~~.ncilman de Leon is ~.bs~nt, PLEDGE OF Ad~LEGIANCE A~D IN~IOCA`TION Mayor Schlegel lead th~ Pledge of Allegi~.nce to our Flag, and. ixr~neciiately thereaftere Rev~rend A, Mill~r, Pastor of tl~e Peace Lut~.eran Ch~arcY~ in Ar~oyo Grand~9 d~li~rer~d. t~e ~.n~rocatiano APPROVAL OF MI~IUTES The aninute~ of the r~gular me~ting of Janv.ary 8, 1974, ~aere approved as prepareda APPROVAL OF WARRt~NTS On mot~.on caf Counc~.lman Ta1~ey, s~conded by Councilman Mi~lis ~.nd ~nani- mously ca~x°fed~ G~neral'W~.rrants N~o 2/9 ~hro~.gka No, 254 and NaA 997 t~.ro~xgh No, 1030, in the total amount of $186,70~037; and Payroll Warrants No> 1194 through No, 1280, in the total az~oun~ af $20,357y32, were approved and ordered paid~ The Lop~z Bond pay~ent in the amount of $157,045,29 is included in the General Wax°rantso REQUEST FOR TRAFFIC SIG~iAi. AT GRAND/OAK FARK BLVA INTERSECTION - MILLER.& DAVIS Adininistrator Bu~ch re~d let~ers from Pastox° Larry Mill~r of the'Peace Lutheran ChurcY~, 244 No o~~k Park Blvd. , Ax°ro;~o Grande, and Mr. and Mrs e Ler~ris L, Davis, 1431 Ne~rp~~°t Avenu~, Arroyo Grande, req~esti~.g consideration fox° the instalTat~on of a tr~ff~c cantrc~l sAgnal at the intersecti~n of Grand Avenue and Oa1c Park B~~.levardo Administragor Butch explain~d that the intersec~ion itself is ~aai~hin the City Limits of Grove~ City, ~lthough th~ businesses at the north- e~st corner ~.xe ~aithin Ar~o~o Grande. In ans~r~r to Ma.yor Schlegel's qu.estion~ P~.s~or Miller stated that a similar l~tter had been sent to Grover City, but he has not recerved a reply frozn th~m yete Councilmen agr~ed that although the int~rsection is witt~in th~ ~sxrisdiction of Grover City, that perhaps Arroyo G~~nde ~nuld p~.rticipate in the installation of a signal system, as this City's re~iden~s us~ Oak. Park Boulevard extensively for access to their homes. The matt~r was referred to th~ Parking and Traffic Commission for possible n~gotrations w~.th t~e City of Grover City. NOTICE FROM.P. E~ RE. .CITY'S AL~OCATION FOR UN~ERGROLTND NG'OF UTI]LIfiIES Administrator B~tch read a letter from Chuck Richmond of Pacific Gas and Electric Company~ advising t~ae C~ty that its 1974 allocation fram P.G. & E.,for conversion of overh.ead el~ctric Iines to underground, has been increased to $14,200,00. The ~otal amount al~ocated the City has reached $75,100e00, ~he costs Qf Underground Districts No. 1 and Noo 2 are $100,855.00, with the balanc~ of $25,755.00 to com~ from future years alloeationso POLICY STATEMENT RE. PTSMO°OCEANO BEACH USE - AoG. SPORTSMEIV"S CLUB Adminzstrator Btxtch revi~wed witla the Council a Resolution and Staternent of PoEicy r~ga.rd.ing use of th~ °Pismo-Oeeano Beach.es, which declarations are sinlil~.r ~o tl~e concept of use proposed by the Co~antyo Also reviewed was a memQrand~x~n fre~~? ~h.~ Stat~ Depar~ment of Parks and Recr~ation outlining chan.g~s and additions r~coa~n~nded la~ m~mbe~°s of the Pismo State B~ach T~chnical P~anning Committ~~~ i~o be mad~ to th~ "Imrn~diate Us~ P1an" for the South County beacheso M~.yor Schlegel poin~~d o~xt that no me~~ing with the whole Advisory Commit~tee had been held9 but r~.ther tlnait ~he State representatives met with each agenc~'s representati~es s.ndiva.duall~ and from that gleer~ed tne informata.on rn this memorandaxm, The nex~t me~ting of the Fismo State Beach Advisory C~rt~tee ~rill be held Febrv.ary 5, 1974, at wlaich it is ~oped that citiz~ns° ~np~.t raill be r~c~~.ved., and it was recommended that ideas for beach use be g~v~n to the Ca.t~'s ~ep~e~~ntatives, Dian~ McCann and S~aortg~ ~Tubba~d, and furth~r, that the resol~- ~fon of th~ Sportm~en's C1~b be given the Co~anittee for consid~r~.tion, N0~`ICE RE CHANNEL COUNTIES OUARTERLY MEETING ° FEB 15 1974 THOUSAND OAKS Administrator Butch clistributed agendas for the upcoming quart~rly meeting csf th~ C1~annel Cc~unties Division af the L~ag~ze of California Cities, to be hc~ld Febraza~°y 15, 197~+ in Tk~ousand Oaks. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1973 The Treasurer's R~port for the manth of Dec~mber, 1973, was received by the Council, reviewed and ordered filede ANNUAL REPOIZT'OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR_1973 The Annual Repor~ of the Fire D~partmen~ for 1973, was receiv~d by th~ Council, ~ev~.ewed and ordered fil~do r' 3~~~ CITY CO~VCIL JAl~J~R~ 22, 19'~~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNTA PA~E 2 REGEIPT:OF LE~ISLATIVE Bi~LI,ETINS ~ LEAG~E QF CA~IFORNTA.CIT~E~ A n~.~b~~° ~f L~~isla~iv~ B~:ll~g~n~ f~~~a t~ae ~~aga~~ ~f Cala.fo~n~~ C~.tie~ w~r~ r~vi~ca~d9 wa~~~ p~.x°~~cular ~t~e~n~~c~~. to t~e fallr~,ring bi~.~~a 1.) ACA 18 & A~ 25~99 r~gax°ding a S~~.t~ I,c~~texy whic~n9 if app~o~~c~ b~ I.~g~.~I~.t~sr~, ~ill b~ ~ubmitt~d ttx~ vot~r~ ~n l~c~~e~b~r; 2) AG~1 & AB 19009 ~~~~ald ~~.~i~ a~~~ 1oc~1 cc~rntrol of polic~xn~n ~nd fir~Ynen. C~^~~.c~.l d~r~~~~c~ Ad~inist~a~~x B~a~ch t~ w~it~ ~eg~.sl.~to~s ~nd~.~~k~,n~ t~:~s Co~~cil'~ o~pp~~~,t~~n ~o ~h.~~~ bills; and 3) S e27/ 7y x~egarcl~,ng ~~~~.~~a~a ~r~g~ ba~~-1 ~r~n~c~ r~~s~ld i~.cln~d~ fir~~n. ~1~e incl~si~n of Fir~ ID~part~ra~n~ p~r~o~~:~l ~.nd p~Q~a~.s~~rn~ f~~ ~ver°t~m~ p~.~ ~hi~ . bill woanld be ~xtr~~m~ly ~o~~~~ ~iti~~. C~:a~nciY ~~.r~~~~d Adan~~ist~at~~ ~3~~ch to ~a~ite pr~p~r 1~~~,s l~~ors indica~~ng thi~ Cou~.cil a s oFFc~s i~io~. to S a 2~47 0 Addit~.on~l ~.i~cus~ion taa~ ~lso 1~~7td ~rz.~~i Ci~~ Attorn~y Shipse~ r~~ard.~ng t~ae G~nflic~ of Int~re~~ and Di~clos~a~e saf As~~ts la~ts, P~B~IC ~iEAR, °~,AI~DI?~TI Al'FEAI~ RE USE PERMIT e 3~ 222 ° PLAIQ COMMd DEIITAL UP~.ELD Ad~inistrat~r B~teh r~vi~wa~d th~ bac~gro~nd of t7s~ P~rmi~ Case'N~e 73m222 r~~puest~d by Frax~l~ Landi~ai~ ~~r tl~~ constructi~n of a p~.rl~ing l~t at 10~0 S~nset Drive behind tl~~ F~i~ Oaks P~a~.~aa~~, Tfl~e proposed parking 30~ ~~rould. include acces~ to and fraan Su~se~ and r~~~d~n~s h~d ob~~c~ed to khe propcas~d lot at tY~e Pl~nning Coar~n~ss~~nas p~.b~i~ l~e~~ing~ statin~ i~ wo~nld gen~ra.t~ addvtic~nal tx°affic on Su~s~t and ~gg~~.~r~.~~ ~.~a e~is ting dr~.~.nag~ probl~m. A p~tition ha.d also been subinitted t~ t~e Pl.annixtg Co~issian signed bgr 18 Sr~nset Dra.ve r~~idents cita;ng t1~~ir obj~ctiore t~ ~~.e Us~ Pe~nit r~q~aes~. A~esol~tian ~aad been passed by tl~e Co~nissi~n c~~n~aing ~ka~ tls~ P~x~n~t r~qa~est for ~k~.e following reasc~ns: 1) incr~:a~~d traff~c fl~ta ~n S~n~~t Drive, ~.nd 2~ ext~nding th~ b~s~ness area in~o ~ res~d~n~i~l ~.~e~. Ad.mini.s~rag~r B~xtch fur~h~r adv~.~~dl th~t a le~t~r from Carolyn Wallac~, o~n~r of px~perg~ on M,~ple ~nd Wa11ae~ Place9 l~ad ~~~n x°ecei~a~d es~~~~zing to th~ proposed pa.rking lot. Upon b~~.ng assu~~d b;~ City Cl~rk d~l C~.mpo ttaat a11 r~quir~anents as provid~d. b;y l~.c~ Y~av~ b~en c~~nplied ~r~.th, Ma~or S~hlegel d~clared the h~~ring ~p~n and all persans fox° or a,gainst Use P~ranit C~.~~: 1Voo ~3e222 r~quested by F~an~Z Lax~dins.9 w~~.3d n~~r b~ he~.rcl. Frank 7~ nd~.nip 5~30 San Luis Av~nue, Pismo B~~ch, applicant of th~ Use Pexmit, ~xpl~.i~:~d a plan ~nd cifag~ain o£ the propcs~~d parl~ing lot, which now proposed no entr~.nc~ or exa.~ fc~r vet~~.cles on Sunse~t Drive, bant w~uld provide a pec~e~tri~.n raa~.lc~~.~. H~ ez~~p~~.ined t~is ~.re~. of th.e lot would znain~.~ be tzsed by exnpl~~ees w~.~ would be parl~~d ther~ all d~:y, City Attor~ey Shipsey asked if this closa~~e of t1~~ lcrt o~ ~unnset had been proposed at the Planning Commission°s me~ting. Revieva of the Co~is~ion.'s minut~s of D~c. 18, 1973, reveal~d thag the proposal fl~~d b~~n ~ade b~.~ a moti~n ~o grant ~he Use Permit with no vehicular : acc~~s f~~m Su~nset Driv~ 1a~d died due to t~ae lac~ of a second. Tl~L~ f~13.owa~ng additi~~.l p~~sons wer~ pr~s~nt and spolce in favor of grant- ing th~ LT~e P~~~~: Jc~e Cr~~cione, architect for t~a~ development; :R. W. Patterson, 1065 G~~nd ,Av~n~x~; Z~Urel~ C~Pho6n~ 350 Cc~tartland; and Harry Moch~l, 1026 Stnnset. '~k~~ foYb~~~ng per~or~s c~er~ pre~ent and spoke in ~pposition to the granting ~f tk~~ Use P~~ri~: Bob F~~naar~b~rg~ 112$ S~anset; Frax~l~ Full~r, 1065 Suns~t; Mr. and M~s. B~.xg~r~ 106~ S~ns~t; Ralph Tc~w9 10E3 Sl~.xt~eta F~'~d M~x.°1~s9 1067.Sunse~; C~narles S~rafin~~ 105d'S~xn.se~; Pete Du~a, 1045 Sunse~; and L~~ Ha~p, lOSS S~nset. T~~r~ la~~ng rao f~.rth.~r disc~us~ion for or ag~inst this matter-, Ma.yar Schl~gel d~cla~°ed. ~h~ ~~ar~ng clos~el. After length~ Co~nc~l etiscussion, motion was made I~~ C~unci~~n Millis, ~~conded bg~ C~uancil~an T~lley and on. tta~ fol~o~ing ro11 call v~~~p to wi~: AYES: Councilm~n Ta11eg~, Millis and M~yor Schlegel NOES : Coa~ncilinan Wocad ABSEN~a Co~nci7.~~an de Leon the mot~on carried to d~ny th.e appeal of F'rank I.~nd~,~.i and uph~ld the P~anning Cc~nission°~ denial of:a r~q~~st f~r Us~ Pex~mit Case Nw. ~3°222 for co~nstr~ction of a park~ng lc~~ ~G 1050 S~unset Driv~. RECEIPT OF ~lUMAIV RELATZOI~S COMMISSION MEETING MIN~JJTES ° UECEMBER 19~3 Th~ m~.n~xt~s for ~1~..~: De~enlber 12th meeting of ~t~:e South San La~is Obispo County Human Rel.atic~ns Caa~ission were received and ~evi~wed. Tt was noted tl~at ~he Co~mnission°s ~~l.eph.~~e (4.89°1~54) has b~~n giv~n t~.e nam~ of "P~ople to P~op le Lin~'1. -~o~ CITY COUl~CIL JAI~JARY 2~, 197~+ ARROYb GRANDE, CAT~IFOR~TIA 3 RECEIP°I' OF AN~TtJA~ SOL~TFi GO~TTY S~1V~OR CT~I~E~S YEARBOOZ~ m b914 Tl?~ ~nn~a,~.l ~e~rbo~k for 1974 ~f ~~n~ 5~~~~ C~~tn~~ S~n~~~ C~,~~z~n.s ~nd ~h~ir ac~~.viti~s~ ca~~ ~ec~~~~d bg~ ~Y~~ Ca~~ncil ~.~id r~vi~~~r~dm REGE~PT 'OF M~Il~idd~I. REm CO'iQ~'~,ICT OF ~~TTER~S~' '~.W m CO~Tl~'T~ C~~K A manual re~~r~~.n.g r~~~~r~s ~o £a.T~~d o~t b~ C~~~ ~ff~~f~ls p~.rs~xant to th~ C~nflict of In~~r~~t L~.~ r~c~i~~d ~ra~zz ~~~.n~~e~ Cl~:~~o ~t ~ras n~t~d. that applic~.n.~s appo~nt~d ~o fitiZ1 fi~~r~ P1~.~r~ixag Cc~sr~is~ion ~~~a~a~i~~ ~~.11 Yaave t~ fil~ the inand~~~d repo~°t~ ~~f~~~ b~~ng ~llo~t~d ~o ta~~ ~ffi~e~. AUTHOI~IZE APPR~iISAL OF P(~I~I~~ ~~I~ & G0~1M. CE~ITER F°OR I~~n m INDUS~e 2~PPRAISAL Ad~n~nistr~.~tox~ ~~x~~~n ~eq~.~~te~l ~.utl~~ri~a~~on ~o ~ng~g;~ t1~~ f~~n of IncYaustri~.l Appr~.isal Cc~p~n~r ~o a~iak~ an up ~o d~.te apgx~a~sal ~f t~e Polic~ D~pa~°txn~nt bnx~lda~ng and. r~~~,~ C~:~a~~~.ty C~nt~r b~.~ldin~, f~r i~.suranc~ p~rposeso Aft~x~ C~~ancil d~~~~~~io~.9 ~sn rn~~i~a~ of C~~nc~~~?~.n M~l~,is, second~d by Councf lman T~,lle~r an.d ~xr~~r~i~n~~~ ca~ried, a~ath~ari~~.tion ~,r~.~ given to engage the firm of Ind~.str~.~.1 A~pr~~~~l C~~gar~.3r, 4253 Eagle Rock B1vd., L~s , Angeles ~~o make ~.n appr~.i~~.l Uf t~~ I'r~~.i~.~ b~ilding ~.nd C~aa~~nni~~ Ce~xt~~ building9 a~ an appr~~~~~.~~ ~os~ ~f $~30,00. SC~IEDU~~ ~PPL~CANTS FOR CITY°S CC~MM`LSS~(~~S F~R _IN`TERVI~GTS ~ 1/29/~4 Ad~aini~gx~a~t~r Bu~e~. ~~~~~en~e~. g~.~.t a t~~n~ s~~ g~ i~t~x°~r~,~,~r ~PPTicants for tl~e Planning "t~~a~~s~~c~~ and. P~.rki~g & Tr~.ffic Coar~n~s~3ons before appoin~in~nt~ ar~ m~.~.~. °1~~ C~~.nc~~~. ag~~~d. to h.~.~e ~.ppo~ntinents s~~ ~up fox° Januax°y ~99 1974 Stax°~~.r~~ at '~:00 P,M., saitY? app~in~n~n~~ s~h~d~~.~d for fifte~n minutes ~~ck~, NNNI. CODE AN1~ND. m ~~.D. AL10~'~ m REP~A~, O1tD. 95 C>S. RE,. ABAND. VE~IIC7.~ ABATE. City At~orn~~ S~~1ps~~ r~~ th~ ti~l~ flf an ord.~.~~r~~e rep~~.ling Ordina~c~ I~~. 95 C.S, (C~~.pter ~0 of Ta~le 4) r~l~.t~rzg; t~ t1~e ab~~~qnent of ~b~.rndor~ed v~h~.c1~J; ~h~r~~.ft~~, ~n~~i~n r~~.~ mad~ by C~u~nc~lm~.n. ~'~.11~;~, s~~o~d~d bg~ C~~nnc~,lanam M~.lli~ ~.nd. ~nan~~ne~~sl~ c~:r~f~d~ to disp~n~~ ~~tfl~ r~ading tk~c~ b~1~nc~ a~f tY~i~ ordix~anc~. ORDINANCE N0. 96 C.S. AN ORDIIV~NCE C1E' T'~iE CITY OF ARROYO GRA~TDE AMENDING THE ARR~YO GRA~TD~ MiTN~CII~A~ ~ODE B~' REPEALING CHAPTER 10 TZTLE 4 OF THE ARROYO GI2~,Ni~~ MUN~C~PAI~ COD~ PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT AND R~IOVA~ OF P,~AIVDONED, WRECI~ED, DISMANT'LED, OR INOPERATIVE VE~~CLES OR PARTS THEREOF'FRQM PR~VATE PROPERTY ?,S ADOPTED O~t TI3E 13TfT DAY OF 1VOVEMBER, 1973. ~n m~~i~n c~ G~~n~~,la~~.n M~1~.~.~ ~ seccand~d b~ C~tsncila~aan Tal~ey and on the follo~a~ng r~alY ca1.1 vo~~~ t~ ~a~.t: AYES : Cc~~n~ilm~n ~~.~1~y, ~'Iilli~ 9 Wc~od and M~.ye~r Sck~leg~1 ~IO~S : ~T~n~ ~~~~~V~': Gc~a~~c~~~n~.n d~ I~~~n t~i~ ~ar~go~~~; ordinanc~ c~~.~ ~a~~~ci ~:nr1 ~dopt~d t?~is 22rad dag~ of J~.~i~ar;y, 1974. MUI~I. CODE AME~ND. °(~RD. AAQ~`T, m ABATEMENT OF AB.~VDOIV~D VEHICI,ES Cit~ Attorn~~ S~ip~~;~ r~ad ~ka~ title of an ox°dinanc~ a~n~~.d~.n~ ~he M~anicipal C~d~ by ac$ding p~~s~~,~i~~:s for ~~.e abat~gnent ~f ab~nd~n~d. v~~iicl~s w~,t~in t~~ Cigy; ~1~~reaf~~rp ~ s~~~~ic~n ~a~.~ m~d~ by C~~ncil~n~.n M~.llis 9 s~cond~d. l~y C~aanciL~~n T~.lle}~ ~.nd. una.rn~~usly c~;~°~°i~d~ to ~.~~p~n~~ ~i~h read~.ng the ba~.~~~~ of tl~i~ ~rdin~,~.~~, ORDIi~,NG~ N~ a: 97 C oS AN ORDIIVAI~C~ OF TTt~ CI~X (~F ARR~Y~ ~RANDE ~~TDING T~ ARRO~ZO GRANIDE MUI~ICTPAL CODE BY. ADDI~TG C~iP~'~R 1~. TO T~~I~ 4~F TfiE ARROYO GRL~~TDE MiTTIIGTPAL GODE ~°0 PROVID~ ~OR T°~E ~1~r~.T~MEIvT°~ AI3D REMOVF~d~ AS P€JBL~C NtTISAIVCES OF AB~~VDON~D, W~ECKED, DISMAI~T"TI~ED, OR I1V~P~R~TIV~ VE~iI.CLES OR PARTS TI~RE~F FROM PRIVA`T.E PR~PER`T~' OR FUB~.TC PR~P~RTS~ NAT INCi,UDiNG HIGHWAYS , AI~D RECOVERY OF COS TS (~F ADMINIS TRATIO~V TII~EREOF AS t~UTT~~RIZED BY S~CTTOl~ 226&0 ~F ~`HE CA~IF9RNI~ VEHICL~ GODE. GITY ~O~NCIL JL~S~3~T.ARY 22, I9~4 ARROYO GRP.NDE , CALIFOR~TIA PA~E c~ On ~no~i~n of Co~ax~cilman Talley, seconde~l b~ C~~nnc~.l~n.~~n Mi~.~.i~ a~.d on tt~~ follo~ring r~ll call vot~, to wi+~. AY~S: Co~ne~lxnen T~.ll~~r9 M.~,ll~s, W~~d ~ncl M~.g~~~;S~tn~eg~1 NOES: None A13SENT: Co~tncilgnan d~ L~c~n the foregoing ~rdinanc~ ~~.s gass~d ~nd ~.do~t~d. ~his ~~nd d~.~ of J~~.~~.~y, 1974 APPROVE RECOMNIEIQI). OF 'PARK. &~RAFF. COMM. RE. BRANGH ST. _PRK~7~.. ,SIG~T. 4STRIPING Plans for parlcing, sign~ng ~nd re~tra.p~.ng ~f B~aneh St~~~t ~~r~ ~xplained by B~b Go~nlar~, des~;gn ~~chn~ca~~.n w~t~. ~~ie D~p~r~n~nt of Transp~~t~.tior~. S~.id pl~.ns l~ad previo~~lg~ b~~n pr~~~nt~d to the Park~ng and Z`raff~.c C~nissa.mn, which kaas reca~~~d~d ~.g~ax°ov~.l ~f t~~~n. C~~ack Richmond nf :P.Ge & E, imdic~.t~d. t~,at the nes~ l~.gl~t s~anct~~ds ~~11 b~ 1a~ck f~~ ~no~tglx (18'T} to avoid d~in~ge b~ veh~,cle~. D~~cu~~fon ya~~ a7l~cs ~.eld r~gard~.ng t~e p1~.c~inen~ of th~ donated box car. It h,ad been p~opos~d. ko be pl~.c~d at th~ Cr~w~ Hill-Branc~. Street int~~° section, b~.t Mr. G~ulart ind.icated. ~~at tl?~ D~pg. af T~ansgox°t~.tion advised against ~his so as no~ obstruc~ th~ sig~li~ distance for ears tx~.veling westex°ly from Cr~,rin Hi11 c~nto ~~ranch. Ad.niinistrat~r Bu.tch ad~ised t~at the Chamb~r of Co~n~rce is loo~Zing f~r d.iffer~nt la~a~fon which will Y~av~: ample parking space ~.va~.lable fox° ~h~ box car. After fixx°~her Council da~scussion9 on inotion of Cotzncilm~.n M~.11~.~, second~d. by Cc~unca.lma~ T~.lley and unan~no~asly car~°~~c~~ appraval w~~ giv~n to th.e ~ecosa~n~ndat~o~.s of ~he Parking and Traffic C~ission r~g~.rding th~ p~~°ki~.g, sign~.ng and. striping on Brancl~ Str~~t, when x°econstr~.cted, a~ propos~d by t~e D~pa~tmen~ of Transporta~fon. .4PPROVE PHASES OF BRANCH ST. CONSTR.UCTIO~T Dir~ctor of Publ~.c Work.~ And~rson r~~iewed t1a~ four phases of the r~con~tru~tion of Brancl~ Stre~~, as follows: 1. Reconstr~.ction ~sf cu~bs, gu~t~rs and side~a~.lks on the south sid~ of Branch. 2. R~s~.rf~.ca~ng of so~tl~ hal~ of Branc~, at which time th~ s~as~h sid~ ~ill be cl~sed to ~~~.ff~c and d~t~~ared ov~r Crosan Hill from Hig~.way 227 d~wn the north s~.c~e ~f Branch. ~e~ D~par~ient of Transportation requested tkae Cc~~.ncil`s pe~n~ssion f~r this ci~tour over Crown H~.lI. 3, Reconstr~ctic~n of th~ ca~x°bs~ gu~t~rs ~.nd sid~walks on ~h~ north. sid~ of Branck~ S tr~~ t o 4o R~sa~rfac~n~ of tt~.~ n~rt~a kna~f of pav~an~nt and d~toinr traffic d.own t~e sauth sid~ of B~an~~. 5o Blaxslc~~ c~~.t ov~r t1~~ ~nt~re ~°~~o~.~~~°~cted ~~acflwa~. C~~xnci~man MiYlis ~~:cort?~;s~nded. t1~a~ ac~diti~nal "Caaztion" sf~ns be er~cted in ~~ae are~ of Cr~~an F~il~ s~kaool ~,r~~n t~a~ traffic i~ rero~t~d to that area, raYaic~a Pu~blfe ~Fs~rk~ D~r~etc~~ A~d~r,~~n s~~,d c~? 1~~ dorae. Af~~r C~~a~cil disc~x~~i~n9 m~~i~n"nf C~a~ncil~an. Wo~d9 ~~~:onded by C~~nrccilsnan ~~.11~~ and. v.nania~~~.~Y~ carri~d, t~ne reco~a~t~uct~~r ~f Branch Str~et ~.s progo~ed a~ov~ ~~s appra~~yed~ inclaading a~at~nc~~i~~.tion to ~k~e D~~artm~nt o£ Transpox°tat~on t~ r~ro~a~~ t~affic frorn H~gl~ray 2~~' ~~er Cr~~rn ~ill duzring P~.ase OR.A.~ R.EPORT m~ONE 3 ADVISORY COMMITTEE NIEE~I~G m TA~~,~Y C~~a~cilanan Talley r~~sort~d o~°all~a on Jan~a~.r~ 17~&a r~~~~ing ~f the ~~z~~ 3 A~.v~~~x~y G~~unitt~~, inclica~~d th~.8~ ~ n~~ ~n~anb~r, M~.~~ L~na~ak~l ~f 0~~~.~~9 ~na~ been app~int~d tc~ t~a~ Coa~anit~~~. O~~a~x° m~~~~r~ d~~~~s~~d ya~x°e as f~ll~~w~ o ~~p~z Daan sgilled ~n Jan~.ary~ 9, 19~4 a~ci is ~°~annin,g at ~h~ highest ra~~ sinc~ ~1~~ ~.a~n w€~s baz~l~a F~~~~ ~~~~~a i~ in~.~r~~~~d in pea~in~ ~f ~he lines9 baat G~nis ~~u~ld add maint~nanc~ c~~ts and ~~~.d.~ ~f t~e~ ~~~~~r ~ri~l be made; tY~e Cc.~ni e s bg~~ l~.w~ l~a~~ b~c n s~n~ to t~?~ C~~.n~y ~oar~. af S^~.p~rvis ors for adoption9 ~~icfl~ ~nclaxdc~ ~~ie pro°~is~~~. tl~a.a.t i~ a meanb~~ a~is~~s ~~nx~e cons~cu~tiv~ a~~eti~gs ~f Cc~aitt~e~ ~~a~~ ~n~~n&v~r's ag~n~y wi11 b~ ~sk~d ~o r~place ~aian, Disc~ss~~n ~ras ~Tso h~la r~g~.rd.ing ~r~~~r tu b~ r~l~~s~d for ~~d~x~gro~nnd storagee Coaxncilrnan Talley f~xrth~r r~p~r~~d tl~at a~ne~~ing wf~~ be se~ ~p with th~ C~~nnty ancl repres~nta~i~~s Frc~an ~~~s C~.t~ to di~c~ss t?~~ sr~b~tantial incre~.~~ in t~e Oge~atior~ and M~~nt~r~an~~ ~os~s ~efl~:c~~~ csn t~a~ Gf~~°s rec~n~ L~pez Bond billing, ra~.ic~ the C~~nc~l ~ad qu~s~i~sn~:c~ a+~ its bas~ reg~~~r ~~~~ting. ~i~ CITY COU~CIL JAIVLTAR~ 22, 1974 ARROYO GRA~VDE , CALIFOR~IIA ~A~E 5 ~R~,L R~PQ~~ ° COU~TTY PnTAT~R RE~9~,TR~ES A.DVI~ORS~ ~OI~L^~I~~°.TEE M~~'~~~TG ° Al1TI2E12~0~ D~~~c~or of P~b~.~c Tnl~r~~ A~d~~~~n ~~g~~r~~c~ ~~'~.g~.~ ~n J~n~~r~ xr,~e~~ng a~ ~h~ C~~n~3~ C~~~~~ Rc~~~~r~c~~ Ac~v~~~~~ C~nn~tt~~~ st~t~~r~g ~ka~t ~.~,~c~~~i~n h~d b~~m h~ld r~gardircg t~~ ~~obY~~n~ con~~~~~~ ~~?c~ fo~~.~i~an ~f ~ n~~a c~ater distric~ f~r ~~v~bo~~nent of w~~~~ ~~~a~~~~nk~ ~c~ N~~~~. C~~~a~nt~ ar~aa PROGRESS R~~~R~' ° A, G S~Tn1ER AsSJ~~~I~l~~ D~~`TRICT ~~I~I2 OVER Acll~r;~ni~ t~~~~r B~t~~ ~d~~,s~d ~~a~t ~ g~~~r~~~ ~~pc~~~ for t~ic~ A~~o~o ~~~rcd~ Ser~~r Asse~~~~r~~ Dn,~~r2c~. va:~1~ b~ ~~~~n C~u~~~~~a~ r~g~.~~.r in~~~~nge He ~ta~~c~ ~k~a~ R~~~dent ~n~~.r~~~~°~ ~ffzc~ ~1~0~~ Sr~~c~~~ is ~p~n a~ ~a~.ct~ n~va, ~nd if tl~~~°e ar~ p~~b1~~~9 Cliff E~~r~~9 p~.on~ ~~~nb~x~ ~44~55009 Ext. 569 a~ ~~a~ C~~.nt~a~ ~ffic~~ ~k~~Yd be c~ll~d. RESOL .6iD(DPT m P~JRCI~~~ ~'IIt~ ~'~~~TG~J~SHERsS THItU S7ATE Ad~r%ni~t~~~or Bs~tc~ r~g~r~~d ~ r~e~u~~s~ ha~ been ~~c~ived. ~r~n Fir~ C?~ief Mars~.l~~ t~~~.~ on~ d~s~~n f~,r~ ~x~ia~.g~ai~la~r~ `be ~ra~x°cl~~sed for glac~~en~ in City veh~cl,~~. If p~~°cl~~~d i~~~~~ng~ t~C~ St~~~~ i~eYn~ ~f ~h.is nat~re ~an be ob~ained a~~n~ider~l~l~ s~~a.ngs, ~ft~r C~~~c~~. d~.sc~.~~f~n, C~t;;~ Attc~rne~ Shipsey read ~i~l~ c~f ~~~~~~~.~~~n ~~~k~~~~~~~ng ~k~~ D~pax~~rnen~ of G~~eral Service~ of the St~~~ tca gu~rc~as~ c~r~ain ige~s f~r tt~e Gity, ~~~r~~~t~~9 a ano~ion wa~ Ynad~ by C~T~nc~,~~an MiYl~.~ ~ s~~ond~:d. b~ G~~a~cil~rnan L3~~d anci ~.xx~n~.° mo~nsly ~ax~ried, t~ di~p~ns~ wi~h ~~ading ~~.r~ balanc~ of ti~is r~~~l~a~~on. It~SOI,UTI~~T I~0 e 1082 A RESO~,d~TTO~V T~3E CI'~`5' ~OUNCI~, OF T~E C~T~ OF° ~RROYO ~RANDE AiJ`~~ORIZII~G T~dE D~PAIt'I'MENT '0~ ~El~"ERAL S~RV~CE~ OE STAT~ 0~ C~.LTE~RI~IA '~0 Pt7RC~L.4SE GERTAIN IT~MS, On ~a~~i~n of C~~nc~la~~,a~ W~~~ 9 s~c~~.d~d l~y Co~nnci~r~n Mi~ l~.s ~.nd c~n th.e fto~l~~aing x°o~i~ c~ll; v~~~~ ~a~t: AYES : C~~nnc~la~~n T~Y~~~r, Millis 9 W~~d and M~.y ~r ~cfl~l~g~~ ~TOES m None ABSE~'~: C~a~~.ci~rn~n ~.e L~~n ~h~ far~~m~n~ r~~ol~.~~~n g~.~~~~. ~~ci adopt~d ~Ya~,s 22nd day mf .7~.aaa~~.ry, ~.974. R~CEIP~ OF QUA1tfi~R~Y REPOR`T FROMWQC?I~S AI~IMAI, SH~d.TER m I~OG LICE~TS~S NOW DUE The C~~anca.l re~ai~~~d th~ f~un~~t~ q~na~terly activity repor~ from ttn~ Woods Animal S~~l~~r f~r 19~3o Tl~~ C~~~n~il i~.di~a~~d disma~ at gl~~ con.~~naxfng h~.gta na~.nber af ~.nim~.ls ~~.a~ ~i~.ve ~o be ~.~~~~~y~do NIa~ox° Sch~legel r~anind~d residents tY~at tFae 197~ Cit~ l~.c~n~e~ for d.ag~ are naw d~e. DISCUSSIO~ RE IMPROVEM~N~ OF S~AIV~EY AVE ° lUEEGOTIATE W/SCHOOL DIST. ° F'ETERS Ad~ninistr~t~r ~~tc~ re~r~ ~ l~t~~r from G~.~x~~. P~ters9 1012 Grand Ave~aue9 regard3ng tkn~ disr~ga~ir of Stan~~~ Av~n~aee Tahicl~ le~d~ to ~1~~ P~t~r-Pan Pre° Scho~~l~ ~wn~d by th~~ Pet~x~. IM~~, ~~~,ce ~°k~~pson9 ~21 Stanl~~ Av~n~~ wa~ pr~s~xn~ and ~~~~~d ~g~~.~ ~~r~~~ ~ad b~~n d.~di~~~~d t~ the Cit;~ ~.nd wa~ iznprmv~d a~ on~ ti.me. I~~~~ ~chl~g~l ~u~~n~s~d. t~a~t al~h~u~h ~~e str~~t had. be~n ded.icatede it pr~bab,ly~ 1~~d. n~~, .b~en ~,~ap~o^~~d ~g to t~a~ Ci~y e s req~aired ~ t~.ndards and tkaer~- n~v~r ~~~~pt~d b~ t~e C~.~~ ~n~~ stx°~e~ s~~t~an9 and ~t~~r~b~ ~.1~.~~fat~ng t~Ye Ci~t~°~ r~s~~xa~ib~.lit~ t~ k~~p ~ag repair~ m~. i~Ya~ stre~~. A~~a~nistr~.tc~r B~tch repor~ed t~at Fae ~.d receiv~d cal~ f~o~ tl~~ ~,~.c~,a M~r Un~.fi~d Scl~o~l Distric~ ur~.erein ~?~~y off~red to ?~e~.~ fi~ t~e s~~~~t. d~Ir, Pet~r~ x°~vi~~v~d t~~.~ repairs ~~~.d~ ~r~vio~~lg~ bgr priv~.~~ citizer~~. H~ goi~~~d o~t tttat ~~a~f~st ~ase ~f ~h~ r~g~at ~f c~~~ is be~r~~n M~,~ and S~p~~~nb~r w?~~n ~r~rf~~.~ ~~~th. 1~~~~ball lea~~n~s ~r~cfl ~~d~~~ sp~~~~' ac~kivi~i~s d.~a~r cro~rd~ t~ t~~ Be~l~ I'~~~rs furt~er ~~g~r~~d. ~~a~ ~t~a~ b~.ll f~.e~cfl~ ~.r~ i~~~.ga~~d. ~x~~n~~ve~.~ cr~~.tin~ ra~n°off t~~rd t~~ ~r~d of ~t~n7.~~ and ~n~o ~h~ pr~~sch~~Ies g~ard9 ca~a~ing d.aYna~~ ~o bot~, 'T~a~ Co~ncbl cl~~c~.ss~c1 the ~a~~~~ :at l~ngth~ agreeing t~aa~ a~e~t~n~ ~~oa~ld be set up with prop~rtg~ own~rs a1on~ S~~~bey~ A~a~na~e9 th~ Cit~ and Sctac~~Y ID~~~rict representatives in at~~nd.anc~, to ~,rc~rk s~~~~hz.ng o~~~ ~anp~c~v~ ~tx°c~~t ~p to City st~radard~ and ~ la~~ing condi~iora. DISCUSSIOIoT REo DRAI~GE PIt~B~M-AT 'OAK E'ARII~.. B3~VD6 &~RONTAGE RD.m ~e PETERS Ac~~~~aistx~t~r B~.tcta r~~ci a let~er fr~n ~l~n~a 1'~~~rs ~ 1012 Gr~nd A~~n~.e, r e g a r d i n~ d~°~.in~ge ~nto p~c~p~rty bo~nd.~d bg~ O~le Park Bo~x'lev~.rd, Frontage Road and C~nilton Str~~~9 ~,~~.ir~~a prop~r~y~ is ~~~n~d l~y ~l~nn E. and B~~~ L, F~ter~o Tl~e letter alle~~s ~ha~ C~~~ ins~all~d ~:a°f~ot c~Tv~r~ n~~.r 1:~e inter.s~ction of C?~ilton ~nd O~k P~.r~e~ co~.~.~ct~ r~sn°off ~r~~ B~i~c~ ~Y~.11 ~nd ~.~n~mp~ it d~.r~c~Yy onto t~eir px~~p~~t~, ~r~~.~~ng ~~~.~~,~do~~as s~iaa~aap. A r~port P~b~~~ Wc~rles Dir~ct~r And~x°~on in re~ponse to M~e P~~~~s° lett~~ ~~.s r~v~.~~aa~d9 w~~.cl~ rec~~nd.~d a 31~ CI'I'~ COUNCIL JA~ARY'22~ 1974 ARROYO GRANDE e C~1I~IFORI~IIA PAG~ 6 me~t~.ng be s~~ ~np wit~. Mr. P~t~~~ p City ~ngin~~r G~ring9 C~~i~~~~s~tion Inspe~~~r ~~lYn1~~9 Ad~nix~ist~°at~r Butch~ ~,nd ~f~~~l€9 to r~~ie~ t~~e ~a~~~~ ~.nd p~pa~~ a re~oa~enda~ion for ty3e Council; M~. Pet~rs w~~ pr~~~nt and ~~po~.nd~d on the p~~bl~~n ~.ncfl 3~d~~~.~~d th~ C~ty ~ad approved l~is g~ading and d~~.in~g~ plan. Bob Go~l,a~t indi~~~c~ri ~hat his emplo~~rP ~h~ D~par~z?~nt of Tr~n~por~~~~.on, a gr~d.~,n,~ pl~.~ cara ~zle fxo~ Mg°, Peters w~aich had be~n ~pp~°ov~~ b~ th~ C~.t~e ~~.ialic W~rk~ I3ir~c~kar And~rsc~n replied ~hat th~ p~an submit~~d b~ M~, P~t~rs s,a~s a pr~po~al and. not a definite drainag~ pl~.n~ ~,nd fur~l~e~or~e i~~:~.t t~!~ co~rs~ of th~ F,a~t~r raa~~-off i~ n~~~r~.l and not b~i~.g ~iv~rt~d ~n~o th~ prop~x°t~r a~n q~~s tion, '1'he Co~ncil discus~~:d ttae Znat~~r ag length, s~ggesting tYn~.t t~ae ~lboca pip~ p~.t in by Mro Peters be c~~ ciotian to l~~lp d:~ain tl~e water o~at, and g~n~rally ~g~~~ing tY~a~ som~~~.ing Y~aci b~ d~n~ abor~t drainag~ in t~i~ a~°ea, a~ ~t appe~red th~.t C~~,lton St~~~t ~r~.s b~g~~a~~ng to be ~nd~rm~.ned. After Cm~nc~.l d.rsc~~sion, it was agreed tlaat m~~~in.g sh~~lc~ l~e s~t up ~.~anong tl~~ parties in~cr~vec~ ~s recoi;~tnend~d. by P~ablic Wo~ks Di~~c~tor Arade~~on. NOTICE RE. CO.ASTAI, VAI.L,EY PIAI~II.VIIV~ CO~PI~CIT, SEMII~AR CHAI~T~E m 2/~/~4 Min~nt~s of th.e D~cear?b~r 3rc1 r~~~~ing nf tl~e Co~~tal Val~.~~ P~.~.nning Council wer~ x°ec~iv~d and revietia~d, It w~.s not~d tl~at ~l~e Goaancil°s f~.ll seminar had been canc~~led and ~ r~~n~~r seminar s~h~dT~sl~d fc~r '~ki~nrsda;~~ Febr~~.r~ 7, 1974 ,and a spr~ng :s~~n~.nar caf11 b~ ~~~~ci~lecl a+t a. 1~~~~° d~.t~ for som~~i~~ in M~.rch or Apri1, LE~TER 0~ TI~NKS RE,. YOi~TFi IN GOVE~.i~NT DA'Y PAR.TICIPA~°TON m MILLIS Aclministrator B~tc~ read a, l~tt~r from Mark Mm Ma.l~is 9 w~iich, on behalf of the stud~nt partica.p~.nt~ c~f tl~~ ~~cent Y~u~h in Goverxs~~nt Da~, t~,~.nked t?~e City Ad.~ai~i~~rata~r, City C~~n~~~,l and. depart~n~nt ta~ads fo~ ~t~~ir ccaop~rati~n in tl~e a~~ivit~~s . REPORT RE o COSTS C~F ALI,~~"WAY BETWEEN BRIDGE & SHORT STREETS TY?~ Council r~viewed r~port fxcsm Pqxbiic Wox~ks Dir~ctor Anderson; which g~~e a l~r~akd~n nf costs fox° i~prc~vem~nt of the ~.lle~ betw~en Bridg~ S~reet and S~tort S~~ree~. To~~.l costs ~ not includ:ing labor9 eq~aipment o~° cta~in link. fer.ce, is $2,~31,94. STAZ'US REQtJESTED REe WATER SERVICE TO CORBETT CANYpN ROAD - L~OOD Co~anc~,l~nan W~od indic~ted he ~aad. rec~ived a call this even~ng froan Jim Adams of Cox°bett Cany~~n R~~.d who h~.d. staf~d h~ still had no water at his home, ev~n tho~ngh ~h~. l.~.ne had been approved by tYr~ City* some t~n~ agoo Public Warks Dir~ctor And~r~on indicat~d tlaat ~1~~ lir~e m~xst first be approved by Zone 3 and tl~~r~ acc~p~ed b~ th~~ Cit~, b~fnr~ wa~~r can be r~leased into the line, ADJOURNNIEl~T On ~no~ion of Ce~~nci7.~n~,n Talle~, second~d b~y Councilman Millis and unani- mously carried.p tt~.c~ gn~eting adjo~r~~d at 1~:43 P.M, ungil 7:00 P,M., January 29, .19749 to in~ervi~c,~ ~pgflicant~ for kY?~ Pl~rcn° ~n ~zking & raffic Conanissions. AT~ES T CITY CI,ERK MA~'(~R CI~Y COiJ1VCTL JAl~'AR~ 29, 197~+ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORI~IA 7:00 P.M. T~e Ci~y C~~xnc~~, me~ in ad.jo~rned r~gular s~ssion caith Ma~~r Schlege~. presiding. Upon roY~ ~~.1L, C~~x~.cil M~mb~xs Ta11~~~ and Mi11is r~ported pres~nt. Council M~~nb~r~ W~od and. d~: Zeon ax~~ ~.bsent, Adnninis~ra~or B~.tch is alsca in at~t~ndanc~ . ADJOURNMENT ~ EXECU'~I~E SESSION On moti~n o~ C~~a~.eilYn~.n Ta11~;~, s~cond~d 1~;~ Co~~ciZ~,an Mi3.~.is and un.anim in~~.sly carrieds th.e Coa~ncil adjo~,rn~d to an exe~~6ive session at 7:01 P.M,, to intervie~,r ci~tiz~ns wh~a h.ad submitted. applicati~ns tv serv~ on th~ Plar~ning Coamniss ion v RECOI~VENEM~~T 'I'he Council recQx~v~~ncd at 9.45 P.M. with a11 memb~rs pr.~s~xxt a~ sho°,an on roll ca11.