Minutes 1974-03-26 333 CI'~'Y CO~,TI~ICIL, MARCH ~.RROYO ~1~NDE, CA~~.FORNIA T`fl~~ C~,t~ Cc~~.n~~l m~~ x°~~r~~~r s~~sia~ ~r~t~~ 1~jo~r pr~si~i~~o ~Jp~n rc~~. c~~l, ~c~~,n~~~. Me~b~r~ S~~i~g~l, M~~1~~, Sg~~~~in~ ~nc~ dc~ ~~~~n x~~~s~~~~d g~~~ent. PI~~I3GE OF ~~,~,~G~a~~TCE AND Ii34'OCA~`Y01~ M~~~r Tall~y~ l~ad tl~e ~~~~g~ of All~gi~n~~; c~~.~ F~~~y ~.nr~ ~~~n~d.ia~~l~ ~t~~Y~aft~~, R~we~~nd W~.ll~~~n 81~~?~ ~f ~~i~ t~~~.~~d ~1~~~dc~~~~ Cfl~~,r~~n Ar~°~~;~~ ~~~nc~~ d~li~r~red tFn~ ~nvc~~ati~~., ~P~~OVA~ OF MI1~1i1T~S a~~n~t~~ af tk~~ ~~~c~~,~~. r~su~ts ~c~~~i~~ r~qa~i~ed b~ ~r~d ~~~~~.~r ~~~t~.ng :~a~cY~ T 2 9 197~ ~ s~~r~ ~pprc~~r~ci ~.s p~~g~~~e~ o A~PR~~'A3~ ~F ~AR~A~V'~ 0~ ~~~~on of C~~.n~~~~?~n. d~ Y~~~n9 s~~~nd~~ by Ce~~snr~~A~a~ 5~~~~Iin~ ~~c~ ~n~.n~m~~~ 13~ carri~d, ~~r~~r~ ~ W~.~~°ants N~ . I2~7 ~~~~~ag~ Nc~ o~~ 12 9 in the t~~~ l a~~~n~ $13,15100~9 ~r~c~ P~yr~~l.l W~~ra:qts ?~o. ~.a98 ~~~c~~~~i No. `tl679, ~.n ~~3~ ~est~l ~~g~~,~nt ~f 52~83~~0~6, ~pp~~v~d ~.n~ ~~~cd~:r~d. pa~da ~ET'I'~R 0~ TI~~IKS FR~NI PI~S'~,fi~~S SC~~~GEL M~yo~ Tal~~~ r~~d ~ 1~~~~r af thariks an~ ~g~g~~~~~.~~~~~ fro~ Mr~o C~lvir~ (PY~g~~~~s) Sc~l~ge1 f6r ~t~~ ~eco~n~:~ion ~~v~n ~a~~° b~ C~~ar~~~~ 1~st gne~~ing o ~ETTER ~F TI~.4NK5 T"0 P~F~T~IC kTORK.~ D~F`T. ° BAR~°~CAD~ P~AC~~1~~ C~~3 ~.:CI~DA I?R. A T~t~~~ ~a~s ~e~.cfl f~a~ r~~s.~~nts o~. ~i~d~ D~°iv~, tk~a~~~,~g; ~h~ C~.t~ fc~r i~s g~csa~~~ ~I~~vi~,~~.on af ~ 1~~.~~~c~~~as e°~~ditic~~ p~~c~~x~ a la~~r~c~.d~ t~C~ ~nc~ mf ~~nd~ Driv~ ~~a p~eer~nt ~h~ u~~~e ~f ~ fiel.c~ ~k~~~ ~mc~ c~f s~;~c~ st:~~t a ~~~~~~g~.~ar~. PRO~F~AM?,TI~N ° LEA~UE WOI~N VOTEi2.~ t~E~K ~ MA~CH ~~-3Q 19~~ M~~c~r ~~Il~y~ pro~~.aim~c~ T~~~l~ b~ginn~rcg M~.r~~. 2~~ 197~ "~~~g~~ of W~a~a~n V~~e~s W~~~." in. C~.~~ af Axrd;~~ G~~~a.c~~, a~ requ~st~d b~r t?a~: ~,~~g~~o PRES~NTATI~N & REQU~S T FOR ~U~DS I..O . C(~MMI~TEE~ FOR ~DL~CAT OIV ~1LCOH~d~~SM Mra Ev~~~~ I~. ~~~x°ton cs~ th~ 5an I~u~~ (~~~spo C+~~n~~t~~ ~o~ Eciuxc~~~.c~n on Al~holi~rca~ ~~a~ ~~a~°~~~iv~ r~g~rding ~lc~~~l~s~n ~.n tY~is c~~.n~~ and g~c~gra~n of t~~~ Middleh~us~ in c~.~•ing f~r anc~ re~abili~~.~ing al~s~fl~oli~s. ~'l~.e Ce~ri~t~te~ ~~d aggro~~~~d th.~ c~~.n.t~ for aa.cl f~c~n ~~c~~r~.~. R~v~n~ae Sl~aring ~~.nc~~, an.d ~~i~ c~~nty l~ad s~.~g~~t~d ~h~~ all c~~~~~ be con~~.ct~d fc~r f b~~ncial supporto Mro Ricl~~~d J. Pc~nr~~ of th~ Cs~m~tt~~ ~xpou.nd~d ox~ t~~ cost~ and ~i.n~~ic~ng a~f ~h~ progra~^A. 1"~a~ C~~.ncil d~~~az~~ed ~1~.~ req~~~st fc~r f~.nds g~~.g~h.~ ~u~st~oning Mx°e H~~t~r~. ~n.d M~. P~~n;~ a1~~~.t v~~~~si~s pYaa.s~w caf ~h~ I~~.ddl~h~~.~~ op~x°~.t~.~no . Adm~n~s~r~to~ B~'~~~~ ~t~~~~ ~l~~~t ~~i€~ Ci~~'s 19a2°~3 ~..~d ~~~~m~4 Fed.ex°a1 R~venax~ S~ax~~r~ F~,~c~s ~~~.~e ~~r~~.d~ ~~~n fa~~.~y cc~~~~t~~ ~c~ ~~l~~r g~caj~~k~ b~~ th~ Ca~~c~le ~ft~x° ~~~x~~~ 1 disc~~~i~a~.~ M~yar Ta~~.~~ ~r~d~~c~~~d. ~~q~e~t ~~~.lc~ b~ c~ns~dered. ~~~en ~h~ C~,~.~.c:~l d.el.ib~~°~te~ ~~p~nd~~~.r~ Ci~~'s n~xt F~deral R~ven~.~ S~,~r~,n~ a~~~~a~~,~n. M~. F~~~~ r~qa~~~t~ci tta~t; ~.f t~~ Go~.ncil f~~l~ t~.~; progra.gn s~~~.lc~ b~ c~rx°i~d ~~x~i~~~.~ b~ ~1~~ ~o~xnfi,~~ ~~~t a~~~t~r to t~i~ ~.~.f~~t lb~ t~~ Cc~~ant~ ~~a~d o~' ~~p~~°vi~~~~ a I~IYTA~'I01~ '~(J PAi2TICIPAT~ I:V S.L,~. T~A F'T~S~'~. PA1tADE °~/18/~4 AcY~~,ni~tr~tor B~s~c~ ~°~port~d ~~aa+~ Cc~~r~cil k~~s b~~r~ ~.r~~rit~d ~o ~ax~ticipa~~ in t~i~ ann~xal San ~.z~is Ob~spa I~ Fi~~t~ Pa~ad~ c~~a ~.;r l~$ 19'~~a Ad~~n~s~~~.~c~r B~.tc~ d.ir~c~~d t~ no1~~£y t~.e ;~a~~.c~~ ~~~~~n ~~.a~ Go~b~.cfl tiaill p~rtic~pate in t'~~s ~~~n~o ~Ii~TANC~,AL, AID REQ~'EST` 1~~~M G~7~~T'~ G~L~E~E B~QQST~R CI.TJ~ ~ D~I~ED Mro Pat Gallagh~r, P~°~~id~nt ~f tk~e Ctne~t~ Co~~~:g~ Po~st~r CY~.b ~.n~ C~~.c~ ~I~,nsen ~r~r~ p~~~~nt ~nd ~°~q~~~t~d f~r~~.nc~al aic~ frox~ C~~~'~ f~.n~ci~ for CoY.Z~~ees ~,~h~~t~.c prng~°~~, i~ w~.ic~ ~cac~l s~~.~.~n~~ ~~e ~,~.s~a 2nvc~~v~d. Se~~~~l C~~xncib~a~n fnda~~at~d ~h~s ~rc~anld be *a~17L~.ng p~~scan~.~1~p cR~+i~a+~~ ~o ~~a~ Cl,~ta~ l~~n~ g~n~ralY~ agr~ed ~l~at ~.~d s~ac~a~ld n~~ be g~,~~~ f~a~~n C~t3~as ~~~.c~~~e It ta~.~ °~~carcrm~~.d.ed tl~~t ~1~~ Cl~u~s co~n~a~~ tl~~ ar~a°~ ~~x~~ic~ c~~~~~~~~~~c~~.~ fe~ sa~g~~~ta N(~fiICE OF CIiANl\T~L GOU~TZ~S D~V o MEE~T~T~ - A~~tII, 19 0~~ ° SA~~A M~1~.T~ Tn r~sponse Go Ad~a~~~~r~°a+~a~ B~.~cl~'S r~c~~.~~~$ ~k~~~ f~.11 C~~anc~l i~cYie~.t~d tY~~~ ~rill aLt~nd t1~~ q~a~t~rlg~ an~~:~~.~g ~f ~ki~ C~aa~~a~l. Ca~~.nt~~~ Di~r:~si~an to b~ h.eld on April 19g 19~4 i~ ~an~a Ma.r~~.. CITY ~~~N~I~ MA~C~ 268 1934 ARROYO G1~~TI9~, CAI,~F~D1~.?V~A F~.~~ ~ PARTIC. IN CO t~NIMAd~ G0~"~~.~Y~ PTt~3~ I~~IaD OFF tia~'T~~ COST C~MF~.ItIS~~ R~C~IV~I2 T?~~ C~~~~~~ ~~vi~~~c~ ~ 1c~~~~~ ~~~~a ~i~~~. ~~~n~~f~~~~~i~a~ ~~~3.c~r S~.arp ~~~~~~~~,n.~ ~n ~~gar~~~i.~~ e»~ ~1~~ C~z~r~c~l'~ ~r:i~I~~~~,~~~ ~°c~ g~.~°~~ci~~.~~ in grca~~s~c~ An~~r~~l ~dn~~°ca~ p~c~~~~.~ ~a~ b~ ~c~s~~n~.~~~~~c~ b;~ +t~~ C~~.n~~. Alsc~ ~~vi~~recfl ~a~ a F~l~cg~- D~~t~~i~~:~fon ~~~y~~.~~c~ b~ t~~ ~a~nc~ ~ r~~~~~s~ ~ T~~~ds An~n~~.~ Sks~~~~~ Se~~.~~~~~ ~r~ t~~ ~~~,:~~.4~ ~ ~~-a.~~~s ~r~~~~~~~~ .f~~~ ~r~ ~~e S~c~~~g,~ ~~s p~~~i~i~~~~~n a~n p~~pc~~~~. ~~~1~, c~~~°~~~~. ~a~~~~ ~~~i1 15~~~a A~t~~° G~~ancil dis~~.~~~,c~~n~ A~m~,~i~~r~tc~~ B~,tcri di~~ct~~, ~E~ ~~r~,~;~ ~o tFa~ C~%~nt~ ~ndi~~.ti~~ tY~~~ ~~d~ Co~.~c~,1 a~~~~ a d.~r~~~~,c~~ ~n ~~g~s ~~~~~~r ~n~~.~ ~~pa~a~ ~~~s~ crs~~ ~.ncfl ~c~~~:i~~~ c~~~:~ ~.~~~'~~~~~~ci, At3THORIZ~ ~RU~~ P~PP~It~ T~ E~PA~TD AC~IVI~IES 0?~ GITY PROP~;R~`~ ° NI~QM~ MESA A Y~~~~~ r~v~~~~d. f~°a;~ t3~~ ~~.s~~ F~pp~r~ Rid.~n~ C1~b Q r~:qa~~s ting tr~ expa~ac~ a~~°~v~~~~~ ~n ~d~~oLn~ M~~a pr~p~~tg° th~~ 1~~~~;~ from t1~~ Cit~' and ~.n~rit~ra~ C~~~~~1 ~~~:~l~~a~~. c~n A~~°~,~ t~i b~~~;f~e N~la IY~.~.gzna~~ w1~~ io~ t~~r ~i~~;~~, C~~y~ ~~~~r~e;~ S~~p~~5 ~~~.te~ pr~~~~~ l~~s~ v~o~xl.d cos~er sa~~h ~~p~n~~~. ~v~n~~ rc~~a~~~~~ci ~.n ~tr~ le~~~:r in~ac~l~~~.~ ~~~.r~~s 9 b~.l~~ $ , , , and try~~ tl~~ C~~.b ela~~ ~~s~~~ne~ ~a pr~r~~~ tk~~ Cit~ f~ca~n ~.~~~il~~~< M~o C1iff I~nz~.~r o~ Cl~b r,~a~ pr~~~~~ ~ncl ~1~.~~r~~~d en plan~~ci e~parad.~d use of the ~~~n~.o A~~~~ C~~.nci1L d~s~~~~~i~an9 r,~~.~ ~.~r~~d. ~.hat th~ B:~.~~ Poppers R~rling C1~b ~~~ka~°~i~~ci ~c~ ~~p~r~d. it~ ~.c~i~r~,t~~~ ~ua.~~c~r r~d~o~, x~~ping~ and o~~aer ~~r~nt~ invc~l~~ng ~~t~1~. NOTICE It~. r~FPEAL q~ ~TAT.E PA.Ri~SS D~PT. RE, CAMPI~'C~ fltU~I~T(~ ON PISNK~ S°~ATE BEACH A n~~~c~ ~a~.~ ~~~~~,~~d fx~~m ~h~ S~a~~: D~par~~n~,r~; ~f P'~.~ks and Recr~atic~n t~~.t ~p~~~,l~~g th~ Co~~eal R~~it~n~l C~a~n~.ss~aa~.°s ~li,~~ ~hic~. forbids la~ach. ca~p~.r~g ~t Pi~m~ ~~at~ B~ac~. I~OTIG~ R~e MEETIN~ t~F L`'~C~~CA~ ~~~I1VG COMd~II~~"~~ °~11.6/~4 ~~~~c~ ~a~ r€~~~a.~~~:~ ~f t~i~ f~.~s~ s~h~d.~~ed. m~~ti~g c~f ~~a~ T~ch.nical Plann~~,~ C~a~?sitt~~9 t~ b~=. t~..~Yd on Apra.1 16, 1`~~~a~ ~.t ~:30 P.M. in. tl~~ G~'o~rex° City ~ G~~.rac~~ C~.~~ab~r~ o TREAS~~R' S R~~OY~T FO~. T"I?~ M~JN~i 0~ F~BR~ARY a 1~Z4 Th~ Tr~~.~~~~r'~ Rc~p~~t fc~~ t~~ anon~~ af Fe~a~~a*°~9 39~/~ w~~ r~e~ived b~ tl~~ C~~.nc~.l9 .r~~s.~~~d ~nc~ ~rd~~~c~ fil~d.o R.EV~~ OF I.~~ZS~TIV~ BU~,LE'TINS FR~M ~A.~U~ OF C~I~IF CITIES - OPPOSE SB 1816•AB 8I9 ~i~~ 1~.~~~t ~~gi~lat~~r~ b~.~.1~~in~ frc~~A ~~p I.~~.g~:~~ af California Ci~ies r~~~~~a~d, ~r1~h. ~~n~l~~~i~ an ~1~~ fc~Tl~a~ring: lj ~ confer~m~~ ~.a~ been scheduled for nee~s M~,;~ors ~.nd Ce~~nci3.mr~n ~~u M~n~~r~g~ e~x~ M~.~ 15°~.7, J~y~4y 2) ~~at~rpretation and fox°ms f~o~ ~h~ ~ag~.e ~~~~.rci~r^~g filing nE D3~c~e~s~.r~ of A~~~~s r~ports (:B716), ~a~.ich t~e Citgr Attoxney ~i1Y ~~~v~e~ ~.nd m~.lc~ r~~~~~nda~i~n~; 3) T~ro f~d~ral wage and ~.o~ar b~.Y2~ ~ H.R. 12~+35 ~~ic~a ~~emp~s c~~a~rtime p~.g~ fcar fir~men and 5.2747, ~r~icl~ ~~cl~d~~ f~,r~~n~~~ a~d SIi 3$1.~ re~axd~.ng dir~ct e~.ection of b,AAFCO ~?embers, w~af~1~ t~~ C~~nc~,1 c~pp~~~~ a~cfl di~~~~~d. A~in~str~~c~x~ B~n~rh. ~~°it~ to px~op~r l~g~~la~~.v~ r~pr~~~n~~.~~.v~s ind~~~~~,n~ G~~.nc~.~es appr~si~~.~n; and 5) AB 29T3 w~n~.c~. ~ao~Id r~e~~:~~~ al~ p~3.~.~,~~ pYac~~ ~o ~e ~~c~~~~,~1~ ~ko ~nd u~able b;~ th~ p~y~ic~.l~,~ ~ia~c~~capp~d. In a b~sll~tin d~t~cfl M~r~?~ 22nd, it ~,ras nat~d ~h~.~ AB 819, prov~ding polic~~r~~n ~nd f~r~~~~n ~r~.th Qv~r~iYn~ p~.~9 ~a;~ ~~.s~~c1 t~~ ~he 9~n~.~~ and n~ ~~ae~ ~c~ ttz~ Gr~~~~nc~ro A~!m~n~.~t~~.~c~~° B~t~~. ~a~~ dir~c~~d ta ~x°it~ t~.~ Gov~rnor ~~rging k~i~ ~re~~a ca~ AB 8~9. A~~tt~~ ~+as also r~vi~~r~d f~~aan t~~ S~~.~~ C~~rap~ns~L.~,~n In.~~~anc;~ Fund9 a.dvisin~ csf a S~ta~e F~nd sponsor~d b~fl1~ SB 1892, t~at ~.ncla~c~~:~ a prov~,sion whi~h ~r~~a1~d g~v~ p~abl~c ~;~ng~c~g~~r~ th~ ~pt~.~n caf ~.r~~~~a.n~ caft~S St~te F~and or a priv~te ~n~~.r~~. SUPP~R`T P~OP~JS~~Z0~5 3° REI~T~TATE CAI~ FET 7.,(DAiV~ t~d.na~a~i~~rat~x~ ~~.tc1~ rea~. le~~~r ~~ich ~.r~~d sa~pp~rt of Pr°c~pos~.~io~ 3 whicl? ra3.11 appear ~n t1~~ J~.n.~ 4~~ bal~ot~ t~ re~n~t~~~ ~1~~. lo~ ~n~~r~st Ca~. Vet ~.oans. T~e Co~.nca.l ag~~~d to s~.pp~r~ t~h.is m~asu~~. RECEIP~' OF S(~. COU3~°I°~ ITLrME~N R~~.4TT0~1S C(JMM, e~~° a°~5 I'RlJPOSED BbJDGET T~~ Goun.c~~. ~~~ri~~~~~. $7L~(~OQ p~o~aos~d b~.dg~t of t~~~ S~r~~h C~~.nt~ H~nan Re~atic~ns Co~rnnis~~i~n for ~k~e fisc°~~. 1974m~~, an~. ~~n~r~I~~ agr~~d t~.at the Coun~y s~~~ald b~ ~~q~.~s~~~ tc~ ~~~~.p s~gp~x°~ tl~~ C~~i~si~n, I~ wa5 also ~~c~~~s~~d. tl~at a r~:px~~s~n~a~~,v~ f~c~, t~y~e Coamni~~~~n ~~~a~nd ~k~~ CcS~,nci1'~ ~ex~ re~~la~ zn~~~ing to gi~=~ ~~t~~~.~s ~~,p~s~t on ~T~~ Cc~.~n~.~sic~n°~ acti~~ti~~ and exglafn sc~~n~ ~f ~h.~ ~~pens~~ ~ 33~ cz~ ~ou~rcza, r~~.c~ 2~, 1974 ARROYO GR~.I~'DE, CAT;I~'~12I~It~ PA~~ 3 REVIEW OF PROP~JS~D RtTI,~~ ~T~ f~F C~~~1~ITY GE1~~T~~. ~L'~~DI~~~ Th.~ C~~~.~°~l x~~ri~ca~c~ p~op~~~.~. r~a1~~ 9~~~~1~~.~~~~~ ~~±d f~~~ fc~~ C~m~~.~iry C~~~~r~ A~~~x° d~~~.~s~~~n c~~ T~~;~ 1..~, ~~c~~~ c~~~~.a:~,~~.~~c~n~ ~ould. be a1loGaed f~~~ ~,~e ~f t~~ b~ild~n~ ~r~~~ n~~ ~~~~ai~~~~.~ s~~~c~~~.~-cY ~nd ~~1b~~ct to approva~ b~* th~ C~~3~ Czy~x~i~~,~" ~~~iL~ ~~~nc.~,l r~~cacr~~nd~d. ~i~~ ~r:~ ~~m~~ra~t~ B~.ild.ing C~s~ni~~~~ c~~~~1~ cT~~~n~ "r~.e~~ g~rc~fa~t ~9r~~,niz~~~~~~" ~~~f a~ ~~~C~ ~ l.~.s~ c~~ ~Y~c~s~ ar~an~~~.~i~~~ ~~~a~~i~ ~1~:~~ f.~~ f~~~ ~~~9 ~~.~~~~~~~x~ ~~.at ~o~.th gro~.ps b~ ~l~f~.~~~~ cc~n~rd~r~t~~~s. a~~er ~~~~~~ndec~ ~~°~at the admini,~tr~.~or of t~~ C~~~~°~~a~~,~~ ~~.~,~d~n~ ~~S~~~az:~.r~~ P~~~ai~ t~!~.~. ~~a~ City Co~nc21. T~~ f~~~ ~n.c~ ~ ~r~~~,r~~~ ~d~~~~~~,t~ e~a~~~~a~~~d ~i~~~ tl~e g~n~~~l f~~ling b~~.r~~ t~~.~. $~~~.00 "~~,~~o~C c~~~~~i~~ ~~r~ hig1~ ~.nc~ migh~ d~~~~~ ~h~ p~r.~°g~s~ ~af t?~i~ b~~l.c~a.~.~°~ ~a~~~ a~,r~ ~~~,s Frsa~~~r ~~.s~ ~~ferr~d back ~o ~1~~ Co~~~~~~ for ~r~.r~,~a~~ ~~n~~c~~x~~t~~~o R~POI€~C__m ARE~ P~~~~;~ C~L~~vCI~ ~~~IkWG 0~ MA~t~~ ~ 9~~ °~"t1LI~~' Ma~~~° Tal~,~~ ~nd.~~~~~;c~ k~~~ nt~~h~,~~.~ t~a~ ~~~caz~fi ~~i ~~~~~c~ t~~c~ M~rc~ 21st ~~~~~~.g of ~h~ A~~~ l~la~~a~~g C~~~~~il, i~~t;~. ~~.c~ ~h~ ~.~t~~n~.~~ r~p~~~~n~~~i~~ ~~d been unable to ~.tt~nc~ ~~~t~~~;, RECEIPT OF FOURT~ Q~AI~.fiFT~ R~P~ItT C~~ SAL~S & CIUARETT~ T~ T~i~ C~~.n~.~~ ~~avi~~~;d ~~p~rt p~~gar~d 1~;~ Ad.~inis~~~t~r nn Sal~s Tax reven~.~ f~r th~ fc~~~~h q~.~~~~~ ?9~3, ~~.~~^Y n~~ ~~c~~p~s in ~h~ ~mo~an~ of $5~y632, r~~l~cting ~,n~~°~~~~ c~~r~x~ ~~.m~ q~s~.~~~~ c+f 1982, b~a~ a r~d~ac~ tion of 10e~°% f~~?s ~E~,~ t~~~°d q~~~~~~ c~.f 19~3; anc~ C:~~~~~t~~ ~ax for' D~c~mber~ 19~3 ~.a~d Jan~~ry ~,n~, ~°eb~~~.~°;~~ af 19~"~, wk~~c~ ~hcaw~~d. ~~na~k~d incr~~~~ ir~ F~1ar~ary, APPOII~T°TMENT C1~' P~~7I~,~G C~3~INI'ISSInNElt~ MAT4~~S AND RIFS _ Qn ~o~iea~ e~f C^~~n~~,~r~~n d~ I,~~~t~ s~cc~~e~~e~ l~~ ~~~~~.~:i1~~.~. 5gi~rl~.ng ~nd ~xn~~f~~~ns3y ~~~~~~d, Mc~~~~~ Mat~~~~s ~.nd. All~n R~,e~ o~fi~i~.~1~y apgointed t~ tl~~ Plan~aing C~,z~i~~ion, ~~.~h h~.s file~c~ t~s~ ~~q~~~~d D~.sclos~r~ ~f Assets r~p~~°ts . RECOMMEND?,TIOT~ T~J APPO~I~T PI~~~C?~G C~MMZSSTO~ER -~A?~DO~AL Ma.~yor T~.11~~ x°~c~~~nd~c~~ ~.~a~. ~h~ Cc~~.ncil ~~r~~~.g t~~~ J~s~.n Sando~v~l, 12~6 Gran~ A~en~.~, ~.p~o~.n~:~~. ~c~ f~.ll t?~e la~t v~.canc~ c~~ tT~~ Plan~i~.g Commi~~ion, p~ndin~ th~ fi~.ing of ~~a~ I3i~c1.~s~a~r,°~ af Ass~~~ r~port by Mr. S~.nd~v~l, W~~~ ~f~~~i~113~ a~ap~~,n~~d, t~~ af n~'fic~ ~~ill ~~pir~ Jun~ 30, 1974, ORDINAl~'CE m PROV~SIO~'S ~01t R~MOV~I~ ~lE UNt~.~?fiH. VEHICTaE~ ~ROM PRIV,PROPa-~ST .READ. Cit~ ~,t~a~n~g4 ~k~a,p~~~ ~~~ci the ~i~l~ of an orc~.inance, for its f~rst read.i,ng, providing fc~~ ~.t~~ ~e.n~va~, of ~~:a~~.~~~~~iz€:d ~~~.a~cl:~~ f~~m privat~ p~°~perty; tMere= aft~rA a m~~~~n w~.~ ~n~.d~ b~ G~~.n~~~~n.~ra Sc~l~~~~.~ ~~cond~d. b~y C~~ancilxn~.n d~ &~ean and ~nnaniano~xsl~ c~~ri~c~, to d~~ge~i~c~ ~z.tka r~~.~.i~g ~h~ ba~~nc~ nf this ordinance. RES~~ , A~P~. m Ad3~~QR~~E A~R,~EM~~T~` W/DTV, nF ~QR~~TRY F~R MUTUA~ AID Cc~~anc~l ~~~;~.~tia~d ~~i°~r~~.~° ~~n~~~~.1 ~~~~~~~nt fox° maz~~n~l fi~e prot~ctfon ~id by ~nd be~.-r~e~n t~A~; C~~,~ ~~n~. ~re San Luis Obis~~ R~.ng~r tTnit of t~~ Califarn~,a Divis~on of F~r~~t~~, C~ty A~torn~y S~~p~~~ re~.d th.u~ ti~l~ of resol~.tion ~aa~hr~ra~~irzg ~x~~.~az~i.~~ cf an ~~r~~.n~n~: ea~t~ St~~~,~ tl3c~g~~.ft~r; a r~?~~ion ~as ~nad~ b~ G~us~c~lss?~an M~1Y.~.~, s~ccand~~c3 C~+~a~~%1.~~,n S~la~~~~~ ~nd ~.nan3.~ou~1~ ca~riecfl, t~a di~g~ns~ ~s~.t~. x°~~c~i~.~ ~ial~~.~~ c~f ~~i~ ~~~~lu~i~~. ~~~O1~33'C~Ol~ ~0. ~.0$~ A RESOLi3TI(~N ~F" ~HE CIT~' COUNCIL ~F T~1.E CI~ (JF ARRO"YO GRANDE A~"THt~RI~IIVG E~ECUTI~lV OF MUTL~Ai~ AID ~~~~~1E~TT BE~EEN ~TE GTTY OF ARR~Y~ GRAND~ AlVD T~ STA~~ 17F CALIFQRN7A DTVI.SI~~V OF k~RESTRY. On m~~i~sn ~of Ce~~.nc~,l~~.n Sc~il~g~l~ s~~.o~zd.~c~ by~ C~~.nc~~an~.n M~.~lis ~nd on the f~].lowing r~11 c~ll ~u~~~ ~a wit: ~ AYES: Cc~~nnc~lr.i~n ~~ti~~g~lA Mi~liss S~ai~~lingq d~ I~~c~n ~.n~. .~.yor Talley NQES e 1~T~sn~ ABS~N`T: ~Ic~n«~ t~~ f,oreg~ing r~sol~ta.~n tia~s pa.s~~d ~,nr~ ~do~ted ~F~~.a cY~.~, c?~ M~.rLh, 1974. 3 3 b.. cz~ coU~cz~, r~~c~~ z~ 9 19~4 ARROYO GRAIVDE a GAI,T~(~~tIV IA FA~E 4 R~~OL, ADOPT~ - R~~TRIC~ED PA12K, ~N TRA~~IC WA~' & B~~S ~~D. ~O~;E ON P00$~~ Dir~ctor of P~nbli~ W~~~~ ~~.~~~~~z~ ~~~~~~~cY r~c,~~ng ~~~o~r,~~~d~.t~.o~~ of th~ Parkin~ ax~d Tx°~.~fic C~i~si~~s ~s f~~T~e~~ 0 1~ Tk~~t~ ~~k~; t O:E.fi~~ b~ r~q~.ested to move ~t~e ~~a.st~n~ r1~7,~~°~np an~.~.~, box on ~~aff~c T~p~~ ~~`aa~~~~.~~~~x°Yg~ ~f ~th~ pedestr~,an c~~~~wal~ a~.d. ~~t~.bY.~s~. l~~i~~~c~ p~.~lc~x~~ z~r~ frc~~ ~fl~~ ~m~t~.erly s~de of ~h~ ~~is~ing ~~c~~~~~.l~i ~o tY~~ ~.~x~ ~~~~r~:~~~~ ~n~~r~,n.g P~,~.l R~~~n~~d.~ Ford Co., and t&~a~ th~ ~~ist~,~~ 1~,~~~~d p~,~~~,~,~ l~~ d~~~~~.a~~~d "~T~ Pa~l~i?~~~~~ 2) Th~.t t~~ p~~~~ng;~~ ~o~.cYing zor~~ e~. P~~1~; S~~~~~ aclj~e~n~ ~o t~~~ . Cl~ris~~an Acad~x~~, b~ pc~~t~~ Bi~S~ES ~1l~IIT,S~~ $:3~ AoM. tc~ 9m~0 A.M, ~~,d ~:~0 P.M, to ~:30 P.M, Y Mand.~.~ t~~~~g~ Fri~~~. Aft~r Co~ncxZ d.i~~~~~~~n, C~_~y ~i~~o~rs~y S~~ps~~ ~~ad, ~~i~ ~~t~€: of resoluti~n e~~abl~~hin~ r~~~~~,ct~d pa~~.~ng ~.rxcl ~~a~~~ in ~Yxe C~,t~; th~re° af~~r, rn~~ia~. tn~.d~ b~° C~~aaci~tnan Sc~?~.~.~~~1~ s~~on~~e~ b~y C~~ancilma~. d~ L~on and ~nanf~~~~ly~ d~s~~~~~ ~~~~i ~°~~d~n.g ~~~i~ b~.lar~c~ o~: ~k~i~ resml~.tion, ~ESOI,~`TT~3~ 1~0. ~.089 A R~SOL~TI~~ OF '~T'!~ CITY COUNC~~, 0~ TI~ CI2~' OF ARI~.0~0 GRAIVDE ~S`~ABd~ISIxI~VG PARK~IVG RES~'RIC~°I~~S (~~V ~RAF~~C W,P,Y _ AZ~D A~~S I~ADI~~ Z~1V~ O~T P~~LE . 0~ ~~ti~~. c~f C~~nci.l~ar~ T~i~.~~i~, sec~nd~d b~* C~~ar~c~~x~an Spierling ~.~.d oxa the fol~c~~3n.~ ~r~ll b~ca~~~ ~r~ ~ito E1Y~S: C~~.~nc~la~~~ S~h~,~,~~~., Ma.1~.~.~~ Sp~~,~~lg~a~9 d~ L~e~n ~,nc~ 1~.~~r T~.ll~y ~'O~S o ~~n~ ABS~IVT: i~o~.~ the fox°~go~n~ x~~~~2an~a~~n ~a~s p~~~~d ~.~cl adopt~~ ~Y~is 26~k~ d~~ c~f M~.rc~.5 19~4, AUTI~ORT~E SID~~TAl~K R.AMP ~~Z~`T.ItT3C~IQ1~ ~N BR1~I~CIi Di~ecto~ c~~ P~l~l,~c Wcarks And~~sc~n r~po~~~d ~t~.at a n~w ~~~.~e l~.r~a req~air~d the constrt~c~7.~~. nf ~~~~1 cl~~.i~ ramps in con~zr,~z~gi~n ~ri~t~. n.~~ ~~rka ~.r~d g~stter constx~uction, an~ r~com~n~n~.ecY tha~ a~1~.~ng~ c~~°d~~ be apprcav~d authori.z~.ng tl~e Departin~nt of Tx°~n~pc~~~ta~i~n kc~ ~nc1~.d.~ t~~ ~°~.~?p~ in Branc~ S~~~~t R~con- struetion p~~j~~~, Aft~~ ~~~.~aefl d~,:~cus~i~rc, ~n me~~io~. e~f Cc~a~n~ilman Schl~gel, ~ second~d lby Coa~n~~.l~n~.n M~.lY.is ~nd ~nraanim~arksl~ c~.~ri~d, ~ cha.ng~ o~rder w~.s auth~ri~~d wi~tY~ ~h~ D~~~.x~tsn~nt of T~e~.nspc~rtat~ic~n for lthe co~.st~~.cta~on of ~rheel chair x~aYnp~ at ~.11 c~o~~~~.~.k~ in con~~~ic~i.a~m r~itl~ t~.~ r~constrnxction of B~anch Stre~t. Co~nciY~a~.n 5~~~~13.ng ~.~er~.t~d th.a~t ~1~;~ ~~ndb~~ ~~isl~.nd~" on Bridge St~~~t adjacen~ to th~ F~°~sb~,t~x°ian C~~~~ck~9 ~r~re nc~t b~~ng o~~~rved, as vehfcles drive ~ver th~ az°~a. D~r~ctc~r of P~bla~c W~rks A~d~~~csn ~xp~,~.i~.~d. e~n~ propo~~d plan for that ar~a ~ah~n f~.n~~ ~,~e: ~?ad~ ~v~.Al~.bl~ in t~~ ~x~~~ f~.s~ai y~~,r. AUT~OItIZE PIJRC~~ASE C~F E~~IPT. ~OR MISC. [~A~EIt MAYI~ PR~JEC"~S m BUD~ETED ITEMS A rep~rt fro~n Dir~c~ox 1'~b1ie [~TA~1~s ~nc~~r~on ~a~.s rev~.ewed reqaa~sting a.~ath~ri~ation to pa„rch~.~~ pi~~ an~. f~tting~ for for~r b~.d~~t~~. wa~t~r inain corestr~c~i~n ~ro~e~t~, as f~~l~~,w~a , T. 6~~ ma~,n ~ti~-in o~a :B~ig~.tc~n A~r~, b~t~e~n L~do P3.~.c~ and F~ix Vi~~ Dx°i~ae m $1,350 In 1~i~u a~ th~ b~~c~.g~tc~d C~pital L~np~rov~x~K~nt :~t~m (~3,000) fo~ ti~°ins on Rutk~ Anxg W~.y and Priscill.a I.~.n~, w3~i~;?~ ~~.~.1d be d~l~.~~d. d~x~: ~o prope~sed ~.e~~lop~~n~ i~. ~ta~ ~r~a, i~ ~ras x~~:c~~n~~.c~~d. tn~t F~" A.Co an~fn on A~pen. Str~et b~~ur~~n Ash S~t. and C~c1~.r St. b~ in~~~.lYed. °$2,400, 3. 6" A,C. tie-~,n ~~~~~:~n G~ld.~n Wes~ Pl~.e~ ~nd ~.s~ Sto °$2,~00. Aft~x C~~ancil drscu~~~~n, ~n anc~tz.on c~f C~r~~eil~s~~ SeYa~.eg~19 s~e~~.d.~d b;~ Co~nc~.lman d~: L~on ~.nd •~nan~m~a~~.~ e:arri~:d, Di~°~etc~~° o~ Paxbl~,c We~rks And~rs~n was auth.oriz~d t~ ~a~~e~:~d ~~th tFa~ thr~~ p~~j~~~~ a~~tlin~d a~c~v~:. 3 3'7 CITY COU~TCIIe MP~R~~T 2~, 19~4 A~~~o ~s~~~ ~ ~;~~Z~''~R~~. P~~"s~ S R~'POR2 ° Z~~~ ~ ~~~TS~~.y ~1.~, SP~'~~.~~~~' ~P`LD Ag,Te C~uncilrn~.n Mi~1~,~ ~~~~~~~d o~ t~a~ ~~~r~~ ~~~~~~ng ~f ~Y~~ Z'~~a~ ~~3 A~vi~ory C~nitt~~~ ~~~.~i~g th~~ fo~.~~s,~~~.~ ~.~.d l~~~n ~°~;~~a,~:~v~~c~o A man~?~?~~r ~~p~x~g on Park.s ancY B~~ch.~~ i~da~c~~~~ ~.n i~~cr;~~.~~ ~n o~' ~Lc~p~~ ~.~c~~~.~~c~~~~, Ar~a~ ~,r1~h a fig~r~ of 23~000 ~o~ ~~b~a~~~~~ ~f tk~~~ ~~p~.~'~c~ Y71~9000 1~~~~t ~ Feb~uar~$ and ~a.c~~°~ of ~,~~~1 ~~~pP~ ~~~~~g~ ~~~~lo ~T~.~d, Pl~z~~l~~ l~~,d. r~po~t~~. c~n t~.~ b~~~~ ~1~,~~:~ ~1:~~~ g~~~m~~d1 ~a~~n~ c~~~ri ~f ~~~~r I~.~~s for sr~s~n~Y in~p~ct~,o~. c~.f. ~~.~~so ~~~~ga~ li~.~~ ~~.1~. b~ c~r~ t~pril 1C, 19~4 fo~ 9~~~~.~~9 r~fe~~~~~~. A~t~~~n~~f~~~~~a~ ~~~c1~i ~"~~~cl t~aat ~Ar~°og~o ~~and.~ l~~s ~n~~~h s~~~~~~ ~~r ~t~~.~ e~.~~~~ ~.red ~c~~~~na~ ~~,~.t~.c~,p~,'~e ~ ~ ~ny probl~~?~. M~y~rr T~.Z~'~y _~.~~~~i~.t~d. ~~^~r~c~1~~n Sg~i~~~,~,xn~ ~~t~~~~.~G~ r~;~~e~~nt~t~ve tT~~ Z~~~ 3 Ad~~.sar~ C~~rit~~~9 ~,~d cy.ir~c~t~d. ~c~?~~~a;st~°~,~r~° n~~if~ t~e Bcaarcl of S~p~r~~~or~ caf tl~~ ~~p~~~~n~n~, ADOPT WATER Q~IALi'I°Y ~M~I2~E~CY ~~"CIFIC~,.`TI~?~ PI.~.~ Adaninis~~~.to~ B~~c~ ~~~port~d t~~'~ ~~a~r~;~nc~ ~~gi~l~.~i~~ h.~.c~ b~~n pa~~ed mandating publ.ic ~~~n~.~~~ ~.d.cap~ a Wa~~~ Q~.~3~.ty E~ra~~~~~~~ I~o~:~ficati.on Pl,~n by April 1~ ~9~~. ~ pl~x~ pr~par~~. b~ D~.r~c~~~ o~ P~.k~~.ie C~~~iz~ Anci~~san was r~v~~~aa~cY ~h€~~~~a~ t~~: ~r~~~~ ea~ns~a~r~ ~ca~~~c~ b~ na~~a.fi~d t~C~ ~~,~~n~ ~1~~ CityBs ~aat~~ sy~t~a~ ~~~lec~ c~r b~~~Yn~ co~.~~,Fn~rz~.~~c~. A~~~~ C~~anei~ d.is~u~ssinn, on motion of C~~.~c:ilm~n Sp~~~l3.~~~ s~~~nd.~.d1 b~;~ C~~r~~~.l~i~n Mi11is ~.nd ~.nanim a~~u~ly ca~ri~d, tT~~ ti3~~~~ Q~~.1it~ E~,~rg;~n~~ Nca~~~v~~~~c~~ Pl.~.n, ~s p~e.par~d b~* Dix°ect~x° of P~ubl~c ?~'cs~lcs~ ~~d~~~~n9 ~ra~ ~d~pt~ei. ACCEPT DItAINAG~ ~3.S~ME~IT D~ B~'JW ~T SPI,~T ~kd3m190 m~"A~Y 13t~ ItD/SsHn 22~ Ad~~~.i~tr~t~+~ Bv~~c~n ~~~i.~~~~. th.~.~ ~r~ c.~n~~nctxon ~.ppr~~~.l of Lot Spli~ C~~~ l~~~a 7~°190, `~~11;~ Y~c~ Rc~~.d/5~~~~~ Hi~~ay* 22~, ~r~q~~st~d by Ric~ard De Bla~zw9 th~ d~d~,ca~i~n of an €~~~e~~;n~ for d~~:~nag;~ p~rpo~~~ ~aas ~~q~x~r~d, tiahfc~. h~~ b~en r~€~~~iv~d. Aft~~ C~~.x~eiT da.~c~.~~ie~n, e+n m~+~~,~s~ c~f G~~xncilx~~.n de I~on, s~cr~n~~d b~ Cc~~.nca~lm~n S~~.l~:g~l anc~ ~nar^.~~s?~~~~l~y c.a~~~,~d, a Gr~.nt Deed frrrm T~a1~~r Je I3~ 81~.^~a ~nd Jo~rc~ D~ Bl~uw f~r d,edi~~:~ic~n. nf ~0 fc~ot drain- ag~ e~s~ment c~~;~:r ~~Fb nor~l~~~.s~~r1~ 20' c~f P~.x°c~l~ 1~,nd. 2~.s ~hs~wn on P~.rcel Map 1~t~b~~ AG~74-1; ~xas ~~~~pt~d ~,nd ~~a~ M~.~~r and C~.t~' C1~rk Ur~r~ ~.~a~horized ta sign ~h~ C~rtifica~t~ c~f A~c~p~~.nc~ ~m b~h~.lf of t~~ Cit~, PROGRESS REPORT ~ S9UTgI SA~V I~~TIS O~ISPO CQUNTY SAI~ITATIpN DTS'rRICT Tt~~ So~th S~n LA~.is ~Jbispcs C~~r~~t~ S~nit~t~.~n Dis~rictAs ~~part for th~ month. of Febra~~,ry9 l~a~, ~r~.~ r~~a~ev~red and c~rd~r.°~d filed. Adanin~.stra~tor Butch report~d t~~.g C~n~tr~.~tox~ Gris~ae~~d h~~d a~pl~~~'o~m l~f~~d o~at to the loc~.tion of th.e le~.k in ~he c~c~an c~utfall. li~e ~nd is pr~ac~~d,ing w~~~ ~eg~~~.r~ , CLAIM OF JAMES D, BIDDISO~T AGAINST CITY ~ D~NIED On Yn~t~,cn ~f Ca~.n.~~,~m~~.zi Sch1~g~1~ s~cond~d 'by C~~ncilan~,n d.~ Leon and unaninno~sl~r c.~r~z~c~, ~ cl~i~ fo~° p~x°sa~.~.T iri~~ar~~~ b~ Ja~n~s D. Biddi.~on, against th~ Ci~;~ ot Ar~c~~ca G~~.ncl~9 w~.~ d~ni~d, a,s r~~cm~n~nd~d. by the Ci~gr's insurancc~ carrie~. STATt7S R.EPORT - C~RR.Y A~1E. ~MPIt~VEMENT PIt.~J. &~EWS~M SPRIII~TT~S RD. WIDENING In ansr~r~~ to C~t~n~il~nan Sch1~g~1's ~nq~ai~°~, l~~,rector of P~.blic Work~ And~rson repar~~d tk~~ foTl~in~ ~~gard ~t~a t}~~ Ch.~r~ Av~nw.~ :C~np~ov~!~n~nt Proj~ct ~.nd the IV~~r~oxn Spa~n~~ R€~a~, ~a~;cl~z~~,ng;. 1'~r~~ pa~~i~~s c~f p~op~xty still h.ave ~to b~ ob~~.in~d ar~ Ch~~~~ A~~n~~ befox~ t~~s praj~c~ c~.n p~o~~~d9 ~.nd it is l~op~d th~g~ 4~ri11 b~ gott~n ~ait~h.in th~ next s~~~r~.l ~re~lc~ , Ad.cli~f~nal rights of way ar~ still n~ce~~~.rg~ e~n ~1~~ 1~~~,W~~n Sp~xngs Road ~r~d ~e~on r~conn~.~.ssance of th.~ are~ c~.n b~ dr~n~9 p~c~j~~ct ~ri1.l prc~c~~d.. THA~TKS ~ROI~I RES~D~NN~' FfJR R~AD~nTA~ REPA~R ° SZ'U'RTEVA?~~' I~Ix°s . St~.~~~van~ ~~s pr~~~nt ~.nc~ ~th~.nk~cl t1a~ Ci~~ for rep~.ir c,r~rl~ done on Spruce S~re~to ADJOU'RNMENT On mo~a.on of C~~xn~°~1an~:n. Sch:1~g~1, s~ec~nd~d bg~ C~~ancilsz?~:n Le~n. and unanim~~.s1.y c~.rra.~:d, t1~e; xn~~t~.ng ~d~ourn~d 9oG~~ P.M. ATTEST• ° ~ ~ CITY C~~RR MAYOR ~