Minutes 1974-04-09 33~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 9, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular session with Mayar Ta11ey presiding. LTpon roll ca11, Council Members Schlegel, Millis, Spierling and de Leon reported present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Talley lead the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag; and immediately thereafter, Councilman Millis delivered the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the regular City Council meeting of March 26, 1974, were approved as prepared. APPROVAL OF WAItRANTS On motion of Counci.lman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously earried, Payroll Warrants No> 1680 through No. 1788, in the total amount of $28,8~7.45; and General Warrants No. 1313 through No. 1353 and No. 292 through No, 313, in the total amount of $501,342.33, were approved and ordered paid. PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE OF APPRECIATION TO PHYLLIS SCHLEGEL Ma.yor Talley called Mrs. Cal (Phyllis) Schlegel to the Council table and presented hex with a plaque from the City in appreciation of her service as First La.dy for the City from April, 1972 to March, 1974. RESOL. ADOPT. - URGE'PUC TO ZNVEST. AFFECT OF PRIV. SALES TO PT & T CUSTQMERS The Council reviewed a letter from Lee Balatti, Manager of Paei£ic Telephone in San Luis Obispo; California State Senate Resolution No. 77g ~.nd other information requesting that the Public Utilities Commission make a~hox~augh investigation of possible adverse affects to P.T. & T. customers (i.e. higher rates, etc.) if certifieation of telephone equipment sold by private industries is approved. The Council discussed the matter, agreeing that an investigation should be carried out to rnake a determination on the matter. After Council dis- cussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution supporting Calif° ornia State'Senate Resolution No. 77; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unan~mpusly carried, fio dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION ~VO o 1090 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ~HE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING SENATE RESOLUTION 77 PASSED BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE ON FEBRUARY 6, 1974. On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Schlegel, Millis,`Spierling, de Leon and Mayor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of April, 1974. PROCLAMATION - AN~I-LITTER_. MONTH - MAY, 1974 Ma.yor Talley proclaimed the month of May, 1974, as "Anti-Litter Month" in the City of Arroyo Grande, as requested by Governor Reagan and the California An~i-Litter League. DESIGNATION OF CZ.EAN-UP WEEK - MAY 6TH THRU MAY lOTH 1974 Ma.yor Talley designated the week of May 6th through May lOth, 1974, as Clean Up Week in the City of Arroyo Grande, as requested by the Publie Works Department. RECEIPT OF ANNUAL ELECTRIC FRANCHISE PAYNIENT FOR 1973 - P.G. & E. Administrator Butch reported that the City has received its annual franchise tax payment for 1973 from Pacific Gas & Electric Company, in Che amount of $3,442e66. PERSONAL INNRY CLAIM OF LARRY M. GARNER - DENIED On motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, the personal injury claim of La.rry M. Garner, against the City of Arroyo Grande, was denied, as reco~nended by the City's insurance carrier. 339 CITY COUNCIL APRIL,9, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CAZIFORNIA PAGE 2 REGEIPT OE ANNUAL GAS FRANCHISE PAYNIENT FOR 19~3 - S0. CALIF. GAS COMPANY Administra~or Butch reported that the City has received its annual franchise tax payment for 1973 from Sou~he~n California Gas Cornpany, in the amaunt o f $8,245.51: DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 1974 The Departmental Rc~port fc~~ t~.~ month of Ma.rch, 1974, was received by the Council, revietiaed and ordered fil~d.. In r~~pon~~ to Councilman de Leon's question about ~raffic congrol for fun~ral proc~sszons~ Administrator Butch advised that th~ Poliee DepartLmen~ offe~s its services upon request if an officer is available, and no ch.arge is m~~.de for tl~is sex°vic~. REVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE BULLETINS FROM LEAGtJE °"716" REPORTINGS STAYED The Council revi~t~r~d the ~ates~ legislative bulletin received from the League of California Cities, wh.ich included information regarding tl~e recent Supreme Court ruling which stay~s proc~edin~s ~nder tl~e Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Act. Councilmen and other staff inembers raere informed they need not file the "716" Disclosure of Ass~e-~s x°eport in April. RESOL ADOPT. - AUTHORIZE CITY ADM. TO SIGN AGREE. W/.STATE ENIPLOY.. DEPT. RE. "WIN" Administrator Btttch requested that a resoltxtion be adopted authorizing him to sign agreements on behalf of the City wikh the State Employment Development Department regarding the Work Incentive Program (WTN) wherEby the Cit~ trains the employee, but the State pays the employee's salary. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution au~~i~rizing the Ca.~y Administrator to sign certain agr~ements; th~reafter,.a motion was m~.d~ by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously rar'~i~d, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 1091 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL -0F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING THE CITY ADMIDTISTRATOR TO SIGN AGREEMENTS BETWEEN EMPLOYMENT DEVEIAPMENT DEPARTMENT FOR WORK INCENTIVE'PROGRAMS, On mmtion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilman Spierling and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Schlegel, Millis, $pierling, de Leon and Ma.yor Talley NOES: None ABSENTc None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 9th day of Apri1, 1974. MUNI CODE AMEND - ORD ADOPT - REMOVAL OF UNAUTHo_VEHICLES FROM PRIV. PROP. City Attorney Shipsey re~.d ~h~ ~title of an ordinance amending the Muni- cipal Code by adding provisions for the removal of unauthorized vehicles from private property; thereafter9 a motion w~.s made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilrnan Spierling and ~snanimo~sly carried, to dispense with reading the balance of th.is ordinance. ORDINANCE N0. 98 C ~S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI~Y OF AR.ROYO GRANDE AMENDING THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDTNG CHAPTER 12 T0 TITLE 4 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR THE REMOVAL -0F PARKED VEHICLES FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY WHEN PROHIBITED. On motion of Co~.ncilman Millis, seconded by Councilman de Leon and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Co~xncilmen Schlegel, Mi11is, Spierling, de Leon and Mayor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted this 9th day af Apri1, 1974. ~ ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL ~,PRIL 9, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 PUB. HEAR. - RESOL. ADOPT. - ABANDON ALLE~ SO. ~F DODSQN WAY &.W. OF HALCYON RD. Administrator Butch revf~wed the loea~ion and background of the request that a 15' paper alle~ zn Apsey'~ Adclit~on ~o the Chautauqua Assembly Grounds (south of Dodson Way between Haleyon Road and A1der Street) be abandoned, as it isn't and won't be n~cessary f~r pub1~~ us~. Upon being assured by City Clerk del Campo tha.t a11 requirements as p~ovid~d b~ 1aw, regarding notification of '~n~aring, had been complied Vsith, M~yor Talle~ declared the hearing open and all persons would noza be heard for or again.~t the abanclonan~nt of t~ais alley. Al Jackson, 208 Fair Vier~ D~°iv~, ina~~.ired. as ~c~ vaho had requested the abandonment. Administrator B~tc~i, in ~°~p1~, ~e~.d t~ie let~~r of Gordon M. Filer, which had been received bgs t~.~ Co~.n~il. a~ ~ts ~ebr~tar~ 26, 1974 meeting, request~ ing tl~e abandor~ent of t1~~ alle~, There being no fn~rt~a~r dis~~~~a~~~an for or against this matter, Mayor Talley declared the hea~ing closed. Aft~r C~t~ncil discussion, City Attorn~y Shipsey read the title of a r~soluti~n ~.band~~.~.ng a cex~tain alley in tl~e City of Arroyo Grande; thereafter, a motion w~.s m~.cle b~ Cotzncilrnan Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and unana.m~txsly c~.~x°ied, to dispense 4aith reading the balance of this resolution. RESOLUTION N0. 1092 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ORDERING THE ABANDONMENT OF AN ALLEY WITHIN AFSEY'S ADDITION TO T'HE CHAUTAUQUA ASSEMBLY GROiT1~iiDS (STREETS & HIGHWAYS GODE SECTION 8323, ET SEQ.) On motion of Councilman Schl~gel, seconded by Councilman de Leon and on the following roll c~ll vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Schleg~l, Mi11is, Spierling, de Leon and Mayor Talley NOES : None ABSENT: None ~he foregoing resolution ea~.s passed and adopted this 9th day of Apri1, 1974. RECOMMEND. AMEND. TO ORD. RE. STREAMBED RUBBISH - REFERRED TO PLAN.. COMM. The Council reviewed. a reco~nend~d amendment to Title 4, Cha.pter 9 of the City's Municipal Code, regarding the depositing of debris in the streambed, which amendment h~.d be~n introduced by Jo~ Moore of the Parks and Recreation Commission and adopted by that Cornmission. City Attorney Shipsey indicated that the proposed amendment, if adopted, s~.ould not amend Chapter 9 of Title 4 as that pa~ticular chapter regulates a d.ifferent type of obstruction in the streambedP The Council indicated conc~rn regarding the 150' restriction from the streambed that fil1, etc. can be accomplished. After further Council dis- cussion, on motion of Co~.ncilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously earried, ~he proposed. ord.inanee ~.mendment regarding disposal of debris and constr~ction in or near tl~e s~tre~.mbed was referred to the Planning Commission for its review and recominend~.tions. SET SEMI°ANNUAL JOINT MEETING WITH PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION - APRIL 15, 1974 As Councilman Schlegel indicated he would not be ahle to attend the requested semi-annual joint meeting of the Councii ~aith the Parks and Recreation Commission set for April 24, 1974, th~ joint meeting was rescheduled for April 15, 1974 at 7:30 P.M, APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISS IOI~TER ~ JOHN SANDOVAL On motion of Councilman d~ Leon, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanirnously carried, John Sandov~.l w~.s afficially appointed to the Planning Commission, with his term of office to expire June 30, 197~+. R~SOL. ADOPTo - AUTHORIZE AGREE. W/STATE ~OR MAINTENANCE_OF.HWYS. WITHIN CITY The Council reviewed a letter ~.nd proposed agreement from tl~e State Department of Transportation, which upd~.t~s the money allotted the City for maintenance expense of State Higl~rays wi~hin th~ City and revises the lighting and signal list. After Council discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read the title of a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a certain agreement with the State; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unanimously carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this resolution. 341 CITY COUNCIL APRIL 9, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 - RESOT~UTION N0. ~093 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCT.L OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE APPROVING AGREENI.~1~tT FOR NIAINTENANCE OF STATE HIGHWAYS IN TIiE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. On motion of Councilm~.n d~ L~;o~, secanded by Councilan~n Sehlegel and on the following roll c~.ll vo~~, ~c~ ~~t: AYES, C~~ancilm~n 5~~~~~~1~ NS~.11.~s~ Spa.~rla~~~~ de L~on and M~~or Talley NOES: None ABSENT: N~ne the foregoing resolu~ion was p~.s~~d and ad.opt~c~ tnis 9th day of Apri1, 1974. DTSCUSSION RE FEDEI~AL HIGI~AY AGT 0~ 19~3 The Cotxncil ~eview~d. a le~~~r f~o~ Co~tnty Engin~;er Protopapas and other information regarding the Fed~~al H~.gh~r~:~ Act of 19739 ra~.ich sets fort~. that a responsible local officfaT reg~.l~.~~ d:~s~~ilaa~tia~. of t~.e fa~n.ds. Varic~tas recom° mendations for the cl.arificat~.~n o~ "r~;spoxtsible local off~,cia1" were reviewed, but no action was taken as the l~g~.~l~itzon h~s alre~.dy passed and a.resolution urging clarification of the terms ~c~~ld nou°r b~ futi].eo DISCUSS ION RE TOPPTNG OF EUCALYPTiTS TREES OI~t SOUTf~ S IDE . QF_ THE ' PI.KE Administrator Butch reviewed the cone~rn of residents on the nor~h. side of The Pike, between Halcyon Road ~.nd Sc~~th Elm Street, wi~h th.e condit~.~n of the Euealyptus trees on the south sid~ of T~.~ Pilze, wk~ich. mat~er had be~~ first brought before the Council sev~~al ~nantl~s ago, but no solution had g~et b~~n arrived at. Reports from Public Works Dixe~tor Anderson were reviewed, w~iich outlined bid estim~.tes received for topping or removal of the approximaCely 100 trees on the City's right of wa~, as follows: ~ 1. Arbor Tree Surgery - Top all trees to ~0°; trim trees, remove all dead wood, cleanup & brush disposal $33,000, 2. Bruce Bond - Same as Arbor Tree Surgery $20,000. 3. Coast Pole Company - Cut all tree~, cl~~.nup & remove brush $2,000 - $ 5~,000.• As many residents from Th.e Pik~ sa~r~ gresent for this matter, Ma.yor Talley opened discussion to them, Mr. Paul Campbell, 1002 'The Pike; stated he liked the tr~es but they~ should be kept manic~xr~d as in the present condition they are dangerous due to their h~ight and falling debris. He further stated that utility wires wo~ald also coa~e dor,an if a tx°~~ fell, causing additional problems. Mrs. Mary Russe119 976 T'h.e Pikee indieated t~.~.t if the Cit~ cuts dc>wn the trees with.in its righlt of way~ t~.e rc~siden~s wi11 be no be~ter off because of the remaining trees b~ing left ~nke~npt an~. unobstruct~d. Mr. Forgostein, fiduciary for the Hal~yon prope~r~y, sta~ed t~~.~ h~ l~as fully cooperated with the City in seeking a solution to t~.~ problean9 b~it t~.at the people of Halcyon don't wis11 to see the trees ctxt down anci don°t 1~a~~ fih~ ~un~.s to top the trees. Z'h.e Council. disetxss~d the C~tyes possibl~ liability in the matter, directing City Attorney Shipsey to research th~ matter fully and directed the City staff to determine wh~:ch trees are within ~Gh~ City's ri~ht of way for certain, and reports regarding each i~em to b~ pres~nted to the Council at its next regular meeting. Mayor Talley indicated hope for a timely solution to be worked out with Mr. Forgostein, the Cit;~ and Q~e~.r Wa~erman of the Coast Pole Company. ° REPORT - COUNTY WATER RESOURC~S ADVISORY CQMMITTEE MEETING -0F APRIZ 3 1974 Councilman Talley repox~~ed on the April 3rd meeting of the County Wa~er Resources Adviso~y Cc~arnrnni~t~~, s~ating th.at reports had been heard on the Nacimiento Water Pro~ect and the C~~.stal Aq~xeduct Water Project. A report had also been given by Clint Milne r~g~.rda.ng water basin storage. FI1~4,L ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS IN TRACT 498 - HELD OVER Administrator Butch r~qu~sted t1~at t~e i~em regarding final acceptanc~ of improvements in Tract 498 be held over, as th~ subdivider still had,a few " things to complete. ~ ~ ~ CITY COUNCIL APRIL 9, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 AUTHORIZE BURN WEEK - APRIL 28 THRU N1AY 4, 19~4 On mo~tion of Councflman de Leon, seconded by Cou.ncilman Millis and unanimously carried,,Apri1 28, 1974 through Ma.y 4, 19~4, was designated as open burning week during the spring period of 1974, as recomanended by Fire Chief Marsalek. AUTHORIZE REFUND FOR BUILDING PERMIT OVERCHARGE - Ae W00D On mo~ion of Councilrnan MiT.lzs~ second~d b~ C~~anc~lman de Leon and unanimously carried, a refund to Ad:d.ison Wo~d, con~~~c~or for the Dairy Queen construction, in the amo~nt of $19~.45 c~a.s a~nthoriz~d, ~hic~ was an ov~rcha.rge for Building Permi~s issued. DISCUSSION' RE. WATER LTNES WI'T£IIN BRAIVGH STREET ST~Ef~IALK RECONSTR.UCTION City Engineer Garcia displayed som~ water pipe taken out of sidewalk areas on Branch Street in conjixnction with t~.e reloeation of water meters for the reconstruction projecty which shoraed det~ri~x~ation. Corr~siQn has.caused hol~s in some of the pipes, which. caus~d no problems until the pipes are cleared of corrosion "barnacles" to facilitate houking up to the undergrounded meters. City Engineer Garcia requested dir~ction frorm the Cov.ncil rega.rding extent of replace- ment of the pipes, pointing out that ~?c~st u~ilities take care nf maintenance up to the meter and anything beyond that is the owner's responsibility. Z'he Council discussed the matter and generally agreed that since the City is undertaking this reconstruction project which incl~ad~s the tearing ~xp and replacement of the side- walks, thus disturbing the pipes, that where necess~.ry the City will replace faulty pipes within the sidewalk area and notif;~ th.~ property owner of defective pipes found, as the defective condition wi11 probably also exist in tl~~ owner's building. NOTICE RE COMPLAINT FROM CITIZEN RE FLORA STREET - DE LEON Councilman de Leon notified th~ Council that he has received a written complaint from a citizen on Flora Street, that the street has not yet been blacktopped as anticipated. Adrninistrator Butch indicated that a letter regarding the matter was also received by the City and has been referred to the Director of Public Works. COMPLAINT RE. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS - SCHLEGEL Councilman Schlegel reiterat~d his complaint regarding the public address system in the Council Chambers and r~quested that in the future it either be° turned off or fixed of th~ noise interfer~nces heard from the speaker systems. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman de Lenn, s~conded by Councilman Millis and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M, until 7:30 P.M., April 15, 1974. ATTES T: ` CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY COUNCTL APRIL 15, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7:30 P.M. The City Cauncil m~t in adjourned ~°~gul~.r session with Ma.yor Ta11ey presiding. Upon roll call, Councilm~n Sch.legel, Mi11is, Spierling and de Leon reported present JOINT MEET. W/PARKS & REC. COMM, - BUDGET AND LAND ACQUISITTON STUDIES The Council met in joint meeting with. the Parks and Recreation Cominission to discussion the proposed Parks and Recx°~.tion budget and park land acquisition proposal< ADJOURNMENT On motion of CUtancil~nan Spierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unani- mously carried, the meeting adjou~ned at.7.0:30 P.M, until 3:OQ P.M., Apri1 l8, 1974. ~ C . . ~ ATTEST: DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR