Minutes 1974-06-11 365 CITY COUNCIZ JU1~E 10, 1974 ARR0~0 GRL~NDE , CAI,~FOR~TIA 7: 00 P. M. `I."1~.~ Cit3~ C~a~ncil ~n~t in adjc~v~~n~d x~~g~lar s~ss~.on ~aitk~ M~yor T'alley pre~iding, ~5pon r~11 ea119 Co~.nci1 M~mb~rs.Sc~.1~ge1~ Mi~lis9 ~pi~rling and de Leon r~po~~ed. px°~~e~.to ~UDG~'~ S TC7DY S ES S~ T~~ Co~nnci~, and Adm~,n~~t~a~a~ B~.tc~ ~on~~n~ed ~~d c~pl~ted ~eview of the 1974-7.~ Pr~l~~~na~ M~.nic~.pa1 B~d.~~~, ADJOURI~TMENT On motion of Cot~ncil~~.n Millis, s~cc~nded by C~~.ncilrn~:n de Leon and ~nan~,m~~.~l~ c~r~~~d, ~k~e an~eting ~djo~nrn~d at 10:30 P.M. 1/~~ ~ ATTEST e \ ~ D~P~JTY CIT'Y C~ERK MAYOR CITY COiI1~tC~~, JUNE 11, 1974 " ~iRR.0Y0 GRANDE , CAI~IF~RNIA Tl~~ Cit~ Ca~ancil me~ in r~gular s~~~~~n witfl~ M~.yor Talley presiding. Upon roll call9 Co~.ncil M~~a~~r~ Spa.~rling9 de L~on., Scl~leg~l and Millis reported present. PLEDGE OF AL7~EGIA~dC~ AND II~3`70CA~'IOI~ M~~or Tall~~r 1~~.d t1~e Pl~dge of A1legianc~ t~ our Fl~.g; and i~nediately th.ere~ft~r~ C~~ncil~~n M~~lis d~l.iv~red th~ ir~~ac~.tion. APPROVAL OF MIIVU~ES Th~ ~n~.n~.+~~s c~f ~Y~~ ~~g~xlar me~~ing of Ma.y 28, 1974 and ~~gular adjourned m~~ting of J~an~ 39 19~4~, w~~e aPProv~d as pr~pared. APPROVAL OF WARRAN~S On mo~io~. Qf Cc~~.nc~.l.,n~n de Leon, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimo~xsly ~~x°ri~~.9 Payroll W~.~rants No, ~,016 through No. 2095, in the total ~.anottnt of $229175.~1; anri Gener~.l W~r~~.nts Nn. 1586 throtv.gh No. 1614, in the total ama~unt of $b993930~3, were appr~v~d and ordered paid. PROCI~M2,TION m"~I~.S FIAG WEEK" - JYTNE 10 THRU JUDTE 16, 1974 M~.yor T~.l~.~~ prc~claim~d June 10, 1974 throtxgh Jtun.e 16, 1974, as "Elks Fl~.g Week" in the Gity of Arroyo Grande, as ~~qsx~ster~ by th.e Oceano-Five Ca.ti~~ . Elks Cl~ab. REC~IPT OF 'T'RP,NS . Pl~A~ PRaGRANI & SGENIC HWY REPORT - DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION ~dmin~s~r~.to~ B~.tch ad~~.sed tl~.a.t the fix°st annual California Transporta- t~on Pl~n P~~g~~~s R~pe~t~ d~~cribang t~.e r~l~ of the Division of N1ass Trans- portatione h.as b~~n x°ec~ivec~. from t~~ Department of T~a.nsportationo Also ~~~~iv~d ca~s ~~~n~c H~.gh~a~.y r~port r~gardir~g de~ignation of Sta~C~ High~nray 227~ H~~~n~. 1t~ad and. L~ap~z D~iv~, ~ro~n Ar~ogo Grande to the Lopez La.ke ~r~t~ar~~c~~ Sc~n~,c High~a~, ~r~a~c~n ~ra~ r~vie~red by ~he Coazncil. Both. reports a~e on fil~ a~ Ci~~ ~11 for any~onc~'s r~vi~ta. NOTICE QF SECO~D BICENT~NI~IIIAL COMMITTEE MEETIIVG °.7UNE 26> 1974~ 7_:_30 p~.:M. Adgninistr~.tor B~tch adv:~sed that the next meeting of the Bicentennial C~ar~itt~~ ~rill b~ at 7:30 P.M. on Jun~ 26~ 197~ at the ~~~nmt~x..i~y Cent~r, and inv~.t~d all inte~~:~~~~ cit~zens ~o pa~~icipat~. Cha.i~n~n af ~he Go~nittee, Dick B1ank~nb~.~g, r~pa~~ed tY~~.t t1~~ B~ushpopp~rs have volunte~r~d to d~liver not~c~~ reg~r,°d.~,~g ~.he ~om~~t~~~. RECEIPT OF 1972°73 STEWARI?SHIP REPORT:QF ~HE CAI:TF. STATE PARK SYSTEM Adma~nistratox° B~.t~~ ~.dvis~d th.at a cc~py of ~1~~ 19~2~~3 St~;~ardship Report of the Califo~en~.~. Stat~ Park Syst~~n h~~ been ~°~cei~~d. and ~s on ~ile in City Ha.ll Y for anyon~'~ r~~i~~, REQUEST FQR FUNDS FROM SIA "HQT~~NE'" ° REF~R1tEI? TO HLTNIAN R~I,A'~~dNS COMI~ISSION The Cotznc~l re~ie~~d le~t~r f~°o~n th~ San L~.is Obi~po County Hotline, requesting fu~.ds to as~ist a~t~ progr~.m. Ho~Tine is a soc~:al servic~ whereby persons troubled or yait~a pr~blems c~.n call tkie toll free nuanber and talk to trained persons. Administrator B~~ch stat~c~. that th~ So~th County Hti,.*nan Relations C~ission h~d d~~cussed consolidaC~.on with Ho~line. After Council 3~~~ CI'I'Y COUNCIL JUNE 1I, 1974 ARROYO GRANUE,'CALTFORNI~1 PAGE'2 discussio~, the request from Hotl~ne was .referred to the Souttz County Human Relatio~~s Gnmmission for its considera~ion, i3£PL~RTMEN'I'AL REPORT FOR MAi',,,~,~,197,~,4_ ~he Departmes~t~.1 Repo~~ for th~ mo:~th o£ May, 1974, was received Uy the Council, reviewed a~~d o~dered fileda REVIEjnT OF LEGISLATTVE ~ULT~ETTI~IS FROM LEAGUE OF CAT,~FORNIA CITIES The Council reaeived and ~ev~~wed ~ev~ral le~islative bulletins frozn the League of Galifor~i~ Ci.~~.es, cvi~h divcussa~on azxd ~c~3.on as follows: 1) AB 1723 re~ardin~ ~r:v~e~~~er~~ of surplus Mu~aicipal funds; 2) A~ 3745~ tvt~ich would prohibit a ciCy from levyin.~ a'i~us~ness lie~rzs~ on cont~ac~ors from out of the city who derive less th~.~ ~10,000 ig~ ~~oas rec:ei~ts fre~m busirzess do:~e within this city. '~h~ C~ur~~il d~r~~~~d Ad~~~xi~~r~~:ear ~ut~ct~ ~rr~te to ou~ Assemblyman and Ghairm~~~? of t~is i~i~~'s cc~m~ii~t~~, indie~~in~ eh~ ~~unci~'s ~ppcasitior~ to AB 3745. SI~ 20~~, ~~~tai<;¢~ ;s ~ rn~~su~~ t~ ~~~~~s~ i~ae ~oi~y c~e~is~.oz~ ~y linii~in~ tl~e $PPli~$tior~ c~f i~~~x~ ~~~ubl~~ ~pn~umo~~.~ ~~d tub~r~ul~asi.~ g~~sum~~tiora~ ~eaw ~ppli- c~bl~ Co fi~~z~~c~ ~«d y~~lic~r:~~t~~ Th~ I,~~~u~ x~ao~?~~~ded ~upp~r~ o£ ~ 5°y~ar com- ~rami~~ oc~ tt~i~ ~ai13. C~~~~~I di~sc~a~~~,~~~~ ~d~~~i~trs?t~r ~utc~i w~~ dir~ct~d ~rrit~ t~ 5~~~~to~ ~~~~~~~y~ ira.di~~~~r~~; ~~u~~~31 p~~f~~~ ~ ~~~o-~r~~x~ ~r~~umption, b~t i€ ~i~~a~ ~~,at ~~~~~~~1~~ ~~~~~r t~ ~ ~°y~~~ ~~~?pgA~ni~~ ~pp~~~d to tt~~ ~~q~~~~~~ 10 y~~~~E ~~1~~~ ~~~:k~d ~~,t~ ~~~~~~1~y ~~~~~di~~ t~~~ ~i~l ~1~i~I~ ~o~;ld ~~r~~t ~~~c~~iv~ ~~au~~~l ~~~~~~r?~ t~~ ~~qu~s~~~ t'~~~ if it ~~~~~t~=~z~~~ ~~i~ S~~~~C~~ ~~t~~ ~~~~~~t ~~ii~ ~ill~ ~ l~tt~~ b~ ~e~a~ t~ ~ii~~? 3.r~di~.~t:~~~ ~1~~ ~ouz~cil'~ ~~~~r~~~l ~i~ ~ot~P C ~ ~ Public Wor~.s Director A~d~rsnn reviewed that ~ropertiea l~ad been posted and owners notified ~y a~a~.l ori North Elm Street ~ha~ installatiora of sidewallcs was ' required pursuan~ ~.o ~he shc~rC Improven~e~?t Act af 1911, Th~ Superintendent of Streets° repor~ showEd ~~?at seven porti.o~s of sidewalks had been installed under contrac~, ~ay ~he City; a xd ~:he cos~ of ~lze ~.nstallatic~n has been assessed to the progerties in t1~ze ~.otal amount ot $1,9?4.a0, This i~eing ~~:ize date, t~me a~-~d place f.c~r ~ublie hearir.g on the spreading of assessments for sidewalxw iris~allatator~ on ~ por~i~r~ of North Elm Street,, Mayor Talley declared trYe hear:m.r^~~ open and all persons fc~r ar a~aa.~ist this assessment would now l~e heard. TYaere f~ei~.3g z~v d~,scussion ~c.>r or agair~~t th~ sul~j~ct matter, Mayor Ta11ey declared a:l~e heariclg ~lesedR Af~ter Ccauxic~i~ discuss;i,on, City Aic~orney Shipsey read the title of a resolution ca~of~.rmi~ig ~~ae re~cr~ and lev~yir~~ assessm~nt far sidewalF~ installation; thereaficer, a mv~ion eaas ~ade b~ Ccaunc~~lnian Seh~.~ge1, s~eonded i~y C~uncilman Millis and unanimausly ca~ried, to dispense wifiYi re~ading the ~Salance of this r~solution. RESOLLITTON NQa 1100 A f~FSOLUTION OF' THE CITY' COUNCIL OF TI~TE CITY' OF ARRUXO GRANDE CQNFIRMING TH~ REPORT OF THF SUPERINTENDENT OF STREET.~'i A1~1D LEV~T~JG A5SESSME~NT FOR TIiE INSTALLATION OF CONCl~ETE SZDEWALKS. Ors ma~:ion of C~.~uaacilman Sctile~el, secanded by Councilmag: Millis and on the followin~ roll call vote, icca wi.~~:: A~'ES: Counci~.z:aen Spierl~tZ~a de Leon., Scgzle~~7., Millfs a~.d Mayur Talley NOES: Nnne ABS~NT: Norie the foregoing res~zlu~=_c~zz was ~~assed and adopted th~.s l~~h day of June, 1974a OFFIC,~,,,AI~.~yO~,I~,~~ FROI~[.~.Fp~,..g~,._.0~.~,~,N.C~.~,PF,,,~- P. ~P;~~''ION AS OF 1/~/74 8 S,~Q The Council rc.ce:'.v~d o~ficial tYOt:~:ce from the Stata Depa.rtmen~ of Finance . that the popu~at~on. Arroyc Gra~:c~e Yias beerz cer~ified at 8,550 as of January l, ~,97~;~. Rc~~;~.rd~_~~; L-l~e gxop.~~ed daor-~c:~°cloar ce~-~sus a.~z November, 197~+, Admi~itstrator C~~.x~,~cxx x•e}:c,z°i,ed ~ha.~ ro~ts w:~ll ~e a~~~~oxa.zna~el;y $3,500a which caul.d l~e ~ediiced ~hy ,t~0~.) ~..f a1_~. ~.iAre~ Sou~:~~ Count~ ca_~:~.c;s ~n ~.~1.f.~J tpii.s togei,:her~ M%'. ual~,::?p is w~,e~i~~~; ~ap a~1a,-est.:i~rz^~.wre ~c~~° °~'.i~ c4r.:ass~,s ~zF~;ers far t!~e Cxty's i~e~aef~i.L', wYlich may 1~ i~i.~C~.~.~.~7 cl~..~l) :l.Li:P,^.?'~1(1G-' (~i~l~t;~ fOY.' iS°S3 1'~:~.~"til~.'. CE..''i1SL4S. . 36~ CITY COITNCIL JC~1V~ l~~ 1974 ARROYO GRAI~IDE ~ Ct~~,I~~R~~A PAG~ ~ 1~'OTICE R~< ~'E~'I ~XPIRl3`~TO~~ C~MMI~~TOl~~l~,~ M~.~~~ ~al~.~~~ ac~~~;~~~, t~~~ f~~T~~.~~ra~ ~c~~s~~~~a~~~~~~ ° t~~rra~~ ~ cf affic~ ~rill ~xp~r~ c~n 7~.n~ 3Q, ~9~~a P~~n~a~g C~~~n~~si~~~~~ ~~~~1~ P~~~y ~7~. ~ T~~~~~11 C~11~~on and J~h.n -S~nd~v~I; P~r1~~ ~,~c~~ ~~~re~~.~~ ~n ~G~n~~s~~n~~~ B~n~~~~ ~~,~.c~. E~.d~~ I~~k.~.~~.r~.~ ~ ~.nd ~P~rk~~g anc~ ~'~~ff~~ C~4~~~~~~~x° K~~~p~,~t~°~c~m ~ M~,~~~ T.a~7L~~ s~~~~c1 l~~ ~~~11 c~nt~,~~ t~.~~~ p~~r~~n~ ~,~~~r~~~.~a~. ~~,~~1~.~~ t~~;~ ~a~~~ ~~rF~~ ca~~ ~,~~i.ng t~~s a and. ~:~sa u~°~~d. ~t~e~ r~~~ci=~n~~ ~p~~.~r f~~° pr~~s~,i~n~. PR~GRESS R~POR"~ ~ I~~~~'I~~I~~S F~~t P~ItT~. ~I~ ~~R~r~S~ ~~sNA RQ~~ Adtnin~,stra~or ~i~~~~ ~~pa~~C~~ t~~?~~ ~n ~:~,l~e~.ng ~o ~~c~p~~~~ ~r~rn~~s o~ the p~°opo~~~ p~r~ land on I3~.~.~~~, R~~~.9 ~a~ h~.r~ la~~~ i~.~o~~~. lc~~t~~ w~.ll be fox°thco.min~ s~c~rGly~ f~~n w~~~ ~ cc~~.nt~r p~~~~~~~. ~Q on~ r~~d,~ by t~~ Cit~. F~r~C~ ~~xd R~c~~~~i~n C~i~~~~a~a ~a~l~, ~.a~~ ~~p~c;~;a.~ ~n~~t~n~ on Jux~.e 19th. ~o dis~~zs~ a~~~~ go~s~~s~~ p~rk. sz,~~~ ~n~. ~~~c~~n~;n.c~~.~~.~~~s ~r~i~~ ~r~ s~~bmi~'i~~d, to the Gouncil for i~s nex.~ r°~:~~al~~ ~n~~~aan~e R,ESOL AL~PT ° AF~'i:,IGA'~TC31~~ ~.,A..~'C(~ -~R~„~C3S~D A~~~T~~~T ~l~ GT~C~DI~AI~TD DR~ 1V0. 1 A~~in~~~:r~,tc~~ S~ate,~~ ~~;~c~~t~c~ t1~~,~- ~~x~ F1~,a~~i~g C~~ni~~i~n ~~.s ~~~r~~~r~d th~ ~nn~x~~~on ~eq~~e~t caf R~'~e~°~~, E~~~r~~~ f~r t;l~~~ ~.nr~~~~,~~c~~ e~~ ~.pp~ax~..~a~~;.al~ ~ acr~~ so~.ther~g~ o~ ~l~~adl~,nd D~~v~A ~.n.c~ p~~~~d ~~~~~.~.~~~rn. ~e~c~~~ncia~ng ~pproval of the annexat~c~r~o Aft~x~ Cc~t~ne°i~ d~~~~~~ion, Ca~G~ t~t;te~~n~~ ~?~~zps~~ r~;~d t~.~ titl~ of a reso~i~.t~,a~n mal~in~; ~~p1.~.~~.~~o~ t~ ~oc~,~ ~~;~nc~r E6~~~k~ca~. C~cr:~n~.~~ion ~~lative to ann~xin~ z~n~~~,ab~~~~. ~~~~~~o~y t~~ Gi~~~ ~her~~.f~~~, ~~~~ic~n c~~s 7n~.d~ by* Caa?n~iTYn~~s Sps~~~lirzg, s~~~nd=~d b~ G~~n~~,1~an d~ ~~c~~ ~.z~.d ~~n~c~~.:~a~~xsly c~.~r~~d9 to dispe~.~~ ~zf~~i r~~d.~n~ t~~ b~.~~~~~: o~ thi,~ ~~~~1~.~a:c~n, R~~~~T~'I`~O1V ~~l0 1~.01 A R~SO~~J~'I~II~I t~.U~H~RI~~~V~ A~P~~ICpi~I~~ti BY T'~ CTTS~ ~F AItTt~YO ~R~.I~D~ ~0 '~'H~ S.A1~ ~.~IS ~B~SP~ C~~J~T~ i~G,+~~ A~~~G~ ~~~,"~'~IQN CC?MMI~~I~~T REI,A~'IVE `~0 A P1t~PC~SAT ~n ~.~~~X T~IZRI~IRY ~0 rHE C I`I`Y 0~ ~~QY~1 Glt~~V"DE . On mc~Y~~n r~f, C~•a~~ci]_~rr.an Mil~i~s s~c+~nc~~c~ b~ C~?~.nc~~~~nan Spf~~°1ix~g ~n.d on . e~e fol~~~~i~g ~c~T1. c~.T:m ~c~~~;9 L~ ~r~~: AY~~. Gc~~.n~~~,art~n Spi~r~~,n~, cl~ I~~:c~n, S~.h1~~~1~ M~llis ~nd M~.g~or T~lley ~TO~S o 1~~n~ A~S~LV~ m 11T~n~ ~he for~gc~~x~,g ~~~al~~.tie^n ~a~~ p~,s~~d ~nd. a~.~pt~~ t~i,~ 11~~o d~.~ ~f Jt~n~, 1974, SET ST~TDY S~SSTO~ m P~~I~ ~~R R~V~NGTE S~~~V~ FtlI~1DS t~SE ° 6/I.s/~~r. ~:~Q P.M. ~h~ ~c~~nc~l r~~~i~~~d. ~ ~~pUrt ~roan 2~dzn~~°.a.~tr~~:or ~aa~~l~ x~e~~rding t~.~ ~econd pl~,n.n~,~~ pe~°~c~d fcr~ ~~~e lt~:~.;*~;na~~ S~c~~°~~.~ F~ncY~ ~ 191/-75~, ~.nd s~t a study ~~ss~~n f~~ t?~~~ 2n~~~~~ nn. J~n~ 17~ ~.97e~ aY 7.30 P,M. R~NEWAI. 0~ r~,i~'~~,'TJ'r"~.I.~ I;EASE F~it ~Z`~Y ~W ~~I~ AC~~~ AD~7 T'0 A.SI~ ~'z'e m t~~~Y~A~HT t~~~n.~raa~~~ra~o~ B~n1:~}: ~d~a,s~~c~ ~,~.n~.~,1 I~~.~~ ~.g~~~~~r~n~ b~;~~a~~n the City ~nd ~b~y~ash,i ~~°a~~i~:r~~ ~a~ 12 C:~~y ca~r~~d l,~r~d ~c~j~~~n~ ~to ~s~ Str~~~~ ~~s~d fo~ fa.x°cr~~.~ ps~.rp~~~~ ~~~r~~.~x~,~~~ S~r~~ ~0, :~.9Z4b A~~por~ froin Ci~y E~.gir~~:~~ G~.~°c~~. ~r~~.s ~~~i~~~c~, ~~~c~a irxc~~c~,~~:c~ ~~i~°~ t~~ pc~ndi,n~; ~.~°~a ~a;t~rlgr of the leas~d p~~p~,~~~ ~il~ b~ ~~r.~.~r~~d. ~~,n~ pe~x~~~~ns of pr~ap~rt~ ~n~r~r being fa~n~d znay b~ n~~d~c~ b~ t~~ Cit;~. Th.~ p~~s~n~ crc~p~ ?~c~v~~.~~~, ~ill n~t b~ distu.rb~d~ ~ith ~;xp~ns~~~ ~f t~~ p~an~.a~n; b~~in to b~ ~~c~~pli~~~d. ~.ft~r 1aa~v~st. After C~~.~x~il. disc~~a~sic~~, c~n rne~~z~~ c~~ G~~nc~~~.~. d~ ~,c~~9 s~~oncl~d by C~uneil- ~man Mill~~ ~n~ ~n~.ni~n~~a~~,~ c~,~~a~~c~~ t~~~: le~.~~ 1~~~~~n ~h~~ Cq~:~ and Olaay~,s~i Brot~~.~r~ ~r~~ r~n~~a~d fo~° o~e~ fr~~~ J~.i~ Z9~4 t~x~~g~ J~.~~~ 3(~, 19~5, f.or ~1~e a?ric~~nt oE $1,3600~(~, ~.nd t~~~ ~:nd ~~.t;~ CS~~~k ~r~r~e~ ~.~.~'~n~i~~,d to ~i~n said l,e~s~ o~ b~~~lf c~~ ~h~ G~,t~o RECETPT 0~ 19e'4 SCT~I~"CTZ~ 0~ ~L?~I~R R~Cl~ATTt?~L ~G7I~FTT~;~S °~,C7. D~PT. QF R~Cm The C~~.r~c~l r~c~~,~ec~ ~n~. r.~~a~e~ved ~"k~~ ~.9~~ ~~~s~~.~le of Arr~a~o~ Grande ~L~cr~~ ~~.on D~pa~~n~n~ ~.c t~~~~t~~~ a ~ ~ REPORT ° BI~S R~CEI<rED B~ D~PI' 0~ T1~z~N~ ° BI2A~GFI S~`. R.~C~~IST~.~.~CTZ~N P~.QJECT Ac~znin~st~~.~+~~ B~a~~~ ~~por~~d bs_ct~ ~a~.~ ~e~x~ ~~c:.~~v~~ ~,3~ St~.t~ Dep~.rtm~nt of Tr~.~.~~c~~~~.~~~~ ~car ic~~ ~~~.~+~~~z SG~~:~~ R~a~c~x~~~;~°~.~~r~n Pr~jec~t. Walt~r Brotne~s Ccans~t~u~fi~z~~ ~c~~n~~n~, T~~. Sa.ca ~ui~ Ob~sp~ h~d. ;~1m~ ~n with th~ l~a rid. at 2.31% }ae~~r,~ kat~l p~oj~~~ ~~5ta~~~a~t~ ~ncl 1:~,~`% ~nc~~r t~~~ ~:n~in~;~ras ~stimat~ fo~ ther Ci~~E; ~~~.r~ ~~ic~ Go~~~m y 3~~~ CI'I'Y COUNCIL .T'[d1~TE I19 1974 ARR.OYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 AUTHORIZE EXTEN. OF EXP._AG~REGATE SIDEWAI~K - MASON,EAST. TO CROWN HILL BASE Th.e Council reviewed a report fram City Engineer Garcia~ req~esting autho~ization for the ext~nsion of exposed aggregate sidewalk and driveways fx°om Ma.son Street easterly to the base of Crown Hill, which will conform th~-sidewalks in the cahole Branch Street Project, except in front af th~ fire station, which was requested to be deleted. Conventional sidewalks had been planned for this easterly section of Branch Str~et, but in view of the low bid rec~ived on the total project, funds are available far th.e ext~nsion of exposed aggregatea After C~uncil discussion, on motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Sptierling and unanimously carried, authorization was given for a°cha.ng~ order on sidewalk and driveway constrtxction in the Branch Street Reconstruction Project,,as ou~Clined above. Administratnr Butch also advised that the Bicentennial Comm~ittee had requested the inclusion of brass flag pole holders with screw-in tops in the sidewalks. TYie Council requested that costs and number of holders necessary be ascertained for this proposal. Regarding the underground~,ng of utilities by property owners with.in the District, Chuck Richmond of P.G. & E. reported that the last customer was "conver~ed today". AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF PICK-UP TRUCK - BUDGETED FOR '74-"75 Administrator Butch reported that the Fublic Works Director has requested that a 1974 ~-ton pickup truck, budgeted in 1973-74 but'.carried over to the 1974-75 B~dget because of increased cos~s of other vehicles purchased, be bought at this time to save increa.sed cos~s on the '75 vehiclese Infqrmal bids had been solicited froan the two local car agencies, with only a bid from Paul Reynolds Ford for the amount of $4,089.56 plus sales tax, being submitted. After Council discussion, on motion o£ Councilman Schlegel, seconded by,Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, the bid from Pau1 Reynolds Ford,.330 Traffic Way, in the amount of $4,089.56 pl~:s tax for a 1974 ~-ton pickup truck, was accepted and auth.orization was given to purchase said truck from Paul Reynolds Ford at this time. AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS e CATHODIC PROTECTION FOR RESERVOIR ~k2 - 7/18/74. 2 P.M. The Council reviewed a xeport fram Public Works Director Anderson stating that plans, specifications and estimates have been prepared for installation of cathodic protection of Reservoir No..2 by Consultant Mecha.nic Engineer Casper Weir, at an estimated cos~ of $4,100., and requested authorization to call for bids for the project. After:Council discussion, on motion of Councilman de Leon, seconded by Councilma.n Schlegel and una.nimously.carried, authorization was granted to call for bids for cathodic protection of Reservoir No. 2, with bid opening set for July 18, 1974 at 2:00 P.M. COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL EXCI~SED HIMSELF FROM THE COUNCIL TABLE DUE TO A POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN THE NEXT AGENDA ITEM. -APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP - TRACT 456, "VERDE PARK" - GRBEN City Engineer Garcia reviewed the Final Ma.p of T~act 456, "Verde Park", urhich is being submitted by Developer Green for approval. This ys a 20-lot s~.bdivision on 5± acres at the northeasterly corner of South Elm 5 treet and The Pike. Lot 4 of the subdivision and the existing ho~se on it was discaxssed at length, as the setback of said house does not conform with the subsequen~ly adopted plan line for South Elm; and therefore no sidewalks or parking adjacent to Lots 4, 5 and 6 will b~ permitted as South Elm will taper down westerly to The Pike to accomodate the existing building. Oversized water line installation has also been requested of the developer, but reimbursemen~ costs have no~ been es~ablished yet but ar~ anticipated to be approxi.mately $5-6,000. After Council discussion, on rnotion af Councilman Spi.erling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unana.mously carried, ~he Final Ma.p of Tract No, 456 ~aas approved, sub~ect to the following conditions: 1. FEES A. Final Map Checking Fee $30~,00 + 2.00 per lot (20) _ ~ 70.00 B. Inspection Fee 2°!0 of Construction Estimate ~$70,000) = I,400.00 C. S.M,I.P. Tax 0,0007 x Construction Estimate ($70,000) = 49.OQ D. Park` Fee $50.00 per 1ot (20) = 1,000.00 36~ CITY COUNCIL JUNE 11, 1974 ARR.OYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 E. Draina~e $700.00 p~r ~cr~ (4005 acr~s) _ $2,835000 Fe Str€;et Tree~ 43 r~qau~red @ $7.50 = 322.50 G. Ref~nd on Th~ Pik~ Se~a~r - 2,240902 $4086 per foot (Trt~,l frontag~ 4Fi6e67) - Ci~~ of A.G. ~ 80~ p~~ f~o~~ ~.3~303~ Gr~a~ West~rn S~ag~. & Loan9-~ ~4a00 p~r fo~t 186~v68 $22~+0 e 02 2. GRADIIVG PERMIT 3. WATER CHARGES Wa~er service cost~ to be collected with a building percnit c,~ill be: Distribution ;'$150,00 M~~er 5/8" 70.00 _ Lop~z @ $4.30 p~r 436~d + month $263.00 Th~ develop~r is being requir~d to ~xtend his pxoposed water line approxia~eat~ly 350' northerly of h~.s d~~aelopment to an existing 10" water lin~ in E1m St~~et ~.n order to provid~ a loop for the City's raater sys~tEa~. In additionz oversiz~ lines are being required along bo~h E~m Stree~ and The Pike. The City should reimburse the developer for the ~dditional line size and permit the developer to bond abutting property owne~s for the w~.ter lin~ installation on E1an and The Pike Streets for a p~riod of fiue y'e~.rs. 4. SEWER: $102.50 wi~h. b~a.i~.d.a.ng perniit. 5. SUBDIVISION BONDS OR IMPROVEMENT AGREEMEIVT $70,000 (100%) Faithful Fe~forrnanc~ $35,000 ( 50%) Labor and Materi.als 6. SUBDIVIS ION L~GREENIENT COUNCILMAN SCHLEGEL REJOINED THE COUNCIL AT 9:04 P.M. RFPORT COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY CONIMITTEE MEETING OF 6/5/~4 - DE_~ Councilman d~ L~on reported that the follqw~ng sub~ects had been discussed. at the June 5~h.aneeging of the County Water Resources Advisory Commit~ee: Nacimien~o Water ~~eoject; sewe~ line going thrcaugh Nacimiento La.ke; and a bond issue to be on t1~.~ November 5th ballot for the building of a water pipeline to serve the North Co~nty, which rai11 only n~ed a simple majority for passage. REVIEW OF PRQPOSED COUAITY ORDT~TANC~ ON SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT The Co~xncil r~v~e~uaecl a draft revision to the County's Solid Waste Ordinance axxd su~snzn~.tion report on sa~ne prepar~d by Administrative Tntern Campbell. Councilm~.n Schlegel requ~sted oth~r Council Members to revi~w it and submit recon~?enda~ions and co~nn~nts rega~°cling ~he Ux~dinance to him, tor xeferral to other members of t~e C~unt3~-Cit~~s Solid Waste M~.nagement Coamnit~ee. Council- men agreed tha.t the ordinanc~ should be studied closely and certain ideas fram it cazxld b~ inco~por~.ted into ~h.~ City°s Ga.rbage and R~fuse Ordinance for updating. APPROVE $500 REFUND TO W PRATHER ON SEWER PAYMEN'C - TRACT N0. 415 Th.e Council rev~ew~d a memorandtbm f~am Public Works Director Anderson, reco~?anending th~ r~l~a~~ of $500.00 17.e1d on deposft fo~° possible sewer connection cha.rges from Williann Px~~.ther in conj~xnc~ion with the development of Tract No. 415. The sewers have be~n connected at no add3.tion~.1 cost. After Council discussion, on mo~ion o~ Co~tncil~snan de Zeon, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimously carried, authoriza~ti~n wa.s grant~d ~eo rel~~.se the $500,00 ~eld on d~posit for sewer connection p~.yn~ent, to W~Yliam Prathere AUTHORIZE FEE EXEMPT BiJSINESS LTCENSE FIREWORKS SAI~ES - AMERICAI~ LEGION POST 136 On motion of Councilman Mi11is, second~d by Cov.ncilman de Zeon and unani mously carried., a fee exempG business lieense wa.s gra.nted ~o t1~~ Am~eriaan Legion Arroyo Grande Post 136 fo~° fir~~~orks sa1e~ at 1068 G~'and arcd=~300 E, Branch from June 28, 1974 through 3uly 5, 1974, as requested by Clayton D. Welch. ~ 1 CITY COUNCIL J~NE 11, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CA~IF~R~'~A PAG~ 6 INVITATIOI~T TO DEVEZ~PM.~NTP„L DISAB7,ED BOAR.D MEETIIVG m GOi,~'T.~. JUI~I~ 19. 1974 Dick Bl~.nk~nb~.~g, ar~~. r~p~~~~n~~.tiv~ ~n ~he I3~~a~lcapan~ntal Dis~.bled Area Boarct 9~ invi~ed tlae C~~ancil to at~~ncY a d~.n~.~r Yn~~~t~ng of s~.id Boarcl at the Holiday Inn in ~c~l~t~. an .T~.~~ 19, 197~, ~1~~~'~' ~n~ ~~~p~-~ ~f c~isctxssion ~ai11 be "Local R~sponsi~il~ty for Pl~.nni~.g I~Te~t tYie N~~c~s of tY~e D~v~lop3nentally Disabl~d.". AUTHORTZ~ CRED~T FOR SECaER H(JOK-LTP ~ FERI~RT A~.minist~atox Bu~cl~. r~~.d 1~t~~r r~~E~.~~d fro~z Henr~ and J~nnie F~rrari, 310 So. H~.~c~on R~ad, wl~icl~ xeq~tested a~e~a~~ p~rmit a~ss~.~d fr~~ c~f charg~ to th~m per an a~r~em~nt made by t~~ Cit~r C~tz~cil in Octo~~r of 1964 in consideration for right of way on H~.l.c~on Road. Aft~~ Co~ncil ciiscussion, c~n motion of Council° man Schlegel, second~d by Counc~.lm~.n 5pi~~ling and v.n~nimously c~.rried, Henry and Jennie Ferr~.ri w~re giv~n credi~ for one ~.era~r 1~o~~e°~P in the amov.nt of $95.00. ORDII~A.NCE AUTHOR~ZE EXCHANGE OF CITY OWN~D REA~ PROP~RTY ° FIRST READ~ City Attorney Sh.~.psEy r~vi~~ed tk~~.t in urd~r t~ facilitate the exchange of property with Mrs. Agne~ T,ulz~ wher~by ~he Czt~ wil.l ~xchang~ surpl~zs real property on Traffic W~.;~ for her prop~rty n~c~s~~.`ry c~n Gherr~ Avenu~, an o~dinance is necessary, _ . _ . ~ A€~er Cou~c~1 di~cu~si~n,:Cit~ At~~°n~y Sh:~ps~v read the:tit~e of ari ; ordinanc~, fc~r ~ta first reading; a~a~l~c~rizi3~g th.e ex.ch.~ng~ of city-awned real prc~perty ~gr~~carit tc~ ~otr~rnm~n~ Cod~ S~cti.~~ 3:73.~~; ti~~r~~.ft~r, a.~?o~IOn was inade by Coa~n~~lma~. Mi.T1is, sec~nded by Co+arieLTmar ~e ~,~~n and un~.nim~usly carried, td dispe~s~ w~th r~~d.~n~ t~~ ba~~.nc~ of thi.s ordin~.nc~a ADJOURNMENT On mo~ion o~ Co~.nci'lman. de ~:~on, s~c~nd~d b~ C~~xncilanan Spi~rling and unanimous~y c~.~ri~c1, tYi~ me~ting ~djourned a~ 9.2:~ P.Ms v.ntil 7:30 P.M„ June 1~, 19~4, C r~.~ ATTEST: ~ . CITY CI~RK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL JUNE 17, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALZFORNZA 7:30 P.M. T~~ Cit~ C~~nci1 m~t in ~.djourned regular session with Mayor Ta11ey presiding, iJpc~n rall ca~L~., Council Memb~rs Sc~?.1~g~:1, Millis, S~ierling and d~ I,eon x°~port~d present. ESTABLISH EXPEIQDI~'LTRE PLANNING FOR REVENUE SHARING FU'NDS - 1974-75 Th~ Gi~y G~uncil revie~red what it had allacat~d in prior years for expenditu~~ of F~d.eral R~ven~a~ Shar~.ng Faxnd~. After a gxeat de~.l of discussion, on mation of Cc~~zncil,nan Spi~rling, s~cond~d by Co~.ncil.man Millis and carried, the follo~ring pl~nned ~xgenditur~s for 1974 were approved: 1) P~rk ~.nd Purchas~ $45,000.00 2) C~?~tnity Building $40,OOOs00 3) Cap~.~al Eq~ipt~ent (S~a~~per and sl~iploadex°) $230000.00 $108,(~OO.OC? `Th.is wUtcld ~ncl~d~ R~v~nu~: Sl~~.ring Funds fUr 197~m~5, plus interest. ADJOURNMENT On moti~on of Cc~u~cil~n~n Spierl~.ng, second~d i~~% CouncilYnan d~ L~on and unanimous ly car~ied 9 th~ ni~c~~.ng ~.d j o~a.~n~d 9. 15 P,M, ~ ~ ~ ATTES ~'''1+~ ~ '•'~~Y"'°u~