Minutes 1974-06-10 365 CITY COUNCIZ JU1~E 10, 1974 ARR0~0 GRL~NDE , CAI,~FOR~TIA 7: 00 P. M. `I."1~.~ Cit3~ C~a~ncil ~n~t in adjc~v~~n~d x~~g~lar s~ss~.on ~aitk~ M~yor T'alley pre~iding, ~5pon r~11 ea119 Co~.nci1 M~mb~rs.Sc~.1~ge1~ Mi~lis9 ~pi~rling and de Leon r~po~~ed. px°~~e~.to ~UDG~'~ S TC7DY S ES S~ T~~ Co~nnci~, and Adm~,n~~t~a~a~ B~.tc~ ~on~~n~ed ~~d c~pl~ted ~eview of the 1974-7.~ Pr~l~~~na~ M~.nic~.pa1 B~d.~~~, ADJOURI~TMENT On motion of Cot~ncil~~.n Millis, s~cc~nded by C~~.ncilrn~:n de Leon and ~nan~,m~~.~l~ c~r~~~d, ~k~e an~eting ~djo~nrn~d at 10:30 P.M. 1/~~ ~ ATTEST e \ ~ D~P~JTY CIT'Y C~ERK MAYOR CITY COiI1~tC~~, JUNE 11, 1974 " ~iRR.0Y0 GRANDE , CAI~IF~RNIA Tl~~ Cit~ Ca~ancil me~ in r~gular s~~~~~n witfl~ M~.yor Talley presiding. Upon roll call9 Co~.ncil M~~a~~r~ Spa.~rling9 de L~on., Scl~leg~l and Millis reported present. PLEDGE OF AL7~EGIA~dC~ AND II~3`70CA~'IOI~ M~~or Tall~~r 1~~.d t1~e Pl~dge of A1legianc~ t~ our Fl~.g; and i~nediately th.ere~ft~r~ C~~ncil~~n M~~lis d~l.iv~red th~ ir~~ac~.tion. APPROVAL OF MIIVU~ES Th~ ~n~.n~.+~~s c~f ~Y~~ ~~g~xlar me~~ing of Ma.y 28, 1974 and ~~gular adjourned m~~ting of J~an~ 39 19~4~, w~~e aPProv~d as pr~pared. APPROVAL OF WARRAN~S On mo~io~. Qf Cc~~.nc~.l.,n~n de Leon, seconded by Councilman Spierling and unanimo~xsly ~~x°ri~~.9 Payroll W~.~rants No, ~,016 through No. 2095, in the total ~.anottnt of $229175.~1; anri Gener~.l W~r~~.nts Nn. 1586 throtv.gh No. 1614, in the total ama~unt of $b993930~3, were appr~v~d and ordered paid. PROCI~M2,TION m"~I~.S FIAG WEEK" - JYTNE 10 THRU JUDTE 16, 1974 M~.yor T~.l~.~~ prc~claim~d June 10, 1974 throtxgh Jtun.e 16, 1974, as "Elks Fl~.g Week" in the Gity of Arroyo Grande, as ~~qsx~ster~ by th.e Oceano-Five Ca.ti~~ . Elks Cl~ab. REC~IPT OF 'T'RP,NS . Pl~A~ PRaGRANI & SGENIC HWY REPORT - DEPT, OF TRANSPORTATION ~dmin~s~r~.to~ B~.tch ad~~.sed tl~.a.t the fix°st annual California Transporta- t~on Pl~n P~~g~~~s R~pe~t~ d~~cribang t~.e r~l~ of the Division of N1ass Trans- portatione h.as b~~n x°ec~ivec~. from t~~ Department of T~a.nsportationo Also ~~~~iv~d ca~s ~~~n~c H~.gh~a~.y r~port r~gardir~g de~ignation of Sta~C~ High~nray 227~ H~~~n~. 1t~ad and. L~ap~z D~iv~, ~ro~n Ar~ogo Grande to the Lopez La.ke ~r~t~ar~~c~~ Sc~n~,c High~a~, ~r~a~c~n ~ra~ r~vie~red by ~he Coazncil. Both. reports a~e on fil~ a~ Ci~~ ~11 for any~onc~'s r~vi~ta. NOTICE QF SECO~D BICENT~NI~IIIAL COMMITTEE MEETIIVG °.7UNE 26> 1974~ 7_:_30 p~.:M. Adgninistr~.tor B~tch adv:~sed that the next meeting of the Bicentennial C~ar~itt~~ ~rill b~ at 7:30 P.M. on Jun~ 26~ 197~ at the ~~~nmt~x..i~y Cent~r, and inv~.t~d all inte~~:~~~~ cit~zens ~o pa~~icipat~. Cha.i~n~n af ~he Go~nittee, Dick B1ank~nb~.~g, r~pa~~ed tY~~.t t1~~ B~ushpopp~rs have volunte~r~d to d~liver not~c~~ reg~r,°d.~,~g ~.he ~om~~t~~~. RECEIPT OF 1972°73 STEWARI?SHIP REPORT:QF ~HE CAI:TF. STATE PARK SYSTEM Adma~nistratox° B~.t~~ ~.dvis~d th.at a cc~py of ~1~~ 19~2~~3 St~;~ardship Report of the Califo~en~.~. Stat~ Park Syst~~n h~~ been ~°~cei~~d. and ~s on ~ile in City Ha.ll Y for anyon~'~ r~~i~~, REQUEST FQR FUNDS FROM SIA "HQT~~NE'" ° REF~R1tEI? TO HLTNIAN R~I,A'~~dNS COMI~ISSION The Cotznc~l re~ie~~d le~t~r f~°o~n th~ San L~.is Obi~po County Hotline, requesting fu~.ds to as~ist a~t~ progr~.m. Ho~Tine is a soc~:al servic~ whereby persons troubled or yait~a pr~blems c~.n call tkie toll free nuanber and talk to trained persons. Administrator B~~ch stat~c~. that th~ So~th County Hti,.*nan Relations C~ission h~d d~~cussed consolidaC~.on with Ho~line. After Council