Minutes 1974-06-17 CITY COUNCIL .T~1VE 119 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORN~A PAGE 6 T~nJITATZON TO D~VEI~P~NT~L DISABI~D BOARD ME~TIIVG m GOI.~Tl~. J[TN~ 19.. 1974 Dick B3.ank:~nbaar~, ar~a r~p~~~~nt~.tiv~ ~n tne I3~~~leaPgnen~tal Disabled Area Board 9, invited the C~~ancil to att~nd a dinner Yn~~t~ng of' s~.ic~ Board. at the Holiday In.n in Golet~. ~rn .J~.n~ 19, 1374, ~h~~r~ th~ t~p~c ~f disc~.s~ion will be "Local R~sp~nsibil~,ty for:Pl~nnf~.g ~c~ M~~t t~i~ ~T~~ds of tYse D~v~lap~n~ntally Disabl~d". AUTHORT~~ CR~DTT FOR SE~nTER H(JOK-UP m FERR.~RT Adxninis t~ator Bu~cl~ r~ad. a 1,~tt~r rc~~i~r~d fro~ I~enry and J~nnie Ferrari, 310 So. H~Ycy~n Ro~d, ~a1~~cl~ r~ques~ed a~~~~~ p~~?it k~~ is~~~d f~~~ c~f charg~ to them p~r an agr~ement mad~ by t~~ Cit3~ C~u~ci1 in Octob~r of 1964 in consider~.tion for right vf way on Hal,cy~n Rc~a~. Aft~~ Council ciiseus~~.~n, can motion of Council- man Schlegel, s~cond~d bq Councilgn~.n 5piex'lin~ and v.n~.nimously c~.rried, Henry and Jennie F~rr~ri w~re giv~n cr~dYt for one s~~a~r h.ocaie°+~P ix~ t1~~ amou.nt of $95.00e ORDII~TANCE AUTH~IRI~ZE E~CI~ANGE ~F CIT'Y OWIV~D REAL PR.OP~RTY ° FIRST READING City Attorney Sl~.~.ps~.y revi~caed. th~.t in ord~r t~ facilitate th~ exchange of property with Mrs. Agne~ Lulze wher~lay ~~.e Cit~r will ~~change st~rplus real property on Traffic W~y* for her prop~~ty n~c~~s~rg~ Gh~rry~ Avenu~, an ordinance is y, ~ _ . necessa A€~~r Cou~c~~ d~~. . _ c~~sie~nq: City At~rney SYi~,psey read the. ti~~e of an ordinance, fc~r its ~irst r~ading; a~thc~rizi~g ~~~ng~ of ci~y-owned real praperty p~rs~ant ta ~ov~~'nmen~ Cod~ S~~tia~ 3.735~; ti~er~a.ft~r, a.mo~ion was made by Co~anca.lm~.n Millis, s~~onded by. Caa:rie~lana~ ~.e ~~o^~. ari~nirnc~ixsly carried, 'to dispex~s~ ~a~.th r~ae~in~ t~~ ba1.~.nc~ of Gh~s o~d.in~.mc~m ADJOURNIN~NT On mc~~ion a~ Cot~ncilman. d~ ~.eon, sPCOnd~d b3~ Councilanan. Spierling and unanimouslgr carri~d, tt1~: m~~ta~ng adjo~.rned a~ 9:2a P.Me v.ntil 7:30 P.Me, June 17, 1974, C ATTES T : L~Gx.~~ CITY CLERK MAYOR CITY COUNCIL NNE 17, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL~FORNIA 7:30 P.M. Th.~ Cit~ Cr~uncil ~~eg in adjo~.rned reguxlar session with Mayor Ta11ey presiding, t7pon roll. ca11, Counci~. Members Sck~l~~~l, Mi11is, Spi~rling and de Leon r~ported p~esent. ESTABLISH EXPEI~TDITLTRE PIAI~TNING FOR REVENUE SHARING FUNDS - 1974-~75 The Ci~y Gsu.ncil revie~r~d urhat it hac~ allocat~d in prior years for expenditu~~ of Fed~ral Revenu~ Shar~ng ~und~. Aft~r a gre~.t de~.l of discussion, on motion of C~a~tncil3r?an Spi~erling, s~cond~d by Cov.ncilman Millis and carried, the follo~ring planned ~xpen.ditures for 1974 tae~e approveci; 1) P~rk Y~,nd P~.rcl~as~ $45,000.00 2) Coa~ciaxn~ty Bu2lding $40,000.00 3) Capital Equipm~n~ (S~r~~p~r and s~iplc~ad~r) "~23a000.00 $108,OQO.OQ This ~aould ~.nclud~ R~ev~nu~: Sharing ~"~.nds fc~~ 197~~75, plus interest. ADJOURNMENT On m~tian co.f C~~~cilan~.n Sgi~~l~n~, second.~d `d~ Caun.cilman d~ T~on and unanimous ly carra.ed 9 th~ me~,~~ng a.d j or~~ned ~.t 9 a 15 P.M. ~ ~ ATTES o ~ •