Minutes 1974-07-01 3~_~ CITY COUNCIL JU1VE 259 1974 , ARROYO GRANDE , CAI~IFORI~t1A PA~E 1~ AUTHORIZE FEE EXIIKPT BtJS LICENSE - FI1tEWORI~.S SAL~S tl:_7,A~T`ERmD.~Y SAIIVZS 0n motion of Co~.ncllman Millis 9 secanc~~d by Co~.nci]xn~.n Spie~ling ~.nd ttn.animou.sly carried, a fe~ ex~gnpt baxsi,n~ss 13,c~ns~ was gxant~d to t~~ Ax°ro~r~ Grande Ward of th~ C~nuxeh of J~~~s C~.~~.st of I,~~t~~D~.g~ Sa~nt~ f~r fir~~~xks sales at Giant Fo~id M~rk~t from Jun~ 28s 197~ ~~.rc~~~~a J~lg~ 49 197~9 ~.s r~q~~~~t~~. by Thomas H. Gouffs Bis~.op9 Ward Fin~.nc~.al Cl~~k, EC~T OF I,ETTER FROM DEPT OF JL?STIC~ RE S~°OT~EN BICYC F S~'ST~~ A lettex° was r~v~,ewed fa~om t~e D~p~,r~n~nt c~f 3~stic~~ Da,vfs~.~n ~f ~~~,r Enforcement, Identification and. Infax~rr.~ti~n Brancl~9 in~o~xn~ng ~t1~e C~.~~ t~t effective July l, 19?4 the as~essan~n~ of 20~ p~r b~c~c1~ 1i~en~~clcaill b~ d.~s° continued, as ~he Stolen Bicy~cl~ System b~~.r~~ f~.nd~d b;~ sa~.d a5se~~an~nt ~ilY have sufficfen~ funding by then to car~r tl~~otxgk? J~ene 309 19~59 a~ w~.ic~ t~m~ other means of funding;raill go into ~f~~cta REMINDER RE B~CCENT'InTNIAL COMMITTEE MEETTIVG JUNE 2~ 1974 30 P I~ Dick Blankenbtxrg reminded the Council and citizens of the Bicent~nnial Coaranittee"s second me~~ing to be ~a~ld in tl~e Ca~u.nity B~tilding on ,T~xne 26, 1974 at 7:30 P.M. and en~~ux~~g~d all to ~.ttend, DISCUSSION RE TRA_FFIC HAZARD AT WTH(~RNF' MARKET P.~R ING IAT ~I rS Councilm.a.n M~11is reqtte~te~ that the P~.rking & Tr~ffic Go~nis~ion b~ directed to investigate the h.azardo~.s tra£fic cox~d.it~.on exist~.ng tl~e H~wwthorne Market parking lot o~. Grand Av~n~z~, City Engin~er Gare~a stat~d th~t as part of that market°s pres~nt r~mod~ling, additional parking a.s b~:ing planned on t~~ westerly side of th~ ma~ke~. ADJOURNMENT On motian o£ Cc~uncilman Spier~,ing, second~d by C~uncilxn~.n d~ Lean an.d unanimousTy carried9 the meeting adjotzrned at 10:58 P.M, ~.ntil 7:30 P.M, ~n July 1, 1974. ATTEST: C'~ ~ \ CITY CLERK ~,YO~ CITY COUNCIL JULY l~ 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORVIA '~:30 P.Ma The Ci~ty Council met in adjou~ned regula:r session with. Mayor Talley presiding. Upon ro11 ca11~ Cnuncil M~mbers Schl~:ge1, Mi11is, Spierling and de Leon x°eported pre~ent, DISCUSSION - PAR ~AND ACQUISITIOl~I IN VALI,EY GARDENS AREA The Co~aneil r~c~:ived and revi~tiaed a report prepar~d by Ad.qninistrator Butch da~ed Jun~ 28, 1974, reg~rding the projecta.on of R~venue Sh~.rixzg Funds and t1~e next thr~~ y~~.rs of ~ntitlean~n~0 In r~view, the Council determined that the City urould be exp~nding approxirc~.t~ly $200,000 far p~.rkl~.nd acquisftion and the g~n~x°al consenstts w~.s that th~s am~unt may be ~xc~ssisr~ and sha~ld b~ pared down. The f~llowing pex°sons r,~exe aiso present and spoke on ~h.e ma~~~~: P~r~.~ and Recreation Cc~amnissionex~s J'ae Mo~rr~, Shortgr Hubbax°d ~.nd D~~ne McCann; ~.nd property owner Art Grieb. After Council diseussion, Administratar Bvatch was direct~d to s~~ if access fram ~he Valley Gard~ns T~a~~ throv.gh ~he P~.s~.on prop~rtg~ was possibTe and also if this groperty ~a~.s ~.vail~.ble for a p~.rk site. Cor~ncilxn~n. d.~ L~on indicat~d he would sp~ak to Mrs. Pasion. In additionp Adan~nis~rato~ Bt~tc~ was directed to chECk. oaz~ pric~ and si~~ of th~ M~.rs~i~Fc prop~~~y~ c~n T:raffic Wa;~$ and also to discuss the possibili~~ of lot spli~ ~ri~th tl~~ own~rs of the Prince- Grieb propertya Art Grieb was pre~~nt and st~:ted th.~y ~a~~~ not in~C~:r~~~~d in splitting th~ property. ~ CITY COUNCIL JUI~Y i~ 1974 ARR.OYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PA~E ~ LIABII,ITY INSURANCE BIDS - RESCTND AWARD TO KEEN &:L~OMIS - C~3~IZACT T(~ I~~L° TRUESDALE Administrato~ Buteh advised t~.e Co~ancil ~~.at ~~.e ap~~ov~:d l~za b~~.a~r on the City's combined insurance coverage ~bid ca119 Eo C, L~~mi~ of Ar~~ym G~~.~d~, had informed him on Friday, June 28, 1974, tha~ t1~~: px°incipal in~u~~.nc~ company, Traveler°s Insurance, daes not cover inv~xs~ cond~mnat~on. C~n~~qu~n~ly ~h~ E. CG. Loomis Insttsanc~ bicl r~aa~ in~ral~d. f~~ as ~~a~ Gi~~°s ~p~~ificat~c~ns ~a~~~ concerned. As the City's insur~nc~ terma.nated a~ micin~gh.t on S~nd.~~, June 30~ 1974, Ac3aiiinistrator Butch contact~d the next l~~w b~dd.~r, N~al-'~r~e~dal~ In~~xrance and requested tempora~y coverage fox° the Ci~ ttntil. th.e C~unc~l's~ ~r~~~~~~~ evening, which N~a1-Trtnesdale agr~ed ~o do, After Council discussion, on xa.ation of Coaxncilman Spferli~g, s~conded by Councilman de L~r~n a~.d unanunously ca~ried, the C~u~ci1 action of Jun~ 25, 1974A awarding the City's insurance contract to Keen Ag~ncy and E. C. Lo~nis Tnsuxance, was rescinded. and said contract for the full package of the City's liabil~~y insurance was awarded to Neal~Trt~esdale Insurance Campany, 1304 Ch~rro, Saa~ L~xis Obispo, in the total amount of $20906~.00; and additionally9 aut~.~riz~d th.at th~ covera~e be increased to two millian dolla~s 9 thus inc~easixag t~.~ tcs~tal premitxm by $750.00. The Council also aslr.~d Adaninistrator Butch to requ~st tT~.at ghe City Attorney write a strong let~er to the original low bidders and expr~s~ concern by the City of the bid subanitt~d. ~ISCUSSION RE. PREVIOUSLY AUTIIORIZED EXT. OF EXPe AGG. SIDFWALK ° BRANCH STe The Council ~°evietired a report from Public W~rks Director And~rson regarding added costs for the Branch Street Reconstx°~a.ction proj~ct9 in particular, the extension of exposed aggregate sidew~.lks as authdrized previously by the Council. Because the request for additional exposed aggregate sidewalk was 40% over the total original bid, further negotiations would be required for the additional work, and add.i~ional costs wo~tld run around $9200, ins~ead of only $1000 additional. Aftex Council discussion, the City staff w~.s instructed to keep within 122% - 123% of the contract; therefore remaining within t~ie allowable li.mits. The Council furth~r instx~cted the City st~.ff to s~e that ~xpos~d aggregate sidetaalk is installed in front of as many business building~ as possible in the downto~m area. TOUR OF IAPEZ WATER TREATMENT PLANT BY COUNCIL - JUI~Y 15, 1974 As th.e Council had expressed interest in touring the Lopez Water Treatment P1ant, Administrator Bt~tch advised that the Plant Operator, Deril Waiters, was happy to set up a date for this tcour. After Council discussion, July 5, 1974 was set for a tour of the Lopez facilities. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Cmuncilman Spierli~g, seeonded bg~ Co~ncilma.n de Leon ~.nd unanunously carried, t~.~ meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. ATTES T : ~ ~3b~ \ DEPUTY CITY CI~ERK MA.YOR ~