Minutes 1974-08-27 4Q:1 czz~ cou~tczz at~~us~r 1974 ARROYO GRAIVD~ , CAT~IFOlt1~~ T1~~ C~.~t~ C~~.nc~l am~~ i~ r~g~.l~.r s~~~fon ~ri~~ M~.;~a~ 'Ta1T~~ ~r~~~.din~. Upon roll c~.11, C~~,ncil Mezxa~e~s Sc~1~g~19 M~~1a~s, Spi~r~~ng ar~d d~. ~,~~n r~pca~t~d pr~sent. PLEID~E OF A~~EGI~,~GE A1V'"I5 I~IOC~.~IO~ M~.y~r Ta11eg~ l~d. ~h~ P~~d~~ of A~legi~.~c~ ~~a cs~a~° Fl~g; ~nc~ i~~~~:c~i~.~~l~ t~~r~af~~r9 R~v~~~nd P~~;c~~~ e~f C~~.r~~ ~f ~~.e ~T~~~~~m~ ~re ~~°~v~~ C~.~~~ d~liv~r~rY tY~~ ~nvoca~~ono APPItOVA~ 0~ MII~t7~~S e~S CORR~C"~~T~ On m~ti6~. c~f C~~inc~l.~~n. Sg~~r1~n~, s~corsd~d bg~ G~~?nc~~.~n~.~n d~ ~o~ a~d ~n~.niano~xsly carri~d~ ~:h~ ~n~n~aG~~ of ~he r~g~~.~ar m~:e~ing ~f A~.~;~s~ 139 19~4 ~r~~e approved wit~*~ t~~ fo~l~~ng cor~~cti,an: P~g~ 6, 'rAr~~~.~r~z~ C~.l.~, fc~~ B~d~ & Approv°~ Pl.ans 0 S~a ~~.~n S~r~~~ ~~~~ect1°, t~~ bici eape~~~g d~.~e w~~ c~~r~:~t~d tc~ r~~.d S~pt~~t~~r 19, 19~4a [~PPROVAI~ UF` WAR12~,IVTTS Qn ~v~~.an of C~sunc~lma~ d~ ~~or~, s~ec~n~.~d. by G~~nc~1a~~.n Sp~~rling and un~nianc~usl~ ~~rr~c d9 G~n~~~.l Wa~ra.~~~ No. 383 t~^~rc~.gh I~~so 3~'~ ~.~ci ~ti~, 1$95 tYarough 1~~. 1934, in tF~~ tc~tal ~.~caax~a~ of $1~7,635.58; and P~yr~11 W~,r~~nts No. 2444 tl~rough 1Vc~. 2~17, in t;1~~ tota~ ~.mo~nt vf $259840,739 ap~s~°~v~d and o~de~°ed p~i~.e AUTHORIZE R:EI~EA~E 0~" B~TDGE~`ED FLTI~IDS & REGEIP~° 0~ NEW CT`~Y MQ,P m C~YAMBElZ. OF COI~IERCE T~e Co~nc~Y r~c~iv~d ~ar~cfl~axre ~~v~laped b~ tl~~ C~.~~~~ c~f Cc°~e~c~, wl~ich da.spl~~s t1~~ C~~y~°s ~t~~:e~ anap ~.n~l b~,sin~`~ ~.dv~x°~~g~~~n~~9 a~ ur~:~.l as gen~r~.l ir~for~nat~~n ~b~~.t th~ Ci~y ~ Al~o r~ceiv~d ~ras a lei~te~ of r~:~lzes~ f:~am Ch~,mb~r N.Lanag~~, D~1 Co~, req~.es~~n~ a p~,~~ia1 ~el~as~ o~ fv.r~ds te~ t:~.e Ch.a.mb~x~ o~ Ce~n~er~~m Afte~ C~~ancil discu~s~~n, c~x~ ano~t~c,n of Co~ncil,man Sc;hl~~~l, sec~orad~d ~S~ Cc~~ncilrna~ Millis and. unan~~c~~~asl~r ~~rrc~.~d, ~k~~ ~.~a~~a~~ of $2,50(~ wa.s auth.~rized ~~1~~.s~d tc~ ~h~ Ch.amber of C~~~°c~ %~~om t~i~ $ a ~ 000 a l lc~~~.t~~:d ~c ~he.• Cl~amber ~n tl~e Cf ty' ~ 197~- 75 ~tb~.g~t e LETT~R 0~' P~tA.~SE TO COIVS I'R.TJCTT~DN INSP~CTOR. F~LMLEE ° BORDA Ada~~nis~~~~kca~ ~~~c~n r~~,d 1~~t~r :~Yam Mitcl~~l and L,~r~:t~~ Borda., camp~i° m~ntin~ Ga~n~~r~.~~~on In~p~~~~r Glen ~~lml~~ crn h.is at~en~fon ta ~ prcap~rty d~~ge ma~te~'. C~un~~Y~n~n Sci~l.eg~T al~c~ ~,oanplim~nt~d. Fire D~pax'tan~t~~, Ad.minist~'at~r Butch and o~Y~Y~~ C~.t~ p~rsann~Y i~ t~~ ~n.dl.in.g af ~ se°~rer probZern at t1~~ Be~nie I~.nd~~n~.r~s' . PROCLA~TI~N GE~NS`~:L~fifJ~TO1V 6aE~K ° S~PTEMB~R ZST~i TI~RtT .21ST, 197t+~ Mayar ~~YYe~ pr~~l~i~~d ~~~k af S~p~~mibc~r 15t~ gl~ro~.gh LI~t~ 1974, a~ rrCansti~~.t:~an WWc~~k" in ~~a~ ~i~~ csf Arra~~ Grand€~, as r~q~aested by R~g~n~ of L,a C~~t~, C~a~pt~~° of t~i~ ~'~~~,~n ~o~~.e~y ~f th.e Daught~rs ~f thhe A~nerican R~v~lution. I1~TVI'TATI~~' P~1~~ICIPATE I~V ~R~EST FES`T~VAV PARADE m OC`T~B~R 5 a 19~4 In ~~spc~~a~c~ to ~.n ~~~~.~~~~on ~c~ b~ in t~e ~.r~n~.,~l Arrc~yo Gr~nd~: V~ll~y G~~ Nineti~~ ~i~~~~~~ ~~~tiv~1 P~.r;a~.~ c~r~ 5~,~~uxd~g~, Oc~ota~r 59 19/~, C~~~cil ~gr~~d to par~i~~p~~~. Ad~ninis~~~.~or B~x~e~l~ ~.l~a r~vi~wW~d ~h~ aas~u~~. Gr~.ffic ca~n~~al ~~eg~~~~~cl of th.e Pol~c~ D~p~r~:~n~n~ fv~ tY^~~ p~r~.cte, 2,.ft~r C~~sr~~~~ d~~c~~~a.czn, ar~ ~c~~fc~~ of ~Coixncilm~ri d~ I~~on, s~c~nd~~ C~unc~.l.snan Sp~~riing and ~~.~.n~~x~~nsly c~.r~ied, ~~ne par~de x°o~~~ Qr~ C~,~y s~~~~~~ ~a~,s ~.v.tharized. Ur~.t~a E~lic~ D~p~rt~-~~nt c~n~r~l, inc~uding 3n~~~s~ ~nd ~gx~e~~ of t~~ ~n ~nei af~ r~.a:~ps of tihe Gr~nd ~1v~ri~.e overpass of ~~~~iwa~ ~Qlo INVIT~TI~N TO PARTICIPATE ~N MEXICANA FIESTA PARADE - 9/14/~4 In re~p~~.s~ ~o i~vi~~tion tc~ be in t~~~ anr~~~~,1 ~,~n~ssn G~vic~, 5~ C~n~.~~~°al Mexic~.na Gro~a~~ C~.~y F~~~t~. P~~°~~.~ on S~.t~.rd.~~9 Sep~e~b~~ 1~~ 1~~4, tl~~ Coa~nc~l agre~d to pa~t~.~~~a~e. NOTIC~ 0~' BICEl~T~~IAL C~M~g.ITTEE MEETII~G AUG~JST 2~ a 19~~ ~t w~~ xi~t~c~ t~.~.t th.~ n~xt m~~;~ing of th~ Comtr~~.ni~y Bicen~~~.x~~.~.1 Cc~~r~na~tte~ will b~ on ~3ednesda,y, A~~ust 2~, 197!~ a~ 7:30 P.M, in t~.~ Co~nun~.t,~ Cent~~. ~ CI1'Y CCiTJNCIT~ AU~~i"S~` 27~ 1974 ~RROYO ~RAIVFDE, CA~IFORI~IA ~At~~ ~ M[JNI„ CODE AME~DMENT_ - OELDTN~INC~ A~3PTION ~A~~AG~ COZ,L~CTTf~~ ~T~~ Cit~r Att~°~n~~r Ships~;~ r~ar~ ~h~ ~i~l~ ~f an c~~c~in~r~~~e ~azn€~n.c~ir:~ che M~an~,c~p~.~ CUCl~ rela~in~ to oar~~g~ ~o1.l~c~ic~n r~.teva ~1~Gre~fte~°~ ~~ncz~:~,~~ ~ba~~ rn~cl~ b~ Co~ncil- man Schl.~ge1, s~~n~d~d by C~asn~~a~m~.n Sp~ex°l.ir;.~ ar^a~ ~n~.ri3xr~~f~~ l~ c~.r~a~~c~., ~a ~.~.~p~ns~ with read~n~ t~.~ b~~l~nc~ Qf ~~i~ +~~°~in~.nc~ , O1~I~~NC~ 1V~, ~07~ C~5 ~ AN (~~.DINANC~ ~F TI~ C~'~Y 0~` AL~R~Y(~' GP.~.1~U~ JNI~NI~I~TC CT~.AFT~R. t'+ 0~ TTZ'~E 6 OF T'rTE A~tR(~5~(~ GI2~1~DE NPt7~1ICTPAI~ C017E ~tEZATI~G TO ~s~RBAGE COI~T~EC~'IQN IZA°~ES ~ Un ~n~ti6n c~f Ccs~n~a~.~an d~ ~,~c~ng s~~.i°~r~~ec~ Co~ix~:~l~r~n M~~~~i~ and o~ t~se foll~wing ~~11 c~.11 va~~, to z~r~~: AYES o Cc~xncilm~n Spfe~ls.ng, c~e Leon, Sc~~.l~g~l, M~lY9..~ ~.nd M~.yc~r Tall~y NO~S: Non~ ABSENZ': NQn~ the fore~oing Ordin~.nc~ ~a~ p~.~~~c~ ~,nd. ~~.dopt~~c~. ~tais 2~t1~ d~y~ c~~ ~~g~.s~~ 1~34~ MiJNT. GOD~ AMENDMEIV'~ - ORIbII~ANCE AI~~)E'T:CO~,~ ° ESTABLI~iH A~,'~V~XA'~TOiv ~'EES C~t~ Atta~ney S~i~s~y r~ad. ~h.e ~~.tl.~ ~i- ~n c~rc~Ln~.nce ~.~~nc~zng t'~iv Munici~~.l CocYe by est~blis~s~.n~ prc~visions fa~° t~ie c~iar.g~ of ~.nn~x~~idn fE~s; t1~~xe~ft~r, ~zotican caas m~.d~ by Caun.ci~m~.n. Scl~l~:gel.p s~c~rid~d by C~n~an~ila~~n d~ ~~.~n ~.n.d ~n~rti° moa~s'L~ c~.r~°~ed, ~c~ c~~sp~nse w~~~ r~~d~ng t1~e ba.l~.nc.e ~~f ~~~.~s ~~°d.~.xranc~, C1RDT11VANCE N0~ 1.02 C.~v AN OR.DTNAN'C~ OF T~I~ CITY 0~" ~,ItR0Y0 GZ2ANDE AMEIVDIN~ T~ ARROYO ~RANTD~ MUI1TIC IPAL CODE BY ADDTl~~ CHAPT~R. 6 ~0 ~'TTL~ 9 T1iE1tE1~F TQ P120V~T2E FOR AI~T ANNEXA~'I~N FE~ SCHEDUI E FOR AIVNE~~NG II~TT1~ TF~E C IT~' OF ARRUYO GRANDE . On mcst~,oi7. of C~~.nc~lzn~cn Spier~ing, secnnded by C~~ncilm~.n. d~ 7..eon. and on tl~e fa~~cawing ro31 call vo~e, ~s ~ait: r~YES: Cauncilmen Schl~geY, Millis, Spierling, de T,eon a.nd. Mayar Talley N~ES: Nan2 ~ AB~EI~~: ~T~~n~ t~ie f«x°~going Ord~n~nce. pa~s~d ~.ncl ac~.~p~~~d ~~is 2~th d~.y ~f A~.gust, 19~~+0 DISC.m LE(~ISI~1Tm RF CL'I'Y APPRJVC~L ()F D~VE2~A OUTSTDE C~`~Y - RE'F~R TO CCACC T~~e Co~.n~~l c.ox~~zr~~.e;d discaas~~on ~:f ~ r~sol~tion. p~opesed b~% t:h~: Ci~y of San ~.~~s Obisp~~ ~o ~~a T.,~~,~~~ ~.f Califr~rn.i~. C~.ties and. Chanr~~~ C~a~.n~~~~ Diz7~sirn of th~ ~~~ga~~, urging su~pc~~°t fo~;° lc~gi~la~:~_a~~ prv~~.din~; cl~x~.l. cit~-~r~~nty control of t~~ ~~~ncarpo~°at€=,d ~.r~~.s ;~trr~~.nda~n~ ciki~~ ~ .A ~~?~m~.ry of ttz~ ~~mif~.ca~~,ons ~f tl~~ ~°esol~ta~~nA pr~p~.~~d by Ac~m~n2str~.~~o~ B~~.tc]:~, ca~s x~~va~~~r~~ ~~ahi~.~ ~°e~o~rcm~nded th~.t t~~ p:r~~o~a.1 b~ ~~s.bm~tt~;d t~ ~h~ Tec:Yin~.~~.1 Cc~rn~r±~~~~~ ~.n,d I3c~,~d ~f ~1~~ Cc~~.nt~° C~ty A~~~. C~c~x°d~ri~~ing C~~n~il. fa~ ~°~v°i~~r, T.~:~ C~ ~n~~~. ~.gre~d ~itli tixe recanun~~ida- ~ion an~ Cd~an~~.In~an ~p~.~.~l~~g ~il~ pr~~ent r~~olai:iran ~,o t~~ C~~n~:~-G~t~ A~e~. Coeard~ n~tin~ C~~n~ iI ~:t ~.~s n~~~ zn~.~ti ~it~.~. DISCUSSI()~T RE. I~W i1VGONTE H~UST'NG ~'f~Ft. SE~1~OIt CTTI~~l~S ~~i SC1~TTiI COLrrT'R' Mayc~r TaY1~y r~~i~~a~d t~~ Co~uaicil`s trs~a.r ias~ ~r~ci~y o~ t~~; ~lderl3~ taousing pro~ra.m in sac~ I,ui~ ab~~p~ 'b~~_ng ~.~~a~nis~~~~d b~ th~ H~~a~~,rig r~~.~;~a~ity af San ~uis O~a~spc~ ~nd Ecc~nc~mi~ ~g~portt~ri~,t~ Co~rc~.s~i~on of ~~n ~~t~~ Ob~,spa C~~triGy~m T1~c~ Counc~.l ~.g~~ed t~~.~ t~is ~r~.s a r~e~~~.hc,rhiie ~r~~~~c~ to 'l~o~ i~~G~ 1Eor S~~#~h Ce~~.nt~ senio~ ~itizen~~ M~.yor ~a1~ey and ~clma~nis~tx~.~or B~.~~1~ w:i.1~ l~o:k intc m~ict~:~ ~r~c~ s~~ caY~at ~11 ~t vao~,l.~ entail fc~~e ~h~.s G~~~, P~.T~. HEA~ REZQ~TE G.~S~ ?4° 13 'T'0 "]RAB~" C~CtR~~?'T C~1~, °(~RD. 1ST. RFADING The Counci~ ~~c;a~~v~d 6~ :t~s~l,~a.t~~z~ Froz;~ ~h€~ Pl~,nr.~~~g Cc~~rLni~sa~or~ r~;c~rmm~ndin~ the r~e~oning c~f a~p~ox~~rt~.~:~ly 3(~ ~~c:x~e~ ~~.:~~~~1~ ~f C~r,~~t~ Caayc~n l~c~~.d ~.nd ncx°the~°ly of th~ pr~~€;nt Ci.ty T~~:nit~, fixa~n Ag~:~ci~~t~~.r.~a.~ I3istr~~:.~: ~c;• ~~d~~A°,I~-3", Rc~~id~n- tial Di;:~~°ic~, ~.s r~q~.e:~~~d b~ Al Staimint:r. U~e~n b~in~ ~~s~.r~~~. b~~ Ci~:y Gle~rk d~l C~.mpo th~~ all r~q~.i.rc~a~r.~4~~ ~,~ravi~~d h~ ~~~a ~a~ad b~:~:~ ~~rnpli~d ~ai~l~~ t~~o~ ~ Tall~y de~1~.r~d ~rie ~i~a~~ng c~p~n ~.~~1 ~.1~. persons ~ac~u~.d n~~w b~ f~r ~~e ~.g~.~.n~+~ ~the propos~c~ x~ezonin.g~ 403 CITY COUNCIL AU~~JST 279 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 Rona~d ~ran~, 101 W. Bx°~nc~p ~~p~~sen~ing sc~~ ~of ~~a~ presp~n~~~~s of the rezoning, spok.e i~. fa~r~r af t~~ r~zo~in~. T~z~re b~fng no fur~~~r disc~a~~a~mn fox~ ar a~ainst tY~~ matte~, Ma~or Talle;y declared the E~earing clos~d. Af~~r C~~anci;l d.~s~~assi~n9.City A~tnrne~ Shipsey read9 for its first re~ding, ~h~ ~~,~1~ an ordin~.nce aan~nding t~.~ M~un~.ci.gal Cmde so a~ to rezon~ fro~n ~~A~~ to ~~R~A~B`~91y ee~~~.i.n pre~~perty ~djac~xat ~c~ ~~ne Ci~~ als~ propo~ed. for ~.nnexation, t1~e~~aft~r9 a mot~;oii ~a~ made b~ G~~x~acilana~n Schleg~l9 seconded by Co~anciltnan 3pi~rlirag ar~d ~.~~.ni~na~.slg~ carried9 to ;disp~n~e with r~ad- ing t~ne ba1~.r~c~ of ~t~~s ordinancem PUB. HEARIIVG ° AI~DIEXATIO~V OF COItBET`~ CAl~'1'C1~' ANIV~XAT~OIV ~VO, 2° ORD. 1S.T R.EADING Administrator B~tch. ~.dvised t~~.t a~~~oi~~~on ~.na r~p~rt has been. received from the Local Ag~ney Farmation Co~natssion9 reco~anend~.n~ the annex~ti~n of approximag~l~ 55 acr~s of property ~ast~rl~ of Corbett Can~on Road and northerly of the pres~nt City L~a.tso T'~~ a~.n~x~.~~.on was x°evie~a~d, ~ri~h Citgr AdYninistrator pointin.g o~at that th.is ar~a i~ pr~s~r~~1g~ r~c~iving ~~e~g~ncy wat~~ se~vice from the City; t~aat it ~rill be c~narg~d th~ nec~ annexatiara fee~ j~s~ ~dc~pt~d; that the Planning C~~nission l~~.s r~v~,ewed th~ m~tt~r and r~co~mn~nd~d an~~~.ati~~.; tl~t the area has be~n ann~xed into Z~a~~ 39 ~nd i~ is in tl~e A~royo Gr~.nd.~ S~wer Assessm~nt District 1Vm. 19 but not yet in th~ San~.~ta~fon Dis~rict. Upon being assured by City Clerk d~l Catnpo that all r~q~nir~ments as px~ovid~d bg~ law Y~a~~ been complied with, Ma~or ~all~y d.~clare~. ~h~ h~aring op~n ~.nd all p~rsons woaxld no~ be h.eard for or ~.gaf~st tkae propo~~d ~.n~ne~ata.on. R.on Grant~ 101 W. Branc~. Str~et, ~ne of tt~e propon~nts fQr t~.e a.nnexation, spoke in favor of i~t. There being no furt~ex~ discu~sion for or against the matter, Mayar T~.l~.ey dec~.ared the ~.earing closed.. After Co~n.cil diseussion, Cit~ Attorney Shipsey r~~d, for ~t~ f~.rst ~~adin~, tk~~ title of an ordinance amending th~ Muni- cipal Code ~o annex to ~~.e City of Arroya Grande c~~°t~.z.n ~a.nin~h.abited te~ritory designated "Corbett Canyon Ann.~xation I~o. 2", thereafte.r, a motion Vaas made by Counca.lman Spiex~ling~ seconded by Go~an.cilman de L~on and txnanirno~nsly carx°ied, to dispense ~ri~Fa r~ading the balance of this ordin~.nc~. REVIEW OF IATEST LEGISLATIVE BULI~EETINS FROM Y,EAGUE QF' CALIFORNIA CITIES Th.e Co~.ncil rev~.ewed the latest Legislati~re Bulletins from the League of California Ci~ies, which ca11~d a nuanber of bills ~o the att~ntion of the City which aaill be before legislators d~x°ing the last week of the sessinn, and teleph~ne calls or wires were •urged to legis'[atcars supporting or opposing bills described. RESOL. ADOPT. ° SE~ PUB HEAR, -"VALI,EY RD. Al~T~ N0. 3" - SEPT. 24a 1974, 8 P.M. Adaninistr~tor ~~tch ad~i~~d. t~.at a r~port and re~ol~xtion hav~ been received froan the Loca1. Ag~ncy Formm~..~ion C~is~ion approving ~he proposed "Valley Road Anne~ation No. 3", and auth.~rizin.g co~ple~ion of said annexation without further notice, h.earing or election9 ~.s approval for th.e ann~xation h~.d be~n submitted by all prop~r~ty owners nf th~ approx~atelg~ 20 a.cres of ~.ninhabi~ed are~.. Th.e Council disc~xssed tlae anatter and gen~rally a~ze~d that a public hearing on this matter ~aao~ld be p~ef~~able in th.is ~nstanc~ b~c~.~ase of previotxs indicatic~n of s~n~itivit~ ~o~~.rd ann;~xaticsns and r~zonings in t~his ar~a of the City. After Council d.iscussion, Cit~ At~Cor~e;y Sl~i~as~y re~.d ~he title of a resola~timn declaring proc~edings have be~n initfa~ted b~ Cka~.rl~s M. B~ker to an.~.~~ uninl~abitied territory known as "Va11ey Road Ann~xa~ion 1~~. 2", and settrng ~a pazb3.ic he~.ring ther~on for Septemb~r ~4, 197~ at 8:00 P.Mo, t~.~re~.f~e~9 a mntion was m~.de by Coa~ncilman Schlegel, s~cand~d by Cot~ncil~an. M~.llis and. unaniznot~sl~r carried, to dispense with reading ~~n~ b~.lanc~ of th.is resol~t~,on. RESOLU~'ION N0. 1115 A RESOLITTION DEC~,P,RING T~~AT PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN TNITTA~ED TO ANDTEX~ Td SAID CITY CERTAIN UNIN~iABITED ~'ERRI'TORY DESCRIBED HERE~N :ANT) DES IGI~AZ"ED "V~,L:~~Y ROAD ANNEXATTON N0. 3" AND GIVTNG 1VOTICE OF THE PROPOSED A~XATION. On motfor~ of C~a~ncilrr~an Sp2erling, s~conded bg~ C~~.ncil~rian de I~~~n and on the folla~aing roll c~.ll voteA to wit: AYES: Coa.r.ncil~nen Spierlingy lL~ LEOTY:y Sc~aleg~l9 Mil.~is and M~..yor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resol~.tion ~aas passe~ ~.nd ~dogt~d tha.s 27~~? day of A~g-~.~~, ~74. ~ 4~~~ CITY COUIVCI~, AUG~IST 27, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORlVTA PAGE 4 RESOLTJTIOIV ADOPTION ESTA~~TSY~IIV~ 19'~4~-~5 MCTNICIP.~:~, TA~ RAT~ °~.~.o9T PER $~.OO A.V, The Coa~neil r~vi~w~d. a~~gor~ pr~~~~ed b~ t~d.~~~n~,~tr~.~er B~tc~. r~g~.rding assessed v~Z~~~ £ar t1~e Ci~y ~af ~s~~c~~e C~~nd~ ~~d 'Es~~lslish.ing th~ Tt~t~ for 1974-75"9 ~a~,ich r~~c~.n~nd~el a ~'~d.~a~~~~n ~i t~~ t~~ r~te b~ frc~m $1.,9F to $1.92 per $1.00 of a~~~~s~d val~~.~ic~~.. ~~e Co~~.~il c~~sc~a.s~~d. ~tt;~r ~.t lc~~.g~h.~ ~.greeing th.at a solv~nt p~~a~~~~~ o~ t~~~ Cit;~ ~a~a~ d~s~~~b1~~ b~.t re~oa~n.~n~.~ng that a 5~ ~~d~.~Gio~. b~ ~ff~~t~c~, ~f~er C~unc~Y. ~~.s~a~~~i~n~ C~~~ ~.ttc~~n~~ 5~.~.pse~ read the title of r~~oYt~ti~n f~xing ~he rat~s t~~~~ for ~h~ 19~4°~~~ fis~~.1 y~ar as follow~ : $10~4 .for G~n~ra1 G~v~rr~nen~ One~°~,t~~ns ~$0. for ~iipl~yc~e Retirem ment; ~.nd $0.03 ~o~ R~ereation~ f~~ a total r~~~ of $1.91 ~.p~n ~~c~ $100.00 of assess~d v~.l~xa,tio~. c~f property with~,n C~t~, ~~ac~r~;aft~r, a. a~~~fan wa~ ~nad.e b~ Co1ttZCilm~.~. Spi.eY'l~x~~a sec~nded by Cc~~ncilm~.n d~ Lean and. unan~.mo~s~y e.arri~d, to dispen~~ raith. x°e~ding t~~ b~.~an~~ o~ t~.i~ r~~olution, 1tESOT.LTTION 1~4~. 11~6 A RESU~U~'I~N' OF THE CITY COUN'CTL OF T~YE CITY DF ARROYO GRANDE, CAI,IFORNTA, FIXI~TG TfiE AM~UIVT OF M~1~T~~ ~1ECESSARY TO BE ItAISED BY TAXATION Ff?R THE CU1tRENT FISCAL YF~,R ~~GTN~]I1~G JULY 1~ 197~+9 AND FIXING TH~ 1tP,TES OF TAXES FOR StJC~i FTSCt~T~ YEAlZ.. On anotidn o~ Counc~lman M~.ll3,s, ~~cgnd~c~. by Co~tncilanan Schleg~l and on the following roTl ca~.l vote9 to wi~: A~CES: Co~e~.ciY~i~n Spi~~ling~ de L~z~n~ Sch.l~g~ly Millis and M~.grc~r Talley ~'OES : 1Von~ ABS~N~ : l~mne the foregcaing Re~olt~.t~,vx~. saa~ p~.s~ec~ and ~.d.rsp~t~d this 27t11~.. ci~~ af Atxgtx~t, 1974, RECEIPT OF MII~iJTES OF H'[JMAN RELATIGIVS COMMTSSION OF SOUTH S.I~.Oe COUNTY Tl~e ~n~nu~~~ ~f ~~e J~an.~ 12t1~ m~~tix~g of t1~~ Huanan R~latinns Ce~z~a.ssion of Soaxth San. Lanis Obispcr Co~xntgr ~rer~ re~r~~~~d by t~.~ Cc~~znci~, It was no~t~d ~hat this Cityp'~ r~pr~s~~~~.~~~~ ~o Co~nissi~n, R~.ul Escaanillo, Gras el~~ted as p~rmanent C~.~.~rm~.n, of sa~d C~nanissian. RESOL. ADOPT. - ATTTHORIZE REC~IPT OF LOCAI~ SAI~ES & USE TAX INEO. FOR REVIEW T~.e Ca~unci~. r~vietiaed a 1.~t~~r frc~ the Stat~ Board of Equalization, offering to the C~,gg~ q~art€~rly m~ilings of copies of th~ir campu~er :p~irit-oasts of l~c~l sal~s and v.se t~.x~~ r~por~~d by taxpa.y~er~ in t~his jurisdiction. Administr~~~~ Butch. advised tkaa~ h~~etofore the City has been r~ceiving one lump stzm of m~n~y~ _ zai~hout ~Cno~a~.ng r~rh~re ~h.e ~~.l~s t~.x revena~~~ came fromo He stated t~at a resolutio~. is recyuired a~thorizing r~cea.p~ of this ~.nfo~in~.tion. After Council c~.~scussion, City Att~rn~~ S~.ipsey read. tl~e ~it1e of a rc~soltxtion authoriz- in.g exarmin~.tion caf s~.l~~ and ~nse t~~ x~~corc~s by the City; thereaf.ter, a motion was made by Councilm~n Sch.l~g~ly secdnc~~d hy C~txnc~lman Spfer~.ing and ~tnanimot~sly car~fed, ta d~.spense ~ait1~ x°~~.d3.ng ~t~.~ balaxx~e of this x°~sol~xtion. R~~o~~T~o~ Noo i1i7 ~ RESOLUTIOIV l~F THE CITY COUl~'CI~ 6F ~~IE CITY ~F ARRQYO GRA1~lDE AUTH(3RT~ING ~~~AMINA~'ION DF SA~ES fiND USE TAX RECORDS. On in~tio~. c~f Couancilan~n Spi~rling, s~ccsnd~~. b~r Co~ancilgn~,n d~ IJe~n and on the follorai~g ~011 call ~ote9 to wit: AYES: Co~enci~.~n Sch.l~g~ly MZ.11Z.Sy S~I.eYl~.~~y d~ L~~an ~nd MM~..yor Tal:ley ~TO~S : Nora~ t~BSENT : l~on ~ the far~~o~.ng R~solu~ion w~.s pass~cl an~1 adaptecl t1~is 2~t~ day of A~ga~st, 1974. NOTICE ~ROM COUZ~'1'3~ C3..EERK RE FII~II~G ~TAT~~IvT OF EC~N~MIC T?~1TERESZ'S ° SEPT. 1974 The Co~ncil ~°c~~ri~wed. ~ l~i~~~x~ f~sa~n ~h~ Ce~~.nt~ C1~~°k ~ndi~~,t~ng t~~~ t1~~ Californr~a Supr~~ae Coixrt l~~d. te~inated its st~~ pxd~r reg~.x°ding ~~.e f~.~~,ng of the St~.tern~nt ~f ~conc~ani~: Int~~~st L~.~p and ~t~i~r~fox~~ all afficials affected by the l~w, ~iho did no~ f~.l~ r~pox~G in ~i~xil, m~st do so in S~~~t~mb~x°, 1974, covex~ing ~h~ pex°y~d of ~a~lv~ x~c~nt~.~ px~or tc~ Apr~.l 1i 1974 (Apri1 1., 1973 thru March 31, 1974). 40~ CITY Ct~i,~Cl~a AU~UST 279 1974 ARR~~10 C~RA~~DE, CAI~~i:F~R~tI~ PAGE 5 REPORZ`~~__P~SMO STATE :~EACI~ :~ECI~h~IC~3~ P~I'~~II~t~~GQMMTT~EE~~GHLF~EL Cv~~~ci1~a?~ Sca::1~~~~~. irxdi~~~-~d ~~ie~~ ~~~~.3 r~~t b~~~ ~~~x~rc~m at tfl~e last sc`ted~~l~d r:r:~~~~r~g af ~'~a~ Pzsrrso 5~~~~ ~~~~h Te~?~<~~~~~ P9.~.n~a.~~g Cc~mmittee, and ~aad~ nothit,g t:~ ~~p?~~°t. D~~is O~.~c~n9 5~:~~~, ~~°3~ T'~~:~~~ ~'~por~~~, ~r~d ~i~e Council disct.~ss~c~ t~~~~ ~~~~.e~t. ~,~,t~~r~ c~~ ~t~~e D~p~.~~~~~i~~ of F~.~°ks ~~d ~eacl~es rega~°d- ing ~amps ~~s ~~I~n~ ~~~.ch~~~. Tit ~r~.s ~~~;g~~~~~. ati~~~~ a~.~ 5~~~~~ Cc~~a~x~yp Ma~yors and Commi~~~~ ~~s~~r~~~~s~s ~,Ea~;~=~~~;~ ~ca ~wr~ek. ~~~t ~ p~~z~ f~~ ~~Y~ l~~~ct~~s ~r~cl fn~rarcl same as ~ ~~n~f~~:c'l be~civ ~o 5~.~1~~. RESOL. A~CD~T_> °~,~,~.I`~~ORTZE sCTT~: _ADM,---TCI ~XEC~IT~ A~'1t~EMENTS WTTI~ S~ATE RE. CENSUS Ad~em.~.~~i~~~°~.~~~~° ~K~~~~ ~°~go~~~c~ t~a~ ~.az co~~~nt~~t~.~a~ ~ai~~a t~~~ n~c~ssary pap~r work for ~~t~~ f'c~r~~.`i~.~~~~~i~o S~~at_~ ~~ns~~~ in ~~ais Ci#~~9 ~ reso~~s~~arY ~~~ds to be adop~~d ~u~~~aar~i.~i,:~~ r~s.~ Ci*~- Adi~~~~~~~~~~tc~~ ~x~~~~t;~ ~~ae n~:~~ss~.ry agreements betvwe~n t_~~ 5~~.€-~ ~.a~.c~ C~t~~, Af~~~ Ca~x~~c.i.~ d~sc~~~~.can, Cs.~:~ A~to~°~:e~ S~.ipse~r read t;~e ~:~.~1~ x~~sc~~.~,~:~.an ~c~~:~~r~~°3~i~.g t:~g~ C~.t:~r ~ds~~.n~s~x•~.rc~r ~.o sign cer~~in a~~~~.'€1x~xt`%,5 C~3~~~i t:`:"aL' ~J~.~.1:&,' ~°'}`«~°~''.";E`ai~F:ll~ ~:~7.~~":~9 i~e~A~Y°E.'c`i~~~'Y'9 3:T!~t30~'t WSS Il?SCl~ b~7 Coii~cllma,~ Scn~~~€:~;~~~.9 s~v~,_~.c~~d~ ~C~~ C~~.ncil~n~.r~. d~ L~c~~ ~Pna~~.furi,.p~n~ly~ carried, to ~ disperi~~ ~a~:~4~ r«~~d~±~~: s,:;.e>. b~,~~~s:;~ ~a~ t~i~.s r°~s~~.:u~~~~n. Rr ~0~i~~ ~~N ~~C~ a x l. A RESOd~t3'TI(1:[L~ QF Tix.E CTT`I C(7UF3CII.~ f~F 11~E C'I.TY OF ARROYO GRA?~'T7E AL~T~OR'I~I~~ T~~ ~IT`T A17~NS~~7~I:STR~.'~(JR EXECU'L'E AG~~~MET~7T'S W:~~H t~T~, S1A~'E D~~AIt'TM~iVT OF ~"IIVAI~CE. On ~rc~rt~4:re, uf Ccrxx~~.cil~.an c~~ I~~ana ~~c~c~nd€~d ~~y> C~~nz-xs;il7zr~.r Sp~.erli~~g a~d on ~ri~ foT~.r~~;~~~n~ ~ol~.i c;~~~'~ ~cs ~~r~~: A~'ES° Cc~;.~~~c~~~~5~a::. Sp~e~l~ng9 cl~ ~~~a~::, S~~~1~~~~, NI3_~.~~s ~.~ld Ma.vor ~aii~y P~~IES : 1Vo~~~~ A'_~SE~~~~'o T+Tc~n~ ~ ttie f~rf~ ;~>7a~~~; R~7~c~~.~~t_~.:>x~. ~ra~ p~;~~~~ a:.~.d ~rlo~t~~ T.'x~~ 2J~:'.~ dav r~f Au~~iasts 1974. PARKI:~T,' F~ TRAFF'IC G~MMTSSI~i~' itEC(7MM]~1~DA`C'IO?~~S - RESQI.IJTTOi~ AD~PTTQI~'S ~ ~,70 P~.RKT1~G 7QI4ES [N C~R~AI~d P1~RTTt~~TS OFL CTTY - Tla~ Co~;nr~c ~.l r~v~.~s~~d r~po~°~s frc~m C~ ty En~ineer s~arcia re~ardibzg recommen.da-- tic~r6s En~d~ t~~1 P~:~3:i;;~~ ~t~d ~':~~.ff~c C~..~~x.~s~cy?; ~t it;s ~~i~~as~_ l~it~ zne~ting, for c~rtair pari~sri~ r~;strict.~r~~~ ~.s fc~~.lo~a:s; 1) t;'~~.t a n~ parking zone ~e establis:zed c~n t~e rac~rt?~ sid~ of Newps~r~ ~v~n~~ ~xti~ s~,gn~,n~ can~y, and arc~~nd t~e cul°de-sac ~o the ~as~€~~1~ p~c~p~~°ty l~.~e t~f t~a~ l~.~t ~mprozr~d proper~v on the sorxtherly side caf Ioz~Ter ~ewport A~,r~ns~~ ~aith ~1~e ~~irk~ p~intec~ r~d; 2) tha~ t~e c~rved approaches to t~ae ~riclge 5~~~~~ u~°~d~~~ b~ a~a1~Y.~~r~~~d ~ic~ p~~ki~~g zo~es ~h~.t a k~o parkir~g zo,ze ~s~~.i~l.~s,~r~d rrc~.r,~:~ s~,d~ of t~n~ ~~l~v ~t~ z~ridg~ S~tr~et the length ~f tkzF stx~uct~r~ fx~~~t~.t.~.r~~; ~~x ~rid~~ St~~~~, ~c~d apga~°c~pr~~.~e ~~e~rfi.~-,.~ installed; and 4~ Y~~~c~r:t~n~nd~~.~~~ ~r.nn: Ci~~ ~~~~~.~~~~r G~rci.~ ~~k~~ ~arli~..~~ '~e ~~c~~~nibited on tlze ~o~°fi'~~ sid~ of C:~~er~g~ Av~~-«~~ ~~~~~~~n P~~i,~'~c Co~~~ R~x~~a~ Pla.~e ar!d Tr~f.fic Way. Af~e,: Ces~~°ac~l ~1~.~~~s~ic~~~, Cz~~ At~o~°;}~ar ~h~p~~y ~°~ad ±~~~e t~,t°le af a resolution esta~iisi~~.~~ T~~r~.~n.~ Zc~r~~~11 ~n ~~r~~a.n ~~~~~or~s ~f ~.:a~ Cit:~~ ~~er~after, a motion ~a~ t~y Craxun~il~a~z~ ~~~n~~~~7.., s~cc~~d~ci ~Sg° C~~~nc~l~r~an d~ Leon and unani- m.~~s ly c~.~°~~~d 9 tc~ d~sp~rd~~ ~aitr~ r~~.c~:~~~ t~.~ ~s~.1~.z.ce ~f ti~is r~~olu~ion. RF~~OL'~d~'L~~ 11.19 ~ RESOI,LpZ'IO~V OF TI~E CITY COLiNCIL OF ~'IiE CTTY OF ARROYO ~~IVD~ AL~T~iQRI~ING E~TA3~.:C~I~^~~NT CJF PARItI~U ZU~*ES" I~!' CER~'AI~ F~RTIOI~S OF °~'F~~ C~TY. Or ~ca: i~,~ ~f Ca~~c~~rraz~ Sp~e~r~.~~gy s~~~~~d~d tsy Ca~.~r~c~.l~nar~ d~: L~~n a~d on tl~e fallcaw~~~ ~~:~:u, ~.a1.~ vesf~~9 ~z~*~ AYES e ~~~~~c~°~_:~~s~~~ S~~~~.~~;~~.9 M~~.~~.~~, Sp~ex~l~n.~~ d~ 7~eo~z ~.czd P~Ia~jox~ '~~lley ~ ~,T~~S~~o :~~~~ra<, ABSE~T: ~s~~~ze~ t~~e f.;::re~t~zr~~ R.€..t~%.~~~:.~c~:;. p~s~e^c~ ~~7d ~.~c,~,.~:~;c~ ~.:~.<~s 2~~s~ d~y c~f A~~.~~~.si:, 297~. ~ 4~~~~ CI'TY COUNCIL AUGUST 279 1974 ARROYO GItANIDE , CALIFORNIA PA~E 6 N~TIC~ T~Ee JOIN~ MEE~°I1VG 0~' F& T GOMM. W~~~ D~Tr~~I~'~JdlV NIERCI~NT GROUPS o 9/11 `Th~ Co~.n~i~ rec~ived. n~tic~ tkaat ~ka~ Co~is~i~n I~~~ ~c1~~e~~I~d. meeti~.g wi~h th~ Arr~y~ Gran.d~ D~~axa~~~n Me~ck~.~,~s A~~o~~~.~f~n9 P~~~C~x~g Adviso~~ Board~ a~d Cent~al B~si~ess D~st~ic~ Adv~so~~ G~~~.t~~~~ ~n Sc~,pt~~l~~~ Y1, 19~~ a~ 7030 PsM, in the Co~ancil CYnamb~rs C~;~~ ,~~.1~.~ tc~ disc~ss p~r~ing i~. ~~n~ ~r~.llag~ area. DISC'JSS~ON RE. PRO~O~~D 7CIti7~l~ 1t0~TT'E ° F°[JRT~,';~R STIdDY REQiI~ST~D City E~g~ne~r G~.~c~~ revie~ed gropo~~d. ta°~icl~ ro~.t~ ~~~~~~x? for t~.~ City of Ax~royo Grande, aFprov~l of ~ah~~h h.~d. be~n r~co~encl~d b}~ th~ Com~nissic~a~. In the ~illage area, the ~rs~.~~ f~ar tr~cks ~~~~n Bx~~~~Ya S~r~~t s~os~~.~ ts~ d.ow~ Ma,~on to Nelson Street and th.~n ov~r to T~affic Wa~ ta ~k~~ fre~~ag~, Mr, Gar~ia's report in.dicated th~x°~ h~d be~n c~bj~c~~ons r~is~d to th.e ~T~1~~n Str~~~ r~~xte. He did point out that th~ Cengral B~~in~ss Dis~r~c~ Zone dc~~~ extend so~.tk~erly to N~lson Streeta A petitic~n~ cox~ta~.~ai~g 7~ ~ig~atan~~~ 9 prot~sti~.g the tx°uele routing on ~ Nelsan and NEa.san S tr~~ts was al~o x°~c~ived.o Fr~nk+Bo~ch9 125 Nelson; M~s. Bonjour, 228 Se Ma.son; ~.nd Jo~ M~o~~ 200 IV~ls~arz, ~ere pres~nt and protes~ed the r~anting of trucks down Ma,~on to ~ny of the r~~id~n~i~.l ~rib~xtaries tow~~.rd. Traffic Way. The Co~anczl di~cus~ed t~~ aratt~r at ~eng~:~, g~.~~.ng v~.x~ia~~.s al~~rna~~ suggestions, such as routing trucks th~°u the Cit~ Ha~I p~.riz~ng lo~ to~aard Sl~o~t St~eee~ and up to Branch., and allo~,ring only Villag~ de1~.v~ry tru~lzs ~o u~~ either the parking lot throughway or Nelson S~reet r~u~ea ~ai~h al.l ~tYa~r~ st~~y~,ng on Branch Str~et. After CotanCil di.sCbxssiona it w~~ agr~~d tha~ fux~ther st~.dy of th.e matter was n~ces~axy. RESQ~. AD~PT - TW~°WAY LEF°T 'I'ZJJiL1V LANE O1~T ~RAND A~7~N[TE WEST OF ELM STREET T~~ Council ~evie~ed ~ recairunendatic~n f~o~ ~he Co~nission, sugg~sting that du~ to the adda~tional c~m~merc~al devele~pment c~n Gra~.d Av~ntne we~t of ETm Street, th.at a twomway 1ef~ turn 7Lane be stripped can Gr~,nd Aveaaue westerly from E1~ as far as possible. City Engimeer Garcia s~ated th~.t space only permits this two-cvay left turn lane to be p~.inted fx°om E1m St~ee~ w~sterly t~ J~nniper Street, ~n~il th~ full length of Grand Av~~~.e t~ the wes~erly Ca.ty L,ixnits is ir~prov~d. with c~zrbs, gutters and sidew~.l~s. Af~er Cc~~.ncil dis~~.ss~,on, Ci~g~ Atto~n~~ Shipsey r~ad tY~e ~itle of a resol~atic~n establisl~ing a t~o~way l~ft g~arn lan~ Grand Aven~e~ thereafter9 a mcstion w~~ mad~ by Councilman Sc~nl~gel, ~~~onded by Ca~~ancilman M~llis and unani° mously c~.rried, to dispense with. r~ading the bal~.nc~ of th.is resoltttion. RESOLUTION N0. 1120 ~ A RESflLUTION OF THE C I~°Y COUNC IL OF THE C I`TY~ OF ARROYQ GRANDE AidTH~RIZING ESTABLISHME~IT ~F A TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LANE ON GIZAND AVENUE BETWEEN E~M STREET Al'JD JUNIPER STREET, Qn motion of Cc~unci~.m~.n Millis9 s~conded by Councilman Spierling and on the fo3.lowing rs~ll call vote, to wit: AYE~: Co~ncil.a~en Spierling9 d.e L~on,.Schlegel, Mi11is and Mayor Talley N~ES: 1V~ne ABSEN`T: Non~ the foreg~ing R~so~~.t~,on was p~s~~d. ~.nci ~.dopt~d tl~is 27th dagr of August, 1974. R~SOLtS~ION ADOPT"IOL~ °~n100WAY TItAFFTG F~W ON C~ERRY AVE1ViTE , T1~~ Co~xncil ~°evi~~aed a repo~°t by City Er~gineer Garci~. r~co~nending that " wi~l~ th~ i~prov~men~ of Ck~~r~~ Ave~a~ae, ~~t t`sa~°w~.~ traffic x~aw b~ allo~a~d on the ree~rly pa~red ~nd wid.ened ~tre~t, H~ ~~por~~ci t~~t this z~at~~x° c~.~.~ot be received by the Pax°kz~.~ &'~raffic C~?i~~ic~n b~fore t~.e C~~nnc3.I's n~xt ~~eting, ~.nd tlxere- fore r~qa~e~t~d agprov~l of th.is z~~~oanna~nda~ion to al1~r~ citi~~ns to drive both ~,rays on th~ new s~ction of Cl~~rr~ Aver~u~~ b~~r~~n Facific Co~.st Railr~a~;~ Place and Traffic Way, c~ithout f~zrt~.~r dela3~, Aft~r Co~arec~.l discussion, City Attorney Sl~ips~3r read the titl~ of a re~ola~~~.~~ ~s~abli~h~~g ~rom~ray traffa.c flo~a on a City str~~t; tt~ereaft~r, a~dtion ~as a~ad~ b~ Co~nmcilm~.n Schleg~l9 seconcied by Co~nncxlm~,n de I~on an.d u~n~.n~~oa~sly c~rrf~ci9 to d~.spen~~ witka re~.din.g balance of this resol~ntion, RESO~U°~IO~ N~. 1.12T A RESOI,~TTI~N OF' THE CITX CQU~C~L OF T~E CITY 0~ ARR~Y(~ GRANDE AUTFiORI~IIVG T'~E ESTABLIST?~MEN~ 'OF 1i,db°WAY TRAFFIC FLAW ON A PORTION OF CHERRY AVENUE. 4a~ CITY COU~VCIL A~G~~T 27~ 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORDTIA PA~E ~ On an~stion o~ Co~anc~~i~r~ d~ L~~r~9 s~~~~d~d. b~ ~~~ncifl~nax~ Sp~,~.~1~~~ ~.~acl om ~he follo~in~ roY1 call ~r~~~~ ~o ~rit; AYES a Co~ncil~r~n S~~~riing9 I~~~~.~ 5~~.~~g~19 Mill~.~ ~.-~c~ M~~:~or Tall~y NOESe Non~ ABS~NT: I~~ne it~n~ foreg~~ng R~so~.nxtion 1V~. 112~ ~~.s g~.s~~d ~nd ~d~p~~d t~i~~ 27~~ d~~ of A~n~~st, 1974. RESOL. ADOI'T. ° SPECIF.~' ~LDG. P~R~MS~T S~S`TEM ADOP°~ED B~ CIT~ TO HUD - RE: ~`I~OD INS. City Engi~.~~r Garcia r~~i~v~~~. his r~por~ dated A~ng~s~ 1974 x°~gard.ing the Nati~n~.l Flmod Insurax~c~ ~rogr~~a ~pda~e, ~'~a~ Cour~~~.~ '~~.d pr~v~c~~nsly been concernecl abo~nt th.e ar~~s des~gnati~d a~ ~l~~d k~~.~~.~d. ar~~.s ~y tl~~ D~pax°txnent of Hou.sing an.d Urban D~v~lopa~c~n~9 ar~d Mr, Garcia no~a i~adicated t~s~t HUD ~rill probably adjus~ its maps ~ft~~° ~~~y h~v~ ~~~n ad~~~ted ~o gr~~~d. con~oursa th~.t in. the City's ~.pgl~cation for f~omd fr~~~~an~~ ~1~o~1d. ~.nd.icat~ t~a~t an~~e aceazr~.te ~naps are avail~ble fro~? the City9 and f~mall~~ ~~a~ ~ r~sol~.tion should be adopt~d insdicating ~h~~ Cit~es Buildf~,~ P~~art~.t 5;~~~~tn. Aft~r Coux~.ci~ disc~nssion9 City Attorn~y Sl~ips~y r~~.d th~ titYe of a~.~;~c~l~~~on ~~ecif~ir~g tY~e Ci~;y'~ Bt~ilding Permit Sy~te~n; ~1~~~eaft~~°9 ~~~ti~n ~a~ a~ad,~ b~r C~~ncila~~.n Schl~~el, ~~cond.ed by Co~.nci~a~n~.x~ Milli~ and v~n~.r~fano~as 7.~ c~.r~i~d. ~~o dispens~ with r~~.ding th:e balance of this ~esalution, 1tES0~UTI~~V NO> 1122 A R~SOI~UTIQN OF Ti~ CITY CO~CIL OF Td~~ CITY OF ARROYO GRAIV~E SPECI~YIN~ TT~E BUIb~DI1VG PERMI~' SIST~M WIiICH HAS BEE1V ADOl'TED WIT.'HI~V Z'~iE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE e On ~~tion of C~~ncil~~.n Spierling9 sec~nded by Counc~.].~an d~ Lean: and on the fo~Yo~aing ~~11 c~.ll vo~~9 1~o r~it: ~ AYES o C~~.nc3~i~n Sc~legel~ Millis A Sp~.~rlingp d~ I.eon and M~.yor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: 1~Imne the foregoing Re~o3.~nti~n w~.~ pa~sec~ and adopted ~his 27th. da~ of August, 1974. FLTRTHER DISCiJSSION RE. P~TRCHASE OF NEW STREET SWEEPEI2 Tfl~e C~~nnc~l x°~~i~~~d a d.~t~.il~d r~gox°t from City Enginec~r G~.rcia, regarding a t-c~o-;~~ar ~~a a~~~ns~~~.~~~ ~~M.~. Cr~niser II" s~ree~ sweeper which Yaas been offered to tl~e Ci~~ by Ga~ Wo~d°Los ~r~gel~~, A~. irc~pection of the ma.cl~in.e had been made by several of t~.~ City st~.ff ~rad p~ct~.r~~ t~.k.en of t~e ga~olin.~ powered, tour-wheel, tsaomengi~~ ve~iele ~~r~ ~s~.~s~~d by Cm~~czl. Tkbe Counc3.l discussed the matter at length$ ~enerally ~greeing tt~at ne~a bids sh~r~ld be called as outlin~d in the Council min~n~~s o~ A~g~n~~ 13~~9 and if t~.e bids rec~i~ed are u.nsatisfactory, then cantact ~a~ W~~d.-~~s Ang~les ta se~ if t~.~ M.B. Cx~is~r is stfll av~.ilable for possible p~~c~a~.~~. REPORT - REGEI~~ MEET~N~ OF ZOI~E 3 ADV~~OR~ COMI~ITTEE ° SPIERLING - ST[JDY SESS:9/30 C~u~nc~,lan~r~ Spi~x°I~ng ~ep~rt~d on th~ recent ane~ti~.g of the Zone 3 Advisory Coar~mitt~e9 ~.s fa7Ll.a~v~rs: Sc~~tk~ C~~n~.ty C~~a~m~.ti~s ~r~~.l sp~it n~or~ ~Y~an $32~000 profit fx~~n L~pez ~k~ Re~~~~~~.c~n~Y Are~ (Ad.minis~tr~~or Bu~ch i~.dicated that tk~e C~.ty°~ propor~:~ona~e share i~ ~~u~.l~.~ received. in t~.e form of an adjustment on its L,c~p~ z install.gn~nt p~g~m~n~) ~~h~.t a singl~ ~on~l~ reco~°d ~as set in July for gallons ~f ~aat~r p~oces~ed ~.t t~e L~pez T`re~.~n~~t p~~.n.~g and th~.t surplus water sh.ould be ~ffe~~d ~o ang~on~ w~.n~~.~g it: pro~id.ing costs ar~ n~t l~ss than t1~~ contx°actor is p~ying. T~.~ C~~nci1 r~i~~raG~d i.~~ co~.~~rn r~~arding the se1l~,ng of ss~rplus w~.t~~ ~r.~~ :1av ~rl~~t a~.tl~~~i~g~ a.~ d~~l~.x~~~. a~ s~x~°plu~. A ten~ative study sessian of the con~ract a~d bg~m1~~.~~ of Zon~ 3~a~~ ~~t for Sept~mb~r 30, 1974e Adminis~x~ator Btn~ch. w~~ direc~ed p~ep~re a x°~capi~unl~.ti~n of th~ Lop~~ Contract, C~ty's ~~.t~r u~e~ s~rpl~s9 e~tcoA f~r t~.~ C~a~ne~.YB~ r~~ie~so REPORT m PROJECTTO~T ~F C~,SF~ R~QUIRFNIEIVTS F~OR LOPEZ CQl~`TItE~CT FUNDTN~ - BUTCH A~ request~d bg~ ~1~~ Co^~x~~.il~ a re~or~ p~~~ar~d. b~? Ad~ninis~~a~c~r B~a~ch w~.s reviewed giving th~ ann~.al pro~ec~fon of c~.~h Yeq~air°eIln~nts for Lopez Cc~ntract funding for tY~~ next fiv~ yea~~. Aft~r r~vi~~ and ds,sc~xs~ian, t~~~ Cvuncil agreed with th~ Adan~.nistra~or.°s r~~co~~nd~.tion tl?~.t th~ present Lopez r~~~s rem~.in in effect at ~his time~ and. t~.at co~at~.aaa~~d ann.~nal stv~d;~ of th.is sub~ect b~ made. CITY COUIVCII, AU~UST 27~ 1974 ARR.OYO GRA1vD~, CALIFORNIA PAGE 8 ORDINANCE - REGU~,ATION OF PUBL,~C S~ERS & ESTA~. OF FEES & RATES ° 1ST READIN~ Tkae Co~ncil x°~vier~~d a s~.~~r~ r~ga~°d~.~g propos~d s~~r~r cardin~:nee regula- ting th~ ~.se of p~blic ~~w~rs and ~~t~.bl.is~.ing f~~s and r~~~s, ~rh~.ch ~na~t~r was studies ~hox°o~ghl3r b3~ th~ Co~~ancib ~t i~s Aa~g~n~~ 19th stnnd~ s~s~ion, After Council discu.s~ion, City A~torney Ships~y x°~~d, for i~s first r~ading9 t~.~ ti~le of an ordinan.e~ es~ablishing reg~xlat~~ra~ fo~° t1~e use of and fe~~ and r°ate~ fo~° public sewers; th~r~aft~r~ ~~~tion r,~a~ ~~d~ b~ C~~ncil~an Sc~al~gel, s~~o~.d~d b~ Go~.ncil- man Spi~rling and ~sn~ni~oausly car~ied~ t~ d~.spe~a~~ wii~~. reading the balar~c~ of this ordinane~. RECEIPT OF CITY NEWSLETTER ~OR SLTMMER 1974 T'~~ C~an~.cil receiv~d copies of th~ Y.a~~st Ne~slet~~r for the su~ner of 1974, whicka ~aas ~ailed to ~11 re~iden~s ~r~t~in th~ Cit~r, RECETPT OF RECRF.4TION WRAPUP ~ SEP'TEMBER 1973 TO AUGUST 1974 'The R~crea~ion Dep~.rtarsen~°~ Wrap~.p for Septemb~r~ 1973 to August, 1974, was received by t~.~ C~uncil, rev~.esa~d ~nd ord~x°ed. filed. CLAIMS~ OF CLARENCE L. MALLORY' & LARRY M.. GARI~ER AGATNST CITY - DENIED Or? motion Uf Councilm~n Schleg~l9 seco~ded b~ Cm~ancilman de L~~n and unanimo~xs ly c~rr~.ed ~ a c laim bg~ C lar~nc~ L. M~.11ory and. a c laisn bgr Larry M. Garner, ~.gainst tta~ City ~f A~x°oyo G~~.nd~, r~~r~ d~nied, as recoamnended by the City's insur~.nc~ c~.rri~ro ACCEPT DEEI3S FOR HAI,CYON ROAD P~tOPEItTY ACQUISITZON A~°eport fro3n Pa~blic W~r1~~ Di~~ctor And~rsoc~ was r~~rf~~~d, reco~nending t1~e a~cep~~nce of fo~r addit~~a~al deeds fmr acquisitioza of prop~rty on tt~e west side of Halcyon. Ro~.d, between Fair O~.k~ Avenue ~.nd Tflze Pi~.e, in conjunctfon with the Halcyon Ra~d widening pro~ect. ~u~nary for the Halcy~xn Road property ~.cq~.~,sitf~n is as ~oii~s : 0~'HER DEDUCT. SDWALKS, TOTAL PAYMEI~T TO . 1~TAME PROP , CONS ID e CONS ID. CUIZB & GUTTER PROPERTY OWNER M.Harloe Sc~ool 901 Fair 0aks $55000,00 -Oo $5,000.00 -0° (Acc~p~ii :7,/9/.7~. T, Will~.arn~ 903 Farroll Rd $1~030.00 $~00 $ 71.2080 $ 417.20 N. Brittain 106 W.Branch $1,030.00 $100 $ 719040 $ 410.60 J. White $1,172.00 903 Sand~.~~ro~d $Z,062.00 $1~0 $ -0~ L. Qua~°e~m~. 650 S.Halcyon $Y,522,00 °Om $ 900.00 $ 622.00 J, Harbi~~~. T"rad~ for City ~0- -0~. mp~ $ -0- Prop~rty(7/2~/A4)i $9,644.00 $310 $7A332,20 $2962~.80 Tl~e repor~ further indic~.~~d that Mr. James Whit~ 1ha~ req~.ested to install h~s oc~n s~.de~~.lk~. Mr. W~i~te was p~~sent and tYa~ Cou~cil granted hiIIn thirty (~Q) days, aft~r co~pletir~n ~f o~he~ constr~act~.~n, in ~ah~.c~. to install sidew~.lks o~ hi.s propcr~y ~'rontin~ on ~alcyon. Af~er Council discussion, on motion of Co~nncilanan Schlegel, s~~c~nded by Cs~uncil~~n Spierling and unanirnously carried, th.e ~olbowi~g de~ds w~r~ a~c~pt~do ~rant D~ed froan Norman L. and J~an A, Brittafn fc~r a portion o.f L~~ Y09 B~.~c1c 1, Trac~ 75; a Gx°ant De~d fro~n Thelma Me Wil~.faxn~ for a por~ion of Lc~~ 9~ Bloc~. 19 Trac~ No. 75; a Grant D~ed fram Lill~.an S. Q~aar~s~nas for ~ porti~n of Lots 6p 7A 8 a~d 9 in Block 5 of Beckett's Add.ition go Oc~ano; ~.~ad a. Grant D~~d froxn J~~a~s T. an.d T~'artcla M, Tnlhit~, for a por~ion of Lot 9, Block 29 Traet No. 759 fan t9~~ Citgr af Arrog~o Grande. 40~ CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 27, 1974 A12ROY0 GRANDE , CALIFORT7IE~ PAGE ' AU'I'~iORIZE C~tJNTY T0 COl~tTCT DOG CE~VSUS IN CT~ `T~.~ Council r~vi~,~~d a lett~r fr~rn A~si~t~.n~t Co~nt~ AdYninistr~tiv~ Officer Jam~s Do Sl~arpa ~eq~.e~~ing p~x~n~.ssi~a~ ~G~ ca~nd~nct door°tomd~~~ canv~.ss in t~.is Cigy as }~art of the C~a~nn~~°s Coa~pr~fl~ensi~r~ An~,~~.1 C~n~r~1 Pro~raan. Mre Sk~arp stresses that i~ t~ae ~v~ng t~~ C~ty d:~~s no~ e~.~e~ to ~m~~x° ~n~o an agr~~m~n~ witYt ~h.e C~~arn~~ f~°~ its .~~i~~l Control Pr~g~a~tp t~~t ~~.e City ~,s u~d~r no obliga° tian to p~~ th~ $700 ca~t far th~ on~~r,~~~1e ~.niznal c~n.su~ in ~hs~~ C~.t~. After Co~nncil cfliscus~i~n9 on m~t~~~ of Co~nnci~man de Leone ~~c~nd~d by Co~nncil~~n Spi~rling and txn~nitnnu~lgr c~.r~fed9 ~.t~~k~~~ri~~,tion tira~ giv~n to ~k~~ Co~.nty ~to cond~acti dog ~c~nsus in th~ City~ n,,~f-,~royo Grande9 as o~.tlined in ~he Gc~~nn~y°s let~er dated Au~nst ~7, 19 ,4,~.~.~~~~°" t1UTHORIZE ~~EI:UTIQ~TT-~F AGRE~ME~TT WIT~ I~AZ~GFORD, FOR ~YbJASNA PROP. c~ 1ST ~AYMENT Ad~~re~st~ator Butc~. advised t~.at a I~ea~~ Pa~.~°chase Agreement for tT~e prc~posed p~~k si~~ on Ht~~.sna Road ~as be~n pr~pared b;y the City Attorney~ and he r~quest~d C~s~nc~l authorization for the e~ecu.ti~n of s~.id a~xeem~~~G and first payment ta the I~~~ors. Af1t~r Co~.n.cil d.i~~us~ions on nic~tion of Cot~ncilman Millis, seconded bgr Go~zncil.inar~ Spierl~,ng and una.nimot~sly c~rried, t~ae Mayox a~.c7. C~~y Clerk were authea~iz~d ~o sign, 9n b~h~.l~ of t1~~ CiG~, a Lease P~.rchase Agreement between J. Douglas L~ngford, Mc~nro~ Felt~~ Jr.A anci Joh~. F. Mudge, Les~ox°s, and the CityA L~~~ee~ for proper~y on H~na~na Rdad proposed as a City parlc; and first payanent to th~ Ze~sors, in tt~~: ~gnount of $1$9550.009 uras ~.tatl~~rized. AU'I'HORIZE CITY TO DE~E~TD P/D 0~°FICFRS IN LAW ST~IT BY B~DDISON On a~otion of Coun~~lman Sc~l~g~1, second~d by Cotxn~ilYnan Spierling and ~.nanirnously carried, tl~~ Ci~y was ~u~horiz~d to d~f~nd Police Officers Edward H. Al1en and John R. T~~Ie~ra in th~ Jatn~s D. Biddison casea THANKS TO COUIVCIL RE ACTI~~7 TO S'~RIP GRAND AVEN[1E ° JACKSON Mx°s. E~,iz~.b~~~. J~.ckson, 20~ F~.ir Vi~~a Avenu~, thanked the Co~ncil for its action in au~~ic~~iz~.ng th.~ st~~ppi.ng of a po~tion of Grand Avenue to allow ~a~a°way left ~~xns. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Cc~aancilman Spierli~g, secaneled by Councilman Schleg~l and unanix~?ov.s ly c~rried 9 the m~eti~g ad j ourned ~.t 10 a 30 P. M. ATTEST:~~~ .,~A • .P~ \ CITY CLERK MAYOR