Minutes 1974-09-10 CI'I~ COU~CIL SEPTEMB~R 10, 1974 ARROYO GRANI9E, CALIF~RNIA Tl~e Ci~gr Ca~nncil met in r~g~,lax° sess~c~n ~ai~h M~yo~° Ta1~eg~ p~e~iding. Upon roYl call, C~a~r~cil M~mbers Sp~erizng, d~ L~on, S~l~leg~~ arid. Mi~,~.is report~d present, PLEDG~ OF AL~EGIAI~GE AND II~TIVOCATION Mayor Talley- 1~d the Pledge of A11~gi~.nc~ t~ o~;~ F°la~; ~nd i~rnn~diately thereafter, Counc~.lman Mi~l~s delivered t~e in~roc~~zono APPROVAI, OF MTNUTES The minutes of the x°egv.~~r m~~~ing ~f A~g~.~~ 27, 197/ , w~re approved as prepar~d, APPROVAL OF Tn1ARRA1~5TS On mot~.on mf Co~.ncila~an de Leon, ~econd.ed by C~a~ncgl~xan Spieriing and unanimously carried, General CnT~.rrants ~oo ~00 ~hrougl~ Nna ~25, in the ~atal amount of $86,533.60 and 1Vao 1935 ti~rough No. 1990, in t~e t~taY. a~n~nt of $12,Q84.55; and P~y~oll Wax~rants No, 2521 thro~.gh Noo 2h08, in tk?e t~tal amount of $23,410e66, were a.pprov~d and ord~r~d. paid.. RESOLS FROM SAlV'TA MARIA & MORRO BAY SUPP DTJAZ COIVTROL OF UNINCORP. AREAS Administr~.tor B~.tciz advis~~. that r~sol~tion copies have b~~n received from the Cities of Sant~. M~.ria and Morrn Bay, supportin,g the resoltatia~ previously pre3ented by San Ltais Ol~ispo urg~,ng legis lati.on providing for ciual city and county control of unincorporated areas sv.rrounding cities. Th~ Cauncil agreed to maintain its previous decisic~n to ref.er t1~is mat~~r to the County-Citie~ Area Planning Coorclinating Council, which ~aas n~t yet laad ~ me~tingo RESOLUTION F"ROM MODESTO URGING "NO" VO`TE ON PROPOSITI~N 17 TYze Coun~il reviewed copies of a letter, resolution ~.nd fact she~t from the City of Modesto ~.rging the Council to "take a positive p~sition against Proposition 17", which will be before voters on the November 5th ba.llote A"yes" vote on the proposition wov.ld stog construction of the New Me1o~~s Reservoi~° ProJect on the Stanislaus Riv~r in Stan~.sl~.us Cc~untym Afte~° Counc~l dis~vss~on, ii: w~.s generally agreed that the Council w~ould rio~ take a position on the matter as it does not directly affect this Gitym 7~ETTER OF APPRE~IATI~N RE NAMING Ok` "STROTHER COMMLT1eTI'I'~' PARK" - YANCEY Adminis~rat~r Butch re~.d ~ let~er from Mr~, G~ace S, Yancey, sister of the lat~ Newe11 Strather, expressing appreciation for the recognition given the Strotl~ers for accomplishm,ents th~y achieved on behalf of the City, by naming the new prop~sed park on H~.asna Road "Strother Cammunity Park" in honor of themo NO'TICE OF ~'UBZIC H.~ARING ° PROPOSED INCORPORATION OF OCEANO - 9/19/74 ' Th.e Co~xncil received notice of a public hearing on k~~ proposed incorpora- tion of Oce~.no, to be tield at th~ Co~.nty Co~artl~o~zs~ on September 19, 1974 at 9;00 AaM. ILEQU~ST FOR ItEP ~ AT NEXT' Ii~JMAN RELATI(31~TS CONII~4ISS ION MEETING - 9/11/ 74 A letter w~a~ read from Raul E~camillos Ch.airman of the Human Relations Commission of Sou~h San L~~~ Obisp~ Cotxnty, r~qu~sting t~.at a City representative attend ~he Comtnissic+yxas n.~xt rega~~a.r me~ting a~ the G~over City Hall on September 11, 1974 a~. 7:~0 P.M. Councilman de Leon indicated he ~rill atten~. to ascertain what typ~ of r~presentatian w~.s being req~.ested, as the City a~.re~dy has two r~gul~.r ~cep~~s~nt~.tives oxa tl~.~ Com~nission-°Nancy Davis and Raul Escamil3.o, REQUEST FOR CTTY ~ARTICIPATION IN AGRI PRESERVE PROGRAM ° DIXSON DICKENS & McCLANAHAN Administr~.to~° Butch read a l~tter signed by M~s. Wilma IDi~sson of Arroyo Grand.~, S~.ra Lee Dic~.ens of Lomit~,, and Ma.rxa.nna McClanaha~x of F~.llerton, reqv.esting City partic~.pation in tl~e Agricultural Pr~serve Program adopted and administer~d by the Countyo Administrator B~tch ~.dvised th~.t in r~sponse to his req~.~st fox~ information from the T,eague of Cal~.fornia Cities regarding this matter, he has recea.ved material indic~ting numero~.s cities in California have established this progx°am w~,thg~ thezr ci~t~ limits. Further information will be requested from tYaese ci~ies r~ga~d~.ng establishment af the prog~am and it is hoped that a full r~po~t an th~ matt~r will be a~*~ilable to the C~uneil for its n~x~ regular meeting. DEPARTMENTAL REPOR'~ FOR. TH~ MONTI~ OF AUGITST 1974 The Departmental Report far the month of August, 197+, was received by the Council, reviewed and order~d filed. 41~ CITY CQUI~TCIL S~PT~MBER 109 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFO~tNIA PAG~ 2 ' MUNI. CODE AMENDI~NT ° ORDII~.ANCE ADC~PT ° CC~R~~TT CA1V~mN AN1~~AATIO~T N0 2 City Attorney S~.ips~~ re~.d ~h~ t~.tl~ at ~.n ~s~dinar~~e ~.~riending t~e Maxnicipal Cc~de so as tn ann~~ certa~.~. prop~~~y ta ~h.e Ca,~3~ c~~' A~r~~o Gra~~ad~; thereafter, a motion was made by Ca~.ncrlman M~ll~.s, s~c~xa.d~~ by C~~xnc~~~an -Spi~x°li.ng and unani- mously carried, to di~pens~ wi~h reading the ba1~n~~ of ~his ord.inance. URDII~i~CE N0. 103 C .S . AN ORDINANCE ~,PPR~VING T~E AI~tEXA~'IOl~X 0~ C~RTAIN UNINHABITED TERRTTORY, DES~GNATED "GOR~i~'~~ CANYON ANNEXATIOIV N~. 2" ~0 THE CITY 0~' ARR05~~ GI~NDE. On motion. of Co~.ncil~an de Leon, s~cond~el by C~~x~.cil~nan Schlegel and on the following roll c~.1Z cote, tio r~ra~t: AYES. Councilm~n Spierling9 d~ L~on, Schlegel, M~.ll~s an~ Ma.yar Talley NOES: Non~ ABSENT: Nc~ne the foregoing Ordinance was p~.ssed and adopted. ~l~fs 1Qth clay of S~p~c:mber, 1974. NNNI. CODE ANIEND. ° ORD. ADOPT. ° REZONE 74-~3, "A" TO "RAB3". C~RBETT CANYON City Attorney SYaipsey re~d the title of an ordinance amen~ing ~he Municipal Code so a~ to re~one fro~n "A", Agric~altural Da~strict, "R~A-B~3", Residential- Agrictxltur~.l. District~ certain prUp~rty in t~ie City of Arre~r~ G~ancle, thereafter, a motio~ was made by Councilanan Millis, s~cnnded by Gc~unci~~nan de Leon and. unani- mously carried, to d.ispens~ with reading t~e balance of this ordinanc~. ~ItDI1~ANCE Nd. 104 C.S. AN ORD~INAI~CE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GR.~NI3E AMENDTNG A PORTION OF THE ZONII~G MAP OF THE CITY OF ARROYQ GRANDE REFERRED TO IN SECTION o302 OF TITLE 9, CI~PTER 4-0F TI~E MUNICIPAL CODE SO A5 TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ARR~YO GRANDE. On motion of C~uncilmarx Sp~erling, second.ed by Councilman ae Leon and on the following roll c~.ll v~ote, to wit: AYES: C~~ncilmen Schlegel, Mi11is, Spierling, de Leon and Mayor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinanc~ wa~ p~.ss~d and adopted this lOth day of September, 1974. PUBLIC HEARING - 1911 ACT fSHO1tT FORM) IMPROV, DIST, QN GRAIVD AVENUE - PROCEED Adaninistr~.ta~~ Bt~tcl~ r~viewed with t~.e Co~.ncil th~ areas on Grand Avenue, between Barnet~ Sitreet and th.e cu~st~rly City LiYnits, ~aithov:t concrete improvements (curbs9 gr~tt~rs ~~c~ ~id~~a~lks~e Upon being assured by Superintendent of Streets Anderson th.at all r~q~airem~n~s as p~ovided b~ law r~gard.ing notice and posting have been coanpl~~d ~aith, M~yor Talley d~clared the h~~ring open and ~.ll persons would no~r b~ 1~eard for or ~.~ainst th~ px°opos~d d~.stric~. Mrs. N~ncy Be11o, Z~47 Grand. Av~nu~; r~q~aested that l~~r praperty be omitted from the district for ~.t l~ast the n~~t six months, to ~llow ~~ttlement of t~.e Estate of V. Je Bello, k~er late husb~.nd, witho~t add.itional li~ns ag~.inst the estate. Col, Ben J~~ob~, 1136 Grand Av~na?e~ ~~qu~sted that the p~oposed 10 foot sideraalk width along his pr~p~rty b~ red~ced to 6 foot w~id~th, so that a hedge in the ~ight of way do~s not ~av~ ~o b~ torr~ ou.gA Frank Bai.ner, 1148 Grax~d Av~nue, expressed concern regarding the fate of two redraood tre~s in fron~ of his property. Public Works Director Anderson indicat~d that sid~~a~lks ~rill be cu~ved. around th.e t~e~:s so ~.s not to disturb themo It was noted, how~~er, that correction of any d~.~mage to th~ sidewalks caused by the trees' roots ir~ the f~ature will be the responsibility of the property owner of 1148 Grand Av~nu~. Florence B~nningsdorf was presen~ on b~half,of Jennie Burg, 414 Grand, and was told in response to ~er question, tfiat improvements woulrl include drive- way aprons and full sidewalks with no parkway. CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 10, 1974 ARROYQ GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 3 Tt~er~ being nc~ f~~°ther d~sc~n~~ion on. ~'~~i~ m~tt~r9 M~.g~or Tal~~~ cleclared the heax°ing clo~edd It was reported tha~ nc~ ~r~~~~n object~on~ to ~he iznprovemen~ dist~ict k~ad b~en receiv~d. In ans~a~x~ to C~~x~c~Y.~~~,n Mrll~s ° c~ax~stion, Director of Public Wox~lz~ And~rson explained t~.~.~ beca~as~ :~f °~A~~~~n~ r~.g~t ~f u;{~y th~ Citgr has, aidewalks on Grand Aven~x~ wrest af ~3~lcy~n ~.~i~~ L~~ 10 ~~r~t wid.e, and ~~.st of Halcyon Road th~~r will be onl.g~ 8 fe~t wid~. Th.e Coun~il discaa~sec~ ~~e ind~.~id~al conc~r~s ~~pre~s~a 1~~ Mrs. B~llo, Col. Jacobs and Mr. Bainer~ It was s~agg~~~~cl ~h~t perl~~.p~ ~e~ hedg~ ~ho~.ld b~ planted for Col. Jacobs; ~hat the B~11o ~state sho~zld not 1~~ c~d~.d~d ~ai~h this ass~ssment at thfs ~inne, and ~h.at ad~~.~tn~en~s in sid~wal~. ~~st~lT~~~ox~ should be made to leave the redwoods undisturb~d at 1Z48 Gran~ Ave~xue. Co~,nc~,~.~~az Schlegel ~e~t~.t~d his original position regarding t~i~ improvements.., After Counc~l dis~u~sion, a motion was made bgr Co~n~~.1~n.an Millis, ~econd~d by Councilma.n d.e Leox~ ar~d ~n~.nianous~y ca~x°ied., upk~olding ~~i~ ob~~ctic~n of Mrs. Nancy B~llo, 1147 G-r~nd Avenu~, tn inclusion of p~.x°c~l n~~nts~r 7~~~11°15 in the Grand Avenue Assessm~n~ District, Short Form Improv~ment Ac~ of 19~1. A rnot~c~n was m~.de by Ca~nci3in~.n de L€~on, s~con.d.ed b~ C~anncilman Schlegel and v.nanimausly carried, ov~x°r~xling t~~e objection of Col. B~n Jacobs, 1136 Grand Avenue9 r~garding the ~ridth ~f side~a~.lks to b~ ins~alled on G~rarsd A~r~n~e frontage af Parcel 1Vo. 77° 111,-07, in conjurcc~ion wzt1~ t~e Grand t~v~n~~ Assesstn~nt DLStrict, Short Form Improv~m~n~t Act of 1911. ORDINANCE ADOPT - IJSE OF PUBY~IC SEWERS & ES~[~BLISH FEES & RAT~S ° I~ELD QVER Aclministx°ator Butch r~quested and the Council ag~eed to h.old c~v~r the adop~ion of th~ o~rdinaxxc~ regul~ting tkae u~e af pv.blic se~re~s a.nd est~.blishing fees and ra~es, v.ntil t~.c next regul~~ me~ting of the City Co~xncil. RECEIPT OF LEGISLATIVE 13U~LLETINS - LEAGUE OF CALIF`ORNIA CITIES The Cd~ancil re~rietiaed ~h~ l~.t~st Legislativ~ Bulletz,n~ from th~ Z~ague of Californ~.a Ci~i~s, w~tY~ disctxssion on th.e following bill~, AB lb, P.E.R.S. - mandato~°y CH[P Fo~nul~.; AB 3~a(6, public employ~es9 ~ubjecting l~ca1 ~.rbitration procedures to State Arbitration Act; ~.nd. AB3925, ~rnmine~~ DoanainA ~.w~.rd of attarneys fee~. Th.~ Leagu~ recozmnend~d that cities send telegrams to Governor Regan urging his veto af th~ ~.for~mentioned bills~ T~~ Council directed Administrator B~.tch tca send tre Governor a t~legraan anrging the veto of AB3925, REPORT RE, MEETING QF SUBCOMMITTEE f7F PTSMO STATE BEACIi TECH PLA1~ COMMITTEE Mayor Tal.ley report~d that l~e and Councilgnan Sch.leg~l, Ch~irman of the Pismo State Beach Techn.ical Planning Commi~tee, h~.d me~ with. their counterparts from other sou~h co~.nty e~.tit~~s in a"subcoa~r?~.t~~~" meeting ~nd discussed caznping, closing of and additional acc~sses to t1~~ l~eac~ area. General corisensus at tkaat yne~ting was that nei~ther the beac~. o~° ang~ ramps to the beach be elosed9 that fr~e day u~~ of ~~.e b~aeh. corz~i~ues and t~.~t camping not be aYlowad on the wet port~on of ~l~e beach. Tl~is sa~bco~nnitt~e will me~t again on Fr.ida.y, Septemb~r 13, 1974 a~ Trader.° Nic~."s. I~ is f~lt 'tl~at if tta.~ Sotith County agencies r,~ork. toget~~r fo~° a c~ranon ax~c~ a~r~~~bl~ go~l, ~hey~ will be in a better position to be ~eard by~ t~~ Sta~~ I~~p~.rtmen~ of Parks and Reer~at~on~ REPORT ~'ROM FIRE CHIEF RE. DZSPOSITION OF '41 FTR~ TRUCK ~ DONATED TO CH1~M/COMM. T~e Council review~d a report from Fire Chief Marsalek giving r~cobmnenda° tions fa.r t~.~ disposi~~.on of the 1941. Fa.re tr~.clc, fnr whic~ ~here v,rill be no roorn a.~ the station ~,r~.en ~he new veT~icl~ arriv~s in the near fu.taxre, Adbninistrator Butch repor~ed he h~d ciiscu~s~d tl~e matt~r wzt1~ t~e Board of t~.e Arroyo Grande C~aamber of Cc~m~merce, w~ich l~ad ~h.~i~n gr~~t inter~st ~n obt~.ini~g tl~e vehicle for use in parad~s and special e~rents. Aft~r Ccsuncil discussian, on rnotion of Council- man Schl~~~l, sece~nd.~d by Co~.ncilman de I,~on and ~anan~mously ear~ied, it ~ras authorizecl that t}z~ City's 19~7_ ~~.~~rol~t Fi~e Er~girt~ ~~2 br~ ~urned over t~ the Arx°oyo Grand~ Chaanber of Com~?~rc~ with related liabilit~, m~int~~nance, and storage responsiUilitie~, ~.nd tl~~ s~ipuZation th~.t th~ vehici~ cannot be ~old. RECEIPT OF FINAT; ATJI~IT ° TR~,F~TC SAF~TY OFFICER GR~N`T The Co~neil rec~iveci, r~~ie~~d and o~dered ~~1~c9. a final ~.ud~~t report on ~he Traff~c Saf~ty Off~.c~~~;G~~.nt, ~&~ich groject has b~en complc~t~ca. and compl~tely funded, 4i3 CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 10, 1974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALZFORNIA PAGE 4 RECOMMENDATION FROM PARKS & RECREATI01~ COMMTSSI~3'1~` RE COU~TTY CORP YAIZD Tne Council received recomqnen.dation frs~m tF~e Parks ~ Recreation Co~nnission, that when the County reloc~.tes its Corpora~ion Y~.~d fro~n Whiteley, th~.t the property be made available ta the City and be consid~x°e~. fo~ n~ighbor~aodd park purposes, The Council discussed the matt~r, with a sugg~~~ic~n being rnac~e that perh~.ps the South County Senior Citizens may wisn to b~xild ~ c~:n.ter tl~er~e After Council dis- cussion, on motic~n of C~uncitm~n de ~eon, second~d b~r Co~nci~m~.n Spie~ling and u.nanimuvsly carried, t~e ma~t~r rrras ~~.b3ed un~il f~.rt1~~~ ixafo~~mati~or~ ~.s rec~ived, DISCUSSION RE PARK LAND ACQUISITION ° FAIR OAKS & W 0~' A G> CREEK - REVIEW 9/30/74 The Council revieqaed a recommend.ation f~am t~~ Pax°ks & R~creation Commission, that five or six ac~es of land be purc.~xased at $12,000 p~r ~.cre from a 20°acre parcel south of Fair 0aks Avenue and w~st of Arroyo Grand.e Creek, said land fronting the creek b~d.,and including t~e creek in the acr~age sa~ze, Th.e Council discussed the matter at le.ngth, and agreed tQ nav~ an ~.n°depth study of the matter at ~ts S~ptembex° 30, 197/+ study sessian, APPOINTMENT OF P& R COMM REP TO COMMfJNITY BUILDING COMMTTTEE - HUBBARD - On motian of Cov.ncilm~n Spierling, seconded by Go~anci~m~.n Millis and unani- mously carr~.ed, Parks & Re~r~ation Commission Chairman, W, A. 1°S~.or~~" Hubbard, was appointed as that Commission's representa~ive to the Com~munity B~a~ldi.ng Committee, as recommended by the Parks & Recr~atian Co~nission~ DEVEIAPMENT PLAN FOR SHORT STREET PARK A_REA - HELD OVER Ad~ninistx°ator Butch and City Engineer Garcia briefly revi~~ed a development plan d.evised and approved by trie Parks & Recreation Commissi~n and. Parking & Business Improvement Area Advisorg~ Board, for the Short Stre~t Park areaa A landscaped divider is proposed in the middle of Short Street between Branch and the park, which wi11 eliminate six parking spaceso Th~ ns~se of the island has been designed to allow a semi-truc~. with trailer to negoti~.~e the street from the alley or Ci~ty Hall parking lotu An in-depth study of th~ proposal and Council action was held ~ver~v~ntil review of it by th~ Downtown Merchan~s. NOTICE OF PUB. HEAR. - REZONE CASE 74-74."PC" TO "PM", CROWN HILL AREA: 9/24/74 Administrator Butch advised that a public h~aring has be~n set for September 24, 1974 at 8:00 P,M, on the recanmY?endation from ~he Plarining Ccnnunission to rezone a porti~n of prope~ty in B~ckett's Crown Hill Addition fram "~°C", Professianal Commercial District, to "P-M", Planned Industrial District4 PROGRESS REPORT - BRANCH STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT Public Works Director Anderson gave a pro~ress report on the Branch Street Reconstruction Project, stating that paving of the southern half of Branch is anticipated the week of September 23rd, and th~ught has been given to recon- structing and paving t~e nnrt~a half of Br~.nch Street to within two feet of the sid.ewalk, and then reconstructing the sidew~.lks, to allo~a parking on:the street sooner, ACCEPT DEEDS & ADOPT RESOL AUTHORIZING CONDFMNATION PROCEEDINGS - ELM ST PROJECT The Council reviewed a report and su~nary c~~ property negotiations regarding the So~th Elrn S~reet Iznprove~n~nt Project. Deeds to six of the fif~een propPrties necessary for right af way h.ave been received, with. sevem m~re probably negotiable by the ~nd of the week and the t~ro rebnaining ones th.~.t are quest~onablea Public Works Da.rector Anderson r~commended the acceptance of th.e deeds received and approval of payment off~red to the property nwner as outlin~d, and that condemna- tion proc~:edings be started on righ~s of way th~t cannot be obtained. Tlae Council ct.~ ~c:~x;,s~d th.e xr~atter, agreeing tha~ this proj~ct cannot be held up any longer and directing Public Wcarks Bi~ector And~rson to continu~ r~asonabl~ negotiations with property owners until the end of this week, aft~r which condemnatian proceedings will be initiated~ , F _ CITY COU1V'CIL S~PTEMBER 10, 1974 ARR,OYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PA~E 5 After Council discussion, ~n motian o~ Cc~a~n.cilxnan Schl~gel., second~d by Councilman Spierling and carYiedA the follow~n~ d~;~d.s wer~ accepted and property paym~nts approved: PROPERTY PAYMENT LESS GRANTOR PYMT~ OFFER IMPROVEMENTS Robert C, & Mildred A. Edgren~ Portion of I~t 52'of'Tract:Noa~10 $ 570Q00 $ 332.7~ Donna Oliveira Portion of Lot S1 of Tract No, 10 $1,080.Q0 $ 695.25 Lenore P. S~ruck Portion of Lot 49 in Tract No, 10 $ 700.00 $ 406.00 William E. & H~l~n T. Tamasini Portion of Lot 49 in Tract No. 10 $ 520,00 $ 199.10 Richard R. & Juanita Do Mulliner Portion of Lot 47 of Tract Noo 10 , ~$3,018.00 $2,1~0.50 Thelma Pond, aka Thelma G. See PoY'tion of Lot 4~6 of Tract No, 10 $1'428.00 $1a064.87 City Attorney S~.ipsey read the title of a resolution dir~c~ing the filing af condemnation action for street purposes of certain portions of property on South E1m Str~et; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Sch].~:gel, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, to disp~nse with reading the balance of this resolutian. RESC1LiTTION NOo 123 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, STATE QF CALIFORNIA, DIRECTING THE FILING'OF CONDEMNAT~ON ACTION FOR STREET PURPOSES. On motion of Councilman Spi.erling, seconded by Cnuncilman de Leon and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Cauncilmen Spierling, de Leon, Scrilegel, Millis and Ma.yor Talley NOES: Ndne ABSENT: None the f~regoing Resolution was passed and adopted this lOth day of September, 1974. REPORT m SEPTEMBER 4~~i MEETING OF COUNTY WATER RESOURCES ADVISORY COMM - DE LEON C~uncilman d~ Zeon reported on the Septeanber 4th meeting of the County Water Resou~ces Advisory Committee, stating t?~at Cli,n~ Milne had given a r~port on the Nacimiento t~Jater Projec~t, w~.ich will be on tl~e November ballot for voters. The Health Department h~,s o~~.g~ed th~ proj~ct. If it is not passed by vote~s, another way for fundfng the project will be sought. AUTHORI~~ CALL FOR BIDS - MISC CONCRETE'WORK IN CITY - BID OPENING• 10/17/74 ~~a~ Council reviewed and discussed a report'by City Enginesr Garcia, requesting authorization to call for bids for misc~llaneous concrete work in the City, as follows: v~.rious locations wh~re concrete cross gutters are needed; the budgeted curb and gutter installation at the Coa~an~nity Center along the frontage on Vernon Stre~t and at tl~~ City-owned property on the southeast corner of Elm Stre~t and Fair ~aks Avenu~ to permii: Ela~ Street widening; and improvement of the island.s bet~een. Poole and Nelson Str~et on Bridg~ St~ee~. Estimated costs of the foregoing i.anprovements is app~oxi.mately $18,000. After Cou~.cil discussion, a mQtian was made by Co~.ncilman d~ Leon, seconded by Cauncilma.n Spierling and unanimously carried, authorizing a ca.ll for bids for miscellaneotts concrete work in the Cityy `cI.S ~LA~.t11T~ed cLUOVey w~th bid open.ing set for Octobex 17, 1974 at 2 P.M. ,PROGRESS REPORT - SOUTH SAN ZUIS OBISP~O COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT The monthly report for Augixst, 1974 from the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District's Chief:Plant Operator was receiv~d by th~ Council, reviewed and ordered filed. ' i 415 CITY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 10, 197'~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 6 NOTICE RE DOG CENSUS BY COUNTY IN PROGRESS WITHIN CITY Administrator Butch advised tha.t the C~~.bn~y is now in th.e midst of its animal censtxs in th~ Citg~ of Arroyo Grand.e. CLAIM OF RANDALL Oa W00DARD AGAINST THE CITY m DENIEI} On motion of Councilma.n Schlegel, second~d. by C~txncil~anan d.e Leon and unanimously carrie:d, the claim of Randall 0. Wooda~°d. b~ Linda J. Anthony, against the Citiy, was denied as recos~nnended. by ~he Ci~~'s insu~ance carrier. REMINDER RE DISCLOSUR.E ~F ECONOMIC INTERESTS REPORT DUE TN SEPTEMBER 1974 Administrator Butch r~;mind~d Council Member~ ~hat they must file th~ Disclosure of Economic Interests Statement in Septemb~r°, if they had not already done so in April, 1974. REMINDER RE. MEETING OF DOWNTOWN GROUPS RE_ 2-HOUR,LTD. PARKING'QN BRANGH - 9/11/74 Administratnr Butch reminded the Council of the mee~ting scheduled for September ll, 1974 at 7:30 P.M, among the various downtow~n groups to discuss 2-hour limited parki,ng on Branch Street and parking lots in the village area. PERMISSION TO BE ABSENT FROM STATE - 10/8/74 T0 11/15'74 - SCHLEGEL On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, Cauncilman Schlegel was granted permission to be aut of the State of California from October 8, 1974 to November 15, 1974, as req~ested by Councilman Schlegel. REMINDER RE. MEXICL~NA FIESTA PARADE - 9/14/74 Mayor Ta11ey reminded Cou.ncilmen of the annual Union Civica Y Cul~ural Mexicana Fiesta Parade in Grover City on September 14, 1974, which the Councilmen had previously agreed to participate in. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Cauncilm~.n de Leon, seconded by Councilanan Mi11is and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. ATTES T : CITY CLERK MAYOR