Minutes 1974-11-13 ~39 CITY COUNCIT~ NQVEMBER 13, 1974 AR1t0Y0 GRAI~DE , C~T~T~'4RNT:A 7: 30 P. M. T~i~ City Cc~rancil m~~ ~e~Xa~e ~,dj~urned ~e~~i,~x~ ~i~~a M~~c~r T~lley presid3.ng. Upra~ ro11 ca11, Cacqc~c~.l Member~ Spicrlir~~, d~ L~an,, Mi111a and SchlegeJ. r~~ox~t€:d pre~~nt„ ~T.Fnr,~ OF AT~LE~I~,NCE ,~I ~ TNVQCA~T(~N M~~or Ta11,~y 1~d ~h~ Bl~d$e ~f All~g~.~n~~ tp a~a~r ~r~d imm~adiat~ly thereaft~~, ~~Y~r~,~fl~fi,l.rse~r~ ~:C~~,~,~ ~~.~,.i~~;~~~~, t;~s~ ~~°~~.{~~~~:~e~~1~ APPROVAL C~~" ~..>~a~. ` ° Apg~ca~~~~.~ t~i~~ ~~~c~,~~~ ~,c~w~~~~~r~~€~~, ~~t~,~~~~~~ sf O~~~b~~ 29, 1974, w~s ~~~1~ ra~~~ ~c~~~,~~1~~~ x~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~,r~~~ e~pi~~ ~~~n~ had ~ot b~~.xx ~~~~~~~~r~;~ 4~~ ~~a~ C~~~~c~:~~, ~y~~~; APPROVAL C~'~ Or~ ~~~~~~~;~n,~i:~, ~.~~~a~~~ ~~~~~r~~s~ ~~l~i~ ~~d u~~ni~~u~l~ v~~~~; ~ ~t~~ ~ x~~~ ~~~~~~~~x ~~4a a ~~2~ ~ ~~t~l amount ~~~q'~~~`?,a~~ ~~~~~~~t~ ~'g~ ~~6 ~fi~~ 22#6 throug~ ~ 2~~1~, ~~~~c~~~~~ r~~ ~ . ~ v~~~~~ ~~i~. A~~~~~~~~~ ~ ' ~ 0~ c~~ C~~i~~~~:~~~~r~ ~~~~~~~~~~~i~~ u~~nim~~~~~ ~~~:~~1~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~a ~ d~.~tric~~ ii p~~~~~~ t~~~,~~~ a~~~~~.~a~~~~ ~~.~t~~ K~ ~ir~~. ~Tsc~s~~~~ t~~ ~ ~ ~w~~w~ Ad~a~~~~~~~,~,~~ ~~~~e~ ~°~~r~~~r~~~1, ~~~t,~ ~r~t~~a~~.~ ~~~q~~~~ ~a ~11~~~~, ~ Inc. ~ d~~r~l~~~~~~ i;~r~ S~~ar~~~: ~t~~~.~~ ~t~~~a~ ~~x~~ ~ ~~~~~~i~ ~~~t~~e~ Agr~~ment b~ ~~~~~~~~c~ ~ ~~~~;t;~~~ ~:L~ a~r~~~~ ~?~c~~?~ b~nefit~~~ ~~,dn~ ci~~i~~~~~ ~~~~~~a~l; ~~~~~~~~~~c~~~~ ~a~ ~~t: requir~d c;esr~~~~ia~~~~~ w#~~~ ~~v~~~+~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~ ~~1:~~.~R~~~a'C~~~ ~~~~~~~y Shipa~y 7~~~p~~~d ~~~~~~i~~~~ ~~~~~r~~~ H~ C. ~lli~t~~ ~~r ~~,~~1,~, ~c~~~ ~i~~~~€~~~~~ ~~~i.~~~n~~~ present ~r~d ~~~~%~~°w~~ e~~ ~ ~~~~~i~~ i~ b~~.r~~ x'equ~st~d' ~~,~~~^~~:~~s,~ ~~i~ ~~~~~~~~~a bex~efits f~~rr~ ~~a~~ ~a~~~~~n~~~~ ~1~~~~:~ b~ benefaot~~a £i~~ ~~~~tt~a$Y,1. ~p~~'~tv~~;. M~. ~~~~,~+?~~;3 `~.7~~ t~t~~~l C~~~~,~ fie1~11~~iC Cr~~k, ~a~~ ~~~~~~~±,t~~ ~~,c~ ~i~~ ~~~.~~~~i~ ~~v~~~~~~~~~ ~~d draina~~ e~~~~~1,: r~~~~~:t ~~a~~~~~~~a~ v~~~~ Att~rn~y ~d~,~ ~,r~d t~~e ~~1~.~~~~~z ~~~~~~~~~s~~~~ ~c~~~~~~1 ~ moti~n ~r~~ C~~~~~~~+~°~~,~r~~~~ ~~~~~a~~~~ b~ u~ani~ncna~°L~ ~~~~i~~, ~~~~r~~~~ ~~~~l~~r~~~ fo~ all pr~~~,~~ ~~c~ ~~~~~~rt~ .)x~~~~t~~~~~ :~~~a~~~~, ~1~~r~~r~~ C~ni~~i~~a ~ ~~~~~~k~~ to th~ C~~~~i1 ~c~~~~ T~ t.~ ~~~~~~3,~:~~.~, ~~,~1~~' ~~~~~~ni~~~~ R~n~le b~id~~ ~~~,~~~c~~~ ~~~C th~.~ ~~tt~~ ~a~~~~ Pu~~zc _ ~ : °j" x~ ` ~ - .~Afi. ~fi.~~ Admi~~~~~~~~~ ~~~a,~~ ~~~~~~~c~ ~.~~~`t~:~~~ ~~~r~~~~~~~~ a~ . public h~~ri~~ ~~~p~,~~~~ ~~~'~1~~ ~~~~~~i which i~ ~ ~~d~~~~ ~~q~~:~°~~~~~~~~ ~~:a~ C~~ni~~i~~ had r~~or~~~~d~d ~~~+~~~~c~~ ~~~~r~ ~~~9rr: ~~~;r:-~~ ~y ~~:~y Campo ~h+~t ~1,~ ~~~~r~~~~a~ci~~~~~ ~~~t ~~ke~~ r~~~~, ~y~~° T~lley d~e1~~~~ r~~~~~ ~~~~:1~ th~ propoa~c~ 3~i,~~~r~i.~ ~~~a~~~~s~ ~a~ ~~~~°~~J, Ad~ni~~~~~~~~~ ~.~~~~~~~~~~~c~d ~~a~~~~ ~ ~~v~~~, firm ~a1~i~k~ p~~~~~~~, ~~~.~~3.~ ~r~~ C~~~~~~ ~~~~~c~~ a~~t~~ ~~~i~~, includin$ A~~~~~ ~ ~x~ r~ ~ ~~~~t~~r~ y ~t~ . ~T~t~,~~ ~~~~~t i~ d~tail, r~vi~~~r~~ ~s~~a~ ;~ci~R~~c~~~~~~,~~~~~t~~ ~~~r~ ~ , Tki~r~ b~~t~~ ~~~~'r~~3~° ~~f~~~~~~~~~~x ~'~~q~ ~~~~~~r ~~~~e ~~t~~~~ declar~d 1~~~r~:~~ ~~~~~c~ ~~a~~~,~p~.~ ~~:~~~~~~:~r~~~s ~~~p~~~ ~ ~ the t~tl~ ~ ~~~~~~.~i~~~~~ ~s~~~~~~~ir~~ ~~~~~~n~~~,~, ~~~~°~~~t~~~ ~ tn~~~i~~ wae mad~ by C~~ar~c::L~.~n~~ ~~~~J~~~~`l., ~~~~~~~e't ~~~~a~~~~~~~ ~~11i~ €~~d ~n~t~i~n~ra~l~a carri~d, ~o disp~~~~ ~~~~,c1~~~ fi~~~~,€~~~ r~~ ~k~;~~ ~~~~1~a~~~~~d .440 CITY COIJNCTL NC7VEM~~R ~3, 1974 ARROYq GItANLD~, CAT.TFURNTA PAGE 2 ~~scaz,uTr~oN N~, i1~~ A R~SL~I,~'~~~N C?~ THE CT~'Y COUNCI~, ~F TI~ C~~'Y C?'k% A~,~,C15~q Gt°2ANDE ADQP~~NG THE SEISMIC SAF~'~Y ~LE1~~T~ C~~' ARR~Y~? GRANbE C~TY GENEIi.AT, PLAN. U~ m,sa~:~,=,~r~ ca,f r~s.~~.~~~~,zn~~~, 1~~,~.~.~,a, ~~~,r~,,d~~, b;~ ~~.~r~~il~!~i~ 5~~.~;~l~,r~~ and az~ the follo~r~~~~ r ~.`y ~ar~ a,:~ xr°~fi~r~~, ~ ~ ;~r~ ; AYES: ~a~~~u~~~,~.r~j~z~ ~,r~.~:~~.~~~~~ e~~ 5c:::~~~,~;~~1s ~i~1~~ ~r~d M~3~or Tal.~,~~r NUE3 e ;~Cca~~,~; A~SE~'~: ~"ca~,~ , the foreg~~~,~ t~~P~~~;~~ ~~;~~ax-~ ~~~.ea~atY~~~ t;1~.~~ ~~t~~ N~~~~nb~r~ 197r'+, ~E~rER a~ ~,~r~ kr~~~ ~;r~~ ~r~~c~ A~zni~~~~~~t~~~ ~~~~~,~x x~~~ r~, ~~,°~~j~ ~~~~~~y~ r~°~~~~ C(~~~~~~~ Cc~m~re~p tka~,~1~~~~ ~.1F~~ ~c~~x~~:~,~- ~~~~t.~.r~~ t~~~ T~~~ t~~ C~~~~~~ ~a~a~ ~~c.,~~~~~,~~.~ APp~QV f ~ ~~R ~ A ~ ~ p _ ~~t~~,C~ ~h~ ~~~~~~-~,1, 1.~~:~~~ ~.9 ~'C~a~~~~g P~~eid~~~~ c~~ ~~f~ C;~°~~,~~,~; ~`h~~~~~~ ~~~~~E~~~ ~~~c~~~~~~~ ~a fro~t z~'~' ~;a~~: ~£~~~.3~~~~~zk,~ ~~,~~~.~,;f,~~j; ~s~~~~ ~~x~~~x~~~t ~A~~~~ a~~ Sh~~°~ St~~~~~ ~c~~= ~1..-~C~ ~a~ ~~~~a~ ~~~~n~~~ a~d ~~~~r~n~~~~ar~, c,~,3~,r~~~ ~~~~~i~~~; ~x~~=a~~~r;c~ f,~~ c=~??~!;~~~~~~~ ~~~r~~~~~~ buildic~$, s~~ ~r~ p.~~~~~~ae~z~, ~;a~~~ ~ce ~~,t°~ ~~,t~Q~l aa vnlunt~~~ v~~~,~,~ ~s~-A ~a~~c~~ ~~~,~~~~~c~ t~~€~~ ~~,000 ~~n~~t~~ t~l~~~~ from the $5 ~UC7U a.z~ ~'~c~~~~7, ~~v~~~,~~~ S`~~z~~,~~g~ ~~.~~r~~ w~~ t;~~~ C~~~ib~~'~ in r~m~ad~lir~~ ~~ze, ~~~.°;r~c;~~~~ c~~~~~~[;~~ t~r~~s~~~;~ ~~~.~a~ ~~1~ ~t~~~ld ~i~ ~~~tl~r to fi~ up, b~:~~~~~ ~~d~ ~x~~~r~~;m cy~ ~i,~~~1;~~,~ :~~~;3,~~b~,~+ ~o Cau~ai7,~a~;~~°~ ~~~a~~°~~a~~a~ ~~a~, Cc~~~ ~~,~~an~e€~t,° C~~zntx~~~~~ ~~~~~d ~'~~t on tk~~ build~o~~ v~~c~~~~.c~ ~~~f,~a r~;~ tw~a~ ~~~~;4;~~°~~, a~ t~~~ C~~~~~~ ~°~~~~v~d~ and f~r~t~~~ r~.~~~,~~r~ t~z~~+~ ~'~~l:t~ ~sv~aa~~~~ ~i~~r ~y i~ ~t~~ €tt~t~~~~ te~r do~in t~~ ~~~a~,~.e~~~.~ ~,~b~ ~~~~~~ie!~o Aft~~ ~~~~.~~a~~3,~r d~~z~~:+~~~,~~~~ ~ ~:ac~t~,s~:~, ~ar~~ ~~4~~~ Ccau~~i d~ ~~A~~, ~~ca~d~d by Coun~ilm~r~ 4~ ~~;~~~,tt~ar_~c~~~;~ c;~~~;~,~:~~ ~7~~~~~~~~n~ ~~~t ~~~~,i: p~~~ r~~ th~ buildiz~~ r~~ ~'~ax;a ~s~~,1~~~~~~~~ c~«x~ra~~ ~~~~~;~t a~~~ a~ca~~ S~~°~~~~ ~~~~a~ tc~ tlz~ Chamb~~ ~~~x~n~~~r~~;~; ~~,Q~~ ~~~~~a ~`~~~la'~~~ ~ti~~~~~~,~t~~~ ~~i~ ~~1~~~~~ of $3,OOQ ~~~~~AZ$ ~'~~,i~~,~x ~~~~~~~~~fl;~~ ~~~x~4r~~ ~"~ti~i~t~~ _ ~c,~~~ ~~n~~~~°~~~ b~ti~~,i~~. .LETTER ~'~~A.NI~~ ~T'~~1~~ " ~tT~, ~~/~/7 ~.~4. A. 1~~~~~.~ ~~e~~~~n t~;i°~~ ~~~~~r~s~~;~r~~ a°~~~, ~ha,~kl~~ Cca~~~~,~,Qt~~r~, ~ci~ .x~^;l,~q ~ax~~~x~~~ ~la~ D~~~~~~~~~~ Plane f~~ P~~~~ca ~ ~~~~~a: ~r~c1 ~-f~~~~~~~ ~~r~~;~ ~ s C~unciln~~~ S~t~~~~~n1 ~a~~~~~ 1~~ };r.~~~ ~~,6at~ ~~~a~~ ~~~~t ~la~~, ~~~~~~i~~r~; ~~c~~ ~~a~;t~~:a,~ ~r~~~ ~n~~~ ~a~n~~~~~~'~ ~°~~:~~~~d~~~~~~ hav~ b~~~ ~ v~~c~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~.~~~a,~ ~a~~~~€:~~ ~~~t ~ 1~~~ ~ p~blicat~,~r~ ~~~G:;, ~ ~~~~,~~-~.4, €a~ ~ox° Pisr~~ 5~~~~ ~~~~,c;~€ ~;~~„I,l, k~~ ~,,~x~, ~~7~. . ~,~~~.ov~ ~EZ~ ~~~a~~~~ ~.~~F~~~,~ : - ~ ~ a ~h~ Cc~u~~,~~, ~~~~a~,~~~r~~s~ ~ 1,~~~~~^ ~r~~a~s~ ~x~1~~~r~~ ~r~r~ ~1~~~~ ~~;a~~,~~,, 210 W~l~a~~ Str~~t, r~q~a~~ ~ ~a~.;iA~~~~~~~r;~~k~~ts ~K~ ~f~~:~e~ ~,~aa~a~~~ $~~2.90 ~~~i~~~ eacc~ee ~~,1,~,~~~ ~f~i~r~t '~1~ ~~a~~a~~e:~~~~ ~,~~~c~ ~1,~~~~~11~c~ ~~a~b, ~~~1~t~~ ~~d ~id~+tia~~k at th~i~ pi~ap~~°~~, t~E~~~ ~a~~~°r~ ~~,r~~~r~ ~x~c~~,~~~~cw~ ~~t~~ ~~at~~~~~ i~~ th~ exc~as c~s~~ n ~~~.z ~r~~°~~vi ~~~~~r~x ~ix°~~~~a~ Pt~~~~~ ~1~~1t~ A~~~rA~c~ wae rev~~w~d, r~k~f,~~~ z;~~~~ar,~~~c~~+~ ~~;,~~R~~~~~ ~~y~ ~~t~~ t1~~ e,~~t~°~~t~x, Wilva. A€t~~ Ce~~r~,~~~,:~, d;i.~~~~1~r~~a~~~ ~ ~r~~;:~~,~~ C~~~~il~t~ ~~c~r~~~d by Cou~~~.lma~~, ~p~,~~ 7~~.~a~ ~~~~~,~,a.~c;d,~~~.~ ~~~:r,~~.~~ ~ ~~~~~~~i~~,~~ C~ l~~t~~~ Silv~, cc~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~:k~ ~a~~~~ ~x~,c~, ~a~.~~~~~°~~:~. ~~,~~~~~1 ~~~d G],~dya Otau~i. ~t 210 T~~],n~~ ~r~~~~~~ ,~~~n~a,~~.~~ z~c~~ ~c~ ~492.00, ~r~~ ~~t~~ w~~°~ nece~sit~~~d ~r~~~~~ ~r~~~~:l,~;i,r~,~ ~I~~~~~.~a^~~~~n~~~~~,~~ ~~~~~~~~fi i~~~~n~t~`~n receiv~d frc~~ C~.~;~r ~~,~r~r~~~,sa~~, ,~~.~~~~1~.~~~ ~;~~~:~~a ~ RECEIPT OF" ST.~ G~II~f`l'~° . ,~''~a`~T ~ ` ° ~ ~ Th~ ~G~u~~,~i~, r~~~~:~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~,~,i:~.~~~, ~~+~~i~,~ ~t~i~ p~i~p~ Coun~y ,7~a1~ 7.~l4, ~~a~,~,~,~r,~d ~~c,s~ 9;~~~; ~~,X~ ~~a~~,~ ~bi~~~ C~~~~I~y ~'la~~~~r~~ Depa~°tm~~~. 44~ c~~ eo~rrtc~~ r~r~vEr~~R 13, i9~4 AR~o~o ~~aND~ , CAT~IF(~RNTA PAGE 3 CIA~M 0,~ 3ENDTIE ]3U'RG ~~ATNST T~TE C~,TY ~ D~NIED On n~otiar~ a€ Gau~acilr~a:t~ Schlegel, sec~nd~d by Ca~n~i~,xnan Millis. ~nd unani- t~aus~.~ c~r~fed, the cla3~? of .T~nnie Bu~°g ~g~inst th~ City fa~ g~er~onal injuries ~ttstained at ~h~ M€~hc~diafi C~~~trcla durin$ a S~n3.o~ Citiz~n~' ~Ltivity, w~s det~ied as rec~end~d b~r t~ae Ci~~'s insur~~.c~ c~r~riex. aEPARTMENTAti R.~POR ~H,~ I~~T`I~ EaCTA~EIt 1~ ~~;~~~~;•fi:YJ's~:;~t'"t;~r~. ~.~?~~.i~'t., t,~., : ~a~ Art.+`Aa, 'xL C~~,~~~:~<~~",~ ~,~~~~a ~'~8 ~'QC~~V~Cl by' the Cous~~it, r.~^~~~:~~~ ,~n,a c~~c~~:~~~ ~~~,~s.~, Cf}~1~TCIL~.~' M'IL~T~ ~~Gt,7~~~ ~~L~N~ ~t~'~~~7~~~ ~~~,~~R~ CTTTN~ A POSSIBZE CONFLIC'T ~?F' ~N`~~li~~~a ~ ~Tl~ 'T'~ ~~SC~~S~D NEXT. T~.~. T~ t.,~ " "`q,I~ ,~r ,~~~~.T,~'~ ~t?~~ L)~~, # 1~T WA.Y ~~~~~r~~~r S}~~~~~~ ~~~~~~r~~ ~~~r~~~~a~r~~~~ ~~~vi~i~r~s p~~aia~ ~r~ ur$a~4~ c~~d~~~~~~ ~~a~~~~i~.~~}~~~,r~r~,~ c~~ ~ k:~~.~:c~~~~ ~~€~~~tc~rita,~ Coxo~a d~l T~~r~ ~~3 ~t~t~~ W~y~, ~a~aa~~;,~ ~'~a~ ~~~,r~~~~~~~ ~ ~~;~;t,~~~ ~~vi~v~ ~ gr~pc~~d b~x~~.dic~~ '~z~i~~;~ ~~~u~,~~~3,~~ ~1~~.~ ~~~s~:, a~c~~,~~~~~~ t~~~ typ~ co~ld b~ ~f ~a~ ~f tl~~ p~ablte.. I~~ ~~~~~~s,~~ ~~a~~~ c~~y€~~~~~~~ ~r~~~`~E~ ~t~~ ~~~~~~~d ~~ai1~'~~$~ tl~~~~ ~ ~~~~~di~~~ b~~~ i~~u~d. l~ft~~ C~~a~~;;~1 r~~~~:~~~~~~~ ~~~~~d ~c~ ~b~~~~~^ ~t C~~ Co~netl' ~ ~nn~~a~~~~ ~~~~a~~a~~ ~ ~~~~3 ~~a~,~~ ~~~~~~d~~~o~~ f~oa~ t~~a~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~ ~~~~~i~~'~ p~b~ic hearir~~ ~~~;~n'~~~ ~~d~. kR~~N~l~t6'1RA~4v A~ld:kld~l.7.a~3 LS.;4Ah7~~:4'~~.! ~,4s ~~4.~~~ +F3e~-l.. f~~F~~'.2 4.'IAM~Y4~~~d 3:~e~~.~R. 7RQ~ ~ft"s9 i ~ ~ !I • R C~~.~ ~.~i~w:~y ~~~d ~,h~ ~i~~~ a~ ~~~i~~~~~ ~~~,di~g C~~ Municipal Code sc~ ~u ~a°~~~,~~ ~~~a~ ~~~~,t~ c~c:~~~n~,~~;d ~?~~o ~c~ G~~~ ~~~3.~~~~~d ~r~-~", c~rt~~.n property cc~z~i~~~az~c~s ~r~ ~t~catk~~~~~,~~~~ G~~y ~~~at~~~ ~ fi~~~~~t~~~°, ~ ~oti~~ wa~ made by Cr~~azac~~~,~~~: ~~~xZ~$~~, ~~c~~~~~e~ b,~ ~c~~~~~.~..~x~ ~~?~,~~1,~~~ ~nd ~~~c~3~nou~ly carrf~d, ~~~~~~x~~ w;~~kx ~~,~~r~~~ ~~~i~~~~~. . ' t~~,~x~',~~~ ~F~ ~i~' G~fiT~~ ~~~~A~~~~ ~~;~~'~~V ~'1~~~?~~~~~1~.'~~~ ~~~t~~~fi~~~ C~~ t~~' ~,c~'~~ G~.~~~ ~~i~~tT~~ '~t~ ~~?V~ : G'~A~ g~~~IA~ ~~~.5~ ~~T~ ~`t~.t;~~~'~~ G~?~~ ~~C"~~~~ ~~4.~20~. C?r~ ~i~~t~ra~: C~i~~~~z?~~ '~~~a~~ S~i~~~i~~ ~~d th~ fQ17.es~~.~~ ~~~1 ~e.~~~~ ~Y~S ~ C~~~a~.~l~~~a~; 5~~~~~1~~~~ ~~~~~k~~+~~ ~y~~ ~~~1~y H [~~~~xFa~~~z~.~ ~~;;~_~.~s?a ~~5~~'~; th~ ~~r~~ca~~~~ ~~~ft~~~,~~ ~;~~1~ ~~7~. C~~i~c:iy~.~~~ M~1~.~~ ~ t~~ h~ will vot~ ~~~r~~ t~~ ~~~.~~~~~c~~ ~~~~f~ fi~~~~~~~~ ~P~~~v~~ ~h~ prez~~i~$ ~3~ ~~~x~~~~a r~~x . cc~n~ ~r~~ r~~~ a. e ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~~~~~~o~ ~~;s~y A~~~r~~:~ ~'~i:~~~~ ~~d~~~~~~ ~~~di~~ t~~ ~r~ic~pa~ Cade ~Q ~,~,~~~c ~~~~~~~~~~r ~:9 t~~r~~~t~~, a mo~iAn ~n~d~ b~ Gca~~~~1a~~~r~ ~~~i~~~~~i;a ~~~~~~d~~ C~a~~~~t~~ ~~d +a~~~i- m~u~ ly c~~~ 1~c~ ~ ~r3,~~ ~k~,:~,~~~~,~ ~k~~,~ ~~d~~a~~c~. C~~~?1,~~~~~ ~'v~~;~ ~ ~ ; p t~~~~~~~1~~~ ~~~,~~,~~V`C~~~ `i,~~~ ~~e~~~k~~'~~~~~ c~~' ~~~~~~~fi ~~tr : ~:~'~E~ ~C~~t~:~,'~'~7~~~ P D~:~ ~"1~C~{~~ ' ~l ~Q. 1, ~s~~~'~~~7~V' `~ts G`i:'~,'~ ~i~`~ 4~ r~~~:~c~~~ ~c;a~~~~~~~~~~ 5~~~;~1,~~~~~ ~~~~~~~+~~c~ C~~z~~3.1~,~ d~ T~~~~ a~d o~ ~h~ f~1~~~i~.~ ~~~.1 ~~17, ~c~ ~v~.~; 4 C IT'Y' Cq~7lVt; T:~.~ ~'QVEP~.BER 13 , 19 7~ ARROYO GRANAE, CALIF'C)RNTA ~'AG~ 4 AY~S : Cc~uncilnn~n Spi~rlin~, d~ ~,eca~, 5~~3.~g~1, M~l~.~,s ~,r~d ~~ca~ ~'~~l~y NA~S : Nc~~.~ ABS~N~: Nc~n.~ ti~.e for~~o~ng C}r3ir~~rac~e ~a~~ p~s~~d ~r~d adc~g~~d 13~~ d~y c~f Nov~mb~r, 19'T4, Dzscuss~~~ ~ .°r ~~~e r!~~~c~?~.~r~,.~,vz.r~ . ~x ~c~r~~~..~~~.:n„~~x~v ~v~~t ~~,.~~,.~,s,~5~ ~.~,~25/74 ~I~~c,~: '1.~~"~~,~~j ;~c,~~s~=~t:~~:~ ,~~~.~3 ~,i:~.r> ~~,~zs.~k.~'.:~. ~~~:t~:~d ~o ~c~ld cav~~ di~~t~as3on Anim~l ~c~n~r47~. ~~;~a9~.~.r~~~~ h;~ ;:}~w~ G,?yA.;~t~;~ ~~~_w:~.:~. t:t~~; ~c~~n~~.l'a ~~~d~ e~~~~.a~ A~ Nov~~nb~~ r~~~~i.~.kA ~:~,i.~~~ o::~.~~~,,:~t;;~ A~d~ni~,~~tr~,~~~, .i~~~~ S'~~~~: wi11 b~ ~~~e~~<~.~k , $ - ~F~; ° q~~i~ L~~P'` ~~~?~~.T~ ~~t3'~~ ~ ~ . . a..~ , ~a,F,,;--- , e €,~2K:, ~:Lt.-~.~a Lr.1~ ~t~ ~~,~'G~~i1~~1~~. ~~A~~~~~4$ G~~~ .€~'~.ti~~x~~;~' ~a~~~ ~'t~~~.~~.p~1 ~c~~~ ~~aLs°~l;s~„~~~~.~,tl~~, ~~..~aa~<:~,~.Z,~~~a.~ ~=~:a~~, ~ r.t~s:l~ ~"Al~~~~ ~1~~~-~~ ~ ck~~€:~~~~~ t~~~ ~iF~c~~, ~~~1~~,~.,~~~.~..,~~z s,..~z~~:~,<~::~.F ~~~~~1~~~ ~Pi~~~~.1~.~4 ~~f~~ A~~ i~~~~?k~i~~ca~~~' c:~~s~.~.~~~ ~a~ s~~~t>.~~.t:~~: ~a:~E~~z (~~1~I;1~~~3'~~ 1~t1t ~~~~~~~4~~ ~:~~a ~ ~ ~ ~~:~~~j~~~ ~a~.~°~,~~. ~ c~~ ~.~:r~~a~ g~~~~~1 c~~ ~~i~~~~~~ t~~a~~ ~:~r~~.~c~ ~~:~~:~~~y~ p ~~~a~.~s~ ~ ~~$,~2~~~:~~&.1~~~ ~"t~~ ~~`.~°~..1~:~,~`~~~$a~~`~" S'l~± a~~~~~~,~ ~~~~~~~~t A~ a~~~c~l.;~.Ra~~ Cc~~~~?.c~ ~,~t,x~~ia c~r~ :~^~~z~A ~~-;a.,c,~~~~~:~~ ~a~ ~c~~~~~,~~~~ ~~d ~~~~;~~d:~~~ c-o~.1 ~~'I.:~ v~.~~r~, a~~, ~~r~.~; ~~~~p ~~~~~.c~~,~.1~~~~~ ~~~,~r~,;~`~~~~~ ~~s4x., i~~~. ~~@~~ ~~~i~~~ e ~;c,~~~ ~~~~~,~~~r~~~~5 ~~a~~ za~~~~~ ~~f}=,,r~~~ ~~y ~1~v~~~~~r ~~7~~ n=sCUS~~f~~~,~'t t~ a ~~c;~ e~~fi~~ ~ C~c~~~~a,~, a.°t~~r~,€~~~~c~. ~~~t,~~,~~<~,~~~, ~ ~~c~? ~i. 5~~~~~~~s~ ~~~ai~~~t of C~~?t~~l ~~~.f~,~°~~~~~~~,~. ~:~-~~~ul~~~;~,t3~ ~~;~~~~~>;~=~t;~.4i~ (~GCC), wh~~~ ~~~~s ~~~~c~~~~ i~ xhi~~ C~~~° ~~~`t~~.~~ '~'v ~~~j~±,~e~~. ~at,~~~LL.t~~ ~,~'t~~~~ ~~~v~~~ i~~~r~~~~A, ~ ~a~~ i~c~~~e~ ~~~~~.+~~~~~,~.;1, ry~~~~~~~~~f~, ~~~~~~i~~ ~~e~~~.~~tio~ char~~~ ~~~;~n ~~~~.~~R t.~~ ~~,c~,t~~~ r~~~ ,~x~~$~~,~ ~,r~ ~~1~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~e C~~~~~1 r~vi~v,r~d t~~a ~~~~~~~~~t~~ ~~~1~~~,~.~~.~~~.;;~~~~~~ u~~~~~~ ~~v~~~~~ 7~~~~~~ Nov~mb~~^ 1~~~~r ~~~~~~~4,~°~~ ~~,~a~~~~~~ ~~qu~~~. W. was pr~~~~~ ~~~~f~, ~j~;~~t~~*~~ac~ t:~a~ ~~~~;~~~.~,t; o# ~~~v~,~~ f;~ ~;1~£:3 ~°fti~~ ~;~a~~~:~~~1 ~~~~C~~ ~t l~r~~th, ~~~~~~~~.,j~~7. ~~~~~~y a~~ p~~~~et~~ ~~~~'~,~m ~~~~~i~ t~~ ~u~~h x°~~~~x~.,~~ ~~t, ~ ~~~4 ~y~~ ~'~~~~y, C~~~~~~~~~ ~~~1~~~1, k~fm~~l~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~r~~ }a~ i~~~~~~~ ~~~li~~~~~~ ~ ~urt~~~, ~~c.~ ~ ~~~~4~y~~ ~~r~~~ ~~~~jr:~~~~~~~~~:~~~ ~~i~ ~~~~~~1 ~~~€t r~~ula~ u~~~t~~~. MA~Q~ T~~7~~ ~~~~~ti~~ ~i~:l~~ ~h~ C~~~~~~,t~ ~~a~fr~~~z~~~~~*~~ ~k ~t~ ~ 1.~ ~ ~a~~~~~~ ~n ro11 ~~~1. , - G. , ,a~ „ ~ _ sE~~ ~~r~ . ~t~_~_ ~~r~~ - .~o Ad~i.~~~~~~~c~~: ~t~~~~a ~t~~ ~it~r 1~~~ b~~~ ~~~~~~.~~;~~~~;,~~~ip~~~~ af a 3tudy ~~~~a~ s~~~~.~ ~~w~ ~~i~~~~~~~~~:~~~~ '~y ~a~a~ C~~i~~~~i~ ~ whic~ ~~ud~ ~~~1, t~~ ~1~~ ~it~ ~~?c~ ~~~1~ b~~~~~~ ~~i~ C~ty futta~c~ bl~~k, °~~;~~a~~~~~ ax~~c~~~ 'F~°~~~~~~~~~ C ~i~~ ~~~~t~~ ~~~~p~ m~~~ ~,~t ~f i.9~4. ~ ~~s~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~tv~~ ~~~~t~ dgts~l~ t~~,~~~~~'~~~ ~~7~ ~.~0 AU~ ~ , a; ` 974 ~~ti~~~a ~€~t~~~r~~.°~~~,~ ~~a~~x~~,~~~, ~~~~nd~d by C~t~~e~~a~~ ~~o~ ~t?d ur~~ra~~~u~~~ ~~~~~~,,~g ~79 t~a~c~t~~'~ ~ov~mb~r 29~ ~~7~, ~a~~ ~~~i~n~t~d ~p~~ ~~~c~~~ 197G~ ~~~~~~~~~d b~ ~~'ix~.~ c~~~€ 4?~~ 44~ CITX COUI~GIL NOVEMBER ~.3, 1974 ARROYO GRA~ttDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 5 ~ Admiaietratar Butch brie~~.y? revie~v~d p~evipus Coua~cil d~,ecus~3on ~eg~~ding the propoeed txackZee~ ~ni~ir~~in ~pera~ian i.n thi~ Ci~y by l~r. W. 'l~y'~~~. The Council r~viemed aa i~nforma~io~al ~apa~t f~a~m M~'. 1~~~g ~~~d~~a proponer?ts of th~ atir?i-tr~in operet~,on, ~h~ch ~.n~1~td~d ~p~~i~ic~~ia~a o~ ~h~ vehicl~, iner~r~nc~ coverag~, p~~eon~t~~. and p~opo~~d rout~e ~nd ~~ap~. 1~~. l~~re and M~. ~~~d~.~x wa~~ ~x~~~~~G ~c~d ~~r~~v~x~~1 q~.~~~~:t~~~ ~h~ C~u~ci~. A~~~r Cour~eil diecus~i~s~~ t'h~a ~s~~~o~~ ~~i:~~~;~~~ ~~a~ ~~~~•`~Lr~~ ~~~d ~~~f~in C ~e~t~~ ite revi~w ~r~~ ~~c~a~~r~~~~3,ra~x~ +~~~~arn~,~~~ t~~~~~i~a~ a~ F~rid~y' ~~~r~b~~ 15, 1974 at 10.00 A~M. ~ €~~c~ ~h~ ~r~~~ ~~~u~~~~~ ~v~ ~h~ t~~~~ o~ ~~~pla~ ~n Ch~ City I~1~ p~,~~~.~~~ ~~,i~ ~~~~~t~$~ ~c~~~ ~1~n C~~?~~~i~~'~ ~~vin~ ~a~d inep~cti~~ by P~1~~~ G'~~L~~ C~~~~ ~~~d ~~~~?~~~~?~~~~i~~ f~~ ~~p~,~c~ni~~t Motor ~i~3~~~ 1a~ . pp p r'~ A 'C , ~p~t~ ~ ~-~~~~!a!~~ C+~r~~~~:31~ ~~a~r~~~~~ ~ ~r~~~~~ #~~~t~~~ ~~i~~~~ ~~~1~~ ` ~~~~~~~~t~~ ~tpp~ow~l ~ bu~~~~~d ~~~3~~'~ ~~~r~ ~m~t~~~ ~~,O~Q ~ e~ors~~ ~~~d ~~i~ ~1~~:~v A~~~~ C~~~~~~ ~t~~~~~~~~, moti~~ e~ C~~~x~~~,~~~ ~~11~.~~ ~~~~~c~~d~ Gr~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~s1~~~ ~~~~~~?~r~~~~ o~rrtnd, Co~~?~~~ ~i~~~~~~~ $8,000 ~ ~~i~ ~~~t~~. ~ ~ C~~r~~~~~~~ Ia~~~ ~~p~a~:j~~~ ~c~w~~~~~~ 6C~ ~e~~t~~~ ~Tat~r ~~~~~a~~~~ ~~a~ ~i~~ ~l~y ~~@ Gan~~+t1 ~:1,~~~~.~~: ~t ~t~~.~~~ ~~m~ ~t~~~~~~~~~ ~~~j~~~ b~ vot~r~ ~ ~~~c~~~~~t~~ ~~~c~ ~~~~~c~~~~~ ~~a ~~~~e~~. Alt~rr?~ti~~~ ~~~~~~~~~d+ r ~n~~~~~ ~~~a~sa; 2j bri~r~~ ~r~ ~r~~~~~ ~~a~ ~7.~i~~~t~ a~d 9~t~t~ ~~y~; ~~i~~ it back ~ca t~~~~ ~r~a~~~~ ~ ~1~~~~~;~~~~ ~~~e~~~ ~~ya ~i1~ cor~tra~~G~.~~ ~~~~~ie~ ~ C~~~~ ~~~L~~~~~~~~ D~p~~c~nio~~ ~~1~ ~~~a~~~~~~n thie m~?~t~~ ~nu~'~ ~r~~~~~ ~h~ ~~r~~ ~~~~~~i~~ ~~~~~ia~. It ia 1~~~~~ ~~~.w~~ ~~~~~:s~ v~~~~~ ~~a~~~. with tt~~ ~~k~~~~ ~X~~~~~~;a , - '~k°a~ C~ts~~~.~, ~~v~~r~~~ ~ ~~'c~~ ~~~~t Q~~~t~~e ~~~~~a ~~?d3~~~nd tha.t a11 ~~~~~r~~~~~~ 3,~ ~~3~~~ ~a~~~ ~~~1~~~~ C~~~? et~~?~~~~a, and ~~~~~~d~~ ~~~~~~~~a~~ ~,~C~~; G~~~~~~1 ~~~~~~e~~~, ~ ~~~i~~ ~t~~ ~n~~~ by C~ur~~~1~~~ti~, ~~~.~~~~r~,~, ~~~~n~~rl ~y ~~~~~~1~~~~ ~~~~~a~~~~y ~~~~~~d, aocnp~i~~ ~~s~ ~t~ip~~~~~~~~~ ~~8 ~'~~~s~~~1~ ~~i~~~~ s accop~ir~~ ~1~~ ~ ~~t~~a~ ~y~~~ ~~~a~ ~~e~~~a ~oY t~i~~~~~~~, ,~~P~ ` - ~ : ~1~~ C~~~~1 ~~~y-~~~~~~~~ ~~~~n~~~~~~ acc~~~~~~~ ~t~~~€~+~~ ~c~~ ~r~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~@~ t~ epit~a, ~~~~~i~ by C~~~i~~ ti~~~~:~~~~~~:~ c~~:~~~~dd ~~1~~~~~ ~~~~~~n~ and ~1~~ ~y~~; Accop~~~~~ ~~.~~e A ~x°~~~ ~1~~~d ~c~~,~~~ ~~~im~ i ~ of ~ot 7 '~~~~e'~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~u~ ~~~o~~~ C~~~~~ ~~~~~c~, ~~e~~ and ~a1e~ ~~t~~~~' ~~~r~~~~~ ~~~;F~~~~~~~~ ~~t~ "f~~~~~~i" ~a~ ~e? the C~rb~~~ ~~~~~~~y ~~~r~~~~a d~~~i~~ ~ ~0' ~~~d ri~h~ ~~y ~u~~~~~~ ~1~~~~ ~~~d ~ rr~~~i~~ ~~~i~'? ~ to ~eny ~c~ ~~~a~~~~~ ~c~~.~~~~~~~ A ~~~~t ~~e~ ~~~e~ ~ D~~~ Cha~1~~ ~l. ~ ~~~~a~ ~~i~r~~: D. ~ ~~~~y~ ~~~~~~1~$ ~ ~~~~f=~~? Lot ~06 ~~r~~~;~~ C~~:~~~ d~ d~ Ct~~~iea~l, x9~~~~~i~~ 3~n ~~a~,,~~~~~;~~~~~ 4~~~~~~~ ~~~p~~~y ~~a~~~e~~ac~y co~n~r o~ ~~,i~~~~~~ ~i~~ r~r~.~ A~~~~~~~~?~ ~~~e~ ~~~y reo~iv~d ~~~~~.~e,t~~~ d~l~~ :~~~~p~~o~ t~n ~~tp~~~t~a~~ Dia~~~~~; +a~d ~ ~9~~~~~ ~ ~~~d a~~~~~ pu~poa~d ~ bofi~i ~;~~~n ~e a~~:~r~ ~?~c~~~?~ ~~+t~ ~ ~.a~ 109 the 5~bdi~rri~~~~~ ~ C~~~+~~. da Pi~d~~, ~iet~~ ~~d ~~l.a~? ~n ~'t~+~ia~l' x~q~~a~~~~ ~.r~ ~~n~t~~~~~~~ ~ ,p1tt o~ ~'~a ~~d~ ~~~y~~~ Aoad n~~~ i.~~ i~~~~~~~~~~~.~;~ ~~t~~ ~~~~.~c~~,11~ ~r o# ~~~d~~~~~a ~q~' 443 cr~ coeTr~c~r~ rr~rr~~EZ~ 1974 AR.ROYp GR,.4.iVIl~ ~ CAI~TI=oR.N~,4. P~,~E F ~p1i~ ~~~~riz~~ k~~~z~ t~.~ c~c~n~t~~~i~r~ ~,nd d~~d~ing ~a~ ~t~ ~~t~n~i~r~ c?~ Av~n~~ ~~s~~~l~r of L~~],~~c~n ~.ca~.d ~.~tc~ ~ ~cu1.-d~~~ac ~r~d ~1~~ ~~~~~~~r~ A~ ~ or~~ f~a~ "d~ni~,l st~ipr~ a~c~~~ t~~ a~r~~l~~~l~ s~,d~ o~ F'~~r~ll Av~: ~~c~~r~~iQx~ ~~u ~~r~~~,~a~,t f~am th~ p~c~pc~~~c~ Wal~~t ~~~~~C T~r~~c~~ Subd~vis~o~ ~e~~~~~1~ ~f ~~.~~~all A~r~. E~t~r~~3oa. MQlv'THI~'Y REPC71~`T ~ p ~k~~,~~' ~~,~z~~ ~~a~~~~o~'~ r~~~~~~ A~~~~a~~, ~974, ~n~ S~~~h S~r~ Zui~ ~it~~,~~.~~ c~'~,t~,~~~~~~ K~a~.p,~e~~~~.,~~~, ~a~:~G~,~,~~~, ° s.t:c~~~r~d b;~ t~~ C~~~~~~la ~~u3~~?~d ~nd ~arci~~~~>~, ~ ~ r ¢ NQTIG~ T~'r ¢ 'k~,~~~.~ ~ _ ~-~r _ ~ ~ ~ ~:;_a~ ~ ~~~~~~.~~~T~ ~~;~n~~,~~ ~uf~ A~~~~~' Cou~~y^ ~`r~i,~p~: ~~~cp~;~~~~~.s~~~ ~.~~~,~,~;c~ #~~f~ ~~~~mb~~ ~i~~~ Mid~St~~~ ~~~~1~,~ t;~~~, ~1~~~~~~ ~~~;~~~~~~~.as,,~~~~,.~ ~~~a~~~~~~~ ~v~~~ ~~t~~d ~~~d ~ ~'.~~~1~~';Sg ~'~~-~~»~~.5~.~~~~,~~r~~, ~F~?~ c. ~ ~ z,.E,i~~~~ a ~ ~ ~ ~~d~~~ ~~74~ ~ ~a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~x .~~~~c.1~ ~c~~~~i<~ t;1~k~~ a~,~~~, € ~c~~~~ k~~~.,'~, ~t~;~3 ~~~~,~m`r~~~~ ~ ~ '~F`X ~~.~~~a`~~i ~~~~t~~ ~ ~~1~~~7~, '~~a~~ ~ ~~~,~~;~~~a~i ~~~~c~~a ~~~~~~~~:t~. ~t~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~r~~ ~._='~~~a~~ ~~E ~~~r~~~r~~~,~~~ r:~ ~ ~ . ~~~~~r ~i,~~a~~~~~~, ~~~x~~y~~ ~~~m c~~ 4~~~~~~~~3~~ ~~1~'~e Ft~R~ ~ ~ ~ . r ~~F4A~~~°C ~'I~~~ ~i~ ~€~~~A~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~~~~I~t' - ._~s .~,w ~ '~k~~~ ~~~,,~~s~ ~ r~ G~~~.~.~~ ~~~,~n ~~~e~~~ ~~~~~3~ ~'~~~~i~s~~ ~~~~~s~~, ~~~1~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~r~~~~~~~ ~~1~~~~~~ ~,s~~~~~~;~ ~~~~~~~.~~r~ ~~~f~,~~.~,~~~ ~~~~~~~~c~~~~ ~a~~~~~. ~~9~~~~~ s~~~ ~~1~.~~ ~t~~ ?;~~a~.~~,~~?~t~l ~~s~~~ ~ ~~l~~~l 9~ ~f~~+~~ ~i~~~~ rl~~ ~~~_~~~~~.t.~~ ~a~~~y~~~ ~~a~~~~~ ~1~~ ~~~.r,~4~,~~~ ~~~a~~:~~a:~r~~°t,~~~oa~ ~,~z~~~~ ~ Adv~~~~~ ~.r~~~=~~°~~;~, ~~~~~~ac~~;t,~.~~,~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~a~,~~~ Yr~ri~a~°x~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~c~~~~ : ~.~t~ ~'t~~ ~'~,Y~{~~p,~.~. w~~„~,~~~ 1 ~~fi, ~~~~$£~.~~~i~~ ~~~t~~p~~~ ~~e~~~ A~,nu~l Gk~~,~~~~,;~;~~',~ C;~~~~~~~,~aA~x~ ~E~~~~~~~ c~~~ D~~~~~~~~ 7~ 1974~ APPROV~ PR(~P~l~~Ll CN'1t~~`~~ I1~C'~~4T~t~r,(, r~TY Tt~~ ~d ~~~.n~ ~ ~ r.~, ~~~E~~~. ~ ~ ~,f~_~~ t ~~~7x ~ ~s~~i plann.ing ~D~.rector Gallop, ~ req~.~sti~.~ C~~,_r~c:~..~. x~:~~~.r~:~.3~; f.;t,~r~.~;t~zs~.~ ~.5..~;~~:ing in the City. He ~ indicated ~~i~ ~ t & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~sco~.raging decox~.tions , if dane i~~ ~ r~~~s a_4~~,. r vR .9~.~.x~.>. d, ~~r~~:~.,~~c$ ~r~s ag~e~d that lighted Ci~l~'~S tL~1~,S l~t`"~;:~".t 4;ea'~' ~.(.~~'t ~ Tyc;~'t}a~ C,7 ~:?Ga 'P'~ a C:.-:~. ~,'u.: ~~.i 't' u~~"!. ~,..~'i. ~ C~3~ 1S ~TIIa.S TY'e~ Is l~.nd and t~2.~ ~',~l.r']L~~P~~~~ °.f~'~:C~ .Prt%!~ ~i ~.:^::,E ;'~livel.' i~~<5, .:~1a.t}~ iiz:~~y,.bZ~r' c°~ L1C.'~7 ~,'~lY°]e3tI113S tree at the in~e~~:~r.~+ i.,~,.:~ ,~r ~y. ~~r,a ~~<e~ ~,rith limited hours of lighting. AUTHORIZE ~E;~ ~.X~,M:Pi.' }i=:.s~~La~~~-~rP~~ ~a~,~ ~~.'E?~,~ ~~~`~~~g~~~~v 7TH DA"Y ADVENTIST CHLJRCH ~ ~ mc,t-~t~~~ ~t~~~,~~, ~,riG, . ~ sa. iK~s~ 'I~y Cotancilrnan ~ Spi~rling and unanirnous l~r (',a"~.~"`1" q.4^-f~ ~ ,.~t v'?"~;+?P~l C'i~.~`r~r~ ~ r,Ji.~ar1"~l~y Adv~ntist Church WB.S grant~d a f~e ~xc~anp~ l~~a~~.~z~~~; 7;~~ztsr, t;r:> s.n3:~_~°.~i.~: rr$n.c,.,~ t-tcr,,~ busin~ss~s during the month of November, c~.~,~y~s.~,~,~~ c,~~ ti„r~~~,,.;~.~~, , x~ ,.,~~~°~~~al areas for donations, with~ funds to b~ `~xs~-`;~ ~~::r° n~~~~-;az°of.i.~;, ~;~~,i~ t r.:r;~~ -~.i..c1. DISCTJSSI~31~ RE x~~C~~i°:Lc" .~~[<.~'I~ ~'-G~~~ C~~f'~,~~;~ I~. RLTI~E Mr. 1~,a1~i~ k~t~.1~ , ~a~~r°~yr~~,,, ~r~~~~rst ~.~.d ci~ed o'~jections to ~~he questio~~ b~ing ~.~,ke:c1 c,:t' .r~~~:a~ci~r=_t~, c...~~~~~t~;t.:a.~3~ arrith the c~ns~s now being conduct~d in th€-: t"~.~~ra ~~~z~~;~~~~~~i c~rr. ta i,~•~ c~~.~I and t~lap?~one s~arvey he ma.de regarding t1~~ q~bk ~+.:i.c,ns, ~~r~~z~~f;~. r~ ~;~.~~:ci c~~~~~~r~ also object t~ the qu~stions, in partic~~l~.x~ tf1~ ;:Sr~.F ~,~,~:i,~~~ ~~~r,,,~~;.,~;,~a~~,az ~t~~~rdin~ the head of the house- hold's e~igloy~r~~r~~ z~.r.~~. ~.~~,S-~R~~~. ~z~, ~,~e~q ~t,,~~,~ discussed _at ~length ~among the Council ax~d. cai~:~ :Nt~~ o R.ff~~.r=, ~i~.~ G~.~_y ~t, ~as poi~ted out t1~at althoaxgh th.e name is ~°~~~z~~~~~ c4~s. t.~t~ ~:'~~q r~=<~.rr.t~, ~h~ ~~~t of the infoxmation is punched o~a.~ on t~l~~ ~;a ;,.r~c~ a~ ~,~a~~~:~~.~, ~;c>,~~i ~~~,ld b~ n.e~essary to decipher the inform~.Ga_o~. ~a~zr.l~.~~F~ti~ o~~ t~~?r~ c:~ c°,.~~ . ~?~ti c~.rds ~~e submitt~c~ tc~ S~.crar~~nto fo~° data cornpiZ~tic7n ~y c:=.-~~:~:,~a.~s~c~~9 ~.x.d ~~a~~ m~m~s completely disrega.rded. It was further po~.nt~d o~xt t~~,~ ~.nn~ of ~.1~~ c~ta~stions h~ve ta be ans~aex~ede After further dis~ti~ssi_or~9 tt.i~ ~~~~T~~,:~~ g~;n~~ally agr.~~d to 1~t tl~e cen~t~s prac~ed as planned in v~~.~~r c>~ t7:=F, zr.~:~.ri~~~,~~:~ ~.,'b~~cti~n~ r~cei~;~d ~i~ C~~.ncil:r~Qn an~. Gity staff, and in vie~r of tY~e o~;~c~r~a1~. ?~~.~:r.j.~;fits possibl~ t~ the Cit~ fx~oFn th~ compiled St'd.t1S°t1GS° e NOVEMBER 7.3 , 1974 4 4 J CITY COUNC~T~ PA~E 7 ARROXO GRANDE , CALT~"O~1~T?.P. ADJOURNMENT ' On m~~~~x~~a ~~~~~~~e~~n~~~a~~u~n~a~~~~i~~~~~~~M.~~~~1n3~30~P$M.~e~n unanimo~sly c , Novernb~r 1$, 1974. CQL~C~ ATTES'~, „ " - _ ~ ~ ~~QR _ G C; ~.~a'~.~ Ge~~x~.'~"" ~A~~~~~ 1~ ~ ~974 CI~ ~~~~~~~r.~, ~ r~A ~~!`~J~~ ~~~1~~~ y ~~~j,~r~i~~K'~Vi6~~,.~ . Gs~~xxx~;.:~.T. x~~a;;~ A.e~~~~~.~~~° ~~c~.i~~~~~;~i~~;~, =~~a;~~e~~~ ~~~1~~ p~°~~~,~:t~~~~~ l~~c.,~~ ~a.~.~~.~~~ ~~A~~~~~.i.~ ~t;3x.~'~~~~~;a ~~~~,~Y~t,~ ~~~a~a Sc~tl.~~~;~, ,~€;;s~.a~~;r~~~, ~~,~:~~~:~~~;R ~ ('~~f~~~~ ~ ~ R F ~,~,~1'~~~~ ~ "3 ~ ° t, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ez ~~~~~:~i~~n~~ ~~i~s~li~~ ~ ~~n~~`~c~+~~ C~a~ta~ ~,,,n~~~i ~ t ~ ~ tl'~l~tl~.~~~'~~,~ ~~P e; ~t~ ~ t,l;it' ~ ~ l ~k~. ~`~,~~f9 ~ n a~ i,~.~~z~~~,~~ a s~'~t 4~~~ 8Y1~ ~~'T1.~:~ ~1.,~-;~'~ ~~.~~:1.F_,~ ~`~~~~tS.~?~~ t4~c.; 1,:;~,3n}"e ~~r~,.z ~~it.'~Faf~ ~~'~3 ~~~~1~~1~~~ ~d~ Ci~k~r A.~'~<»a~,~;~ W ~ ~;tnrfir~ n~ P~fia~~ G~`rI~S ~ '~~~,~`i~,,~{~N ~,~~1~ ,~1 .,,3~"`.~~ I`~~,~~!~C~~~.~`M~ ~`~_,~)~,t~.~Rt~ tt~~P`~ ,~i ~ , ~ A~, „ t~~ ~,~a~t1~ ~~a ~u ~a t , C~lifa~~xi~.~(~~'1;:I.~~ x~~~~.~°c~~~,~~~ ~,~~y~~~ :~~;,A,~~ c~~ t~i~ ~~tt~~i~y L~~~1~~~ e~,i.~t~ ~:,~li~, ~+~~t~~1tL~,~`~° ~dn''~~y.~.t3~?,?~.L~,4: .'a~-~~i:i*,:: ~T~k~t3,i;~ ~~tn'f~~3 ~.,~,a,`K,.'~~+`G,~,~ 6d~i~~,l. 1~,.+.9~'~~.~~!„4~x* •~i~~'a~,r~'y~~~ 4i~~~~~~*lYEFb~p6~ ~.eb4i~ b~~ ~Coun~~,3.a ~ ss~~~~,~ 't~~ ~~~~~,~~~1~a,~r~ ~r~a~~r~~~.~~~~ .~~~~~~~d ~y~ C~~~~~~~~~ Milli~ ~r.a~~, ~~~c~~.~~t34~~.x~,~~,~ c,~~,~~':~,~;~~~ ~~~~i,~s~.~a; ~,M~~ ~~.e~ i,~~~ a~t;`~~, C~l~~~~~i~ Ci~~~~ ~a It]~~C~ ~3~`~t^it~,~' ~,T;t k'e~`- C}~.$~~~.,~,`~e~~a~, ~y~~' ~aP-~~.~tl~~, • 8~ ~ ~ Q~~ ~ca~~~?n ~~~~,~ax~,~'.~.3xs~,~fi ~~~~c~~,,~ ~.~;~,~,,b.~,~a~ ~-r~~ t~~,~~~~~~~~ _ ~ ~ ~ a ~e,.~a~ "3 ~ t~~~i~ 7:~0 g~ ~ unani~n~'~~~;~ ~~,~;~;~,~~F~,~ ~ W~d~,~~~~.~~ ~ir~~~~r~~`~,~~t.~ ;~.~7~R~q t~~ a~ .:4r~.~y.~~.~ i$lE,~~rt,~~~ ~~~~'~~~i~~ C o~ni~ ~ ~.c;~,~,. . l E ~ R_~..R ~,~-~.~~s,.~ ~TT~S~ , r r . ~ s qqry~F~/`,~xyy~}}~~p ~ mv~~ -,.~e~T* ~ . 2'~StH*! . ~ ~ ~,#~'~~~,~~~l. i~ ~''~,~a~'~~ ~ ~