Minutes 1974-11-25 ~ 44~ ~ NOVEMBER 25, 1974 CITY GOUNCIL 7:30 P.M. ARR.OYO GRANDE , CAL~FO~tNIA The City Council met in regular ad~ourned session with Mayor Ta11ey presiding. Upon roll ca11,.Council Members Spierling, de Leon, Millis and Schlegel reported preaent. I CZTSSION DIR~~TION & GOALS OF THE SO S L 0 CO HUMAN RELA~TONS COI~SISSION The City's representative to the South,3an Luis Obispo County Human Relations Commnission was present and reviewed past aecomplishments ot the mn Commission; wl~at it is doing now; and requested direction from the Council or future goals. The Council disaussed the matter at length, expressing support and approval of the com~aiasion's purpose, and urging community iavolvement in the comani~sion. Tkse by-],aws of the comm~?isaion were reviewed, , and it was suggeated that the by-laws give direction.as to the powers and duties of the commisaion. The Council thanked Mrs..Davie for coming and asked tlaat eMe and Raul Eacamillo, the City's other repree~entative, continue to keep the Gouncil apprised of ita progrees. PRESE TATION RE ANIMAL CON ~L SERVICLS BY COLiNTY - AS3T ADM OFF?GER SHA~ James Sharp and Ruseell Powe11 of the County.,~,uminiezrazivn Offtce were present and reviewed,a propoaed agreement between the City and Cou~nty for an animal control progxam administered by the Caunty. General discuasion followed regarding licensing of dogs and the number of animala in the City, based on the census by the County (estimated at 1500). .Discussion was also held regarding the billing system, which will go into effect by January l, 19.75. It was pointed out that the principle of the program is that it should be self- supporting. General discussion continued regard3ng the proposed dog liaensing rates of $l0~for unneutered dogs and $5 for neutered dogs. .A meeting with.all cities will be held in the near future, to discuss the draft agreement. The Council thanked Mr.,Sharp and Mr.,Powe11 for their presentation and discussion. FiJRTHER DISCUSSION - COUNTY~WIDE SOLID WAS~E STUDY While Mr. Sharp and Mr. Powell were sti11 in.attendance, the Council inquired as to costs to each city of the Solid Waste Program study presently being made by the County. Mr..Powe11 reported that the County Board of Super- vieors had authorized funds for the study because it had felt as this ia a county-wfide program, General Funds and Revenue Shari.ng shoul~ be uaed. Deputy County°Engineers C1int Milne and Ward Phelps were present and discussed with the Council a suggeated plan to sell surplus water from Lopez. Discussion continued regarding the question of the size of Lopez lines, and if water is s.old on a yearly basis, would the water have to be made av~ilable in perpetuity, to which Mr.'Milne replied in the negative. The Council aeked Mr. Milne if the county could make a study on the priae of surplue water and also if there is any information on yearly sale of water. The City Counci~. expreeeed ite thanks to Mr. Milne and Mr. Phelps. - ~gg~~TATrn~ RE PURCHASE ~ATA ,~flnnsaeeTUr+ ~AiTTPT ~ FINA~'•F DTR ROSENGRLN A report was preeented to the Counc~l by Finance Direcfior Rosengren regarding the feasibility of purchasing a~ta Processing Mini Computer vexeue the present service bureau. The preaent system ia good, but does nat have the growth or flexibilitq necessary. A great deal of diecussion eneued by the Counci and review of needs by the Finance Director for the need. No additional staff ie necessary and space is available. It waa suggeated that a tour of the City of Morro Bay's mini computer be arranged for the Council's review. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. ~`l'I. < ~ ATTES T: ~y~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYOR