Minutes 1974-11-26 F~; 4 4'~ _ ~ _ CITY COUNCIL NQVEMBER 26, 1~74 ARROYQ GRANDE,.CA3.iFORNIA: Tt~e City Council met''in r~gular ~e~sion .~#t~ M+~~'o~ T~ll~y;~ ; pre~idit~g: '~Jpon roll cal~, Council Members Spierling, d~ Leon, Millis and SchlegeT reported present. ' ` , PI~DGE OF ALLEGLANGE AND TNVOGAT'~ON Mayor Talley led th~ Pledge of All~giar?ce to our Flag; and immediately tkareafter, Councilman Millia delive~~d th~ inva~a~io~,. APay~L QF MINfFTE4. AS C RRECTED An motion of Co~tncilman da L~~ao~?, second~d b~€ Cauz~~iia~ar? 8~pi,e~~~Mg +~~d ur~ani~n?QU~ ly c~~x~ied, th~ m~~nu~~sn o~ ~h~ r+~gul~r xa~s~i~~n~ af Q~tabar ~A, 197Q, app~cv~d o~~,th a corr'ct3on aa fQ~9~ov~t on F~?~~ ~p fc?.l~owin~ ~l~e ~#,x~~ p+~~+?~~~?ph whi~h ccn~l,ud'~ di~~u~+~ipn af a buildi~~ k~e~.~ht l~,mi~+~t~,~~a royu~+~~ Qz~ Qo~o~,~; d~l ~r~c~~ ~h~ fo~;~,e~e~n~ ~s to h~ inaM~~~d~: "Gta~~a~.~t?ar~ M~,11i~ ~+~u~nad h~,+~ p1a~~ a~ ~h. Couc?ci~l T~b~.''~. T~~ mi~u?~~s ~r~~ul+~~ ~,d~QU~r~~d m~~~i~~~ Q# Nowgrnb~~r ~3~ and ~8: 197Q' v»~'i +~PP7~Qwd a• p~a~~ ~id. , ; Qr~ ract~~~ o~ Co~~ai.~m~?~ Sp~~~~~,n~, •~4ond~d by Cc~u~?o~~t~ d~r ~,e~oe~ +~~d u~~~f,~a~u~~,y :ai~~~~,~d, Faya~ol~ Wa~x+?~~~ No, ~~8~ ~h~ou~h NQ. ~447, ~,~n ~h~ ~a~~l amcu~nt o~ ~~~,'~~~w~~i ~~nd Q*n~~~?1 W~xa~an~a Na~, ~~Q~ ~k~~ou;h'Na. ~~~8, ~1~~ ~0~~1 amou~~ o# ~~,Q8,~17.93 (~,~a~,ud3,~ ~ ~~~:,~94.a9 p~?ym~~~ ~n ~~.a a~? 8~x~~~ Bro~wc~,, ~r~ app~ovad'aad o~d~rad p~id. . M~?yox T~li~y ~leac~mmd higla ~~I~o~1 ~~~ad~n~• i~? a~~~~dar~~~~ ~~4 ~r~ r~o~~tly '1~atad ~o ~i~y Qov~~zua4~n~ caur~~~r~pt~c~ po~~~ia~~ ~ i~t~ pxapax+~t~.ot~ Fa~ ~k~~ YQU~h ~r~ Government Day plaaned on Da~~mher 17, 1974. -s~, ! Adminia~ratox 8utch advised th~t the Ci~y h~~ re~caivad t~e Dapart~a~nt of Transporta~ian'a Newal~tter for ~~.atrict 5, which indicates tk~t the anly major work proposed in this area is the resurfaci.ng of Highway 101 fram the Santa Barbar~ County Line to the Los 8s~'ros undercroeaing. REG~TPiT,, OF ?~F~T'~ FROM 0~'FIC~,'OF TRA~,'TC SAFETY RE TRAFFIC SAFETY AWARENES3 PROG. The Gouncil r~v3:ewed copies o$ ~ leCtex from the State•Office of Traffic Safety,:c~u~lining Phase I of its 1974~7~ Traff~.c Safety Awaxenea~ Pragram, which emphasizes the drinking driver proble~m for Novetnb~r and Dece~nbe~. cT ~ rM oF ELIZAHETI~ AND BE~,~'A$,jl-.~+AZI~J~4~~T~.S~Y i r~~~. On motion of Counci~n Schlegel, eecoaded l~y Councilman de ~eon and unanimously ca~ried, the claim again~ti ~he Cftg af Elizabeth and Berr?ard Landaman for peraonal 3.til~uries and proper~y;d+~m~ge was c~enied; as reco~tended by the Gity's inaurance carrier. DEGT eg~ ~ T TV ~tQITTPT AS SURPx TTS , AND AUTHORIZI~ StTRPI ~ S SALS - 121 },4/ 74 Admi.n~.st~~tor Butch re~uested the Council to dec,~.are ee~t~in non-ueed items as surpius and authorixe ~ sale of them. He exp:lained the l~.et o~ itema, including twa;palice vehiclee and offiee equipment~,, has not ye~ b~en campleted, but should be.available to the Council bq ita December lOth meeting. After Council diacuasion, a motion w~a made bq Counci.laman Sp~.erling, seconded bq Councilman Mi1,~.is and ca~ried, d~claring cexta~.n ~#.ty~-owned items e~s surplus and authorizing a~urplus sale to be held at the Citg's Corgoratian Yard on 8aturday, December 14, ~.974 b,e~ween 9:OQ A.M.`snd 11:00 A.M., with minimtmd bids to be established c~~ a1L; i~ems. R~~13TpT OF ; ~ATIVE P~,N FOR ffi~RGE~GY__9~1 SY~'?~,'~"~M The ~ca~~t,cil reviewed cc~pies of a tentative plan far Bmergency 911 Sqetem, which was pre~~e~~ed to the Countq Baard of Supexvi.sors and<m~st be filed by January 31, 1975. :State legis~.ation has mandated'tt~at the plan be ~.mplemented by 1985. - ~LIRTHBR.,'3fISCUSSION RE. CCCC REQUEST F0~ CAB~I~E_ TV RATB INCREASB -~I,D OV~It Ac~ministrator Butch requested and t'he CQUncil agreed to ho~d over this iti~ until more in~ormation is received fram Cnntral California Cc~mmnuaicatioas Ca~cp~ratiox~, pursuant to a meeting held wfth ~eprssentatives:af the~Citq aad Cable TV and i:'~ ~s :determinesl that expenditure and reve~e ~ri~c~~mation desirable foz .the period from March, 1974 to date, which wa~ not.availabl~'~tt 88ia ~e~~.ng. $ ~ . C~~"X CQUI~CIL ' NOV~~LR 26~ ,19`~4 ; ARI~bYO G12ANb~, CALIFORNIA PA~~ 2'' R~Sf7~. Al~f't1~~. - AMEN,,~ ~T~. Pi~t~~~TG' 4~-B~tAN~'~.-'-, B~~tTC~i.:S~ ..M~kF~'.~NC.B~~~~l~ • . . ~ . _ _ Director of Pub~ic Wd~Ycs At1t~~~s~ti r~pbrted tt~s~° purs~~nt to a~r~q~le~~: m+~d~ ` by'Pol~.ce Chief C1ark, t1~e Parking` a~?d Tr~~fibt C~nim~~~ien Ysas r~comm~r?cl~d rth~~ the residential area a~ t~e we~t' enii of` B~a.nch &tr~e~ b~ el~~n~n~t~d fr~m' ~th~ prev~ous l~r ea tablished ~~rp-hnu~ parkiri~ limi~ and tha~ an orflfnanc~s be admp~ad~ to• ~ ` rep].ace t1~e reaolu~ion 1~m~.ting p~rk~.ng `:o~ the fr~t~"t 16 garkit~g spaees o~ Ch~e ~C~~~ Corral. Af~er Counc~l die~ussion, Catty Attori~~~r S'~ips~y read the ~~.tZe~ of a r~aolu~~.on r~ducing ~he limited parking zon~'es'~ab~,~,~l~~d in° Reso3uC~.on No. 1144'; th~rea£~~r~ a motion w~s ~,~d~ by Cbun~'i~.man'Mi113,s, e~~nrlded: by Counc~ilttt~~a~M &g3,erling and un~nimou~ly car~iad, to'd3apen~e ~ri~Ia re~d~.ng the bala~?c~e af thie, r~solu~ion. ~ ~ A~0~44i~iV1Y~..iVV• ~ ~ . A R~30LUTION QF TI~ CIZ`'Y COtJN~TL OF TH~ CIT'Y OF ARRdYO GRAND$ REDt~CTNG ~IMIT~D PARKING ZtTNES TN THE CEN'3'RAL BtTSINESS DTS~RICT QF ARROYO GItANDL. Qn motion of Counci~marn Spi~rl~ng, saacttided' by Covtnci'leAtn M~,11is snd on ~h' followtng roll ca~,l eote, to arit: AY~S : Counci,l~nsn Spi~~xin?~, da~ L~o~, 1~ir1Y~s an8 ~?yo~° Tx11ay NQ~S: Cc~unciimat~ Sch~~g~1 AgS~N'r: Nona tha ~oregoing A~aolutiorn' wa~ p~,~~~d ~rtd' ~+dtspt'r~d` ~hi~a 214th d~iy a~ Now?mb~r, 1~74, City Attorney S'hip~ep w+~s dxY~ct`~d tb' p~ep~tre ar? ord~nuaca~ flo~ ~k~~ Council's- consideration at iCs n~x~ ~~giit'~»Y~ n~e~ing, ~frn~Ci~g ~~?~l~~~g- ~tc ~p, ~p,~~ on the 16 front spaces of the C~r Co~a'2, D~irector of ~ubT~~ 4~orks And~rs'on ~xp~~3n~cts in'~ d+e'Ca~:l th~ s~Crf~p3a~g dot~?a oK ~ranch Street now that ~he ~anstru~tfom gro,je~t is ~fri~he$',~ a~td~ f~~t~ri~~+~i~~ e~p°Z~~.~~' the ~roposed mark~ng of red, g~e~n and ~eTY~ ~+on~s art B~'a~c~; w~ic~' ~1~1 l~~e 1S~' be approved fi.rst by ~'~e S~ate Hepartmertt of T~~nspo~C~~~on. Administrator Bu~~h present~d` p~~p~tei~ by~ t11'~ H~p'~~f~?e~t€ o~ ~~r~ partation ~epresen~ing p~a~ioseit modfffcat~o7iis` ~o' ~l'te ~x~~~r$y ~fg~ti~g o~ ~~g~'&~ 101 from the soutTierly~ city 2fm~ts` ~f th~ ~~ty ti'i Arro'3r~ ~rsrn~~ ~~~o~g~C t~e northerly city limits ~f ttre ~tt~ of P~~sm~a Be~ch. ~4f~er cons3.dex~a~~oYr; L~e Council indicated approwal of the ~~p ~s ~sr~s~rr'te~ ~r~ g~ recorn~n'endee~ b~r tI~ Parking and Traffic CommisSian. ~4PPtjINTMEI~2 OF FLAN Cfli~! ~ItY i~i~~~ '~4 GAA,~TA~ vAL~Y PIANPtIN6 CQUNCZL On motion of Councilman Mi11is, secon~~cl 83~ Cdt~ne~lman Spierling and una~imously carried, P1anri~.ng Cbmmfssioner Larr3r Mii~~r o~as appainted as the City's representative ta the Coastal V'aile3r Plannfng Cot~ncil, as recaagt?endec~ by the Planning Commissiori. , i?FQUEST OF H.C. ~LLIOTT F{}R BENLFIT DI~~ A$~I~ - WI- ,~HDI2AWN The Council revi~wed ~nd ac~epted a letter dated l~ovember 2b, 1974 from Mr. A. C. Elliott, withdrawing his request for the ~stabiislm~~nt of a benefit district agreement for a flood contro~ district so he could recoup aome cosCs of the drainage channel constructed in conjunction with the Sunrise Te~raee Mobile Home Park on Va11ey Road. REP(~RT - SO. SAN LUIS OB SPp COUNTY WATER ASSOCIAT~ON MEETINC - SPIfi~NG Councilman Spierling reported on the November 14, 19'74 meeting of the , South San Luis Obispo County Water Association. He stated that Articles of Association have been signed, reviewed the short term ,goals of the association, and stated that annual dues of the Association were established at $50`a~ntta`lly, to be paid in advance by the agency joining. After Council discuesion, a mction was made by Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman de Leon and un~nimously carried, approving the expenditure of $25.OU for membershi.p in Che South'~an Luis Obispo County Water Association, for the balance of Chis fiscal year. 44~ ~ , , ~ CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER~'26, I974 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIF`ORNIA FAGE 3;%,, REPORT - ZONE 3 ADVTSORY COMMIT'~EE ~1EE°~~NG N1~LL+IS Councilznan Mill~.s rep~rted c~n tta~ l~av~mb~r 23~t m~~ting of t1~~ 'Zone 3 Advisory Committe~. H~ stat~d t~at a r~vis~d ~~°dinanc~ ~a~s pr~s~nted r~garding the Zop~z R~craational ArE~, which li~~.ts ~1~e camping st~y to 15 days during any 30 day period, com~a~ncing or~ tY~e c~~s~s~~'s fi~st day of s~a~. T"~e reservation system~ r~mains th~ s~~~ ~or ncs~~. Copi~s o~' ~ta~ ~~is~ing f~e sc'h~dt~Ie us~d 'at the Lop~z R~creation.al. Ax~~. az~d parr~gc~~~.~1 f~;~ s~~~~:~~x1~ r~TM~~~ d~~t~ib~n~ted to the Couneil. It w~s r~part~d t1~a~ t~e p~apo~~d sch~d~.~e~ ~~.is~s f~~~ in line with thos~"charged at other State parks, T~~ C~unc:~l di~~~a~~~d ~n~tt~r bri~fly and agreed with Counciln~an Millis' sugg~~~ir~~ t~~~ t'~~* Gc~~~t~ II~oard c~f Sup~~viso~s be requested for a~ ~xpl~n~tir~a~ ~'o~ ~~e f~~ ~,n~r~a~~~ r~q~s~e~, 3~s vi~w o~ the past p~ofit ~he Recr~~tional Are~ h~~ b~~n r~ali~~n~ u~d~~ ~t~C~ p~e~~nt f~e achedul~. ~~lsA?. ACCEPTANCE 0~' TRACT N1~. 4~8 CAMERQN CAURT - HELD OVER Ci~y Engi~~~x° G~rc~~ ~~q~~~~~d, ~t~d ~~~e Co~ancil agx~~d, ~a noa.a ove~ fii1~1 ~~~~p~~,r~c~ of ir~p~c~~r~x~~~~~ 3n ~T~. 4~~, C~~n~ron C~urt, ae the monum~nt~ w~~~; no~t ~n ~~tW NOTICE FROM DMV ~t~. NE,~ LEGIS~,AT~,O~~,FE~~~, '~LLLICE'rTTSING OF BICYCLES Tlz~ Co~nc~l r~~i~~~d in~~~~t~on f~om tka~; D~partmen~ of Motor Vehiclee regarding n~~r l~gialation affecting ~h~ 1ic~n~~n~ of bicycles. A report from Polic~ Chi~f Clark r~garding ~hi~ m~tt~;r w~g al~~ x~vi~wed, w'hereis~ h~ aummarized that the d~partm~~?~'s pr~~s~n~ ~ice=nsing p~°ca~~ar~ w~11 ~ontinu~ until the preaeat supplq af bicycle l~c~ns~~ a~~: ~~~~e~3 or S~Y.t~ac~b~~ 20, 1975, wh~n,` licensea under ` the State sgrstem wi1~ 'b~ is~~u~:~~ ZE E T E T tl NS , TQ CIAS B NC T - Adminis~.rator Butch r~~d ~ 1et~~:r from tfi~ Arroyo Grand~ yillage Merchants Associatic~n, requ~styng tka~ cl,~~s~u~~ af ~ po~t~on of Branch Stre~.t on S~turday, December 14, 1974 bet~ww~en 2 P.M, and 5 P.M, for a str~e~ dance in con~u~ction with the annual Christmas Tr~~ Decorati3.ng Certmony and to c~lebra~~ th~ street r~GOnst~~xction. After Cn~xn~,~.l d~.gcussion, ~x rn~r~ion was m~d~ by Cotxxtci'~Snan de Leon, second~d by Counc~lman Spierling and ~unanimo~aly ca•rried, au~horizi,ng t~,~t Department of Transporta~~.on be ~°equ~sted to approve the closure of Br&r?ch Street, '~etw~en Nev~d~. and MaSon S1~re~t~, c>~. D~c~mber 1~, 1974 beCw~en the` ho~r'~s of 2;00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M., for a stre~~ danae, APPROVE AGREEMENT AND A.CCEPT D~EI~ -,~LM ST. PROJECT - SCARBROUG~ Director of Paa.bl~.c Wo~~CS And~:rso~a r,~por~~d t~aat~ a Gr~nt D~~ed has been received fr~m Mr. and Mrs o Scarbra~~;h, 3.r, con~s~~ct~.on witk~ `the Elm S~Cxeet Praject, a~nd reca~mr~~.nd~d ace~~t~nc~ a;~ ~~a~d d~~~~ and ~ppx~oval of the i~np~ove- ment agr~~men~* After Caunci~ di~c~t~~ian, n~~~tion ~aas mad~' b~ ~ounc~l,man da L~on, seconc~~d b~ C~un~3~lman Spi~rli~.g ~rid ~nan~:mously carried, accepting a: Grant D~ed from Henrg~ and Lor~.=.~~a Sca~~ro~u~:tY ~r~d ~pproving p~y~n~nt ae followe , and authorizing ttie M~gror and CiCg~ Cl~rk to eign ~h~ C~rtificate of Acceptanc~ on behalf of City: P1tOPERTY PAYMENT LESS GRANZ`OR PYM~`. .OF~ER IMPR~VEME'~S ` Henry J. & ~.or~tta SGarbrough Portion o~ LoL 52 3n~ T~r~.ct Na. 10 $1,~90.C~0 $1,515.00 LETTER OF APPRECTATTCIN TO FIRE~ DEPAR'~MENT ° BROWNE Administra~Cor Bu~ch r~r~d a 1.ett~:r a~ ~~p~~ciation ~o the ~ire D~partment from Mr, Albert A. Brorane, regard~.ng t~~ q~a:~~k rE'spon~e of ~hp Fire Department to a call h~ had ~to make ta thezn ~~centl;~9 ~,n.d th~ rninim~m of ra~~e'r damage done to Che str~zctur~, STATUS REPORT RE V~.RIOiJS PR~JEC'T'S & PKOB~EMS IN CITY In respon~e to Cours.cilma~n M31~iA' conc~rr~ reg~rdin~ the traffic problem at Scol~.~°i's Hawthorn~: M~rket o~ G~°~nd Av~n,~ae, Ci~~ Engin~~r Garci~ stated tl~a~ ~r~ accident study 4~f .t~l~ a~e€~ ha~ b~er~ made, which i~d.icat~d an urgera~ n~e~°d fo~ acticn. As th.e market's parking 1c~~t is priva~~lyy c~wned, tt~P marlc~t owners will be co~tac~e~ and r2quest~d to ~ork ~ra.th ~th~ Ci~;~ i.n sc~lvin~ tl~~ t~°~~~ic hazard. 'In answ~;r to Counci.lz~r~,n Sc'h:l~~~A:l.'~ inq~~~y, Adz~inistxator B~xtch ~dvised that Th.e Pik~-Hal~yon Ro~.d wid~;nin~, has be,~n h~~.d off becaus~ of all ` funda being diverted to ~~le Elr.r~ St~r~:~t Pro;j~ct. Ccau~z~cilm~an Schlegel suggestPd that the County be prodded ta work witkY th~ Ci~y in ~r3~r~~ning H~clcyon Ros~d from 7'h'he P~ke sautherly. 4 ~ ~ ~ ~t : ~ CITY COUNGI~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nf~VEMBER. ~,974~: ~ ARROYO GRANJ~,..;~~FQItNIA PAGE 4 ~~~J.Q31~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ : . , . , On motia~ of Cr~u~eilm~n Spierl~.ng, seconded by Councilmatn Schlegel and unanimously ca~a~i~d, th~ meeting adjourned at 8:47 P.M. ~ - ATTEST: - ` ! ; CLERK MAYOR , 5: ~ •t a Y'~"~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ . . ~ , „ . rr ' ~ . . . ~ ~ . . , . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ . . . . ~ ~ ~ . . . ~ . . . . . . . ~ ~ ' ~ ~ z ~ t . , : . ~ . . e;.. ~ ~ . . . . ~ . ~ .