Minutes 1974-12-23 4 5'7 ~ ~ ~ ' DECEMBER 23, ~.974 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 11:00 A.M, The City Council met in regular adjc?u~ned session with Mayor Tal].ey presiding. Upon roll call, Council Members Spierling, Schlegel and Mi.llis reported present. Counci~nnan de Leon is absent. FLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Mayor Talley led the Pledge of .All~gianc~ ta~ Q~.x~ F3.a.g; and ian~ediately thereafter, . Councilman Mi11is del~.~rered tY~~ i~av~c~~ion. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of th~ regular meet~.ng o£ Decea~be~ 10, 1974, were approv~d as prepared. APP VAL OF WARRANTS On motion of Councilrnan Sp3.erling, sc~nnd~d by Coun i an Millis and unanimously carried, Ger?eral ~T~r~~,nt~ No. 467 thresu~gh Nos~~and Nc~. 241~ through No. 2471, in the toCal ~mc~~cxt af $2~,845.53; and P~~R~oll W~rr~nt~ No. 29~+8 ($10,000 time depoeit) and No. 307.4 tl~~ou~h 9125, in th~ tot~l amount of $38,163.60, w~re~ ~p~a~ov~d and ord~~ed pa~~. ~Ei.~iiT ~r LETTER & RE30LUTIOi~ ~'Rnra ememF g~ PLAN FQit PISMO BEACH The Cour?ci1 reviewed a letter ~~o~n D~rector ~f the State Dep~~rtment of Parks and Recreation, t~ansxnitting ~wa •r~~olu~tions ~do~st~d by the Califnrni~ State Park and R~creation Cornmission, apprc~ving the General D~velopment Plan and Resource Management Plan for Pismo State B~~ch, subject to certain conditions. MUNI CODE AMEND ORD ADOPT - AMEND DOG LICEI~SE FEES - EFFECTTVE l/1/75 Administrator Butch reviewed tha~ the Council had heard the first reading of an urgency ordinance at its last meeting, amending the City's pr~sent ani.mal control ordinance by c~nforming its dog li.cense fees to that of the County's. Rates for all unneuCered dogs will be raised to $10000 and neutered dogs ta ,$5.00. Mr. J. G. Hellmutl~, 418 California Stre~ti, discussed a newspaper article and letter he wrote to the Board of Supervisars (copies of ~hich he presented to the Council just prior to tYae m~eting), regarding the County Animal Control Program and objecting to the increased license feeso Mrs. Evelyn Tallman, 532 Caro1 Place, cited objections to the County setting license fees and the diffi- culty for those on a set income to pay the higYaer charges. The Co~ancil discussed t~ie"matter at length, with suggestions made that when the City's whole animal control ordinance is revised, that consideration be given to th.e granting of a fee exempt license for the year that a dog owner has his animal sterilized, and special rates for senior citizens on a fixed income. Aft~r further Council discussion, Administrator Butch read the title of an ordin~nce amending the Municipal Code by increasing do~ license f~es in the City, ~aid urgency oxdinance to go into eftect January 1, 1975; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Schlegel, second~d by Councilman Millis and carried, to dispense with reading the balance of this ordinance. ORDINANCE N0, 110 C.S. AN ORDINANC E AF `THE C ITY ~F ARR.OYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 1 OF TITI,E 6(~~' "1'HE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIOIV 6-1.37 THER.ETO RELATTNG TO REGULATION AND LICENSE FEES OF DOGS. -0n motion of Council~nan Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and on the following roll call vote, to witc AYES: Councilmen Spierling, Schlegel and Mayor Talley NOES; Councilman Millis ABSENT: Councilman de Leon the foregoing -0rdinance was pasaed and adopt~d tYais 23rd day of December, 1974. .~5~ J`~irovTL ~-ol~Rt~T~ow gP~1a''vd~, ~//4~/T.l: ~5~~ CITY COUI~CIL D~CEMBER 23, 1.974 ARR.OYO GRANDE , CALIFORNIA ~ P~iGE 2 DISCUSSION OF RECONIlKENDATIONS RE. BRIDCE STREET & XMAS TREE IS_LAND CiCy Engineer Garci~ revieraed ~ecommendations mad~ bw th~ Parking & Traffic Commission and Parks & Recreation Commission, in response to t1~e Cotincil°s request regarding the traffic problems on Bridge Street, sp~cifieally.bet-e~een Poo1e and Nelson Streets at Christmas Tree Island, After revie~,r of a naunb~:r of alternatives, including reduction of the island to widen Bridge Stre~t, the Parking & Tr~ffic Commission recommended that Bridge Stre~t, between l~~:lson and Poole Streets, be made one way going south, which recoa~anendation w~s supported by'the Parks & Recreation Commission. City Engineer Garcia revie~r~d an "Alterna~,e;C" which l~as not been reviewed by the ather C~nxnissions, Th3:s ~lternste would provide=far an island arrangement at the southerly end of Bridge Str~et allowing two-way traf€ic to continue, but raould substantially slow down the cars enterin$ Bridge. .After Council discussion, a motion ~aas m~d~ by Councilman Spierling to ad~pt""A~~ern~te C'!:.allawing two-way traffic on Bridge Str~~C but with the provi~imn that no left turns be permitted fro~n Br~nch onto ~x~.ag~, ~~,a r~p~~ts to be forthcoming in the future fram the P~rk3ng & Tra~ff~.c C~i~sior? on '~nva tk~~ pl~n is working out`. The motion was seconded by Mayox T~ll~y and on the ~~11~win~ r~11 ea11 vot~, to wit: AYTS: Councilmen Spi~rlix~$ and,Mayor Tal~~~ NOES: Councilmen Sc~1~~~1 ~nd Millis ~~~r~c~.lm~n d~ I~on ~~g ~~~~~e~ ~e . ~ _ ~ ~ - _ m ~ ~~e ~~a~!~.~s t~~~ ~~e~?~~~~ ~.~,~~3 . ~ ~~~1~ ~Q~~~~~~~ ~@~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~@~~~~ ~8~.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~@ ~f~ ~~@. ~fi~. ~~~~~ffi~. : : ~~~~~f~~~, ~a~d~ by C~~~~i~~~ S~l~i~~~i; ~~~~e~~~d 6~r C~~~cil- ~na~t 3pi~rli~g and u~ar~i~n~u+~l~r ~s~rx~i~d, +~e~~ptir~g ,t~~ 1~a b~s~ ;b~d of John Forem~at~r, I~n~. in th~ a~aauat of $23,058.20 t~ ~urnisk~ and ~na~all citrbs, guttere, aid~walka, driveways and croas gutters at variaus locations within the City and the contract for Pro~ect No. 90-74-6 was awarded to.,that firm. COUNCILNIAN SCHLEGEL EXCUSED HIMSELF FROM THE COUNC~L,CHAMBERS CITING A PQSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWING.AGENDA ITEI~I. ACCEPT IMPROVEMENTS IN TRACT 4S6 VERDE PARK(GREEN), APPROVE REIMBURSEMENTS & RELEASE IMPROVEMENT BONDS The Council revieraed a letter dated. Dece~?ber 17, 1974 from Jack Green, owner and developer of Tract 456 at The Pike and E1m Street, requesting Council acceptance of said 'tract and reimbursem~n~..for water ma~n oversizing. Also reviewed was a letter and report from Di~ec~Cor of Public Works Anderson, recam- mending acceptanae of the improvements ,~.n . sa,~,d txact, sub j,ect to campl~tio~ :of certain items outlined in his letter dated Dece~iher 1,6, 19Z4 to Mr. Green (most of which have been campli~d with since), and recammending re.i.mbursement for water main oversizing ae follow~: Increase of t~e water main size on 7.'h.e Pike ~and ~Ysn Street fram 6" ($4.62 p~r ft.) to a 10" 1in~ ($9.40 ger ft.) for a cost differential of $4.78 per foot for 128~+ fe~t of line for a reimbursement of $6,137.52; plus four valves (from 6" @$175.00 to 10" @$360.00)for a reimburse- ment of $740.00; and 394' of m~ain on E1m Street beyond the limits of this traet but requ3red to be installed to loop the water line. Moni2s had'previously been deposited bgr Tract No. 540 for its portion of frantage on Elm (~,52059' @$4.62) for a reimbursement of $1,628.97 to Mr. Gre~n for that length of main. The remaining 41.41 feet to b~: reimbtarsed to Mr. Green when benefitting properties fronting on this portion are developed within the next eight (8) year period. , : Afte.r ~~t~ncil dis~~nssfon,. on m~tion csf Cqurtciltqan Sp:Lerling, seconded by Councilman Milli.s and unanimously carried, the im~pr~vements in Tract No. 456, . Vexde P~rk,, were. .acee~ted b~r th~= Cit,y .andy th~ im~rov~ment~^b:ond~_ ~r~I:,~ased, subject to comp~e~iar~ of °~he~ :fall~ing;~ : : . , . , , . . . . _ , ~ . , , , ~ , „ . ~ • - , I, • c. , . . ; , . . . . . . , . : ~ ~ . _ . : ; ~ . : _ F_ 2.; .:Re~.ocsti~on~of~t~o~b,awers~o~l"m~ontu~ent•s. , ~ . , ~ , ~ , < p es from ~~he .gu~'tex ;'~i~;~~ o~ .~e ~~e'. icttc~ : : : { . ~;t~~:. ~sid~v~~:7:k'ar.e.a., ~nd~,,x:~~pa~,x: Af. gu:tter an~c~ side~a,a~.'k~. : 3. Clean-up concrete spillage on the sidewalk a~ the inters~ction of Verde Place and The Pike. 4. The sla~ on th~ fire hydrant to be installed at the nc.9rth end of Verde Place an~d the intersection of E1m Street and.;.Tk~e Pike. 5. Abandonment of two wells on Lots 14 and 15. 6, Submission of "as built" plans (shnw sew~:r lateraL lc~cation). _ 459 - C Y~Y ~x"Ct~tJNC ZL . ; ~ s I~~~'~~ffi'~'R~ ~ 1974 ARR~Y~'~~~1`'1~I~E, GALIF'CSRNTA A~~~i3~1~[~~ N ~~~~~3~,€~~~S~~i and approving a refund to Ja~k Green in th~ a~nount of $8,50b.49 for oversizing of water lines. COUNCI~fA.N SCIiLEGEL RES'[JNI~D HIS PLACE .AT ~I~E COUNCIL TABLE. RI~CEIFT OF OUARTERLY REPORTS ON SALES TAX AND CI~ARETTE T~X REVENUE The Council revie'w~d a report'on sales tax revenue for the third quarter o~ 1974 (Ji~ly, August.and September), and ~~.ga~e~t~ tax for S~ptember, October ~nd Nav~m~er~of 1974. ~t~ s~~.es tax, the City~ received a n~t amount of $70,568 - . fctr the C'hree-month period, indicating an inerea~e of 9.7% £~om the third,quarter o~ 1974 ~nd a 2.5% increase over t1~e secon~l q~.tart~r of 197~. RI~POR~, - ZQNE 3 ODj~ISORY CQ ITTEE MEE~,~ `~y~T~ Councilman Millis reported on the r~cent meeting of the ~one 3 Adv~eory ~amtnit~~~, 4stating that ~lt~t~g with th~ us~tal repart~ frams tt~e ~~eatment Pl.ant and L+~p~~ Recreation Area, tYa~ main topic had been the propased fee schedule, x~aiairig;rch~rgea at the reer~atio~a~l area. Sea~~n Pass~a fo~ Lopez w~].1 r~~ain, ~ ~ ~ a~° ~1~~~~~' ~nnually, and catnp:~ng f~e inorea~e$ a~ prev~ou~ ly_ p~o~oaedl~~r~.. adopt~=t~': ~ ~ ~ ~ ~jQ~E QF CONIl~lIJNITY DEVEI,OPMENT °SEMYNAR - 1/ 17/75 . 1~NTEREY Admin.istrator Butch advised Chat noti~e has be~n received of a one-daX special aeminar on "Setting Polic~ Directions in Cc~a~munity Developme~t" to be held. in Monterey on January l7, 1975. Mayor Talleg~ and Council~?an Schlegel indieated they wnuld attend this seminar~ REPO~~' _ ~8~~i~' i~~~P~NB . ~~~~fi~' 6~. 8 ~~Afi ~ ~'~iiiH~Di~~~ A~~n~~~~~~a~~~~~~ ~~~@~~~ ~@~~~~~ Pismo Beach ~a~th Mr. Cas~~r ~uchter, 8xecu~iv~ Dir~ctor th~ C~as~al Com~nission for the Central Coast, to discuss the element 'of the Coast Plan '!Sources of Funding". City representatives attending said meeting indicated that recommenda- tions ,given ,the Commission,' werg not given much consideration. MUNI ~QDE ND -ORD ADOPT - ESTAB LTD,~ PARKING ON CITY 5TS & PARK ~UTS Adminis:trator Butch read the title of an ordinance amending the Mu`n'icipal Code r~lating to,provisions for:establ.ishment of limited parki:ng orn C~.ty;,~~reets and pa,rking lots; thereafter, a'znation was ma~le by Crsut~cilman Sp,~ea:°~ing; `~~~ona~a by Council.man Schle~el and unanimously ~arxi,ed, to dispens~ w~.th, ~~ad~tng.ythe balance of th~.s ordinance. ORDINANCE N0. 111 C.S. AN ORDINANGE OF THE CITY'OF AR1t0Y0 GRANDE AMENDING -CHAPTER 3 OF TITLE 4-0F THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL . GODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 4-3.05 AND 4-3.06 THERET'0 RELATING TO PROVISIONS FOR ESTA$LISHMENT OF LIMITED _ PARKING WZTHIN SAZD EITY. _ On motion of Counailman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Spierling and on the following ro11 ca11 vote, to wit: AYES: Councilm~en Spie~ling, 5chlegel, Millis and Mayor Talley : - NOES ; Nox~e ABSENT: Councilm~n de ~.~on ; . the foregoing Ordinance was p~ssed and adopted this 23rd day of December, 1974. - , i~~S{3`L._~ " . ~ PT. -~MEND F:A .II . PROJEC TS FOR C I'I'Y° - GRAND AVE . TWO-WAY~ L~F'T' TtJRN" I.ANE The Council reviewed a report fram Ci~Cy Engineer Garcia, recaannending that the previousl~ adopted pro~ect by the City'through use of Federal Aid Urban funds (F,A.U,) to widen Halcyon Road from Fair Oal~s Aven+ae to The Pike, be changed to reconstruction of Grand Avenue from the w~esterly City Lirnits to as far easterly as funds a11ow. This would include a two-way l~ft turn lane the length of Grand Avenue from-0ak Park Road to Elm Street. The change is recammended because of addittonal rules and regulations that would be faced on the Halcyon Road project due to the proximity of Margaret Harloe School. After Council discussion, Administrator Butch r~ad the title of a resolution approving amended F.A.U. projects for the City; thereafter, a motion was mad~e Uy~ Counciiman Spierli,ng, seconded by,Councilman Schlegel and unanimously carried, to dispense with re~ding the balance of this resolution. 4b~ _'..._A.. C C'IH'Sc~~~I~ D~'~R~#~ , i 2~$4 A~'~(Y x ' ~,C,~BI~~~ . , P~F~4 : RESOLUT~ON N~. 1140 R~$OL~1~'~O1V QF THE C I~''X CAUNCIL OF THE C ITY OF ARRO'XO !~R.A~VDE R~QUESTING TIiE I~T,~T~, DEPARTMENT 'OF TRANSFORTATICIl~ /~,~tD THE FEAERAL HIGHW,A~f l~I~INIS TRATION TO APPR.Ov~ AMEN~t~~ ~'FA~~iAI~ A~A T1RBA~1'PRQ,~~R~ ~'OR THE ARR.OYO GRAND$ URB,~N A~t On motion of Counc~,lman Spierling, second~d 6y Cc~uncfl.man Schl+~g~1 and on the fol,low:ing ro11 call vote, to wit: AYES; Gouncilmen Spierling, 9chlegel, Mi11is and Mayor Talley NOESi None AHSENT: Councilman de Leon the foxegoing Reeolution was passed and adogted this 23rd day of Dec~mb~?~, 1974. . PPROV, E I3~„S EET NAME SIGNS FOR~~H & REPLACEMENT IN CITY AS NE1:D~D ~ City ~ngineer Garcia displa~yed a aouple of ~tre~t na~me si~n~ fpr ze~k~re- me``~„of worn Qnes on Branch S~~eet a~id t~~~gt~o~t tlae City as ~seded, ~'he Ft~rn~,~tt~e ComomiCtee, ~r~iich had regom~nended new etreet si~~~~ ~ ~~~~~c~~ b~~~s~Q~r~~ with M~.ssip~ ~~t~er~~~R a~~~~ ~ ~ha~ ~~~~~@ ~he ~~Ple~~ ~~~~~~~3~ ~~~e~~~~~ ~~e ~~~3~;A~~, ~QUr~~~ ~~~;~~~~~~a a~~ ~ ~~~~a~~~ w~~~ ~~~~e~ 8~~v~~~'• ~v~~~.~~~~ ~~p~~~€~~~~@~.~ ~~~~0@ ~~~~~~1 ~~~euo~~.Qn~ m~t~~~ Q~~t~a~~s~~ s@~~~~@~ i~~a ~1~~~ ~~~:u~~ta~~m~~~ly @~~~i~~~ ~~e ,~~p~@ e~~@~~ ~~~@ e~~~ C~r~~~~? w~~~ w~~d ~~~@ baak~~°ou~d ~e~~ ~a~~~ ~~~~~a~~~" i~~~~~s w~~ ~p~~~ved ~o~ ~~~@~~ ,i~~, a~ ~x~na'~ ~tree~ ~~d t~~~u~g'~o~~ ~1~~ Ci~y ~a r~pi~e~~~~~ ~e ~~a~~~a~~ ar?d l~c~d, dre •vaiiabla, ~„~~OF, PROT,~T~ ~$,OPOSED lAADING ZONE ON Fl. BRAI~TCH - REFE~$E~~,,"Q~F Adminiatrator Butch read a le~ter signed by aeven merchar~ts on West Bra~tat~ `Street proteating the proposed loadit~g zone on a portion of the northerly sidt~ o~' We~t 8ranch Street, and ~ctdicatin~ ~hat they wi11 mak~ every +~ffort to rec~iv~ a1~. deliverie$ through the rear entrances of their respec~ive esCablt~hmenxe, After„Cou[~cil discuesion, a motion was made by Councilman Spi~rl,ing, ~~aoqd8d Coun,~i~m~~i Sck~Xe$el and carried, referxing the matter to the Parkit~$ &~,'rafi'ic ~im~ai~.d~ion ~o~ its review and recommendationa. Ad~~.tiie~~sto~` Butc~1 ~epbr~ed tl~~ Counci ~h Spierli~ig hata euggq~qCed th~lt ~:~~~icty ~ses~f~~ ~~t w~+~~ ~~sun~y arta~~ to a~.~cu~s zh~ cou~~y xx+ans~?a~~~t~a~ '~l~tt. ~ t~ti~ati~va ~~udy ~e~sic~n faf~ th~~ ~urpose taas sst ~b~ Ja~l~t~."3~ ~9~~• ~It~+~~ b~ ~~vil~o~d h~?t r~p~~~Ant~?~~ve~ frt~n da4~d~y~e ~~,~~,IrM •+~~r~t b~ ~~tp ~t~rt~pai~,~ dp~a~~uni~q Cr~tti4~a9Pat~ ts!! ~ ro~a~~.n~ basi,e, ~hd ~Ittn Lcii~{ (1b~~~ ~l~~;~ ~t~itir~~~t~ ~urc?+~e h~t~ re~~~~ted A~~'dyd G~~nde to ~ppait~~ s~~p~~A~a~ta~~,rre b I~~?~~ ~k+aa~drls~it?tr ~or ~t~ ~u~rt~ ~~ti 15~7~. A repre~en~a~ive rvx11 ba ~Ippo~n~ed ~~Wii Ct~tina~.i wh~~ Caut~c~.lmat~ ~L~~n i.~ ptegen~. ~'l'h~a ita~tlnt3tl reaeived atttd reivieaed ths Intertm Campsign S~sts~nenC ~'arm ~tp?d ins~~ctimn M~i:t~~ea1, s~tid ~arnlw rt~ediag to be f11ed nc lacter ~h~p : ~Il!'~?~ry ~.9'~5 by a~:l s~,~ct~d o~ficl~holders in camplytng wiGh cPf~ys+~~' , ~~Ip~~~~ s~~~~it~~t ~iliag ~req~irea~enC~. : , . ~ . ~ ~ . , ~ - ° - ~ A g~ratar $~tab read a~~ttisr of Chanks fram ~he Village 1~r~H~t~s, ; ~~nk~.re~ ~~it C#~tttactl ~?~+c1 GiCy ataf~ for its coop~ration in tha reae~t S~~li~~t ~~~es~ Ch~'~.~t1.w~dus Party. C~ti cnt? on of C~auacil~maa Spisrl~,rtg, sea~a~~d by G~e~ailmar~ M~11~~ a~d ~ltit~tai~?rru~I.~+ ~~lr~r~sd, th~ rsgular m~estt~tg of D~~~b~~ 24E 1914 a~ai a+~~slled aa~! k1~~ sn~et~~i~ ~~~vurned at 1~:43 P.M« ta s lu~ch~~~ tl~~ Girls' ~~~t~~}z~l~at in Ar~oqd Gr~rtde aad a taur of i~orra Bay?~ i+tiaf.-Co~pu~~~ th~r~~~t~~. ' ~ A2~~3T: f~I'1'Y C~IC 1!~X~~ , °f.;:~`=° d i _ ~i