Minutes 1975-02-11 ~ 4"73 CITY COUNCIL FEBRLIARY 11, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA The City Council met in regular s~~sion wit~ M~yor Tall~~r pre~iding. Upan ~a11 ca11, Cauncil M~mbers Spierling, de T~~on,.S~k~~~g~~, ~nd M3.111~ r~po~t~d pr~aent. PZEDGE OF ALLEGTANCE AND I1~1VOCATTQN Mayo?~ Ta11~y l~d t~~ Pl~d~~ of Alle~~.~xn.~~ ~Q ~a~~ Fl~g; ~.nd 3~n.~di~.t~~.y th~x~aft~r, Councilmaz~ M3.1,1~s d~liv~red tka~ inv~~~t~c~~a. APPROVAZ 0F MTNtJTEB The minut~~ o~ ~&a~ a~c~gul,ar m~~~i~.g o~' Ja~u~~.~,~ _ 28 ~ 1975, w~a~~ ~pp~~v~d as prepar~d. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS 0~, ma~3.on c~~ Cvuncilman de ~sc~n, s~G~~dc~d by~ Cc~u~ci~an~n S~~~r~~.n~ an~d unani.mau~ly aarr~.ed, G~n~ra~, W~rran~~ Na~ 5~~ ~~~ca~,~~ ~T~. 577 and ~To, 2~87 ~hrou~h Nea. 2627, ;~n ~h~ ~o~a1 ar~oun~t $~3~,$(~~,..~9; ~~d P~iy'~e~ll W~r~~.n~a No. 337Q througk~ Np, 3~+7Q, ~,n t1a~ tc~t~1 ~~,ou~~ ~2~,019.34, ~ae~r~ ~P~~~v~d~ .~.nd o~°a~~~a, ~~~.a. s - ~ Th~ Council reviewed ~ l~t~er frcam An~dr~~a Da~r~d~ 227 Eaet ~~~n~k~, pro~~~~in~ tl~~ traf~~c pr~bl~m at tka~ ~.~,~sxs~c~tior~ o~' ~~~;~G~a ar~d 1~~~n St~~:~~~, in g~a~~ic~ul~r th~ dif~iculty af crossi,z~~ B~r~nc~h because of ap~~dirng Al~o r~v~.~ra~d r~a~ a ; s~rvey o~ the inC~r~ectican conducted by th~ Pali.c~ D~pax~men~, z~Qni~~~ri~$ tka~ ~.umber and speeds of vel~icl~~ ~ravelia$ ~ast~rly and w~st~rl~~ on ~x~anch ~ea~ ~k~is ~,nteraectian. The aurvey indiaat~;d that ~h~ spe~ed af westbo~nd t~r~~fi.c w~.s grc~~t~z than that a£ ~:as~laound. Tt was poin~ed out tl~t speed 1i~~,t s3,~z~~ k~~v~ not be~n reglaced an East Branch since the re~conatxuc~ion project. Counc~,7, discussed the mat~~:r at l~ngth, inaluding the ~°~com~n~nda~i.ons made by th~ £ia7,~i.ee Depar~men~ £c~r a signal ~ystem or fvur-way stap signs; bo7,d~r cros~~alk; and moving the mailbox to the northerly side of Branch. The Council suggested that white caution buttons be placed in the westbound traffic lane of Branch Street near Crown Hill to alert drivers of the upcoming crosswalk and speed limit signs, and that the Department of Transportation be requested to consider this. After further Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman de Lean, seconded by Councilman Spierling and earried, referring this traffic problem at Ma.son and Branch Streets to the Parking and Traffic Commission for its review and recommendations. NOTICE RE. AGRI. PRESERVE CONTRACT WITH SARUWATARI. RUNEIS & GENOVINI The Council received notice from the County Cler~.'s Offiee tlxat the Board of Supervisors will enter into an Agricultural Preserve Contract on February 24, 1975, with Stone Saruwatari, Elmer and Mazie Runels, and Cand~do and Jim Genovini, all of these properties being located within one anil~ of the City Limits and thereby requiring notice to ehe City of said contract. The Council cited no objections, indieating favor of these contracts. RECEIPT OF 1975 ALIACATION REPORT FOR UNDERGROUNDING OE LINES - P.G. & E. Tlie Council received and reviewed a repor~ for 1975 from Pacific Gas and Electric Company, showing-allocations for conversion of overhead electric lines to underground. T'he City's 1975 allocation is $14,800, but the:campleted Underground Districts 1 and 2 cost $100,855 and only $75,100 was available to the City for these projects. Therefore, with tl~~ 19~5 allocation being deducted from the overage, there still rema.ins a$10,955 deficit ~o be charged against future allocations to the City. DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FOR THE 1~NTH OF JANUARY 1975 The Departmental report for the month of January, 1975, was reviewed by the Council and ordered filed. ~ RECEIPT OF ANNUAL RESERVE PROGRAM RESUME FOLICE DEPARTMENT, 1974 The Council briefly reviewed the annual Reserv~ Program Res~ne prepared by Reserve Sergeant Gibbs of the Arroyo Grand~ P~1ice Department. The Co~ncil indicated the report.appeared to be very good, ~~.~t could be r~ad of it, and requested clearer copies of said report. ANNUAL REPORT FROM POLICE DEPARTMENT : 1974 ° CI~I~F CLP,RK The annual report from Police Chief:Cla~k, describing activities of ~'~e Police Department during 1974, was reviewed b~r t~ae C~~xncil. Tl~~ departme~t w~.s commended for its high ealiber of service. • 4'7 ~ CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 11, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE''2 MUI~ ~,Q~_,,~F,,,~~_- ORDINANCE ADOPTION ~ 1973 UNIFORM HOUSING CQDE City Attorney Shipsey-read the title of an ordinance amending the Municipal Code by adopting the 1973 Uniform Hous3,ng Code; thereaf~er, a motion was made by Councilman-Schlegel, seconded by Couneil~an de Leon and carried, to disgense•with reading the ba],ance of this ardinance~ ORDINaANGE N0. 112 C.S. AN:ORDINANCE'QF THE.CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING CHAPTER 4 OF ~'ITLE 8 OF '~'HE :ARROXQ GRAl<]DE MUNICIPAL CODE TQ F~tOVIDE FOR ADOPTION:OF THE 1973 UNIFORM HOUSTNG CODE. On motion o~ CQUnci.lman de Leon, second~d by Coaxncilman Spi~rling and on the following roll cal,l vote, to wit: AXES: Counci~.m~n Spierli.ng, de Leon, SchX~g~l, Mi11is and Mayox Ta11ey NOES: None ABSENT: None the ~oregQ~.ng 4rdinance was p~,~~~d and adopted this 1Tth day of February, 1975. C0 -0D 0 G E City Attor~ey Shipsey read the ~itle of an ordinance amending the Municip~:~. Code by adopting the 1973 Una.form Swim~c?fi.ng Poo1 Code; thereafter, a motion was made by Councilman Mi11is,~seconded by Couneilman de Leon and carried, to dispense with reading the balance pf this ordina.nce. ORDINANCE NQ. 113 C~S. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 13 THERETO ~O PROVIDE FOR ADOPTION OF THE UNIFORM-SWIMMING POQL CODE. On mation of Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and on the following roll call vote, to wit: , AYES: Councilmen Spierling, de Leon,-Schlegel, Mi11is and Mayor Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None the forego~,ng Ordinance was passed and adopted this llth day of February, 1975. INTERSECTION CHANNELIZATION: HALCYON/GRAND - REFER T0 PARK. & TRAFFIC COMMISSION City Engineer Garcia explained a revised plan for the channelization of the intersection-at Halcyon Road and Grand Avenue. The Ha.lcyon Road northbound lanes would include,a 14' wide right turn lane; ll' through lane; and.a 12' wide }.eft turn lane, which requires off-setting the centerline of Halcyon Road five feet and removing a minimum of four on-street parking spaces on the west side of ~ Halcyon. This revised plan has not yet been presented to the Parking &;=Traffic Commission and proposed deletion of the parking spaces has not been discussed with property owners on the west side of Halcyon, which the Council felt should be done. After Council discussion, the revised stripi,ng of Halcyon at Grand was referred to the Parking & Traffic Commission for its review and recommendations. RECO~ND CAL TRANS CONSIDER TWO LEFT TURN LANES FROM GR.AND ONT'0 HWY. 101 _Ci~y Engineer Garcia explained a plan to provide for two left turn lane pockets on Grand Avenue for the on-ramps to Higheaay 101, which would 1 eave 10' traffic lanes. After Council discussion, a rnotion was made by Counci~.man Spierling, seconded by Councilma.n Millis and carried, that ~a recomsnendation be made to the State Department of Transportation for the establishment of two left turn lanes £or on-ramps to Highway lOl from Grand Avenue, as proposed by City Engineer Garcia.~~, ~4'~ 5 CITY C(1UNCIL FEBRUARY 11, 3.975 ARROYO GRANAE, CALTFORNIA PAG~ 3 ~ P C RIN PPE I~ OF CON ITION Ol~ USE RM~T ~~75° 232 ~ CA C Adminis~~ator ~u~c~, advis~d ~ha,t p~b~.~,c ~.~~.~~ng set for ~his ~v~t~~.n~ on th~ app~al, o~ Dr. Ttic~, etal vf a~ond3~~ipn a~~t~c~~d th~ ~~ant~i~$ o~ a, Condit~.~r~a1, Ua~ P~~mit (G~se No, 72-232) x~~$~~d~.n~~ ta A1d~~ St~~~t ~~^om ~ pax~kin~ 1c~~ pzop~~~d ~n ~c~n,~r~n~~i~~ ~~.~1~ ~ p~~po~~d ~~d~.~~~ ~~n~+~ar o~ ~,~cyo~, w~u1d n~t be nec~~~~~y. T~~ a~p~~,7. w~~ ~r~~~d~~wn b~r Cca~at~~c~~x° Add~~~~, Wc~~d e~ '~~~a~~ ~f A~'s. ~ie~~ t~'Br~~r~ ~.r~~ .T~n1c~~,~, 1agr 1~~~~~ d~~~d ~"~1a~ua~y ~.Q!~ 197~. ~'u~~h~~m~r~, ~h~ a~^~~ o~ ~.~c~~~ 5~~~~~, ~n w'~~~'~ b1c~c~ ~1~~ ~~~~.~.r~,~ ~,~a p~~~~~~~~ ~Qr~~d nR~^Gn~ ~'~~~'h d~-~t~~a~ ~~g~a~~~a~~n~.~~ t~ ~ ca~~~~~.~~, +~s~ pa~~~C~~s~ l~k) ~x~ nQ~ ~~~~n~.~~ed ~~~A ~,r~d p~~k~n~ lp~ ~a~.~,~ n~ca~ be ~~.1,c?ur~d, 1~~t~a ~~~~~ir~,~ ~~y ~c~~~~ ta ~~d~~. ~,dm~r~~~~~~~a~ ~~~~h ~'~~~1~~~ ~,~~~~~i~d ~a~~ - ~~~m~.~~i~v~ u~s~~ ~p ~~~~~.d ~~n~~~~ ~2~ A1d~~, ~r~,~ w~~ pa~~~~~~ ~nd q~~a~~~~~d ~~~1cin~ 1~~. v~~~ ~k~~ n~~ C~~,~~a~1 ~~~~~c~ ra~,~ ~~k~s~ ~r~ ~k~i~ ~a~t~r, T~~ ~~u~~~.~ ~~v~,~~~d ~h~ ~n~~~~~~ ~~~~~nb~~ ~ ~975 m~~tir~~ ~h~ ~~rk~~~ ~ ~~~f~i~ ~~~~~~.~n, r~~~~°~.~n~ d~~~~,~~~~~ b~ ~k~~~ ~~a~sn~~~~~s~ ~ p~apoa~l ~9 ~~e~~~~~ C~l~ C~t~~~~~~~"~ ~~Q~ ~1~~n1~~~~ ~~~r'~. C~isel0n Wa~ ~~~t~~C~d ~a~~h it~ m~~b~~~hi~ ~ia~ ~~d ~~~~~~d ~t;~ d~~~k~,~n~ ~n~~~~n~a. G~~~e~~ d~~~~~~~d; r~~~ab~~~~~~ ~.~~~~~A v~~y~r~~ opi~~~~• p~~~~~~d ~~~b~~~~~~ ~a~~ ~~~C G~n~~~~~~~~~~ t~~~ Q~ ~1~s~,~ ~~~~r~n~~~~~~. A~~~x° ; Cq~~,~~~. d~~'~~~~~a~~~ ,~~~~~a~~~ ~h~~~~y ~t~~ ~~~1~ ~~di~~~c~, ~~~r i~s ~.i~~~ ~~~d~,~~, ~~n~~~~~,~ ~n~~~~ig~~. ~~d~~ b~r ~~~~~~~~~,~;~~a °'the P~~~Ci~~ ~ ~~~ff~c ~~cn~~~~.~~ ~~rQ~n ~n~m~a~~s~ ; ~ ~ _ Ad~~~i~~r~~c~~ ~~t~1~ c~~~1~,~~d ~~nt~~~.v~ ~~°ep~.~°~~i~ns ~~s ~~d~, p~sviously dir~c~~d by Cf~lA11C~,~.a ~~x & ari~~d~~ s~~3~~ar i~volvix~~ City Council, City ataff az~d Commissic~n M~snb~rs, ~o d~sau~e pa~.~,cy de~r~lcrpzn~n~ for ~'he CitY, solutions ~o problems and barriers to solti~tion~. He proposed ~he s~minar be held at the Union Hote1 in Los Alamos, which location w~uld alleviate any outside interferences and attract a good turnaut for t1~e seminar. After Council discussion, a motion was made lay Councilman Spierling, seconcl~d by~ G~~.ncilman Ma.llis and earried, tentatively setting a proposed City s~minax~ far May 3, 1975 at th~ Union Hote1 in Los Alamos. Also:reviewed was t~ntative interv~e~ing schedule with representatives from the Leag~ae of California Cities, in rc=:gard to the Capacity Building Project, which will be held Mareh 19 througln Ma.rch. 21, 1975. AU~HORIZE ENTERING AMENDED AGREEMENT - CRIME CONTROL JOINT POWERS AGRE~MENT The Council revi~wed an amended joint powers agreement with the 0ffice of Criminal Justice Plann~ng of Region P. T~.e aanenc~.ments are-to generalize the-joint powers to make Region P eligible for;additional fun.ding from the federal government. After Co~.ncil discussfon, a mcation was ~nade b~ Coun~eilman,_ Spierling, seconded,bg~ Councilman d~ Le~n and ca~r~,~d, authorizing the Ma.yor and City Clerk to sign an am~r~d~d joint powers agr~~ment, on behalf of the City., with the Office of Criminal Jusgice Plann.ing, R~gion P. DISCUSSION RE. A~REEMENT WITH COUNTY FOR ANIMAL CONZ'ROL SERVICES The Council discussed, at great length, the final agreement received from the County for Animal Control Servic~s. C~r~ain inconsist~ncies were noted regarding enforcement of the City Animal Control ordinance and licensing of animals. The Council directed City Attorn~y Ships~;~ to discuss tl~~se with the County and come back to t~.e Council with an agre~ment he could recommend for acceptance. Also not~d c~as the change ixi pras~cution of violations of the City Animal Ordinance, caith ~his function n~w~ to be ~:~~rcised. by the City Attorney. The Cou.nc~.1 continu~d discussion of t~e p:~rformanc~ and costs of the County program, req~.esting clarification of both. C~~.ncil~an Millis felt that the City should not continue in the County Anian~.l. Cc~ntrol..Pragra.m, but find, :an alternative - even if it means th~ City g~tting in~o th~ ani~nal business. The Agreement for Animal Con~rol Se~°vices by~ ~h~ Ccy~nty wilY be brotaght back for the Council's consideration af~er the City Attorn~;y has c1a,r~.fied certain incon° sistencies with the County. 4~~ CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 11, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 E OF T The Council r~c~iv~d pxel~Cniaary dr~~t c~p~~a o~' ~h~ La~d Us~ and Circulation El~~nents o~ Ch~ G~n~~~l Pl~r~. Tk~~ ~'~,~~,~ir~~ C~,is~~An ~a~.I1 l~old a public h~~rin~ oa ~l~ments an F~br~~~°y l~, 197~. ~ Ad~i~,i~~~~~~~ ~~po~^~~d th~~ ix~~~~n~~ b~da ma~,~or m~edi~~l ' in~ur~~c~ eov~~~.g~ ~c~~ C~~g~ ~~npl~y~~~ ~~x~ ~~~~~~r~d ~~b~~ry? 1975. 7.'h~ va~°iou~ prop~~~7~~s ~r~d x~~.~~~ ~~c~~n A~tt~, C~~~~a C.F,S., M~~rop~lit~n, N~~a '~~x~ I,if~ ~~d S~~'b~~~d~ ~a~~~ ~^~~~~~a~d b~ Ci~~ ~~p~c~~~~~ ~ m~~t~ng d~xring t~~ ~€~~~~pQ~ ~~~~~r~ 1.1~k~. C~~~~ ~~~~~~~d ~o o~f~r ttae bettez° cov~r~~~ ~~d ~~~~n~~ ~~,d ~1~~ ec~v~r~ ~~~9~~~.s~~~~ c~~d~tia~~, ~'h~r~for~, ~~~~oy~~s ~~~~~~~d~d ~~~ti~~~~~ ~~d~~~l ~~~~~~~c~ ~ait~ ~1~~ Cro~~. A~~~~ Cot~~cil di~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~e~ w~~ Cr.~~~~~~~~~, Sck~1~~~1, s~cond~d by C~~~ciltn~~ S~i~~~,~~~ c~~ri~d, .~~cc~~~~n~ p~~p~~~~ f~~mm ~1~t~ G~~~~ €~r ~~~o~ ~~d~.e~l ~~~~~~,r~c~ ~~v~~~~~ C~~y ~r~~x~y~~~~ in ~~e~ ~a?~~~~_y~a~s ~c~~~~ v ~ ~ ~~,~x~ c~u~cT~~ ~s ~~ii ~i s~~~ ~n~~~~~~ 6~~ ~n~~ti~~ C~~~~~1 ~ta~~l~y ~1~~~~.~~ C~~~~~1 w~~~ ~~e~iv~~ ~g~ ~it~ ~~~~d~ ~o~ ~~@ ~~~~~~~y ~.~~a~~ - co~~~~ w~~~~ ~~so~~c~~~~o~~ c~,~~~ - ~o~ ~~~~~~~~a~~ ~~p~~t~d ~'~~~~~~~a ~~~~i~~ C~t~~~y ~~8@Li~°G~9 ~,~ii~,~9~y C@t~tt~,~~~~s ~n~~~~ ~~~i~ d~~cuaeio~ w~~ ~~~~y~ ~~a~~~ ~a~~~:b~ei~. ~~~or~ co~~~~ car~o~, ~o~ sw, x~~ : Th~ C~u~cil r~vi~w~d ~ r~port fro~, C~ty Engin~~r G~~reia, r~ao~aandin~ the acc~pfianc~ of ~n addition~l t~r~ faot righ~-af-~ray on C~arb~fit Ca~nyon Road from A1 Swim¢n~r, wk~iah dedication was a conditioa af a lot split for M~. Swimmer. After Couacil diacussion, a motion waa mad~ by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Millis and carried, accepting a Grant Deed from A1 Swimmer for the northwesterly 10.00 feet of Parcel A of Parcel Map C0-73~219, lying ad,jacent to the soutl~easterly right of wap line of Co~bett Canyon Road as shown on.Parcel Map AG-75-16, and authoriz~d the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Certificate of Acceptance on beha.lf of the City. AUTHORIZE JOINT PROJECT WITH FAU FUNDING FOR SIGNAL :AT QAK .PA~tK/GRAND AV~_. The Co~.ncil ~eviewed a report from City Engineer Garcia, regarding reconstruction of Grand Avenue and ~,ncorporating a joint effort between this City and Grover City for the ins~allation of a traffic signal at the inter- section of 0ak Park Road and Grand Avenue, with the aid of F.A.U. funding. City Engineer Garcia will provide engineering services for the signal. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Cauncilman Spi~rling, seconded by Counci.lman Millis and carried, authorizing the Ci~y staff to proceed with the joint F.A.U. project with Grover CiGy for a traffie signal installation at the intersection of 0ak Park Road and Grand.Aven~e, with this City's personnel to provide engineering services for said signal. .AUTHORIZE FUTURE INSTALLATION OF'DRIVEWAY - SO..EXT. OF COURTLAND AT GRAND-KAWAOKA The Council reviewed a memorandum from Directo•r of Public Works Anderson, regarding an access easement Mr. Kingo Kawaoka, 146 Juniper Street, has had over a 50 foot strip of proper~y extending from Grand Av~nue southerly to Mr.-Rswsoka's property (being the sov.therly extension of Courtland:Street). With the installa- tion of curbs, gutters and sidewalks along Grand, a driveraay was not installed to this strip, causing Mr. Ka.wao~.a concern reg~.rd.ing his easement rights over this City owned property. After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman de I~eon, seconded by Councilman Spierlix~g and carried, permitting the installation of a driv~way to the above d~scribed property at any time Mr..Kingo Kawaoka desires to do so, and tl~at a l~tter to this effect be written by City -staff to Mr. Kawaoka, including:assurance th.at ~he omission of a driveway in the recent concrete improvement installations in no caay jeogardizes Mr. Kawaoka's easement rights over the southerly extension of Co~trtland froan Grand, to his property. 4'7 ~ CITY COUNCIL FEBRUARY 11, 1975 ARR,OYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA PAGE T P P 0 Th~ Cauac~.l r~vi~~r~d a repox°t ~ro~, D~.~~c~~~ Qf P~:~1i~ Wc~r1~e Anderaon a~atin~ ~h:at +~r~ a~~~~m~~n~ ~~cee~a~y wi~'~ P~c~:~i~ G~.s ~~d E1~~t~~.c Company far pl,~~e~n~n~ by ~h~ ~ity p~~k:in~ con~~o1 elg~,e a~d d~~~~~fii~r~ ~lags on that util~~y'~ po],~sA A~~~x C~~n~~~,~. diacuee~,ox~, C~,~y ~t~a~~a~y S~~pa~y r~ad th~ titls ~f a x~~solut~az~ ~~s~h,~~~,x~n~ tk~~ ~a~~GU~~,or~ ~n ~.~~~~m~~~ ~a~~h P.G. & E., t~:e~r~y a~~~a~, ~ matia~n w~s~ ~,~d~~ b~ C~~a~,c~l~a~r~ M~,~,~,~,s, ~~~an~~d by G~~~,~~la~~.~ Sp~,~r1~,n$ ~n~l c~.~~~,~d, ~Q d~,~p~~~~ ~i~'~ x~~d~.~~ ~~a~ b~.1.~.~c~ c~£ ~h~.~ ~~~c~~.~~;~~~. R,~~C?~T~~ION N~D. A~,ESQ~~J~~~1~T 0~' ~ CI~Y CQtJ~V'C~~ QF C~~~ '0~' A~Q~O G~A~i~?E ,~tJ2~Q~IZ~~~ TI~E MAYO~ A~fi~ G~~Y CT~~~ ~'Q ~~~R ~NTO A~' A~~~~~~ WIT~ ~E PAG~~~C G~~ ~~~C~~xC C01~ANY. On m~tior~ C~~a~c~,S~~~ S~t~1~~~1, ~~~~a~d~~ C~~a~~il~n~r~ d~ L~on at~d on th~ #ollcrwir~~ roil aall vot~, ~o wits AX~S : Cour~cil~n~a~ 3p~~x~13~,~, d~ L~o~,, 8ch1~~~~,, ~illis ~nd M~yor Tali~y ~TAE9 ; N~~~ A~SENT; ~To~~ _ ~h~ €ox°~~oi~~ R~~olu~ir~~ ~v~~ ~~~e~d and ~dop~~d ~~i,~ il~h d~y o€ ~'ebru~rY,. 1975. ~~c~~P~ o~ ~czs~~~v~ ~~rr.f,~~~,~Ta ~~nM L~a~~r~ o~ c~o~~, ci~ Th~ Cou~eii ~~vi~~d t~ao L~~iel~ti~~ ~~~l~ti~~ ~~c~i~~d £r~ th~ IYea~u~ C~lifor~i~ Citi~a. Cou~~il bri~~ly diacu~~~d ~r~d uoic~d opp~eition Co SE 275, which would ~~ar~t publ~c ~~gl~y~~~ th~ ~i~k~t t~ et~~~~ ~~d c~ould ~l~low outeid~ arbi~rafiore t~ m~ke d~ci~i~ne co~~~rnin$ ~a~~~~ ~nd o~h~r b~aefita of public employ~es. REPORT RE. E. 0. C.:MEETING - DE'LEON Councilman de Leon reported on the rec~nt me~ting of the-Economic ~ Opportunity Commissaion, stating tha.t two persons had been interviewed for the posifiion of Executi~e Director of E.O.C. REQUEST FOR ACTION RE..STREAMBED RUBBISH ORDINANCE - MOORE Parks and Recrsation Co~nissioner, Joe Moore, was present and requestei~ action.on th.e Council's April, 1974 referral ~o the Planning C~nmission of a proposed'ordinance amendm~nt regarding disposal of debris and construction in or near the strea.mb~d. Mr. Moore was advised that this wit~ be'taken.care of in the implementa~ion of the Land .Use Ele~st~nt.°.~f',th~ .Cit~'s General Plan. ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Councilman Spierling, s~cond~d by Councilman de Leon and carried, the meeting adjourned to an executi~re session at 9:36 P.M. to discuss ' an upcoming condemnation trial. RECONVENMENT The Council reconvened at 9:50 P.M. with al1 members pres~nt as shown on ro11 call. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by C~uncilman Mi11is and unanimously carried, the meeti~.g adjourned at 9:51 P.M. ATTEST: ~ CITY:CLERK MAYOR