Minutes 1975-03-25 491 . MARCH 259 ~975 CITY COUNCIL ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA T~ae City Council met in regula~ ~~~~ion ~i~t1~ Ma3r~r Ta~.~.~~ p~~~~c e~-~~~~ Upon roll calla Council Members Spierling9 d~ Lea~n, 5~~~-~~~~ M~-1~~~ ~~r~~, p~esent. ~T~n.^F OF LZEGIAr~EE AND INVgCATTON . aad i~~~dia~~~g~ Mayor Talley l~d the Pledge of Allegiar~~~ to ~uar FY~g~ t1~er~after, Counailman Mi11is deliverec~ th~ ~.~vw~at~on• ~~PROVA OF_MINUTES The minute~ of the regular meeting of I~rc~n 1~, 1975, $1~~~~~~d pr~pared. ApPR(~~AL-OF WARRANTS On ~aotion of Councilman de Leon, ae27~d~e~h~y~~$~ ~0~'~"2~i9~~~~~~~e total amc~uat un~ni~noa~.ly carried, General Warrants No. of $12a895.92; ~nd Payr~11 Warranta No. 3667 t'hrough No. 3747, 3,~ t~s~ total amount o~ $2~,775,97~ v~~re approved aad ordered paid. T'~~ Cou~a~.l r~a~~,v~d a 1~~~~a: ~r~n 'kt~~~ 8~~~~~~~ ~~~~id~~t o~ t'~~ ~~~~a~a~. Q~~W~ A~~p~~~ ~t ~'~~e Qa1~,l~axr~ia AN~~ai+~~~,a~~, P~y~~,~~1~y ~d~~~pp~d~ I~g. ~ aaa~c?~~dir~~ C1~~ Ci,ty ~Qa~ ~ampi~~ o~ a~sx~, ~~~~aal~ ~~~~~t dc~ar~stao~z~,Ax~ayo Q~anda~ a~sd ~u~~C'hor ao~.~din~ City Er~~ino~r ~~rai~ ~or ~,~~~r~~t ~n ~xpiditi~i~ th~ p~o~Ma~ ~o~ ~ho bmz~~~it ~h~ pL~yeia~l~y '~andi~~~~~~ ~~r~i~r aiti~e~ r~~~.dar~~e Axx~y~ ~~~~d~. F~.9G~ s~emr~~, ~~A'~TT•~Tmm~r~ 'i~NTH~~ ~ ]MAY 3.9'7~. ~~7~ ~ '~y~a~ '~e~~~.~~r p~t~~~+~~?~,t~A~ +~~d p~~a~~~~~~ t~~a ~n~o~fi~, ~ ~y~r~~ t'he ~~g~" i~ ~~~California~An~i-Litter~I~eag~ae~in~1975.~~P~ sta~kewide mc~~rem~nt of the CEIPT OF LEAFLET RE ENERGY CONSERVATION - AUTO C~,UB OF S~. CALIF. The Counci~ reviewed copies of a leaflet received f~~rn the Automobile Club of Sc~u~~iern Califarn3,a, entitled ''Make 5 Gallons Do the Wc~rk of 6e" which oulines ways s~f conserving automobile gas consumption. Tkae Arr~g~o Grande Police Depart- ment l~a~ these leaflets availabl~ for the public. PROCLAMATION "PUBLIC SCHOQIS WEEK" - APRIL 21 - 25, ~ Mayor Talley read a proclamation and proclaimed ~he week of Apri1 21s~t through April 25th, 1975, as "Public Schools Week'' in the City of Arroyo Grande. REVIEG~ OF BULLETI1~iS FROM LEAGUE OF CALIEORNIA C ITIES . . EG Tlae Council reviewed several Bulletins received froYn t~ie League of California Cities, with particular attention to a proposed amendment to the ~c~~,m Act and ACA 21 & AB 330, wh~.ch would make city elected positions partisan. • City Administrator was directed to write letters of opposition to the Brown Ac~ amend~nent and the proposal to make city elected offices partisan. REGEIPT OF CO,ASTAL ZONE DR.AFT PLAN PUBLIC HEABING ON PLAN• ,SL~~ 5~1~ TUIS OBISPO The Cou~ncil received the Draft P1an for the Coast~l Zmn~ and notice that the public hearing on tYae plan has been set for May 15, 1975 at 7o~0'P~l+~. in the Board of Supervisors' Hearing Roome ,g,EGETPT OF LAND USE PLAN FOR OCFAN~-COt1NTY AIRPORT Administrator Butch advised tha.t a pre-hearing draft of the Land Us~ for the Oceano County Airport has been rece3.ved. 7.'tais Plan wo~nld not direct~:~ affect tk~e City, but it would ~ffect the sewer district and could affect the e~P~~g~O~ p f the treatmen~ plant in the future. General con~ensus of the Council was t~iat the Planning Ccx~unis~3.on should be made aware of th~is elem~nt and that Administra~or Butch should s~•~.dy the matter further, to ex~lore the extent to which this element could ~.~f~:ct the sewer district and to take the necessarry°ac~ion to l~t t~he A3.rport Land ~7~~ Coamnissfon know the Council's feelings on tl~is mattex~. APPROVE A~REEMENT WITH COUNTY FOR ANI-1~fAL CO OL SERVTCES IN :CIT~ The Council reviewed a letter from Russell Ko P~we11~ Directc~r of Facility Service~ f.or the County Animal- Con~Cro1 P~ogram, indica~t~.~g ~hat ~.~.~.ana1 control services to the City frc~m the County would be termina~~d thirty days from March l9, 1975~unl~ss the Agreement with the County for An~.~1 Control S~:rvices was signed by the City. Adminis~rator Butch reviewed that the Council had previously rejected the contract on ~he basis of Pnforcement of regu],ations and.prosecitti~n. by the District Attorne~r's Office;, of those citizens not complying with anima.l reg~a.la~ions• It wa.s noted that<these two items were not changed in the cor?tract and tha~C th~ ~~ly~.. U 111 lioUi`N.LJ...i . ArY11tC11 G~ 9.~:7,( ~ ~ ARR()YO GRA.~IDE, CALIFORNIA PAG~ 2 ~a.t~e~ cf S~.n Luis ~Jbisgo, ~a~o R~b1es 9~~ov~r C~~y ~~.c3. ~i~m~ B~~.c~. ~r"d. ~.~.~~ady app~c~ved tl~~ cnn~rac~. It w~.s ~h~ ~p~~~~~~: ~f tt~~ Gc~~~~~,~~.1 ~h~,~ ~a~r~,'::,~~~.~~ ~hould be ~igned at tha.s ti:me to provide ~im~ t~ s~~~~~.~~ ~~e ~~~ec~~~r~n~~~ ~.r.f~~ ~:t:~~ci~n~y ~f ser~rices provid.ed under tl~e n:e~ contr~.c~. A~t~~ C~~~.~~fl, ct~~e~s~~;~n, ~~r~~~ion ~aa~ m~d~ by C~uneflm~n Sp3~r].zng, ~~c~nd~cl .b~ Cc~~~cil,~an Sc~~~~el t~.a~ ~Y~~e M~.~~~ ~.nd Ca.ty CI.e~~ be ~uthmx~,~ed to sign th~ Agr~ean~nt fo~ Anisn~.1 Con~~o1 S~r~aic~~ w~t~a the Coun~y, on b~I~~l.~ of t~~~ C°~~, ~it~z ~h~ p~~~~,s~,on t~.~~ G~ty Ad~ai.n~.~~~atc~~ m~~ZS ~~~a~~cau~~ ~tudy of tl~e~~ s~r~r~~c~~ ~n.d b~.~1c ~o ~1~~ Council , ~,n s3~z m~n~h~ ~a~.th a r~~ao~rt pn the ~~t~d~ to a~c~~~~i,n i~t C~r~nt~ ~~r~r:~.~~~ a~~ w~~1~~b1e$ o~ i:~ ~i~.~. b~ r~~c~~~~.~y' ~or th~ Ci~y tm ins~3~g~~e it~ oc,m ~n.~nal ~c~n~~ol p~p$r~zn. ~.'ha motion a~r~ied ~fter Gha fa~1l~r~n~ ~~~I ~~11 vot~, ~o w~t: ~.X~~S; Council~~~ Sch~~$~lp cie Leon, Spicr~in~g and T~~.l~~, 13~~So Cc~unciTana~ ?"1~, $.4~~ j l~~P.i'i17.L i p - . 11 ~ 1I ~ ~ C~~~cil x~c~~v~d ~ r~sal~~ie~n f~re~~ ~M~ P~ar~r~~.n~ C~~~,~~~on ~~ccxi~na~ndin~ ~~~d~~~~ to tt~~ ~~R_G", Ga~d~n Ap~~taa~~n~, ~c~r~~d d~s~~a.~~ p~eavide ~e~~r ~k~~ ~1I~~~~~~ ~f p~~l~i~~ lo~s ~ ~~ich g~~v3,~i~n ~r~s ~a~a~x~~~~n~~~ ~~.~~~d tk~~s dis~~~~~. ~m~ad~na~n~ ~rauld add g~~~~r~p~ f~4 S~c~~oa~ 9~~.,~0~, ~s fea~~ews ; "F+~~bx~c ~a~ griv~t~ p~r~i~g I~ts aut~m~bil~s ~h~r~ c~x~~~~,uc~~n~ ~n,y ~~C'~' "1~" Distr3~c~s, ~x~d wk~~n ~~n~~d ~~ei ~a~~el~~~s~~d 1~~ ~I~~ ~~F~a~~ c~~ F~.~..x~~~,t~ C~ac~ai~~~~t~"'. Upan be~.n$ ~~su~r~d by ~~i~ ~p~?~y C~.~~ ~1~~~ ~k ~ .,~c~~~~~e~n~s ~a p~ca~a.d~d by Z~w h~~r~ b~~n ca~pl~.ed wi~h, I~yo~ Ta~~~~j c~~c~~~~~d' ~I~~ t~~~~in~$ e~p~n anc3 ~r1 persons weuld now be heard fQr or agains~ ~~ie ~~ncl~n~xz~ 1~~~ P~rmit Se:ction af the "R-~" District. T'Ii~re being no public discussion for or against ~hi.s matters Mayor Tallep . ~ declared the hearing clased, After Gouncil discussion, City Attorney Shipsey read, for its first reading, the title ~f an ordinance amending the Municipal C~de bg adding paragraph f to Section 9-4.803; thereafter, a m~tion was made by Ccruncilman Schlegel, secanded by Councilman de Leoa and unaniaraously carried, to dispens~ with reading the balance of this ordinance. RECOMMENUATIOI~S OF PARKING & 1RAFFIC COMMISSION: APPROVE 1~}DIFICATION DF HAIGYON ROAD/FAIR QAKS II~ERSECTIQN Director of Public Works Anderson reviewed a reca~endatian made by the ~~am~issian, that the inside soutbound lane on Halcyon Raad at Rair 0aks be mark~ed for left turn only and that th~e outside lane at this intersection be anared f€~r thr!~ugh traffic and right turn only. PoZice Chief Clark had brought ~he pr~bl~? before the Cammission, stating tha.t at times considerable backup bf througfi traffic occurs. After Conncil discussien, a motion was made by Cauncilman de Leon, seconded by Counci7.man Sgierling and unanimously carried, to modif,y the Halcyon Road-Fair 0aks Avenue inters~ctian as rPCaamnended above. COS T ST[TDY REQUF.~S TED RE . LTD. PARKII~ QN EL CAMINO RF~4L Director of Public Warks And~rson reviewed a recammenda~fan of the CammRission establishing iZao hour parking on the northerly s~c~~ of ~l Ca~nn.ino Real between Ealcyon Road and Be11 Street. Several vehicles and t~ueks have been observed parking in this area for considerable lengths of time and a joint ~ proj~ct is progosed between the City and the Sambz~ G~rgoratic~n for parking plan provi~ing for 20 passenger vehicle parking space~ ~aith ~~gha~t d~.ke ta prevent backing into the traveling lane, ~-ith no parl~in~ germitted a~ljac~nt to the dike, and al~o Z70 feet of parking for c~nger and truck garking spaces. Sambos would ~rovid~ the materials and ~he Citp wo~.ld do the work. After C~uncil discussion, Dir~ctar of Public Works Ancier~on was reques~~d ~o e~tablzsl~ soan~ cost factor~ on what the City will sp~n~ en thzs project in relation te* what the restaurant c~ri11 spend, and that the~~ c~:~;~ ~a~tors be pre~ented to t~i~ C€~tmncil at its next reg~alar ~e~eting. PROPOSED TAADIlt7tx ~ONE lJN BRANCH - RLFE[tRF.p~:; ~ BE~~K TO C(4MMISSTON Di.rector of Public Wesrks Anders~n reparted th~t pur~~ant tcs a s~*a~ve3~ made b~ th~ Police Departns~nt af deliv~ery vans dacsble p~rking s.n t~ae I00 '~~ack of West Branc~n S~reet, the Ca~ission h~as again reca~ended that a l~saaited s~~ading zone be ~st~b3.ished an two garking spaces in front of th~ V~ ~l~ge Ii~rci~~~re Store for Lt~~di.ng Onl~ between 8:00 A.M, and 11:00 A.M. Ed~a~rd CF~acl~~~~, a~wner of t~ae ~irrcagro Gr~nde Hardware Stare, ~ras present an:d sp~~~ in aggc~~iti~n to the grapc~sed ° lo~ding zone. T'he Gcauncil discussed the matter gr~at length, ~nd ref~.rr~d it ~~~k to the Parking S~ 1`raffic Comemission fcar furth~er st-~td~ ~nd deterrnina~i~n of po~~ible alternatives. " ~9~ CITY COUNCIL ~ ~1RGH 25, 1975~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA FA~E 3 REC~IPT 'OF 4TH OUAR.TER SAI,ES TAX & C T~E TAx . POIt~T The Council reviewed a progr~~~ ~~por,~ on s~~~;~ ~~.x r~v~a~~ ~,4~:~~ ~~a~rth quarter of 1974 and Cigarette Tax f~~° D~~~:sra~a~r, ~.9~G~ .~.~d Jar~~~~ of 1975. The Sales Tax receipts indic~~~d an 18.5% 3.nc~~a~~ ~~r~~e t1~~ ~~~1 c~~a~.~~~r of 1974, but 3.2% decrease fram th~ ~~ird q~.~t~~ c~~ 1~7~. RESOL. ADOPT. - ADOPT UPDA.TED LAI~'t) L~SE ~T~~1~`~ OF C~~'ERA3~ P~,~V Planning Cammission Chai~m~.n Calhoon ~~p~r~r~d ~k~,~~t ~~u ~'~.~.~a~i~g G~ni~~ion had again .adopted th~ updated Land Us~ Elesnent a~ ~1~~ G~n~~a~ F~.~.~n s~~n~.~.3,~x~~.~a.~, The Gouncil disaussed ag~.in, at great length, t~n~ p~3~~ fa~n 1.~nd b~i.n.g de~ignated for ligtat industrial in the future. Cauncilman Millis ~,~dicat~d ~C1~~ ~a.vored light indu~try in tk~e City, as it would he].~ tl~e ~c~nc~n.y, but did not feel. it should b~ plaxLn~d in the b~st agricultural la~d a~' t~.~.~ ar~a, ~a~.~ the gexa~ral consen~u~ af the Council that the property a~umers s~.~~ald ~s~r~ t~:c: prerog~tive to d~velc~p rheir land as they wiaho The Land U~e Elez~~~~ ~a~.~~. no~ ~°~.~,~x~~ .the zanir~ge but r~~r~ly b~ a gu~.d~ f~r fu~re planr~ing, wr~.th any z~n~ ch~~.~~:~ ~.v~ng to come b~for~; ~h~ Plannin~ Co~rnissi~n and Counc3.1 anyw~y. A~t~~ ~u~°t1~~~ Cmuncil diacus- aion, a, motion was made by Councilman Schleg~l, s~~~~d~d by C~~anci~n de Leon.and carri~d, to ~dopt ~he updat~d Land tlse ~l~m~nt ~~a~ ~~~~r~~ P~.an. City Attpraey Sh~.ps~y ~~ad ~he tit1~ of a~~a~lu~ion adApti~~ ara~~d~d ~d Use~ Elem~nt; th~r~~~~~x, ~ m~~ia~~ waa mad~ by Cpu~~ill~~ S~ti1~~~7,, ~~~~~d~d by C~u~ncilma~ de T~~~n ~~d ~~~~mAUely a~a:x~~d~ tA d~,~p~~~~ ~a~~~ r~~d~~~ b~,1~,~e~ t~i~ ~~aQluti~n. ~,E3t~LtTTION 11~T~Q. ~.,~5,~ A RESQLLTTION QF TI~E CT~"'Y COU~TCIL QF '.TI~E ~TTX ~F ~1RR~Q'~0 GRANAE AAQPTTNG '1'~ AMENAEA TrA~ID tTS~ EL~~~ QF 'GI~ GENERAL PL~4N. ~ ~ ~ 3~ On motion o£ Councilman Schl~g~l, s~:cond.ed b3r C~unca.l~¢n~.n de Zeon and on the fal7.owing ro11 call vote, to wi~: AYES; Councilrnen de Leon, Schleg~l, Millis ~.nd Mayor Tal~.ey NOES: Councilman Spierling ABSENT: None the fc~re~;oing Resolution was passed and adopted this 25th day of Ma.rch, 1975. RECEIPT & REVIEW OF HUMA1~ RELATIONS G0~IISSION MINUTES The Council r~ceived and reviewed the February 12th mEeting minutes of th~ Hts~nan Relatians Connnission of Sc~uth San L~tis Obispo Coun~y. CnL~TCILMEN MILLIS & SPIERLING EXCUSED THEMSELVES ~'ROM THE COUNCIL CHAl~ERS, CITING A POSSIBLE CONF'LICT'OF INTEREST IN THE NEXT AGENUA ITEM, AF'P~.~V~ I.~ASE 1~.ENEWAL FOR LOPEZ GQNTIN[TATION ~i~GH S~HO~L WITH FEE INCREASE ~1~a~inis~rator Butch revie~a~d pr~vi~us discussi~ras r~~arding the request ~f the Lan~ia Mar Unified School District to ren~~r i~~ l~~s~ ~~.~h the Ci~ty for the px°op~:~ty ~n which the Lope~ Continu~.t3on High. Schca~l ~.s ~,a~~~.t~d at South Elm and A~h. S~treets; and the recommendation from the P~~k.s and IZ~cr~atic~n Comat??~.~s~~n t~.at c~rtain additional i~p~ov~ea~~n~s tse req~a~st~d as a condition to ~1~~ ~'iv~°}~e~.x° l~ase renewal. Tta~ ~dditional pl~.y ar~a ~.nd park~rag ~paces h.ad been di~c~~~~d writh school district offz.cfals, wl~~ had ~xpr~s~~d c~neern x°~garding ~~.e cos~~. It wa~ th~n suggested that an anr~~na~. l~a~~ f~~ ~f $SOOo00 be charged, ~m go in~~ a f~nd to pay for tk~~ r~co~armnended ~~.dit~.s~xaal irnpr~v~rnerc~s. After Cmaanc~l discaassio~., a motian ~aas snade by Cc~unc~.lm~n d~ T,~on9 see~c~nded by Council- ma~ Sck~l~~~l and unaniano~a~Yy cax~ra.~d, a~attaor3.zing ~~e M~.;y~~° ~~ad City Clerk to' sign, ~n b~h~.l~ of the Ci~;~, a L~as~ Ag~~~~nent ~r~~~n ~~ne d~uzc~a Mar tTnified School Dist~ict for a five-year p~~:~.~d camx~encimg M~g~ 27, g9~5, l~~.siz~g pr•~gerty to th,e sck~~~T. c~i~trfc.z ~.t Sou~~a ~TL~c~ ~~r~~t on which th~ L~g~~~ C~~a~i~a~na~ion. High Sehool is l~cated, at an annua~.. 3:~~ of $500.00, w~i~ch is ta b~ ~1.~.~~d in ~ f~nd to be ~n~~d fcsr th~ develop~~n~ of add.itiona~. p~a~ ~.re~. p~.~~.~~ag ~p~~es on t~.e land s~rrn~nndin~ ~h~ schm~l. COUNCIY.M~N MTLLIS AND SPIERLIIVG RESUMED `T~TEIR PI~EIC~S AT C~UI3CT.~ TABLE, ~ iy 1V~ CITY COUNCIL MARCH 25, 1975 AItROYQ GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE ~ TREASURER°S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF FE~~UARY 1975 T~ae Treasu~°er's Report for t~a~ month of ~~~,x~za~~s 1975, w~~ r~~.~-~v~d. by t~ae Gaasncil, r~vi~wed and ord~red fi~ed. AUTgiORI~E CAZ3, FOR BIDS - HYDI3AULIC POWER UN~T m BUDGETI~ID I~Eb1 Director of Public Works Ander~esn advised th~t a n~~s ka~adr~~al.ic po~aer ~anit (ccs~npr~~~o~r) is ne~ded to mee~ upcoining st~ssd~rd~ f~r O~I~ raca~~~ r~g~l~tic~ns. Esti~at~d cast of th~ unit is $4,000, Afte~ Cc~~~aci1 di~ca~~~~~z~.~ motior~ was m~d~ lby Co~a~cilman Spierling, seconded by Co~nncila~~n d~ T~~~an an~ ~~a~.itt~o~u~l~ carrat~d, a~thorizing the Ci.ty to call f~r bids ~ar ~ n~~ ~~~~.~n1ic p~~~~ ~anit, w~nic~ k~as b~~n budge~~ed. RES~L AUQ1'~°b, ~ INTENT Z'Q VAC,ATE SEWER EE~SEMENT - PLTB ~EAR •~/Z~~ ~5 Dt,r~~~~r of Pub~~.c ~Icark~ Anderaon r~q~z~~~~d Caa~~c~~. ~.bandan a s~~r~~ ~~a~~~nt ~a'~ich ~n~ ~hrpu~k~ the Wal~u~ C~°~~k, T~~~~~~ Se~bdS.=~%~~pn. TY~~ g~w~~ h+~~ ncat b~~n ~s~d a~nc~ ~~brt~a~y, a.97~, ~~d ~~~d~ ~c~ ~ae ~t~s~ndon~d in ~~r~~~~~a,~~~,~ra wi~'~ t~~ ~~~a d~v~lAg~n~~t ~,r~ ~~~s A~~~~ C~~~~~~. d~~~~~~i~~, Ci~y ,~~~~~~~v ~1~~~~~X r~~~ ~ ~~1~~~,n,~ ~b~r~c~~~n~nt o~ ~~~~~~~r~ e~~~~^ ~~~~~~a~~; ~k~~x~~~~~~~~ ~ c~~~ ~s~~~ b~ ~~~~~~~~n~r~ M~1~13.~ ~ ~~~~~,~~c~ b~ C~u~~~~~n~,~ ~~~~,f,a~~~~~~ d~.~p~~~~ ~~~d~,~g ~k~~ A ar;~~~ ~k~i~ a ~.~a~~,~~,. ItES~~,LT~zO~T ~Q. 115~ A RES QLif T~QN Q~' T~IE C~TY CQiT~ T~, A~" TT~E QF .~KR~YQ GRA~TDE 3E'~TING FORTH ITS TNTENTION TO VACAT~, A~ND01~ AND CT~SE A PQRT~.ON Q~' T~~AT CERTAIN INACTTVE S~,'I~TER EAS~MEIY`~' T,~ T.~(?T 10$ Q~ THE RANCHO CQRR,AL DE PIEDRA, PISMO & BOLSA DE C~~EMISAL, IN THE CITY QF ARROYO GRANDE, AND FIXING TIME AND PI~ACE ~OR H~ARING AS PROVIDED FOR BY GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 50430, ET SEQ. On anotion of C~auncilman Spierling, s~~onded bgr C~~.nc~lanan d~ Leon and on t~.e f.ol~ca~r~ng ro11 ca11 vo~e, to Urit e AY~S: Councilmen Spierling, d~ Leon, Sehlegel, M~.~.lis ancY Nl~y~r Talley NOES: None ABSENT: None #i~~ f~regaing Resolution w~s pass~d and adopted this 25th da~* of Ma.rch, 1975. RESPONSES FROM STATE RE. CITY'S TRAFFIC PROBLEM C~NCERNS Th.~ C~tgr Council review~d three letters from Distriet Tr~ffic Engineer , H. G~e F~lipponi of the State Department of Transportati~n, in ans~aer ta inquiries made t~ t~iat Depart~~nent by ~he Coinncil regarding traffic probl~~ms within the City an B~anch. and th~ Highway 101 averpa.ss, as followso 1) x°egard:ing the City's requ~s~ Yor a traffic signal sgrst~m at the Br~.nch S~r~~t°~Ma~on Street intersection, ~h~ D~gart~n~nt will make a survey to d~termine if the si~nal~ ar~ warranted; 2) speed ~za~e signs wi11 be replaced on Branch. after a r~saxr~a~y of speeds, with a possib~.l~.t;y of ex~rending the speed zone easterly; and 3) ~egarding left turn ch~.nneZi~~tion on Grand Av~nue b~tw~~n the H~ghway 101 on°ramps, th~ St~ate feels ~h.e present 'hridge is too narrow to allora for l~ft ~ur~ pockets and a bridge wid~ning projeet is out of the question at this tiane d~~ t~ li~nited ~und~. Th.~ Coun.cil toak no further action an these ma.ttex°~ . DISCUSSZA~ RE UPDATED TRAI~SPORTATION PLAN - TRANSIT ELENi~N~'OPPOSED Th.e Council reviewed a r~port from City Enginee~° ~~.rci~ r~g~rding recent m~et~.ngs of the Area Plann.~.ng Cotancil Technical Adv~.sorgr Ccs~nittee regard~.ng the propos~d Coaxn~y Regional Tr°~.n~portation P1an, w~ich ~aad b~~n upd~.ted by graups in th.e Co~anty as ~h.e Plan9 a~ prepared by cans~ltants JHK.9 was not well accepted. Councilm~.n Spierling and M~~~~~ Ta11ey were appoint~d to sta~dy t1~~ fu11 raanifica- tians ot th~ updated PI~~~d Th~ Council's previous ccr~nrnen~s r~egarding reso~ating and i:~ngxc~vements bf St~t~ Route 227 have been inc:~rporated ~n~~ t1~~ h.i~k~w~~~ ~1~.m~nt o.£ t~.e ~.pdated plana City Engine~r ~arci~., in hi~ ~°~po~~, ~t~~~.ngly urged t~iat fih~ Co~ncil direct its x°epres~ntative on. the Area Pl~n~.~n~ Co~u~a~~~l to object ~o tk~~. 3,~nplem~ntatioxa af the Tx°ansit Elemen~ as px°~posed i~. C~~a.~~y Transporta- tion P~.an, st;a~:ing that the Gity w~1I proba}~ly los~ a~r:a~~x~mat~~.~ ~~~0,000 pe.r year in f~ands curr~ntly used for ~tree~s to financ~ a ba~~ Syst~~n ~a~i~l~. ~o~lcd at~~~ct less ~'han 2% of the riders in tt~e Ci~y. The Cc~~.n~il agr~~;d w~~h this recommendation. 4~9,5' C ITY COUNC ~Y. MARCH 25 9 1'975 ~T~~ ARROYO GRANDE, CALTFORNIA PA~~ ~ R~PORZ' m RECElVT ZONE 3 ADVISORY C01NMI~~~~ MEET~~TG m MI:~~~S Cot~ncilman Millis reported on t~~.e ~°e~~~t of 3,~v~~ory ~Co~ittee, s~ating tl~at ~monthl~ repc~rts ~ had ~ b~~x~ ~~~.~~d ~~~~.rd.~n~ t~.~ ~ ~c~e~~a- tian~.Z Ar~a ~nd Water Tr~a.t~nen~ Pla.n, D~.s~us~~.o~? ~~.d ~.Zs~ b~e~~ ~~ld o~ Da~is-G~,nnsky C~n~ract xegarding T,~pez p~wf~.~~, T.,~TTEI~ FROM COUNTY RE. SURPLUS ASS~S~M~I~~ D~S'~o COI~~`~ZI~"G~I~I3_~'Ui~DS Tkne Co~ncil review~d a le~te~ fram ~h~ C~~~~~~8~ E~~~~c~~~~~:~ D~par~ni~nt and cop~ of an opinion from the D~str~~t At~orn~y'~ off~~~~ ~~~;a~d.~ng t~i~ C~~~a~ ~°;~~~est t~.a~ surpl~s funds from the Sewe~ A~s~~~an~nk Di~~~i~~ c~~.~~~a~c~i~ri f~xnd.~ b~ t~~ns~° f~rred to the Cf.~y for maintenanc~ and. ~mprov~rri~nts ~n said ~~,str~,ct. Th~ x°eq~.~st would have to b~ mad~ to the B~ard df S~xp€~~~~~c~~~ ~ncl a p~ablic h~aring helcl, b~~ore surplus funds from the Ar~oyo Gx°and~ 5~~~~ As~~~s~~=.~~ D~strict can be turn~d ~ver to the Cit~. Afi~er Council da.scuss~o~.9 m~~~ox~ w~a~ ~n~.c~e by Counc:ila~xa:n Schl~:~~1, seconded by Councilinan de Leon and unan~.~~~n~l~ c~~r~,~c~.9 ~~at the County be x~ec~ax~sted ~o declare surpl~xs constructinn fund~ ~~ou~a A~~d~o Grande Sewer Ass~~~m~nt Dis~rict be transferred to th~ Ci~y af.Array~ Grand~ fo~ an~.intenance and imgrov~ment of said district. PRQGRESS REPOR~ - SOUTH SAN T~UIS O~ISPQ Cq~UNTX SA~~~ATIA~,~~S~'RTCT Adm3.n~,st~ator Bt~tch x~pc~~t~d tha~ $4~,QQQ k~~~ ts~~n ~gp~~v~d by the Env~,~o~zn~~~~l P~o~~eti.c~n A,~~na~, wh~~h ~.~~n.~ Di~~~~~;~~°s ~ri11 la~ ab~ut $7,000 ~c~~ studi~e u~d~~~y r~g~rdi~a~ t~i~ 5~~~~ S~.z~ `.,~p~ C~~n~y Sani~atien D~.strict's Tx~atm~nt P~.ant. He a~~o ~~g~ k~`ac~ t~i~ ~oard of Dir~cto~s of ~he SaniCation Dis~ric~ has au~h~riz~d. ~h~ ca~~~.ng for bids far cleaning of ~h~ sl.udge digestor. A3TTHORIZE CONTACT OF CITIZENS BY PEOPI~ES SELF'°HELP HOUSING COItPORATION Administrator Butch presented a let~er from M~a K~.x~.n~et~a E. N~nnn, of the Peopl~s Se1f-H~lp Hausing Corporation of San Luis Ob~.spo C~~anty, requesting peasnis~~c~n ~o contact ci~iz~ns in Arroyo G~and~ and infa~rcn ~h~m a£ t~ie Self-Help Hou~in~ Program, which is an ext~nsion of ~he Fa~r,~rs Hom~ A~.ministration. The Cauncil gave its per.mission for this, but request~d tha~ Mr, Nunn inform the 1QCa1 gQS.~ce depart~ent of tk~eir presenc~ i.n ~he a~rea. SET JOINT MEETING WITH PARKING & BUSINESS IMPROV. AREA ADVIS. BOARD: 4/14/75 As ~equest~d by the Pax°king and Busin~ss Imp~°av~ment Ar~a Advisory Board, a joint m~~:ting was s~t ~rith ttae Council and said Boar~. for April 14, 1975 a~ 7:30 P>M, to discuss the propos~d extension of ~t~e Fax°king Assessment District program. APPR.OVE ~INAL MAP OF TRACT 551, WOODLAND GARDENS & ACCEPT-EASEMENT DEED (BURKHARDT) The Co~neil r~viewed a report frorn C~.ty Engincer ~arcia, recammending approval of the Final Ma,p of Trac~ 551, ~~w~~aia~a Gaxa~~~~~ a~. the southerly end of Woodland Drive, and acceptance of a d~ed granting a 10 ~oot public ~ccessway ad~ac~nt eo ~he tract to the Arroyo Grande Creek, After Council discussion, a motion ca~.s made by Councilman Spa.erling, seconded by Cm~ancilanan Schlegel and v.nanimo~sly carried, apgrc~ving t1~e Final Ma.p of T~act 551, ti3a~dl~nd Gardens, raith a 15' acc~ss easement to the Arroyo Gr~nde G~eek, fi~~ ~:~~~t caf w~.~.ch ease- ment is gx°anted witl~ the x°~cordatican af the Fina1 M~p and ~~n f~~~ b~ing adaae~r~t to s~id Tract 551 and granted by sepa~~.t~ de~c~. A motion ~~s m~de by Co~xncilrnan Spi~rling, s~conded by Cour~cilman Sc~.leg~l ~.nd un~.n.~.an~~sly carried, tio ~~c~p~ a Grant D~ed from Paul Burkhardt fox~ a st~ip af 3:~nd f~i~ p~lalic access ov~r ~:rn~~ ~~~therly tez~ (10) fee~ of Lnt 8, Black 4~f T~act ~.31g and autlaox°izing th.~ N[~.yc~r and Ci~g~ Clerk to s~gn t~.~ Cert~fica~e of Acc~pt~ne~ on b~h.a.lf of the Cit~r for said deed. REPQRT - CQUNTY°CITY SOT;T~ t~ASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITfiE~ - SCHLEGEL Ca~nc~.lman Schlegel ~°rw~~ort~d on th.e r~ecent m~~ting o~ ~k~~ Co~.n.tymCity Solic~ Wa~~~ M~.~nagement G~~~~~~ee, stating that budgeta~n,g f~r a~~~dy on, sol~d wa~t~ will not be n~c~~~~.r~~ ~ant~l the 1976°77 ~iscal ~r~~.r fox~ City~ and the Caunty of S:tn Luis Obi,sp~ ~iill 1~andle the budg~ting f~r ~~ae s~~ndy and inv~ntory for t1?e 1975-76 fisca,l year, ADJQUR.NMEIVT On motion of Cauncilana~n de Leon, second~d by~ Cr,~~ci1~m~.~ Sp°~~~ling and unan.~.mor~~ly carri~d, th~e m~eting adjourn~d at 100~8 P.Mo a~n.~a.1 3:30 P,M, on Mond~.g~, Ap~il 7, 1975 for a Water & Stree~ B~dget ~t~xdy s~~s~.on. F.r-.---- ATTEST(o~....~.~ rn ~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK MAYQR