O 399 C.S. I .1 ~.... ORDINANCE NO. 399 e.S. AN URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA EXTENDING PROHIBmON ON AN INTERlM BASIS THE Atu'PI"ANCE AND OONSlDERATlON OF ZONE CHANGES. LAND DIVISIONS, BUILDING PERMITS, ARCl~ REVmW, OPl'lONAL Dm;IGN STANDARDS AND OONDmONAL USE PERMl'rnWITHIN AREAS DEnGNATED ON THE GENERAL PLAN FOR MEDWM-HIGH RJ!SlDENTlAL (14 DWELLING tJ1m'S PER ACRE) AND/OR AREAS' ZONED FORR-3 (MOL'I'JPLE FAMILY) PURSUANT TO SECTION 65858 OF THE CALlPORNIA GOVERNMENT OODE WHEREAS, on Decellber 13, 1988, the Council adopted Urgency Ordinance No. 395 C.B., effective for a 45-day period, prohibit~ the acceptance and consideration of zone ~, land divisions, buildi~ pennits, architectural review, optional design and conditional WIe pennits within areas designated on the General Plan for Mediwn-High Residential (14 dwelling units per acre) and/or zoned for R-3; and WHEREAS, the City has begun the General Plan update to detennine the best 1ocations for the above designatioro; and WHEREAS, the study will take an extended period of time, and the Council desires to extend the prohibitions of Ordinance No. 395 c.s. for an additional 10 months and 15 days, as provided by Government Code Section 65858. 'l1IE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE rom; ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SOCTlON 1- 1.1 The ~ Coorni$ion and staff of the City have undertaken the corwideration and study of a general plan and zonil'€ ordinance for deve10pnent within the City. 1.2 Such consiclcratlon and study will enable the City to develop such a general plan and zonil'€ ordinance for the City, including policies and stan<Jardo;; for the reasonable regulation of land develo[Xl1ent within the City. 1.3 The continued WIe and develo[Xl1el1t of land or structures within the City in accordance with current regulations and the e~ General Plan may be inconsistent with the pcjicies and standards which are be~ or will be considered by the ~ Carmission and staff of the City. 1.4 There is a current and inmediate threat to the public health, safety or welfare ~ fran the WIe and develo[Xl1ent of land and structures pursuant to the existing General Plan within areas designated on the General Plan for Mediwn-High Residential (14 dwelling units per acre) and/or areas zoned for R-3 (Multiple Family). 1.5 A continuation of approval of uses and development of land within the above areas pursuant to the existing General Plan and zoning result in a further threat to public health, safety or welfare. 1.6 The Council's written report outlines the measures which are being taken to alleviate the conditioro which led to the adoption of this Ordinance. SECI'ION 2- 2.1 The acceptance, the consideration, and the 8p[:rOval of applications for c~es of zone on properties within the above Areas is hereby [:rOhibited for a period of ten montJw and fifteen day from and after the effective date of this Ordinance. 2.2 The acceptance, the consideration, and the approval of applicati<Jns :')\ wl/lS;ur, ot !lU1d within the above Areas is being prohibited for a period of tennmtJw and fifte-.,r. ("'~'" iran and t.. #to'; 11 'e effective date of this Ordinance. 2.3 The acceptance, the consideration, and the approval of applicl'rj)llS for ti.., Issuanc(! 'J{ buil~ pennits for new constMJctioJl which results in added living area withir. i' ~p ahc>ve A, E;,r;, is hereby prohibited for a period of ten IOOntm and fifteen days fran and afte." tile ~ffecu..t! date c{ t.1if, I Ordinance. , 2.4 The acceptance, consideration and ap[:rOval of applications fol' t!><> ~.."nce of Architectural Review applications within the above Areas is hereby prohibited for a period of ten Ifontm and fifteen day from and after the effective da~ of this Ordinance. 2.5 The acceptance, consideration and approval of applications for the issuance of Conditional Use Pennit applications within the above Areas is hereby prohibited for a period of ten months and fifteen days fran and after the effective date of this Ordinance. , , --,-..,----,-~.._-- - -,,_....,,---- -- \ 1"-' , I ' ;. ,1 ',) ORDINANCE NO. 399 c.s. PAGE 2 2.6 The acceptance, consideration and approval of applications for the processing of Optional Design Standard applications within the above Are8s is hereby prohibited for a period of ten months and fifteen days from and after the effective date of this OrdInance. SECl'lON 3- 3.1 'Ibis Ordinance shall be of no further force or effect at the expiration of ten months and fifteen days after the adoption of this Ordinance unless extended by the my Council. SECl'lON4. 4.1 This Ordinance is declBred to be necessary as an urgency measure pursuant to Section 65858 of the California Government Code for the reesons set forth in above. SECl'lON 5. 5.1 The Planning Cor11r\$ion of the City of Arroyo Grande, and the staff of the City, $1'e hereby directed to take all due consideration, study and action relating to the deVelopment of a general plan and zoning ordinance, and of the conditions which required the adoption of this Ordinance. SECl'lON 6- 6.1 Within fifteen days after the adoption of this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption hereof and shall cause it to be published once, together with the names of the Council Menbers voting thereon, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City and posted in at least three public places within the City. However, failure to publish or post for any reason shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance. 6.2 Inmediately upon the adoption of this Ordinance, the City Clerk shaIlsenc\ certified copies hereof to the Qerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, to the Planning Director of the County of San Luis Obispo, to the presi_ officer of the PIaming Qmrission of the County of San Luis Obispo, and to each II1eIIber of the ~ COIrmIasfon of theOty of Arroyo Grande. SECl'lON 7. 7.1 This Ordinance shall becane effective inrnediately upon the date of its adoption by a 4/5 vote of the City o,uncil. On motion of o,uncil Member Olsen, seconded by o,uncil MenDer Dougall, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES: Council MenDers Olsen, Dougall, Smith, Moots and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the City Council and signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Cerk this 24th day of January, 1989. - ~)..~- MAY04 OF HE CiTY OF ARROYO GRANDE ATrBST: '17~ a. 0,/~ CITY CLER APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ."-"..... .J( i// /41 .'// v;o ( i ~' , i. - ! Ii... J , ClTY/'ATfORNEY / .'