Minutes 1975-05-13 CITY COUNCId~ MAY 13, 1975 ~ ARROYO GRANDE, CA~IFORNIA • 'The City Coun~il ~;et in reg~a.l~r session ~ait~s M~g~or T~.ll~y* pre~iding, Upon roll ca11, Co~a~ncil Members Spi~rling, d~ l~eon, Sch.l~ge1 an.d Mill~.s r~pa~t~d present. PLDGE OF AT~~,EG~A~'~ AND 7~~p~~ZON M~.yor Ta11.~y 1~d ~1~~ Pl~dg~ o~ All~g~anc~ to oan~ ~'~~,g; and izmnediat~ly ther~aft~x9 R~ve~°~nd Wic~C~t~o~n a~' t~a~ F3,~°s~ P~°~~by~~ri~.n Gk~~r~h ~f A~~~yc~ G~ande deli,v~x~d th~ in.v~ca~i~no ~PPROVAL OF MT iTF..^, ~'h~~ mf.n~~~$ of ~h~ ~~~t~.ng af Ap~i~, 22, ~9yS ~nd ~~g~l~r ~d~o~~~~d z~~~t3,n~ a£ ~,p~i1 2~, ~.97~, ~r~~~ app~ov~d p~~p~~~d.p a~PROVar. o~ WA ~a :s Qn mo~i~n af Cot~nc3lm~n d~ T,~c~n, s~cc~nd~d b~ Counc~,lznan Sp~e~l~ng ar~d ~an~.nizncausly ~~.x~~,~d, G~n~~r~,1 W~,~~~n~s No. 2694 t~~r~~n~~. ~fi~, 309~+, ~,n ~h~ tQt~,~. am~un~ of $57,56&.~7 and No. ~2~ ~kara~gh No, f41~ ~.n ~h~ tptal ~,m~un~ of $100,9$4.70; and ~ay~o1~. Warr~n~s No. 3946 t~.~oaagh No. 4044, i,n th.~ ~o~kal ~mQUn~ af $27,766.09, raer~ approved and ard~red paid. PROGRESS REPORT - UPGRADING OF CABLE TV SYSTEM - CCGC The Cauncil reviewed a letter from Art Hapgoad, General Manager of the Southern Division of Central Califox°nia Connnuniea~ions Corporation, which outlined the progress being mad~ in the upgr~.ding of ~~e Arroyo Grande Cabl~ TV systezn. It is anticipated ttaat the n~w microw~.~~~ syst~m w~i11 be c~perative b~ September 1, 1975 and the en.ti~e upgx~ade of th~ system will be c~mpleted prior to Ma.rch 31,1977. LETTER OF APPRECIATTON RE SGT RIPLEY'S COOPERATTOIV ° DEPT,~_OF NSTICE Tne Council read a letter fx°om the Utaited States Depa~tment of Justice, commending Arroyo Grande Police S~rg~ant Ripley°s coopex°at~on extended to the Federal Bux~ea~ of Investigation in one of i~s cases. LETTER & INFO - LEAGUE'S PROPOSED ACTION PLAN RE REGIONAL GOVER.NMEN'T The Co~xnc~.l reviewed a letter fram Howard Mankins, Cha3.rman of the County's Local Agency Fo~anation Ccm~nni~sion9 strnngly opposing the L~ague af California Cities' Ac~ion P1an regarding reginnal goverrnn~nt. A summ~ry of the Plan was also revi~~,red, along with an updat-ed progr~r~s repor.t and future plans for the bill. REQUEST TO PURCHASE CITY-OWNED LOTS (JN I,E POINT J,~, MILLER REFER ~,0 PLA~i ['Q~ The Council read a letter fram John W. Miller of Jc~hn Mi11er Electric, requesting to purchase L~ts 5 and 6 of Beck~tt°~ Additic~n facing Ze Point Street, whieh the City owns, Th.e reque~t offered $3,Q00 ger lot, Mr. Miller explained in the lette~ that he owns ~Yae three lots adjc~ining these t-wo City lots, and needs them for th,e development of planned apartments in that area. The Ctattncil discus- sed the ar~atter brie£ly, with Coun~cilman Millis su~g~st3.ng th~ lots be re~ained by the City and u~ed in conection with tYae H~osgow park belora ~ots 5 and 6. After Council d3.setnssion, a mo~tion w~.~ ~de by Coun,cilman Schl~gel, seco~.ded by Council- man de L~an and c~.rried (Councilman M3.llis dissenting), to refer the request from John W. Miller, as described above, ~o th.~ Planni~g Coxmnis~ion for its review and recommendatian~, LETTER OF APPRECIATION RE HELP FROM FIRE CHIEF D RIRKPATEtICK Th.e Council read a letter ~,ddre~sed to ~h~ M~a.y~r frozn Mr, and Mrs. David Kirkp~,trick of San Diego, California, cczcrnnending and thanking Fire Chief Ma.rsalek and City Policemen for help affo~°ded when Mr, Kirkpat~ick suf.fered a h~art attack. while they were visiting this ar~a. R~6EIPT OF RESOLUTION FROM PORTERVILLE QPP4~SING S B 275 The Counci~ reviewed a resolution froan the City of Pc~rt~r•vi~.le, opposing the passage of Senate Bill 275 regarding p~tbl3.c e~aploye~s° r~.ght to strike and' making coanpulsor.y and binding arbitra~ion ~.ndato~y. As tl~e Co~.~ncil had pre° viously taken action in oppQSing tta~s bil.1, nc~ frarth~r action was tak~n, INVITt~TION 'i'0 PARTT~'TpATE I1V ANN[JAL E~,KS RODEO PARADE 5/3117.~ In respanse to an inuit~~ion to particip~.t~ iaa t1~e ~2nd Ann~.~l E11zs Rodeo Parade i~ Santa Mari.a on Satur~~.3r, M~.y '31, 1975, ~h.e;Goaancil i~dicated its , , intentioii~ to tak~ pa~°t in the ac~ivity. ~ ' , ~ ~ , ~ CITY COUNCIL MAY 13, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 2 ENDORSEMENT 'O~F, E O~a ° S SUMM~R LUNCF PROGRAM The Council rEad a letter fram th~ Ecozx~rmic O~sportunity Ce9~anission of San Luis Obispo County, IncP, requ~sting a letter of endr~x~~ement and support fram the Council for the Sumcn~r I,azneh Program, whi~h feeds n~ntriti~n$1 meals to school children af leow income faanili~s, Councilman de LeAn cl~r~.fi~d that no funds are being requested fram t~e City, anly its endorBezn~nt of the progr~m, Aft~r Council discussion, a motion w~.s xn~.de by Cotanci.lman Spierli~c~g, s~conded by Councilman de I~eon and unanimou~ly c~rried, author3.zing that a le:tter be sent t~a the Economic Opportunity Crmarnissia~ for forwarding tc~ the Sta~t~ Department of Education, indica- ting this City'B support and endorsement of the Suainne~ Lunch Program. DEPAR~.'ME1~1TAT- R.EpORT 1~c)R ~I~ NIpNmu qF 1975 The Departmental Report for the month of ,Ap~il, 1975, was received by the Council, reviewad and arder~d filed. REPORT RE RFnTr~~ m nF p~ W~~ ~OR FUNDS - DE LEON Councilrnan de Leon reported ~hat in tmlking ta the Economic Opportuaity Commission, he a~certa3.ned that tl~e Me~ls-on-Wh~el~ program propos~d by Donna Jewett (briefly discussed at th~ Council's last m~eting) has nothing to do with E.O~CP and is nat funded federally. The Cr~uncil again discussed this matter, agreeing that the concept of the prc~gram is good and offering p~rsonal donations to help fund it, but genera~.ly agre~ing that the City's funds should not be used to subsidize this or similar programsr The City Administrator was directed to write to Mrs, Jewet~ regarding the Council's policy ~n this tvpe of r~quest, Mrs, J~wett ent~x°~ed the m~eting after the abnve discussion and presented letters fram various organizations supporting and endorsing the program. She further indicated tha~ Ma.instr~am may fund her salary, which will cut down on funds necessary for the first operata.ng budget. She also stated that funds were needed just to get started now, until civic groups start donating, Mayor Talley explained to Mrs. Jewett tha feeling of the Council regarding her request. PUBLIC HEARING - REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION_PLA~V OF COUNTY - J. WALLO Mr. John Wallo, County Transpartation Coordinator, was pre~ent and discus- sed the Regional Tr~.nsportation Plan of the County of San Luis Obispo. He stated that the Tra.nsportation Technical Advisory Cammittee had met today and went over some of the issues brough.t out by varic~us ~.gencies regarding the Plan. A statement regarding th.e inadequacies and proposed amendments will be presented to the San ,Luis Obispo Co~nty and Cities Area Planning Coordin~ting Council tomorrow. He tlle~ reviewed the negative issues brought out so far in each of the Plan's ~lements, and passed out a propos~d schedul~ f~r implemen.ta~tion of the Plan, The Council discussed the v~.rious ~lements at length with Mr. Wallo. In response to Gouricilman Spierling's question, he clar3.fied t~x~t a Joint Powers Agree~nent is valuntary by each governmental. agPncy, but ~stablishment of a Transit District ~ta:kes a vote of the p~aple and woul.d be a taxing aixthority. T~.e Joint Pawers Agreement would not gi.ve taxing authority but be subsidiz~d by SB 32S fundsm The governing body of the District would be set up by an enabling ordinancea Upon being informed by the City Cle~k th~t notificatl~n of the public hearing had bEen made, via publication in the local pap~x° and posting of same in the City Ha,ll and local l.ibr$ry, Ma,yor Tal.ley d~clared the hearing open, and all persons would now be heard regarding ~he Regic~nal Transport~tion Plan. HIGHWAYS ET.EMENT: Joe Moore, 200 Nelson, ~tafied h~ hoped ~he City would push for the SAUth County Alte.rnate I Plan, which provides that Highway 227 by- passes the City., Councilman Spierling indtcated that the Highway 227 bypass had been included in the Highw~.ys Element ~.t tkze Cauneil's request. BICYCLE ELEMENT: Counailman Spie~l.i.ng review~d that priinarily education for safe use of the bicycle, bikeways and design,~tion af bikeways are included in this Element. TR.ANSIT ELEMENT: No co~mments w~:re h~ard. AIRPORT ~I,EMENT: No coamn~nts w~r~ he~.rd. GENERAL ELEMENT (r~. pipelines, etc,) : ~1o coimme~.ts w~~°~ her~rd, D~ane Dague, 430 Wocsdland D~°ive, ask~d ~rhat hagpen,~ if one of rhe Cuunty's cities doesn't go alon.g with the Tr.~.nspartation Plan,, Nirw W~.llo sta~ed that so "c., cz~ c~c?-~c~L :w~~ ~:~g 9 ARRUYi3 ~f~~}~. IG~Ti~(}€~ti~:~. ~sS.~E 3 ' ;m - ~.b~- " ~ f~r ~n1R~= Ca~i~.= ~ ~ ~a -cz~ .1:°:. ~ , , _.;~,a~.~~ %~+~rast;~! ia it n~,V ~~rt~-:~~ ~_t sr,~u~ t~._~._~=~ 3:~; €¢z>~~ f~~~ P~~n~ t~?e ~~~CLs1~ ~~i.y`.i~.:r'I2~ '~`a3~~ .~'+G C9~~'C3:a'~i ~Tl+ ~ ~Fx'.'?.'a f`C~'= vu~ ~rCCf3,~j~ ~S~r~ ~S~:i~~ c~~ f~.ir~~i~r ~:~bl.i,~ diucs~s:=i„~^ r°w~-,:~°d~.e~ ~R~f~ Pl.~n4 ~~r:.~ T`~al~~~ de+el~r~c~ t~~~: ~:~~:r~€~~ c~~~~a~~ `L~.~ C~k;.~~i~ cb,°.: ~->u,~ -:rs~ ~~~~z~~~,~c! x~~n.~a:~~d~:~ fr~ G~+nci S~i~r~ircg, G~~~ r~p.r~~ ~~at.-~~~._.°-~ ~~~.~W Yng C~ec~~,~. C~ncs, . ° ~ ~ ~~~t~~~n t~~~ ~it~ r.r~ G~°~~ca: ~p~~et~~ ~ ~~~s ~lli~. la~61~ ,:7~3~~ ~}yL3'Y<~~.IP`~ C`~`~~=;:. X.~~°. ~+z=:*'C.., .ia k'~B ~3~ «~1'~..d ~4.~ °wf~~''_~.!~eA ~g ~r~s~~~s~r~~~~cs~ ~1~~~ ~?~>~t~ ~k~=:-. C~_~~~ ~~:a~i~ c:i~~ct~~d d~a~ Tt~ ~ x~~o;.uti~n 3.n ~~p~~~.t~~~n ~c A~ ~59 ~n,d 5~S a~> ~~=~i;~~ er~~i i~~ x~ 'C`c~i~ r~~~~ra~~.~n ~i~~~~+~ ~s~ ~~r~~ ~;FS~ t;a ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~t~~~ ~n ~~I~f~~~n:~ tar~in~ ~i~r i~r~lp i.n r~p~:~?.ing t~~~~ p~~~; 4~:~~ ci ,~3 ~~rd SB ~2~ ~~s,.c.c~ ad~er~~ t~ t~.~ Ci~r ~~d ~~~.I~~`s.~~ str~c~~~ci c~.~;.~~~~ ~~~d ~~a~~_,~. ~~.~~d f~~ L~~:~ ~~crnd. iiasl.~ sugg~;.~~-~ri ~~n~ci~ ~~~~lci T~:~;~~I~.~~~ ~r, r~~;n~E ~ 4-3 ~~e~i~se~ v~ A:~ r" _ R , _ ~a;+ ~t~x ~`i~ s~C;~t :c~ __x-:~.~~.~':~ ~t.~,.€,=~. ~ ~ :,~~;~~°~t~~ ci~im~ ~ri~~r¢ ~a g~~=~1~~i~~ s~E ~i?3~D ~i~~c~s~g~n ts~ G4t~m~cil ~qntir~~~, ~utt:~s~~~ c~~: f,.,~7.~i~~; ~~~n+cil~ ~.n ~iilli~ ~~t~d .-*~~~~n ~ic~;,~ ?~.~<r~~ ~r~nd~ ~~c~.~l.d b~ in~Itid~d in thi~ ~a~ ~.c~~~z-~ ~~~i~~.:m~~.*~~ ~c~~w ~rr~e~~ f+~~ccKd i~tr ~ thin~ 1~.1:~ ~~i~~ G~~c~~~ sg~~r~zxzg ~;~At~3 c~•~_~ ~i~ ~t~~rn~:~ c~~d d~~l~xe in r~sol~~ica~ ~~na:~ ~~ie-r k~~ n~ ~~~~~:i~ n-.wds ~.~:st~ic~~e as~sf. i~;~ ~~tis go~s ~r.e t~ ~ ~~~~~e~ tCi~; $ ~ ~i ~i z ~ra~ , c~;ti€~ ; s ~ ~ ~3 -i ~c~ti: ~ ~c~n b~ f~x roa,d ~rpos=vs~: ~~~asci~n ~a~~:lti~~~ ac~i.~a~~~ ~~~-~t~~~~ ~i~~s C~;.~ii~n ~.l~ia' ph~.~~~Uplz~. ~t~t~.d ~h,~ ~i~~; in ~ ~~sic~L~cs ~-:i ns~ ~t~~aa,~~~ ~nd ~gr;~~d rra~th th~ r~e~s,~n~~c:i;~~s ~~~in,~~ in C~nei~~€~4 ~~%:~r~ir~'; ~~a~.i~~nd~ns a~ did Cc~nci:l- ~an d~ i~.~~, ~x~~r Ta~~~~ :~n~~~ar~~=+~ ~~~~r ~rc+~r~r Gi~~: r~:~~a-~~~:d c~~.a~=~~t.itm fr~ ~'tsi~ C~c;~ a;n ~~xb~adaz~n~ r~~bs ~nd ~°.c~.*~~csd~a b~~di~tti.:ng S:~~i~i f~r ~his tc~ s~~ Eav~ f~r C~~~:~cil;~a~x ~g~.~r~i~g ~~`rw~~ ~ait~t t°h~ p~~nc.ip3~~ ~f ~l~z~ ~a~gg~sci~, ts~a~ ~t~~~d G~a~~~=~ ~ ~i ~:t~F~: Z~~~z>;.~ ~~~~nt~ s~~~ :~x~~ S~ ~2~ ~~.n~s ca~aeee~ u.~:~i~ i;*~ ~~i.~ ~~~~sc:J =s~:t~~~ ~i~.;~ c~:~ c~ ro~ling s ~,ack ~~+et~~c l~~ ) ; ~ea~ in~ i ~ ~~pa~~d tca ~ ~n~ ~~.:v~ a~~1 F~~:~c# e~,sni~-= ~t~ su~,a ~diz~ tr,~r.sit. ~ ixuti+catr~ g~ ~1~ro~~ =„ri ~ a 3::i~.~: P~~~w A~~~`~r:€~n~ ~nd on1~ SB :3~~ i~nd~ ~~ex a~ ~~r it ~ai.? i~~, a~a r~~e ~c~ti p:.r~n~~ ~ft~r C~A3i7+Gii ~is~'~3~-icny t~s~ ~~,~r:.~Tj° ,?'i ~ktc ~<~~~'1r~1,"i g*s?~Z~ili~ +3g~~+~~d ~i~ the ~~c .~!~:..ons n~r ~.~ncil~n ~pi:~~liag'~ r~~~:-~nd~ t~~t ~h~ f.~l.~.c~ri.ng be r~ nd~d ~~sr ~~e1u.~ie~ in ~..~~.i.~,~z~?1 '~rac~p~r~ti.~~c Pl~n. r`.~ ~1a~ Aiapcs~ El n~ ~'ls~t ~f ~cur~a4;~ ~dd~ t,~ cl~:w- a~n L~i~ Os~;i,~p~s ~~rp~i~ ~nd 1~~~ n~ La:~ing Sx,s~:~ h~ i~ss~tl~d, ~nd ~es ~irc~~f~ ~?~al.di,ng n4,~r:~ th~n t~i.rt~ p~~~~g~rs b~ p~r~si:~~d to C~ ~~rp;~~~ ~xc~.p~ An ~~r~~r~ci~~; ~nd in rr~ga.rd to ~ ~~°~n~i.~t ~~°sit~=~s t~,;~t t~i.:s ~i:t-~ f~:vgr~ ,1~~:r~ P~r~~°s ~~.~°~~~n~ ~~1Gh th~ tr~r.~i~ ~ia~s ~eal~~d dt~n ~o ~~*n~~,- ~u~il~b~~ ~.~-x~:°~:~~~~~ SP, ~~d ~la~ L"rb~ ~s~ ~r~~ i~ Ac~, B~C~TP~ ~3~ 19~'~-~ ~I~~: ~ ~E'" ~~~.~I3'~ s~~I~?~; ~ll9.v :"s~2L ~ ~/Z8 1~ C~xa~ei3 ~~.s p~~~~~a~~d s~it~ c~p„ ~-f p~~i i~~i~~ i' 197~-~'~ ~kani~eig~~. Baad~~ic as~c€ ~~;~c~ ~~~s~.~~~ f~r s~~ i~~s~~~~; :~.~~r i~J~ 1'~°~~ f~°cs~ P,~f. to 5:~0 P,"~!, ? ~m. 22~ ~~37'; :r~ 3. ~a:in ~c~~ y . 3~ ~'t~:, $ ~~c€ 2$, Z9~~ 1~z~ 3.30 P<~i, ~P~1+€, ~~D(3S~~~iT I~ tA~Ir~~ ~ ~F~D : ~#P~?~'~~`~~ ~3Z~TR~~T T~~~ C~tnca;. r~vi~=~~d a £r~ ~';~~:arrx~n~ Tiir-~c~~r +~a~~~~p ~:~d ~~-i~ ~i~~~ of ~1a~ Apri~ 29., 19~i ~~~~,s~~ P~~ist~z~ ~r~~ B~~s~~~:~= ~p~o~~~ni~ Ad~ai.~or~ Baard ~r~g~rdi:~~ ~-~~~ic~~~i~n ~nd -~~r~aca,~~;~n A~~m~s~n~ U~~~~i~~, fi:a~ ~s+~rd r~c .nd+~d gc~c~ ~;a~°~E n~~~r~.~.~iti.~;n~ ~.~$Y~~'d ~h~ ~~z~~~~ ef t~ A~td~r~on pxoprr~~ ~~~rh~;~~~ Bx~?-s~."h S~r~>~~: :~n.i zn ~rr:~ ~t~.~ Fa~~:t~r~Y~~~ a~ Bri~g~ S~re~~s~ f~~r~ t~-;~; s~,xp~~~~~ ~e~ p~bt~:~: ~~rk~:*.~ ~r~~~, C=~aar~cil it~ ~erba~. ~:~~p~~~ c+f tts~ r~~c~~:r~c~~c~ ~.~~~?~i.~~~. ~.€~ci e~rxt:i~r~~ti.=,~ s~id I7is~xict, M~3I ~QDE ~..~*iD - ~ix'~14'I) tst;~'~~~.~T~ {;E Y~?..I~K~T.."+~t; :6 ~FF:iG - ~'~RST R~E1DI~ Cat',~ A~torn~°~x Sl~ig~~;,r rFa~d, ~z~r i~~; ~~r~~ rw~.dicc~5 t~.~I~ cs~ an c~rd~n~~ac~ a~~~°in~ ~.~~i~i~~~ C:•~.~ k~~y %:x~~.r,.d~n~ c~t:, P~~k s'.n~ ~.a~f fitaff~c ~issi~'s ~~,~~~°i:;~i~~ f.n r~.~~~d r.~rc~,Ln p~~ic~c~~ tr:~~ri~~i~€s_; ~rt~. pr~~~iifing for an ~gpp,~1. prcc=~,d~ar~ ~ru~a b~~~~z~ c€~e:i.~ir,ns, c~-E:~ra~~.*rr,~., ~~ati.on ~a.s ~d~ b~ Gcn~ac~Z~n ScYa~.~~~~~, ~~;~v~rrd.~c~ b~ C:~fancil~.i.~n d~ 3.~:-,cx ~n~t ~n~n:f..~~3,y ~~rri~~, to di~p~ns~; ~»i~f~ ~~ad~.r.~ t,.~l~.~e~ ~ts:s.s r~rcfi,r~crz~=:~ 1 U CITY COUNCIL MAY 13, 1975 ARROYU GRAI~IDE, CALIFORN~A PAGE 4~ LETTER OF RES IGNAZ°TON PT.aANrTI1VG CU?~~TISS TON ° LARR~ MI~,LER Adaninis~r~.tar Bt~tcYb ~°e~.d. 1~tt~r of r~~ig~z~.t~~n from Plan.ning Camanfs~ianer Larry A. Miller, e~'f~ctive May 129 1975, a~ ~ai1.1 bEa mc~v~ng fram tY~a City, After Counc~l diseu.s~ion., c~n ~n~rian a.f C~u~xc~.lma.n M~.llis, s~~r~nde,d by C~uncilman Schlegel and ~arried, ths ~e~~~natic~n of LE~~rry A, Miller from the Planning Co~nunrs- sion s,aas a~cept~d r~aith x~egr~ts; ~.nd Ad~n.inistra.to~ B~~tc.h ~r~.s dir~cted to w~i~e ~ letter af t~.anks and. ~.gpr~ci.~.ticrl tr~ Mrm Mi.11.~r f~~° hi~ s~rtri~e tca Ck~~ City. RECEIPT OF T~ATFST T~EAGUE BUL~ET'INS & O~:HER MA~"~R:LA7~5 - d~~AGLr~ OF C~LIFo CITIES The Co~.n,cil r~c~~,v~d ~.nd r~v~ewFd nv.mb~:.~r c.~f leg.isl~.tive b~~xll~tins and other matex°ials r~c~ived from ~he L~~.gv.~ of Cali~orn.ia C~.t~.~s o RECETPT OF MTNCTTES & AGENDA - COASTA.:I~ VAI~I~EY PT~A.NNi~11I1VG COUNCIL The~ mi~aute~ of th~ Ap~~1 7~~ and Ag~nda. ~or ~he May S~h me~ta.ngs of th~ Coastal Val.ley Pl~nning C~~anc~l. r,a~rc~ r~c~iv~d b;y th~ Caun~il, rpviewed and order.°ed f i led , RECEIPT OF AIVNUAL P~RC~NT CHANC~ IN POPUI..A'TTON D~P'~. QF FTNANCE Th~ Cou.nc~.~. x°evi~:w~ci a 1PIt~~~ ~.nd ~~ar.t ~r~zn th~ D~p~~rtm~nt of F~.n.anc~, rega•rding thN annu~l per~ent c~lang~: i~n. t~1~ Cit~'s gagia.lata.on, pur~ua.nt ta Senate Bi11. N~a. 90e Admin~str~.~o~ B~.tch po~.nt~d od~t that the census figures presented are inaceuarat~, anc~ th~rPfore t~~ p~rc.~~~~a.gA ch~.ng~~ is only approxi- rnately 3°10 ~~.th~r th~.n the. .5.9/o t~.,a~ th~ r~pc~rt ~.ndie.at~~ . R.ECEIPfi QF SPECTAL CENSiJS DATA B~OOKLET Th~ Counc~l re~ceived a,nd ~°~vieTa~d th~: comgiL~d d~.ta of th~ ~p~~ial censu.s taken in the Citg~ in Nav~znbe~ af 19`74, whi.~'.h giv~s var.ious i.nfarmation about the Cityea ~esidents and dua~:llings and a comparisan t~.o statistical data cnmpiled from a sa.mil.~a.r c.~~5u.s t~.k~n :~.n 1.969, RECO~NDATIUIVS OF PARKING & TRAFFIC COMMTSSION: Direct~ar cf P~ablic W~~°ks And.~rson r~vi~~red ~ith. the Council th~ recomznen.da- tions made by~ the P~rking and Tr.affic Coanm:~s~.ion ~o~ var~ia~zs pa~°k~.ng and traffic controls, as p~~ tti~.t Comz~a~,s~fon's m:inu.t~, of .it.s Ma.y ?th. m~.~~t;ing, as follows: RESQL ADOPT - ESTABLIS'H LTD ~OADING & PAR:KTNG ZQ'NES ON' BRANC~i STREET The Cr~mmi.ssion r~co~mm~ndad tY:a.~ th~ .t.irst th~°~:t~ park.i.ng ~pa.c~s west~rly of the Bank of Ameri,~a on t'h~ n~rth, s~.d~ of B.ranch S~re~t b~: d~si.~;na.t~d for a loadin.g zon.e only bet~ae~n t'he Ylc~u:r~s o~ ~3:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. , and t'~zat a sign be placed stati.ng ~ro h~ur pa~°kin.g aft~r 11.:00 A.M. Aft~:r Coun.cil d3.scussionr City At~orn~y Sh~.ps~^~ rc.ad t'h~ tit1.~ ot' r~sol~xt.i.on. e,~~t;~bl.is'kaing a liznit~d freig~at 1~aading z~n~; t'h.ereaftc~r., a. motic~n was zn~.dF~ bv C~~xn~:il.znan Sc'hl.e~;el., seconded by~ Council.zn~.n. d~ L~.an a.nd un~.ni.mously a~~°r.i.ed, L•a d.ispens~ with read.ing the ba~.~.nc~ af this r.e:salu~ion. RESOLUTT.QN ~TQ. 1158 A RESOT~~J'TTO'N OF THE CI~Y COt1NCTL' OF T'~~.E CiTY 0~' ARROY~ GRANDE ~STABLTSH:LNG A.LZMITED FR.ETG'kiT LOADIN'Cr ZANE ON BRANCH STR.E'Efi. On morian vf Ce~unc~l~nan Sp~.E~r1.i,ng, s~e.anded by~ C~,i~nc:il.zn.~.i~ d~ T~~un and on th.e followin.g .roll cal,l. vatt~, ta wit: AYES : Cesunei~l.rne;n Sgif~+rling, dra 7~c,e~n., 5~171t~g~*1, M3.11is and Ma.yor Ta11ey ~TOES : Nc~ne ABSEN'T : NUne ~hP for.~going R~~~al~nti.nn pa~sc~d ~,n.d ~,~.o~at~d ~'h~is ~3th da~ o.f. M~y', 1975e A~ a'bc~v~ 1o~.ding z~ane~ ~,.li~n3.na~~~~ e~n~: t~'ri.%x°ty~-zni.n.ant~;s pazkin~ space in front of t'h~: B~.nk e~.f. Am~:ric~., ~'k~~ C~zn~mi5s ian .r~.°:~ca:nzn~nd.~d t'h.t~ ~.s~abli5hmen.t of a thirty-min~.te~ limit~d p~~lci~g sp~°~c~ in th~ fi.rs~ p~.rkzng spac~ east of Nevada St~°~et on tkzk~. n~ar~h sid~ c~.£ Branc'ka. S~:re~t; ra.x~.d ici rk~i~: fix°~t pa:~kin~ spac~ westerly of. B~idgP St;x~e~ an the: soaa.th sid~ r.+.f Br~nc.~ St~~~ta After Council. dis- cussion, City A~tox°ney S~ips~y r~ad. tks~:~ t:it~~. o~ a r~sol~.t;3un ,~stablishing limited pa.rk3.ng zon~a; ther~a.f~~;~°~ m~atiun ~r~.s madE: by C~~LL~n.~i1;m~.n Scl-~~.F:~g~:1, seac~nd~d l~y' Counc%lzn~.n Spi~:rl~,ng and. ~~.nan.imc,lx~l.v caa~ri.~d, t~ d.:~.sp~ns~ c~ri,t~'~~. r~~.~.din~ tr,~ balan~e of. th~~ r~~ol~.~ionm ~--~-ii CI~Y COUNCIL N]~,Y 13, 19~5 ARROYO GRAI~iD~ , CAL IFOR~ PA~E 5 R~S~T:tTT`IC)t~ 1,~.:.~9 A RE~OLL'7:'1Clt~ t~~' T~tE C1:1"Y ~~C,X~CI.~. ()i~ T~~~: t"1.:`'~" ~RI~~~'(7 G1tAI~D~ ES~.~I~'LS~~:'I~G ~~M~~~D F~,R,KI~C; ~~7a;~t.~5 s~~; ~,RyIVCH ~Z'R~ET, 0~ ~c~t~.~n C~u~e:i~.7naz~ ~~~.~c~r~, sK:~F-rrr.~r:c~ , rr.r~ ~...<<~~z~.~ ~p~,~:x°1.~n~ ~.~d Qn the f~11~~ng r.oll ca11. vs~~€~, ~a~,~: AYE~: Ga~xnci.lm~;n Sp~.~~~~n~;5 T~or~, Sr>t~"s.~ j..~.;~ ~~rzd M~3~h~ ~a~~,~y NO~S : 1~Tt~n~ AB~E~: N~~~ the for~ga3.r~~ lt~~tal~t~can p~,~~~~d ~nd ~d:.,p~~:;~~ 1?~:"~.~ c~~~~ c~~` Ma~, ~97~, Dir~c~~~ o~ P~zb~.~~ G7c~rkb ~,nd~r~~n st;~t;~~c~, i,~~t; ~ G.,~, ~E:~~a~~~~,~~ w~,11 ~~u~ly~ ~rth~~ a propos~d f~~~,g~~~,~ ~.c~a~c~i,n~ zr>re~ nn srs~c~t~ ~:~.~A: c~~ B~~nc~ Str~~~ and a 1.im3.ttid p~.xlr:3.ng zQn~ ~.t; ~~Fa4 Cr~.nd t~vc.n~s:~= ~M:~.t~~;~.r: ~~~;ga;wt: ~c~csk Sta~~~} o RLSOL, ADOPTs E~'~AP~I~~~~ LTI3 FARK:iNG' G~~"~'~ !J~ 1'fi.AF'~;L'C ~+1Ai' ~~r ~ xequ,~;st £~°c~zn D3.ck ~~yr~~y r~~~~~ ;~r~ ~"rr~ffic '~a;, ~~t~~~~:ry ~.it ~36 'T~aff3.e Way, thE Cc~~nani~sicrn ~~.ccm~~ncl~d, ~~~~t ~:~,e tt~.~~;r~ p>.~r~k~.n~ 4~~c~;~ ~~t>~th~~1,y Ch~rry Avenue on th~ west~x°ly ~id~~ r~f I°~~~f;~~ Way b~ ~>;tz~,b~.~.~rt;=d a~ ~:h~,r~3r r~i.~mute limit~d parl~ing sp~.c~~ at~ ~~~i,~1 ba~~.s, f"or ~ pr;z~i.c>c~ c~~ cJn~~: wl~ich ti.m~ the matt~r wi11 "6~ ~~v~.~~w~d `t~~ ~:h~~ CcsYrr=i~~~;i.;.~r~c As~t:,:::r.° C^~.~.~~,1, d.~~cussi~an, City Attc~rn~y Sh.ips~~ r~~,d ~h~; ~:3.~;"I~= of r~v~c:~;l~.~t.i,t~~r F..ste~."1~~.i,~~~~ng p~rlr~.ng restri~tions ~ tl~.~x°~a~'t~r°, ~ r~~r~~i~r~ za~~ m~.d~ ~y C~iz:rre i."l,-„~r~. ~rhl~;~~;~ ~~~:cond+~d by Councilanan Mi~l~s ~rtd un~,n~,nxc~~.sl.y carri.~d~ di.~p~;n.~~,, ~y,;~1;f~ r{:a~~.n~ th~ bal.~nc~ of this resolt~t~cnw R~SO~~TZO~? 'l~{~, ~.16~ A ft~SOLIITT(~l~' C~~ 'I:lt~ CT.7.'Y CQU~"CI:;~ '1't~E C~'1`~ C3F ARR~"i~(3 GR~NDE EST~BL~S~IL~i~ Pt~RK~i~G R~ST'R;I:~~';LUNS i):~ 'TRpeE°F."~C W~3~. On mat~,an of ~rsuncrl,~€are dz: L~un, s:~~c~ncia~d fsy C,r~i~~;~,1:~.~~ Sp3,~~l.ing and on the fall~ring ~oll ~~,:1.1 vnt€.~, tc~ r,~it: AYES : Council,men Sp~.~rl;i.ng~ d~ I.~on, Sch i~.;~~~:7 , M:i3..1.~,s a,n.c~ Ma~c~r Ta~l~y NOES ; Non~ ABSEl~; 13on~ the foregoing R~solu~icn s~a.~ p~,~~Fd ~nd. ~.d~p~~:~' :~~~y l~t::h. d~.~y~ a~f Ma~, 197~. RESOL. ADO~'~, -~STABL~S'f~ PASSEN~ER T.b~D. 'Li7l~~ & E'~:,i*~~NATE_ 0~_ ON_~RIDGE ,.ST ~n °r~spon~e ~ta r~:qu~~t b~ th~ Pr~~byt~a~~,~,n Cty~~r~c~. a~n ~3rl,dg.$ Str~~t, the Csm~nigsa.an r~comanend~d ~i~~~ t.h~ r~~~~~ing p:~.s:~~:,n~;~:r.° Yc~~cii.n~ zo~~ ~h~: c~~~.rch be eiimina.teci,, ~.iid ~h~.~ ~ fc~r~:y fc,~~ pa~s~ng~;~ lr~~.d~.rr.~ zrs,~~. b~ ~~tab~~~~~d dir~ctly in front of th~ chx~~~h~ Af.'t,yr ~~~ncil a~.~~u~,; ~c~n, Ci.t.;~; A~t:ur.n~~ S~~,p~~~ r~~d ti~e t3.tle of a r~solution r~g~~din.~ p~,~~€~n~~r 1b~~c~ir~~ rc,n~~~ ; t:Y~~~z~~,~.f~~~°, ~nc~~~,on r~~.s m~.de by Counc~l.m~n BchZ~g~1, ~~r.~~~d~d b~ ~~~~n~a..~;rr~.~n Mi11~.~ b~.nd un~.ni~nrrus~.~ c~.rri~d, to disp~nse wa.,~h r.~ading th~ ~i~1~.nc~. of ~;~;L~ r~~c~'i~i:~.~n, RES~L~3TZOW N0, ~~.,~1 A RESOI~U'T.I~i3 t~~ 'Z`~~ CT~'Y COU~CTI~ B~' 'C~:E C"I~'Y ~J~' A~t~~'i7 GRANDE ES~BI~IS~L~[~ A PA~.:SE~'~ER Td7AD~?~C Zt~t~'F BR~DGE STREET AND E~TMI.~+~ATT.NG AN ~X:T.STI:NG P~.SS~:~t~FR ~:~(~AD~~ ZONE ON BR;IDGE S~R~~'~, Om m~~ion nf Cc~xncy~~n.~n d~-: ~~r~, ~~~c.:~n~r-:~. C~~;~:~~~~~n~c~. Sp~~rl~.ng and nn th~ foi,lv~ing roll c~.l~. rrnk~~;s t~ t~i~; A~Se Coura~i;~an~n Sp~,~ri.a.n.gP d~ ~.~c~n~ 5~~:1~1~:~~e1, :~li.~.l~~ ~nci I~.}~u~ ~a~l.~y ~O~S • ~l~n~ ABSEI~C' : TV~one. th~ for~ga~,~g R~~o~.~i,~~rr ~~,s ~s~.~~~~ ~r~d acica~~;~nd ~:~~i.~ 1:~~~~ s~~ I~;~, 197:5, -i~ CITY COU1dCIb MAY 13, 1975 ARROYO GRAND~, CALIFORNIA PAG~ 6 RESOLUTION ADOPTION - M~DI~°Y SP~ED ZO1~S dN VARIOUS ~TT'Y STREE~S Adaninistr~.t~r B~at~h r~vi~w~d tl~~ ~~n~ P~~k.ing & Traffic C~aission had previous3y r~c~sended approval ~f t~n~ ~~v~.~ian ~f ~g~~d. z~n~~ ~r~ ~r~~ia~aa~ City stre~t~ as o~ntlin~d in a r~por~ fr~u~ Ci~~ ~ng~n~~x~ G~r~i~ d~.t~d Apri1 15, i975, as fol lor,~s : M.F.H. M.P.H. ST°REET &IMITS ~}CISTTI~~ ~.ECO~ND~D F~rr~il Av~nan~ 6~~~ t Cit;y Lian~.t~ t~z ~~.~~on Ra~.d 2.~ 30 E~an Stre~t Grand Av~n~;e t~~ Soaxth City ~.im~~t~ 25 3Q N~a. Halcy~n Rc~ad ~r~.nd Avers~~ tc~ ~.i~i~awway lpi 30 35 E~. Ca~ninca Re~l We~t City T,ia~it~ t~ Barn~tt Str~~~ 2S 35 Valley Road S~~t~ Gity ~i.anit~ l~~r~h Cit~ Li~i~~ 3S V~.ll.ey R~ad S~~tFn City Limit~ t~u~ F~ir Oal~s Avenu~ 2,5 30 ~t~aasna R~ad Ra~ste 227 ~~st Citg~ Limits ~.5 40 Che~r~ A~~n~ae Tz°~ffi~ W~y ~r~ I3~~s~s Spra.ng~ R~;~d 25 30 TYnis ~t~er ha.d be~n h.~ld z~v~r frcaa~s ~ pr~vi~u~ rae~ting ta allow £or public inp~nt. ihe f~ll~aing p~r~ons saer~ p~~~~nt ~nd spoke on the matter: Ma.rcie R~ero, 1I94 Map1~ So. Elm), ~gcy~~ ~.n ~pp~~i~i~n to th~e rai~ing of spe~d l~it~ an ~lm, ~'arr~~l ~~d T~~Ic~°an~ Jo~ Mo~re, ~00 N~l.s~~n, spoke in oppositi~n ~6 ali incrc~~sed ~~S~~d ~.i~¢nits d~e ta th~ l~ek Qf geg~rat~ bilce paths in th~ Ci~y; ~nd D~a~~ ~~gue, 43fl ~o~di.and Dra.v~, ~gok~ in ~gpQSition to the incr~~~ed sp~~d li~it ~n ~~rr~ll.. Aft~r con~id~rabT~ Cauncil discussie~n, Council- ~man de I~on mad~ a ma~ti~an t~ d~l~~~ the str~~t~ of F~rra~~l and ~laai fram the speed zon~ r~visi~ra ~ist. Th~ n~~ti~n di~d ~~r l~ck ~f ~~~ond and discus~i+on of the speed z~n~~ cca:~~inued ~.t gr~~t l.e~gth. A~r,~tic~n w~~ ~ad~ b~ Caunci.T.~an Spierling and s~c~nded b~ C~uncil~nan d~ ~on, ~o acc~p~ ~t~a~ C~.t~ ~ngi.n.r~r'~ r~c~mnendations for ~peed iinait revisions, ~ith the~ d~l~ti~~n, &~~~~~v~~°, ~f Scs~nth Elas~ Street and Farroll Aven~n~. Councilrnan R~iilli~ int~.rj~c~~:d ~hat ~~.G~ str~et ~hculd be acted on sep~.rate~y. Aft~r ~urtl~er ~iisc~s~~ie~n, C~~.ncil.na~ Mialis a~ac~~ a~otian to aanead t'h~ af~r.~s~.id ~anti~n by Co~nnc~.l~n ~pi~rling, ixa~l~n3~ the del~tis~n of Cherry Avenu~. Co~nn~ila~n Millis' r~a~stian di~cl for l~.ck r~f ~~~~~nd. Ther~after, Cvuncilanan Spierling's moti~an cs~~ ea~°ri~d. City Attcar.rs.~,y ShigsQy ~hen r~ad th~ title of ~ r~~a~.ution r~~ri~i~g ~p~~d zn~~~ zn Ci~y; th~r~aft~~, a motion was made by Cc~unci~~aan Scl~l~g~l, s~c~x~dea b;: Cs~tan.~.~.lrn~~ d~ L~:~*n and unaniiac+usly c~rried, tc~ dis~~n.s~ cait~ r~~ding t}~~ 3~~3.~,nc.E~ c~f~' ~~^~is r~s~alution. R~SflI~U`~I{~~1 ~10. 1162 A R~S~~U~I~Dt~ AF ~I~.EE G I.7.°Y GflUNCii~ OF Tii.E C IfiY OF ARRO i~Q ~RANDE A~J`~'E~.ORIZING ANfiD ~STABLISHII~IG R~VTSED SPEED ZOI~TSS ON VARIOUS CI°1'Y STREETS. (Dra a~c~t~i~n ~f Co~ncilsn~n d.~ I~~~n, a~c~andr~d t~g C~~nci7.7man Spi~rling and on . the fmli~raing x°~11, e~ll vate, te c~it: AYES : Ca~ncilaa~n Spierling, cle I~c~n, ~~~il+~,g~l anci l~.y~~r fi~lley' I~OES: C~un~i~n Miliis ABSENT: 3~'c~c~~ the faregoing Res~lc~~ion r~~.~ p~s~~d ~.nd ~.d~pt~d t~i~ 13th d$yr pf 1Ka.y, 1975. ADOPTiON OF ~3RDTA~AI~C~ RE. ~TATER DISTRTBi3TION F~~S F.ET~D O1~ER Second r~ading and ~d~pti.~n ~f an ~r.din~;n~~: r~~~rdia~g~ n~w w~.ter fee~ for distrib~ntat~,n, ~tc., w~.~ h~~.d ~au~r p~r th.~ r~q~~~~ ~f tk~~ Ci~~ Atte~rney. cz~°Y cou~cza~ a~ax i~9 1~7.~ ARROYO GRANDE , CALZ~ORl~'I'A. PAGE 7 R~'PORT' S L A CC9 WA°~~R R~SA[SRC~S ~AI9~I~ORY CO1~I~.T°~~~ ~I~~°~Z~1~ ° DE L~9N Co~.n~il.~,m~n d~ ~,~on r~port~~ ~rnn ~a3r un~~~~..~~ S~n Z~i~ Qbi~p~ Co~nntg~ G~~~~r R~~~~.~~~.~s Ac~~r~~~~~ C~~an~,~~~~~, ~~i~~ t,~~~ 1~~~~ ~g~~~~~n~ ~itk~ G~ Lo~~t Hil~.~ ~a~d l~~~n c~i~~an~~~~. £~r~~:~~~ ~nd tka~, ~~~~n~~t~d t~ l~ tks~ m~tt~x° ~~a~ ~.g~~~,~c~n,~ ~~.re ~a~: ~.n ~ff~~~ ~a~ J~~~,n~.~y~A ~97F~. 5~.~~~ ~~rb~~~. and V~nt~~~. C~a~n~i~s ~v~ nat; g~~~ ~t~~~~d ~~s~it;~ ~~,~i~ ~~~t~~~ ~~~,d~.~:~, ~c~ ~t ~~,~r 1984 b~f~~~ t'1~~~~ ar~,d S~n ~~.i~ Qb~i~pca G~vr~ra.~~~~ r,~i3~ b~~~,~~.~ ~f C~lif~~ni~. Water Px°nj~cte GOUNCII~MAN SC~HL~~EI~ ~XGU~~I3 HT'M~~~ F1~O~I ~~E CQT~~~,~~ ~'~AI~~RS CI~~,N~ A~~~~~~I~ CONFLIC'~ 0~" Il~~'ER,~S'T THE ~TE~C'~ A~E~iVDA I~~M. A^~P~AIVCE OF IMPROV~MEN'"~S ~1~ Z~RAC~ ~4Q ~~~~AR~'T.F.;~I~ ~'~IG~TS~~ e~I~D ~T1E~ Di~~~~~~ ~f F~b~,ic Wa~~°~.~ ~.~d,~~~~n ~~~ac~~t~d ~~n~~ G~ ~~~~~~~a~ b~~n ta~.r~d~i~,g and ~~ar~~.r~g ~~ikh ~.~~~~~p~~~ 54~9 ~~~~~~~,~ld ~2~~,g~~s", ~nd reccra~~nd~.ci ~ppr~v~l s~f ~~i~ ~~~c~ ~~~i~ ~~ty En~3.~~~r r~turns f~~s 3.~~n.~ss. D~v~l~p€~r ~~E 'T~~~cte Rc~~~.~ 1~~~~~r~~;~a p~~~~r~t amd stal~~d tka~~ ~11 p~c~bl.~m~ ~~.d b~~n ~r~r~~d ~nd ~~Q~~~~~d t1~~ Cc~~an~il ~Q ~on~3.,~~~ this ma~t~r ncs~v, ~~.bj~ct t~h~ City ~ngi.~~~~'~ ~pp~'~~~~-• ~~~~ci1 ~g~°~~d ~i~l~ Directa~ ~f P~nblic ~Jark~ Az~d~:~s~n'~ ~~co~rm~nc~~~i~a~ ~rad~ ~~~~~~s~~d t~~ ~a,~~t~~ be review~d it~ ~~ud3~ se.s~i,~~. fcs~ M~~r ~.9~~, COUNCILMAN S~HT~EG~L R~SUMED HIS PLACE AT °T~i~ COi;~C"II~ T'AB3~~o NOTICE RE PUB fiEAR S~'~ REZQ~E GASE ~S ~F'~~C G~A~ ~T ~7 = 1975 Adttssini~tr~tor~ B~u~r„~r advi~~d t~a~ C~~~.nc~.l tk~~~ p~sbl.i.c h.~~.~x.ng ka~.~ be~n s~t for May 27, 1y75 ~~t 8~00 P,M. tc~ c~x~~~~.~~~ R~~c~n~ C~~~ 7~m~~, `~r~£fic W~.g~ Ext~~- sir,n, fr~~m "RmA-B~3" tc~ "p~°M" 9 c~~i~~. ~.~s b~a~n ~.pp~~~~~ Pl~.nnin~; Cammi~~iono REAPPOII~`TMENT OF REP TQ S~ Q CO & CL~T.:~a ARF°A PI~A.~ COQRDTl~IAT~i~C COUNCIL On m~o~i~n of Ca~.nc~l~n~~a Sc~1~~;~1., s~ce~~.d~;d b~ C~a~nnc3.l.~x~~,~ d~ I~~on and ~nani° incs~a~l3r c~rr~~d9 C~a~ncilzn.~.n ~pi~rl.a,n,~ ~~.s x~~~pgca~n~c~d ~1~~ G~~:y'~ ~'~'p~'~s~~t~ti,v~ on t~~ San I~~i~ (lbispa Ccsw.n.t~r and Ci~~e~.~ Ar~~~ PI.~n.n~.~a~, C~o~d.in.~i~~.ng C«~n~il. APl'ROVE T~ASE EX~ENS~.O~T GJIT~T SCHOQ~, DZS~'RICT & S~T STlTDX S~SST.AN FOR LEAS~ RENEfriAL As ~~coas~~~d~d r~ Ci.~~ Ad~~.n~is~.~~.r~r B~~c~A ~m~~.~~ w~s rn~d~ bS Ca~ncilman de L~on, s~cond~d by Caa~nei~.:~s~~n, Sc~al.~~~l and c~x~°3.~,d, wit~ C~~~ancilman Mi~lis abstain.ing; a~.th.i~rizing a~l~i.~°~ty' (30) day ~.x~:~nsi~n c~f t~i~ ~~~.s~ Agx~~m~n,t witk~ L~ncia M~~ Un~.fi~d Sc~i~ol Di~t~°ic~ ~~~~~din~ th,~: Lop~:z~ C~anltin~,ation High 3~hoa1 ioc~.t~d on Cit~ ~a~~p~~'~y S~~n~h ~1,~n ~.rad A~~n S~x~c~~:~s. '~kn~ ~~~$~nt l~aa~ ~xpi~res Ma.y 2b, 197,5 e A~t~.d.~ ~~s~ic~~ ~vitti ~h.~ Ba~~rc~ cr~ th~: T~~.c3.~, M~.~° Ln3.£~.~d Schvc~l Dist~iat was t~n~a~ivv~l.~ s~,t fox° Ma~ 22, 1975 to n~ga~~:~.~.~~ a~~~~~' ~~~~~a~, NO~ICE R~ STUD NT V(~IU~'`TEER~ TQ PAZN°~ ~WTI~GI~G BRTDGE ~'k~~ C~~~ci:L ~~vi~~a~cl rn~;mcs~~nd~sx~. f~a~ D3.~~c~a~ of Ptxr~.~.~ W~rk~ And~rs~n x°~pox°~~ng ~i~k~~ lrc~l ka~gh ~eh~aol ~trs~.~ni~~ h~.c~ a~pp~c~~ch~:cl. h3.m and b~~n g3.ve~a p~rn~issi.ca~ ~c~ p~.~.nt t'~.e ~~r~.nging b~~dge~ ~nd cl~~n d~bx~~.~ ~'~ca~n th~ ~~~~1c adjacent to th~ b~i~g~, ~n M~.~ 179 1975 und~~~ t~~ ~~p~~visi~n, ~ Ci~~ ~~p~oy~~• ~e v~la~~~~~~s faSl.ows: Ja L;~~n C~x., ~~i~~ B~.t~~, J~~ B~k,~r, D~~g And~~sanp G~~srge McCcrmlza~~, C'~~i~ B~~nc~, D~nni~ A~n~~~~n ~.~d P~~~r;r R~'~in~~n. T~a~ C~~nn~il coa~n~nd~d ~~~s~: ~~~d~~tts ~e~ ~:h~~.~ ~ieti~ sp~~i~e REAPPOII~MENT 0~' R~PS Tn SO~TD inTAS'~~ S`~CJDY - GARCT.~. & SCIiLE~~L_ P~~ tkx~ q~e~t o~ Cc~~aan~ilr~$~. Sc1~l.~g~1, aa mc~~ic~n w~~ maci~ by Cc~~nr~~il~na~n Spierling, ~e~ond~d bg~ C~~.r~.cil.m~n d~ ~~an, a~d c~~~i~d, ~.ppo~,nt;ing Ci.t~' ~~.gi~~~~' Ga~ci~ a~ t1~e Ci~~'s ~~p~'~~~nta~i~r~ ~c~ 5~-13.d ~'~~tr~ St~d~ ~nd Ca~,•~nc3,~.m~.n Sekal~gel a~ ~lteri~a~~ r.~pr~~~n~t~.i~~v~. COMPLAINT RE TRAS~ PROB~,~M A~ W~L~TAI~'GS BRf~S SHQPP'TN~ ~~~YT~R -~~1L~~' NT~ye~~ T~.11~y r~p~r~t~d t~a~~ t~~a~:~ l~~.caw~.n,g 3.r~t~ r~~i~~.b~r~~~ ~~~~d.~~tial a~eas fram. tY~e t~°~.sh bins ~.t~ bac~. ~a~' th,~ W3.1,~.~~.zns S~a~g~ai~a,g Cen~~~ 3.~ cr~~.ting probl~•~~ a~,d e~mpla~,nts ~~~ir~~ ~nd r~~q~~~~~d C~~~ if th~ Cente~'s or~ne~s c,a,~n b~ r~;gr~i.~~d t~ con.s~~ti~c~.~ ~~ri~ ~f~ ~~~~~~~~~r~ to c~n,~~.in th~ tx~ash, s~c.ka ~s a~l~ick,~~a~~~~.r~: f~nc~d 14 CITY COUNCIL MAY 13, ~975 ARROYO GRANDE, CAZIFORNIA _PAGE 8 REOUEST FOR EX.P~DIENCY I~ ~1tECTING TRUCK R0~'TE SI~NS OI~ BRANCH - MOORE Mro Joe M~mre, 200 N~:~.sc~n9 r~q~~~t~d t~.~t T'ranclc R¢~u~t~ ~igns b~ erected along Branch Str~et a~ scaon as pc~~sible, ~rc~.;y M~~~sn ~~d N~~.son S~t~~~t~ h~ve been ao des~.gn~~~d at p~~~ent~ wk~i.c~i h~ f~~1~ cr~~ting ~nnnec~~~~~y t~uck traffic al~~.~ t'~~~~ r~sic~~~t~.al atx~~t~. AD~'O~R~NT TO ~ECUTI~'E SESSION On motinn ~f Co~~Gilzn~~ d~, ~ec~~, e~~a~d~d b3~ C~~racilac~~~ Spi~~l~ng ~~d un~nitnously ~~r~~i~dA th~ Cc~u~ncil ~d~~urr~~d ~t 10:2~ PaM. to ~n ~x~c~tiv~ ~~~aion to rliscues uz~d~~° ~h~ M~y~~~-~Tili~e Ac~ wi~~ r~~~~~nc~ t~ 1~b~~ ~~~oti~tion~. REC011TVENMENT ~'h~ Gouz~eil r~eo~v~n~d ~t 10:59 P.M. wi~h ~.11 ~~mb~ra p~~~~n~ ~~iown or~ ~oll c~ll. ADJOiJR1VME NT (~n ~n~~i,~n ~f C~~~n~i~~~~ S~ahl~~~;~, ~~:ca~id~d b}~ C~~nc~lm~n ~Ii11i~ A~d unani- maualy ca~rrie~d, ~kae ~m~~ting ad jouxneci ~t 11:00 P.i~. u~t~l, 3:~0 P.M. on Marida~, Ma~y 19, 1975 ~~r ~ budg~t ~tudy~ a~~sia~. ATTEST ?U- CITX CLERK MAXOR CITY COUI~CIL MAY 1,9, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CAI,IFORNT.I~ 3:30 P.M. T~~ Ci~:y Co~xnci.l m~t ~.n reg~lar adjourn.ed s~ssion with M~.yor T'all.~y presiding. Upon roll call, Council MEmb~.rs Spi.prlin.g, d~ L~eon, Schlegel and Millis reported prPSent. COUNCI:LMAN SCHT.~GEL EXCUSED HIMSELF FROM THE COLrNCIl~ CHAMBERS CITING A POSSIBLE CQNFLICT OF IIVTEREST IN TkIE NEXT AGENDA ITEM. ACCEPT IMPRQVEMENTS IN' T.'RACT 5~"+0. "GARFIELD HEIGTlTS" . SUB:TECT TQ CONDITIONS Director of Publie Wc~rks Anderann and City Engineex~ G~.rcia revi~wed with the Council Tract 540, "Garfi~ld H~ights", Unit 2, recomznending acceptance o~ the imp~ovements in said tx~~ct sub~ect tc~ cert~3,n c~nditions. After Council discussion, an ~c~tion vf Cc~ixncilm~n Spierl.~.n.g, se~onded by Couneilman, d~: I,e~~n and ca~rx~d, acc~pting the imgrav~m~n~:s in Tract S4Q,"Garfield :H~:ights", Un~t 2 and authorizing the .rele~ase nf the Iniprovempnt Bc~nd, subj~ct to the following conditions fi.r.st b~ing met tc~ the C~.ty's Gatisfact~on ~nd stan,dards : 1, A s lapt= c~ntrol wa,ll w~.th ~~wo-foat concrefie retai.ning wa11 wher~ the adjae~nt fill is two feet or mare; 2, Debris ~.~n.d sa,nd is cl.~aned fro~n th~ ~tr~et•s and sid~w~lks; 3o Ei.re hydrants a.r~ adaust~d ta t'he Fire Chief's appx°oval; and 4. Ta erect or pay for strPet si.gns, txa~f.~e signs and dir~ction signs. COtTNCII~fAN SC'HIa~GEL R~SUMED HTS PT,ACE AT THE COUNCIL TABLE, AUTI30RIZE MAYOR & C I7.`Y CI~RK TO S IGN AGREEMEIV'T W/P . G ~ & E. RE . FLA.G3 ON POLES Administrator But•ch. repox°ted tha.t th.e Pa,cific Gas and Flectric Company has given pex°missic~n to the Ca.ty to install flag h~lders and fly the American Flag on th.a~r ~omp~~y°s poles from Traf.fic Way to Qak Park Baulev~.rd on Grand Aven.ue. After Coun,cil discu~sian, ~ m~tion was m~de by Councilman SchlPgal, seconded by Councilzn~.n Millis and car~ra.ed, a~nthora.zing the May~ar and City Clex°k to ~i.gn an agreement, an b~hal,f of the City9 taith Pacific Gas & Electr~.~ Campany re,gax°ding maint~n.an~~ by ~nd lia.bility of t:he Citgr ~~ith r~~°e~°~nce to fl~g~ ~nd flag hol.ders to be ~.ttached ko light stand~.rds by the City, BUDGET STUDY SESSION Admin~.s~rator Iiutch. pa~~~d out copie~ c~£ tla~ 1973-74 ~.~.dit Report just received today frosn th~ City's auditors, D3ehl, Ev~r~~ ~.nd CampanyTo The Cou.nc~~1 ~nd. Ad~n3.n~~~trafior Butc~ began r~v:i~w ~f ~he 1975-76 preliminary Municipal B~.dg~t con.tinuing throu~t~ a~nd eorngle~ing Pa~~. K of tk~~ City Adxninistra- tor's General Fund Sus~n~.ry.