Minutes 1975-07-08 3'7 C S°fY COUNC 6~ ~UL~P ~ 975 ARROYO GRANDE, C~L9FORNOA 1°h~ Ca~y C~~~a~o~ ~e~ °s~ o°~g~~~~° ~~~~u~~ ~~~8~ f~~~a~ ~~°~~ud~~go l.t~on ~°oll catl, C~u~~o~ Mer~b~~s Spo~~°~o~g, de ~~~~g ~~h~~~e~ a~d ~o~~o~ a°ep~o°~~d ~~~se~ato PLEDGE OF ALLE~OANCE A~ID ~N~O~~T80.N - ht~yor °~°a~ ~ey ~e~l" ~h~ P~edge ~f ~4~ ~~go~~~~ t~ F~ag;, ~r~d u~rarra~~o,a~~~}a _t~h~rem after, Re~a~~~nd A~~~ G~a°~~a~~ o~ ~h~ Ao°~°~~~ ~~a~~~ U~s~~~~ M~~hod°o~~ ~h~u~~~ d~~°s~e~ed the ~nvo~~~uo~a APPROV,4~ OF h89 NU°~ES ~ . _ °The man~a~e~ of tl~e u°~g~i~~ ~~~~u~g ~f ~D~s~ b°~~~~ ~r~~~ ~apPr~~~d a~ p~epa~~da _ ~ ~ ~ APPROVAL OF WARRAN°~~ On r~o~ °s ~n ~f ~o~nc a~~~~ d~ ~e~~, ~e~~~ded by Co~ra~ a~ r~ara Sp a~a°t o ca~ ~tr~ara e° mou~~y ca~~~ed,-Geo~~~~~ I~a~a°an~~ N~o 3~06 ~ho°oug~ N~o 3405,`e~ tt~~ to~al amourat of $56,6~Oo05; ar~d Pay~°~~~ W~~°~°~~t~ N~o 4299 ~h~~ugh N~o 4412', o~ tl~~ amount of $28,9040759 ~a~re app~ove~ ~nd o~de~~d p~a~a , REQUEST FOR S ~ DEVJRL'~CS ~°~10 9 DE ~~~F ~0 0~ ELhI - ~UFtVE~f ~ ~OR.. 9NT€R~S~ ~0 #~E ~~J~AD~_ . . 1'he Co~.cac ~ ~ , ~°~ac9 a t ~t~~s°' '~~orr~ a 'M o R~d e ~k,.,... - ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~°eet; a°eq~~~~~~3g th~t.s:a~ew~~~ks b~ °sn~~~~~ed ~h~.F~~~vS~~ a~s~d ~r~~t s~cl~ ~af S~~h~~~~m St~°~~t ~.:~Fla ~~ct~~ ~f Peab~ u~?~~x~9~~ Ar~d~~~~~ ~d~ u~e~' t~Oat e~ eot~ j~ra~~~ ~t~ wu t~i :t.h~. _ Elm St~°eet ~mp~°~~~ment Pa~~J~~~, ~od~a~a~k~ had c~~~ b~~c~ ~eq~au~ed, a~~hough approxs- ma~e~y or~e~°~ha ~°d o~ ~Bae p~~°~p~~~~ ow~~~°~ ~h~ ~e~~ ~ade, b~ta~ee~ ~op8a~ and Ash, d A d pu~ ~hem o~ 0 1°he C~~~~ a~ d a~~~ted o~ W~~k~ D u~e~~~a° And~~°~~~a to c~r~deact a ~u~°v~y of the ~a°op~~ty ow~~~°~ o r~ ~h~ ~~b~~~~ ~~~a w~~ d~ n~a~ hav~ ~ u dewa ~ ks, ~o a~~er~a8n a~~e~~~~ fo~ e~~~~~~a~o~ra of ~~m~~ LE`fTER OF ~41'PREC ~A°f B ON ~ROM Ao G o H B Gk# ~~HOOL RE o P~~, a C~ DE~~°a CbO~'ERA7~~ ON °Fhe Counco~'r~ad ~~~~t~~ f~°om D~ug Hat~he~u a~d ~om Mo~~e~ add~°essed to Police Ch~ef C~a~Bc, ~a~p~e~~urt~9 ~PP~°~~aat~~~a ~h~ P~~o~e D~p~~°tme~t ~Eo~° ot~ ~o~pe~atoon r:; dur a rtg th~ pa~~ ~cho~~ ~v~~~ _~au ~h ~he A~°~°oy~ G~aa~~~ B~ e gh S~hvo~ o; REQUEST ~ROP1 C 9 TY OF ~ o~ o O o `~0 Sl?~~ORT "~9 @ I~DERNESSo' ~E~ 8 GNA°f 0:O1V QF ~OPEZ CAN1(ON 7he Counca~ a°~a~o~w~d a~e~te~ f~°~m the C~ty ~f San Luss Obas~ao, urging support o~ two l~go~~~tove bal~~ ~~~ugn~toa~g t~e Lop~~ Canyora Area a~ a Wa~derne~s Ao°eao The Coura~ a 1 gene~°a y~g~e~~ tha~ o~ 1 fav~~°ed a`'S~e¢~ u~". d~~ o graa~ a on of the ar.~a and d s rec~ed Cou~a~ a~ ma~a hl o~~ e~~o b~ a~ag th~ ma~~e~° befo~°~~ ~~h~~ -~c~ 3 Adv a so~°y Boa~°ci at 6 ts next mee~a~g t~ de~~~moc~~ ~he~~ fe~~a~g~~ a~ ~he Lopez w~te~ supp~y cou~d be affected. Counealma~ Spueo°~a~g empha~azed ~~a~ a"Wa~d~~r~e~s`~ desagnataon al~ovus for control of the na~r~b~~° of peop~~ wh~ ~roay ~~te~° t~~ a~~~ ~o de~°sgnafedo INVBTAl°~ON TO DED9CAT80N 0~ ~R01Y~13 CG~°~ IRE~R~A°f@~N HAL9~; JULY' ~2, 1975_ The Coaa~a~ e~ ~~~e a~a~d a~a o n~ °s ~a~ o on ~~~m ~he hl~yo~° o~ G~°aver C e ty to attend that Ca,tye~ ~o~~na~ dedac~~eon o~ B~~ ~~CB°~~~bOE~ 8~~~1 1Z~h a~d °f~°ouv~lle en Grover CBt~f' Or9 ~11~~ ~Zs ~975 ~t~ Zm3~ Paf"~o MONTF9~Y DEPARTt~ENTAL REPOR°f FOR JUNE, ~ 975 1°he mor~~l~~y D~p~~~c~~~~~~ R~poo°~ f~~ ~u~e, ~975y wa~ ~°evaewed by the Councs 1 arad o~°de~°ed f o ledo ACCEPT RES & GNA°f @ ON OF P~1R9~~ NG ~ TRAF~6 ~ COMh1 @ SS B ONER m~9ACKSON On mo~ao~a Coca~c~~man Mu~la~, ~~~~nd~d ~y Counc~~ma~ d~ Leon arad unanamously ca~°~°a~d, th~ ~°e~age~a~~o~ €o°or~ a~ab~~9~ F~o Ja~ks~~, eff~~~e~e Jurae 24, ~975~ as the Cety's ~ep~e~en~ata~~ o~ ~h~ ft~g~ona~ T~°~ra~po~°ta~eo~u Ca~azen~ Advu~o~y Comma~tee and f~°om the Parkang and °T~°affu~ Co~~n~~~u~n, wa~ a~~ep~ed wa~h o°eg~°~~; and ~he staff was e nst ~°ucted ~o wa° a~ e~te~° o~ t9~~~Bc~ a~d app~e~ ~~t a o~ ~o M~°s o~ackson for her dedeca~ed se~°v~~e to th~ ~e~yo APPO ~ NTMENT OF ~OU~°H ~6UNTl' HUh1AN RELA°~ V ON~ COMM ~ S~ @ ONER - F 6 SCHER On mot °s on of C~~~~ a~ a~~a~ ~p u e l o~g ,~~~~~ded b~ Courac o l man M a~~ a s arad unan s mo.us l y carrAed, Sha~°a~a Lo Fasche~°, 565 Gayn~~a~° Te~°~~~~9 ~va~ appo~rated as one of the CAt,y's a°ep~°e~~ratat~~es t8~e So~~h C~~a~~~ ~iu~a~ R~~~taons C~mmu~soo~a, a~ ~ecommeraded by Nanc~ Da~ o~~nd hla~o~° T~ ~ 1~~ o NOT' @ CE OF NIEE°f ~ NG ~ C~~~ ZEN~ a A~~ 9~OR~ ~6h1~18 ~°~EE RE o~ 8~ 9~ CENTER -~?UL`f ~ 5, 1975 The Cour~c~~ ~°~cea~e~ a~d ~°~~oew~d a notu~~ a~ad age~da of the f~~°st meeting of the Cetazenss Ad~o~o~°y C~mma~~~e o~ ~~u~u~ Cen~ea° Need S~udy, ~o be held at the Commue~oty Bu~~das~g ~n ~9~~~ 15a ~975 a~ ~~3Q PoMo 3~ CI°fY COUNCIL JULY 8, 1975 ARROYO 6RANDE, CAL@~'~RNBA PAGE 2 RECEOPT' OF LATEST LE~ES~AT9VE BU~LE`~~NS FRQht LEAGUE OF CAY~9FORN~A C~T~ES 1°he Councal ~°ev~e~a~d ~~a~ ~~te~t ~ego~~a~~ve Bull~taras f~°om the League of Cal~forraaa Cot~e~o MUNia CODE AMENDo m Ah1END ANNEX~T60N ~EE C~iARGES ~ ORD~NANCE F~RS°T ftEAD~NG C a ty Attoa°~ey Sh o p~ey a°ead , t~o~° a t~ 1~ a~~~ ~ead °u rag, the t i~~ e~f an ord i n~nce amend °s rag the Mun e~ e~a ~ Cod~ by ~dd °o ng cea°~a °s ra an~ex~t a o~ fees; there~f~e~°, a mot s on was made by Counca lman Schlegel 9~ecor~ded ;ay C~unca ~rnan Spae~l ~rag and uraanAmously ca~°raed, to do~~erase writh c°eadeng ~he ba~a~,~e of t~aas oedAraan~eo REPORT ° JUNE 26th MEE°fING OF AREA PLANN~NG COORDYNAT9NG COUNCSL - SPBERL9NG Councalman SpAerl~ng r~po~t~d on th~ Jcane 2 th meet~ng of the Area Flannong Coordsraating Counco~, ~ta~cng tha~ dasc~~s~on had b~er~ held regardeng a work plan of the Council for th~ up~~mong }rear, whs~F~ ~nclud~s county-wade housinge A special meetang ha~ been call~d for Jul-~r 10, 1975, to see what budget cuts the County Boar°d of Supes-vs~or~ ha~ made and discuss what ~an be done within the Coor°dinating Councal's budge~ aliocatione RESOLUT I ON ADOP°f o m RE1/ 9 S ED ~ UPDATED ENV I RONFiENTAL O hIPACT REPORT GU 1 DEL i NES The Couneil rev~ewed a memoa°andum fo°om Plann,ong Director Gallop with attached t°evASions and s~pdates of the City's guideline~ f~r the preparation of Enviroramental 9mpact Report~ a~ mandated by State leg9sla~ione After Council dis- cussaon, City Attorr~ey Shipsey F~ad ~he tetle o~ a resolutson amendang Resolution Noo 1032 t°egar°ding Enveronm~ntsa) Bmpact R~pot°t~, the~eaf~er, a motio~ was made by Councslman Schlegel, ~e~ond~d by Councilm~r~ de Leon ~r~d unanimoa~~ly carried, to clispense with r~~ad°ang ~he balanee of th~~ ~°~~oiu~sona RE~OLUT90N N1~o 1173 A RESOLU°f I ON 0~' °fHE C 9 TY COUNC t L OF °fHE G I1`Y OF ~RROYO GRANDE ES°CABLISHING AND AMEND9NG RESOLU`fION NOo 1032 OBJECTIiIES, CR~TER1~4, ~ND PROCEDURES FBR EVALUA°~ION OF PRUJECI'S AND °fHE PREPARA°T i ON OF EN11 I RONNiEN°fAL E[NPAC°~ REPORT GU I DEL I NES FOR THE CITII OF ARRO1f0 GR/~NDEo On motion of Coun~siman de Leon, se~onded by Councilman Spierling and on the following roll call vote, ~o ~vit; AYES: Couracilmen S~~e~°lang, de Leon9 Schlegel, Millis and Mayoa° Talley NO~S: None ABSEN°f: Nor~e the fot°egoing Resolutaon +~as pas~ed and adopted thAS 8th clay of July, 1975~ PUBLlC HEARING = REZONE TRA~'F~C WAY EX°fe FROM RA83 TO PM (LAWLER) ~ CUNTINUED De~°ector° of Public Woa°k~ Ande~°son revaewed ~he background and previous actions and publi~ he~~°ings h~~d on Rezoning Ca~e Noo 75-79, Traffec Way Extension, from "R-A-Bm3" to "P-hl"a A~e~olutaora f~°o~n gh~ Planning Commissson recommended a"D" ovec°rade be app~°oved with the "P~M" rezor~ang, whech iaould require use Permit pro- cedures ~r~ ~ray al~awable us:es of th~ p~operty, ~aath the chur~h to be notified of all such hea~eng~o Upon beiny a~su~°ed by ~he Ce+~y Clerk that all requirements as provided by l~w have been compl~ed w~th, Mayor ~~lley de~l~red the hearing open and all pe~°~ons would no~v be heard f~~° ag~er~~t thA~ rezonings The ~ollowsng per°~on~ were present arsd spoke en favo~° of the rezonang: Fred Strong, ~°epres~nting Re~onar~g App~~ca~~ Law~~r, ds~played the Land U~e Element Map arad passed out cop i es of Goverramera t Code Sec~ o or~ 65860, ~ega rd s ng the 1 eg i s 1 a t i on effective Janc~a~°y l, 1974 whach ~tated ~hat a zoning ord~nance ~ha11 be consistent with a city's General Plan; Ball C~~~y~e, an adjo°sraing property owner; Harold Guiton, lacal ~°ealtor, ~vho stated 'that ye~~°~ ago he had placed the ~awler property on the marke~ foo° ~°es~d~r~~aa~ lots and no~ ~°e~eav~d an~ Antere~t in °st, unt~l now when light BndUStl°B~~ was p~°o~osed; a~d James Law~~r, P. Oo ~ox 293, A~°royo Grande, applicant for the rezoning, The fol l o~?a r~g per~or~s rve~e p~°e~~n t and ~poke aga a nst the rezon s ng : R. Dean Rob i rason, D a D e~ a, r°ep~°e~ent a~g th~ Chua°ch of Jesu~ Chr s sg of the Latter-Day Sa i nts, which adjoins ti~e proper~y p~°oposed foc° ~°ezonsng, read a prepared statement, copies of whACh he d~strabs~ted th~ C~u~a~ol~ The st~temerat opposed the rezoning and ~°eque~ted the pc°ope~ty b~ ~°et~~°n~d to i°~~ B d~t1~ B a~ ne a ghb~a~°hood usee Dr, Robi nson a 1 so presen~ed a 1 et~e~ f rom Jack ~se ~~1 arache M e Itose of P i~mo Beach, who own proper°ty adja~en~ to ~he ~ub~e~t Rr~p~~t~9 objectang to the ~°ezonirago D°arector of Public Works Ander~on a°~ad ~aed lette~° en f~l~a Maa°ie Cattour, P° Oe Box 134, 39 ~ C9TY COUNCBL ~UL`~ 8, ~975 ARROYO GR,9NDE, CAL&FORN~A PAGE 3 ArA°oyo Go°arade, ~~ad a pa°~p~u°~d ~~atemeo~t ~~~p u~~ o~ ~ah a ch ~P~a°~ d°u ~~o° a b~~ed ~o the Coaanc a 1,~b j ec~ o~g to th~ pa°op~~~d o°~zos~ a a~g ~I~~ ~o°~~~~°t~ ~ o~ ~~ve a~°e~ o~ tl~~ u o°s o A~so speake~tg u~ oppo~otaon t~ ~he ~aab~~~~ m~~~~~° ~o~~ M~°m Ca Ra D~~~, 6~~ ~u°~ffa~ Wayo The~~~ bee~g ~o ~u~theo° ~~v~ d°o~c~~~a~a~a ~°~~~o°~~~g th~s m~~~~a~, ~ay~~ °~~~~ey ~ dec~ a~ed th~ h~a o~g c~ o~ed a Th~ Co~~s~ u~ d o scus~~d ~h~e ~a~fi~~ go°~a~ ~~~g~l~, ~nclud°sng the ~~w l~g~s~~tao~ ~~o~g~~ ~0~~9~ h@~~ ~~~0~9' P~~~~~~~ co~d~~~o~~ ~f the '~D~' Qve~°rid~ to be f~~~h, t~ ~~c~aa~~ B~~~gh~ ~f ~h~ b~s~~d0~~, ~~~~~~~6~~ w~th~~ th~ ~~n~~~~~ o~ ~h~ ~~~~~~~g, ~~d ~~~ds~a~~~g, ~~d ~h~~~~g ~s~~~t ~pnc~~~ f~~ th~ ~udde~ ~~~~r~a~ of a~~~~e~ w~9~~~1~ ~h~ C~oa~~~~ th~~gh~ be6~g amicably r~o~k~d ~u~ b~~w~~n ~h~ Ch~~~h, Mo~~ ~~w~~~ ~r~d C~~y 5ta~f~ Co~n~~lm~~ S~F~~~g~l ~cque~~~d ~h~~ n~~~ po~op~~~y ~dJa~~~~ ~o ~h~ prop~~~d ~~~~n~~g, who ~~e prese~~ ~h~~ ~v~n~~gA ~~~nd upa S~v~n ~~~~~n~ ~~ood cap ~nd ~tlrr~ ~~t d~va~ wh~n w~s ~~qu~s~ed xha~ ~k~o~~ oppos~ng ~~b~~~~ m~~t~~ ~~sn~~ro ~~~nd9~ge Attoo~r~ey Ship~ey ~~~~~~~~d ~h~~ G~~~~~1 P~~~o b~ ~~f~~~~~ b~~k ~F~~ Pl~nn6~g Gommi~ston f~~ ~~v6ew ~o~m~~~ ~0~~~9~~~~~ ~v9~h~ tP~~ Z~n9~g Niap~ ~ After~ ~uo~~~e~ C~~n~~ ~~~~~~~~~o~, ~ r~o~~o~ ~ra~ m~d~ ~y C~~an~llman Sptert 9n9~ ~~~onded ~y C~u~~P~ma~ d~ ~~~~~~dA ~~~~~~~~g R~~~n~~g Ca~~ N~~ 75~79~ ~I~y ~h~ ~~~y ~u~~h~~ ~~~dy w~~h ~hu~~h ~~~r~~ ~~n~~°~1v~~ ~~d M~~ L~w~~~, ~p~~~~y ~~~~~~~o~~ ~h~ wep~~ ov~~r~~~e b~ ~~~a~hed ~o ~ho ~~~oini~q,~f th~ ~~w~~~ ~~op~~~y ~~o?n "R~q_9~3" D~~~~6~~ ~ap~M~~s ~f approv~d by ~h~ Cou~~~~ fut~~~ r~~~~~~~g~~ ~ MAYOR TA~LLEY DE~C~~4R~D 9e ~4 P~M~ ~ Th~ C~u~c~l c~~~o~~e~~d ~t ~;~9 P~M~ v~6~h ~1~ ~~~n~~~~ ~h~wn ~n ~011 c~a ~ ~ o PUBLIC HEARING ~ SA~E OF C9TY°OWNED 9~OTS 5~ 6,BECKETT'S ~4DDT~, LE PO~NY ~ CANCELLED hlayor Talley ~°equest~d ar~d the Coun~a~ agreed that ~he publ~c hea~°~ng scheduled at thu~ tame pe~° t~ae Agenda b~ ca~ace~led, as n~teces of t~~ ~~~e Af Caty- owned Lots 5 and 6, Be~kett's Add~to~ra ora Le Poon~ above the Hoo~~gorv were never publashed or posted du~ t~ the u~aaba~Bt~ ti~ ~ecure an ac~cu~°at~ ~egat descr~pt3on ~f said po°opertie~ at tha~ tacne~ RESEARCH POSS~B~LIT~ES OF .909NT REC4 PROGRAM W9'~H SOe C0~ CIT9ES ~ SCHOOL:DISTR:,ICT Mayor `falley p~°opc~sed to the Coc~n~u~ that cor~~odea-ation be g3~~n or a Joint recreat~ona~ prog~°am wBth o~he~° c~toes an the area, as the progracns seem to be doing the same tha~g~ and u~ong ~he ~~~ne fi~GB~BtU~S at differe~t ~amesa Counc6lm~n $chtegel 8rad~cated that th~s was att~~pt~d ~~a~~ b~fore some year°s back, but nothi~g h,~p~~~ed and he ~anr~ot ~°eca91 whya hlayoo° Ta~~~~ poanted out ~hat socne of Ars~oyo Graride resadent~ take adr~antage of G~°o~~~° Coty prog~°am~ a~d vice versaa C~uncatman Spierting arad°ucated a r~e~d fm~° a ~°ec~°eatu~na~ p~s~g~am ~n~ompa~~ing the e~rtao~e South County area. He suggested tF~at a~ the Sch~o~ D°u~~~°~ct do~~ co~e~ a~1 of South Co~nty, that the three c~t~es ag~°e~ to gu~e ~~pp~~°t ~o the Do~t~oc~ ~~d ask the Cc~~o~ty for suPP~~°~ money-was~ fo~° tho~ p~°og~°am, wath ~h~ 5ch~a~1 D~~to°~~t to be ~°eque~t~d to ~ak~ charge of the proga°am w~th thus Caty's s~ppo~ta Coun~~~m~n M3~~i~ ~gr~~d the propo~al has me~°~t, on the assumptoon that the tho~ee cetaes and c~ur~~y ~on~r~but~ propo~tionate shareso Mayo~° Tal~~y ~°e~ser~ed that as t~~ Councbl appear~ to b~ ge~~rally ~n favor of the propo~al, that the Caty Staff be an~t~ucted ~o study i~ ~nd ~ome up with a formula for supporto N~wspaper Repo~°te~ Dor~s Olsen q~~~~~on~d the d3~tance of Nipcc~mmo and tr°ansp~art co~ts of pas°t~cApa~at~ ~s°om thes°e~ C~unc~bman Sp6erl~ng indi- cated that ~choo~s a~e the~°~ at whuch p~°ogc°ams could be se~ ~p w~thout to~anspA~°ting pao°tocapant~o Mayoo° 1°al~ey state~ the r~atter ~h~uld ~e d3scussed r~8th th~ School D°s~ts°act arad Councalmara Spaerls~g e~npha~ozed ~hat the C~~y dect~o°e ots support when br~achsng the ~ubJect r~uth themo s4fte~° fuo°thec° Councu~ d~scus~ion, a mot3on was made by Couraca lman Sp~e~°~ ~~ga ~e~onded by Cmaa~cu ~mara Mu Ss and unas~~mous~y ca~r3ed, An~t~°cact~r~g Caty Staff to exp~o~°e the po~subo~oto~s of a~oint ~~~~°eatao~ prc~gram wAth the SOtItI~ COIJf~ty ~9~0~~' the Caau~ty ~s~d the ~u~aa M~~ U~~f~~d Schoo~ Dist~°icte APPR01/E F S NAL MAP OF 1°RACT 550, CERRO V ~ S°~A -[~AKER - SUB~9ECT °f0 COND ~ T~ ONS C~ ty Eng o nee~° Ga o a~e~ a e~ced tha~ the F o aaa ~ Map of Tract 550, Ceo°~°o V~ sta, at South A3parae and Ceo°~o ~o~t~ Lan~g ~a~~ ~°~c~u~~d fo°~m D~~elop~~° Cha~les Bake~° today and ~ 1 l fees pa ~ d a~ ~eq~ a s°e~, eaccep~ foo~ ~e~e o~t of Bo~ads ~ Ag~°ee~nent o He stated ~hat th°ss u~ th~ fu~°~~ subda~u~o~r~ o°~q~B~°ed to ded,ucat~ ~t~°ea~bed propertya After Counc a 1 d@ SCl1SS 908~' a mot a ora was mad~ by C~a~rac S l~nan Sch~ egel , seconded by Counc i t- man de Leon and u~aansmou~~y ~~~°~'eed' ~pp~°ovoc~g the Feraa~ Map c~f T~°act 550, Cerro V~ sta, sub,ge~t to the ~l@~fTl B~S B 06~ o~ a~a o th~~a~ Peo°fou°~n~ance Bond a n t~ae amount •of $110,000 and Labo~° and hlat~o°u~~~ B~a~d a~a ~he ~n~~s~ant of $5'S,000; a~ac9 executactirt of `an Ag~°eement that the t~°act u~e ~ae co~np~et~d to Cot~ sta~odard~o -44 Ci'<TY COUNCIL JULY 8, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 APPROVAL OF SAKAMOTO DRAINAGE ON FARROLL AVENUE Director of Public Works Anderson indicated an area on the map praposed for a drainage project Tn the area of Farroll Avenue and South Elm Street, involving the Sakamoto propertya The project involves the a~quisition of a drainag~ ~asement from Mrso Sakamoto and constructing a drainage digeh whi~h would car~y the drainage water from Elm Street onto the City's Elm Str~et propertye M~so Sakamoto ha~ ~pproved the plans and agreement, on the condition tha~ the work i~ done prior to her ~tarting planting on July 20, 1975, During d~°y time~, the ditch will be used as a f~rm road with the City making cuts in it for acc~ss to properties. After Couneil diseussion, a motoon was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon, and unanimously carried, the plans for the Sakamoto dra~nage plan on Farroll Avenue was approved as presented and the expenditure of approximate~y $8,000 from the Drainage Fund for said project was approvedo RECEIPT OF O~F~YEAR CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE DISCLOSURE FORMS - DUE JULY 31, 1975 The Council reeeived a memo and forms from the City Clerk regarding fiting of Off-Year Campaign Expenditure Disclosure forms due July 31, 1975 as requi-red under Proposition 90 REFER LAND USE ELEMEN`T OF GENER~4L PLAN TO PLANNING COMM1SSfON FOR RECONSIDERATION City Attorney Shipsey ~larified the basis on which the Land Use Etement of th~ Gene~al Plan was recommended for ~pproval by the Councila Aft~r Council discus- sion, a motion was made by Coun~ilman Millis, seeanded by Councilman Spierling and carried, that the City Staff be inst~uc~ed ta s~udy a reconsidera~ion of the Land Use Element of°the General Plan`~o co~°re~pond with the present zoninga tNFORM POtICE DEPTo REo NUN-ENFURCEMEN~° 0~ PARKING LIMI°fS ON SUNDAYS ~ HOLI~AYS Mayor °falley advised that he had be~n told that the two-hour parking limit on Br~neh Street had been enforeed on July 4tho Evidently many of the parking restriction signs only indieate ghe Sunday exemptiono It was clarified that Section 4-3006 of the C~ty's Munieipal Code does except Sundays and holiday~ from the parking restric- ~ tFon and the Police Department will be so,notifiedo REQUEST FOR EARLY START IN MAINTENANCE OF CITY STREETS - SCHLEGEI Councilman Sehleget requested the Publie Works Director to consider chip sealing of City streets ?n August or Sep~ember, to assure this maintenance is accomplished before the rainy seasono ADJOURNMENT On mofiion of Couneilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman Mitlis and unani- mously earried, the meeting adjourned at 10000 PoMo until 7e30 PoMo on July 15, 1975, to meet with the Citizens' Adv7sory Committee on a Civic Center need studya ' ~ AT°f E ST • CITY CLER MAYOR CITY COUNCIL JULY 15, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7e30 PoMo The City Council met in regular adjourned session with Mayor Talley presidingo Upon roll ~all, Council Members Spi~rling, de Leon, Schlegel and M111is reported pr°esento Also present are Administrator Butch and Citizens' Advisory Committee t~~mbers And~rson, PoPe and Smitho JOIN~ SESSION WITH COh1MITTEE REo CIVIC CENTER NEEDS Mayo~° Talley reviewed for° the Canmittee the purpose of the Council's appoint- ment o~ a Citiaer?~' Advisory Cortm~tte~ on Civic Center need studyo The Mayor reques~ed that thi~ Gommittee determine if there is a need for addi~ional space and that if thi~ additional spa~e is needed, the ne~ct question is the location of the fae~lity,- whether the present location 1s adequate, or if another loca~ion shouid be consaderedo Mayos° Talley iredieated that th~ services of the City Administrator would be available ~o the Comm~ttee at all timeso Admfni~trator Buteh ~nvi~ed the Ca~mittee Members to make an insp~ction of the City Hatl at their ~onvenience and un~nnounced, so that they ean review the existing conditionse In add~tion, be~ause only three members of the six member Cortmittee are ~n ~t~endance tonigh~, h~ r~quested if a meeting set for July 29, 1975