Minutes 1975-07-15 44 C1<TY COUNCIL JULY 8, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 APPROVAL OF SAKAMOTO DRAINAGE ON FARROLL AVENUE Director of Public Works Anderson indieated an area on the map proposed for a drainage project in the area of Farroll Avenue and South Elm Stree~, involving the Sakamoto propertya T'he pr°ojeet inwolves the acquisitson of a drainag~ easement from •Mrso Sakamoto and co~strueting a drainage digeh whi6h would carry the draenage water from Elm Street onto the City's Elm Street propertye M~°so Sakamoto ha~ a~proved the plans and agreement, on the conditior~ tha~ ~he work is cfone p~°ior to her starting planting on July 20, 1975~ During dry time~, the ditch will be used as a farm road with the City making cuts in it for acc~~s to propertiese After Council discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Spierling, seconded by Councilman de Leon, and unanimously carried, the plans for the Sakamoto drainage plan on Farroll Avenue was approved as presented and the expend°oture of approximately $8,000 from the Drainage Fund for said project was approvedo RECEIPT OF OFF-YEAR CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE DISCLOSURE FORMS - DUE JULY 3l, 1975 The Council received a memo and forms from the City Clerk regarding fiTing of Off-Year Campaign Expenditure Disclosure forms due July 31, 1975 as required under Proposition 90 REFER LAND USE ELEMENT' OF GENERp?L PLAN TO PLANNING COMMISSIUN FOR RECONSIDERATION City Attorney Shipsey ~larified the basis on which the Land Use Element of the Gene~al Plan was recommended for° appr°oval by ~he Councila After Council discus- sion, a motion was made by Councilman Millis, seconded by Councilman Spierling and carried, that th~ City Staff be onstru~~ed ta ~~udy a reconsidera~ion of the Land Use Element of 'the General Plan`to ~orre~pond with the present zoning< 1NFORM POLICE DEPTo REo NON-ENFORCEMEN°~ OF PARKING LIMITS ON SUNDAYS ~ HOLI~AYS Mayor Talley advised that he had been told that the two-hour parking limit on Braneh Street fiad been enforeed on July 4tho Evidently many of the parking restriction signs only indicate the Sunday eacemptiono tt was elarified that Section 4-3a06 of the City's Municipal Code does excep~ Sundays and holidays from the parking restric- tion and the Police Department will be so,notifiedo ~ REQUEST FOR EARLY START IN MAINTENANCE OF CITY STREETS ~ SCHLEGEL Councilman Sehlegel requested the Publie Works DTreetor to consider chip sealing of City streets in August or Sep~ember, to assure this maintenance is aceomplished before the rainy seasono ADJOURNMENT On motion of Coun~ilman Spierl~ng, seconded by Councilman Millis and unani- mou~ly earried, the meeting adJourned at 10000 PaMo unttl 7e30 PoMo on July 15, 1975, to meet with the Citizens' Advisory Committee on a Civic Center need studyo ~ A°~°fEST: ~ ~ ~ CITY CLER MAYOR CI1°Y COUNCIL JULY 15, 1975 ARROYU GRANDE, CALIFORNIA 7e30 PoMo The City Council met in regular adjourned session wtth Mayor Talley presidingo Upon roll ~all, Counc~l Members Spi~rling, de Leon, S~hlegel and Millis reported presento Also present are Administrator Butch and Catizens' Advisory Comnittee Member°s And~r~on, Pop~ and Smitha JOIN~ SESSION W~TH COMMITTEE REo CIVIC CENTER NEEDS hlayo~° Talley reviewed for ~he Commi~tee the purpose of the Council's appoint- ment of a Citi~en~' Advisory Commi~ge~ on Civic Center need studyo The Mayor requested that thi~ Gommittee determine if there is a need for addi~ional space and that if this additional spa~~ is n~eded, the next question is the location of the facility, whether the pr~sent locateon is adequate, or if another loca~ion should be consid~redo Mayor Talley indicated that the services of the City Administrator would be available to the Comm~ttee a~ all time~a Adm~rr~st~°ator Butch invited ~he Ca~nittee Members to make an insp~ction of the City Hall at theit° ~onvenience and un~nnounced, so that they ean review the existing co~rd~tionse In add~tiony because only three members of the six member Comnittee are in ~t~endanc~ tonight, h~ r~quested if a meeting set for July 29, 1975 . ~1 CITY COUNG9L JULY ~5, 1975 ARROYO GRANDE, CAL9FORNBA PAGE 2 at 7:30 PoMo un the Counc81 Cha~n~e~°s wou~d b~ ~gu°e~ab~~, to wh~ch th~ membe~s ~n attendanc~ agc°eedo He thee~ ~~tr~~duc~d Mr~ ~~h~~ Jan~9cags, J~°o ¢~f A8A (Ame~°6~an I nst i tute of Arch o tectur°e) , o°epr~s~nt ~ ng Sa~ L~a 6 s Ob E$po ar~d No~°thern Sar~ts Barb~ra Count~eso Mra Jenn~~ogs u°ev~ewed fa~o~ the Co~n~~~ and ~omm8t~ee ~he g~u°o~eda~~°es on selecting an ao°ch~t~c~ ~nd the sna~y se~°vBces off~e°ed by an ao°ch9t~cta Tha~°e wore a few questions askad by the C~a~ancil wQ~h u°~f~o~erac~ to compensat~ora and othea~ m~tterso The Mayor thaca added ~a tf~~ comm~nts by o~~quest8~ag th~t a poss~ble F6u°e Stat~on . location needs ~o be consQ~~e~°ed or~ t,h~ CmmrnBtteeBs o°~view and studyo Genera~ d°os~uss~oea was p~a~°saaed on Sr~~~aal d~rect8ons arod the quest~o~ of determ8natior~ of n~edso Memlb~u°s rveu°e aga~n ~nvBted t~ make a revi~w of the City Hall operatBon and thera prep~o°~ for ~ g~n~ra~ d~sc~sss~on at ~ meetBr~g to be held on Tuesday, July 29, ~975 at 7.30 PoMa Mayor° Tall~y exp~°essed thacok~ ar~d ~pp~°~ciatBon to all In ~ttendance, . stressing that thQs ~s a lc~ng ~nd a~volv~~ process and would take several years to completeo ADJOURNMENT On mot~on of Co~nc~~man M~l~~s, second~d by Councalman de Leon and un~ani- mously carr~ed, the meet~ng ad~~uu°ned at 8:45 PoMo ATTEST'. C~ C~..~~ DEPUTY C9 Y CCERK MAYOR , ~