Minutes 1975-08-12 ____4'7 ~ B ~fi~ ~~~~u~ ~ u~ ~ ~~G~~~~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 975 a V ~~~M''r':~ ~ a h ~ ~~~~~~~h1; ~~~r~ ~~~d1~~~ ~~~~~~r~~~~~ ~ IT°~CD P ~ ~ 1; p ~~R'L.~~?`~!~ b~ ~'~~0.y~ ir' i I~~~i'fiU ~ ~oC 7 ts ~;j , ' . n". ~ ~ > ~ ,.~R~ ~~(P~'~~'~~l ~ o a tl f.7i~ ~~`a J i G~~ M;~ ~~,r;~Rll'~ ~ ~''~~.~~i~ ~~~,~~s~~~V~~ ~;1~~' ,~~~~~~~~fi~~ B~~~y~~ ~~iN~~ ~°~i~ y~~~~ rR s ~~W ca~~ ~.~~u~~ iim~~~~~~ a~,~,~;~~~~ ~ ~~~'~~~9 ~~~~a~d l'~~ir~ ~i ~ ~ t~~ ~wr~~~~~ ~,~i~ ~~,~~r~~~,~.~~~,~~~o :~h~ 9~ i~~'~~ ~ ~ ~3 ~ i4N'~~ ~ ~ n;P~ ~~~C il ~q`d ~~~.4~~'~C i]' T i?~~'s~l~ ~ ~ ~~t``~IPSJ ~ '`*,~'~i1D~ll~'~~~ ~~~p '~~`(1~I~'~ II ~11('~?r~l~`fl ~d ~ ~ J 0 ~ ~i ~"~~?.a u, U li'tl~'t~a, ~ ~~J"'~~~~$ 'C~;9^i~,'i1~~`~"; itff`l~ I~'~K~G~I~I~i~` l~i~~~9V^~ e,~ ~6ai~i`% ~~A~S~ ur~~9'~ ~I~,9~b~'~~ ~ r~i~ p0`~~~1N°~~~ ~ ~~'~'9~~'~9~~~ ,wy~ ~ lI "'a~9°~ G:'~ ~ L~'i~"i"1!~~ li i~ *B~d'~ tl~i ;~!1 ~ fl fl h ~ 1-;~~~~t~~~~ ~ ~y~C~'s.~'i6~1 ~ J ~"B~C~;~ S~~ ~~'~DB~ ~1~~ R,Bff~~1P~J U ~61~45~ ~ ~ ~~ir~°~~~, ~~~a~~~~°~~ ~9~~ir~~~~ ~N~z~ ti~a~ar~!i~~r ua~ i~~~ ~~~~o~~ ~4$~~~8~629 ~u~d ~~~~~~a~ ~ ~~,~~~r~~u~~~~ ~&~o ~+~~0~ ~I~~ir~a~R~gf~ B~~~o ~ ~ ~m~ ~~~s~~ea~ $7~~505o6~y ~,~~a~rs~~~cS ~r~c~ c~ir°:~~~„r~a.,i ~~Gc~: ~YtE~E.~X~'~ N t~~ ~ ~~.~6~'1~~~ ~~'~'R~:~ B ~@~ tl C~N ~t7R~~'.~ ~,~Mk~ ~ N ~I~~P~~ ~C~~~~v~~~ N~~,~ ~,e-~;:~~~~~~ ~ll~~ar~~ ~~a~~°~c~%~~o~~~ ~au~~a ~~a~u~¢~~ c~~ ~B~~~uBc~ ~~~~u~~ ~~a ~~~~~¢~~s[i~~~~~ ~~~n°~.~~~~ ~~~k,~ ~ ~~~.ir°~~~u~~ ~~~~r~o~~o~~~~°s G74 ~o ~B~dO~~'~~II H~~~~~~~ ~a~~~ C~ ~ a~., d~~C~~~~~ g ~o~~ ~~z:,r°r~~~ ii o~~ ~ o ~ ~~~~~n o ean~~ u ~ab~~:6~ Ea~ ~ ~~,~,>dr ~~~~a~~~aE~ P w~~7,~~ ~0~~ ~ 9 ~~~~~°~~~~~i ~ o ~ ~°~~~~~~~~a~ a ~~v ~~a~ ~~~o~~:~~ ~d'~~~~ ~i~~ ~"~fi~~~`:;~~~ ~~~~~~nr~~~~~;ir~~ ~~~,~nK:,~li°~, ~lro°~ar~~~~r~~~~~~~a ~c~i~~~P~~~~, a~rp~~~~~~a~~. ~5~~?e~s~~. ~ui~ a ~ ~J ,c~ ~o°~~~~~'r~.~ i~~ ~~~`u~~~~. ~~a~.~~~r ~~~a~~~`~ N~~u~F~+,~n R~~~~~o~a~~ ~~aat~~nu~~~~~~a"~ Rs~ Er,r.'ri~~f~; " N ~i r~ ~G'~5~'C.'9 d tt ~+~?'i"~~ ~~Y' t i ~`;~`Z~'k.fi~ ii J~'I~~ ~ ~~~r~~ ~~~~~~:~~a~~a `xt~ ~~~v'~~`~ d`~ ~ii~~ ~~~~~`~~a ~~~~`0 2~: ~9~5 ~0~~ d°~~~:w~;rn ~;~~a~~~ n~~~ g ~~~~:~a~~~~~ ~~~o~~~ ~~~r~ ~Ro A ~ a~ ~~aas~~im~~~~y e~.rti ~~s~„ ~~-~~a~~'~ ~re~~~~~ ~~~r~ ~Ih~ ~~~;~::~~~all ~~~ad~ ~~a~u~~n~~, tva~~ ~t~ ~a~~~~~~ i ~E~~~r~ ~@~~~~~~r ~~~c~ ~P~~~u~~ ~e~ ~~°~~~h S~~°~ex l~~~o~) ~ ~~:~i,~~~;r ~.~U~~'~~u ~~~cPd~;i~~~ ~~d~ ~~~»!rz~~~il ~~`a~~~ '~ha~ ~1''~~~ D~~~~°~~!~~~ ~s~ `~i~~!~~,po~'~~too~o 9~R0~'~~~~ p~ ~ ~.~a~~`~~~I~T ~~N~; 8~. ~ Z ~ ~~RG ~~~u~~~~~A u~~~~Ns~wed ~ ~e~~~~° ,~~~~~~~ry~ N~o 2353 ~~~r~ A~~~anb~y~~n ~ ~ ~~e~~~~, a ~ u ~b~~~~~~tb ~r~~ ~~~~~~u~"~ P~o~~am a~~ C~ ~ a ~~~r~ e ~he~°~b~ ~ ~~~~o~~ t~~ ~r~~~~ A~~~~~ ~~~c~~ ~ be~~ b~~g~~~, et~o, v~ha~h f~~a~d~ ~~~Gi~ b~ u~~c~ ~~v~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~°~8~~~~0 ~ ~ ~~~g~amo °~°h~ ~ ~c~u~~~~ ~~~~~~~~d r~~~~~~ ~~u~~~~~ ~~c~~~~~ ~~~o~~ o~ ~ha~ ~aat~~~a ~~~~s~u~~~~ ~~p~~~~~;ac~~~ ura ~~~a~~~~ R~Q~~~fi ~~D~i ~,~'~1~~~~ B~ D~~~,`~ B ~I~ ~~R Nf~N~~ 6~ ~ 0 t~~° - B ~B~~ER ~9~~ ~~~~~u~~ ~~~a~~e~ ~ ~~~~~w ~'o~~~ D~o~~~a~ Eo ~S~o~9c~~~, o°~que~~~~g ~r~~~~~ud~~~t3~~ ~~s P ~~ra~~~~~ ~d~~o~~~~ ~°~~g~~~~ ~~¢~p~~~~ 50$ ~a~d ~~o~~r we~u~~ ~ ~~~~u~~ o~~ ~a~~~ .24A ~97~ rn~~~~~~ ~~s~ ~ir~~~~~d ~ ~~ae~~i~~,~~9 a~~~~°;z~~~r~~ ~~~~~~I~r°~ v~~6~o~9~ o~~~~d~~ po°~~a~~oo~~ ~o~ t~a~ ~ ~ ~ x r~~1: o e t~ ta~, ~ a~. i a~~ ~ra~~~~~;~ o °~6~~ ~~~~s~~ a ~eo~a ~ o o~a b~oc~~ ~~~~~R~{~~~ ~9~0 ~~i1~8~~~~r"~ ~i~~~J~e~~~~ ,~~~~u~d~~ t~~ ~~o~~aa~~R.~' E~°~ ~~a~i;~~~ r:~~ 'd~~o~~~r~ 9a~: ~o~~~o~~~d ~o~~~ ~~~np~~o~~ a ~ ~ i i~ r~~ ~ i~ ° ~ r~~~~!~e,~ ~ o ~ o m~~~~ ~e~ ~h~ r~a~~~~ ~~,i"'ac~;~~r~ ~k~€~~°t;~r.~~, ~ ~ ~~~e~~~~~ p ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r~ ~ ~ ~~u i~h~ ~ o ° ~ ~Ic~~N~;'~~~~ ~~;~t~~~ g~.¢~o~~~~, `s~ ~~g~r~ ~e~~a~~o~ ~8~a~ o~ ,~~~~fi~~~ ~~ii~ ~~p~~~~~~ ~~~t~ ~~°~~r. i* b~ ~r~~~o~~~~ ~~~~a~o~ug G~cr„~^i~~~~~~~ ~i~~ ~~P~ ~~~a~G<y~.~ ~>~5r'! ~~~a~u~~A~~ i~~~t ~9~~ ~~~u~~~~ o~a~~~~ w ~ ~~{~~~~a,~a~ ~ ~ ~ s~i ~~~;rr~~~ c~~~ ~a~~:i~u~~~~ ~~~~~a~~~~ ~N~o 75m52) sa~b~ ~~~~r~~~ N ~ r ~ ~ u~!~~ G ~a~ o d~e~ ~~t ~I~~~°~ d ~ c~'~~~'~~r~~~~~ a~ ~a~~? o~~~~o~~~P ~~~~r ~~~~~~,dd~~~~~o~~a o~ og~b~~ '~~B° ~2~~ ~%,,t~~',1= ~ ~'S~~~"~ {b 6 h'~~' ~ u~ 8 ~ ~ , ~,~.~fl°1 ~~.%;~~~,I~P~ ~ ~7~~ai1';51a ~~~~I~~ ~~6i',1~ ~~~G.`i~`a~~a 6~w'~~ ~If'~~~~~ ~8~~ ~i~~l~~C~ ~'0t~ J ~ ~~qF!~~~ 9 ~ c~~~ ;ti !~r u :~a ~r~ ~ i~ u~~>~a~~~~ h~d ~~~o~~~~ ~ ~~~~7~a~;~ 4~~,~„ ~'~~~~~'~nE~ir~i~~ir ~i~~~s~~~ ~°~~~ri~c~°~~~ ~~^a~ ~ ~n ~i~~~~~~ fK~~rt ~~h~ ~~~`'~a~:.~~~ ~i~~:~~~~:~ c.~~~ a~~.~ ~!a~~~ ~~~5 ~n~~~~fl~~~ ~;~o~D~,~~~ ~fi~~~~9 h~ wc~~ ~~G~.~ ~ ~~~~t ~~~,~~a~~ ~~~tl~~ii~s~ ~~E ~~r,r:~«~~L~~~ '~~~~'da~~ ~P~~fi ~~e~ ~~°~~A~r~~ ~Fa~t ~~~~y~ ~~~ua ~~f~'~~~~ ,~~~~~~ijF~ !~~~~;~!~~>o~ll~a~~~i~~r~, ` ~ ~~r~u's~,~ s; $~r~ w~~ ~ ~~~~~n, ~ r~~~r~~~~~d ~~5~, ~~.~!~~c~, o ] s~ ~c~~ o ° ~ ~ C A ~y ~t;~~a~~,~~ ~~'~~Q~~~~e u~~':~~r~~~~~~m~~G ~~~~a~;~~~' ~~a~ ~9~«~~~~``s'~si ~6~ ~~~~;~d~y ~h~ Gs~~B~ ~ega~ ~~~R _~e,~, -4~ CtlT~ C~U~~U~ AUGUS~ ~29 ~975 ~R~~Y~ ~~~~6~~ C~~~~OR~~~ PAGE 2 ~UP~~R~ MOVEMEN~ ~OR ~~~~~A~9~N ~F ~~~N~~ ~~~~5~~~°~ ~~~E~~ ~ ~~N~~~E~ ~~u~~u~ ~~~u~~e~ ~ f~~m ~he M~~~~ of M~~te~~y, ~~~o~~a~~ng l~tters ~amo~~r e~~~o~~d b~ se~~ t~ the G~~e~~~~ ~~go~g ~~omat~toon on~the ~~~~r o~ Co~~~y ~~~e~so~~ o~~~~a~e ~~~e~~me~~~ °s~ a~~ gu~~~ y~ar ~e~ond a certain ~~xam~mo C~~~~u~ ~g~~~d wo~h th~ ~~~~g~u~~ a~s~~uc~ed Admo~u~t~ato~ Butch ~~o~e l~~t~~~ ~~~~~~to ~RdGRE~S RE~~R~ ~~BCRO~AVE TRA~SM9SSOON EMPROVEMENT OF CA~LE TV 'T~~ ~~vue~~d u~d~te ~ep~~t from Central C~~ufo~n~a Communacataon~ ~~~p~~~~~;~~ ~~g~~ao~~~ ~h~ ~~~g~~~~ th~ ~a~~~wav~ ~~~ns~o~~aon empro~e~ent and the ~~aso~~ ~o~~~~~ ~~~ep~~o~ du~eng the cha~geov~ro ~~m Hapgood wa~ p~esent ~~d st~t~~ ~~t~~~s ~~p~~~at~an r~ga~d~ng the poo~ ~~c~ptaon wou~d be s~nt to ~+a ~~~a~ ~~ble T~ ~~~~~~ob~~~ n~xt w~ek~ whoch ~~~m~~ C~~~~a~ ~~~m~~d~do Er~oe ~ordo~y $95 H~~~~~~~ B~d6~~~~d ~E~ d95~~~95f~C~BO~ wath the exp~anati~ns given by ~~b~e re~~~d°a~g t~e p~~~~~e q~alat~o ~U~~6C H~R~GN~ ~ HOUS~NG ELEMEN~ 0~ GEN< P~AN ~~~U~~ ~~SS@ON SET> 8/18/75, 7~30 PoM. Ad~+q~~°ss;~,~~~~~ Bu~~h ad~~~~d t~~~ ~~e R~a~~eng Gommessao~ h~~ ~do~ted a ~~so~~~a~~ ~~~~~~~~~d°u~+g ~h~ adop~aon o~ th~ a~e~ded ~ous°sng Eleme~t of the ~e~~~~l ~~~n4 H~ ~~ad a~~~P~ ~~ne ~ec~m~end~~ao~s ~othin ~he Elemen~ fa~ a Housang Prog~ama U~~~ ~eong ~~~u~ed by the Gat~ C~e~~ th~t al~ r~qua~ements as p~ovided by law Fc~~~ be~~ c~mp~~e~ ~8~~9 M~~o~ T~l~~y ~e~~~~~d the h~a~~~g open and all pe~sons would ~~~s h~~~~ ~gaa~~~ the ad~ptaon ~f ~his E~em~n~m Ther~ being no publoc dis- ag~una~ ~ha~ rr~t~~~~ Ma~~~ Tal~ey decl~~ed hea~~ng closedo ~~Pu!~~~u ~~i~~~~ d°o~~~~~~d t~e Eleme~~, ~egh Co~nca~man de Leon makang a r,;~~,~,o~ ~~e pY~~ne~g C~mmus~u~~`~ ~~~~~~~~d~~~~~ ~~~~t the Housa~g ~:~:''~m~P.~y ~°~E~~ rr~~a~~ d~ed ~o~ ~ac~ mf ~ sec~ndo Co~~co~m~~ ~~bao~ ~equ~~ted, an~ the ~ ~o~d a st~dy ~~~sao~ on the Hous°sng E~e~~~~9 wh~~~ was set for ~~s ~9~~ 7030 ~aMo ~:``s.y~a 4~k~0~t~wEt~ZdNE ]~~'~1, HUA~SNFc RD, ~~RA~3o' °~0 "R~1" (LACKEaI) - ORDo 1S1` R~"iDING i . 1°h~ Gau~c°s~ ~~~s~~wed a memo~andum f~o~n Plannong De~~~~~o° Ga~~op9 ~~~~~ev~eng a; c ~i !~d~ ~d~iT~T9;? :`s~ 9~6~ e~ B°~~~ZPlgITi~~d~?~'~ A~°3 c~~~~°OV~ ~ ZOBI~ Gha~B"~CJ~ 00'B ~~J~P RCy~C~ i ~ R,Y~~~ D ~ ~Y~ ~ ~~e~m ~sR~p~mgm~~~ ~~Rmj~~~ a~ u°~qeuesXed by 4J~ ~ ~ aam 9~~~~~yo °fhe ~,~;~mu~T~s~~ I~ad ~~~~~°~a~ee! ~h~t the ze~ne change i~ on keepo~g wu~h the G~~~,~°~~ P~a~a t~~ ~ r~t~~d~d ~a~e fo~° ~h~ a~°ea o l~pon be o~g assu~ed by the C s ty C 1 er~k ~ a 1 1 r~~a~~a~c°~~,~~~~ p~a~e~~dd~d t~w h~~e ~ee~ ~omp~oed waths Ma~~~° Ta1~ey de~"s~r~d the t~~~ ~~~g ~~a~~~ a~a~ ~ 1 9 p~~~~~~ wo~~ d raow b~ {~eard ~oo° o~ aga a~~t th o s~e~on ~ ng o The~°e ~>~~~~g ~a~~~~~ d~s~~~~oc~~o for o~° aga~r~st thas m~~~e~9 May~~° °fa~~ey dectared the ~~~~°5~y,~~~~~d~ ,~~~~e~ ~~~r~~ o~ ~ o sr~s~~ a o~a 9 C d ty Atto~ne~r a p~ey read the t a t 1 e of an ~ ~~~c~. ~ ~~~o~ o ~ ~ ~°~ad °u ~ng, am~~d °o o~g ~h~ Mun e ~ ~ pa ~ Code so as ~o ~°ezone f ~°om w'R-A-~._3'~y Res~d~e~~~a~ Rgr~~~~ltuo°~~ DB~~i°9Ct to "R-t1°, Sang~e ~'~~mily Re~odential ~t; e~ ~~~~~~°~yr o~ the ~ a~~; ~h~~°eafte~° y a m~~ a~o~ wa~ ma~e by Coun~ i 1- rnan Sch 1~ge s~c~n~ed b~y ~c~~s~~ a~ a~~~ d~ ~e~~a and u~an u an~u~ c~ ~ e ed 9 to d a s~ense ~a ~~h ~~~~3 0+~g ~he 5a o~ th o s O~d a r~ar~~~ o ~CE9Ps 0~ `~RE,~SURER'S R~P~R`~ - JU~I(9 ~975 .'~°fhe Ca~ o~~ ~°~~e a~ed ~~°~~r 9 eia~d ~~d o~d~c°ed ~ S~ ed the ~n~h 1 y T~°eas urer' ~ R~port f~a- J~~~, ~9~5~ €tECE E P°f 0~° D~~'RRTNl~f~~,~~, R~.s~OR~ m~~J~~ 975 ~°9~~ C~~r~~d ~ r~~~~~~~d, o°e~d~~~~ ~~d a~°d~~~~ °~a ~ec~ ~~ae m~nth~y~ Depa~tment~l ~~~~~t ~~o~ ~~~~V~ ?97~~ ~ROu~t~~S RE~~R`~ 0~ 0~~~ENS e AD~f 9~ORY ~~~A10~'T~~ R~ o~~'V B G CEf~`T~R NEED ST~1DY Ad~so ~ a~•~~a~~~~ ~a~~~h ga~~ ~ p~°~g~~~~ a°~p~~°t ~c~ ~h~ ~~t a~u t o~~ ~f the C e t~ zes~s' ~,dvo~~~~ Cc~~n~~~~~ ~~a~d~o~~ t~~ C~~wo~ C~~t~o° ~e~c~so At ~i~e C~mmottee`~ ~a~t meet~ng p~ .9u~y 29th, ~t had ta~uo°ed the CavAe Cent~~°, Spe~ofa~ ir~~'ormat~o~a es now bea~g gathe~°e~ foa° the Comm3ttee by Depar°tment H~ad~ s°egardi~ag ser°voces and functions of ~ach depa~tmen~ and kee~s~ag track of the raumbe~ of pe~~mns from the Public co~rng tn ~ach d~y trs the ~rarao~s departmentss °The ~~xt me~ti~g af the Commettee is scheduled fear 5ept~mber 3rdp ~t wwh~c~ ~~m~s ~~re ~~r~r~~ m+~nt~~~ed P~~~~rr~~~9oe~ w~~tl be compiled for the~r rer~~e~w~ . 49 C~~r~C u~ AuGUST a 2, ~ 975 ~RRaY(~ ~RAiVD~~ ~~~~~~f~6~@~a 6~AGIE 3 ~+UTHC~RBZE AG~E~P~~~?~ 4~9`T~i ~UUN~W i~~F'~~~~ O~FBC~ ~'d~t ~Y~R~C E~~~f~9~~NCE~ F'ROGRA~h1 (C~fiA) . Admanos~~a~z~~° But~~ ~de~a~ed ~h~~ ~~u~t;~ N~anpc~r~~r ~~°og~°a~s h~s asked' ~ ~t ~rsder° the CE°fA ~G~~n~a~~he~s o~~ ~~np~~~r~re~~ and a a~~ ~1~t r 973) P~o~~~m, a~a ~gree- men~ ~~~+~~~n ~h~ C~~~ ~~d ~~u~~y ~1~r~p~we~° ~~fa~e ~a~ ~~ate~ed antoo After Counc°sl d~scus~~ ~~~tu~~~ w~~ r~~c~~ b~ C~~~a~~ ~~h~~g~V, ~~co~d~~ by C~~aracu lman d~ Leon ar~d ~an~~ime~u~~~t ~~~~u~d, a~t~a~~e~ur~g ~h~ ~I~~o~p ~nd ~~~y~ C~eu°k ~eg~a, o~ behalf'of ~h~ ~ i t~~ an ag~°~em~e~t b~~~r~~n ~ta~ C e~~r ~nd th~ Cou~~y i~a~p~we~° 0~~~ c~ fot` the CETA Pr~ga~am, f~r~ ~h~ ~e~u~d o~ ,4a~g~~~ ~ s ~975 ~~~~u~h ~~n~ 30, 'J976o NOT 9 G~ RE e PUB~ B C i~EAR B t~~ ~t~F~~~`A~ C~rR~~ SS V dN ON COASTAL PL~N ELEMENT . The Ca~~~cd~ ~~c~o~ed ~~o~m~~ ~h~~ th~ Caasf~a~°~u~ Coas~ Z~ne C~ras~s~~eat~on ~Commi~~~cca~s v~o ~ p~b~ 9~ ~a~~~u~ag Sept~mbe~ 39 ~575 at ~0:00~ A~Mo ~a~a Sar~: ~~~nca~co or~ the Co~~ta9 ~1ar~ EPem~r~t, ~rh~~h an~l~des Gove~°nm~ra~9 Powers and F~ndor~g to car~~ ~c~~ th~ G~a~t~~ F'~~ra~ AUYH~R ~ ZE SUh1MER ~URN W~EIC - AU~UST ~ 7?°H ~fHROUGFN AUGUS°f 23RD, ~ 975 On rr~o~ a~~ of Co~srac a 1 ma~ M u~~ o~ p ~~cor~ded by Co~nc o 1 man d~ Leon and unan w° ~~c~a~~~~ ~~s~r~°sed9 P,ugu~t ~7~~ ~h~o~~h Acsgu~t 23~d, A9758 was d~sagnated as qpen b~~=~u~g for th~ ~~~nm~~° ~~~~~d ~f ~9759 ~s ~°e~cs~rm~nd~d by F~re Chaef Marsa~ek. REPt~RT ~ U~C~~~~ ~~iV 0~~,~, i~~Yf~`Tft~~ ~OS~~ - 9,~ f~~+ ~HROUGH 6/30/75 The Counc a Y ~~d expe~~ u t~~e breakdov~n ,4n r r~a 1 G~~tro~ serv s ces by the Css~~t~r 9~~~ h~~~ ~~~4 ~~a~~r~~h 6~30-75, ~;h a ch o nd a cates a net ~os~ tc~ ~E~e Cb~y~ $9070~3o A~st~ ~°~~~awe~ ~~a~ e~~rh~~~~~~~ ~a~~ ~~og of anomal statlsti~~ fc~~ th~ same p~~ a~~ a f~E1irIEM7 C~F LA~E~1° ~,EG~~~A~O~lE BU~,~,~1`aN~ ~~tOM LE~GUE OF CpLB~ORN9~l ~VT9E5 , `TF~e. Co~~~~ ~~°e~o~wed t~e l~~e~t L~gB~s~a~9\9~ B~s~ ~e~es~~ fc~~~ the L~ag~~ o~ Ca ~ i~c,rn °s a C a t a es o+4d~ ~ s~ a~~ ~a ~~r~~l~ a~~ s d°u ~eeted t~ .w~ ~f e~~~PPo~ ~ t 6 an ~a Assemb ~~y B m~~ 700 ~~~ga~°~ u~g ~ u~~t terae~re fe~~ P~~~e Q~~ ~ RESOL. F1DOP~o m A~CCE~~° DE~D F'ROM CHRIST~PHER FOR PURCHASE OF ~R06~ER~°?(: FNA~C~fQI~ ~ P9VC~ ~ Admini~twa~o~° ~~~c~~ ada~~~~~ tha~ th~ ~C~ty 0~ ~zc~~°~o~~s~g u~~ ~~~e~~ ~c~ b~°~ tt~e p~n~perty~ at the n~~°~hw~~~ ~or~~eo~ ~f ~Ja ~ c;yo~ R~~d ~nd ~Th~ P o ke, wt~ o~6~ t~~ ,i ~y has had ~ a~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~n~~ ~ ca~; v~a{~9~ ~Ed~r~~c~ Ho ~~dl H~~~r~ ~o Clh~~~~~c~ph~~o A~~~~~° C~t~~;~~ r~gs~~,sa~s- ~~~n R i~ d~~ s~~ ~z~:~°~r~~ ~~s o~~~~ ~r~~d ~I~~ ~ a t~ e~f a ~t a c~n ~u~h~~° ~ z~ r~g a~~:g~~an~s and ~°•~~~~cl~~c~~ a ~~~c~ ~~~~~~~~r~ ~ka~~°e~~~e~°, a matoo~ wa~ ~,ade by ~.°;~~~~~man P~ ~ i ~ d ~ A ~~~~~ad~d b~ Cot~~c o ~ sn~n d~ C~~~ ~~~a~~ u ~~a~~ ~ ~~~r r i ~ d < ` read o ng t~~ ~~~a~~ ~f ~~a i~ s°~~e~ a or~ ~ ~R~~O~,IU°T 9 01~ NO ~ 7~ ~ A R~5~~~1~ V ~N ~HE ~ u 1°~' Cd~N~ 8 ~ T~~ ~ ~ ~Y ~R~~~a uR~ND~ ~~~~BaR ~ Z r, NG 'fiHE C 9°f~ CL~R~ ~'O ~CCEP°f AND RE~ORD A DEED 0~ RI~i~L PRaPER°fl° FROM EDWARD H o CHR 8 S°~OPHEf~ AND iiELEN L. C~iR05Tt~P~YE'RB Or~ mot ~~r? ~f C~canc ~~~n~~ ~~h k~ge seco~ded b~ C~~~~ ~ rrs~n d~ L~on arad ort tka~ ~ f~l~o~s~~g ~c~~~ ~ce~~~~ ~su~o ~ , A1~ES: ~~~~s~~~ ~~~s~ d~ L~~~, ~~M~~~~g~~ , P1o and ht~yo~ °~at tey~ ~ Na~So N~n~ ABSENT: C~ur~~~~ma~ S~u~~~~~~ th~ ~or~y~d~~~ ~~~c~~~~a~n p~~~~d ~e~d ad~~~~d tl~i~ ~I~~ d~y ~f A~guste 1975~ A~Ji°HQR R ZE ~t~C~ V t~~ ~ N rdR~1~L ~r~ ~ ~ , r`~' , ~^~~,i~ , v:~"~~,~ ~~~~~a° ~ ~Y~ 9 ~~~I~~N~E T~~ Cr~u~s~ c~ ~°e~ c ew~d a~~m~~~~da~r~ ~~~~a P~ ~Y~~ Q~~°~~~o~ ad~ u ng that ~he Pa~°ks ~ R~~~°~a~atas~ ~~~nma~~°s~~ ha~ ~~~~~r~~~ded th~ ~ra~~a~~ ~~°op ~a~ St~°~the~° Pa~~'k b~ put o~~° t~ ~ a d, ~°s ~i~ a~~cie~~~~nd o~g ~~r~~ p~~~ o~ ~tae b o~~+~~~~ d be the ccap~t e rau~d d e sci ng a~d m~ o~~~~~~~~e pc~c~p~~r~y~ ~o~° ~~e ba ~~nce a~ t.kae ~u~°~en~ ~a ~ enda~°' year < T~~ ~~~an~~~ ~~r~~~ r~u~~ ~V~~ ~~~~~nrt~~~d~~a~~~ ~~~t~~~u~~~g fih~~ ~~f~~~n~~ b~d~ b~ sot~~Yt~d b~t Adm~~i~~o~a~~~ 9~~~~~ ~f p~~~~~~~~ ~he ~~b ~91~ be aw~rded ~t the Coun~tl'~ Aug~st 18t~ r~gu~~~ ~d~~~r~~d m~e~G~~~ REPO~tT' - CbUN'TY~CY`~'Y S~~.~D 1~A5'C~ ~1t~~/~GEM~~V~" COMWIB'"f"~EE - GARCIP, The Coun~c r,~~r u~~a~d ~ r°~por~ ~~cs~a C a~y E~ag Ga a~~ ii ~ o°~gard a ng the July 25: 1975 me~~ ~~ag ~~a~ ~~~~v~~~~; u~~ S~~ ~ d W~~~~ 8~~~~g~~F~~~ C~mr~u ~te~o Poi nts di~~c~ssed vw~;~~ w~rt~~t9~~o° ~ d~~~~a~~ ~a~r c~~~t;~ ~g~~~X ~~~~u~d b~ fc~~r~sd 7~6(198185'~E3N° the imp~ern~nt~tu~~ ~a~d ~~~so°c~~r~~~na~~ ~h~ p~a~p r~~~the~° ~ "g~~°bag~ ~z~~°" ~QO° ~ th~ ~nt ~ C¢~u~a~~ ~ e a ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 b~ c~°~~~~d; ~r~~~~~.~ ~ ag~ncy ~hpul d 50 ~ ~ ~ ~a~r~c u u~ ~ ~~~~s~ ~ 2 , ~ 975 ~iRRO`ti'~ ~ff~F~l~~~, ~~iL U ~"~RN u,~ P/~GE 4 acq~s~~ ~r~d ~~p~~~~~ ~a~~o~ ~a~~~ dii~p~~a~~ ~o~~~~ ~~d f~~adiing ~oua°~~~ of the Sol~ad Waste P~an r~h~~t p~~~~~~ ~~ndu~g ~~~un~~~~~w ~~o~~?ao~~ ~9~~~ ~h~ Cau~a~a~ an~~~ated to City E!~gs` ~aee~ Gar~~ ~~~h~~ ~~~~~Sy~~~~~ i~~~e ~r~te~°~~° ~aVco ~og ~ao~~ of u d w~aste i n thi s ~sa~i~~°~~o ~~~~~e~a ~ ~a~ ~d~~i ~~d e~~~ ~oo~°d`ps~at~~ ~~su~~ T~~en~e~d v~e ~ ~ ~eque~t to appear be~os°~ ~~a~ C~~Tp~~ ~ or ~~e f~t~o~~ t~ ~~ep~a~c~ the p~a~~ EASEMEN~ TO ~oGo OR ~~T~' P~20PERT~' fl.E~SED TO BR~1~F~ ~OPPER~ ~ HELD 01fER A~m~ ~ d s~~~~oa~ 8~~;~h ~°eque~ted a~d ~he C~c~~~ ago~~ed ~o ho~ d~~ea~ the request ot Facni~dc Gas and E~~~t~o~ Ccmpar~y ~o~ a~ ease~ne~a~ ~ca°~ss Cotyma~ned property or~ th~ Nie~a bed~g ~~a~~d ~r~ th~ B~°s~sh W~pp~~~ R~do~~ C~ub9 9n~o, x~ a~low tame for~ ~~ar~he~° ~t~~~ of the m~~~~~° b~ ~he ~ad~ng c~ub, REQU~~5T 6~ BdY S~OUTS fi0 C~EAI~ CREE~C °~"E~1POR/~R~ L`f HE~D 0'VER The s~~qu~~t ~f ~he ~oy ~c~u~~ to c~ea~ ~he c~e~k was t~mpora~°a~y hetd off ~an~~sd ~a~~r ~h,e mee~n~g a~ the Cou~~`s~ pa°~~eedo~g we~~ a~ead of the t6me set ~hos ~n~~~~h ~nd ~~~~°e~~~~~~o~r~~ ~~e ScQUts w~re ~rato~epated to be un attendance. ~'ROGR~SS RE~'dRT U Ri6'J H~Y 0 NSURANGE ~OR C p~°~ Ad~~~a~tdat~~~ B~~~h ~°e~~~~ed ~h~~ the ~~ty h~,s obta~ned new liabil~ty ~overage 1~I~~°~s+~r~~a ~h~ s~~?e ~~~nt~s~ N~~~~T~u~~da'a~ Br~~sa~a~~~ Agen~y~9 ~or t~e amount of 536,000.00, ~h o~h ~e~~~, !~~t 9 k~o~r~~~e~, ~~~e~ ~~~~~°~e ~c~~demraa~ a~n ar~d a a~°p~ arae.~: ~,nsurance o The C i ty F~ ~ n~~~~~; 6~a~ q~g ~h~ c~racept ~ a~k ~nanager~~rat an a~temp~ t~ 1 c~ok for 1 ower p~eme~m ~o~~s~ ~h~ C~~yo hla~~C ~~~g~ ~`:it~e~ a~e raow ~el~~~~n~aa~ung, and Mayor Talley :~~agg~;~ ~~a~ ~h~ c p~~~a~p~ ~~s o~. ~c~unty ~ d get ~ogether ta set up a fund o A~~ av~~u~~ ~f u~a~~o~i;~y aa~~u~a~~e ~o~o~r~ge p~~~aba~a~oes v~oll b~ exptoredo {~G~"~C~ R~~ P~Ba HE~Ra 5~`T m RE~ONE ~]~j-~2~ HU~#~NA ~Do9'~R/~8~~~ T0 ~~R1"o 8/26/75 ~`h~ ~~a~~t~o n~~~ g~~~~ ~ot~c~ that a p~ab~ fae~~a~~ h~~ b~~~ s~t o~ the Plannfng ~C~~'!iT~c ~y C fl ~ E`~~(~fYlm~~ad~~ u ~ra ~o ~~ZOne 82 ~ Ii4Ja~~a RQ~~d ~~woR~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~R-1 ~ d5 ~~~cs~~ 4,~d ~a!~y~ B~~~ ~ e~ o T~~ h~a~ a ng I~a~ beer~ set f~~° ~1ug~st 269 t 975 at 8:00 P eMa tAU~`HQR!' z~ Ea ? R~G~ a ~N~~ ~ ~~N~ ON ~RANCH STREE~' IHOOSEGOW ~ S4~ ~ NG 0 N~ J DGE ~ ~h~ ~~oa~~ ~~~~e u ewt~d ~ ro~~~°andu~a f ~°~m P~~n~ e~g D o ~°ect~~ ,G~ op a ng of a ~eq~;~~~ ~~~r~ t~~: Pa~k~ ng ~ Bu~ ~ n~~~ 8 mprc~~r~m~~~ ~1~ea /~der ~~~o~~y B~~s~d ~o~° ~~t d ona 1 ~°~g~~ ~?~i~~~~ °1VB~'ul~g~t° ~~°e~ f~~~~owso "Ea~~e~~s~g l~s°~°~yo Va~~a~~~' ~°~uted ~~a~r~~d ~ o ~,ra ~~c~ ~~d a~,~a~er~~ ~o th~ Shop os~ We~t ~~as~~h ~o ~ha s~ ~ u ty 'iar~c~~~~,ap~ ~~~a~ a ~~~~r~c9 ~o b~ ~~~a~sd ~a~thin ~h~ ~ety yandscape ao~~a '~e~~~a~ ~ ~~~~~9 ~y ~ ~edw~ood a ~fs~e~~at a ~s~aa ~ ~ u g~ o~ ~s°anch Sts°eet y ~at ~he ~ ~~d s~~ ~~,~r~9 ~~~°~~~~ng ~h~ ~~ab~o~ ~o th~ S~o~ge~g ~~°uage ~a~&C and pa~°ke~g ~rea; arrd ° ~9 s~~~r~o~~ s u~~ ~oca~ed ~n ~~a~~h 5~u°~~~, ~t ht~~~w~ 9~ d u°ect a rag ts~aff o c to ~~a~ "~~a~;~~;~~~ P~u~k"~ ~°t~~ C~.s~.~ d~~~~~~~d the ~na~te~, g~~e~a y~g~ee a~g ~hat as the C a ty ma i nta i ns? ~h~ tv~~~ ~;.~~,~dl 1;~~~m~~ic~ ~r~ p~~~ki~g tot th~t ~og~as ~o ~i~~~e p~9nts of unter~es~ would ~ b~ ~~r~°~~air~d~~ b~~~ ~~~~~a~t ~~~n~ d~~~d~~~~~ho~g t~a~ "~s~~ag~" ~s~ea fr~om ~he ~°est of the t~~ ~~~a~ ci n~s~ ~;om~:. fa~am C o t~y~ ft~~sd~ o Cas~ th~ gn~ u~ est a mated at $200 to $250. ~ ~ Cd~~^a~ ^ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~r~ ~ a m~t ~ ~an ~~s made b~ Cour~e ~ ~ man de ~e~n , sec¢~raded b~r Ce~~s~cz `~~a~ Sch4~~~~ ~ra~ ~n~n~rn~u~C~ ~~s°r°oed, ap~a~°c~~9ng prus°chase and placement of d ~ ~ec~ a ~ ~ ~ ~r~ ~~e ~v~~ ~g o rag B~° ~ dge,~ p~ s~~ u ng ~ ~~ad Ho~segc~w9 a~ ~°ecommended~ abe~~~~ ~c~~~ u s~~~ ~~~~d ~ a~d ~~~er~~ ~ aa~ ~h~ "~~~~o~ ~ ~ag A~°~°oy~ o ~ ~ag~" s a gns ~ r~~q~e~~ ~~~~C.fi~~ ~h~ l~dv~~o~°~ ~~,aa°do ~ R~~'~ B~~ STA°CE T'R~NSPOIR°~R,~ 9 0N ~LI~N G~ty ~sagura~~~° G~~~oa ~daeo~~c~ ~ha~ a~op~ ~f the k~~au°wr~g d~aft of the C~~~~F~r°s~~~ T~~?~as~~~°t~~a~s~ h~~ ~~e~ re~~~~~d~ ~ho~h 6r~~lud~s San Luas ObASpo's ~~~~~h~~r~us~g ~Y~t~~ ~~~~~o° ~~,a~ ad~p~~~ p'a~~o A u°~pa°~~~~~a~~~e fr~cn thA~ Count~y a~~~e~d ~h~ ~~b~ o ~ o~ o ~,m ~u°~~~acs ~~e ~4~~~~~~ 7~h ~c~ g a ve test ~ rnony ~~ga~~d ~ ~h~ u°e~~a o~~~d ~9~a~~~~ o - ~ R~C~dP`~' b~ ~9NA~. HE~~CB~~ ~~~f ~~G~ ~i~2~~@ ~~~!!ONt~~, ~`RAN~~OR~~°~OON SfiUDY Caty E~g~n~~~:~~~~~a ~°~~o~~~d ~~~t ~u~a~ of th~ ~d~pted heaa°eng draft p~ th~ S~~ ~~~s ~b~~p~'° R~g6can~1 Tu~ara~p~~°~a~~~c~ P3an h~s beec~ ~e~e~v~do He re~iewed ' ~ha~ an un~at~~fac~~~°y p~a~ had beera ~dopt~d to m~~t a S~ate dead~~n~, but modifica- t~ o~s had be~~ rrra~~ t~ ~ t~~b~~q~oe~~ ~ y~vah °s ~h u ra~~ ~?de ~e~~~at °s e~g of H o ghr~ay 227 thraugh _ A~~~ya G~r~r~d~~ ~~~d pu'~blem~ no~v ba~ng ~~~~~~~~~°ecl or~h~~ing th~~~ amendm~nts ~~~1~~~~d Gr~ ~h~~~~~~~a~ c~w~~~~~ p~~~$ } H~ a~~~ ~e~n~ww~d ~~;r~ap~~~~ ~~~~~e~~~d ~ C~a~~~~ C~`V~~~~ ~~~de~t, M~Rce Brady, t~ ~on~o-~c~ G~°~yh~ur~~ ~a~~~~ f~~ ~ ~~a~2 ~~~~,~~z~~~~~~~~r~ ~y~~~r~ ~E~~~~gh~ut the Caun~y, wh~~h ~~~~d cc~~~ ~PP~o~co~na~~~y~ S36AOQ0 ~~~~u~ w~~~ii~o~~9 ~~c~;~ SB 32S.fu~d~~ 51 ~d~~ ca~~v~o~ ~uGUS~ ~z9 r~is ~I~RO~b ~I~~~DE a !I ~~~P~ J ~ ~f~GE 5 ~U~`H~RB~~ ~t~~d~~ ~C~~`~~ fif~ ~~~fi~~M ~d,i~1~0`~'~ GR~e~~l~ CR~EK Ma~~¢~ Ta~y~~~ ~F~~~ ~ ~i~~~~ ~~°w~n ~V~~ So~~~ C~~n~y area wesh to c~ea~ ~h~ ~u°~~~~v ~~~~~e co°~~~ a p~~y~~~fl ~c~~ ~s°e ~ee~~e~~u~g he~p f~°om the C ~~~y a~ d°o ~~o~ o~~ ~~e d~b~~ ~ o ~ S~~~~g s~~~ ~cc~a~~ ~,~~d~~, ~tated that so far thr~ee ~~~~g~~ t~~~~~~ i~~d °o ~~~~°e~~ o~ 9~~~ po ~ag a~a~ ~~es~~~t o~ee dage has beer~ set S~p~~~~~~' ~39 ~9?5~ ~eu°~E~~~~~, ~~a~ Fa~h ~ G~~n~ ~epa~°~~n~a~~ as ~~so ne~essary ~os° tha~ ~~~~~~t9 P,dm~~dst~~~~° ~~~~h ~a~ da~e~ted ~h~rn fo~° pe~r~ess°sono A~ter Go~a~~ d°a s~.~~~ o~s~ 9 a m~~ ~u~~ ~rad~ ~~e ~~ua~c o J~r~~ S~~S ~~ge~ ,~econded by Co~,~nco~~r~e~ iNo'd~ o~ ~~d ~e~~~~rr~u~~y e~~°~~ecY, ~~.ygh~~d~~$r~g Co~~°s ~L~~ws ta ~ssast ~ ar~ the Bc~~s ~~~s~~s~ p~°~~e~~ ~~F c~earaong ~~°eek deB~a~a~, by pl~~~~n~n~ ar~d ¢°esno~sal' of dumpst~~°s u~~~ b~ ~h~ Scc~~ts; an~ ~p~~~~~~~ o~ th~ p~°~je~t w~s gaven9 sub~e~t:,to approval ~ by ~Fa~ F~~~ ~ ~~~n~ D~~~~°~~~~~a li a R y NC~ OF N~1NC B~L, CON~U~~~4NT ON RUTH /~NN W~~' A,S~ESSNiEN~f D B S~°R6 C~° - HELD OVER_,, + C~~y Enga~e~~° Ga~°~8~ ~°eqve~~~d'a~ad the Cou~aca~ ~greed t~ ho~d over° the ~r~atter o~ h~~ e r~g a f¢~ar~~ o a~ cor~~aa~ t~~~ o~ th~ i~uth ,4nn ~Cay A~ses~m~rat D 8 S~t' 9 G~ o RE~E ~ PT 0~ C(~~9FNENTS ~R01~ ~C~RE~TRY DEPT~ RE ~ LOPEZ CANYON "W9 LDERNESS" DES I GN,4T 9 ON lft~e C~~as~~i ~~°~~~aa~~d ar~d ~°e~roevae.d ~ Ye~teu° f~om the UnAted States Depar°tment ~,g~o~~s~t~~~ ~~~~°oea~e9 Pad~°e~ N~~aor~~~ Fo~e~~ DevA~aa~, ~omsnerateng per ~he C i~y' ~~~e~sa~~t ~n t~~ p~°~po~ed ~e~ o gna~ 9~~ o~ ~he ~op~~ Canyon as a"~la 1 d~r€~ess~~ ~a°~~ 0 1'h~ ~~ettew o~d ~~a~~d al~f u~ u~~ p~o ~o~ ~ta~d on the matt~~° o After Counci 1 d~~~~~~ d~~ y C 9`~`jf Af~6RB PE @ 5~~'~~~9~° B~a~~h ~~s d°o ~°e~~ed va~° ~ te ~o Coragres~man Lagomars a no ~~,g th~ ~ c t~°' ~ oppc~~ ~ t u~~ ~ B B~' 9~~~~°r~e~~' ° d~~ B~~9~ ~ 9 LDCB of the Lopez Canyc~n a rea . ~~C~~'~ ~E~D ~ ~~€~~,~U~ ~4G~~~IW~f~`~ - ~ARR~6~L ,4VEo DRA9NAG~ PRO~DEG~ ~ SAICAMOTO ~~m~ ~ °s ~~~r~to~ Ba~teh ~d~ ~ ~~d tha~ ~g~°~e~nes~~ ~~d de~~, ~ a gned by ~he Sakamoto ~am ~ ti ~y o ~~~re ne~~a 6~~ra ~e~~ ~ ~~red , ~ ~a ~~~~g u~a~~ °s o~ r~°s ~h Fa ~ o°~ ~ ~ ~~~nu~ dra s nage p~°oj~~~ ~p~a~e~~red ~y~ ~ouraca~ at~ .?u~~ 8, ~975 ~ee~~r~~~ ~~~~c` Couracal discussion, ~ mota~~ ~a~s ~~cf~ by~ C~a~~ce ~~ran Sch~eget ~ s~c~nd~d b~ Co~n~o ~~~n ~nd unani- ~n~~~ ~ ~ ~~~°.e~ °s ~d ~ ~~~ep~ a ~g an ~a~em~nt Deed ~he p~o~p~~~ ~or~~~'~~~~° ~ ~ra, ma i ntenance ~~d op~~°~~~~~orJ ~ cir~u~age rhan~~~~ fo~ u~e by the Sak~mo~~~s ~cljace~~ ~h~ easterty ~ 9 s~~~ ~f ~s~t c~f ~ a sr~~ ~~~ach G~~°des~~s °s ~~h~ Co~ar~ty a~~ ~a~ o~ Ob o~pa~~ author i zi ng t~e ~i~y~~a~ ~nd ~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ~~k ~c~ ~ o gn, ~ra beF~a ~ ~ o~ the ~ ~ 9 ~h~ ~ f ~ c~~~ ~ ~ .~~ceptance3 ~~d f~~~v~~~~~p~d~~ ~ Agv ~~m~~~ ~°eg~~°d °o ~g ~~n~t~°~~~ o ~n ~c~d a~ce~~ ~f th~ d~~ o -~~a~ c~iannel . ~EC~"~'~ ~i~~ ~E1°T~R R~a SAV~~ ~URPL~~ 'L6P~Z Gi,4~'ER - COUN1fY EN~~NEER T~e C~~~~ a°~~e ~~~d ~rad ~°ev o e~~d a~ e~~er f ~°om C~~~ty Erag o nee~° P~~„ ,~~ap~~ , ~h ~ tV~~ ~~p~c~~a~~ Zor~~ 3°~~~~pa~~ ~ ar~d ~~~d ~ t n ora~ ~°egard °a r~g tF~~ ~ a rag o~ ~~a~~~~~: ~,~ap~~ ~aa~e~°o Co~~~~~i~nar~ Niot2u~ ~a~ d°or~c~~~ to ~~q~est c~a~°ofacat~ors of ~i~~ ~~~~e~° e~ ~~~g~~d s~bma n~~a ~f ~~x~ "~y ~acl~ c o~~ ~°eg~~-~ a~g p~°oposed quar~~ a ty ~v~~~~° kae ~sedo `~h~ ~a~fe~e~~~ b~~w~e~r~ p~opns~d ca~e a~ad ~ont~°acted altoeatson ~ro?~~ b~ d~~l~~°~c~ ~~r~rp~~a~ ~;~~9 o~er~ fo~ by oth~r ~g~n~°s~~ wath~n Zcne 30 ~ NV 9 T~`T @~N ~6 MEk~ `TE~CHERS L9INCHI~ON ~~UGU~T 259 ~ 9?5 Ccscs~co~ ~~~~u~~d ~~iero~~~aon~ f~°o~n the L~~o~ hla~° ~1no~oed S~h~ol Dastrect to a~ c~~~ ~~~r~ c~~ ~a~~~~t 26~~ t~ ~n~~~ ~h~ ~~~v ~~a~h~~~ j~ e r~ a~ g t~e D o st~° ~ ct' s staff o AD,~(~URN~ti~N~ Qn m~~ a~~€ h~€~ran P~ a~~ o~ 9 ~~~~~d~d b~ ~a~s~~~ u~ on~~u de Leon and unan o mous 1 y ~~~~r~ a P~, m~~~ e~ag ~dJ~a~~~ed ~t 9~~5 P o S~a ~o 30 e P~~ ~n A~agu~t 18, 1975 for a ~tudy s~~~ o ~~a ~h~ ~I~~~ ~ ~l ~me~t o~ t~e G~~e¢°a 1 ~r o ~ e ~ g ATT~~.~° ° ~ C 0 C~,Ek~BK MAYOR ~ ~ °~p~ Ca~NC ~ AuGUS~' 18, ~ 975 ~RIROY~ ~R~NDE, CAL@~ORN~A 7e30 Pohlo Due to a~~~k c~f a qu~~°ur~9 th~ C i ty C~a~~~ a~ d°o d~a~t ~eet o p~T~~~: ~ CJ C~T~ ~~~RK ~~~0~