Minutes 1975-08-26 -5w C~TY COU~~~~ AuGUST 269 ~975 ~RR~YO ~~~ND~~ ~~L~~~~NN~ 7he C~t~ Counca~ m~~ ~~g~~ar ~es~aon with Mayor ~~lley p~esidong. Upon roil ca~l, Counc9V Memb~~s Spee~~dng, S~h~egel and Miiias ~eported presente Councilman de Leon "s~ ab~ent. PLEDGE QF AL~~G~ANCE AND lNVOCAT~ON Mayor Talley led the Ptedge of Allegiance to our Flag; and ammediately the~eafte~, R~~e~end St~~ley Durham of the First Souther~ Bapt°sst Church in G~o~e~ Cit~ ~eli~e~ed th~ ~in~ocatwon. APPROVA~ OF M~NUTES The m~nute~ of t~e regula~ meeting of August 12, 1975, were a~proved as prepareda ~PPROVAL OF WARRAN75 ~ On motoon of Councilman Schlegel, seconded by Councilman Millis and unan°s- mausly car~~ed, Gene~al Wa~rants Noo 3543 through No. 3627, 9n the total amount af $72,822.~3; and Pay~o~l Warran~s Noo 47i3 through Noo 4799, in the total amount of $28,235=47, we~e app~aved and ordered paid. PROCLAM/~TION - A.G, ~AB~ RU~H 13-YEAR OLD ALL STAR CHAMPIONSHIP WEEK: 8/24-30~75 Mayor Talley prac3a°sm~d the week of ~ugust 23th through August 30th, 1975: as "Arroyr Grande Babe Ruth i3-year Old AIl Star Championship Week", in hono~ of thos team which won ~h~ Pacific Southwest Babe Ruth All-Star Tournament, Adminost~ator Butch was instructed to prepare Certif~cates of Appreciation, on behalf of the C~ty, for each af the ballplayersa RECE~PT OF PET9T10~ FOR W~~l~~dAY A~ONG VALLEY ROAD - BOHLSNG The Cou~ci~ ~~ad a petation c~rculated by C~ayton Bohie~g of 856 Turquoise Drive and signed by approxomat~ly 92 residents of the Valley Gardens Tract, _ r~quesfiirg consede~at~on of a walkway or bike path along V~lley R~ad to FaP~ Oaks A~enue~ The petition ested the extensive use of this road by pedes~~sa~~ going to the Orcha~d Stree~ Elementa~y and hagh schoals, and the s~fety prob~~m~ ~ncountered to ~he la~~ of a walkw~ya ~ The Cou~c~l diseussed the matte~, ag~eeing it os a p~ob~em an~ vs:::-t *he County be con"tacted again for ~ possible ~oen~ effer~ ~o emprove ths~ ~om Runels, 586 Valiey Road, stated that ~he Caunty had w~den~d il~c ruai - .:usiy for purposes af watki~g, b~t that the students ~ialk down the middle of ak:~ ~t~eet anyway, He furth~~ ~tressed that any G~aikway would have to inclL9dE ~ro~~~~ons for farm equipment c~os=ingsa After C~unc~l d;scuss~on, the ~irector of Public Wa~ks was directed to look ~nta the costs of pa~'ing a walkway atong Valley Road simitar to the one existing on Fair Oaks Avenue (between Halcyon Road ~ Valley Road), and determine whe~he~ necessary rrghts of way for this are available. Clayton Sohling entered th~ meeting and was advised of the foregoing actsans. REQUEST FOR AF~NEXa70 CITY - OAK PARK ACRES(KVIDT) - REFERRED TO PLAN. COMM. The Council ~eviewed an annexation request from Reuben D. Kvidtg Ge~~~al Pa~tner of Oak Park Acres, and a review of the reguest orepared by Director of Publ~c Wm~ks Anderson. The request involves two parcels compr~sing about 3tF~ acres, on the westerly bounda~y of the Bolton Ranch at Oak Park Boulevard. A description das~~epancy exist~ fo~ Pa~cel One, whoch needs to be corrected and said parcel deannexed from P~smo B~a~h and then annexed t.a Arroyo Grande, if the proposal is appro~eda Afte~ C~uncal discu~sson, a mot~on was made by Coun~~lman Spierl~ng, ~e~ended by Coun~?~man Sch~ege~ and unanimously ca~reed, ~eferrAng the Oak Park Acre~ anne~ation ~equest t~ the P~annsng Commission for ets ~ev~ew and ~e~ommendations, RECECP7 QF 5;~~~'S DEVELOPMENT ~L~N FOR PISMO STATE ~EAC~ ~he Council reviewed copyes of the Summary of Recommendat9.ons from the Gene~al Devetopment Plan ~nd R~saurce Management Plan of Pismo State Beach and Posmo Dunes State Vehdcular Recreation Area. _ . - _ ,r 53 C u°f`~ CoI~NC ~euGUSI" 26, 1975 ~ ~ ~AR~O'~C~ ~~~f~~~~ ~~~~~~DI~~J~ p~GE 2 ~ MUN9 a~GD~ l~6W~9V~o m CDR~~ ~~5~~`~ ~,~~~1~~ ~S~'$~ 9 1B~IB~B1 °&°0 aaRA~'9 HUASNA ROAD ,~LACKEY) C S~ry A~~~~~~~ ~B~ o~~~~ ~W~;~~ ~ a~~ ~~f a~ ~o~~ o~a~~~ ar~end °o ng the Mura i c i p~ 1-- Code ~~z~~~ f~°~~ 'oR~~~.ga~~eo9 ~~~u~~~~a~~ ~~~o~u~~~~e D~st~°act ~o ~~R_,~~~ Sos~g~~ ~'~r~&~~ R~~~~~~~B~E ~0~~~8~~, ~~~~~~~a p~~~~o~~~ ~h~ ~o~~ ~f A~°~~yo Grande; th~rea~~~~s ~ ~~~d~ ~~~a~~o ~~a~o~ S~I~~e~~~ g b~ ~o~~cs ~~an SpSe~°lS~g ~a~~ c~~~~~~~o~~~ ~a~o~o~~, d~~p~~~~ w8t~a ~~a~~r~g ~he ba~ance o~+,this: ~s~d s na~~~o ORDBN,~N~E I~Oa ~2~+ CoSo AN ORD~~~NC~ OF ~H~ ~9T°~ OF ARRdYO GRANDE AMEN~@NG A POR°f B ON OF °fH~ ZON ~ NG MA~ OF °CHE C B`fY 6F ~RROYO GRANDE R~~ERRED TO ~N SECfi~ON o302 OF T9TLE 99 CHKiP`TER 4 OF `TI~E MUIV N~ 9~AL CODE ~0 A~ TO REZONE CE~1'A 9 N PROPERTY I N °~FtlE ~~TY 0F ARRO~`0 GFti~NDEo Os~ 9TKD~B~B~ 12~ C~~B~i~9 ~f79df1 ~ch~ege~, s~~c~r~ded by Cou~~u lmaca Spaes°1 ang and on ti~e f~l ~ova8~g s~~~ ~ ~ ~r~~~, ~o ~uo ~e AYES: C~~sn~o ~~ne~ 5~~~~~ oc~ge ~ch~ege~ 9 Mo e~ arad Mayor Tal le~ N~ES m N~~s~ ABSE~!°~: Caun~a ~ma~ de L~~n th~ for~go o ng 0~°d a~~rr~~ waa~ pa~~~e9 ~r~d ~d~p~~d th 26th day of Augu~t, ~ 975 0 AUTHOR I ZE APPO ~ NT'MEN`T 06~ PAR9GS ~ REC ~ REP o TO ~90 9 N°f R~C o~9~OGRA~1 S°fUDY COMMI TTEE ~dre~6nosto°~to~ B~utctla ~~~o~ted th~~ ~~n~e~u~g a~~ ~~a~°ee coties° admAnistra- tic~~~ w~~~ d u~ece~t~~ t~ ~ o~~~~~ th~ ~~~5 B b B~ B~~ ~f a~t~ ~°ec~~at eon program ~o th ~s°o~er C B t~~ ~~d P a~~no ~each o ~ t~a~ ~g~°~ed ~I~~~ a~~~dy ~~~~s~n~ ttee shoul d be ~~~~b~ A~h~d, ~~~np~° ~~~d ~~e r~embe~ o~ e~~h of ~he e~~ e~ o~~ a~~~ 9~~ ~ Recreat a on ~o~nmassc~n9 th~ ~ho°~~ C6~y ~Adrn~r~~s,~u~~t~~~9 pl~o~ a~ add°o°~ao~~~ ~~a~~ ~n~rnber from each c a~,y ae~d ~~e.p~e~~s~~~,~ o~~ ~~°c~rn ~he L~a~ ~~{Wao° U~ 8 f a e~ S~h~ot D~~~~° ~~t a The Comma~t~e wo~~~ jaan~~~ da~e~ted by the ~6~~°~e Co~y C~ur~ca~s ~~a {~~°~pao~e ~~a i r~~s~~~~o°y ~f u°~~~~~°~~~ 9 2) c~o~d~~fi a~~~~ a~ o~ c~y ~~sady o~a a j~a n~ ~ nc~ ~d ~ ng f~r~d e~9 s~~~ 3~ m~6c~ r~e~~~n~n~a~~~ ~ S~~~ b~~k t~ ~F~~ ~hu°ee C a~~ ~~-,-9~a~ a 1 s o The Corrxn~~teeBs co~np~~~e a~~~a~°~ sP~~~a~d b~ d~e at the Cou~~a~'~ ~o~°s~ m~~-.a~ag in Decembe~, ~975~ ~°he Ca~a~c S ~ u ~d ~ ~a~~~ ~up~ca~t of th~ jo ~ ~t ~ffo~°~ ~ ags°ee ~ ng a t ~v~~ ~ ~I be mcsr°e ~ff~caea~t a~d ~e~~ ~~~~~~o F~f~~~° ~~~a~~a 1 dascu~~a~s~~ a motaon wa~ ma~e by Co~anc~ ~~~n Sg~S~s°~ a~gg ~eco~ded C~~a~~s ~mao~ ~e ~ A~s and ca~an~~nously carried, ~°equ~st~e~g ~ha~ the ~~~°9e~ ~ R~c~°ea~o~~a Com~a~~~¢~~ app~en~ a ~°ep~°esentatave Xo the .9o~n~ Re~a°~a~~or~ ~~°og~°a~n ~~cad~ ~~~mu~~~~ ~~d d~~°e~~u~~ Adr~u~a~trator Butch to ~ont~nu~ ~~s~a~°ch ~a~g~~o°e PU~ o HEAR ~-REZ0~9E 75~82 H~JA~NH 9~D ~ 911RA~ ~ o' ~0 "R~" (~ROYLES) - ORD m 3 S1° READ I NG Admon,st~°~~~r ~~~~k~ ~°epo~°~ed tl~~t ~he P~anna~g Co~nmas~~on has recommended ~ppo°~~oa~ a~~ ~~~e~~ ~9~~~~~ ~~f pr~~~p~~°~;a ~h~ no~°~hwest ~o~°ne~° of Huasna Road and Oro D~°~v~, f~am a~Rm/~mg_1~~ ~~a~9~~9 as ~~ques~ed by Ga~°y Bo°oy~eso Upo~ be°sng ~s~u~ed P~~ the Co~y C~~~k ~h~t a~~ ~eq~au~e~n~a~~~ a~ p~a~6d~d b~ law have been ~oa~p~ u ed w 9 th , hl~y~~ T~ 4 b~~ d~~~ ~~~d th~ hs~~ ~ a~g ope~ a~d p~o°sons woul d now be he~a°d fo~° css° ag~ 8~sfi ~h u~ o°ezoca a ng o ~ta~A~~v ~u~°~a~, 800 ~~~~aA Que~~~~o~ed what ef~e~t th~ a~ezona~g would have on the ~ax ~°a~~o N~~~~~° ~~y~ ~~pl e~d t6~~~ ~h~ ~ou~~~ A~~e~~o~ appraises 1'and on ~t~ na~ ~o~e~g~ ~h~a~efo~~ ~t w~~a~d ha~~ ~fte~~o The~°~ be o o~~ n~ ~aa~°~~5~~ p~~ ~ e~~ o~~~~~ o~n on ~h g Mag~or° Ta ~ t ey d~c~a~°ed ~he h~~~~~~g ~~~~~~o ,4~t~~ C~~~~o~ d9~~~9~~9~~~ Ca~~ ~tto~°~~y Shspsey ~°e~d ~h~ ~ B t~~ c~~ 0~~ B~~ f o~~~ o~g ~ a~~r~d a ng ~h~ M~an i c e pa l Ca~de so ~c~ ~~z~~a~ ~~~a~ a~RmA~~m~'~~ Re~od~~~a~~ Ago°oc~~~~~°e Das~~°act9 to "R-1", 5ingle Fam~~~ Re~ad~~~o~~ Da~t~°~ct, ~~~~~ao~ ~~~?~~~°ty a~ ~fa~ G¢ty; th~~°eafter, a mottnn ~a~s ma~de by Ce~ca~c6~m~a~ Sch~~ge~, second~d by Counc~lmara Spierling and uroanimou~~y c~o-~°~ed, ~a d6~pense w?~th ~-~~d~~g the bal~rsce of this ordinartce. 54 C N T'Y C(~UNC J L AUGUST 26, t 975 A~R~~~ ~~~ND~~ ~~~.d~~~~~~ ~AGE 3 GRAN°T I~~°/~~Ei~Ef~~' `~a Y'~~o ~~o O~r'~~ ~V~Y PRQI~Et~T~ ~Ea4SED TO ~~U~H-V'OPPERS ON MESA Adm~r~as~~~t~~° ~~a~~h ~~~r~e~~d that ~a~efa~ G~s ~ E~ectro~ Comparay has` r°equeste~ a~ ~~~~r~~nt foo° ~~d a~e~at~d app~~~~~an~e~ ac~°o~s the City-wwned pa~~p~i~~~ ~t~~ b~o~g 9~a~ed t~ the B~aa~9~ Popp~~~ Rod°arag Ctub9 Braco H~ o~d 9~~C~cY t~a~ ~~°cab ~ e~n~ nf re~ i~ ~ht e~f ~a~y and ~~ca ~ u c~rs o~ po~ have been rescal ved ti~? ~h~ C~~b°~ a~c~ ~~G~ ~ Eo°~ ~~ta~fa~t.e~r~o Aft~~° Co~araci~ d~~~uss~o~, a motion w~s ~a~d~ by~ u ~.~a~ ~~k~ ~ ~ge 1 , ~~~~o~ad~d b~ Co~n~ ~ ~ ~a~ Sp a~ ~ ~i ng ~rad unan a mous~l~~y~ ~ ~~~~~~ed, ~~~~~~u~~~'dg ~~d C~t~ C~~~k to ~agns ~n b~half of the City, an ag~eemen~ g~au~t ~ r~~ t~ ~'~c F i° u~ Ga~ ~ E~ ect~ ~~~ompa~y ~n easement fo~° pol es and re~at~c$ app~~~~~~~e~~s ~r~a~o~s ~aar~a~~rs of ~ts 125 and 131 ~f :the Ranehos Co!°r°al P~ ~~u°a a P 9 smcs arad ~~a d~ ~k~em ~~~l 9 be o~g n~v~ed ~~y the ~ i fi~ a~d t e~sed to the B~°~~h Pa~ppea° R~c~ang C~~~, Vra~o RECE ~~`f 0~' ANt~UR~ REPORT RE ~ LOPEZ C~1~°TRACI° CHARGES ~ RAl"ES Tha~ Co~n~9 ~ s°ev~ewed t~dminsstr°ator Butch's an'nuat repoa~t giving proj~ction of cash ~~qu~~e~u~nts ~o~ the Lopez Cont~°act ac~d fundwng fo~° the next five yearsa, H~ recommended, ~r~d t~ae C~u~ca~ agree~, that th~ Lopsz char°ge to customers remain as osa Admkn~strata~° Butrh ca~l the County Ru~~tor°s Offlce to verify that the $5a75 mo~~hty' ~o~e~ ~t~a~ge ~a~a sta11 ~be deducted by ~axp.a~yers as interest payme~ts or~ ~Y~~ bo~da RESOL~ RDOF°fo ~ E~TAgL~SI~ 1975m76 MUNBCiPAL TAX RATE -$1090 PER $100 A.1~'. Th~ Co~~~n~ revi~~red A,dman~sts~~tor Butch'~ comments rega~ding establish- m~r~t o~f ~ tax ~at~ for t~e fo~~~1 y~ar~ ~975-76o Nes r°ecosnmendation was a r~d~c~te~c~ ~f to a~a~e of $iog0 per~ $a00 of a~se~~ed va~uation of alt taxable ~~:~op~~t~~ C~u~~v?man Mul~as ~~at~~ l~as f~e?~r~~ th~t a b~rdget should be established fa~~;~ ~~d t~a~n ~~p~~dat~~e~ m~d~ wA~har~ ~ts boundso He fe~fi th~ procedure of . s~tt a~g ~~~t~ ~rha~ i~ ~~u~~~ed a~~ the~ sett i ng a ta:~e ~°~te t~ c~~~r° a J l, i s backwar~ds . A~te~ ~o~ar~~ ~ 1 d a~~es~~ ~~o~, C 3 ty At~or°n~y Sh ~ p~~y re~d the t e of a r-e~a~a~tio~ f~acsng the,~ates taxes fo~° the ~975-76 ~~~ca~ yea~° ~s follv~s; $1073 f~~ Gers~~a~ ~o~re~°r~m~~t Ope~~ataon~, $Qo14 for° Employe~ Retst°emer~t; ~~d $0~03 fa~~° Recre~~eo~, ~or a total of $1.90 upora each $~00000 of ass~ssed ~~lcsat~on o~ p~°op~e~°t~r v~¢th6~t th~ Gat~; the~°eafter, a motion was made by Councelm~~ S~hlegel, seco~ded by Cou~~~lma~ Spa~~~~ ung ar~d= u~aar~~mo~us~y c~rroed,- ta- dispense ~+3~~ ~°ea~~ng ~h~ ba~an~~ thus ~es~l~tiono RESOL~11° I ON NO o 1 177 6~ i~~SG~ UT 9~~ ~F 1°~~ C G TY COdl~VC 9~ f~F THE C V TY OF ARROYO GRANDE, ~~i~ I~6~N O~, 8 NG °fHE A~40UNT aF MONEY NECESS~RY fi0 BE RA I SED ~`~Y °CA~(AT i O!~ ~OR THE CURREN`fi F 9~CAL YEAR BEG I NN I NG JULY -1 , 1975, ,~P~D ~~X~NG `fiN~ 6~~i~TES a~ TAXE5 FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR_< ~ Q~:^~ rn~s~t ~e~~ ~f C~sc~~c u~~ar~ N~6 ~ fi a s~, s~c~raded ~ by ~ Co~nc e~~~ma~~~ Sp~a er 1 i ng and on ~he ~a~~~~wing r°ol1 call vot~, to r~rot: A~ES; ~Qasr~~a Sp°s~r~ an~, Sch~e9~1, hl°s i 1~s and Mayor~ Tal ley NdESr. ~Im~~ ~ ,~B~iENT~;~~ ~~c~~ncu ~~~a~ ~I~ ~~.~~~~a ~ ~ ~ ~ the for~goan7 R~~c~aata~~a w~~ pas~ed a~d ~d~p~ed tt~e~ 26th day of August, 1975. R~POR~ m I~EC~Nfi CClUNT"~'~G d°~ N E~ ~4REA PLANN B N~ COdRD V NA~T 9 NG COUNC & L MEET I NG - SP 8 ERL I NG Co~sr~co lmar~ ~~su~~~ a~g ~~~~~'~~d o~ ~h~ A~gr~~t 20th meetong of the County-' C~t~~~ A~ee Py~~s~,v~~~ Co~~°~ora~~y~~ ~ou~~u~~ ~op~es ~f a p~°etim~nary dr~aft of an upda°t~c~ J~~d~~ Pcs~~~~ Ag~~~m~~~ by6~~~~ ~~~°e des~c~ib~at~d ~o ~he Gity Coun~'sl fc~r r°~~~~+~ a~rc~ co~m~~~o ~~~~cA le~~~ Sp~~u°~ ing stated th~t Mak~ B~°ady h~d appear~d at ~he A~gu~t 2Qth ~e~ a ng and made a pa~e~~~at~t ~~n ~~gas=~ e r~~ h~~ po°caposed Trans- p~rt~t~~n Sy~~~r~~ ~urs~~nt the Bo~~°d ~f Su~Se~~A~~~°0s ~erect'on, M~o Brady will b~ ~equ~~~ong tqm~ befe~~°~ ~hA~ Courr~~~ g~ve a~om~~a~° p~e~~ntataono . Tl~~ ~o~~, p~og~•am+ ~ra~ ~°~ceo~~d a~ ~he Coo~d~~a~ang Co~r~~~~'~ m~e~~r~g. C~~sra~ i~~s~n S~ a~~ A~ rag req~e~~~d d a~~~c~ ~ or~ ~°~ga ~d `o ~a~ ~h~ ~~~~h ~~°af ~ o~ the Jca o nt P~~eo~~ Ag~~e~n~~ ~ ~ d~~~ ~ ~f?~~ Ca~~~ ~ ~ a ~ S~~ p~ ~~~~~c~ d~ ~ A on ~af Par~g~~~~s #4~ r~9~ ~f~~ ~s~a~~c ~~!~~ed ~~cr~a~ d~~~a o~ o ~ ~ t~ A~~~~°~~y Sh d ps~~ ~ pt~ ~~ra~ed ~~t P~~°~g~a~F~ #~i, u~a~ ~~~a a~~~~~~ aa~~ p~~~~ o~ o~~~ f~~°~h ~ r~ ~h~ e~ sm~~~~:~c~ s~~~~g~a'~s~ #4~ . ----55 C~`TY C4UN~V~ ~UGUS~' 269 19:75 ARR(~~'0 ~~l~~BD~ ~ ~~9~ D ~'~~t~ 0 ~~G~ 4 ~ ~~~o~~B ~~uu~~ ~~~~o~~~ B~~ ~~~~~u~~~ ~ ~~i~ ~~~~~o_~ ~ b8 ~ ~ po~~~~~t~~ ~~e~dan~g o~, th~ ~eg~~~~~e~~~9 ~at~~~~ ~9~e~ ~oo~~~ ~u~~~ ~o ~~~~o~c~~ ~~o° ~~~a~~o S~ 55o p~°ov~des; fo~ th~ d~~b~a°~e~n~r~~ c~~ ~~~t~~ ~~~d~ fi~~~~pou~~~~~~~~ ~~c~o, on a o°~gao~al,. r~fi~~~ ~~ia~ tl~~~~~~~ ~~;~~~o ~`9~~ ~~~~~6~ ~go°~~~ ~I~a~ t~B~ ~e~~ed to be araQ~lti~~ ~tep to~~i ~d ~ ~ g~~re~~~~sv~ ~ a~~ 8 ~h S ~ ' ~~p~~~~~ ~ ~~d d ~ ~°~~t~d Adrr~i~t~~~~~~a~o° ~~t~h ~o°B~~ g~~~p~~° ~~~~~~~~8~~ o~~p~~~e~~~t~ve~ ~ndecat~ng th9s'~C~~~BS ~'R~~~B~u~~ 5~00 _ REC~I~T Q~ ~N~ORP~~~ ~0~ 0~9 ~TR~7TF@~R ~,4~f~ W~~t~U~ ~Y~~~ RE~~~°~~~ ~dm r~ o~~~°~~o~ ~a~~~~ ~°~~~o°~~d ~@~~t ~n~y ~n~ b s~ had b~~~ ~°ec~ u v~d fa~° the w~ l niot ~a~op ~t~q~he~° P~~k ~~d m~~ o eo~en~nc~ t9~~ U~~d o;~°I~~ b u d re~~ e~ed was from Awn~~d ~o Sh~t~~~s9 rvh~ o~f~~~d $~6 tFoe ~~°qp and ~o'ma~n~~un and k~ep wee~-f u°ee ~h~ p~°~p~o°ty foo° a~ ~oo~g a~ ~~~es~~o°~a C 6 ty At~~~°n~y Sh ~ ps~y recnm- mended th~ bBd be a°e~e~ted M~o ~hettes°s a Cat~ E~p~oyee a~d °ot would nc~t be pa°~p~~° f~~° the Cot~ to con~~~~~ w~~#~ on~ o~ u~~ er~R~oyeeso Add°stional 6nformal bads vail~ b~ ~o~6~A.~edo RECOMMEtJD~~PpN QF ~~RKa ~ TP~~~~ ~Oh1Mo RE o`T ~ ME ON B~OAD O NG Z~NE S~ GNS Adm~e~ sts°ato~ Bu~~h ~~~~ed t~a~ ~he rec~mrnea~~~t8on mf the Parkong ~ ~raffic Co~nm~~suor~ t~ cha~~~9 ~~~m 9000 Aohla 8o0Q ~,oNsa 9 th~ tume on the two loaciang ~on~ ~~g~s o~ B~an~h Sto°eet9 wu~~ be ~and~ed by ~aty co°ews, as the Resalut~~n~ ~~tab~SshBe~g the ~~~ad°o~g zo~~~ dSd ~~t f~~th ~h~ temes to be from 8:00 AoMo to 1~md0 AaMa' REVIEW OF LEGB~LP~`f9~lE BUL~~TUN~ FaONi ~~AGI~E ~ O~~~S~ A~ 700 Th~ Ce~un~ ~ a~ece v~~ ar~d ~~v w~wed the ~~~~s t~~g ~ s~ a t~ e~~ B~ 1 1 et ~ ns f r~om the Le~gue o.f C~lof~~°~oa ~S~o~~e DSscu~soca~ ~~~d u°~~~~~a~~ AB 70Q9 a bill requir~~~ sp~~~a~ ~u°~atmer~t feau° P~~c~ Off~c~~~P 'Yhe Ca~~u~~u~ ~pu°~~t~d Admerttstra- tor But~h to send ~~on~m~ah °s ~a~ °s o~ t~ ~he Gm~~~'~m~ ~ u~g 8~u~ h o~ u~~'N~ af th e s b i 11 . AUTHOR I ZE SURVEY' PURCHASE LO`TS ~N LE P0 @ NT ~ GAR N N~ ~ Tp~°~~~ dm~n stratoa° ~ut~h ~e~~~w~d ~hat desc~°~p~u:~a~~ ~~au ~ab~~ ~ ~nd 6 vf ~B~ackett `s Add 6 t~~a~ o~ L~ P~ o r~t St~e~~ ~~Fa o cb~ t~te C d~y w a~he~ ~o inad~t~uateo ~~t~~~~y w~ 1? be n~~essa~~g ~h~ c¢a~~s e~f v~Y~tl~h ~~u~d b~ t~ the p~~~~. ~sf th~ p~ope~t~~~o He ~ead a~e~~e~ ~Eo~~am G~r~ng, Tay~~~ ~ Asso~i~t~s, 3~~e9~C~ae~~ E~ag~~e~~s9 v~h~ p~opa~~d to ~a~~~e~ ~~d s~~ ne~~~s~.~~r~ prop~rty G~rr~~~s, obtain aPp~~~a~ ~1~~ C~ur~~y Su~°~eycao~ arad f6~~ a R~~a ~f ~uwr~y` y n tf~~ Ce~u~t~ Rece~~d~~' ~ 6f ~ B c~ ~os° ~~u~a of $45p o ~0 ~~s t~a~y h~~ pr°~~ol~u~yy. ~4~~vey~d th~ p~~~~~t~ ~nd F~~v~ th~ ~a~fi~o~cnat~m~ ~va~~~bl~a A~~~~° Ce~u~'~D1 dS~~u~~&c~n, ~ rnof~6~ar~ w~s m~d~ by C~e~~ro~8~~a~ Sp8`~~°?~~ug, secoa~d~d by , Gouri~6~m~t~ S~h~~~,g~~ ~~d a~~~~Smo~a~q~o ~a~o°~ed, ac~~p~~~g th~ ~urvey p~°op~~~l r~f ~ G~r.~:~9~`,~`~y~(?r ~~iss~~6at~s9 8~~0 ~~gaa°d6~g Lot~ 5~~d 6 af Be~kett~~ Add~~ion, and c~~r~~~~~~g th~t ~~t o~ s~8d su~~~~ b~ add~d the $~~e p~~ce of $3~OOQ per lota ~APPP~~VE `~E f-0'L 9 N~ 0F D,4WIAGE C~,A U P~ LOOM p X @ NC a . p~r~~ a et t~~ t°cam 9~~~m a x, 0~~ e, ~~ga ~°d 6~g a c 1 a 9 m fo r dama:~~s WN~~i th~ s~we~ bac9ced ~ap ~n tt~~ar ~f~~~~s ~ah$~e ~h~ C~~y was working an a main on ~ranch 5to°e~ta A~~~ re~o~~aed w~s ~~~~t~o° fo°~an the C3ty's ins~rar~ce Gar~r~ie~~°, dee~y~ng the ~la~m th~ ar~~~or~~ $3~~ ~~8 ~~s° dam~g~~, b~c~us~ ~t had n~t been submi ~t~d w~ ~F~ u n~h~ ~ OO~d~~ ~ o~r?B ~~a~ f~r~r~ d~~~ o~ acc~~rence ~ The h~~<b~~ r~e~r°~v~19y ad~~sed of the'damag~s ~nd ~n~~n~ ~f Loorn3x to submit a c1~ fi~~~"s~t~~t ~~"6Q11~ f~~ ~~~°o~~~t6~ra dam~ges w~o~e t~~~~vedo After Councel dis~t~~~i~n, mc~2~on was~ m~d~ by Cea~rro~~ ~~n~c~ SpB~~~ ~~ag, ~~conded by Cocanci lmarr Schle~el and~ a~~rantmoa~~~~ ~~a°~~ed, app~~~~~g f~ ~ 6ng a~ate cl~~m by toamixy tn~o tc~ ~he Cit~a~ ~~a~u~°~c~~~ fr~~° d~m~g~ ~he a~nount Af 5331.'78 irt~ue°r°ed'e~n .9~e~~c~~~ 24, ~9~Sa SEl° S°~E1,~tf SESS 0~N ON H~1U~ 9 NV~ ~LEh1~Ftl~ ~~R~~~~I~°~1~" D~~ n~RAN~PpR`TA~ 9ON ~L~~ ~ 9/~/75 ~ 'The C~~sr~c ~~t ~ ~tc~dy ~~~~u~s~ ~o° S~~t~~rob~~ , ~975 mn ~h~ HousErag E ement i~f ~he;G~r~~r~l P~~no M~k~ ~~~d~~ Cc~e~t~ C~~~~~~ ~t~~~~~ w~s~ d~~~~oped a firans- ~~r~~~1~r~ P~~~ ~~°~~~a~~l f~~° ~h~ C~c~~aty~ v~8~1 ~1~~ b~' ~~~a~~~~ t~ ~n~k~ his `~1'~~~t~~N~a~ti ~4 C~~~~~~ ~h~ ~~3A ~~MN ~~~~~r~ ~h~ H~~a~t~Q ~~~r~~nt ~ti~dy s~~~9~ng R~CE n P7 0~ ~R~L 0 M~ N~4~~' ~~J ~~~Nfi~ ~C~~ V~ 4~~~~'~ M~NA~~N~~~~" P~AN ; ~ ~~d ~~~C~v~~~ ~~p ~ ~h~ ~u~~~p~~ ~~~°y ~~~f~ ~f tha,C~s~r~ty~~ ~~~~d.W~~~~ M~~~g~~~~~ ~~~~~r~b~~ ~~~~~C~~ ~~~d~~lons of' sa~0.~'d w~~~~ ~~~~~~~~u~~ 6~ C~~~~~, ~u~~~~~~ti~~~ ~9~~~ 25 YB~V"Sr ar~d the~ ~lsm~~a~~ ~ ~ 8~~~~~ ~~~~g~~~~t ~~~~r~n ~~~°~;~y~~ th~~ ~a~~r~ty 5a16d W~s~~ N1~~~g~~n~~o~ S~~ttl~~u~ ~~~~~~~:~d ~p~~~~~ s~~~~~~ ~f~~ ~~p1~tn `the P~1as~a H~ ~6~9 b~ ~~h~d~~~d ~~~~~u11°~ ~~~~ti~~ ~~rr~~ ~~~~rtl~se _5s C~`TY COUNC U V~ AUGUS~ 259 1975 ARR0~0 G~t~ND~ 9 C~L 8~~i~Ni ~AGE 5 REPOR°T m ~T~el°~ `~"~,~~5~~~~/~~` ~ ~f~ ~@~i~~ ~ARC ~ ~ °fhe Ce~~~~ u~ o°ead ~ o~~~~~°t C u~y Ea~g ~ s~~~~ G~~c e a~°eg~~°d o ng the August 15th rnee~ ~~g ~f th~ T~~h~ o ca ~ Ac~e~ u~e~~°~ Counm a t~~~ on ~he S~ate 1°ransportat i on Plano As ~~c~mrr~e~d~d `u~ Ive~ o°~p~~t9 th~ Cr~~a~~y~ dare~~ed Adman°s~~rator Butch to u~rite a~t~°ong ~~~~~r~ ~o ~he ~tate T~°a~sp~a~°t~tuon 8~~~°d "st~°ess6stg the smportance df r~~t ~educon~ fa.ind°ar~g ~~ve~~ fo~ ~n~a~~en~n~~ and caanst~-u~tuon en ~'u~°a~ a~°~as", It appea~°s that the B~~~°d ha~ a~~~~ t~~aa°d. meto°csp~~ u~an a~~~~o REPOR°C m RECENl' ZONE 3~DV ~ SORY COM~9~~'~°E~ hIEET I NG - HELD OVER A r~po~°t on the ~~cent me~tang of t~e Zone 3 Ad~raso~°y Commotte~ was h~ld gver° u~t ~ 1 th~ n~ae~ rneet ~ ng, ~rher~ C~ ty Erag °s neer Gare s a v~~ ~ 1 be p~°esent ~o report` r~~ hi ~ att~r~d~ra~e of sa o d?ne~~ o~g a l~~°PH~R B ZE H I R@ NG OF ~I NANC 6AL CON~U~~°AN°~ ON RUT'H ANi~ ~IAY ASSM'T, D N ST ~--HELD 4VER Di s~uss ~ a~ and act ~~ra r~ga re9 ~ a~g h u~° e ng of a f a nanc a a l Gons u1 tant or~ t'e ~;r~th A~rr Wa~e As~~s~m~~~ D~st~~~t a~~s h~ld caver ~nta 1 the Councl l's next regula~° m~e~t E ng ~ ~~CEiP~' ~iaS ~ AWARD 0~ CONTRACT-°-PAVING VARlOUS C6TY 5°TREETS - SULLY-MIL~,~R ~d~nir~i~t~°~tcar° But~h r~poe°t~d that bids had bee~ received and opened at ~63d ~'a~tia ~n ~t~r9ust 2d, 1975 csn Stc°~~t P~~rir~g Prc~Ject 90-75-1 and Chip Seal ing P~°a,~~e~t 9~~Z5°2q b~th ~a~v~~~ing ~rar°o~us Csty str~ets, as follows: _ P~OJEC~ ~p~~'S-1 ~~D~i~ TOTAL ~IO ~1J~1.:`Y~3 ' ~,~T :5~5~~ ~4~a, ~7C1V~i~[~q ~ 9~~~t~ $47,6Q8.00 Fff ~ E~ e F~fi ~ ~ ~3yf ~~'ifs ATAS~D~RC~~ ~A 93t+22 ~a~, ~Ot) ~ ~0 ~;6 I~~~~Z ~5~ ~ ~t~~ ~5es ~9~ ~ , ~~IV°~°~ f~4~2~~4 ~ 9345~t ~~t~ Q t~~ ~a~~. ~ e F~, C3. ~X ~1°T, ~~~4~ $~5, 4fa~ A ~ ~ ~ ~E~ o t~~ a. ~3t ~f~, ~/4A! E.tiZ~ Z , ~p, ~3~+~1 $48e~~~~~~ ~'d e E~'m ~m ~[i~4 3~~~, ~~V t~tf~ s CIBT~F~3s ~A 9~~~+C~~S SSYQ~?7l5.~~ P~OJ~i~"T ~(~~7a~~ F3~~3EF~ ~'Cl~'AL ~Ia ~a ~'d ~d ~C 366~, ~°~°~~A~~Ft~, ~~~~2 ~21,~Of?.~0 ~ d P~d E3a ~3~ ~31~, s,4~ ~t~~~ ~T~~~ ~R~ ~~~t(~1 ~~~'~f~Of3g~(~ ~ ~~3r~~~~r~ti~~ B~t~~ ~~~~~d tl~~t ~s~w ~f th~ r~la~~v~ly low unit prices ~ha~ 5~Z ~y~~N~~ ~ b~€d ~h~ ~~by 4J~rk~ D~p~rtr~~n~~ h~~s r~~amm~r~dad fih~ ~ ~t~~~ ~~~~€¢~g p~e~~~~~ b~ ~~~pp~d ~r~d ~~r~t~~d ~h~ w~~h~n that pr~oJ~~~ be ~ r~~~ p~a~~ C~~r~~i Y d i~~~~~ ~a~, ~ m~~ w~s ~n~~~ by C~tan~ l t m~n ~~t~~'~~~1~ ~~~c»~~a~ by lNi~1~~ ~~d ~~~y ~~~~p~d, a~~~~~~~g th~ ~~s~ ~~~~~~,t~~~~~~ ~~~d ~~~o~~~~~d ~~rn~~a~t in th~ ~m~u~~ ~g3~66q p~~~~g ~r~~~~~~ ~~r~~~~; ~~d t~~ FI~~~~ ~ia~~~~~~~d sig~ s~t~ ~~t~a~~ ~~ro ~b~~~~~ ~f G~~~~ 1'~~~~~~~~~, ~ ~n~t~i~~ ~v~s ?~,ad~ by C~~ur~~~ ~m~r~ ~~h~~s~~,l, ~~:~~~~~d ~as~~~~~~~ t~~~l~~ ~~d ~~~n~r~~~~~ ~~~~9ed, ~~~~~~~~g ~11 bid~ ~~i~e~~ Cl~ ~ ~ ~ a ~g ~~~~5~2 A ~M~OG~ESS I~~~(~R~` ~ Di~~~~M°~G6~i ~U~~~US ~bG~ ~~~M~d p9~fih ~UND~ ~ l4d~ ~ ~~~~t~~ ~~~~h ~~~~~s~t~d ~ h~~~° ~g ~ , ~ d 10AOQ ~,I~q ~n a~~~z~~~ 2A~ ~ ~~~~r~ ~~~r~ ~~a~~~~ o ~~~~rd ~ s~p d ~ ~ ~ G ~n tFr~ ~~~°~l'~a~ fc~c~~~ ti~~ ~rr~~~~ Gr~~r~~~ ~~~~~~~~r~t pa~~~~~~ N~b ~ d ~I~~ ~~~~y h~s o~eq~~~~~s~ ~h~t ~pp~`~~~a~~.~~~ ~~~,~6Q €i~~ ~~a~°~y~~ ~~r ~~o~~a~i~ ~~s~~°~~~a'~wr~~ c~f d~~~g~~ on~~~~~~~~ ~r~d ~~~~~k~°a~~~~r~~ d~~a~a~~~~~~ th~ s~~~~ d~strt~tA - - - 5'7 CI'TY COUt~CV~ AuGUST 26, 1975 ~1RROY0 GR~4~IDE ~ 9 ~'~R~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'RGE 6 ~ N~°fI~CE Q~~. C~M~~fi~9N~ ~~~ED AG~~I~~~ ~~T~ R~o ~~Z~f~~NG~ D~N~~4'L - LA~VLER ~ Adm ~ n a~~~~at~o° ~s~tch a~~~ a s~~ ~ c~~n~~ 9~a~ bee~ f i l ed by Mr°s o Bett,Y Lawl e~ aga.s n~t the C a~~ ~e~~;~°c9 0~~ ~~e C~u~~ o~ P~~~~ ~e~ ~ezon a~rg r°equest on Traff o c Way Ea~ten~ u on o NOTI G~ 1~ F: .D GSAGREEMENT R~r~~~~1~~dT ~EP~CE ~VER D~~e B NP,6~ CHANNEL m 1`URNER Ma~'o~° 1~~ ~°epo~°~ed a P~~°o ~~ro°~ °f~~ne~° of Nog~e~°a P~ace had i nd i cat~d h~e wc~u ~ d~pp~~u° b~~a~e ~os~~~ o~ u~~ga rd o~g p~ a~ernerat zs~ a fence _ wh i ch M~° o T~ar~n~~ w 6~h~s to ~~e~t oe~~ h a~ p~opert~ o A ne~essa r°y C a t~ dr~a °s ~age channel , for vah ~~h the ~ s ty Fo~s ~n ~a~~~nent, co ~~c o c~e~ we th a port o on he w s shes to fence and th~ G~~~ caro~?ot a~lo~v h~u~ to p~ace t~a~ lova as h~ w~nt9 v~hich is res~tteng in a de~ag~e~mento V~ ~u~wa a~f M~o °Tu~n~~° n~t b~ung ps°e~enty th~ matter wa~ only c~as~us~ed b~°a~f~~r, ~ratFu ~o ~~tAOr~ ~~kene NOT I C E RE o PO`f E~IT ~ Al ~RA~F 9 C HAZd~RD~ A~ BARNE°CT ~ GRAND AVE e- M 9 Ll Coun~ lman M6~~o~ rao~ed ~ha~ ~ t~affmc problem as deve~operag at Barne~t and Grand Aoreracae e n th~ a~ea vah~~°e ~h~ t~cDdna l d~ Re~t~aar~ant has ust operaed, wh i ch is cr°eating conge~tiono He ~ecQmmended the C~ur~~o~ tha~ ct ~cinsed~r° moving up the prior~ty for~ a so~n~~ ~y~~e~n tho~ ~nt~~~~ct~~a~e ADJOURNMENT . On motio~n of Cc~~nc~lm~n Sc~a~~g~~, sec~nd~d ~y Councilman Spie?~li~g and unani~ously ~as~~°ied, the m~e~ang ~d~o~u~n~d at 9~22 PoMo ~nta~ 7:30 PoM, on Septembe~° 19750 Al°1°ES~ o..=='~~Zr /U ' ~ C ~ °fY CLERIC ~ P~A`YOR ~ ~ w- .