Minutes 1975-09-30 69 CITY COtJNCIL SEPTENfBER 23, 1975 ARR.OYO GRANDE, C~~,]CF°C5ITI~T~A PAGE 5 REFER P~TOLISLY DEI~TIF~'3 ~~R~E~'T C~dN ANATE~ATI~N 7'O PLANo COMM. & STAFF FOR STUDY Mayo~ ~°aTYe~r r~~i~~~c~ ~h~ ~c~~z~~i3, ~s der~a al at its last mesting, af an annexation requ~ste by ~on ~~a~at~ cs~ a~r~~ge in t~ie Corbett Canyon area, which had also been co~aside~ed ~s a~~°~e ~e~~ an add~.t~onai ~rater tank reservoir to serve properties at h~gh e].~~ati.~~s, t~ ~~o~,~ o~ pressu~e }~mnps. H~ inc~icated ttzat any devel.op~~n°~ mn th~ l~i~l,~~s~~~ ~ even ~~~in ~tre Git~ Li.mits, will require pressure pumps ~s ~e ~e~rel~p~~° wi~.Y ~t ~°ticipate in the tank' ~ costs without the annexationo The ~~.~y ha~ p~°e~~ousl~r de~errnined the need of an additional. reservoir and deveYog~~ ~~.~t~~ipa~~on ~,n e~ection of same woul~ relieve some of the costs tY~at r~ou~.d otl~e~va~se b~ b~rrae b~ a~l' C~.ty ta~cpayers o Mayor Talley suggested that a~tuc~y I~~ made can h~r~ inuc~ 1.and is needed to make costs of ~he water tank feasibl~ ~~r ~1~~ d~~relop~~m Af~t~r C~un~il d~.scussion, a mation was made Gouric~~.ntan ~~i~r~i~e~e ~~~~r~~le~ b~r Co~xncilmari Schlegel and Qn the ~ollawinq ro1Z ca11 ~aote, t~ wat o o~o~ncila~~n Spierl.ing, de Leon, Schlegel and Mayor ~~Iley IJO~~ m ~'o~arac~~max~ M~,lls ~S~1V'~ v 1Vmne the motion carried refe~r~r~c~ ~he C~rbett Canyon Annexation request hy Ran Grant to the Flann~ng Co~i~s~.~~ ~nd Cit~r 5~aff for a~uu~7.1 study, to ~ncl.ude how much land w~.ll be ne~ded °to ma~~ bcri~di~g ~f the ~s~~es~ary Gr~ter tank feasil~le and equitab~.e to ~~t~in ~h~ clev~~~~a~~~? p~rticipatione ADJOIIRNNIEN2' On m~tion of Ccs~ncalman Sch~egel, se~onded Y~y Cauncilman Sp~.erling and unanimously carr~ed, the mee~i~ag acijourned at °IOc50 P.M. unt~.l 7:UU F.M. on Tuesday, ~ep~em~e~° 3a ~°9 975 ~ar a City~ Sem~.r~a~ at tl~e Sunrise TE-rrace Mabile . Home Parl~ on Valley R~~el ~n ~1.ie~~yo G~and~. ~ ~ ATTEST: J , • CITY ~T~EF~.IC MAYOR CITY COUNCIi, SEPTEMBER 30~ 1975 ARROYO GRANDE ~ CAIa~FOIZI3~g1 7: 0 0 P o M. 7."he City Coun~~l m~°t ~n .r~gu~ar adjo~°neel session at the Sunrise Terrace Mob~le Ho~e Pa~rk's ~~~~°e~ti~n ~&~1.10 ~oun~~.~~sc 9pi~rl~ng, de L~on, Schlegel and Millis were prese~t, w~i~~ AR~~r~~ Ta~~~~ p~~siding. A1sQ in attendance were City Staff inembers, Comm~s~ian~~~ ancl ~,~ter~s~.ed cztizens, for the purpose of studying munici.pal issues. 11DJOURNMENT O~i mata.on o~ Cc~~~ilmaxa ~p~e~l~x~g, sec~nded by Councilman de Leon and unani- mously carri~d, tY~~ m~~t~n~ ~d~~c~~~d ~t ~Qe00 PaMe / ATTES T : .~=~5~~ ~ - E~ ~ ~ CIT3t CI~ERIC MAYOR t,~. ~ w . .