Minutes 1975-10-28 _-76 CI'~~' ~C7LJ1~~~~ OC7'OBER 27 ~ 1975 ARROYO ~~~D~ ~ C~i~~~'C&~~1~ 4: 0 0 P e M o ~~~g~ ~~~r~~~~. ma~~ ~ ~~~~xY~~ ac~~~r~n~e~ m~e~~.ng ~nr~~h Mayor Talley pY~:sid~rago ~~,~1 ~~a~~;D C~e~~,~i~ 1~~~~s ~p~~~~~.~,g, de L~on, Schlegel and Mi~3~is re~~~~~cl p~e~~r~°~m S'a`L11~~ ~~~~~~1~T ~ ~"~P~~~~C9~C~-i Ft0~,13 ~T~~I~I ~~5"~~ ~'h~ Ceaur~cil. ~tuc3~ed ~t~g~~o~~~ Ft~~d ~rane~ati~n ~eq~~st and various informa~~~o~ ~~~~a ~e~er~~~e ~o c~s~~ ~f ~,i~e anr~e~~t~~n o Adminis~rator Butch reviewed ~o~ ~h~ ~our~~~1 Y~i~°tc~ry o~ ~~ae req~~s~n made b~ R~ra ~rarat on behalf of some }~x°a~e~°t~ or,~a~~~ ~~a~ ~~~a o Ad~ri~ni~~~~t~r ~~,2~~~ ~l~a ~~~~~z~c~ f~~ t,he C~ur~c~,~ sever~l r~,ports ~ega~cY~r~q ~Ya~ anne~~~~one ~ri~~Z ~~~~~~~aY~~ ~tten~~c~r~ ~o one ~epori. from Director of Pul~lic V3~~~~ Ar~de~°~~n w~~h ~ef~~~~ce t~ ~aa~t~r ra~ecl~, ~o major points vvere brough~ ou~ b~ ~o ~cle~°~oa~m C~ne ~a~~ tYa~~ ~h~y had o~~e~~ed: a ne~r water system in S~n Jose ~ha~, ~~au1d p~ssil~ly p~~i~ ~ wa~ex~ ~an}~ vai~hin the City limits. The sec~nd po~x~'t ~aa~ that ~ai~h ~o~pYete cle~el~prnen°~ of th~ ~~°e~ent Ci°~y limits and witYt thi~ adeT~ti~r~~5~ ~nn~~~.~~~r~9 tY~~ C~ty ~ao~xld not u~e ~11 of i~s Lopez and well. water ~s~mmitment ~ A~°ter ~ g~-~~°t ~~al o~ c~~~cu~~~~a~,y i~ w~~ g~x~e~a].ly ~.greed that °the Council x~eeclec~ mo~~ i~~~~ra~~:,~~no ~'Y~~ Cc~rz~~~l va~~lel like to kracsw °the co~t of the new s~st~m, °~h~ ~e~~~,~emen~s ~f ~~~~~~~~ins~ ~rat~r ~,ine~, cost of pumping comparisons o~ t~e ~wo ~y~°temse ~n~ the c~~~ ~a~ ~x~~~~~el~~°te sy~st~n v~rsus a complete systemm `I"~e n?~tte~ ~a~~,l b~ ~t~d~~d ~'~~°ther w~~~~ ~~~~e ~eports are receivedo AI3~TOTJTJ~t13NlEI~`T' On mo~~~~ c~~ ~~~~acil~n cle I~eor~~ ~e~ond~cl ~a~ Councilm~n Spierling and u~an~mo~z~l~ ~~r~~ed, th~ m~e°t~ng ~d~o~ned a~ 5 a 20 P a1~Io 7~~'TES~ m D~1~LT'~Y C~,~~ M~~C~R CI~Y CGLTI~~~L O~~C~B~~ 28 8 1975 ARRO~~ C?1~P.1~TD~ ~ ~A~~~FaUI~TIA 'rY~~ C~ty C~unc~,1 r~~t in r~c~~la~ ~e~~ie~s~ ~~°~h 1~iys~r Talley p~°esidingo . Upon ~c~ll e~~,~g C~~~~~~ Ntembe~~ 5~~.~rl~ng, d~ I~eony ~~hl~gel and Mill~,~ reported presenta APPRO~i~ OF" NiI1~J'~~~ ~'he min~t~s t~~ ~~gular me~ting o~ ~~~ober ~4, 1975, ~rere`ap,proved as pr~par~do APPROiIA~ ~7'r' 43AI~I~1'~S CSr~ in~t~~~ o~ ~~~~ci~,m~~ d~ ~.~c~np ~ec~ncl~d by ~~~ncilman Spierliaxg and unani~o~~l,y c~~~~~de G~n~~~~ `~a~r~n~s N~o 3826 t~~o~gh No. 3975, ira the tot,al amo~t $94,5~6045~ ~.r~d ~a~~~ll Warran~~ l~~0 5083 through Noo 5167, in the to~,a~ amoizri~ of $4 ~ 8 8~ 3 0 8~, wre~~ ~.ppro~recl ~ncT ordered paid o INi7~~AT~~1Q TO P.4R~"~C~PA~~ ~1~ ~1~I~i7P.I~ 1~i01~0 ~AY P~DE e 3°9 f 15/75 ~~i~ ~~~~il r~~~l ~a~ ~x~~it~~,~on f~~~ t~he Mor~~ ~ay Chamber bf Commerce i~~~°~~,r~g the ~~a~~~~l t~ p~~°~i~~~a°~~ ~n ~he ~nnual ~~.~r~3°tar of the ~~~~f~.c Jub~lee L~~~ae~~ o~ ~1o~~mb~~ ~S~Yaa ~~~x~~~l~~n w~~~ r~o~~f~ Adminis~rato~° ~utch b~r I~~~~mb~~ 7~~a c~~, a°~~~a~~, API~~2~~ 1~~U~ES~ F~R ~IV~7A~ °XC9LT~°Fi ~N ~~~~I~T'° DA~ e°9 2/~ 6,175 ~z~ a~ ~o~~~~.~a~~~ I~~or~~ ~e~~r~cT~di by ~~un~ilm~n Spa.~rling ~nd t~~~t~~m~t~~l~ ~a~~i~d, ~I~e r~quest by Governm~nt Teacher Mi11is to hold an annual "Yot~~h in ~~°~~rim~r~~" on Dec~mks~r 16a 1975, wa~ approvedo Administ~ator ~h~~ ~~~~~~~r •r~~e ~to ~,pon~cr ~Ghe ~unch~eon. C~~~~i~t~~ ~i~~i~ ~~~~~~~t~ tY~~t n~~~~~~ h~~~ ~a~~~a ~~~~iw~d from the ~ther South ~~~~~Y ~a~ ~~ai~, ~rad ~h~~ mu~~a ~~~~i~~~~ ~o~ ~~~~°~a , 1 1 CITY COLTNCIL AgROYO G1~1VDEa ~AI~~~~~~~ OCTOBER 28, 1975 PAGE 2 ALTTH~Ft~~E ~Afc`I"~~~ ~9~ ~tT~~~°~~5~ CI~~~~ ~k° ~O~FFtCE m~t.~o~ ~~~~c~lm~~ ,~~lhl~g~lg ~~~~ndecT b}~ Coian~~.lman 1~[~.llis and unan~,ma~~ly ~a~ried, 1~1~~ g 500 0 00 wa~ a~~hor~zecl r~leas~d to the C~ambe~ ~f Cs~mm~r~e, ~~~xn n n0~ o OQ a? loca~ed tr~ the CYsambe~ a~r~ the Ca,ty's 1975-76 laudg~°t, ~~~~~d~~~ ~~~t~ and Managere Fay Lane. ABANDOI~TM~NT REQ!CTE~T F~~ POlt~~i'9~ ~E° ~~RD~IV S~o $~'pWI.~l~~ ~1~F~R T~ ~I~ANfNI1~TG COMMISSION ~a~~~$~ MeY~rir~ Po F°~~rler~ 947 Soo Halcyon Road, x'eque~t~.r~g ~~n~i~~~-~~~o~ ka~ ~ample~e abaa~donmer~~ of the westerly 7-1/2 fe~t o~ G~rd~n S~~°e~t be°~~~~r~ ~de ~°~~~~°t and A~~°o~o G~ande Creeko The Fowlers ~Slan ~au~ld ~n ~n ~dj~~~n°~ lo~ ~r~c~ wish the ex~ra space o A letter has been sent tc~ all ~°t~l~t~~s 1~~ p~,~e~~~~ m~ gubl~c Wo~ks Ander~~n to ascertain their interes~, a~y, ~.n ~y~~~~~~~~ ~,as ~b~ndorted s~veral years ago by the Cit~r, but rese~r~~ ~~~L~~~ p~d~~~~~an access over the entire roadraay o A~ter C~un~~1 d~~~~s~i~r~~ ~~~~i~~ ~nras made by Councilman Schlegel, s~concled by Counc~].mar~ de L,~~n and u~~n~nou~Yy carr~.ecl? th~ ala~nc~onment request was re~~~r~d to th~ P~~nn~~g ~~y~ i.~~ ~~~1~.~ ~~d recommendationse It is ~n~ti~~.pa~t~c1 that a r~s~a~~~~ u.~~l~~~y ~~~pa~ies raill be received before this mat~~r com~s }~efo~~ ~~~~~1 ~g~~~o g~~~~~~ anc~ Contractor Fairchild w~rE pres~n~ ~nd coa~rmen°ted oa~ ~he ma~~~~o RECE2PT OF' `I'12~~I7RER' ~ R~PORT F'OR SEP~~~Ry ~ 9`75 T~~~s~~~r~~ R~~°~~ ~~p~~~e~', ~9`15, was ~eceived, reviewed for the Council by Fa,nanc~ Di~~c°t~~° Ro~engx°erae arsci ~rcie~ecl ~~lecle RECETPT ~F "ARRQ3C0 (;R~TDE PROFI~~ kZEI~(~RT'" F'ROI~! LE~G~ ~PEG21~1Ia PROJECT DIRECTOR `1'rie Council ~~ce~,~~cY copies o~ ~he "~roy~ p~~ f~~e Report" from the League of California C~tie~a ,p~~ial pr~jects D~re~tor, ~ahich is the first of many stud~~~ ~,~agaxe ~iYl b~ ~rorlci~g on ~ritl~ the C~°t afor a communx°~yo Y p~°ofile of this MUNIm CODE ~EEIQDa ` Or'2~o ~Q,p~e ~ REZONE #75~85, 1°~°~ ~p e~~1'~, HUASNA E~.OAD City Attorn~y Shipse~ read the °title of ~n o~°diraarsce amersding ~he I~Iunicipa7. Code so as to rezone ~e~ta~~ p~~p~~~~y ~i~yo ~Yaere~.ft~r, a mot~.on ~r~.s made by Counca~lman M~.1~~.~e sec~~d~s1 }a3r ~n~~~i~,Yrear~ de I~eon arad ~araimously c~xried, to di~p~n~e ~r~th read~ng °the ba~an~~ of ~kais o~dinan~e a 01~:~1~A~iCE NO o 126 C o S o .~~T ORD~I~TANCE i>F" TF~ ~~~`S.~ C5~` .'~RO~O ~1~iDE I~NSENDII~TG ~1 POF2TTOI~T t7F TH~ ZOI~~NG 1~Ip.1~ UF THE C~'1'~ OF ARROYO GRANDE ~'~~n TO I1~T ~ECTTON o 302 ~F' TITI,E 9, CI-I~p~'ER 4 OF THE 1~IiJ1~T~C~~AIa ~O13E SO Aa `I'~ REZONE CERTg1IN PROPERTY IN "~HHE C]CTY OF" A~p3~~ GRg1I~TD~, On mo~~on of Cou~ac~larcan c~e I,eon, ~ec~nd~cl b~ C~~c~lm~n ~pi~~°ling and on the fol louring ~o~.l c~ll ~rote ?°~c~ wite o AYES o ~C~uncilIner~ ~~~~~1~,~~H ~,~on y Sc~~,~ge~, y l~illi~ and I~Iayox° TaTley NOES: None ABSENTe Non~ t:he f~regoi~ag prc~ir~a~sce ~ras p~s~~~ ~rad adopted th~s 28th day of October, 1975. RE~OIaUT~ON ADOPTIOIV ~ ~A~1V ~f~£~T~~1V O~ R~~LES ~20AD Ad,~~,ni~'t~atar B~tch ~~v~:e~r~~ ~o~~~~l ~t1~~ background of the request for ab~.nclorament of °t~e ~.~w~~°t 5p feet o~ Robl~~ Road ~~o~~rly Oak Street) , and t~a~ puT~l~c hea~~,~g ~ie~d on t~~ ~c~~b~r ~4, 1975o A°t that time, Mr, Bev lvlalis had appearee~ ~nd r~qu~s°~~~ 1~~~ ~°t~e~ ~~~~i~~ed as he required further ~lar~~~cation of °the act~~no I~a~~~~o~ p~~~~ Ga~~~s Anc~erson reported that Mr. and Mrs. Nla,lis had been ~n °to h~..~, ar~cl ~lae matter was rlarif~.ed to their sa~tisfactiono After Council di~cu~sian, Gi~y Attorn~y Shipsey read the title of a resolutiort ~arc~erir~g t~e ~b~xac~rant~nt c~f a,~o~ti.on of Rob~.es Road; thereafter, a ~~~o~ w~~ b~ ~~t~~~~~~ ~~~~~q~~]~~ ~~~g~d~e~ by C~ur~~~l~n c1• ~~e~r~ and t~~t~i~~~~~r c~~~°i~~$ ~i~~a~~i~~ r~i°th ~~~~i~~~ ~h~ ba~l;~rr~~ of th~s resalution. - 1~ C~"1'`Y' COLTI~TC~~ OC~,'OBEF2 28, 9975 ARRO`~~ taE~1~TI~~, ~~~~~~~A PAGE 3 ~ ~~C~3-0tJ~~~~ 1~~ a ~ tl ~4 ~ ~3 1~`~~Ya~~"~C51~ t'S1 ~"~i~ ~~°~'~1 ~C9YY~IV1~~~ ~F ~'fiE ~~°I'~ 11RR~~0 G ~ ~9~EF~I~G .`~,~A~OIV~1V~` f~~ ~ ~0~~ ~O1~T RO~~ES F~.~FiD? ~~~1~Y C~~. S''T`~E~.° ~~~Et~~7,'S ~ ~~GHin~'AYS ~ODF' ~~2~, ~~Qo~ m~°~~a~r~ ~~~~~~~,a~~~s ~~~~~~c~~ly ~~~~a~~1~cY ~a~~a~c~lm~~a S~~er~.i~ag and on tk~e ~E~l~,~wi~g ~~b~, ~~7~~ ~~t;~ ~ w~~~ e ~Y~~< ~~~~~~~~~r~ 5p~e~l~a~~~ ~~c~~~ ~~h~,~~~~y 1~~1~~~ and Ma}r~~ Talley N(~~S o ~~~e 7~8~~~1T o N~~~ the ~o~~go~~g ~Y~~~~~t~,~rx pa~~~~ ~~c~ a~~~~~el thi~ 2~th day of ~ct~ber, 3975. P,LTTfi01~IZ~ I~~R~IVC ~P~~~~~~t E`~1~ ~~'T'~ ~I~~ S~ a~Ao ~ G~ES'I'E~ P;PPRAISERS i AcYgnin~,~~~a~.~~ ~~~~~a r~~~ewecl °~h~ p~opa~al~ ar~d ~.m~un~~ o~ ~nformal bids received ~p~~~~~a~ tY~~ ~~~y H~~~ C~mplex ~~d ~ire ~ta°~~~n propertyo A reepor~ f~~m Di~~~~~~ ~1~,~ 't~~~?~~ ~d~r~~ar~ ~~g~rel~ng h~s ~eview o~ the prop~s~9~~ ~~~~~a~r~~~c~ °~1~~ ~o~°~~ac~ ~e ~a~r~.~cl~c~ t~ 4~e~~~s~r~ App~~.~sersp mainly on th~-ba~~~ ~.~e~~ 7Lo~ e~~;~,~t~ $750oO~g a~ ~1~ ~~~u~ ~pp~~isers'apPeared to h~ve e~~~~~,en~ q~~l~~~~~~~c~r~~ ~,~cl e~ep~~~e~~e ~~r th~~ p~o}~salo After Cbuncil`.. discrx~~~~ne ~ an~°~~c~r~ ~r~~ ~~e~~ b~ Co~~~Tm~~a eT~ T~e~rn, see~nded by Councilman ~p~e~lir~~ ~a~~ u~~r~~m~~~~~ ~~~~~~d~ a~~~pt~~g ~Yae b.~.~ ~f P~~er ~nl~ber ~f We~tern ~,ppr~~~~~~s ~~4 Eo ~~~r~~~ M~~~~D ~n °~e ~~~n~ $750000 ~nd authorizing °th~ Ci~y~ ~nt~~ ~r~t~ ~~nt~a~~ ~ai~th °~ha~; ~i~ ~or ~pp~~~sal of t~e City Hall Comp~~x ~i~d S°ta~~~x~ p~~~erty o AP~O~I~IT~IV~' U~' R~P o TCD ~~~0~~ ~~11VS o~~7C~~E1~1~ B~13iT'~S o COI~I~'~E - PETERSON ~~~~~,~n ~r~~ ~~el~ b~ C~~za~~ ~~rc~~.~ M~T1.i~ ~~~~~~~d~d b~ ~o~xn~~l~ de I~on and us~art~o~~Ygr ~~~~~~cl, ~o a~,~o~~t Pe~~r~on o~ P~~k~,~~ & T~~f~~c Co~i~sion ° as °th~ ~i~y~e ~ re~p~~~~n~a~~~r~ ~.h~ R~g~,~n~~, ~~°an~p~rta~~on ~~t.~~~~s' Adv~s~~y Co~uni~.~;~~D ~e~o~n~r~~~~ b~ ~yo~c ~al~~~o P[JB7~~(~ H~Ft~l~G - RE;~.,6~1V~ a~E;~1~Tn7~L) A~ a Be~3eo ~'aF2~ "(TaEMOI~T~ - Of~Do 11 S'2.' READING. F,e~ini~,ra~~°~~~~~~ ~~.°~c:~ ~~a~~~vaec~ ~Y~at ~1~~ Pl~nr~~ng ~~~~,~~~or~ ha~ ~~l~~ted a resolu°~~,~~~ ~~~~~n~~~~,n~ a}~~~~~~.~, ~f a~~~~~~n~ ~eq~ae~t by R~~h~rcT L~~n for tvJo la~~ at °°~1~~ rnor°~h~t~~t~~ l;y ~~,d o~ Pe~,~~rood 7~~~~n~n~, ~~~in o~ft_A_~m3~~ t~ ~~Ft-~ o a~: Upon be~ng a~~~~~el b~ °~h~ ~~ty ~l~~k th~~ ~~qcx~r~m~r~~s p~°ov~ded by la~r rega~°ding noti~~c~t~on h~~~s~~g h~.d ~~e~ ~om~~~~dl ~r~°~h, M~~o~ Talley d~clared the hearing ap~n as~c~ ~~1 ~p~~~~ns vao~lc~ n,~w be ~~a~d ~c~~ o~ ~gafn~°~ ~his rezon~rago E~l~ Hor~~~~~u~ty 550 ~~.1~ ~~.1~ Ro~~l, ~ubnx~~~~~ a le°t~~~ to ~he Gity Clerk froxn D~°o D~v~d Eio ~Ya~p~a~ng, 9~~ P~~mo A~enu~e I~s C9s~s, a ge~logy ,inst~uctoro Mrse Hon~y~u~°~ di~~,~~ba~~~d ~l~e Y.~~~e~ °~o °~h~ C~~nc~;l ~nd read ~t aloud. ~.'1~~ ~.~~t~~ ~~c~~d~d ~ ~e~o~~r~d~ts,~n °~hat ~~ea unde~ d~scuss~,on }ae first ch~clc~el b~ a~~g~.ste~~el ge~l~g~,~~ f~~i~s en~a,r~~~r n~t~ o p be~ore development on t~i~ h~,~,l ~,s ~l~~~a~~~ Nir~o H~~,~~~u~~ ~u~~Y~er ~u~e~es~ee~ tk~~~ P~ofessor ~,owre at ~~1 be a~,~~~~d k~~~ ~~~d~~°~s 1~~~ ~t th~~ h~l~ ~s a pro~ec°t, to determine tahether any de~~~,~~xn~r~~ b~ d~~~~r~~n~~~ o P~~~ ~t~xr~~~y ZQ~ ~~.cl~~, ~~p~~~~r~~t~ng ~o ~emon, review~red that the two lots nor~a b~ing ~o~~.~~~~~~ ~~~~r~i~g ~a~~~ a~~mp~~xn~ s~ i~~oan a la~ger area applied for, for ~~zoa~,s,r~g, a~~. ~~~s~ ~~~°~~d th~~ t~~~e ~r~~ n~ ir~t~nt~on °to ct~~ back irato the hill for elevelo~~rnt o _ Th~~~ ~e~ng ~~a ~~~~~~r di~~~~~ion o~ ~~~s m~.~tt~.ry riIayo~°- Ta].~Ley: dEClared the ~~areirag ~l~~ee~o `Z`~a~ Cou~c~~, ~~.~~~s~~e~ m~~~~r at lerag~tho ~'he C~,ty staff ~ta~~d ~1~~~ cT~v~~~p~a~~a~ ~~~~,e~ ~~n~~r be ~l~~~r~~ ~~t~~ prope~ en~in~er~ng and safe lot d~~aelopme~~ has b~~~ d~~~~~~~.~ ~~~~~cly~ Any g~a~.a,ng w~ould be regu~.ated by the C~~y's G~~cli~tg ~~din~~a~eo C~~r~~il ~1~~~~~~i~n, C~ty ~~t~rney Shipsey read, for ~°ts ~°~~c~~.~gg th~ o~' ~r~ ~~cliraan~~ ~in~xaeling ~h~ Niuni~ipal Code so as °to ~ezor~e ~~°~m a~~,~Am~_~a~ a R~~~el~z~°~~~~ :4~ri~u~~~e D~~~~~~t, to '~ltm3 y Single ~'amily it~~id~x~ti~l Di~t~°ic~, c~rt~in property ~.n tYse Cs.ty; thereaft~r, a motion ~t~s tna~cl~ by~ Cou~~~]~n~,r~ ~c~x~L~g~l, ~~~o~ded by ~cauncilm~an Sp~.erling and unanimously ~+~~~i~d~, t~ ~i~~~ra~~ ~r~t~a ~~~~~~g ~h~ k~~;l~nc~ mf th~~ ordinanae. ----'79 CITY COC.TIQC~~ OCTOBEIZ 28, 1975 ARFt0~0 G1~I~IDED ~AI~IF°012~Y~1~ PAC~E 4 ~jJB~2C: HL.~i~2~11~G -~T(~1~ el~"~°I`~E ~1'~ B°~~ ~ oa ~~a~~'B ~~~1~l~~ ~ C7R.L~ 0 11 ST READING Acl~a~~~~~~at~r ~~~~~~~,r~~ ~e ~~ar~r~~,rag Gc~n~~~~a~n had adopted a ~~~o~u~~~n ~eccz~~ra~~r~~ ~,~p~¢~~~~ e~~ ~~~~r,e~~ 1~y De~.ton a~u~d Nt~~y Adam~ for a ~cezon~ng ~~~m ~ol~~~~~_ ~ " a`~~ ~r~p~r~~r at ~ ~ 5 M~~t~e Street o LTpon being assu~ed ~y t~e G~~y ~1~~~ tYa~~ ~~,Y ~ec~~ir~zn~n~~ a~ p~ov~de~. by lara regardir~g nz~°t~~~,c~~a,~~ ~f b~~~ ~~~~~~~~i~ ~r~th9 1~~~r ~°al~ey d~cla~ed th~ hearing op~n an~ a~l ,~e~~~xa~ ~~~1~ ~,~~a ~a~~~d ~g~is~~t ~1~~~ ~ezonirago ~ae ~~~~~r~r~~~ p~r~c~~~ p~~~~r~~ ~~c~ ~~~~e ~ra fa~~e~~ o~ ~he re~oning: Ken ~e~~yh~~~,~ , 63 Q Nly~~t~e; ~~a~~~~ ~d~rn~ y 6 d 5~1[~~~~;~ o ~h~r~ ka~~rag~ n~ ~~~~h~~ cl~~~~~s~;o~ ~h~~ r~~~.~~~g ~l~y~r Tal~ey declared the hear~~g ~~~~~d~ ~if~~a~ a~~~u~~i~r~~ ~tto~ney ~hip~~y reacl, for its ~~.rs~ read~~a~y th~ ~~t~e ~r~ ~~e~~..~~~~~ ~~z~~~,~ag ~h~ ~i~ic~pal Code so as to ~~zor~~ c~~°~a~n ~~~~~x~~~ ~~~y? th~~°~a~~~~, ~ m~~idn was ma~de by Gouncilman ~ch~~g~}~ e s~~o~clec~ b~ Co~~~~ ~m~.x~ I~~~~-u ~~ac~ ~~n~r~~~~~~~y c~~°r~ed, ~o dispense with r~ad~ng the l~~~a~.~e cs~ t1~~~ ~~d~a~~~~~o FUF3I~2~ I~EAE~~I~TT~ m CR~~~ A°"~~v` ~P~12~~t,~~,°~LT~T~ P~ES~~~~ COI~fB~I~III~TG D~STo°ORDm 1ST READ. Acl~r?~ni~°t~at~~° ~~~~h r~~~~~~~ ~~a~ P~.~~axn~~~ ~omm~~~ion has adopted a res~1~°t~on ~e~oxc~ri~ncT~ng ap~~~~~~~ ~~~a~c~~ ~~a amen~m~n~ °~o the Zoning (7rdir~~.nce b~ ~r~~~.~,r~g ~ ~tlm~eB ~ ~.g~~~~~~~: ~re~~r~r~g ~~mbirning ~istricta A znemorarsdl~ ~n~ pr~pos~cl ~m,~~;c~~~~r~~~ t~ ~~n~~g 6~clin~r~~e ~~~m Planna.ng Direator Gal~.op tirer~ a~~~ ~e~ri~~~c~ o L~}~~~~ 1~~~~^a~ a~~~ed b~r ~~~y C~e~k that all req~z~~~men~~ ~r~av~d~d b~ ~,~~r ~°~a~~,~~~~~g aa~~~~~,~~~,~a~ra h~aring had been complied ~ai~~,e I~yor T~1~.~~ e~~~Y~~~~ ~~Se ~~~~~,ne~ ~p~~ ~~ci ~1~ persons would now be h~~rd ~h~ ma~t~~° `I'~~ fo~lotai~g p~~~~~n~ ~a~~°~ ~rscl ~pw~s~ the proposed a~mexsdmera~ e ~~5~~, Mc~~raa~ g 428 T~~~~~ I~~ne a Ken ~~~s~~ D~~~r~~~~a~s;nc~ W~.l,ma Da,xson, an appl~c~~~~n fo~ ara .~g~~,c~~~~~~ ~~c~ ~c~~~~ra~ ~~t~~J~~ y~ 598 Hillcrest. PeggY La.r~~~~y9 re~~,~l~,r~g c~°t~~,cl~ ~k~~ C~ty ~~gn~~~g ~~~.~~d c~~e~t~on~, vahich were an~~re~°e~ y :~~gax~clir~~g ~,r~c~ ~x~~~a~ o~ ~m~nd.~~n°t~ ~e L~nd LTs~ ~l.ement. 'I~aere ~~sr~c~ ~c~ ~~r~h~~ d~~~~~~~~~a ~h~s ma~~ery M~yo~ Ta13~y d~cl~red the hea~~.r~g ~lo~edo ~e C~~x~~~~ ~~~~~~~~c~ m~~~e~, b~~rag m~zch ~r~ ~a~~~ ~f cre~ts.rag ,pgc~~~~~~~u~ to ~~~~c~l~~~.l ~~~~erves the Cityo At~.o~ney 5h~}~sey ad~~.~~c~ tl~a~ p~~ ~~~~~a~~~~~ ~~cl~ 51 ~~0, t~~ Cc~ur~~i~ m~s~t ~~~abla~sh cer°ta~.n g~.~d~3~r~~~ are~a~cl~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~1 p~e~e~~~s ~ A~te~ CounciZ d~scu~~~~n, a m~tio~ r~~s ~a~~ b~ ~~SurnL~,~~~r~ ~p~~rl~,~~, ~~c~nd~d by Cou~cs,l,mar~ M~1~~~ ar~d un~n~moFas~y ~~~~~~c~e frr~ael~a~~ ~1~~t ~m~l~~~ p~es~~es ~.n the City are raecessa~y clue te~ °th~ ~r~~~~e ~1a~~~~+~~~~.~~,~c~ of °~h~ agr~c~xltaar~l enterpr~ses in the area and ~ha~ tY~~ e~t~ka.l~,~hm~~k c~~ pr~~~~~~~ °~~iar~ c~ne Y~ua~dred (100) acres is cons~.~ten°~ vaa~th the ~~z~~~~~ ~~~n a~~ 'th~ ~~°t~ro Dis~u~sa,~rd ~~n°t~,~ffi~~~ ~~~~~°~~~~3 ~~~pc~~~d ~~s~i~an~,~ am~n~ling the Zon~.ng drel~.n~rae~, ~a~~%~u~L~.~l~ ~~g~~d to '"~p~s~ ~~a~~~ I~~r~e~ Po~.~.~~rt1 y Item #12 referring to tr~nsfex~ p~ap~~~~ ~+r~t~~~~ ~~.~~~gn~~~~ ~p~~~ P~~~e~~~g and City Attorney Ships~y was d~,r~c'~~~. t~ cl~~~~~ ~ka~ ~~r;d~,~~ a~~ ~h~t ~~r~~~aphg which he acaomplished. AiEte~ Coun~~i d~~~u~~~~xag ~~°~o~~a~~ Ship~~y ~°ead, for ~°k~ f~rst reading, the title of an ordir~a~a~e ~~r~~i~~ Nl~.aa~~,~~p~~, C~d~ k~~ a~id~ng p~ovis~.ons in the Zortinq Ord~,n~nc~ fo~ ~T~~ "m~" a~,g~~~~aYt1~°al Pr~~erve Combining Da,stricts; thex°ea~t~r9 m~~~,~~ ~r~~ z~~d~ b~r ~~~n~~lrn~n ~~~x7~eg~lg ~econded by Cobxn~ilm~.n Ni~l~~s and ~nna~,iar~o~~~~ ~~~~i~a~~ trc~ el~~p~~,~~ w~~h re~diz~g the balance ~f th~~ ord~n~nc~o P120GRE~~ REF~gt`~ - G~'~~ZEI~~ ~ 7~~~~~~9~~ ~~1~3M~'T°.I`~F ~~V~~ C~~~~R ~ED S'IUDY Admin~st~r~°~~~ ~~s°~~°1~ ~~p~r±~~~ ~h~ O~t~b~~ ~ 6th m~e~i~ig of tkae Citizens' Adva~~s~y C~mmat~e~ or~ ~~~a,~ l~~eel S~uc1y, ~~a°~~~g ~h~~o 1) it ~ra.s reco~.~nd~cT th~~, °~~ie F~~~ ~~vec~ and t~~ C~~m~.°~~e~ o~~erecl its help if ~ssistara~e ~x~ the ~°~~dy i~ ~~e~~~a ~ p~~~e~s~~ra~~, ~~a~s~~°t~r~~ should be ~etained to determ~.n~ ~~i~~~r~g ~}~~~e ~~~c~s n~~d~ o~ ex~~ting ~ity business af~~,c~~; ~.n~ 33 t~e~ ~f ~~~~~~~~.~ra~l ~~~h~t~c°t~al ~onsul°tants for a space need~ s°tudy wh~ ~~~~°t~,~d ~~~p~~~~.~ wil~ ~n~~,t~d b~.clc ~to rn~lce a presenta- ~ior~ b~fore ~he Commit°tee ~t s,~s No~r~~r 20tY~ m~~t~r~g, af~er whi~h the Committee will m~tk~e a~h~ic~ and x°e~wmm~~ac1~~~,~n ~to the Casunc~]. ~~g~~'dinq hiring of a firm ` fq~ thi~ ~t~~yo '1'~• C~~r~~~~ ~r~~~~t~d a~t~rad ~h~ Noveml~er 20th meeting. ~~~a~~~6 ~~~~~~~r ~i~~~~~~~1 ~r~~~~~.~r~~ a c~~~r~c~ins~ Co~nmit~tee ~ar '~~lp fi~cl s~~~t~~r F`i~e 8~ CITY COUN~TL OCTOBER 28~ 1975 ARR.OYO GRANDE y C~AL2FORIV~A PAGE 5 AIJTHORIZE Pt]RCI~ASE B 7Fi S~DAI~T F°~R I3E~`T~F'~201~ CFiR~ST'IA1QS~1V CHE~lY - BUDGETED TYie Caunci]~ r~~i~r~e~ ~~epor°t ~r~m ~`ire Cha,ef l~r~~lek ~egarding purchase of a replacement F°~:re De,~~~~ra~nt passenger veh~clea T~ae repo~t included an analy~is of ~e bxc~s ~e~~~,~~cl fr~m tY~e °tw~ l~c~.l c~r deal~~°~, the Chief's re~ommendat~ons and reasar~~ for s~.meo ~~d~ rece~.~ed were as follows: CHRISfiTAIV sCY~.V CFIEVR~~ET P1~UL R~St1~10LD5 FORD 3a3 'I'ra~f~i~ Wa}r~ Arr~yo ~rand~ 33Q Tra~f~.c Way, Arroyo Grande Standarcle Impala - $4,'~3°1m6~ LTD - $4,742041 Economy: Tmpal~ "S" - $4s593e4~ C~ustom 500 - $4,597021 Fire Chi~f I~rs~~~~ recom~n~ncleci acceptance of the bid ~rom Christianson Chevrole°t for the Impal~ ~~taraelard) e as the stax~cla~d model~ were felt to be more suitable for the irater~ded ten~~ear pe~iod of useo After Council cl~.scus~~on, a~otion ~nras made by Councilma.n Millis, seconded b~r Councilman de Leon a~d on the ~ol~owrin~ ro31 call vote, a~ requested by Council- man Schl:egel, to wit: AYE: e Councilmen ~p~~rla.n~~ de I,eon and 14Iillis 1V~E~ e ~o~ncilin~r~ S~hleg~l ~nd Mayo~ Talley ABSErTT e NtoT1e the mot:~on c~rried acceptin~ ~.h~ ~.ow bid of Chx•i~t~.anson Ch~vrolet, the lower bid of the two rece~:ved ir~ th~ ~~,am~.a~d Niod~l ~«tegory request~d, in the amount of $4,737m61, plus sales tax, and authar~.z~r~g purchase ~f a Chevrolet Impala from that deale~ to the spec~.fication~ orxtlir~ecl ~n. Chief Ma~salek's request for bids. Chu~lc Fellowrs, 240 T~.lly Ho Ro~dD a~lced ~rhy ~ large ~reh~cle w~as necessary. Administ~a°tor Butch advi~ed ~hat Qften six to eight F~~~ Departanexat personnel will travel together to training semi,narso CounciTman M[illis ~tated that the Fire Chief and the ~ro].un~eer Fire Depar~men°t pu°t a 1~°t o~ ~ime in'to s°t~dy~ng ti~e~.r vehicular' requ~reme~t~ and the~.r re~~x~ne~d~~.~~rt fo~° th~ ~hev~olet Iinpala ~~flects xt a:s a vehicle that r,~i1.1 be u~ecl ~~r ~Yt~ ~rh~le de~a~°tmerst o He furth~s~ stat~d that the Volunteer Department save~ ~h~ City ove~ $100,000 per year and that °this a.s a fa~tor tYtat ~hould be ~nr~~c~h~cT ~ah~x~ ~on~ideriz~g °th~s purchas~o RECETP~ ~F RECOMMENDAfiI~II~1~ FROI~i C(~IKNliJ1~1I`I'S~ CONGRE~S ~ 12EF°ER °I'O F'ROPER DEP°~S v The Council rec~~ved ~nd reviewec~ a l~sting o~ ~ecommendations compiled°~s a result of the recen°t Comm~zni~y ~ongre~s held b3r the Chamber of Commerce. 'The `suggest~ons will be bro~Cen clown into are~.s of conce~°n and brought back to the Cour~cil for formal refe~r~l to tk~e p~oper depa~~men°~ for consideration. DIS~USSION - TAr,LY HO 1~ZON~NG FtEQUEST - TEI~ORARILY fiELD OVER Ma.yor Tal~ey re~ommended, a.nd the Coun~il agreed, to hold this item over f~r about twenty m~.nutes th~ Council raas well ahead of the agenda times as scheduledo DI~POSAI, OF" ~OTS 5 AND 6 OE° 13ECKET~`S ADDT~ION ON I~E POINT m I3ELD OVER - Admin~,strator But~h rec~uested arad the Cauncil agreed to hold-off the ma.ttex of disposal of Lo°ts 5 and 6 of Beckett's Add~tion on Le Point Street as the 'legal descr~p°tion~ hav~ no~ beer~ re~e~,ved yeto MUNT a CODE AMEND. - ORDINAI~TCE A~OP~ e- REGUI~TIOI~T OF NIASSAGE PARLOR OPERATIONS ~ity Attorney Shs.psey ~e~.d °th~ °t~tl~ arz ordinance amend~.ng the Municip~l Code o~ the City of .'9~°ro~o ~ea~a~~ ~y e~~abli~hing regul~.t~,ons for~ massage parlor operations in ~he Cityo th~~e~~te~, ~ rno~kion raas made b~ C6~ncilman Schlegel, seconded by Counc~.lman ~pa.~rl~x~~ ~nr~ un~nimota~ly ~a~r~ed, °~o dispense with reading the balance of thi~ ord~.n~r~c~ o ~FtI~~NAI~CE NO o ~ 2~ C o S o AN ORDINANCE OF TFTT~ ~IZ'Y OF ARROS~O GRANDE AMENDING TIiE ARROYO G~,NDE MtJN~~II~AL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 11 ~.'0 5 0~' 6~~~ ~~1~C~~~ CO~~ ~R4VID~ FOR Tt~ L~~~NSING ~N~ ~GtT~~'~Ol~ I~a~~SAC;E ESTA~LTSHI~NTS AND C~~'"Y 0~' P~ ~YO C~.1~TDE s ~ 81 CITY CC~'tt~~~~, OCTbBER 28, 1975 ARR07tQ ~~iX1I~YDE, , C1~~1~C~RI~J'J~~ PAG~ 6 t3r~ me~~ti~n ~~ar~~i.l~n c3~ T~~~, ~~~~~ac~~~ b~r Gc~~~~.~n Sp~erl.~~g ~nc3 0~ the f'oi~.c~wYng ~eall c~ll, v~ca~e, ~ts w?i~; ASC~S: C~txre~i~m~ Spi~~°~.~:nc~, cl~ ~e~n, ~~1~I s. NL~.~.l:a.s ~d A+~aay'o~ Ta17~~y ~IOES : I~~~~ : AB~~I1`~' o I~c~~~ ~ , the forego~a~~ Oa~~d3.n~~e ~r~,~ p~.s~~d an~ ~:c~c~pt~:d this 28tYi da~ o~ c3ctc~be~, 19'l~ e COUN~ILMXIN 5~~~1~~Ci~TG ~:~{~IJ~E17 I~~NJS~7:~' ~E~Ax3~~ C3F A~t3u51BT,E ~~N~'I~TC'T Clk` ~NTEEtEST AND IS I~T~W A$~EI~TT x~se~~o A~~~m - r~~° ~~~~rr~~ ~~sz~t~ & ~r~~a~~~~° s~a~RV~ To ~.c~ ~577 Admi~i~~~°ato~ Baz~~i~ d~.s~.~aye~1 a t~nta°~i~r~ map 7~act Idoo 57'~, "7~om~.s fIe~ghts" oI1 Le Fa~~~1~ ae°t~e~1:.y Sh;cAw~e,~ us~ O~ °'~pt%[r~31c~1 ~esign s~na~.ras~, Whereb~ John M~.ll,er, owrl~~ o~ th~ p~°cape~~, wr~ll no~ de~relop mor~ thaa~ the 27 lots al~~~t~d for ~he a~ea ~znde~ ~he ~xa.st~ng `~R-A-B-3" zoninq, ~~t the lot si.zes w~.ll va~y, with th~ ~mal~~st c~rae °~o I~~ one-h~,lf ~.c~e ~n si~e m I3~ecto~ of Public Warks Anderson reva:ewed tl~~ plann~d imp~c~~m~n~ts ~r~ th~ T~ac~, with a°"country- atmosph~re" beirag ~etai~~d wh~re~a~r ~~i~ta~latfoz~ ~sf s~.d~walk~ will not be requir~~3 and ~u~#~s :and ~~~e~~ i~ta3~.~c~ caxi~.~ ort ors~ ~ide ~f the ma~.n ~tres°~ arun~~.ng th~a~gts~~ ~he t~a~~~ ~cs m~i~~~ cu~~ ~nt~` .~a3~.~.~~,de~ ' D~ain~.c~$, ~ar~~.ng a~d p~Fing be~.ng con~idex~~d o~e~°e ~i.s~ c~i~~~~.te~a 'Ge~ur~~il cli~cuss~d #:he i~sa~,te~, genera~~y agreein~ °that the p~.~n wr~;~ annc~vat~.~r~ ~xad m~d.~ qood ~t~ - of ~,he topagraphy of th~ ` land. ~our~~iT~n ~2i~.1~~ rec~~~~~d th~t tY~e ~e~e~lutiora approv~ing ~e des~.gn ` ir~clucle the l~..mita~~.ar~ of 27 lc~~~ fo~° tYx~ tractm ` Ci~r' P:~~drney ~hi,ps~3~ ~nended ~ the prapes~ecl re~ol~t~.~x~ ~.n~lucl~ ~his ].~i:t,~.ti~nn . A.~~~° Caur~~:~,7. dis~ussion,~' ' ~~.ty Atte~rn~y ~h~.p~~~ r~ad ~S~ ~ti~l~ of ~~ces;d3.ution ~ppr~~ring C3ptional I?esit7n a~d Improvement ~tar~dards ~ox °~Y~a~, ~r~~ ~zaapp~o~recl as ~~nt~tiv~ '~x'act Map ~fo. 577 i1~ ` the Gity; there~Et~r, ~ n~a~c~e~z~ w~~ m~~e ~,y C~tin~i~mara Sch~ee~~1. ~~~conded by Co~.rictl- man= de L~~~ ~xd ~narg;i~~s~.~ ~arrie~3, to d~.sp~n~e wvit~s reading ~~he b~l~nee of th~.s` resoluta.tan a - R~~aI,UTI~3N I~0 e 'd 18s _ A R,E~LITT~OI~7 ~ ~Y'.~Y COU~tC7CL C~` Tfi~ CITSI ~F ~'RR.f3`i0 ~ t7{~L"L1YLl~ VL1i'aiM1.LiY~.7 riVSl.i.V1YY'1.7.9 ~~71V~1'~ ~ ~~~VYr+l'i~el~ ~~7~2~NA?~~'~ . . ~ i V ~ 1 i~!'l~ 1 . 1tlV • J d ! 6 ~ ~ - . . On ~tion Cour~c~.lman ~~~~g~i, ~~C~na~a ~y e~,~~~~~ r~iii~ ~~a ~n tY~~ fQllowing roli ~a~.l vcate, to wz.t c A3tES: Counci~n~~` d~ I.~on, Scls].egeZ, M~.1.li~ ~nd M~.ya~~ Talley : ~10~: : i~one AB~ENT: ~auneilm~n Sp~erlin~ . the f~r~going re~~luticsn iaa~ passec~ and ac~og~t~c1 ~h~.~ 28~h d~.y af Octob~r, 1975. COUNCILMAN S1~~ERLTI~G TS NOkT PRESENTu ~ITRTHER D~~~Y7~~Yl~N -'7`~5t Tit'~ E~eI`. K~~~N~Ya~ 1~E~L~E~°I' ~EI~D UiTEF't F(7R Pi~AY~i~ G~MMfl STUDY ~ ~ Adamxr~~~°~r~t~~ Bu~~h r~v~evs~cl ~a~ ~~e ~a~~n~~1, th~ ~~c~~~st o~ ~arang & Taya.or for ~ r~~ona:n~ 7^al,l~ ii~ E~t~tes arzc~ °t~~ ~~~~:r~gs ~.~ci das~u~~~c~ns held by tY~e Counci~ and ~~~~.n~g Coma~~,s~~,on s~nce r~~eipt ~sf tY~e ~e~~n~ng reqa~e~t. 7."he Counci~ re«d a l~t°te~ ~r~an G~~~~~, Ta~v~a~~° & I~~~~cia'~~~~ ~ri~ o dat~d (3~~~ober 16, 1975, as~ing the Cour~~~.~, to ~~cc~nsid~~ ~e 39 lo~: ~,~~~at~:c~xn an ~ropos~d de~rel.opment Q~ ~thi~ ar~~~ as c~~~~-~~~~ intp~~~~~re~z~~~ ~~quir~d~,~a~ald mak~ t~si~ i~.~~.tea aeveZo~~?en~ ~~.~~ia~by ~~e~.~i~~,~a ~~a~ di~s~~~~~~ ~a~ ~tt~~, g~e~a~I,~;y ac}reeing tl~~t ~1'i~ rs~f~~i~~ i~ap~~~v~Yn~r~°~ ~°~c~~~~~r~~r~t~ r~~~c~ ~~1~~~~~.ed f~~e a 39 lot de~relop~nt a~ ~Pposed tc~ 5~ 1~~ e~~~~~.~g~~~r°a~,e ~~u~a~~.~:z~a~ ~~~.~~'1i,rss~ ~~~i~he~ ~ndicated ~~areYfic~t~ara wra~ n~~~~~~~s wPh~~1~~~ ~.ni~na~.~ ~~1~ b~ a.~.l,~w~~1 ~.r~ R-A-~-2 zonzne~, a~ that qu~~~ts,t~r~ i~ r~~:a~eei ~tl~~ ~~z~n~,~~ t~~~ a~~~ o Af~~~ c~~nc~l aiscus~io.n, ~ motion ura~ ~c~~ by ~o~e~3~~ S~~e~].~~ae~, ~~~oa~c~~~l la~ ~ot~ci~n de Lecan ancl ~~r~ied, ~o t~b~~ ~l~~.s ~tter ~~i~, ~~~~mm~rari~.tie~ra r~c~~v~c~ ~ram th~ Pl~.~nia~g Comm~.~sioit~ wi~thin ~i~-w,re~k time 3im~tD ~~g~~r~ia~g ~~~~~.bi1~~y ~~.l.qwiaag faran-°~yp~ anima3,s ~o~~.r~~a ~n~ ~i~~~~~,~~ ~.~p~~~r a~~q~i~~~r~~a~~ ar~ al.ax°,~~i~d to the ~e~r~~a~e~ e ~e~~~ ~'~~~~~w~~ ~~~~3~ ~r~r~ ~Y~~~ ~1,1.ca~ 2~0 T~a].l.q Hr~, ~x°m preeent a~~ ~ t~~ a~~~ ~ a~~~~~~e fi~~~h~~ ~a~ur~~~.~. dliscu~sirn a motion was m~de ~o~~~~~t~~ ~~5~~~~~,~~~ ~~~~~c~~~ ~~~~~~.m~r~~~d~' I~~~ra ~d c~r~°aed, ~sking the ' ~~~~~i~,g ~ ~~~c1 ~~1~~~,~~ ~r~~ ~~~zn~-~~?p~ aniznal per lot in ~ n~~,~,~~~~oe ~~~~;C~.C~ 8N CITY ~OLT1~~~L O~TOBER 28, 1975 ARRQYO ~1~,1~T~~~ ~~iCaE 7 ~~~~~'l~` ~~~Y.,~ ~ ~'14 `~"i~F~~~7~~ ~~~f ~ 1~~~~`~"~LtJ~ G~R~[[~ ~Y~~ ~~~~~~~~8 r~~~~~~~ ~~s~~~e~~ ~~,1~~ ~c~p~~~ ~f °~x~~ ~°all,, 1974 ~ t~ough ~~a~n~~=D ~3`~5 ~.~~~~~~~~r~ V~~~.~~~ }~~t ~~a.~o ~ ~'*.~O~a~~~~~ ~~~~~~n~~~ ~e~~' ~~~~~~~s '~i~~' ~~is~~~~ ~Q~~ . . ~~a~ C~~r~c~~ ~ ~~~~a~s~~~~~a~on ~~w~ra ~h~ ~~~l~~~c~ ~ T~~f~i~ Ct~ission t~i~°t °B~T~ P~~ls~r~g~9 ~~~c~ la~ ~~~~k~l~~~~el on ~r~~~ ~~d~ of Ii~~,~yon Reaad, begin~~a~~~ ~,~~.~~~~~~~~r~ ~e~~ ~~l,~y~n Ft~ac~ ~a~d th~ south line o~ F~i~ t~~~~ ~~~n~a~ ~,a~c~ ~~~~~;~~r~~ ~~~~~~cl ~~~~t ~~a~~~~~~~r~ d~~ t~ p~~blem~ b~~,ng ~~~~~r~~e~~d la~ ~~~s~~ ti~l~y~~a R~~,dl ~.t F°~,ir Oa1cs c~r~tirau~~~ ~~~~Y~ ~~~~a t~~~ ~~~t t~~ ~~~~o ~~u~;c~~ cl~,~~~~~~d +~h~ matter, sugg~~~~r~g a ~~lb ~~~a~°~~~ t~~ ~,Y~~ ~~~f~~~ o~ex°o After Council d~s~~a~~~~~s C~~~ ~~~ct ~ res~lu~~an ~~tablishing a ~~l~o l~~~l~ir~g~~ ~~n~ ~r~ ~~t~~ ~ ~~~~~~a e~a~ mad~ b~ Councilman S~hleg~~,, ~~~~r~~~e~ ~~r ~~~r~~i~.~~n ~r~b~. ~~,r~~mou~~y ~~~~i~dl, °t~ d~spense with_ . _ - re~ding ~t~ ~~,~a~~~ °~1~~ ~ r~~ o ~~~~~T~°~i~N I~c~o ~~8~ _ ~i 1~E~~L~~J~a~~~ C5~' T'~ ~(7~~~~ C~~"' ~FT~ ~I°I~ 0~' I#~tO~tO 63ilL~itlL~ Lao3AA~d.A&JI.~Y..a~".dS.G,AYV L7, 1~SMld Y6-Y,.S'GJ.l,~I.V~T'P 6JVA`dA:a ~Ltl C7d11J\rLOltl' ~VL9LJo t~a~ o~ ~~u~~~~~ N~~~~~.~~ ~~~ca~~~~ }~~r ~~~xr~c~~i~~a ~pi~rl~,ng axad on ~e ~c~ll,~~a~,n~ ~o~,~ ~ro~~~ r~~~m ~7~~~: ~~~r~~~:~m~ri ~p~~~~.~r~c~~ ~ee~~D ~~.~~~e~~19 N~~Y;~.~~ ~n~ Nta~ro~ T~lley o I~~~~ ~~~IV~"o 1Von~ th~ ~o~e~~,~~a~ ~~~~l~~~ean ~~~s~~ ~rad ~~~~~~c~ ~~a~~ ~S~t d~~ c~f (~c~obe~, 19750 RE~~~~'fi ~~.I~l R~~~~~3I3~ ~C3NI1~`Y~ s~~1V ~3,~N~3~ ~D 1~~~[~~ES Cc~tx~~~~ ~~~~~~recYe ~~~Y~~~a~c~ ~ndk o~de~esl ~i~~c3 Ag~nc~~; ~f fi~~ October 8th ~~~~~s~~ ~Y~~ I~~~a~a~ ~~~;~~i~ ~~~rc~~~~~~ s~~ ~~u~ ~a~ ~ui~ ~~i~}~ ~~n~s~~g~e and t~ae ~n~naat~~ o~ ~Y~e ~~~~~~b~~ u~~~ ~~~~~ngo DI a~t~~ sI~IV 1~0 ~~a"T'~~t~~f~ °~'~d~~~ T~he C~axr~~~~, ~~~a ~o~ice Chi~~ ~~~rlt~ ~,r~ ~e~p~r~~e tca cr~mpl~in~~ k~~~ ~1~~~~t~~~t 1~~~ r~~.~rim~s~~~n~ ~°~g~n~a~~~~ ~l~ate~oard r~eling p~~,~.~ ~~~~~~~D ~~id~~~:~~~ ~,r~ ~a~~~~~~~ c~~s~~~ct~ ~nd publ~c p~rk~ng-~.o~s. Fi~ hacl ~~~e~ved ~ sta~~~q~en~ ~orr~~~.~~~a°~ t~~t~ r~~tl~ th~ ~~or~exat~,oned areas being r~~~~~~°~~dA ~o~~ ~.~°~~,°~p~~.~r ~~:a~~.~+~~a~d~ ~r~u~~1 ~~~u~ ~a~ ~~~~,d~rttial, s~dewal7cs, and c~n~~rn ~,r~~ ~;r~c~~~~~~d ~~c~~~cl~~~ ~~~~il~°~y ~.~~~~er~~ ~r~~~ ~.raj~c-ecl by skateboard r~.de~~ o I"~e cl~~~~~sec~ ~n~t~e~, gen~~~~l~ ~gr~~~,r~g ~h~t an ordinance regrxl~t~.rag ~~C~.~eb~~~d ~~~~,~i ~e cii~~":~~uY~ t~ ~~a~cs~~~ o ~t ~aas suggested that ska°~~~~cl ~a~'~~~ ~~~s~~,~ie~r~ ~~~l.~dec~ ~,ra ~~l~~d~~ ° and ~olice Department's Bik~ ~af~°t~ E~u~a~~,~ra ~~~a~~~ ~ ~~~o~ ~~~i~~r~c ~~~r~~~ ~s~~ ~~~~~~~~t ~~~~s~~~e ~~u ~/z~/7~ Aeh~i~n~,~~r~~~~ F~~~~~ ~~~c~~°~~e~ ~ka~~ ~ ~~~pr~Y~~a~~~~~ ~.~~b~li~y ~nsizx~ance pol.~,c~y ha~ r~~w k~~~~ ~~gn~i~~~a ~cs~~~~rac~ ~~~y ~Y~~ ~a~~~oci f"x~~m ~u1y 28, °i 975 th~oug~ ~'t~l.y 2~ A 9~7~ $3~i D~~~ o d0 0• H~ r~v~~w~d t~iat the rising co~~~ 1.?~b~~~°t~ ~a~~~ ~~~~~~~~c~ ~~~en~ L~ague df ~alifornia G~~~~~ ~~n~~~~~~~ ~.~e~ ~~,~~71.~ ~~a~~ ~~~b~~,~~~ ~n~~~n~~ c~~ ~v~ry ]cind, inclu~~r~~ H~~~~~e~~fl a l~~ ~~~~~a~ ~~~t ~l~a~~~~ th~ ~a~~~ ~ut~xaee:~ In~~~t~.~a~~„~xa ~s ~~~~~,r~~~~c~ ~ ~~,n~,~~~~t~ gs~c~~~~~o A ~tau~~a.Y discus- ss~s~, ~ ~c~~~m~ ~r~~ ~rs~d~ ~a~ ~~a~~~~~~~, ~,~~r~? ~~~~~~~e~ by ~~rar~ci].m~n S}3ierling and r~~ni,~o~~~,~ a~s~a~~~~,t~~ ~o~t $3C ~~82'0 00 fo~r pa~rm~~at of ~e C~ty ° s 1~~~~. ~~x~~~~~~~ ~~~~~n~:~c3 ~3~ I~~~1-~~u~~3~~.~ I~nsur~n~e, Inc o, ta ~ove~ tY~~ j~~~~~~ ~~'~nt' ~ ~h~~~a~k,t ~t~~L~ H ~ ~`~Ca o PR.O~i~S s~F~'(~~"T' ~ 1~i~~~C7~~.i~ ~~T~~]':~~~ ~I~ o~ a m~ o~ o C o ~ ~ ~ d~?~~d b 7~ a €~~a~ I~~pqoc~d, G~nexal ~~~,i~o~sa~~ ~ ~a~~~~~iara~ Ccrporation, ~~it~~g ~ r~~~~~,v~~~ ~;~~~g~~ ~~~axe~ m~dl~ ~n the Cable tele- ~~~~~~~a ~~~~~n~~ ~i~ ~~°~e~~°~~~ t~c~~ ~r~d~ c~~~ficrxlties being ~~~~~t~~~~~~ ~~~n,~~~~~~~ v~~~~ v~~~ ~~~z~~.~~c~ by the dates _ 83 ~pg~~~r, OCTnBER 2E3, 1975 7~112Rt7].'U C~R~NDE, ~~Id~'F'(~F~~~ PAGE 8 REPOFt°I' ~ ~t?IQ~ ~ 1~~`7'~IQ~ i~~' b~~`T°~`s~~~ '9 ~ ~ ~'9`~S ~ ~§,Ft~~~l "~l~e Co~n~~l ~~~~~~r~~ ~~~~ea~~ ~~~a~ ~~,t~ Enc~ir~~~~ Ga~c~.~ r~garding the Octob~r 16th m~~~ir~c~ ~f ~Y~~ ~e~~z~ 3~~av~~~~y Cc~mm~~~~~ a The morathly Parks & Beaches and Wa°~.~~ T~ea~ara~a~t ~~.~.r~~ r°~p~~~s h~c~ b~~n ~e~eiveda 17:~scu~s~on had be~n held regard~ng a r~e~a ~o~er~ for D~~~~ ~,~aul~t~cans Tae~ng presented com~pa~~~g ~~~,t~,~l ~~~t~ ~~r~~~z~ ~3~7~~~ o~ ~nc1 ~he total cost over the lafe e~pec~.an~~ ca~ °ti~~ ~~~o sk~~~r~~ ~i~e ~~~.~,n~ d~m~ t~~a wh~~h ha~ the highest ~r~g~ial ~~~t ($~40D000~ i~ ~m~~na~ ~t~~ ~~~~p~~~. c~~~~ a 5~-~ear per~.oc1 at $165,000; r~rhereas tl~e cheape~~ °t~p ~a~~aer~ ~SQ,~~Oy v~r~~~:cl co~t $369,OOU over ~.h~ saYrce 5a-~~ar pe~~~c~, c~t~~ ~s~,~s~t~~ar~~~ ~.ncl ~~~Sb~~~mer~°t cos~s a The matter is st~~l t~.r~c3e~ s°~~~~o RECOIV~~D~RAT~C~I~ 0~° ~t~~~ ~I~~~~~I3 ~~LT~~~" ° ~i(E~I~ O~Ft Discu~sian ~~c~~a~ct~nc~ ~~~~r~,~~.~er~~~~n oi~ ~ka~ Caach Raad Ar~nexation request was Y~eld o~r~r pez~dzn~ ~°ec~~~°~ ~~r°~aus ~~p~rt~ t~°om °~he S~af~ vrhich had been requestecl as a r~sul°~ o~ ~h~ ~~~~k~~l ~°~~xcl~ s~~sic~n ~r~ Oc~.o}ae~ 27, 1975 u REP012T RE e REQTJE~T E°~R ~~~L7~ ~°iJ1~I~~ ~°RC~1~3 ~ m ~~F~ ~1~~MT a 1~7~ST o NC> 0 1 Tl~~ Cour~~~.~ ~°~~ri~~ae~ ~~~s~n ~f~ P~1a,~ Wo~°ks Anderson regarding ~he res~l~s mf' pr~~.z~ h~a~~.n~ 1~~1c1 ~~r ~ounty ~oard o~' Supervisors on the ~eques~ k~~ Ca,~y 5 a~Od e~f ~~}~1~~ se~re~ furacls ~rom the Arroyo Grande S~we~ A~~~~sment ~2~~~ri~°~ Nc~ o~~~ ~e~~~~~t ~m~~s~.an~ and bugs in the system. ~e amoun~ was ~pp~ro~red b~ B~az~cTo ALJTfi0~2.IZE BIdRN V~E~K - 1~TOt1~ 16 ~I"Y~~20[3G~-I 1~T~~im ~2, 19'7S ~r~ ~n~;~.~on of ~~~n~~~~~ 5~~ea~l~~g, ~~~~~d~d b~ C~~n~s~~Ym~r~ Milli.s a.nd unanimous~,~ ~ax~r~ed, 1~~~~mb~r ~975 °~h~v~~x~h N~v~rnl~~~ 22, ~Q75, c~~s de~ignated as open la~~~,r~g week. d~~°i~g ~1~~ ~'~Y,~ }~~~i~o~i o~ ~ 975, a~ ~~~~~~nded by Fa.re Chie~' Marsaleko J~~N'~ ~ 1qJDY ~E$SI~'I3S V~~fi~3 ~~"1~TI3~I~I~ ~C;~I`~i~l~ i~~~~3 RE~:C)~I~ELD Council~an ri~zl~i~ ~~cc~~~~adec~ °~k~~'t c~ons~cl~ra~~c~n ~:~.ven t~~s ~~~.nd~ ~tudy s~ssions b~ing Y~~ld by ~~e ~~~n~~l w~til~ ~,h~ Pl~nnsng Cammi~~~on, pa~°t~~~!~,~~1~ in regard °t~ ~a~.~~~ pl~nn~,ns~ pr~~ci~~~~ ~.n~ I~~,~cl iJ~e ~l~nn~.ng arad o~~e~ probl~~n~ ~s they may aris~e The ma.t~te~ ~~11 ~b~ ~~r~~~cl~~ec~a AD~TOU~I.VIKENT On motion o~ C~~x~c~3m~.n Sch~~g~~, s~~~r~~e~ lb~ C~au~c~lman de L~~n and unan~ou~ly c~.rriec~, ~~e rn~~~~n~ ~.cl~~a~~~~d ~t 10 012 F o1~Io untib 7 m 30 PmMa on Nov~embe~ 10, 1975 ~or a regu~~s~ ~.~~o~necl m~~~~.ng~ a~ V~~~r~r~'~ Day wr~ll be observecl o~ November ~~tho ~ ATTE~~"I': ~°'.~rr~ - C~`I'Y CLE~ MAYOFt