Minutes 1975-11-25 ~---~i C~~Y C~LT1V~~~ I~IC~VEM$ER 24, 1975 A~2lEt0~i~ ~~iVD~ H~X3~,~ ~'~RN~ P, 4 e O U P. Ni m ~~~y v~~~~T ~,n ~~g~z~~r a~~e~u~n~d se~s:ic~r~ vy~°~~ i~yor ~a]:ley ~~e~~d~n~ o Y~7p~~ ~~~,5 ~a~~ e C~~r~~~~ 1v1I~~e~~ ~p~i~~cT~:~ag, I~~~~ ~~cl~~~ge3 and M~,~.~:~~ r~p~~°~~el p~~~~~~~ iaZ~~~7~~~C~ri~ ~E~ ~~'A~C~~1~FI k.~~~a A1~I~~~~°~~1V PEZOPa~A~ ~~~a~a~~~:, ~~r~~~.n~a~~ ~~~~~r p~°~p~~~el St~~~~o~rh 1?e>~d .~~tr~ex~tiean and va~~e~ ~~r~~ric~ ~k~~ ~ ~~~~~i~ ~~c~~,~ed and ~~~ri~w~cT ~ ~~~•r~ f~c~m Directcs~ ~~Y~~ C~T~;~-~~ ~~~~~~~n cl~~~ci r1~~; 2 ~ , ~ 975, ~n~~t.l~d '"W~°~e~ Repc~rt on ~ ~ ~ ~ro~~c~~c~ ~Ta~~~ F~~q~~~°~m~~a,~~ ~r~e~ ~~~~~c~ a.n~a N~~s P~°e~~axz°~ ~or~e°° m Af~er a great c1e~Y ~f c~i~~~.~~~,~~ e~ z?ao~t~~~a w~r~~ rc~~d~ by C~unci~.man Sc~ileg~l ~~e~ondeeT b~ Caunci].rnara ~pie~°~ ~ng ~.n~l ~~dr~imc~~~~.y H~~~.t °~he Ci~~? Council. ~ro~~cT be in fa~roY° caf ~°ec~aras~~~d~~~~n ~~~g~ 3~~ ~~,~,e ~~~ec~o~ ~f F;xbl~c tnlo~ks° l~ep~r~ dated i1/21/75), ~n~sc~.~~~c~ t~~.~ d~~~~,~~~~~ ~ra~°~~x ~°t Te~cra d~ O~°o b~ b~.s~c~ ~ra a reservoa.r ~~~,~~d~ ~~ie ~~~y w~.~~ p~p~ °~Y~e a~zi t~a~ the ~~tg~ ~uou~s3 pa~t~ci~ate in ~~e ~m~~.~~ $aa~,~(~Q ~~d ~~~~~.o~~r~ va~~ld ~~~ea:ved th~ $30Q c~~.st~ibutic~n css~t e~~~~~ °t~Z~ ~a~~~~ °~he p~°o~ect, ~~om ~tYa~s~ ~~mc~s ~n tYie d~s~~ic~ ~~~.t ~~~e~ ~~,R.a~an~a~~ ~'~~+m th~ ~a~~~r s~~~er~o S~~~e~o~~h R~~e3 ~~r~~xat~.or~ pro,~osa~ raas a~:sa d~.sca~s~~d at ~.erag~ho Fif~~~ Ce~r~ra~~T c~~~~u~~~~~g ~ mca~..~~srs caa~ n~acle b~ ~o~anc~lm~n ~pi.e~ling, ~~conded i~3v ~~~a~~~,~~,~ ~T~ I~~~~ arad ~n t~~ ~~Tl~sr~a~a~~ ~c~l~ c~.l~ vo~t~, ~o w~°~e A~~~~ ~~~~~~.I~~~ ~~~e~l~rgD d~ ~eon~ ~~h~,eg~~ and Ni~yc~~ ~all.ey ~~E~ o ~~~~n~~:~,n~~~ M~~~ A~~F'N~a N~~~ ~e ~~~r~;~d D to ~~.~c~~~~~~h Road an~~~a~t:~~a~ ~°~~~ne~~ tc~ ~he ~l~x~r~~a~g ~~~an.~s~~~n ~.t~ ~~~a~~d~~~~~.c~n and ~e~~~z~z~~~.~i~~~ o- D~RECT~dAtS ~ ~I~"`Y R~PR:E~E~~°.~`~~~ F~"e ~Q~~~ ~A~°ER COI3~'~~~° ~P~~R~~~tT~ ~~~a~c~~zr`~r~ ~}~~~r~~n~D ~:Y~e ~~.~,~r°~ ~ep~esemt~~~.v~ o~a ~Y~~ S~ra ~uis ~~~,~p~ GJ~te~ ~eq~~~°~~c1 cl~r~ctian f~~aYri °~n~ ~es~~~°~~ ~eg~xc~~ng ~0~~~3~ ~or ~~rp~.rx~ T~c~~a~~; o g~r~~~al cor~~en~~~ °t~~ ~c~i~~c~,~. r,~~.~ th~t ~~a~ €~~u~c~ s~~.~ w~'~~~° ~z~ ~ y~~~° v~ar ba~~s? bu~ wca~.~~: ~~st aai~ cafit~ I~op~~ co~~~~~n~ c~~ ~.~~~e ~a~~r r~~ ~he w~~~~ o I~IS~OgJRb1~1~~ C2~ a~~~~~r~ of Co~~~ ~.z~~a~ ~~a~~~l4rag~ ~~~e~ncled by ~~~~~n~~lin~.ra ril~~l:~~ ~nd ~a~~,r~~.~o~~~,~ ~~~~i~d, zn~~~~.~~ ~s~~~a~n~cl ~ m 30 PaNi~ ~T~E~"Tm ~ ol t ~ ~ . 17EP~3°1~ ~I~~~ MAY~1~ ~pg~N~~~ NC~~I]ENiBER 25, '~975 ~RI~OIpCa G~A~iL)~s ~~~~"C~~1\f~~i '1"1z~ a ~°~~~~ar ane~~,ang ~a~;~h MI~~~~ ~a~ley pr~siding. Li~ox~ rc~~~. caY~a G~~.~cil ~I ~ ~r~ ~p~~x~~:~nc~s d~ I~~or~g S~hl~~~l a.~d M~~l~s ~~pc~art~c~ p~~s~a~~ ~ ~r~~~~~~rr~~ ~nt~ ~;rt~c~~~~~~~ 1~2~yca~ ~'~~~~3~ ~~d ~t~~ ~~:ed~e ~f ~~.~.~gi~a~c~ ta ~ur' ~'l~g; ~nd i~mrn~c~~~.~~l~r ~h~~~a~~~~a ~~~nr~s.l~~~ ~I~4~,~~ d~~~~°e~~~Y ~Y~~ a~a~~ro~a°t~~nm A:PP~~~7F~, ~F' T~Y~~J°~°E~ m~r~~~~~ ~k~~ ~~e~x~ ~c~~~r~aa~d. zn~~~~.n~ c~~ ~I~~~~znla~ 10 , 19'75 , ~rer~ a~~~~~~d as p~e~~~~~. A~i~~O~TA~ i~'~~12AN°S'~ _ (~r~~~o~~.o~ of Co~xra~~,lx~a~,_c1~.,~~r~~D ~~ce~nc~ed,b~ C~tznci~~n ~ps.erl~.ng and unaraa.m~u~l~ _c.~rr~.ed, Gen~~~: Wa~c:r~z°t~ N~9 4Q52 through Noo ,~1Y~; ira t~~ total asnount of $47, 24,7 e 52:r and Pa~r~°~11 ~ax~e~ara~~ I~« s<5238 thrr~u,gh N~ e 5~36 ~ in the to~al amaunt $3(~ ~~~a:48 m ~2,3 v~c~d ~p~~~r~r~~ ~~~~~~a~ p~~.ele . 9w C~°i'St CCTJDiC~~ 1~lOVEMBER 25, 1975 ARR05~0 GR~INDE, ~L,~~C9F2N~~1 ~AGE 2 pRES~N`T.~T~~N '~C7 l~.o ~-lU~T~~S FcE~ ~~11~II~F3 ~~1V~~FtLJ~T~OI~T - ~i~I.,I9 (3i7~12 ~~~s~r~~a~~„~r~ ~f a p~L~qu~ ~pg~~•~~~ation °tc~ ~~b~r~ Ei~~he~~ Instru~tor of Cor~st~°~c°t~~n T~~hm~~~g~ G~ancl~ High S~hs~ol for c~n~t~°~c°~ion o~ the b~~~h~~ ~n ~~a~ V~.~ ~c~~ ~~Yd o~~~ ~ant~~. he cou~ cl be px~esent o Ie~T°I°~R .`4~P~~~A~~C~I~T F~~, ~~R'I°~C~PP.T~OI~T ~~1 °1~P~D5~ a 7 aao ~a~ C~~,r~~~,~, ~ ~~~t~~ app~~~ia~ior~ ~rom th~ ~ara I~u~.s (~b~.spo Couirzty ~~f~.~~ E~~~:~°~~~~aD °~~~x~k~,a~g t~~ ~~ty~ ~~s~ ~.~ks p~~°~ici~s~~~o~ ~,ra th~ Summer Program f~~c E~or~c~m~c~~l~ T2~~~~.~~~tac~~d '~~~°~Y~ ~~~~g ~u~n~r ~f ~97~0 I~Y~12 TP,I.9~~~ ~X~LT~~D I~~~9 sE~~ ISTJ~ 7~1 PCy~~~B~E COIVE"~~CT O~ ~1VT~REST ~ID IS I~TOG~ P~~E1V~~ [~~"OF~ I~~C~ ~~Nt 1yI~~~~CS ~S N~4~ F°1~E~IIB~i~tGo ~~~~r~ ~a ~~,~rr~~~ ~z-~~~~ ~N ~'k~.~~' 409 ~~u~rr~~) - nEN~~~ ~h~ ~~v~racil ~e~r~~w~cl a~~pc~r~ ~ram C~,ty Engznee~ Ga~c~a ~ dated Novm 21 , ~~75n ~r~d ~r~~~~a~t~,~a~ Yead~a~~ 'te~ ~e~port, ~'egard~r~g a dra~nage clitch on the ~~~t ;~a,d~ ~°~~ct ~~0 40~ ~~T~~~~~~ ~arky y whi~h was r~quired in c~njusi~tion wa~th de~e7.~pznen~t ~f ~aid. ~~a~~~ let~er cla~~d N~av~x~aer 13, 1975D ~rom Larry Ao Turner, 323 Nog~z~ra PTac~, r,~~~ ~e~ai~~~c~ ~y,c~r~g ~r~.tl~ ~ le~~~~ d~~~ci IV~v~sre~er 19, 1975 signed by p~op~~'°t~ ~r~e~~ ~r~ th~ 1V~ga~~r~ '~~a~°t ~~e~, ob~~ct~;ng to °the way the cha,nnel i~ pr~~era~ly ~~.ac~d an~ the fa~~ ~1~~°~ o~~~°~ o~ property abazt~ing the channel are not all¢~v~~~ ~sla~~ ~en~~~ ~a~ ~h~ s~cle of ~~ae cY~~~el, to give their backm ya~d~ ~c~d~~~~a~~~ ~pac~, w~t~~~t ~ ~r~e-f~c~t ~Y.~aran~e. ~~t~v En~i~~~~ ;~~~€~~~w~~d ~ z~ap th~ ~~ce~ in ~u~~sti~n and e~plain~d °~Y~e ~e~~~r~~ ~~r ~he ~h~~n~~ ~n~~~~;~~ti~a~ ~°equz~em~nt ~nd t~~ ~i~.b~7.ity factor~ ' ~n~olv~~. ~1~~ ~~ee fl~~r o~ wra°~e~ ~1~~ d~°tch ~mp~ded ~,r~ ~ny wayo Nire ~'ix~rner ~~d p~c~~~~~cl 1~~ a~°t~ch ~~n~~ra~ ~~v~r~g~r~g ba~~boar~~ th~ bo~°~~~a of the fenceo . Cs,ty ~r~~~n~~~ ~r~~,~ expYair~ed h~~r cT~~i~ bes,ng ~a~°~~ed by ~a~.~a wa°~~~~ could clog a~~es~ cl~~~~~s~~ ~~t~~ ancl ~¢~~~~}al.y ~~,us~ raefa~Ya~or.~a~q ~~e~~ ~o floodo In ~rtswr~r t~ ~ r~i~~~~~.or~9 ~he C~r.ua.ca~ ~a~ ~,n~~~na~d t~aat ~he ~rc~n~z~~~ ~f 't~ae ~izbd~vi~ion Revi~w ~~~~d c1~ ~~~~.e~~ ~~~~a.s.~~~~m't of ~~ae d~a~:nae~e ~~xa~nneY wh~n ~r~~~t 409 was corasider~c~ o ' p~~so~r~ ~.r~~er~~~~c~ ~~a t~.e ma~~e~° sn~e~e pre~er~°ta Niay~r F~r~ T~m i~I~~,~,i~ ~p~n~c~ dl~~~us~~~n t~ tk~e ~~7bl~~;o 1~>. I~~~~°~ ~~r~er, 323 I~ogue~~a st~t~d '~.Y~~~ ~~v~~a~ ~~~~i.ng~ ~~,t~ be~ra he~~ a.~~~~ re~~„~ez~t~ in th~ ~~~~-de-~ac an~ ~a~ fe~t th~~ th~ ~n~~f~~~ ~1~~~~n~~ ~~~a~~~~m~~~°~ ~o~ f~nce ir~~t~~~a~~~ra ~r~ ~Y~e ~~.~~~r].y~ s~.c~~ t~e cT~~~h ~aa~ ~zr~rsec~~~ar~s ~I~ ~~~~l~~~d a g~aph h~ Ya~d ~~;~p~r~c~e ~~~va~ng ~h~ ~on~q~~ ~h~ cl~°~~h it com~~ a.~ ~.n, and gc~e~ ~ut his prQpert~o Ei~ ~°tat~d he ~a~ ~r~~e ane~h a°t ~h~ b~~.~~~ of the ~~~c~ wah~ch ~~~a kae qui~kly ~~mo~~d ~,f axa ob~t~x~~°~~.on ~roblem ~~~~arsa ~"~ae ~~~Yas~as~ng per~~~s ~dclit~on~l.ly ~pok~ ssn ~he ma~t~~: ~~xa Be~~°~hi~~.9 6~0 My~~~.~; ~a ar~d M~~o Ant~n D~ Co~to, 3~1 Noguera; 1~ o arnd N1~°~ a Albe~~t St~l~~~.~ y°i34 l~~r~°~le, axad i~~ o~h~.3,~,ips ~ 444 . Lierly o Ae~ii.~is~r~~,~r ~c~~~~~d th~~ s~ve~a~. ~nee~~ng~ i~~~r~ beer~ he~d betw~en I~o Tu~r~~~ ~ndl C~ty Ea~~~~.~~~ ~«~°~i~g ~~,t~a ~o ~~m~arom~~~ ~~r~~~d ~t, whi~~ is wh~ ~he ~re~t~~.~ ~s ~~~r b~~o~~ ~~~an~~l o Af°t~r C~~~a~~~ e~~,~~~,ss~~~g ~ nY~~~~n ~a~ made Iby Cc~ura~~.~.mar~ ~clalegel, ~~c~r~ded G~u7n~a.~.~n S~~erl~,ng ~ncl ~«~~~.~e19 r,~i~a ~c~~xr~~~~~~n de I~eon c1~~ss~aztingn . c~~nyi3~g ~~~y~ °l~n~~ ~ ~ aA~~aY ~~de de~~s~~n e3f ~i°t~ Ea~g~.ne~r G~rciay, . ~ha~ r~o °ty}a~ o~ ob~~~t~~~~~~a b~ ~~,~.~~r~~ ~n °~h~ dr~ir~~g~ ~k~nn~~, i~ ~~act Noo 409e ~S~~R ~F~~~~~ ~TC~W ~~~Elit~`a P~3~~C I~~A~~I~T~ ~ 1~Z~1~~ '~S-~~ 9~ o H~~CY~Nn "I~,~" D OlRD~1VPaNGE 1~T RE~IDING "I"~e ~~~nc~:l ~~~i~~aa~c~ a r~~~~~x~~,o~. iErorn ~e ~~~~r~~ng CommY~~a~on r~~om~ending ~h~,t ~~~pe~ty ~t ~54, ~62, 3'~0, 37~ ~r~d ~82 S~~z°th Ha~~yox~ ~cs~~l be rezorsed from ~~R-G" tc~ o~P~~~~~ ~~c~u~~~~d ~a~ ~m ~~r~.Jci~~~ ~o~o ICo I~ir~~~n~~y,MoDo Up~r~ beirag as~ax~~a~ la~ °~Yn~ C~~~ ~~e~Y~ ~~,Y. ~~~~~~~gne~.~~ pr~v~.d~cT by lara rega~°da.ng nota.fi- cat~~n c~~ ktear~n~ h~~e ~~~p~~~di ~i~Ya, I~;~~~ TalYe~r d~cYa~~d th~ hearing open anc~ ~.1~ p~~s~a~~ ~~~.d r~ow ~i~~~d ac~~~~~~. °t~~,s re~or~~.ng o 3a~ir~~ pv~~,~c dl~~~~~~~~~ ~ax~ ~Ya~~ ~,~t~~, NTayo~ Tal~ey decla~ed ~ae he~ring cY~~~~1. A~te~ Co~x~r~~~. d~.scu~~ion, a mot~on was ~de Councilman Spierlinq, ~second~d by Counci5.mara d~ Lea~n and unanim~a~z~13r carriecl, finding Rezoning Ca~e.~too 75-89 a~ b~s:nc~ consi~tent with the City°s General Plane There- a~ter, Cit~ Attorney Shi~asey re~d, fo~c ~.~s firs~ r~ading, the title of an ~rc~inance atn~n~ing tk~e l~a~xai~~,~sa~, .~ode °~a ~e~ors~ ~rom nR~G~~, Ga~rden Apart~ m~~t Re~icl~nti~~, °t~ ~ P~o~~~~~.~r~~l C~~~~~i~l, ~~~~~in p~a~pe~t~ in the City= the~~aft~r~ a m~°~,~~ra w~~,~. m~d~ ~ay ~~~x~~~~,~ra S~l~l~g~1.~ ~econded b~ Councilman Millis and tznan~.~~sly c~~~~~~~ ~a ~~~per~~~ ~~~Ya ~~~ding ~h~ ~alan~~ ssf this ordinance. ~ , , . i .~F~~::. 93 C~TS~ C~UI~~~~ ~TC1~~IB~R 25, ~ 975 P,RR~~~ ~1~IVF7~~ ~'~3~~F"f~l2nix~. ~~GE 3 PiJ~~~~°° .i3EA1~~T3~ ~`'r ~TPsF~t~Fy~~`~ G1~1V'I';E~ ~1V ~C~~IQ'T ~ ~~al~lo ~~I`7NYo DE~ISIOIV tJPIiELD ~,~~r~~~~~~.~~~° ~~~~~w~~~ ~~e ~~~~r~~us ~~}~1~.~ Y~~~~~n~~ and ~n~e~i.ng~ held ~ay~ b~~~ °~;h~ G~~~ ~~~~r~~~~ ~~,d ~~~xr.~;~,~g ~c~m~n~~~~~~a ~e~°~~~ing c;o~~°~~~x~tic~~°~ of ga~ages 5~8 ~~~1 P~~s~~ T~~~~~~ ~ a St~~~l~r o TY~~ zna~t~~ r~a~~r ag~~~.n k~~f~s~~ t~~ ~~~~~~a~~ t~~ ~~~~s~~~~ ~~~ru~~~~~ra~ i~~ O~#;~be~ ~2~ y 197~~ anee~~ng,~ h~d ~~~,~~~ci a ~o ~~,:~~9~~~~° ~~,~~~~n~ ~°~n~~~si~r~ ~~~.~~ing r~~taira~.r~g ~a~~~ ~~~~c~~~ ~~~~~t ~a~°c7 se~~~~ arad v~~,i~~ng on~ off~~~~~e°~ p~~L~~~a~ ~~5~~~ ~r~~Y ~~2 P~~~°~ ~t~e~t~.wY~~~h c~e~i~~.c~~,~ ha~ been ~,~~a~a~~d b~~ 1~~~ ~ D~~e~~~~ ~o ~~~,r~~~~ g~ ~~62 P~i~~t S~r~e~ o~ ~Tp~:~ ~~~,~g ~~~u~~~~ ~~g~ ~~~~]k ~°~q~:~r~m~z~ts a~ p~eo~r~ded by ~~~r ~e~~~~~~s~ ~a~~;~~~c~~~~~r h~ar~n~ l~a~re ~~~i~ ~~~np~,i~~s~ ~a~tl~, M~~o~ ~"~lley cTe~ala~°~d ~1~~ ~e~~~r~~ ~p~~ ~.~e~ ~~~~o~~ ~rc~~~a~ r~~w~ b~ h~~~d a~a~rast th~ ~ra~ g~~~~~~ ~b~r t~he P~~~~~.~g C~~€~.~s~.sz~.~ P~~a Da~,~~~~~ ~~,~,~~.~n, ~6~ ~~~a~~~ ~~e~~r~~e~ °~o ~t~e ~~'~.y ~°~er~ ~a~ adeT~~~~an~~, ~~~~~t;~,~r~ ~~~~~~i~ ~~~~,~~A~~~ o~ ~~~~~n~ ~~~id~ffi~g ~.r~ ~~~°~~ias areas caf C~°~~, ~~~n~ d~~~~~~r~x ~1~~ ~~urr,~.~~, a~~~x~~~ ~t~o S°~~,~k~~~ c~ras~ru~ti,ng ~ ~f ~~~p~.~~~ ~h~r~2cec~ ~h~ Coun~~~ f~~ the ~~,me gi~r~n ~a m~~t ~ ~~~r~ ~t.~~~~~r~~~ ~~~~~~1 1~~ an~ l~,i,~ r~~~g~~~~ ~r~~r~di 3~7c~ ~ee ~l~e ~u~~c~~~rg ~~m}~~~~~d~ ~i.~h th~ ~~~~~~a~~g ~,cYc~~.~~on~l ~e~sons p~eser~t and ~iting s~m~lar ~~r~t;ann~~~~e NI:~~~ I~~r:ea~, ~3~ z~~~r~~o G~orge D~~~~.~~i~ Huas~~ R~a~, Vicki I~cl~~a~, ~40 [~"o ~r~~~~; ~T~~~~.~;~ ~~~~~9 52~ ~oix~°~o F°~~~, ~Ia~r~~~~+~~~~ ~~Q C~~.~ ~~~~b ~~~~~d ~~~~~~~a~~ ~~me m~.~talce ~~r~°t; b~ zn~d~~~ ~~~~rao ~a~~~~~ i~r~ q~~~~~~r~~ ~~i~t~ Ci~y~ A~~wra~e~ ~~~~~~y ~d~.i~~c1 ~~n~ ~~~~~~~.~a~ ~o s~~~ic3e ~Y~~~~~~ ~ ~~q~n~s~ ~~.~~~~r~~~,~~~~ ~~~~~~~x~~ ~'~~m ~ ~a~~~~ ~ne ~~~tted 1~~ ~~a~ ~~m~ ~~~Y~,z~~~~ee d~ I~~~~°~, ~,~t~~~~~ ~o ~°~~~3~~e~~ ~ ~~g~~~~ d~~~n~~~~ ~~c~a~~~~~ ~~d ~~~~~w~~d ~Y~~gn ~r~~h tYa~ ~ ~~~r~~~~a ~~~e ~~~~nc~~ ~r~~ ~~~c~~el~ ~~rn~~~~~ ~nr~~h ~h~s~ ~~~°~~~e~~ ~~~a~ ~~~~,a~g ~~~~~~r~c~ ~hem ~t p~~~~~~~ a~a~~~~~g~o~ ~o e1~ ~a I~to~~~ ~~~e~ ~~~1~~~~a 3~~0~~(?3 th~ C~ t~B ~ M~~~~~~~~, e ~~a~~~~a~~~.~~~~ ~ ~ m~~gYa~ ~or~ ~k~~ ~~~~~C~,.~~° aaxd ~t,~ta~~,s~ ~~n~~~~~ ~1~~ ~~~~~,n~~ ~~~~d ~~~~te ~ h~~~~~~pa 12~ Ee 13~~r~~~~ ~,~dl~~~~ed ~~~a~~~~ pa~~~~~~i~~ ~rs tY~e C~~y ar~~ ~ c~.~~~ °~h~.s ~a~~ ~s~asld p~~~~c~.e~,~ b~ ~~~~~~~ag ~c~n~tru~~~~r~ ~a~ C~~y p~~a~~~~~~a ~ ~ ~`ta~~~ ~a~~~~ ~x~ i~~~~~~ e~~,~~~~~~~~a ~~~s an~t~~~D ~yo~ c~~~~ar~d ~h~ i~~a~~,r~e~ ~~~~~do ~~~~~m~i a~i~~~~~~~ r~~°~~~~ ~t g~~~.~ ~~~e~~~y ~~a~~~~ll~ ag~~~~.z~g ~k~~ ~~~~e~~~ ~~~~~e~ ~.~aei tl~a~ ~~n~ ~~~o~~ a~ael ~m~.ssions m.as~e ~3~ b~th ax~~ ci~~~~~~~ae~ ~a~~~ ~na~f~~~~ar~a~~, b~°~ lae~au~~ ~r~~~~ t~~ ~~~~~~~~1 ~ ~~~e~d~~at ~~~n~~ be ~h~~ ~~~~a A~ter fu~fY~e~ ~~u~~~~ v~~~ ~~c~~ ~~a~~~~~m~.~ ~~~~~~~.~~e se~~~e~~d lay ~ot~ne~I- m~~ d~ ~~~r~. ~nei ~.n~~~~,~~~~~,~ ~~~~~~e~D s~~~y~~g ~~,e ~.p}~~a~ l~~o D~~°~~~1 ~°t~,~~c~n ~racl ~phc~~c~~~g 1~~~~~;~~~ ~~~~~~~~o~e~ ~~~~t~mg ~a~ Va~e~~r~~~ IV~o '~5-55n to a~low~r ~on~~~c~~~x~ ~~4~~~~~~ ~~~~~r~~~~ ~ ~~~c~~e ~~~at~d ~aithin °th~ i~~r?t ~~~°a~ ~~~~~~1~ ~,~d ~a~~~~~~~ s~~~-~~r~et ~a~~in~ s~~~~ ~t ~08 ~nd ~12 L~ ~~~~~~;o 12r~CE~~°r ~~7'~~~ ~E" ~fi.~,~"I~~; m ~~1~~~t~~ ~~IaEVJFa~ ~1~I ~~I~T.~P.~~ ~ ~7~~I~G~ MERCHAN~°S ~~~x~~~~ ~~~d ~ ~~~~i ~~s~~~ ~~~nd~ ~~l~.~g~ 1~e~~l~~r~ts ~,~~~~ia~i~~s °~I~~r~~.~~e~ ~h~ ~e~~ ~Ya~ ~~,~ar~~x~~3~ J~~~.ch~x~g ~x~d ~e~l.i~;c~ °~Yie ~~,ele- wra~~.s ~n ~h~ ~~w~a~.~~ ~ka~ o ~~iT~~~' ~?1~~~~~~'I'~~~T 0~ ~~~~~~A~ ~~~~~lt~~ ~i~~~FiC~ ~ ~7~~IaA~~ 1~iE~2CE~AAI~IT~ ~ ~~c~~ ~~~y~ ~r~.a~de `~~.l.l~g~ ~Ie~ck~~r~t~ A~~~~~~°~~c~r~ ~~°~~~~~~a~r~g ~~~c~~~~c1~~- 1~~~~~~ ~~que~t fo~ ~ ~ka~ebc~~~~ ~rc~~,n~~~e ~~~a~~°~~ ~~a~~~ ~1~~ ~~l~ae~~ ~~°e~ o ~~~re~al ~~t~z~~~ p~~~~~~ ~~~n~~~~d ~l~e ~~t~~~ ~i°~~el ~x~c~,ei~r~°~~ ~ad ~l~se~v~d of 7~~z~~r~~~~ ~9c~~~~~~~~3 ~~~eis,~~e ~4~~~~ ~~~~r~~~~, e~~~~u~~~wa~a :4e~~~~st~°~°~o~ ~u~~h was ~~~e~~~d ~e~ ~~~c~~~ r~~ ~ ~~~~a~~ C~~,~~~ f~~ ~n~o~m~~t:~~r~ tk~~y anay 7~a~~ ~~~~~c~~_~~ ~~~~A,~~~~~~s~ ~~f ~~c~i~i~o NO~TCE R~m REC~~NDP,~~~N :E°al~, 1~~S~~~P~~1~I'~ C~~L~~T~ON -~~U1VT~ AUD~'IOR The Co~anc~~. ~eacl a~~t~e~° f~c~m F°x°~d Cra~~c~.~ CoLaa~t~ Aud~,tor-~~a~troller, ~dv~~~nq~ ~h~ ~~~~n~~~~ ~~~~~n~ns~ t~ ~o~~~ 4~ ~~~~~~~o~~ th~t ; ~ 1Rs co~~.~~~i,o~ ~h~~°c~~ zn~c~~ °~~a b~r ~k~~ ~o~~~~r f~~ r°~1~~~~~~n of ~pecial a~~~~~m~~~~ ~ °~~x~~ ~r~~ ~ ~o ~~~xn~~~ ~,r~d r~o ~~tion was ~~1~~~ , 94 C~T~.' COUNC~~ NOVEMBER 25, 1975 AF2ROY0 GRANDE, CAL9~E°C)12N~~ I~~GE 4 RESOLm ~ROM PL~No C~iS~'Io ~"~ND~1VG ~ND dJ~E P1:~I~1 &~ONINCY ORDII~TANCE COIVS~S~'ENT Cc~ur~~i~ ~~~~,~~ed ~ mea~~~ ~nd ~e~o~.~xtian from ~h~ ~~~.r~r~~r~g Cc~~niss~~n ~x~d~cat~ing i,~~ finc~~.~g °t~~°t ~~.°ty B~~,~nci ~Ts~ El~er~°~ a~d Zaa~~rag 0~°d~~ance and Map are c~ra~~s~ent ~x~cl ur~cl~~ ~~~r°rimer~t Code ~~ct3or~ 65860 0 Co~~c~,~ al~~ ~~~~~~e~ ~o}a~~~ a Memorand~m of Dec~sion ~ssued l~y Judge ICirkpal~r~ck ~~~le~° ~r~o C~.~y xezon~ng m~'~te~ T~affic Way Extension< C~ty A~°~orn~~ S~a~.p~e~ ~~~~e~ra~e1 °~h~ d~c~.~~~a~~ st~t~.ng ~l~a~t the Judge mea.ns that in this pa~t~~az~a~ ~a~~ ~he C~ty ~ar~ ~e~~~~ ~°t~ Genex~aZ Plan or re~nne the property to an app~opri~°~e e~~~~~~~t a~ael~r ~h~ ~on~ng O~cdxnance a~ncl Mapo ~f~t~r Counc~,l dis~ ~~.~s~a~sD ~ m~~~~n r~~~.~ ~~~~~~~~r~ ~~,l~~.s, secanded ~3r ~~u~:~~.1m~.n Spierling and tiYa~.x~i~taou~~,5~ ~~~~~~a~ ~~~~~~°~:t~~ :~as~ler ~~~~~.Yr~g ~ase l~ae~c ' ~ea Planning ~o~r~rci~~~~~ ~Y.~~~~ ~~~h ~~ad~e ~~~°k~~~~i~k`s ~ul~~ag, f~~ ~t~ ~ur~her cnn~ideration and reco~end~t~oaa~ ~ a~ ~~~~m~n~nd.ecT by ~i~~ At°t~rn~~r Sh~psey o Th~ Co~nc~.~. a~~~ ~~~~~r~~ci tYa~ ~xanscr~~d tap~s of a sem~r~r attended by Planning Dir~c°to~ Gal~~p ~~ga~d~,s~a~ Zor~~ng-T~anei Use Flan c~ns~.stencyo 7"he Council di~cus~ec~ °~he ~~p~r~ 1er~g~a w~~ ~~t~~~°ney~ Ships~y, wl~o stated that some define the we~rd "~a~r~s~~~t~n~y~e to m~~n ~B~~~np~~~bT~" g but icl~e Atto~rne~ ~n~ral construes it to mean "identical" o H~ ~u~~.1~~~° o~~'~~°~dy '~~fe~-~ir~g t~ ~a~,rT~r Case, that the us~~ al~.~w~d~ ia~ °'R-~-~m3" ~r~d "`~~Nt" ~~e very cl~~~erent ~ncT th~~°~f~re does not see tYie ~ompata.bi~~°~y~ AY ~ra~~g ~2`~ ~oxcna dl~~ T~r~a, ~°ta~~c~ tYbat the General Plan states cle~~~y th~~ a~~~1e~,~.~a~ ~o~ tY~e fut~re, tl~er~b~r rae~d~ flexa~a.lity and can°t b~ ~~er~t~,~~~ ~6 th~ ~~~,~,r~e~ M~,}~o f~r°the~ C~uncil eli~cu~siortn a mota.on wa~ m~ae by C~u~,~~l~~z~ ~~k~l.eg~~ a~e~oncled b~ C~ua~c~,~.man Nl~~~~s and un~n~.mously car.~~,ed~ ~~f~~~~~~ tr~~ ~~r~d U~~ ~~~a~is~~zg~~r matter b~clc ~o tYa~ ~lar~n~ng Commission ~o~° fu~~~~ ~~~d~, ~~e~a e~~ the C~~rt ~~I~ng ~r~ th~ ~.~1~~ ~~~~ning Casem ADOPT e RESC3Id m-~~TABIs~SH C"r~~t~ ~~ACE ~I~IaEEME1V'~A~'IOI~T, RTJLE~ ~~FC~~EDLTRE~ ~idar~~nis~t~~~~~ ~utcla ~dv~~e~ th~t with the adlcspt~on o~ ~Y~~ ~~dinance praviclin~ ~'~r the ~~°e~.°~~o~ °'-P" y Ag~i.~a~l°~ur~l Prese~v~ ~~rc~ai~~a~g D~stricts, a r~~al~~i~~i ~o~r r~ee~~ b~ ac~~~~~d ~s~~~ ~~~ing rul.e~ ~nd ~~o~ec~~u~~~ ~he ~np~~t~ae~~~t~~r~ ~h~ t~p~~i 5~~~~ ~~~~~~c~ ~lfter C~ut~~.~~, a~~~:~~~~~ra, ~a..~~s A~t,o~ra~3r Sh~ps~~ ~~~d ~h~ ~~~1~ o~ a re~~~~~~c~~ ~ega~ding an Ope~ Sp~~~ p~ag~~zns tka~reafter, ~ motiora ~as m~de b3~ Co~z~~~~~ar~ ~~~le~el, s~ccsnd~d by Cour~~~lman ~p~.~~l.~xzg and unan~m~usYy ~~~r~~d., °t~s d~~p~~ru~e va~,~h ~°eading the bal~n~e of thi~ ~~~o~,~xt~~o~.o ~~OI~U'~~:C~N NO o 1 ~ 89 P, R~~~~IT'T~~1V 'I'H~ C'a~~ C~iJN~3L OF' "I`giE C~~ C9k' A~12G~d ~1~NZ7lE AI7~F~.~N~ 12LT~E~ ~ileIII~ ~R~~~DURES F°OE2 TH~ ~NIF~I~EMEI~ITTA`T~dN (~F' °19'I~~ O~E~T SPA~~ PRQ(s~~~ P,~ PRQil~~ED IN ~Ii~~~ER 4 C~F° P!'~TL~ 9 y P,12PI`~G~E 1$~ t"~F ~"F~E A~C~~O GRAND~ MUI~IICIPALb COD~ o On m~~ie~~a Co~r~ci~n~n ri~ii~lTi~, s~concTed by ~ounc~lrre~an d~ L~on and Qra the f~ll~va~ng ~o.Yl z~c~~~, °~o r~~~ m A~ESm Cc~~z~~~lm~en ~ga~~rY~~~~ d~ I~~an~ ~cY~lege7.~ M~,Y~is a~nd .Mayox° Tal].ey NO~~ : ri1o~~ ~s~E~a~o ~r~~~ n fmhe fo~eg~~n~ Re~~l~x'~:~~n w~~ p~~s~c~ ~~d ~dc~p~ed this 25~h da~ e~f N~vember, 1975 e .`4dmin~,~~~°a~t~~ Bu~ch als~ ~d~~~~d~ t~Za~ app~~.~tm~~~~ ~h~~ld con~~dered to a~~vievs co~i~t~~~, r~~.~ew ~eq~e~~~ ~o~° irclus~c~n into the ag~icultu~al preserve pro~r~mo Afte~ C~~r~~~~, ~~~~ax~~i~~y ~ ma~°t~on ~r~s mac~e Cmunc~.~m~r~ ~pierling, ~e~ondecl b~ ~~~~~~~,nian c1~ a~~l r~~r~~mo~~~y ~~rr~~clp appain~~ng B~n Dohi' 310 Fa~,r 0~~,~ ~~~r~~~; ~he 7~g~~.~u1°~~~°~~, E~~~serve Re~~ ~omm~~ttee, a~ recommended by May~r ~~l~~y~ ~~~~~t °~o h~~ ~r~~~~x~~rx~~~ ~o serveo Cou~cs,~nia~ ~ii31i~ volunteex°ed t~ ser~~ ~h~ ~~u~s~~~, ~~~~e~~~a~~~,~~~ ~~e ~omm~t~e~, and °t1~~ Planninq Comm~ssion wi~l ~eq~~s~~e~ ~~r~ ~~~~s.~~~me~~~o CQUN~~~N I~I~Ia~S ~NTS cle LE~I~I ~iVf~TC~'s'~~n ~F3~~12 TNTEI~T~'ION ~'O ~~T.~~N ~°ROM DISCLTSSIOI~T ox ~ro~~~v~ ~~v ~x~ ~~~~~~r~~v~ ~~~~r~~ ~ ~/2/7~ ~r.~~~~oN ~ ~~or~Na~~~o~v~ ~ o e ~~~~E~~~°s ~~rz rre~R~x ~ 9 ~ 976 ~~~~~xo~v Th.~ Coune~.1L re~i~wrecl ~~°epc~~e~ ~~~zn the Ci~,y ~~.erk ~eg~z~elinc~ recent chan~ges ~.n electi¢~ra laws and p~li~i~~ the ~~zx~c~~ needs to set at °thi~ time regarding Candida~te~' St~.t~nent~o A~'~~r C~ax~~~9. ~~~cus~ion, tYa~ ~o].Yaw~.rag ac~tions were takeno 1) ~ motican w~s ~de b~r ~o~c~3,m~z~ ~}~~,erlin~e se~or~d~~ ksy ~~unci~,man S~hiegel and can~nimous~.y ca~~~,ed, l~xna~~~.a~~ ~~~Y~ ~~zscl~d~~~P~ ~tatem~~~ ~0 200 Pae~~ds; 2) a motion was tnad~ b~ Cocxn~c~~.rea~~ S~~erl~n~, ~~~~~,dl~d ~y Co~~ac~lm~.n ~~hlec~e~. and unanimously car~~.~d, d~.~a~~.~r~~,r~g ~xtra ~~z~p~~s~~ ~~~x~~~l~ ~~~m Candsdat~~ be sent in the ~`95 Cl'1'Y C:UUNC,ll~ iv~v~l~lts~~ t'~ y o y/5 ARROYO GRANBEy ~~~~F°O1~T~A P~GE 5 ~ample Ba~l~t~ ~.~d `~~ter ~ s Pamp~Y~~ ~~~r~I~pe m~~led by tl~~ Cii~~; ~~d 3) a motion was - made by Counc~lm~n S~h~~c~~~ y~~~or~de~ lay ~c~rancilma.~ S~~~r~~ng ~nc~ una~:~~sously caacried, tl~at 50~ of °tY~~ C~ncT~cl~~~"~ ~t~~~~Yner~t's p~:~nting and ~~anslatiqn costs w~.].1 be cha~gec~ to the C~r~cl~da°ts and °~~e ~a~ance will be pa~.cl b~r ~the ,C$.~tyo RESOLUTI~IV P,D~1~T~O1V ~ IN~E~TT ~ S~~Is C~'~Y ~ROPERTY - T~0'I'~ 5& 6D L,E P0~11TT STm Admin~,~~~a°t~~ ~~~tcl~ ~c1~r~secl tY~~~ a l~gal c~es~~ip°~ion h~s no~r ~~en completed ta allowr sale o~ s~rp~us ~a~~~r p~~per~y on L~ ~oint S~~eeto M~nimum b~.~ls ~ahich wil'1 be approve~ for each p~~~el va~l~ be $3,225000, cah~ch in~ludes co~~s of surveying the lo~so A pu~~ic he~r~ng a~~ ~h~ ~~~.e~ i~ ~~t fo~° December 23, 1975 at 8:00 P:M.. Afte~° Coun~~~, d~.sc~a~~~or~, Ci~y A~t~~n~~ ~ha~p~ey ~ead ~he °titTe of a r.~~;plu°tiora dec].ar~ng ~~ac~ ci~~r-o~rned lcz~,~ a~ su~pl~s and c~.ting the Ci°ty a s intent~.~a~ ~to se7.1 same; ther~aftex°, a mo~~,~n w~~ mad~ C~unc~.lman ~ch~.ege1, se~ond~d Councilman de Leon and un~nimousY.y ca~riedl, t~ dispense w~.th reading ~he }aalanc~ Qf this resolutiono ~LESOIaUTI(~N ATO e 190 A RE~dI,UT~ON ~FiE CI~."7~ Cf)UNCIL OF THE C3~ OF AREZOYO G~DIDE SETT~NC~ F"0~°1~ I'ra .~A1"I°EN°I°~ON `I'O SEI.~I~ REAIg PROPERTY ~1NI3 ~ETT~NG A DA~E ~'~R Fi~ARING THERE~N AS PROV~DED UNDER PR0~7~S~C~NS l~~° ~~TE~tNME~`~C° ~()I7E ~EC~~ON 3742Qo On m~~~c~~ ~f C~rxn~~~nc~r~ d~ secr~nded by Gounc~~,man Spierling and on foYl~w~.ng r~yl ~aY~ ~o~~, to wi°tm A~S: Councilm~~i ~~a~e~l~.~e~~ de Leon, 5chlegel, l~~ll~.s and Ma~or Talley NOE~ m Nc~rY~ ABS~I~Tm Noxie ~ae f~reg~~~ag Re~o~,utiora rr~as p~s~~d ar~cl ~d~pted ~h~,~ 2~th day ~f Td~vem~er, 1975. MAYOEt e S RE~POEtT I~ m~CENT i`~3~~~' 1VIEE°~~1~~ - SUPPORT ~ENLT~ 5~R~1~G PRC?GRAI~i P~t~~r~~ Tal~~~ ~~po~~~d crn °tl~~ ~~~en~° Mayo~~° meet~ne~y ~~~it~~g tM~.t ~t their next meeting, the Ma~ro~s ~~1~, m~~t with Cc~~nc~l ~°epresentative~ of the A~ea Plarining; Coordinat~ng Coazx~cil ? ~to le~ t;ha~ ~~~n~il krno~r `aha.t °tl~e ~~,ties ~nr~~h ~c~ do. Mayor TaYl~y ~nri~.~. ge~ ~t~ge°th~r ~r~~~ Cotancx3rr~~n ~pi~rl~ng anc~ rep~r°t ba~k t~ tlz~s C~~y Counci~ to ge°~ it~ ~~el~r~g~ ~n ~~at regardm Nla.yor °~aTl~y ~urth~~ ~~por~;ed °~hat °~he f~cteral ~esrenaze ~h~~~ng p~ogram had b~en cl~,scussedl ~nd ~ontinuan~~ o~ °~he p~°ag~am indgvadu~.ll~ ~uppox°t~d the: Mayox°~, b~~ G~un~~~ ~.x~~s~°~ ~~c~~~el~n+~ °th~ ~~og~am wa~ ~.Yso ~~c~iz~~~edo Fi~te~ Cvuncil' cliscuss~,on, ~ity Adms~ra~~~~a~~~ ~u~c1~ ~as d~~ected to ~a~~,~te 1.~tters to ~Y~~ prop~~° Congressional r~p~°es~n~~~~.~e~ and Cot~n~~ Super~~~or, reaf~~r~ng this ~~.~ty's support of the fed~~~l Re~enu~ ~h~~~a~g ~ro~r~my ~aith sa~.d Yet~~~ -~o ir~Clude support for lo~~.~L autonomy ~n th~ cY~sc~°~~~~n of use ~f. ~h~ Rev~n~se ~Y2~xing F`und~o AUTHOR~~~ CITY TO E1~iTER 11GR..~EME1~1~ 1~Eu CETA PROGRAM Aclniinist~a~:o~ B~zt~h ~cTv~se~ °~kaat par~ of °the C~~y°s program wzth tne Ntanpawrer Se~~v~~es under th~ C~mp:~~h~~s~v~ F~pla~rmer~~. and Ta~a.in~ng Act c~f 1973, an: 'agreemen°~ mus°t be ~z~t~r~d w~,~h ~a~ ~c~un°t~o .~fter Cou~c~.l. dis~us~~~n, a mots.on was made by Councilm~.n ~~~~.~gel, s~~~~d~d b~r Counc~lman d~ L~~n ax~d ~z~aanfm~usly carri~dy a~~ho~~zing ~h~ l~~~r ~nc~ C~ty ~~~rk to s~gn, ox~ ~~h~lf mf th~ Ci~y, the CE;TA WQ~k Ex~e~°is~.c~ ~gr~e~e~i~ w~~~h ~1~~ C~~nty of San Lui~ Obi~po, bei~,g e~fect~.ve: Aug.ust 'i , ~ 975 th~ough ~7~xae ~Q , ~i 9'Z6 0 RECE~~T O~' S11IV I~t7I~ C)~~~PO Ct1UIQ~ ~C~~~~ION & HC3USIN~ REPORT ~'h~ ~~~znc~~l ~~~~:~v~d an~ re~~~~?~el ~ repor~t f~om +~he S~n Luis Ok~~.spo CQUn~y Plann~ng D~,partmen~, cy~,~r~,r~g s~a~~~ti~~ o~ the Populatian and H~~~ing a.n the County ~s of ~'u~y 1y ~9750 RECdNiME1~TDPi"I'~C~N ~o CC7~V~'L~~'T ~E'I`4~7~EI~T II(~U~I1~T~ T°RA~I~R COD~ ~~~N~1VG ORDT~TIINGE Tl~e Co~ancil x~~~~.etir~cl ~~;~po~~t f~om Plar~ning Dir.ect~ar Gallop, s~vk~ich ind~.cates tha.t ~th~r~ a~cszafl~~t .~n the C~.~y's Hou~a.ng Tra~.lers Codc~ ~nd current Zoning Ord~.nanc~, with th~ zoning ~a.~eempting ~he hoixsing ~ra~.ler eleme~to After Council ds.sauss~on, C~.~ty A~~o~°ne~ Sh~~r~~3s wa~ ins~~°~xc°~ed to p~epare t~,~ necessary proc~dure~ ~c~ ~~~ave ~Y~e k~~~a~~~g ~~a~~~~ ~lem~nt f~~in ~Y~~ Coe1~E NOMINATIONS REQUES~.`ED ~O BOP,RD ~R~-~C)UI~1~X COMMI~~~OI~1 E"UI~. SEIV~OR C7CTI~ENS ~ ~ Tlze Co~s~c~l ~e~r~~wr~d f~c~m the ~~a.~C~~nty ~c~~i~~~on ~t~r S~nior Citizens, .~.rea Agen~~r o~ Ag~x~g, ~+a~~.~~^b ~°~que~°~ed nom~r~~~foa~s ~o ~h~ Bo~~d of Directors of the Comm~s~~~no Y~r~ ~~~x~~~~ ~~~~.on vra~ ~~:~e~n ~rs °~hi~ ma°~~~rm ~-ss NOVEMBER 25, 1975 ARgt(7~0 G~NL~~, 'C.~~~~~1~,I~T~~ ~I~GE Fa 4d.dVJ VLV~ ~r '63a.?YAY.J.PeLtl Ytli.:a~ d, ~d1..Ot16.ob~~ WL18e9.6ltltlL'k~ ,6V A:adtl0.m11MCi~ LZ~LY~ 1L"1J rd'4L~dd ~ lAg:e ~~~.s ~ V d:+~ ~i~~ ~°~~~~°x~~~ ,~k~~~~~~r ~~~,~~~i ~~m,~ca~~y ~~e~s~~v req~ested by the Pa~ks & R~~~~a~~or~ ~~~d~ ~s~~rs~ ~a~ ~nral~w~g~ ~e ~racl oi ~~,den W~st Place l~ading t~ ~z~~~~~~ p~s~~~~'~~ ~rad ~r~~3 p~ep~~e t~a~ r~e~essar~r ~p~~cedur~~ t~ ~~~~~p~~~h ~k~~s D b~ &ar~~sg~~ C~c~nc~~ ~ ~ c~~~ideratian at i~~ ne~t°t ~~g~~,~~ m~~~.~r~g o 12EGET~'I' 0~° I~II~NiJ~S se 1~~~lQ~A - I~~TI~lAI~T F2~I~°3`~(~~T~ Ct3~~ i~ON (JF' ~0 0~ m Ie a C)~ COUNTY C~~~c~l ~~~~a~~~dD ~~c~~~c~r~~ a~,cl o~d~~ed f~lecl ~Y~~ rre~n~te~ for ~h~ Oc~~b~~ ~~h m~~~~r~~ ~f ~h~ F2~~~~~,~~~ C~amm~,~~~on ~f ~~axth Sa~ Z,ix~s Obispo Co~°ty ~ ~ffi~c1 ~h~~ ~~=~~d~ N~~s~~~~° ~ 2~Y~ ~m~e~~~go ~~~~c~,lm~n commended the ~ity° s x°~~~~~ent~~~~e~ ~a~ t~~~ ~~~~,~~~,~a~ w~~a~ko At3~fi012~~ T~~1~~DIG O~ ~~7I~~I7~~~i~`~ ~°~1~ ~~P~~E~ 1V~ED~ ~~To 1~aUIi ~s 11~SO~o Ac~are~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~o~'~~c~ ~a~ ~1~~ ~1~~~~~r 20°~kb an~~~~z~g the C~~izens' T~d~~s~~~ ~o~~.~~~~ rb~ ~ C~~r~~ ~~~i~~~ ~~~c~s ~t~dly, s~~°~a,ng ~h~t ~~~e~ fu~ther review o~ prc~~~a~,~ a~c~ ~~~~~~~~~~a e~~~~~~~;~~t~ D°~~e ~~~~.~°~ee h~s ~~~~~~nded the hi~ing 1~~1 ~~~~a~~~~°~~~ do ~~e N~~cl~ Stuclyo A~~er Co~cil discu~~~~n, ~ mo°t~~sa w~.~ m~~3e ~g~ ~~~a~~~lm~~ ~p~~~~~.~r~~g ~~~~r~cY~c~ by Councilman de L~~n ~~e~ u~.r~~a~~~~~~ a~°~~e~~~,~in~~ t7~~ l~y~r. ~~d ~i°~~ C~,erk to sign, ~n ~~h~~.~ t~~ ~~ty~g ~ ~~~~g~x~~ ~~zne~ 1~Tau1 & ~s~~a~iates °to determine ~x~~~is~g s~a~~~ ~~~c~~ ancl o~ ~~~,s°~3,~ng ~~,~,y ~~~~r~~~~ ofiEi~e~ and Cou~~i~ Ch~rn~e~~~ ~69 m ~0 0 14-s0od:iJ.r1 lil' 1d:a~1M.l~A~Vd:e ~iJd.JdJ,4V~L~~V&M A°M2~ S~LS ~M'tA..1 ~A6 14.L4'~Vl'Y~6o.7 d1~.J6~,TdE1w79B ~h~ C~~n~~~ ~e~i~w~~l m~~^~~~~~ ~f S~d~~i~~~n ~3e~~~~r 8~~.~d rega.rding Tenta~a,~~ i~t~~ T~a~~ 1~~~ 5~7~ o~~~~an~~ I~~~g~~~`°~ ~~~1 ~~~s~~~~~~~x~ ~f °th~ Pl~nr~~~g ~p}~~~~~~~~ m~po ~i~ ~~p w~~~ e1i~~~a~°~cl ~kae ~ouncil, ~ho~r~~g d~n~i~~ ~~~r~s~~~~ ~n ~1~~~ d~~eY.~pm~n~o ~a~s ~r~~~ ~h~ Council's ira~~~t~~r~ ~~~y a°~ ~t~~~ ~~,~a~o ~~~~o~ r~r~~ ~pr~~~ ~vr~o ~5~2~~ ~z~~~~~ ~ xu~~~~ ~a ~o~o~~so ~3~~~ ~x~c~~xs~~~ ~°~~~~~~el r~r~~~ ~a~~e~t ~~a A~75~~~~: r~f l~~t~,~g a ~p~1~~ e~~ t~~~ ~~d~ H~~~ra~ ~~~c~, ~ a I~ ~ ~ o ~ a H~1~, ~~q~~~~~cl b~ R~~~~°~ ~x~~l aga~~~~~d by th~ P~,a~r~~,n~ G~rr~ri~;s~~c~rzo A~t~~ C~~ra~~~ c~~,~~u~~i~~e ~~c~~ 1~~ ~~~~aca~~~n ~p~~~°~~~~, se~or~decl b~ ~p~~~~man ~1~ ~~c~ ~~~,~,~~a~~~~ ~a~~°~~~.9 ~~x~cl~n~ T~t ~~r~it ~as~ 1Ve~o 75-2~0 cons~~~~r~t ~a:~~h G~~~~a~ ~~d ~~ra~~a~ 0~~~,n~~~~, arad ~p~a~~~ri~g saicl Lot ~pli~ as ~h~w~ 1~~~~~~ ~i~ ~~~5~~~~0 „ Di~~~~~~~~ ~;~~,c~. ~~~~~d ~~g ~h~ ~a~ ac+ti~e ~orat~~~t~r~ ~o begin sonne ~~n~°~~~a~~~~~rn ~~~~r~ ap~~o~~~, h~~ ~e~~ c~~v~n ~ncT r~~~red permits ob~t~~a~~d, ~~d ~h~ n~~c~ ~~~~~~~t~ ~Y~~a~ t~~~ ~~~s ~o~ be ~l~owr~dm After Council d~~~~x~~a~~n~ ~ m~~~~~ ~~,d~ ~y C~u~~~,l~n ~i~~~~.~a s~~~nd~d by Council- man e1e ~r~~~l ~r~~~~~irco~~~3~ e~~~~~~~r~g ~h~ C~~y ~°~~~t t~ ~~°i°~~ ].etters to ~5~~ ]eno~g b~~~d.~~e~ ~~r~~~~~~~~~ ~~a~ ~cT~~z~ Co~~~ ~i~~, ka~ ~~~i~~~,y ~nfarcecl, p~~°~~cu~~~Yy ~~~~~c~ °~s~ ~~x~ ~~~h~~~~~.~r~ ~f~ ~ny ~~n~~.rx~~~~~~ o~ gr~ding, etco bea~ng cl~r~~ w~~,~~~~°t ~bt~~~~ne~ }~~~pe~° ~~t~~~~~~~~~~ ~.~c1 p~rmit~ ~rom the Ca~~~y .wy~°~Y~, ~s~~~.°~~,~~ . ~ta 1~~~, ~~s~~~~d ~i~~,~~~~~ o yhn.~; - , . ' , . . • 1' . ~ ~ E2~P~R~ ~ 12~CE1~~ Z~~ 3~~~?~~~1~Y C(~N~~"I~EE ~~~~IVG - NiII~I~~S ~~~x~~~~~~ ~9~,~~.~~ ~~~~a~t~~ ~T~~~~~ 20, 9975 m~~t~ng of fi~e Zone 3 Aelv~~~~~r ~~r~~,~~~~9 ~~~~~~~g ~~~~~e~ ~o~ ~~~~r~~lan~e a~ Lopez R~~re~~~~n ~~e~ ~~~~~~~e~ a ~ ~~p~~~ ~~~rn I3~r~~ ~~~~.~~s i~rscl~ca~ed urater ~on~~rap°t~~~a °9 2~ ~~~r ~a~~ ~r~~~ ° ~ o ~?~~c~ ~h~~,ps ~ti~~~ ~.nwes~igating ~ariou~ top~ ~h~ ~e~e~~~~~ ~°t ~,h~ ~~~~~era~ P~an~m S~I~GECOACH RO.F~D ~NI~TE~`T"~"(51~t R~~LT~ST l~o frar°th~~ d~~~u~~~~n wa~~ ~elcl ~~g~.~cls.~~ th~ S1~~g~c~~ch R~ad annexation request, as actiora axa th~s matt~r l~ac1 b~~n takera at the ~Tovembere 24th study sessiono ----9'7 C~°I'Y C~tTi~~~~ NO~1~~~~ 25, 1975 ARIt~~O ~F~N~~~ ~~I~~~~~~~1~ FAG~ 7 IQ~~~~~'; m 7`Ii~ ~~s~"'~° ~~F`t ~~s~+1'~l~ ~~~aIC~~ n ~"e~'~~~~5~ ~ `d i~a~ ~~~nc~~ ~~~~~wr~~ ~ ~~~e~ ~~°e~~~ 1~~~~~~z~~c~ ~~abg.~,c W~~°~s ~d~~son reg~~~~~~ °~,F~,~ ~~a;~~..~~~z~~n'~ t~~s ~~a~~~~~ ~'~a~~ p~~~~ ~~~w~~ ~~r~~~ra~~ H~ ~i~e~ that und~~ `~i~~~ ~a~ ~~~y~~° ~I~ni~~pa7. ~~cT~9 ~a~axn~~~is~n ~o ~ p~~ ~~~,~r~~ ~~a~~~~ ~~~m be~om~~ ~.~r~:i7.ab~.e. ~ Th~ O~el~r~~a~~~ ~~~~~n~ ~~f~~~,~~;~~ s~~~c~~~a~ ~4~ `~~`~4, ~r~c~ ~l~~r~f~~°~ ~ew~~° l~ook-~ps ~h~u~c~ b~ ~~~~a~~°~~~ Y~~ ~he~e i~ is a~~~lableo This mat~~~ P,~il~L ~~~~x~~~d ~~°~~r a ~ ~~~t ~T~~~~e~~~~o ~ ~F~I~~E x1V~"~`~~~~'P~~2~I ~J~° ~i~Gv 'I°Ft~ 1~~ ~ ~39 ~~~IQ~ ~~1~1V[J~ ~~C~LTNG) ~i~ ~~~~~~w~~~ ~~~~n ~~~f~, agen~t~ f~r I~v~rrence Yc~~~g, ~c~~~~~~~~~ ~~~rm~,~~x~~ a r~~~ ~~~s~~~ t~r~~ le~~h l~.ne a~G ~539 Grancl, a~~ ~~~~~~g i~~~ ~'h~ ~~w~~~ ~y~~~xr~,8 ~~~p~~~y~ i~ l~~at~d lower than ~ s~~a~~ ~a~a~~ ~~a~ ~x~~~~~ $ ~i 900 ~.nc~ude a pu¢np to ~n~~~ ~~r~~~~~~~~ ~t~~ ~~~a~ ~r~ ~~~r~cY 1~~~n~x~o C~~zc~l ~eview~cl a ~~p~~'~ ~n ~~a~ ~r~~~ ~~~~~~e~~ ~~Y~~ ~1r~e~e~°~on, recoznmending ~that ~n~~T ~~y n~w ~~~~~a~~~~~~~ ~r~ ~,k~~~ p~~~~~~ p~~m~~ily used for ~,~~~~~Y~~~~ ~~~s ~~a~ a~~~ °t~r~~ 3~e p~~~a~~~~c~o ~~~e~ Couracil cliscus- ~~.o~e a mc~~~~~ m~d.~ k~~ ~°~~~~~,7~ac~~~ ~~h~~e~~~, ~~~~x~~~~ b3~ ~~~racil~ar~ Spierling ar~c~ n~~~~x~~~~~~~~ ~~~r~es~y a}~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~,a~~~xa ~ r~e~a s~p~i~ tank l,each ~ Y~.r~~ a~ ~~~9 ~~~~cl ~~~~~~x~ ~u~~.~~~ ~a~~ ~~a~~~~~~~~~ra ~~c~,~~ ~n °tkbis propertya NO'I'~C~ Cslr 1~~~~~I~~~~~T~~~~ Ni~~~'~~~I~'~`~'~F~ ~Jti~E ~e1~~~~~°~~~~~~ ~~t~~ ~~i~~~~d ~~a~~ ~~°~~~~agh ~~~~~ts Y~~~r~ ~een made Ci~~ ~.h~ ~:~~~A~ ~.:~~m~~mp~a~~~ r~~~ ~ro~~ir~~ ~u~~ c~~~ ~n~.cle~uate ~ ~es~hn~~~~ ~g~ ~ ~~r~~.b~~~~~ ~I~e pra~~~~m ~~hat ~s ~~q~.~~a~~c~ `~I~~ ~~~~a,~, ~~~e~:~~~ wai~.~~ ~~,~,~~ng ~~~~~~o ~~~~~f~~ r~c~rxi~°e- m~x?~~ z~~~ci~~ k~~ ~h~. ~a~.d ~a~~~~ ~°~q~~~~~d ~r~s~ pr~m~~~~d~ ~~t ~~~~~~red. to da~~, .~a~ ~ de~;~~ ~ ~r~~~~ `~~1~~~~~ ~~~~~~u~r~~ ~ne~r~~h~o '~'kaere- fo~~, ~~m~~~~~ ~~~~~°~~z~~c~ ~3~~~~s~~h~e ~h~,~~ nc~~ ~~~~n~ 1~a~ ~et ~ee~ ~r.~~~g ~,~e~ ~a~ ~~~~~~~a ~t ~~}~~c~ ~k~~.~ w~te~ bi~l~~e~v, c~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~tw ~~.°~F~~ ~~a~ ~re~~~ ~YJ~~il~~ ~1fsF~~~~~`,C ~°vk2 ~ ~C~~ ;I3~~7~~;~~I~LQ"1' ~~~x~~~~ ~~~~,~w~~~ ~ ~.~~rk~~~~~~~re i~~~~ra ~~,~ra~a~a~r3 D~..~~~°~~~° ~a~~~g~~ ind~ca~.~x~g ~ha~ ~~~°~~~~t~ ~h~ ~Y~~ ~r~~~~~r~~~~~1 Im~gact R~~ao~t ora °~ha ~ C9~k A~~~~ ~~e;~~~~~~~r~~~ ~~~u~~~~a ~k~e P~~~r~~~~ ~o~~~~~~r~, h~~ &~een ~omp~.~t~~ ~x~~ ~~~~~~~c~, ~ ~~°~~n c~~~el~~e~, Ro Do ICv°~,d~t, in ~1~~ ~~~~~t ~~~00 ~~~~aa~~~~ ~~~~m I3e ~e~c~anm~~cl~d ~h~ ~orxraci~, approve~ ~ e~e~~x~~~~ e~~ ~~.~cl ~c~~~~~~°~o ~ ~m~~~~n ~nras maci~ by C~rxr~~~~~a~n ~~~.~~Y,~,~r~~ ~~~~~a~c~~e~ ~~a ~s~~a~~~~~~~ ~~h~~~~l ar~d ~r~;~r~i~no~a~ly ~arrie~d, aix~~~~~.~~r~~ ~~e M~~~~ ~ra~ ~~.t~ ~~~x~, b~Y~~~! ~ tt~n~ ~ity, a c~n~rac~. ~o~ ~~°~p~~~°~,~~n s~~ ~,1~~ C~~~ ISe~~I~~~~a~~p ~e~x~g pa~d ~or by Rq Do I~.~r~~~, ~k~e ~~~m ~~f' ~~y~~~~~ Nd~~~~am & ~~~~a~~,~~~~, ~r~~o San L~x~s Obispo t~ ~r~~a~°~ ~~~d ~.~.pza~~,o A~'1~ROV~~ ~~7~~'iQE~~ ~~~~1~~~ ~ ~~~a ~~E~T3 ~t3~G~ I~Oo C~r. ~f ~'~~r~~~~ara~r~ c~~ ~~~~b~ ~~,d~nd~cl lay ~~izz~~~~l~~ ~pie~~,~ng and un~nsino~~~~ ~~~~~~da ~ ~~~~n~~ ~~.~~n~~ ~ut~~~~~~~~ t~ ~t~~ ~r~oyo G~arade R~b~k~.h o~ 44 ~e~~ ~,~t~~a~ i~a ~h~ ~ o O m ~ a~' o H~11 ~ 28 B~°idge 5~~~~~ I~~~~~~~ ~~zc3 ~t~~A ~~~~~~~~c~ 1~~ ~~~d .~~c~geo ~ L~~°I'~I~ k°£~C~h'~ a"~'~~~~IoI I~'~~ ;3~~a"~'RU~'~~~Nf `T~~~. ~'~,a~~~~~ ~~~~r.;~~~ ~~d ~ 1~~~, U~.~.~ ~ow~ ~~z~al A~royo ~~°~~a~a~H ~~~~_~~~g~g c~~k~~~~n~~~,~r~ ~f ~a~~ b~r r~~~c~h~~~°~~cg ~e~~d~~~ ~ai~~ng sheep. FiNN(3UI~~~1~1~`~ "~f-~''~ ~~°E~.,~~T"~~s[~ rnl~%L, ~E ~~LJ~~I.~ - ~~~'L,~Y . d~~~~ ~~~~~y ~r~x~b~~~~~~ °~h~~ ~r:'~~-~ x~~~ ~cu~~~~~~° ~~-e~~c°~~c~r~ next y~~~ ~s ~a~ s~~~l ~a~ ~a~~~s~ c~~~„~~~~ ~~i~ C~:~~~~ ~~m~~~„ AD~'~URNN~N°Z' C~~ ~~~~~~~a~~~a ~~e~e~~~~~ ~r~~~~~~ ~ ~pi+~~Xir~g ~x~d unan~m~~~ly ~~g~~~d~ ~~y45 ~~~20 ~ ( ~Tm~~~r: ~ - ~ - ~