Minutes 1975-12-23 ~--io3 CITY COUNCI~., DECEMBER 23,:1`975 ARROYO GRAND~~ CALI~'C3R1V~~ The Ci,~~ ~c~un~~~. ~ega~~~.~ ~~~~~c~r~ i~~~r€s~;:°~a~.~.~~ p~°esi.dingo Upon roll caY~. y C~aurac.il Nt~mb~~~ 5~~.~~°~,~.rar~ b c~~ ~~ch~.~~~~ ~rt.c~ M~.~.~.~s r~ported present. pT~EDGE v~°' AI,~EC~~~1~I~lE 1~1~7I3 IYV~'t~C~1T':lCCi1V Mayc~r ~'~l~~y l~d ~.h~ ~~~~ge c~~ A~~.~~~~n~~ ~u~ F°~.~g; and immedi~tely the-re- after, Rev~e~~~nd Diz~~~ia~a o~ ~Ya~ ~`.~rst ~css~~tk~e~rn ~~~t~~~ ~kau~~c°h sra ~~•o~r~r City delivered the invoc~.t~.on o APPROVAL OF M~NU~ES T~.~ min~°t~~ ~Y~e ~~e~~~..~~ m~~~~.r~e~ ~~~~~rr~a~~ 9, ~ 975 y~e~°e aRP~`oved as prepared, : APPROVA~ U~° WF~RI~I~T`~~- On mo~~.~~a C~un~i~ar~ ~,~oa~D s~~~~~1~d ~a~r ~~~n~~~rn~rz ~~ie~~.~.ng and unani- mousZy ca~~~ec~y Pa3rr~11 GTa~~~nt~ l~~0 54~4 °th~~~gh I~~o 55~0~ ~r~ ~Yae ~o~al amoun~, of $29?335o9C; ~nd ~r~~~~~ W~~~~nt~ N~o 4'd7~ ~h~~~~~ I~oo 4229~ ~n ~h~ total amaun~;of $61 , 5 3~ o~9 y wre~°e ~~p~~~~cl ~.x~~l ~s~c~~~~d p~ ici o RECAP R~ o e1~C7CJTFi ~I~t ~Oi~~1~1V~ D.~Y' - at7 C~I~B~I~,~c Su C~pbe~l, ~r~ao h~cl ~~~~a t~e I~y~.r f~~ ~~e Y~c~u~~t~ ~r~ Go~rerrame~at Day . a~tivi~t~es on D~~~m~b~~ ~~~hA ~~~s~r~~o ~he ~~~~~e~a~ t~~ ~~ur~cil and s~aff ~'or having h~d the opp~~~~rn~,~y e~~~~~~~~~ ~~~a~~~r.~~~a~~ ST~~ al~o x'e~r~;e~nred the actions ~a}cera ~n ~he ~g~~zc~~ ~°~~i~~ d~~.~°ng m~~~ ~~~t~~g h~ld by th~ studentvm The ~~aura;~~~ comm~~gd~c1 ~1~~ ~t?acl~n~~ ~"~r ~Y~~ ~a~b ~I~e~ ~ic~ ~,r~~l ~x~di~~ted hopes of seeing s~m~ of ~h~rca .~xa~~~~re~l a.r~ ~i°t~ c~~~~~ga°~~r~~ ~ ~ ~'~~.u~~ ~ LETTER O~ `S'EiT~NI~~ R~ o~'O~~~E I~~1~~ ~~eA~A~'~ C~i~ ~T~tJ s~ t~~TE~IC ~~11~I~~I~t~ T~~ ~o~i~~~1 ~e~d ~ ~,~~~e~ f~~~ ~~~e~~ri~~~ ~~r~~~r~~~ ~~~~l~~.r~g ~r~~ c~~npl~menting ~he c i~~' ~ P~~~.c~~ Dep~i~°~m~r~~ a~r~ ~~f~~~~x~~ ~c~ V~~~.~~~~ H~~~~ ~~~~k P~°~~~a~o RECE~P'T OE' ~ o I~ o~ m ~~T'Y-COiJI~~'Y' I~~k3~1Ft`i~ e~ ~1V~.7AI,, 1~~~`9I~~ ~"t~Ft ~~`~4~'~ 5 TYae ~~~:nci~ ~e~~ew~~i °~h~ An~u~I R~p~~~ ~9~4~~5 ~~a~~r tY~~ ~~.r~ ~ui~ O~~.spo City-Co~znty ~,~~~~°~r ~ys~~m, ~ncl o~de~~d :~t ~~~.~c~o APPROVE REE'iJ1~ID FOR UNUSE~? ~U~I~D~~TG PE~I~~' #7~9 ~~1~~~'~'~~ ~I~3.'~C)'(1~I~1EI~T`TS T~ae C~un~~l ~~v~~~~~ a~~c~rxe~~ ~c~d~,~~n ~a Wcs~d ~r~~. R~b~r°~ Da Holmes, ,:Jfr,. , of Paci~ic ~mp~°a~r~m~s~ts, ~~q~a~~t.~r~sg ~:~~a~nd ~f ~~~~c~~.ng Noo 749 sssued f~r constx°uctio~ at 5~`7 Cro~ ~~~e~~., ~a~~~~c~ ~a~~x~ ~o~cl, ~.11 clev~lopment has been c~.n~~3~~e1 ~a~d n~ ~r~sp~c:~~.~~~~ ~~r~ ~~c~~~~~~ ~h~ ~~oy~c~ c~~,d no~ progress beyond th~ ~~~a~h ~~~a~a~~.~r~ %~a~~o ~ ~~p~~~ ~r~ i°~~t+~e~ f~c~m B~,~~d~.ng ~rasp~cto~r Shettex~s was alsa ~e~ri~w~d, ~e°ta~ l~s~~ ~a~~~ou~ ~~~~s a:~ ~1~~ p~~m~'t ~r~d recommendasr~g that all bu°t ~h~ ~11~I~I~ ~nd }~l~ra ~I~~~Ik f~e~ ~~~undes~~ ~r~ an~~re~ ~o a Counci~:man's quest~~n, Ca.ty ~ngir~~~r ~a~~~a ~~~~.~z.~.~ ~.1~~~ a~p~cs~~~ gi~re~ ~y ~I~e ~oun~~1~ at its 10/14/75 m~et~ng ~o ~lim~~~~~ °~h~ ~ic~~~~~~C ~~sd ~~~~~~r~g l~r~e ~°~c~~~r~m~r~ts ~,~'this prope~~y ~c~~ld ~~il]e b~ ~ff~;~'~~~r~ ~c~~ ~~~~a~e r~~~~~~~~~~.~r~ ~t~ ~~~s s~:~e~ After Council dis~uss~.~ra, a. mat~.~n wa~ mad~ 3~~r C~,~r~r..~,~.znarx d~ ~~c~r~, s~~onded by Cc~ur~cilman Sp~erling an~l una~imaus]Ly ~a~~~~~d, au~h~~i~ir~e~ ~~ef~a~d to ~a~°~~i~ ~mpravements in the amoux~t af $43~,50 for ~u~.lcl~~g ~~~x~~°~ #°7~9 ~r~~~ka. rr~~. ~sec~m DISCUSS~ON REo ~Ii~I~ `~~7IVT~.2d~ PY2UGR~i Tka~ ~o~,~e~T ~c~.~,d a~~~~,e~ P~~z~ca ~i~~r~:~~ ri~~bk~ E~dwra,y~s~, p~opas~,ng a meet~~g of t~i~ .l'~~o~~ ~Ya~°~~ ~~~t'~~Z c,~.g~~~~ ~ca c~~~c~~~ ~he ~°eq~krem~nts, advan~ages an~ cY~~w~aa~3~~ ~~a ~1~~~r~~I ~c~~~~~1 P~~~:~~~~a ~~Yn~n,z~~~~~d by the Cit~:e~ of A~royo Grand~~ G~e~~~~ ~~~;r l~~~m~ B~~~~~ ~P~~ ~~~~~~~ed matter, gens~a3~ly ~nd~~~~~,~~ sa~~s:ta~~~~~ ~~e ~~~~s~;y~B~ ~nc~ ~~~t ~h~,s C~.ty was expe~~~~c~ng m~~e~ ~u~c~~s ~~.~h ~k~~ p~~~:~~~ ~~~~~x~~ ~~°~~z~ra.~' pa~°°ti~i- pa~ion in an~.ma~ li~en~ing, ~ahi~~a &a~~.e~~r~~ c~~~~ ~cs~~~ ~a fil~~ C~.°~y m The Coun~il however agreed th~t ~,ny me~~i.ng ~eld ~c~ di~cu~~ a Sc~u~Y~ ~wunt3~ ~nimal Control Program shauld be atter~d~d k~~r t,h~ May°~sr c ~h~ ~ss~an~il ~~s~ ~ev~e~v~d a x~eport fro~n ~oli~~ G~~.~I~ ~~~~~d~„~~ ~r~~~,~~~ ~~a~ ~~~a~~~l C~m~~~~~~ F a~ ~rl~~~~ ~im~ ~ m~~~~~ ~~~~a ~~n~ ~ i,~~~~ ~t~a~~ ~~~'~a3~r~ a.~em~ o~ 1~~~1~ ~~~~s~ ~r~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~.~a~~ 1~~f~~°~ ~~~s~~~,~n~ ~e made, ~~e~~r~g (~~~a~t;~ ~~s ~~~..~~,~i~~~ ~~~r~~°~c~~~C ~~}alaints as a se~~rt.~~ p~~~r~~~e~ ~~a~~~.~_ ~~a~ ~~~~~r~ ~~np~~ anima~. r~gu~.a~i~~a ~a~ ~r~~~~.~~,~~~ ~~~~r ~°~r~~~~.~n i~J4 CITY C'OLTI~IIC~I~ ~E~~MBEFZ 23, 1975 ARRO~O G12P.NDE, CAL~F'ORN~A FAGE 2 RE~7~EC~V 0~ INFC~RMA'I'~ON F"ROM I,EP~G[7~ OE" C~~F°QRAl~~3 "Z°~~~ Adm~n~si~x~ato~ Bu~~h ~e~~e~red re~°ti~e~ ~r~m °~~e I~~:~s~~~ C~1~~orra~a Cities regard~nc~ Risl~ Ni~n~gemen°t an~ ~,abo~ R~l~~s.~~,~ ~~~~,~~s ~~~~g of~e~~d in January< H e stat~cl ~:~a~ in~orm~~t~on h~s b~~n ~b~~~~.x~~cl °~h~ ~~~3~ ~~.xata Monica regard~rag R~~~c Mar~agemerat ~~rhich p~obalaZ~ ~~~res ~1~~ ~~a~~~~~i~ax~ h~ r,sould get at the ~~m~~,a~ ~r~ ~~at s~aje~°~~ ~"h~ C~~r~~~~ ~u~Y~~~~,~~dl ~~~~nc~~r~~e ~f the T,abor Rel~tior~~ ~~m~.r~~.~~, a~r~ vi.eur s~~ the many lawr ~h~ng~~ a~~~~~~~g ~ha~ ~~bjecto REPOIZ'T - F~C~1~T'I° 1~E°I'ING OF S 3 L m O o COLTN"I'Y &~~°I"~~~ AftE~ PT~I~NI~i~ C~ORDII~iATTNG COUNCIL Coun~ilmara Sp~.e~ling r~por°tecl csn ~~a~ D~~~mbe~ ~£3~h mee°~~aac~ af ~he ~an L,uis Obi~g~o Ce~~xs~~~ ~nd Cit~es A~e~ Plarsning ~~o~~~,~~t~rag ~~r~~s~~l y~~at~~ag th~.t discus- sion hac~ l~e~n ~,eld ~sn ~Yae ~i~ing o~ t~~nsp~~~~t~o~^~ ~e~~~z~rae~ g~r~~h the outcome be~.ng that ~ T~~.r~sit l~anage~ and T~anspe~~~ati~n ~~~~ner ~a~lY be hi~°ed as employees of the A~ea. Co~nc~la A~so, repres~n~~t~v~~ ~ar ~~r~~a~ ~~~~zens YaacT ~~quested suppor~ f~~ ~enio~e C~~izen ~r~ra~poar~tation ~r~~ v~.~~s~~~ g~ant~ and Tx~~n~portation Claims hacl been apprc~ved. A le~ter of ob~e~~~,vr~ ~r~ll 3a~ ~~t~en by the Area Council t~ HEW ~egardirag °th~t ~gency' ~ cTi~t~~~~~~,~r~ ~~Y~e~ ~c~ur~~~es, por~ions of fund~ ~.Ylocatec~ to San T~uis abispo C~~n°tyo A~ tl~~ Dec~ml~er ~8th meeting, Councilman. Spiercl~ng had alsG appoin~ecl ~ co~n~t~~~ °~a~ ~ew~~l~ ~.he ~oint Powers Agreement of th~ Area Coun~ilo The Coun~~.~ r~~~~~ecl ~nci ~evi~wred ~ summa~ of the Area Co~r, cil ~ s~c~ior~s las~ yea~, ~s welY, as ~ d~,~~~~ ~Yaawri~g 'th~ se°t up of that Cazxncil o >F PUBLIC I3EARIIV~ - 7~BANI)ON PORT7~ON OF E~~~Ni~1~T~~~31~LE1~T S~"o ~~ANDC~NED) ~ R~~OLo ADOPT. Ci.ty Er°~g%n~e~ Gar~~a ~e~~ew~d ~he b~.~~kc~.rau~e~ ~i~ ~~~~t~e~t by Ni~cm and Nlrs. Fowle~° tha~ the wres~erly 7~ fee~ af ar~ e~secia~n~ ix~ ~~~d~ra S~~°~~~.g Aba~dc~ned, be vacated, wYa~,ch the Pl~nn~ng Co~~.s~i~n~ h~d ~g~p~~~~~lo ~~~a. ques~ion was indic~~~c~ ar~ ~ d~agx~mo Th~ uti3i~y ~~mp~n~.e~ ~~~e ~,a~~~~~~~~ p~nla~em ~rith the propos~d ~~r~dor~m~n°to t7}~on b~~ng ~.ssur~d ~a~ ~he ~~~y ~~e~k t~~~~ ~11 requirements as provid~ci by law regarding no°ti~2ca~ion ~sf ~e~.~ix~g h~ve ~e~~ ~~~r~p~.:~ecl wi~.h, Mayor Talle~r ~~~la~~d the he~.r~rtg open and aYl per~on~ w~~.~cl nz~~r b~ h~~~cl or against this ab~r~donm~nto Nlrso M~l~in ~°~wr~,e~°, 3000 Caanino d~l ~,~.~e ~p~ke ~ra f~~o~ ~f ~Y~~ ~,~~~,danm~nt and d~spla~ed plan~ for °tY~e prcoposed build~..ng ~n tl~~~,~ }~~op~~~~ ad~~~~n~ °t~ this easemento ~he~e be~ng no furth~r pix]b~Li~ d~~~~~s.~~r~ a~~ °~1~~~ m~~~~~D I~1~~~re T~~l~y declared the hearinq clo~edm After ~oaar~~~l cl~~c~u~~~~nA C~.t.~ ~1tto~raey Shi.psey ~ead the t~tle of a x~esolution orderir~g the ~l~a~sl~z~ner~t a~r~ ~~s~mera~ ~,r~ the Ca.ty; thez°ea~'t~ry a mot.ion was made by C~un~~lma~ ~~~~ege~g ~~~~nd~d ~a}~ ~ouncilxnan de Leon and un~nimoaxs~y carried, °td dispense ~ith x~~~~~a~g ~Y~~ ~S~~~rz~e c~f t~~.s reso~utiono R~SOIatJT~ON Iv~a ~ ~ ~4 A 1~SOLUTIOIV THE C~TY C(~UNC~~ QF° I'HE ~~C~ ~F~~~CO GFEI~NDE C7RDEIt~II~IG TH~ ABANDONMEN~' OF A~:3}.Z~~~Nf dF` A DR~I~NAGE F~ND PUBL~C U'T~I~T°~3~ EASENIENT QGOi~ERNMENT C~DE ~~~~"~cJ1V 5~430 E~ SEQo ~ On znotion ~f Cour~cilman cT~ Lean, s~cor~decl ~c~~sr~~~~Lm~n 5p~~rling and on the fa~ lowing roll call vote e~to ~vit o AYES: Councilmen ~pierlinga d~ L~~~n, 5~~~~g~~D M~~~is ~n~ Mag~or Talley NOES : Ncsne P,BSEI~PI' o Noz~~ the foregoing R~~ol~xtic~n was passed ancl acl~p~~d ~Ya~.~ 23~~ cl~y e~f' D~c~ml~er, 19750 PUBLIC HEAR~NG-~~,LE OF CI~'S~ PRaP o~Ft~S~L a AF~~`~ o~Rl~~~ ~~~E &~E~° B~D DA~°E m 1/22/76 F,dminist~~tor ~utc~ r~vievaed the 1~~~~gree~~~ad tYa~ ~~que~~ frc~m John riiiller that the ~ity con~zde~ sellf.ng I,o~~ 5~~a~ ~ of P~d~c~~.~~c~r~ on ~P Po~nt Stree~ta Ac3mir~~st~a~o~ But~h ~e~omm~nd~~ ~h~~ ~~a~ ~s~~.~~~~ cl~~~:d~s ~risl~es to sell °the properties~ tl~a°~ it ~ppxove ~d~er~i~~,ra~ ~~~3~ f~s~° ~he ~,~t~a was det~~~~~d tl~~~, ut~l~~z~~ ~~r~~.~~~~~ ~1~~ ~~t~ p ~au~~ ~r~~x~,~. ~.n~crlv~ costs p~ e~°~enei~r~ ~h~~f tTp~~ b~ir~~ ~~~~~ed ~~,~~r ~k~~~ ~ec~~~~emer~~~ ae pra~rided by ~~w ~~g~~~~~ag ~a~~i~i~a~t~~r~ ~a~~~~~g k~~~~ ~~~ra ~~znpl~~d v~~~~, Mayor ~'all~~+ d~~l~~e~d ~1~~ k~e~~°.~t~g op~za ~r~d p~~~~~i~ w?~uyd ra~ lb~ h~m~d ~~~~~dinq Nala of thes~ ~~~y ~~ts. °~h~~~ J~eing raa ~a~Ja,~.~,~ d~~~~i~s~~~ ~z~ m~tt~r, Mayor Talley declar~d ~h~ k~~~~i.rag ~1,os~dv The ~c~~rac~l dl~~cus~~d °~h~ ma°~~.~~, ~~n~~~~~,~ ~c~~~~~.r~~ e~~.~k~h Admir~~~t~catcsr Butch's x°e~amm~r~da~,.ic~r~s to ad~re~~~.~~ 1~~~1~~ ~~.~~a ~a~.d ~cn b~ set for January 22, 1976 2:00 ~oMa and t~~ ~.~t.~ ~~~~~°~°~~~.~r ~t~s ~Ya~ lhighe~t bidder _ 105 CI~.'Y COi3NC~L DE~~I~IBER 23, '19'JS ARROYO ~RF~NDE, CAL~F(»T~~ P~C~E 3 ~ a~ove t~e m~nim~am bic~ o~ $3 ? 224 0 99 f~~ ~~~h ~~.~~~J~ ~ ~,~t~~ ~~~~r~~,~,~ ~~s~u~sion, City Atto~n~ey ~h~psey ~e~d ~l~e ~,~°~le o~ ~ ~~~~a~u~~~~, ~h~ ~al~ ~f r~~l property; °~h~~eaft~~°, a ino~a~on ~a~~ m~c~e ~~r ~~ur~~:~~~n~~ ~~h~.eg~~ e~~~ond~~l b~ ~ounc~.l- ma.n Sp~.e~I,~ng ~~d a~ra~nima~~~~.y car~ied~ ~o d~.~~e~k~e ~~~1~ ~~~d~~~ ~Y~e bal~nce of this resolu~iono RESOI~II"I'2C7I~ 1V~3 0 ~ ~ ~ a P, 12~~C~I~~lT~OI~T OF' °~FiE ~I"rY CO~VC~L '~FiE f3~ ~.t~~~ 0 ~~D~ ORDERING '~FiE ~~1I~~ 0~° ~X~T~ P~t~~~~'t'~" ~'C~LoL,OTn~~1~G PLJBI,IS,~` I3~'P~R~IVG ~ND SE,'"I°`.t'~iVC~ L77~.~I'~ F"~~ 1~~~~~.~iNG F`s~]~S ~ Or~ mot~~n ~f Co~n~~:~inan Spie~~~r~gy ~~~e~~~~dl ~y ~~~r~~~.S,m~~ d~ Le~n and on tYae fol].a~w~ne~ r~ll ~~5.~ ~r~te, ~~a ~a~~~ AYESc C~un~~lmen ~pie~T~ng, de ~,e~r~, ~cl~~ee~e~, Ni~,l~~~ ~d ~a~m~ Talley NO~S e I~lon~ 1~1B sEN'1': 1Vq~~ the f~r~g~ing Ae~o~.~t~ar~ wra~ p~~sec~ ~nd ~d~p~~~1 °~Y~~,~ ~f D~~~~ber, 1975 0 xECE~~T o~° ~poR~° QU~r~~~~~ s~r~~ ~~x ~ ~~e Cr~ur~~;~.~ ~e~rier~ed a ~°ep~~t or~ f~~ ~h~ ~h~rd quarter o~ ~9`~S ~ncT Cig~re°t~e Ta~ rece~p°ts fo~ ~~p~~~~~~ ~7~~~b~~~ I~~~~~e~ ~.nd December, 1975o The S~les ~'ax Revea~~e rec~ipt;~ are °the ka~~~~~~ t~~ hi~~or~r, be~.ng a 15 ~ 4 a~ncrease c~~e~c~ th~ °thi~~l quart~~ i~ ~ 979~ ~~c1 o~' ~~r~~.~~ase ~~e~ the second qu~~t~r o~ ~~750 ~ RECEIFT C3F° ~EtOPOS~D ACQYJ~~I~'~OI~7~ L~~T - ~C3a ~~Iv~~"1~.~ R~~~C9IQ~ ~~~~~SI-OI~T ~'h~ ~o~rn~il ~e~rie~recl a l~st of ~~i~ ~~~~s~~~c~ ~~~u~~~~~~~~a~ ~~~pert~ in San L~u~~ Oka~s~~ Cc~un~~, as p~opo~~cl ~~r ~1~e ~~~~T~ ~~~t~~~ R~~~~~~1 ~omir?is~~.onm I~ wra~ n~~~a3 ~ha~ m~ch of Cen~~~l ~c~~~~ ~~~a~~~~~ ~~~~~~ita.on ~.s alre~dy ~~vr~ed b~r °the s~ate or coaxr~~y. - ' ; ' REPURT - Zt'~1~ ~ AD~TISORY C~NIl~t~TTEE ~E~~I~~ ~F° ~E~~1~E~ ~~e ~19°~~ m ~i~L7G~~ Coun~~lman Mi~lis rep~ri.~d on ~h~ De~~~e~ ~8~~ ~ne~°~~,~~ o~ ~~;z~~ 3 Adviso~y C~mm~~t~e a s~a~~.ng ~h~t ~he m~nt~1~ ~~p~~~~ ~~r ~'~~~~ib~~ ~~.c~ reviewed ~~o~ ~he I~~~Sez Fte~~ea~~.~n~~L ~~~~~~,cl~r~~~ ~~d ~~~°~r~~~ ~p ~~~m la~~ Navemlae~~ ~nd °~he water T~°~a°t~er~~ Pl~~~ ~~k~~ ~,~.k~ 5~ 2~ 3~e~,~~r °tl~~ spiYlwa~r) o Cau~c~lman Niillis Y~acl sugg~~`~~e~ ~~x~~ ~r~ ~cl~i°t~~~s~~ ~ol~mn ~a~ acided to the manthly ~,ra°~er u~sag~ repo~t, for ~cam~~~~ p~~p~~.~~ a~~~w~.nc~ ~k~e p~evious year' s w~~t~~ cm~~~np~ion b~ each ci~~ ~'c~° e~~Ys in~n~~ ~s i~ ~ep~~*~d, whi~h sugges~~,~r~ w~~.~ be considere~a ~ new g~,~~xp ~~~~'s~~~~r~al A~ea o~ 52 rxn~.t~ ~hor~ld T~e f~.n~sh~d b~r Ea~~~~ ~f 197F ~ PROGRE~~ R~PORT - SOLTTFi SP,N LUIS OBISPO ~OiT~T~ ~~1~T~~~°I"~~N I~~~`I"R~C'~ The mor~~th~;~ ~~po~~ fo~ ~T~~~mbe~ e~n yrw~~r~~~~~~~~ ~r~~ ~p~~~~~~rx caf ~i~e ~~uth San Lu~~ 6bisp6 Cour~t~r ~anit~tion Dis~~~~~ ~'~~~~~~x~~ ~a~ ~eview~c3 by the Council ~nd o~cT~recl ~~leclo Aclm~n~~~a~~~~r B~~,~~a ~a~ ~~.r~ua~y' 7th at 5 pome , a 12-m~r~ut~ coY.a~/sa~zr~c~ fi~xn ta~c~r~ tY,~ ~~~~h wa~~Y b~ by ~cc~mar at the ~~~~~mes~t ~l~nt' ~ ~o~~°d Ro~amo ACCEPT INiPROVEMEI~TTS ~I~1 TRA~T 5F~Z "CnT~LI~TUT C~EEK ~'E~~~ I~T~ E 2'° b OS~OR~T ~ F05TER Ci~ty Eng~neer Gar~.~a ~eport~d ~t~~t a~~, iac~p~~~r~~t~~°~~ ~.r~ Trac~ 562 ~`~Walnut Creek Te~~a~~ N~ 0 2" had ~e~n roanp~~t~~ ar~d t~~ de~ ~~~p~~~ ~~b~~n & F'~~~e~ h~.d ~eque~~~d tk~a~ ~.t be ~c~~~~~c~ th~~ ~~,m~~ ~ ~6m~~~ s~~ad%~i,~ion l~cated betw~een W~l~~wa ~~ra~ ~ncl 01i~e 5~~~~~ ~a~a Tnl~~c~~~r~~a~ ~~~~x~~ Af~~~ ~~~tn~i~ cl~~cuss~:on, a mo~xca~ wr~s m~de b~° Co~znc~.~ra~~a ~~~~.~g~l y~~~u~~n~~~ ~y~ ~~a~r~~~~rn~~ 1~iYl~s and unani- mou~~y c~.~~-~e~1, ~~nelin~ T~°~~~ 1V~~ ~6~ b~ ~~r~~~~~~~~ ~a~~~ t;~~ ~e;n~r~~ ~I~n and cu~c~er~~t Z~~~ng O~cl~~.~a~ ~he ~~~g~s ~~~~~~~~a.~~ ~b~k~~~:~ ~Y~~ p~~~,~y ~~l s°t~ee°ts a~d p~a~.~,~ ~a~~.l~t~ ~~sem~~~ ~ ~h~~nr~ ~k~~ ivT~pa ~~n~ ~pp~°o~~ng said Tract, subje~~ to the cl~velop~~ pcas~~z~~ a~~°~~,~~~~~~~~~ ~~nd a~d agr~ement for proper plaa~ment of d~iveway apron~ or~ t~~ ~a~t~~~~ ~a~cl~ of W~oc~land Driveo \ ~os CITY GOLTNC2~, DECEMBER 23, 1975 ARROYO GRAI~TDE, CALIFORNIA PAGE 4 P,UTI~i(3RIZE PAINTING UF' CER~AIN F`IRE HYDRT~NTS FIJR BI~EI~`TEND1~g3La '~he Council received and read a letter frc~m °the Oce~.no/E'~.~r~ Cities Elks Lodge #2~504, requesting perm~.s~ion to paint fireplug~ in °th~ City as part of the upcoming Bzcentennial celebrat~ona ~'he Counc~l also review~d a report i.n response to the x°equest from F°ire Chief Marsalek and D~recto~ of ~ixblic Warks Anderson, approv~ng the bicent~nnial painting of ~ire hyd~an~.s subjec~ to certain conditions, which w~r~ o~ztlined and rev~.ewed and designated ~rea~ in which hydrants could be paintedo In ans~nrer to question, Administra°~or ~~x°tc~ a~~ureed °the Goura.cil that this proj~ct saould not adversely affect pr~~m~um~ wit~ ~h~ F~~e Und~r~rri~ers, as long as the painting does not hinder locating of the p~ugs b~ fire persorznel. After Ca~ncil di~cuss~on, a motion was made by C~un~~,~.max~ de Leon, seconded by , Councilman Spierling and unani.mously ca~ried, ~pp~o~r~r~g ~he pr~posed bicentennial pain°ting of fire hydrants sizbject to the cond~t~esns and recom~nendations as outlined by Fire Chief Marsalek and Director o~ ~ublic Wo~ks P~elerson in their report da~ed Decemi~er 18, 1975, as requested by °~h~ Oceano/FiXe Cities Elks. PROGRESS REPORT' - SIDEWALK INSTALLAT~ON Y~T 1147 ~~~D -~~S~LO Adm~.ni~trator Butch advised that l~~o B~llo~ 1'947 Gr~.nd Avenue, had indicated she might be ir~ attendance this evening res~arcl~ng ~he ~~qui~ed sidewalk installa- f,ion at 1147 Grand, but she i~ no~ presento City A~.to~ney Sh~psey stated his understanding was that she had obta~ned bids ~'~r the ir~s~~llation and that perhaps this wras an ~,ndication that the side~ralk would be pu~ in shortlya NOTICE RE e TERMINATION OF E. O m C. REPRESENTATIOI~T ~ DE Ie~~IQ Corzncilman de Leon reported that h~ h~s at~~rzcl~d l~~t meeting as representative of the City on th~ Economic Oppar~,ixra~~ty Commi~~ion, as membership has now b~en ~~an~fex~red ta another City, per ~he ro~,ati~rra of ~epresentation on this Comin~ssiono The Council thanked Councilman c1e I~ee~xa ~o~ h~~ a~~endance at these me~~.~ngs. HOLIDAY [~12SHES TO STAF'F AND CITTZENS - COUNCIL The City ~ouncil extended wr~she~ for a Me~ry ~h~s~s~xnas and a Happ~ New Year to the Ci°ty Staff ~nd citizens of Arro~o Gr~nel~o PERMTSS~ON GRAIVTED FOR AB5ENCE FROM STA'i'E - DE LEU1~T A motion was made by Councilman Sch~~gela ~~~~ndecl by ~~Yxricilm~.n Spierling and unanimously carried, granting Courtcilman d~ L~or~ ~e~tn~.~~~~~ to be c~~~ ~f the State a.rate~°mittently during ~.he mo~ath o~ ~anua~yy p~~ ~~que~tm PERI~IISS~ON GRANTED FOR ABSENCE FROM S°I"7~`T`E - TAI~I~E3~ A motion was made by Cauncilman Schleg~l, ~e~~and~cl bgr ~vun~ilman de Leon ' and urian~mously carr~.ed, granting M~.yor Talley per~n~~~~on ~o be ou~ of the State from December 26, 1975 through December 3~, 7975, ~a~r hi~ ~eq~ues°to ADJOURNNIENT , On mot~on of Councilman de L~~n, secone~edi ~S~r ~e~~n~i.lnt~an riY~.~~is and unanimausly carried, the meeting adjou~ned at 8eS5 P~~im % ~ , ATTEST: c~~' CTTY CLERK 1~1A5COR