Minutes 1976-02-02 11~ CITY COUNCIL JANUAR~ 27, 1976 ARROYO GRANDE~ CALIFORN7CA PAGE 7 CITIZENS URGED T0 IN'I'E'ERVENE WITH tIP~1VDALI~Ni dF" CTTY' PRC3PERTY -~a°FIERLING Councilman ~pierl~.rag elispla~r~d ~ 2~ aur ~~.xk~ng ss.gn va zc e ad found lying in the st~eet during day].ighte ~Ie indi~a~k~d ~t ~ad not been removed from its post a short time ~arli~re Ir. an~w~r ~c~ his que~tion, City Engineer Garcia replied the signs cost apprcaxi.mately $25o0Q ~a~ho C~uncilman ~pierling urged citizens to intervene i~ ~they see v~nela~i~~n ~ccurrirng against C~.ty propertya REQUEST FOR INFORMATION - JACIC~ON Elizabeth Jackson, 2Q8 Fair Vi~w, ~ec~ue~~ed that a copy of this evening's Council minutes be sent to h~r whe~ avai~.ab~~, and re~uested fuller details from City Engineer Garcia regardins~ ~,he Raa~h 1~ran Way A~~es~ment Distric~. CITIZENS URGED TO PURCHASE HOOSGOia PARK L~E~JTCATION COMMEMORAT~VE BUTTONS-SCRIVANI Jim Scrivani, Chairman of the ~eauti~icat~~ra Ce>z~nittee and force behind the development of the Hoosgow Park9 was p~~s~n°~m Previous actions by the Council in regard to the dedication of tk~e pa~k va~re re~riecaed for him. He encauraged support of and participa~.~on in the ~i~osgo~ P~r~c dedic~tion anc~ urged everyone to purchase the Cornmemarative Buttons~ wYa~ch he d~.splayeda Said buttons were designed by Ken J'ohnson and are being ~~Id fe~r 5~~0 ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilman Spier~.~rac~, ~e~on~Tec1 b~ Counc~.Tman de Leon and unanimorzsly carried, the me~ting ad~ou~r~~~ ~t e0m~4 PoMm ATTEST:-•c:i~~ ~ ~ ' CITY CLERK IKAYOR CITY COUNCIL FEBRU~IRY 2, 1976 ARROYO GIZANDE ~ CALIFORNIP. 4:00 P aI~lo The City Council met in ~p~~ial se~~i~n writY~ I~ayar T~lle~r pr~sid.ing< Upon roll call, Council Members Spierling, de Leox~, ~~hlegel and Millis reported presente RESOLU'I.'ION ADOFTION - NOTTCE OF° ~ENTRAIe BAYoLOT CQUNfTING P?~ACE RE m MARCH 2ND ELECTION Administrator Butch rev~.ewed ~ p~opo~ed re~oluti~n writh the Council, stating that under the Electian Cade it mu~t b~ ~.d~p~ed by the Ga~xnci,l traenty-five days before the Electiono Saxd re~olution sets forth that the ballots voted at the Ma.rch 2nd general municipal elect~.oa~ wa.Y~. be counted ~ar a11 consolidated precinats at the County Data Processing C~n°~ern by computer. After Council dis- cussion, Administrator Butch read a re~olutio~ ira full concerning the aforesai.d matter. RESO~UTIOIV NOo 1200 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COTJNCII~ OF °I°HE CITY Ol° 1~RROYO GRANDE COIVCERNINCa EI~ECTION ~AN~7AS~ AT A CENTRAIe PLACE (ELECTION CODE SEC'TION '~7(D50~m On motion of Councilman Spi~rl~~g~ se~~nded by Caune~lman de Leon and on the following roll call votey to witm AYES: Councilmen Spierlinge e1e L,eesra, ~~hlegeY, Mi11is and Mayor Talley NOESo None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution w?as p~s~~~ ~rn~ adcap~~d ~h~~ 2nd. da.y of Febru~r~r, 19760 ADJOURNMENT On mo~ion of Cov.ncilm~n 5~1~~.egelg ~~coraded bg~ Coun~i~man Spierling and unani- tt~usly carried, the mee~ing acl]ourn~el ~t 4:~ 3~ or~. AT't'~61T f CITY CLETitIC NtAYOR ~::.;1~