O 392 C.S. ., ". }\, I ,} ! I ORDINANCE NO. 392 c.s. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AMENDING I QIAPfER 13 OF TlTLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ADOPrBY BEPERENCBTHE 1979 UHIFOIUI SWIMMIHG POOL roDE, AND THE 1981 SOLAR SWJ,MIW(G fO()I.JSPA CODE I BEVmW IlANUAL, AND THE 1988 UHIPORM ADMINJSmA11VE I OODE, INa.UDING AMENDMElt'm 'I1fERBTO OO!lCBlUiING ADIUNJSmATIVE AUTHORITY, STOP ORDIWS, FElIS, 4ND I PENALTIJ!S; REPEALING ALL OONFLICrDIG ORDINANCES AND SECrIONS -- THE CITY OOUNaL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE IlJUU!lJY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SI!CI'ION 1: OIBpter 13 of Title 8 (Sections 8-13.01 through 8-13.04) of the Arroyo Grande Municip&l Code is amended to read in its entirety as foUows: ~ 8-13.01. Atlnntinn!l1 ~ Uniform SWinmi~ fggl ~ For the purpose of pro~ mininun re<Premen1s and stand8r<B for the protection of the puWc helllth, safety, and welfare, that certain Code designated as the Uniform ~ Pool Code, 1979 Edition, and the Solar ~ Pool/Spa Code Review Manual, 1981 Edition, published by the I Intemational ASSO"I..tjon of ~ and Mechanical Officials, tI1ree (3) copies of wbich have been riled for UIIe and examination by the public in the office of the City Oerk, is hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this OIBpter as though set forth in this OIBpter in full, subject, however, to the amenanents, additions and deletions set forth in this 0IBpter; and said Code shall be known lIS the "SWiJI1TQPool Code" for the City of Arroyo Grande. ~ 8-13.02. Aaninistration. 100 Section titled "AcDlinb1ration" is hereby adopted to read as foUows: For the orderly enforcement of the Uniform SWinmi'1t Pool Code, 19'79 Edition, and the ~- -- Solar SWin1nir€ Pool/Spa Code Review Manual, 1981 Edition, as adopted by Section 8-13.01, there is hereby adopted the Uniform Adwinistrative Code, 1988 Edition, QlUpter I, 2, 3, and Table No. 3-D- I ~ Permit Fees, of OIBpter 3, as published by the Internationel Conference of Buildi'1t Officilili;, save and except such portions as are herein deleted, added thereto, c~, or amended. Not less than three (3) copies of said Uniform Aaninistrative Code are now on rUe in the office of the City Cieri<; and said Uniform Acininistrative Code is hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference lIS though herein set forth in full. ~ 8-13.03. Aaniniqtrative Authori1;y. "Mninistrative Authority," as used in this OIBpter, shall be the BuIldi'1t Official or designated representative. ~ 8-13.04. Amencm!nts: 'Section 2JI2..(gh. Uniform Aaninistrative ~ Section 202 (d), Stop Orders of said Uniform Acininistrative Code is amended to read as follov.s: ~2JI2..w. atmOrders. Whenever any work is bei'1t done contrary to the provisions of this Code and the Technical Codes, or in violation of any other Code or City Ordinance, the BuikIi'1t Official or designated representative may order the WOl'k stopped by notice in writi'1t served on any person(s) l!f1t&ged in the conduct or cllUli'1t such work to be conducted, and any such person{s) shall I inmediate1y stop such work Wltil authorization is provicled by the I3uildI'1t Official to proceed with the ..'~- work. If W18ble to serve such person{s) with a notice, the Buildi'1t Official shall pCI8t the Stop Order in a praninent place on the site. Such posted notice shall only be removed by the I3uildir€ Official or designated representative. Any person(s) proceedif1t with W18uthorized work after bei'1t served or ha~ a notice posted on his or her (their) job site, shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day, or portion thereof, duri'1t which such work is bei'1t performed. - -.,--'- __ _'__ "n'''_ ,..__,_,__,__~,____...,__ -----.. ~- ---'-. I ~I ~ 0/;.. '- '- ORD1NANCE NO. 392 c.s. PAGE 2 SOCTION 2: That Ordinance 228 c.s. of the City of Arroyo Gl'8nde, titled" AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO AMEND CHAPJ'ER 13 OF TITLE 8 OF THE ARROYO GRANDE MUNICIPAL OODE TO ADOPl' BY REFERENCE THE 1979 UNIFORM SWIMMING POOL OODE JNCLUDING AMENDMENTS THERETO OONCERN1NG ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY, STOP ORDERS, AND PENALTI~; REPEAL OF ALL CONFLICJ'ING ORDINANCES," and all other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith, are repealed. -- SECl'ION 3: If 8I\Y section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this OrdiIllll1Ce Is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the ~ portIOI'8 of this Ordinan<!e. The Council hereby declares that It would have adopted the 0rdiMnce and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sentences, claUgeS or phrases be declared invalid. SECl'ION 4: A suntrelj' of this ordinance sha1l be published in a ~, pIbliI!hed and circulated in said City, at least five (5) clays prior to the City CounclI meeti~ at wtlich the proposed ordInIInce is to be adopted. A certified copy of the full text of the pI'Op(IIed ordinance sha1l be posted in the office of the City CI('1'k. Within fifteen (15) days after adoption of the ordflllll1Ce, the UIIIIIIl'y, with the I names of those City CouncilltJd,Ler:> votir(; for and egalrBt the ordinance, shall be pubIJshed IIg8in, end the aty Clerk shall post a certified copy of the full text of such adopted ordInIInce. On rmlion of CoIrncil Marber smith, seconded by CounclI Merrber Moots, and on the fo1lc:lwlq: ron call vote, to wit: A YES: Council Merrbers Smith, Moots, Dougall end Mayor MillIs NOES: None ABSENT: None -' " the foregoi~ Ordinance was passed and adopted this 13th clay of Decd.bt:t, 1985. '-- ~ I ~ !M.:J< d. I it.Je;, , MAYOR A'ITEST: '!!::::t a. Qn~ CITY CLER I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Ordinance No. 392 C.S. is a true, full and correct copy of said Ordinance passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 13th day of December, 1988. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed --. this 16th day of December, 1988. I ~a,~ I CITY CLERK I \ ---',-~- ,--..~- .,-